The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, February 23, 1910, Image 3

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For Family Heeds
You will find Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters especial
ly well adapted. It is com
pounded from the purest
drugs and is good for every
member of the famity.
When the appetite is poor,
system run down, or you
suffer from Sick Head
ache, Vomiting, Heart
burn, Sour Stomach, In
digestion, Costiveness,
Biliousness, Golds and
Malaria, take nothing but
Mechanic Say, a diving: suit's just
I the ticket rhen it comes to rcnairinsr
autos on these country roads. One
j can Ho on his hack under the machine
I in pj'rfoct comfort.
Few parents realize how many es
timable lives have been embittered
and social and business success pre
vented by serious skin affections
which so often result from the neglect
of minor eruptions in infancy and
childhood. With but a little care and
the use of the proper emollients, baby's
skin and hair may be preserved, purl
tied a:ul beautified, minor eruptions
prevented from becoming chronic and
torturing, disfigurim: rashes, itchings,
irritations and dialings dispelled.
To this end. nothing is so pure, so
sweet, so speedily effective as the con
stant use of Cuticura Soap, assisted,
when necessary, by Cuticura Ointment.
Send to Potter Drug & Chem. Corp.,
nole proprietors. lioston, for their free
::i'-page Cuticura Hook lolling all about
the care aud treatment of the skin.
Comparison Shunned.
"Yiu didn't cry at all at the mati
nee." "No." answered the reposeful girl;
"I couldn't think of such a thing."
"Hut the young woman with you
"Ai'jit copiously."
"Of course. I lor lace handkerchiefs
are fvor so much more elegant than
mine." Washington Star.
' Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
with LOCAL AITLICVI ION'S, as thry cannot reach
Oil .-il ibe 1lam.v. lt.irrh it a blood or runMi
tuikmal (Ux-mnc zuiil In order to cu- It j ou must tako n-mcdns. Hills Catarrh Cure Is tn
uriiullv. u:iU acta directly uim the blood and murcus
ourtatrs. H.ill's (iitarrh Cure U not 3 quark mijl
dne. It was nrt-M-ritml by one of the bost jilij virions
ta this country lor yars anil U a niular prmriptlon.
It U mmvuml of the Im-sI tonics knnim. romhincU
with the best blood purifi'-n. actin? directly on the
mucous surl-inn. Tlie p-rtcct combination of tho
to itismllnits Is what pnxlures surh uondrrlul re
sults la curm; catarrh, swiiil for tctimonliK free.
P. J. CJIIIXKV & CO- l'ropi, 'lolcdo. O.
Sold bv rru-IMs. pricB "'.
Take iUU's lamiiy 1'ills tor constipation.
t iic r-ervcrse bi:x.
"llinkk-y's got a wonderlul head. All
his woman readers are simply wild
ver that serial love story he is run
ning in the Daily Stunt."
"How did he clinch 'em?'
"Why, he printed the last chapter
Important to Mothers.
Examine carefuhy every bottle of
CASTORIA, a Kafe and sure remedy for
infants aud children, and see that it
T!mr tlio
'Signature or 6z4$fZ!&Zrtt
In Use For Over ;() Years.
' The Kind You Have Always Bought
i She Had Noticed It.
Mrs. Knicker They say the pur
; chasing power of a dollar has diiuiii
: ished.
Mrs. lkicker Yes, it used to buy a
j bargain worth $l.i)S, and now it only
gets something worth $1.41.
Make $500 in Gold.
Read the magnificent offer by the
John A. Salzer Seed Co. in another
part of this paper. Get your wits to
. work and capture the 500.00. and at
. the same time secure a supply of the
most reliable seeds on earth. The com
pany is one of the largest in the coun
try, and thoroughly responsible.
! Labor to ktcp auve m your breast
that little spark of celestial fire called
conscience. Washington.
ni.ES rpnEn in 6 to 14 rays.
VX7.0 OlNTMKNTisKuarantet 1 to euro anv ca9
of lu-binc. liliml. Hle-slinc or .roiruaims Piles la
6 to 1 days ur owner refunded. aOu.
Snails bore through rock by means
of an acid they exude.
OonM!pafloncaueand aprmvatov many er!ons
iivrav-v It is iLoiiuchiT -t nil liv I,r." lierce"
1'jeaiAHt lmk:ts. The Xavonlc larailr laxative.
The popular drink ot Welsh miners
is called cwrw.
Smoker find Lewi' Sinplj Binder 5e
1 cigar better Quality than mot 10c cigars.
f A dog's bark isu t as bad as his bite,
but it lasts longer.
- -
yr pi
M r? "VBdaaTaadBMaaBBr ai TaWaY f TJ""C
Two Useful Coats
THE COAT Is an Inverness, and
could be made in cloth, serge or
tweed, lined or not, as preferred.
It Is very plainly made, having only
stitching as a finish at the edges. The
fronts are double-breasted; buttons
covered in the material form the fas
tenings. Toque ol black pan. trimmed with a
rosette ct gold tissue, and two pheas
ants' feathers.
Materials required: Four and one
half yards -IS inches wide, sis buttons,
four yards ot silk for lining the waist
This simple bodice Is made with two
tucks on eac'i shoulder, and lightly
braided at the edges. The prettily
shaped yoke is of coarse filet net to
match color of material; it is braided
at the edges. Cuffs are made of the
net set to material bands at the elbow,
to which the sleeve is gathered. But
tons and braid loops form further
Materials required: IV yard cloth
48 inches wide, one dozen buttons,
one dozen yards braid.
Pincushion of the Latest Design
Formed of Mattress-Shaprd Cush
ions Prettily Decorated.
A pincushion that is dainty yet ser
viceable is one of the mattress-shaped
cushions four an a half inches wide
by six inches long. This is stuffed
with wool or bran and covered with
satin, or satine. if cost is an item.
The outer cover is made from two
pieces of heavy linen with a narrow
hemstitched hem running entirely
around it. The pieces finished fit eas
ily on the top and bottom of the
The inner parts of the linen are then
decorated with tiny squares of filet
or Cluny lace, with a design of leaves
and scrolls in satin stitch and eyelet
embroidery spreading around each bit
of lace. The section intended for the
top has a more elaborate design than
the bottom piece.
The upper and lower section are
joined by lace insertion just the width
of the sides of the pincushion. This
is overcast to the edges all around.
One end is left open to slip in the
A New Bracelet
A new bracelet which is attracting I
considerable attention among women
is a bant of gold from a half-inch to an
inch in width It is either heavily en
graved or bears a pattern in black or
colored caamcl. As a matter of fact,
the bracelet is not new. being similar
to a style worn many years ago by our
In keeping ribbons, do not place
odds and end: in an indiscriminate
mass in a box. Have either different
boxes or envelopes for the different
colors, and they will be compact and
easily managed.
Plaited Ruffles.
The lingerie ruffle on the last French
petticoats and on the pantalon combi
nations re nc longer invariably gath
ered to the beading which joins them
to the garment
Plaits frequently are substituted for
the old gathers. They are laid regular
ly or in buccb plaits and, again, in
pairs; and since the plaits are very
shallow the fiounca requires only the
isuai amount of material cr a very
ittle more. The material is never
measured three times round the space.
fcv v ' a twflf' Sal A
f f
On the right we show a very useful
motor coat, made in heavy blanket
serge, with a panel down both back
and front, set on with a wide wrapped
scam; the fastening is at the left side
of front The collar is made so that it
can turn up or down, and the sleeves
are set to wide turn-back cuffs, so pop
ular just now
Motor bennet of gauged silk to
match color of coat.
.Materials required: Six yards 4G
inches wide, one dozen buttons, three
yards Viyella for lining to waist
cushion and is lightly overcast when
it is in place, or can be joined by
tiny buttonholed loops on one edge
and lace button on the lower side of
the cover acriss one end.
Such a cushion is more distinctive
than the covers that lace on, yet wash
es almost as easily. The insertion at
the sides should match the lace inset
at top and bottom.
One with Plain Back, Without Orna
mentation, Best to be Fitted with
French Louis Cover.
For one of the daintiest hat brushes
you can imngine. select a plain back
of Irreproachable shape and no orna
mentation whatever, and with good
white bristles.
Before covering the wooden back It
way be very lightly rubbed with a fine
sandpaper, to roughen the surface so
that the glue will hold.
iCow for the French Louis cover.
This is made of corded silk of a deep
cream, embroidered slightly with rib
ton work in an oblong medallion de
ig. The silk is so cut as to entirely
co7?r the wooden back except on the
bristle side, and when the paste is ap
plied to the silk care should be taken
that it docs not touch that part be
neath the ribbon medallion, nor the
top of the brush, but only, along the
edge of the silk. Do not turn in the
edge, but after the glue is dry, paste
over it a narrow gold lace galloon.
To- be as French as possible in ef
fect, the creamy tone of the silk
shculd be soft and old. the rococo em
bro'dery of flowers should be soft in
torn; and the galloon of a more bronze
Fringe on Frocks.
Tijy cotton fringes in cream or
whitu are to be used upon some of
the novelty cottons and linens for
sumiLer frocks. They are those iden
tical ones that come for bedroom up
holstcy. The finest qualities among them are
quite oelicate enough o use on linen
scrims and hopsackingj.
Some of the fringe- measuring but a
scant inch in depth is woven of white
and bhif cotton in a pattern which
runs alo.ig the gimo which holds It
in place. In others, the fringe re
mains uncut, each thread being a loop.
The French have u&ed tlitfse fringes
for several seasons; just as they have
used the tsny silk quality on chiffon
and white radium silk.
Veil Novelty.
Have you seen some of the new
veils that are being worn with the
smart cavalier hats? They may easily
be called freakish, as the meshes of
filet net have huge flowers and butter
flies in self colors. Thost of black
are best style, though there is a new
tan ei! with big conventiomj figures
that is liked by the unconservjttive.
A Simple Table Center.
Russian crash is used in its rough
est state for the library table center
Just a square or circle is drawn jpon
the big piece of material, and thei an
other nearly a quarter of an inch in
side of the first. This line is padded,
anu n buttonholed with coarse linan
floss : -ome rich color.
Xoti.i : more, except to cut it out;
no othe: -ra of decoration; just this
line of n buttonholing; but when
done in flaue color or a rich old blue
it will be well worth the little time
it occupied in making.
Fur Hatpins Now.
It seemed that French ingenuity had
devised every sort of hatpin that
could possibly be thought of; but now
a new kind makes its appearance. This
is the hatpin tipped with a pert little
animal head of fur.. Tiny fox faces
make these hatpins very attractive
and they are used not only on the fur
turbans, but on all hats trimmed with
fur. Now also are monogram hatpins
carved from wood and highly var
nished and polished, when the carving
has been completed.
Two Men and an Outfit Will Accomplish Work
Gang of m. Dozen Men. Wltnout Usual Back
Breaking Labor.
HbbHKbOVHt aBaaaaaW?C55nS2iiSaa
Machine Bores Post Holt
The Interesting post-hole boring out
fit shown in this illustration will
make a hole uniform in size at top
and bottom and of any depth to six
feet. It consists of a boring machine,
mounted on a truck in such a way
that it can be wo?ked at either side
or bark of the truck. The holes are
made by a large auger, or chisel bit.
operated by a gear working in a
toothed shaft, which furnishes the
tneana for raising or lowering it. The
power is applied by two friction
clutches, which permits this raising
or kiHering of the auger without re
versing its motion.
The engine and gasoline tank are
placed on the front part of the ma
chine, in this way providing sufficient
weight to balance the other end. and
the iower is transmitted from the
engin to the drive pulley by means
of a belt The machine will dig
holes In any kind of soil onto which
the truck can be driven, cutting read
ily tb-ough hardpan. shale and soft
sands"one. Two men are required to
operals it.
The machine illustrated is provided
with -a ten-horse-power engine and
weighty about 2.500 pounds. A smaller
gize. driven by a 7Vi-horse-power en
illllllll fj. """iv 5S llllll -3 T--- J I lilllll
Illllllll W C?' 1111 S "-' U. lilllll!
IP 1 '
illllllll -"i' .4w'.'' " ii iiitiii
Illllllll V m -. r . . -. .'... iMllllllll
illllllll JN : .:". ?.- ? C Illllllll
..-.-- . -. ..-..-. ..,..,,.-
oWVSl .
It is not a difficult problem to con
struct hollow walls of concrete so the
Inner air space is large enough to per
mit of comfortable workhj. The ac
companying design shows jow a wall
may be readily built of tw& walls each
three inches thick and at. air space
between them of ten inch. The only
trick is to get out the planic of the in
ner form, and this is readily done
when the inner studding of two by six
inchs is beveled so that it may readily
be twisted to loosen the pranking. It
should not be struck but gently and
evenly twisted, when it v.ill release
the planking. The ties across the
wall are best made of vitr.'ed paving
brick, if they can be gotUa 12 or 14
inches long; if they can no", be had of
that length the inner foi-j may be
Wires which should be galvanized
hold the outer studding together; these
wires are cut and remain imbedded in
the wall. If no paving b;ck are to
be had good hand-burned -irain tiles
may make the connection between the
two walls, or short pieces m; iron rods,
or even very heavy galvarcfed wires,
say about Xo. 1 size, cut ani the ends
bent over. Such a wall is uilt up a
few feet at a time and alloved to set
and harden somewhat before the in
ner forms ure taken out and raised
up. It will prove very coM-resistant
and damp-resistant. The Isner sur
face will be p'astered; the cuter sur
face may be simply roughened a little
with a tool made for that purpose or
washed with the nroner acid to make
it rough and of uniform surface, or it
may also be plastered, though this
Fairly Low Fence, witb Plank
Under Bottom, Will Keep
Tlietn in Enclosure Eat
Almost Anything.
My brother kept several skunks
over one summer in order to learn
their habits and possibly to grow some
for their fur.
Everything went well until he care
lessly left a board leaning against tho
fence from the inside and tbe skunks
no sooner discovered this than they
climbed up and dropped down from
the top of tbe fence to the outside.
A fairly low fence will inclose them
if nothing is left leaning against it
and a plank is put flat just under the
ground clear around the fence.
When the skunks undertake to dig
out of the pen they go close to the
gine, is also on the market Two men
and one machine will accomplish the
work of a gang of a dozen men. with
out the usual amount of back-breaking
labor. The holes can be bored at any
Makes Hole Uniform.
angle desired. The Illustrations show
the machine in two positions. One
shows its position when not in opera
tion, and the other shows it in posi
tion for boring.
B. 2'-8' PUNK
F. 2'8'PIANK Of INNtft KM
docs not usually give so pleasing
I surface as the rough one.
Of course, at top ayd bottom the
walls will be hollow. The two walla
are bridged over for tlie top, tiles oi
slate being used, taking care that thej
do not cover more than about one inch
of the wall at the inner sido.
Midwinter Gardening.
Midwinter gardening of vegetables
is difficult and generally unsatisfac
tory from a financial standpoint. Most
of the money made In growing vege
tables under glass is jjefoTe January
1 and after March 1. During January
and February the fu-ol bill Is heavy,
there is little sunshine, the leather is
dark and cloudy much nt the time, the
days arc short and p:ant frowth Is
necessarily slow.
Planting with D-nan'te.
A grapegrower in thw Oztvk moun
tain country is expcriyientlng with
new grape land by -following the
Switzerland plan of j lai-Ug sticks
of dynamite deep in the ground aud
exploding them. By -nre-ans the
soil Is thoroughly loosen e J Vd a great
depth without turning It .-vr.
Potato Begs.
There appeared in son parts of In
diana last season a sioa-: bug with
variegated wings wLicr, destroyed
thousands of potato V'?3- A half
dozen bugs will quickly 1:111 100 or
more of the potato biigi -in a single
p'ant Specimens havs :een sent to
the government for exa-nation.
wall and dig down and it' they come to
a solid board lying flat ct the ground
under the surface they become dis
couraged and quit minh for liberty.
Skunks will eat scraps of bread,
meat or almost any roljje from the
table. They will also feit on almost
any dead carcasses and vill do well
in confinement and soo;i become quite
They 5ill not cause disagreeable
odors if dogs are kept ctray and the
one who cares for them is careful not
to excite them.
They may be kept at a profit, but I
think there are many discourage
ments which the keeper Id likely to
meet with before they will yield much
Chickens by Natural Process.
Most farmers raise chickens by the
natural process, and that is all right
so long as you do not care to raise
more than, say, one hundred chickens;
but when you get up into large num
bers incubators are necessary.
Fatal Course
A matron who was visiting her for
mer home city, and was under foil
headway with the seemingly endless
string of questions usual in such a
"And your stater's daughter Violetr
"Violet is married," the friend re
plied. "Indeed! My!' How time does ly.
Happily married. I trust?"
"Ob. dear, no! My sister always hu
mored her. you know," was the re
sponse, "and the poor child was per
mitted to marry the man she was In
.ove with!" Sunday Magazine of tho
Cleveland Leader.
Meaning of Cemetery.
It is not correct to say that "ceme
tery" means the "city of the dead."
The word is from the Greek "Koime
terion." meaning sleeping place, not
the place of the dead. There is nothing
in the thinking that it was originally
intended to convey the idea that the
departed were really dead any more
than there Is in tbe old Hebrew term
for cemetery "Bethaim" the house
of the living.
An Idle Threat.
Son No. sir, father, I absolutely re
fuse to go to work.
Father Careful, boy; don't you
make such idle threats to me.
Beautiful Post Cards Free.
Send 4c stamps for Ave samples of our
very best Gold and Silk Finish Birthday.
Flower and Motto Post Cards; beautiful
colors and loveliest designs. Art Post
Card Club. 792 Jackson st.. Topeka, Kan.
Teacher What is an ocean?
Johuny A body of water necessitat
ing battleships. New York Sun.
imrossim.K to find anything
better for sidracbr. barkactit-s or stltcbes tttaa
Jvrrti Durfe Jliinkillrr. Get tbt laio Blip, it Is tbe
cheapest. At rUldnij-itlMs.'Sc.CSc anil 50e buttles.
If you want to test'a man's charac
ter watch and see what creates in him
an enthusiasm. Angela Dickens.
IsttMoldrrllablo roosh remedy, t-'ucod In rrery
irtur Moroanil In prartleallr vprr home, k'ortal
37 all drnsKtsts.ZM. SOc and 1.CU bottles.
Landlords and tenants can never
see through tho same spectacles.
It is aoa-secret, aoa-alcoholio aad has a record of forty years of caret.
Asc Youtt Neighboks. They probably know of some of its anay cures.
If yoa want a book that tells all abort womaa's diseases, aad bow to ears
them at home, scad 21 one-cent stamps to Dr. Pierce to pay coat of mailing
e, and be will sead you a fret copy of his great thousand-page Hlastrated
Gommoa Sease Medical Adviser revised, ap-to date editioa, ia paper coven.
la handsome cloth-binding, 31 stamps. Address Dr. R.V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y.
Tht Upper Reck Bearing 2nd Spring
Is a mighty Important point or the Separator. Always fee
how it works. In the National It has only tiro parts tlie
bearlnj-s pro-cr, and a hprintr collar, both easily removable.
Other separators have as high an fteven parts mtcwh,
threads, adjustments, etc., that nobody but a machinist
uuderstandti. The
National Cream Separator
tiTipcrbrarinsrglYes tbe bowl n'.I tho flexl
billtrnedcdforitspcrdof B.OU to 1U.IU0
n-volutlons a minute. It nrver Hicks or
binds. lMsthttonlynpprrtxnirlnff that can
be cot at fur a Perfect cleaning and Is
pTcrlastlnitln service. Ir.slstonyonrdealer
demonstrating Katlonalwltbontpxprnso
to you. Illustrated catalog oil ull particu
lars free on rcqeeit,
tux UTieii baibt aiOBSi cear irr
CdiraBaC-t''- 1
lmaavva9ar f
lUaWtmS avOTaS'
laWaWrw' iWfk
l IK Pains
LraB ammaman' mmflaL! 9t
As we get older the blood becomes sluggish, the mus
cles and joints stiffen and aches and pains take hold
easier. Sloan's Liniment quickens the blood, limbers
up the muscles and joints and stops any pain or ache
with astonishing promptness.
Proof that it it Best for Rhemnatiim.
Mr. Daniel H. Dieiil, of Mann's Choice, R.F.D., No. i, Pa., -aritesj-"
Please send me a bottle of Sloan's Liniment for rheumatism and stiff joints.
It is the beat remedy I ever knew for I can't do without it."
Also for Stiff Joints.
Mr. Micro Wheeler, 2100 Morris Ave.. Birmingham. Ala, writes :
I am glad to say that Sloan's Liniment has done me more good for stiff
Joints than anything I have ever tried."
is the qickest and best remedy for Rheuma
tism, Sciatica, Toothache, Sprains, Bruises
and Insect Stings.
Price 25c, 50c, and $1.00 at All Dealers.
Send for Sloas'a Free Book aa Hones. Address
25c BOX
rftWttamK fr
a. m. nwia atoicmc co.. st. lovis. mo.
Don't Persecute
your Bowels
Saull POL Saull Dom. Small
GENUINE Butt bear aznaiore:
VKMTMKNT tho only .ufitruanl airainM tticcom
iiur lurdwoud (amino AiiintrMtitciitniththp'rart
Bank TKL'STEESHll wentva your u-on.y.and
Insures tafoty fr -m tallurv at anytime. ISuy onr
l'lanted Acreage on Kasy TcrniHa.itl h:tvi::iuas.sarrl
lncuaiu fur lite. Write lor imuruiui!tm.
Lot Angeles. California.
W. N. 11 OMAHA, NO. 9-1910.
rm m Mftm'i i Mil ci j, twmIm
Trillin!- miam.mainmwm.
Despair and Despondency
No ooe but woman ccn tell tbe story of the: Buficrin, the
despair, and tbe despondency endured by women who carry
daily burden of ill-health and paia because of disorders aad
derangements of tbe delicate and important organs that are
distinctly feaiaiae. Tbe tortures to bravely endured coa-t-plctcly
upset the nerves if long continued.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is e positive cure for
weaSu-cse sad disease of tbe ffiaiae orgaakia.
It allays ialaauaatioa, beak aleeratioa end eootbes pale.
It toaes aad bvilda top tbe acrves. It its for wifehood
ead motherhood. Hocest aediciae dealers tell it, aad
have aotbiatf to arte aooa yob aa ' test as tood."
oiiai! imtwf