The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 09, 1910, Image 3

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SALUTE tl:c. O Emerald, magic gem!"
II cries Miclielet to this souvenir of green
I prairi s. ocean depths and clear-cleft wells
B of peaceful power
it was occult to all ancient peoples. It
slicno :i.idst the verbena leaves of the
crowns of Druid priestesses, in the tangle of
d'lik hair, above the unutterable yearning
of their eyes of splen
dor, as never to-day in
the conventional cor
rectness of machine
made setting.
Color of universal
harmony; emblem of
hope. joy. abundance:
it cured epilepsy, eased tin pangs of
hildbirth and brought sleep to tired
ti.-ains It healed all ocular diseases.
Indeed, so pure was its power that
when the eye of a serpent met the
-ye ot an emerald the serpent became
immediately blind, or perhaps had
to wear glasses like the cobra the
j est of bis life. Seeresses of eld used
to hold an emerald beneath their
tongues so the incoming vae of psy
chic ibration might be met by its
i'nri and not utterly overwhelm them.
Light seems to traverse, to ling r
and caress this lovely stone, whilst
the diamond seems to tin n back the
reflection so violently it strikes one al
M 1 I I I I II I I I lPfg
How Love Came to Harriet
(Copyright, 1909 by Associated Literary Press.)
must :s a blow.
Vert d'-pre the emerald is
to be. One thought of the enormous
waste in cutting them all the same
shape. Each should have been of
slightly different form, their setting
following as though the artist were
loath to lose any tithe of beauty; the
edges should show the touch of his
creative hand, perhaps even the ham
mer marks. Each link speaks individ
ual strength and feeling iu its twist,
and should be incrusted with grains
of gold, beads or enamel or tiny gems,
r.nd some continuous design run even
on the inside.
For those who are really rich, yet
may have but little money, there are
other beautiful green gems.
The peridot should be given sacred
honors, for it is the only gem that has
ever been known to fall from heaven.
Jriving occasionally been found in
those mysterious masses called aero
lites. Like some rare sea thing
in sea lones is u: jji'iiuam
of peridots, olivines, aqua
marines and violet tinted
pearls. Half lost in gauzes.
it would encourage and
reveal a personality
that would be com
pletely extinguished by
rygrzzj?' f&f-
&r&ze- 3E&AB&
to the leaves and. like the sapphire. Is best by
lay and shrinks from artificial light. Consecrat
ed io the month of May, it is said to symbolize
be chaiity that springs from a well of goodness
11 the heart and its color, nature's favorite, to
.-peak of hope and new spiritual birth.
No other gem holds as many fascinating leg
ends or haunting historical memories; they go
Mack to immemorial time when the lncas wor
shiped the goddess Esmerelda in the person of a
-.tone as big as an ostrich egg and offered other
'ineralds to coiij-oi with it. to that the Span
aids, were able to seize the votive treasures of
eiitiiries. The five emeralds which Cortez stole
Torn the ciown of Montezuma were of enormous
-ie. rough-cut m the form of sacred symbols of
mx worship. Even Cortez was so enamored of
t hem that he refused to sell them to the empress
utd so lost favor at court.
There is still preserved at Rome the emerald
en; to the pope by Peru after the Catholic con of that country and the name "Emerald
Isle." gneti to Ireland, was from a magnificent
ring sent by Pope Adrian to Henry II. when lie
took dominion over it
Toe oiientals have always known how to
handle this v.onoerful crystal, setting in peacock
tuned embroidery of enamel, keeping its irregu
larities of form, perhaps simply smoothing the
"dge.s mi as to preserve as much color as pos
sible. Indian princes often wear emerald rings
fully two inches across. In the shrine of the
treat Tooth temple of Kandy. Ceylon, there is a
Huddha of fabulous value carved from a single
i;e;u. I have seen in the treasury of the sultan
jf Turkey whole robes encrusted with emeralds,
wtili superb single stones of the purest water set
in i he handles of scimitars. There were prayers
11 the interior of the Taj Mahal spelled in em
eralds before the British soldiers dug them out
witii their knive.
We read of Nero viewing the games "men
nlajfd with death, where death must win"
imoiigu emerald eyelids. Caligula's consort
ieaned from the verd-antiijue balconies of the
nobler hill adorned with two millions of our Jol
I.irs" worth of emeralds and uearls.
Napoleon wore through some of his bloodiest
lattice the great emerald torn from the throat of
"harlemagne when they dared to disturb his
clumber and to this talisman the Man of Destiny
is.- ribrti his power to sleep at will and as long
.r little as he would. When Isabey was to paint
"lie la.-t portrait of Josephine, she said: "Paint
ne in nu-ralds to say that my sorrow will be
er gr-en. but surround them with diamonds to
port lay the undying purity of my love."
Of inurse royal people hold the finest exam
ples of this gem. which, in conjunction with
pearl, they prefer to all others. Queen Isabella
was ery proud of her carved emeralds, but carv
uz. de.-troys the greatest beauty of the stone, the
oeri'cct limpidity of its color. An Italian princess
possess! the most famous parure in Europe, en
hancing her pattician beauty as she stands
.(gainst the faded g:een tapestries, the ormolu
md malachite of her Roman palace a never-to-be-torgoiten
J7"C? ue.ltZ?
At the same time an
Indian princess in her
emeralds ancb fringes
of pearl looks more
poetic, her grace just
divined through the sa
ri's veil, for there is a
certain pinched stiff
ness about even the
best of our modern ef
fects; all seems mere
millinerv with heart.
body and soul expression spoiled by the self
consciousness of trying to hold together so many
unrelated parts.
The most splendid regalia at the Viennese
court is that of the archduchess Marie Josepha,
wife of Duke Otho. She has just had them set in
a new and massive design by the court jeweler.
A stomacher we give as illustration. The large
emeralds are so arranged that they can be de
tached and other colored stones clasped in the
same settings; thus the archduchess has rubies,
sapphire, pink topaz anad immense diamonds of
the same si7e. so she may change to suit her
toilets. Also all the sprays-can be taken to pieces
and worn as smaller ornaments or massed to
gether 111 different designs. This fashion was
introduced by the Empress Elizabeth, who de
lighted in such combination and would cover the
whole front of a court garment with complex de
sign. Such may be done with a modern artistic
design if made by a special jeweler, and is con
venient to those who may only possess a few
pieces. Thus a girdle may separate into brooch,
pendant, cloak clasp, necklace, at will.
There is a vaporous blonde actress at the
Comedie Francaise whose favorite color Is sky
blue, which she clasps with a girdle of emeralds
so valuable that a big policeman never loses sight
of her when wearing it on the stage or off. This
appreciation of the charm of related blue and
green and violet is comparatively new to us.
though always known to the orient and to an
tiquity. Emeralds are usually cut in simpler form than
diamonds and the corundum, or ruby, family of
gems. The table cut. square or oblong, with
large, flat face and beveled edges, the lower sur
face in long, narrow facets. Their value depends
upon the tone, transparency and especially in the
western world the lawlessness of the gem. which,
if of dark velvet depth may even be worth more
than the diamond, though the price put upon all
expensive gems by the leading American jewel
ers is entirely fictitious. The "flawless emerald"
has become a classic comparison for perfection,
as nearly every stone is full of little rifts or
clouds or discolorations that make it unfit for the
split superlatives of modern taste: to the oriental
mind nothing :s more beautiful than beauty;
each sioac is but a note of color in a general
harmony and the eastern jeweler has no preju
dice against "daws" or "off colors" and finds wor
thy and dignified place for manay a gem that our
jewel butchers would incontinently cast off.
At a tecent dinner I noted the chain on a
beautiful arm next to me. Heavy links of bright
polished gold, carrying with little relation five
great cabochon emeralds, divided by four large
diamonds, soldered on to them.
If the diamonds had been replaced with tur
quoises or viclet-beryls or olivines or peacock
opals, their creat value would have ruf!iced to
pay for some real art work in enamel or design.
Then the emeralds themselves were so "perfectly
matched" they might as well hae been bits of
glass. So equal in tone all mysterious magic
gone no thought of Druid forenead or impris
oned spring right from the factory these looked
the diamonds of the archduchess.
Don't value the emerald on account of its com
mercial value but on account of the matchless
value of its tone in relation to other tones. Some
times a touch of enamel, or chrysoprase or tur
quoise does as well. If you can attain to its glory,
it is a great privilege to wear it with other things
that show your right to such beauty, but not
simply in display, as if bidding for the prize of
a gem show.
Harriet threw her books on the
couch and said in a tone of disgust:
"Everything is so different this year,
and horrid "
Mazie looked up languidly. "What's
the matter?"
Harriet sat down on the foot of the
couch. "Well, last year all the girls
were just jolly and simple and natural,
and now they've all come back in love.
Four of them engaged, and the rest
Mazie laughed. "Well, they are old
enough, aren't they?" she demanded.
"This is their senior year."
"Yes. they are old enough," Harriet
admitted, "but 1 don't see why they
wanted to tie themselves up. and now
they can't talk of anything but ro
mance and rose3. and they are always
writing letters. Even you, Mazie,
when 1 begin to talk on sensible sub
jects, your eyes get dreamy, and be
fore I know it you are asking me if
1 don't like blue-eyed men better than
brown-eyed ones."
Mazie blushed. "You'll know how it
is yourself some day. Harriet."
"If I do," said Harriet. Hercely, "no
one will know a thing about It. I'll
keep it to myself, and not go around
looking like a dying calf."
Mazie's laughter rippleu. "You
couldn't hide it, Harry no woman
"Well, you see." Harriet said, "but
I'm not going to Tall in love I'm going
to stick strictly to books and let boys
"Or course." said Mazie, demurely.
"I wish you joy. Harriet."
They studied in silence for awhile,
then Harriet said. "I am going for a
walk want to go. Mazie?"
Mazie's eyes twinkled. "I've got a
letter to write. Harriet."
"To Hob?" Harriet demanded.
"But you wrote to him yesterday."
"Why not?"
"Oh, you are hopeless," said Har
riet. and flung herself out of the room
On the way downstairs she met four
dreamy maidens, eaeb of whom re
fused her invitation to walk, and Har-
Visitors to London whose tastes lie in the di
rection of exploring ancient remains will be grati
fied to learn that the Society of Antiquaries has
succeeded in securing the preservation of a very j
fine fragment of the great Roman wall around '
London, which has just been laid bare, a London I
letter to the New York Sun says. From time to... . . .... ,. ....
time portions of the great structure, the external rl lau&ed and oked and tcascd' but
wall of defense built about the city in the fourth J Kn?D,at ,ast she was m. tuesDOwy
or fifth century. hae been uncovered in digging Path her eyes were full of tears. It
foundations while rebuilding streets or houses. waf ,not J mak "cw MmOa.
Thn hiri. mrolr ocrvinnri .lomnlitinn Tl.o lnt uuu a- 3 oue uau autu clwc
discovery is to be preserved for the benefit of
the public. '
It is situated near Newgate street, close to a
new annex of the general postoffice. The frag
ment, which is that of a great curved bastion,
is :"u feet long. SO feet high and S feet wide. The
present summit lies several feet below the sur
face of the ground. The whole is in a wonderful
state of preservation.
The material is that known as "Kentish rag."
supported by heavy Roman bricks and showing
clearly the characteristic layers or bands of red
tiles, such as may be seen at Burgh castle. Pe
vensey and Richborough. The interesting relic is
to be built around, so that it will lie in a cave
which may be entered by stairs and inspected by
artificial light. The line of the great Roman wall
is well known and much of it undoubtedly re
mains below the houses to-day. which are largely
built upon it as upon the securest of foundations.
She went down the Lake road, head
up, cheeks red, trying to walk off the
blues that oppressed her.
And because her head was up she
slipped on an icy stretch of ground,
twisted her ankle and fell in a forlorn
And there a plodding old farmer,
with his plodding team, fouri her. a
half hour later, half frozen la the mid
dlo of the road.
"I called and called," Harriet said,
"and I couldn't make anybody bear."
"Thero wasn't anybody to hear,"
said the old man. "I was on ray way
to the mill, but they ain't many goes
this way"
"If you could take me to the "
Harriet began, as she tried to stand
up. and then, before she could finish
her sentence, she fainted dead away.
"Hum." said the old man. and
rubbed his stubby chin. Then he
loaded her into the wagon like a sack
of meal, and nerer stopped driving
until he had reached the ofllce of the
only doctor In the town.
When Harriet opened her eyes.
It's a pretty
It is told or a titled Englishman that when his
son explained his folly In going down a coal mine
by saying that he spoiled his clothes so as to be
able to say that he had performed the feat, re
plied: "Why did you say that you had been down
the mine and did not go?" This method appears ' sorae ont; was saying:
to bavc been followed by one James Knox dc bad sprain: she'll have to stay here
Uolduc. a monk. who. according to a Paris con-; for some time."
temporary, says the Army and Navy Journal. I
made his polar voyage in lOGH. This is the pole
as described by this Bolduc:
"At the polo one finds the place where all the
waves of the sea concentrate to disappear In the
same whirlpool. Four great islands surround this
precipice, separated by four great canals, suc
ceeding which are the divided seas. An enor
mous rock, quite black, and 23 miles In circum
terence. raatks the pole itself.
"The unfortunate ships which venture Into i In the "History of Windham County,
these latitudes are immediately lost, if thev are Connecticut." one finds an Interest-
Harriet's eyes came open with a
"I've got to get back." she said,
with decision.
The doctor laughed a mellow laugb
that Harriet liked.
"You arc going to stay here for ten
"But they won't allow it the facul
ty, I mean the girls have to be in the
dormitory every night."
"I telephoned up to the college." the
doctor said, "and they ire going to
send one of the teachers to stay with
He had a way with him that seemed
to settle things, and Harriet found
herself acquiescing meekly.
"Well. I'm glad it's one or the
teachers you sent for." she remarked,
"and not one of the girls.
"Because the girls are all In love.
It's a perfect epidemic. If you bad a
cure for hearts you could get a good
practice up there in the dormitory."
"They wouldn't employ me." his
amused glance met her. "They don't
want to be cured."
"Well, they are silly." Harriet said
"No," he contradicted, "they are
She looked up quickly. "But they
are so young and there's so much in
life besides love."
"There is nothing in life," ho told
her gravely, "but love love of one's
fellow men. love of God. the love ol
family, of friends, and. greatest ol
all. the love of the lover for the
woman who shares bis life."
Harriet was thrilled by the way he
said it His wife must be a happy
woman she thought.
She said as much to Miss Flick, the
little English teacher, when they had
been in the doctor's home for over a
week. "How happy his wife must be.'
For Dr. Redmond wa3 one of the
men who. In a selffoh world, forgot
himself and lived only for the pool
souls who depended upon him. Night
and day he toiled, glorying in his op
portunities, never too tired nor toe
busy to give himself for others.
Harriet thought of the boys she had
known nice fellows, but occupied
with having a good time. She decided
that if she ever married she would
choose a man like the doctor.
She wondered what kind of woman
his wife might be. and complained to
Miss Flick. "The doctor's wife hasn't
been in to see once."
"My dear." Miss Flick exclaimed,
"he isn't married."
"But the maid spoke of Mrs. Redmond."
"That was his mother who was
over for the day."
"Oh." said Harriet.
Of course, everybody knows what
happened. Harriet fell In love with
Dr. Redmond.
"But no one shall ever guess." she
resolved, bravely.
But that night as she lay on the
couch in the living room, with Miss
Flick downstairs, eating her dinner
the doctor came in.
"Better, little girl?" he asked.
"Yes." Harriet's tone was subdued.
He sat down beside the couch.
"You'll be well enough to go back
to-morrow," he said, "and I know you
want to get at your studies."
Studies! Harriet had forgotten thai
such tilings as books existed
"Oh, yes, of course," she stammered
He gazed Into the fire, his grave
eyes Intent on the dancing flames. "I
shall miss you" he said at last
Harriet caught her breath. "It has
been nice to be here."
He turned to her suddenly. 1 wish
I might say to you all that's in my
heart" he said. "I'm such a lonely
old fellow, and you fit In somehow
into my life. You are so straightfor
ward and sweet and dear Harriet"
And then he asked her to marry
him. and Harriet man-hating Harriet
said "Yes."
"But you mustn't tell any one," she
warned him. "not a soul shall know
until spring."
She went back to school the next
day. arriving at three o'clock. And af
five she wrote a note. At seven, as
she sat studying with Mazie. she
caught the eyes of her roommate fixed
upon her. "Harriet," Mazie said, re
proachfully, "I don't believe you know
a word in that book it's upside
And Harriet blushed.
Mazie came and sat down on the
stool at her friend's feet. "And you
are different, somehow." she went on;
"if it was anybody else. I should say
you were In love."
And then Harriet confessed, unex
pectedly. "I am. And, oh. Mazie. he h
the dearest thing."
And Mazie, having kissed her, trl
umphantly remarked: "I told you. Har
riet I told you you would be like any
other girl when love really came."
Odd Custom of The Past
Simple tut Powerful Praacriatlen far
iheumatiam and Lama Back.
This was previously published here
and cured hundreds, "Get oae ounce ot
syrup of SarsapariUa compound aad
one ounce Toris Compound. Then get
half a pint of good whiskey and pat
the other two ingredients Into It. Use
a tablespoonful of this mixture before
each meal and at bed time. Shake the
bottle each time." Good effects are felt
the first day. Any druggist has these
Ingredients on hand or will quickly get
them from his wholesale house.
"t can sinpr." said ono Toucan, "you bet."
"I. too. can." safd one that ho met
"So if I ran. find you can.
W two can. we Toucans."
So the two Toucans sane a duet
When Tempus Didn't Fugit
Little Helen, during the three years
of her life, bad never been separated
from her elder sister night or day for
more than a few minutes at a time,
but at last the time came when the
sister went away for a whole day.
The child tried every game and occu
pation that she knew of, and a new
enc cr two suggested by her mother,
but they all palled.
Finally she gave up and stood and
looked sadly out of the window. Then
she righed deeply and said:
"Its still the same old day, isn't it.
mother?" Woman's Home Companion.
Los Angeles, Cal., Jan. 2, 1910.
1427 West 2Sth St.
Uncle Sam's Breakfast Food Co.,
Omaha, Neb.
My mother has used your food
for over one year, and it has done her
so much good that she feels she can't
get along without it, and as no one has
it out here, I want to know what a case
of 1 or 2 dozen packages will cost
me, F. O. B. Omaha or Los Angeles, by
Yours Truly,
We certify that the above letter is a
true copy of the original and was not
U. S. BF. P. CO.
Why She Needed More Nights Off.
Having recently engaged an 18-y ear
old colored girl to do housework, a
New York woman was adjusting tho
various questions of privileges.
"You will have Monday and Thurs
day nights off. Eliza," the mistress of
the house said.
"On'y Monday 'n' Thursday nights!"
the other exclaimed, rolling her eyes.
"My Lawd, Mis' Blank, dat won't do
nohow; dat ain't enough. You see,
ma'am, I's a debbytante."
$100 Reward, $100.
The leaden ot tbU paper will be pleasrd to lean
ttut Utcre b at least one Orraucd dbeaae that science
to been mine to cure In all its stages, and that Is
Ci-into. Hall's Catarrh Cure ts the only puutfra
core now known to toe medical fraternity. Catarrh
being s constitutional disease, rcqutns s cocMitu
Uonal treatment. Hall's Catarrh cure Is taken in
ternally acting (Hrrctlr upon the blood and mucous
surfaces ot the system, thereby destroying the
(DuaUatlon ot the disease, and civlng the patient
Strrcstn by building up the constitution and awfcft
ta nature In doing Its work. The proprietors cava
so much faith In Its curative powers that they offer
One Hundred Dollars for any rose that It falls to
cure. Send for lint of testimonial
Address F. J. CHKNKV & CO. Toledo. O.
Sold by all Dnrsrlstv TCc.
Take Hsu's FstoUr PU1 lor cotatlp&Uoa.
A Jolt ts Romance.
"How about the young doctor? Has
he proposed?"
"Not yet. Papa ruined everything
last night."
"How was that?"
"Just as the doctor was pleading for
a peep at my eyes, papa came in and
asked him to take a look at my
Important to Mothers.
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for
infants and children, and see that It
Bears the
Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
There is nothing that makes men
rich and strong, but that which they
carry with them. Wealth is of the
heart, not of the hand. Milton.
"Plak Bye Is Epidemic.
Attacks the Eyt-s in the sir.iitlnie. Is
Contagious anil Calls for Immediate Ac
lion. Murine Ky IJcmctly Affords Reli
able Relief. It Soothes. Apply Murine
Freely and Frequently. Doesn't Smart.
Bear your own burdens first, after
that help to carry those of other peo
ple. George Washington.
Fake, I.AJCATIVK ISKoMO Oulnlne Tablet.
Drrgglstftretund nif.ney If it fniU to cure. K.W.
UBUV"t;&iBalurcisoo t-acti box. Xc
Some men go to their graves with
out discovering that they were not as
important as they thought they were.
iEitnr iavis iMiNKiixmc
fcasanrnla!l reputation of overM-Yf-ntj-jr art as
rrliulI remedy fur lumlar. M-latlea. Plt-urUy
slilche.rtc..Xc.Z';andU-. AtnlldrucKiti.
A crab-eating monkey iu Siam swims
like a fish.
of "Appearing Out"
Much Venerated in
not assisted by favorable winds."
The Civil and Military Gazette of Lahore. In
dia, suggests that the account of Bolduc may be
found iu the "Teutsche Acta Eniditorium" (1712).
Richmond, Mass., Is the Last
Many That Once Were
i:foro '.ho days when tidewater
Taghconie hills in the towns of Rich
mond and West Stockbridge.
As early as 1S20, iron of high grade
had been smelted from "strikes" in
the Berksliires. At Richmond, with a
transportation and the nearness of fiir-1 great wooden water wheel to furnish
itacos to natural gas and coal mines , power, the furnace which has lasted
the longest was established in 1S29.
To-day. after continuous operation
for eighty years, the Richmond mine
ionic K:er valleys and across the 'is still being worked, and enough
i-nt-red into the profitable production
ol pig iron there was a string of iron
itiinc- along the Hoosac and Housa-
brown ore is taken from the earth to
smelt about 200 tons of pig iron
There is a reason for the operation
of this Richmond mine, the ouly iron
mine now being worked in Massa
chusetts, where only 42 per cent of
the ore is metallic iron, while the
ores taken from the great mines oper
ated along Lake Superior average
from CO to 65 per cent. Of course like
Berkshire papers and other wares
-made in the westernmost part of Mass
achusetts, it is the superior quality
of output which ma"ies Richmond
mining profitable. Boston Globe.
Hint to Amateur Carpenters,
A nail driven into oak or other tim
ber oftentimes bends or breaks. To
avoid this all is needed is a little wax
or soap. The nail, if greased with
either of these will go straight into
the board. Carpenters who do finish
ing work bore a small hole in the
handle of their hammers and then
fill it with either wax or soap, running
the nails into it as they use them
ing description of the "appearing out"
of a bride in 17S5. Mrs. Joseph Gay of
Thompson "appearing out" on the Sun- three matrons,
lowing year, met a somewhat forbid
ding reception. The meeting house was
cold and the light wedding dress un
fitted for the season. The minister's
wife, after the service, invited the shiv
ering bride to her warm fireside.-but
she was scarcely seated there when a
sharp faced good-wife ushered in
day following her marriage in a peach-
colored silk, most Jauntily made, and
hat and headdress trimmed with the
marvelous quantity of lti yards of
white ribbon; and her husband walked
by her side in small clothes of white
According to the custom, they took
their place in the middle seat of the
front gallery, and some time in the
course of the service deliberately rose
for inspection, turning slowly round
and standing in different positions so
that the whole effect of their costumes
might be exhibited.
The young bride of Dr. Pennel
Hutchlns, who "appeared out" the fol-
"You sit there, and you there, and
you there." she promptly ordered : "and
you. young woman, may sit back; yont
fine clothes will keep you warm."
Youth's Companion.
"So your wife is a suffragette?"
"Yes." answered Mr. Meckton.
"Why does she want to vote?"
"I don't think Henrietta really de
sires to vote. She's merely tired of
talking to me. She wants a target
and more intelligent audience."
Earth's noblest thing, a woman per
fected. LowelL
Vtl"3IKJT the only jafrtcuwrtl utfainstthvcoru
inir IwrlwiHxl fauiiu- AntnTcsluK-titwtibttmlraU
Hank TKl'STKlCIlII cure your doih-j. anl
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