1 Hi V tf 'I s 9 sr-.i ;fl r COLLMBUS JOURNAL STROTHER Jb STOCKWELL. Pub. h COLUMBUS NEBRASKA EPITOME OF EVENTS PARAGRAPHS THAT PERTAIN TO MANY SUBJECTS. ARE BRIEF BUT INTERESTING Record of What is Going on in Con gress, In Washington and i the Political FiHd. Foreign Consul Olivares at Managua has re ceived and transmitted u the state department a telegram from the United States eonMila.- a sent at Mutasalpa. ;i town of tUHh) inhabitants. a little north of the center of Nica ragua, statins that the Americans In that city, numbering 100 men. women and children, are apprehensive as to the safety of themselve a. id their property. Harold Vanderbilt of New York was condemned by the tribunal of the Seine at Paris to pay ?4.r" damages to a harness maker who v.a kuocked down and injured by Mr. W.mlerbilt's automobile near Valence in February. 1107 The duke of Abruzr !et lured at Turin before an audience numbering 10.000 and including the royal princes nnii iiriiictssei. on his ai ension of the Himalayas, which aroused great enthusiasm, especially lr.s description of his climb of -J4.4"t fe-'t The duke will lecture in Home February -21 be fore the king and queen. Tne police agents at lVrltn taken possession of proim-ry rtMiresentins S!0.vv0. which have notes ere unen by Prince France- .loeph of Itraganza in a mmmg venture to a ijii whom the prince as he sup iwsed to be Frederick Vanderbilt of New York. The notes of which the police took possession w re brought to Berlin, it appears, by l.e.-lie Clark, representing a mining company of London. Ta- French Ant.ir.::. expedition s'l'amor Pourouo: T:;. !' l,r- Jean ! Charcot, head of the v.u'dition. on board, has arrived a: Pair.a Arenas. Chile The Frenchmen d:d not reach the South Pole. AH the members of the enw are well, but dur::..- the voy age there were some cases of scury ..asons them. Tre Por.iu.; Pas v. ill nniain here a -prtn'-ht. The following cabinet appointments wore announced at London Secretary for the home department. Winston ;?.?.-?- fhnrrliil".: President oi tne V e.ird of trade. Sydney r.uxten; Chan N iIo- of the dichy of Lancaster. J. A. ase; postmater genera!. Herbert L Samuel. General. The pension bill, carrying 5ir5.JT4. rt was report" c to i'. '.'- 'use trom Hi committee on nprrprtions. Insurgents are U.:u: over a well ounded report that President Taft has oerruled Postniasur ier. ral Hitch vock by deciding to apr.n: Postmas ter True, at Oskaloosa. la., reeom ;aendt J by an insurgent cengressman. Mrs. Kussel Sage. wdow of the late nn.Iti-mu"iona:re. i making a trip tbroush the south ar..i is scattering hundreds of thousands of dollars r'ght and Ictt. There is a plan on foot to break the deadlock in the Mississippi legis lature At Springfield. 111., the Rev. James R Kaye. former pastor of a' Presby terian church at Lincj'.n. II!-. who was con:cted of counterfeittng. was sen tenced to six months in the Peoria w orkhouse. Gowtolt Shallenbc-cer of Nebraska -ays he will be a candidate for re-election. The "grub stake" homestead bill, permitting home iteadins. one person living on the viaim and a partner parninc money to s.rrort his home- steading comrade, wa- introduced by Senator Uurkttt Young widow-, cf -vterans of the -nil war are br nc'.i..: pressure to bear in order to set -nsions. A general movement toward the gulf coast country is creating heavy demand for emigrant equipment on the railroads. Washington Court House. O. Mills Gardner, aged 0. former congressman and member of both branches of the Ohio legislature, dud Sunday. Ke was one of the Lincoln doctors in Ohio. t'-i."-.:a Ar-ar. :-. Korean who as- -..issmated i'r'u.v Ite former Japan- ( resident giaera' October :!. !'. sentenced to "O" i Korea, a b'ti. . "d . -aas con :h. V r-e--"it N-'...!- h"- l-:d be- ---- i -e the senate a n 1 & w ,. -.11 l.i' V. . C. ,-..,. r, - - . i? ." n-rvv.-i-r- -TT-f. ug that lien Fred I'.-.-ut be declared ; terau of t":- i:m! war. Jo'.a L- a!'n-:. tV former heavy- we'c'.'t cl-i:r :.a o" the world, was ....J to r... sv theart o: his .! da vs. M:-s KU.arine Hartnett. ser governor of r -vn- ard jw -.itat :n the mm:nc :Tars of that ttr:tiry. . i was struck and perhaps faul'. wounded by an ileetrnr tu:r at los '.ngeles. Joseph A. Gt-t.a:::. a widely known editor and author, -i -.d at his some in Salisbury. Md. lie was widely known in the w Speaker C -. rrprised th- house by takinc f.e r! r and making a seech of prophesy .:id warning. iBpnncacai .a ;ne cosaxuon ot King Gustave who was recently , - ... . Uif.ivru sju iu. 1','iuuik.iu; wiUkiuuef. conanues. strength. He is constantly caining in An umiMiaiij iva.; increase is re- a 11 1. Z iwrted at nfty of the largest post- offices of the country during the month of January Mrs. Roosevelt will join her hus band in March. "Comic" valentines received a stag s', ring blow from the postoSce cen- : at Chicago. More than 23.0C-0 of i m were ordtrcd not delivered on tne ground that they were objectionable. The revolutionists captured Matagal pa and secured money and supplies. A special dispatch from Teneriffe says that in his attempt to cross the Atlantic in a dirigible baloon Joseph Brucker. the aeronaut, -will be accom panied by Colonel Shack and A. Mes ner. Representative Hayes, one of the leaders of the house insurgents, is in danger of being defeated at the next congressional election because of his opposition to the house organi7ation. More than 100 members of the Na tional Editorial association, which concluded its annual convention at New Orleans, left on the steamei Lartago lor Panama. The Paris Figaro announces that President Fallieres will give a grand fete at the Elysee palace on the oc casion of ex-President Roosevelt' visit there. Colonel Erwin S. Jewett. general agent of the passenger deaprtment oi the Missouri Pacific railway, and generally known as the dean of the railroad profession in Kansas City died suddenly of heart failure. The Purkett bill for federal inspec tion of locomotive boilers was tak"n up by a senate sub-committee. Rumors are afloat regarding dam age to the winter wheat crop of Ne braska by cold weather. Republican leaders in New York an determined to extend the bribery in vestigation. President Taft is dissatisfied with the progress shown in some of the bills in the senate. Mrs. Anna Christian Spreckles widow of the late Clans Spreckles died in San Francisco. Former Vice President Fairbanks was the luncheon guest of Ambassa dor Hm at i;erlin. president Taft nromised a special committee of the military order oi foreign wars to go to New York on March If. to have the insigna of the order conferred upon him. The Iowa s'-preme court of Iowa j upheld the constitutionality of the j Ceson reinmal law which provides I that public officials may be removed for intoxication. Pr. Hyde of Kansas City was ar raigned for murder in the first degret and released on $50,000 bail. Congress adjourned promptly on learning the death of Reproentative Loverim: of Massachusetts. Mr. Marsh of the New York eotton exehanse characterized the bill to regulate exehanse transactions as fu tile and unconstitutional. The French steamer (General Clianzy was wrecked off the coast of Minorca and one hundred and fifty-six lives were lost. The supreme court of Kansas or dered the county clerk of Wyandotte county to put all property of the Cudahy Tacking company on the tax roils. The company claimed that the finished product is not taxable. T- government will probably dis continue the practice of printing stamped envelopes with the address om. of business firms in the corner. j No decision has been Teached in Mrs. Sarah ISailey. grandmother of ( the house committee on interstate Governor Stubbs of Kansas, died at commerce on the proposition to elimi Emporia. aged So years. j nate from the administration bill the The dedication of a new gymnasium 1 provision for the creation of a court building was the chief feature of the ! of commerce. Even if this is done. ceieDr.u:on oi iuuuu. ua. m . f Kansas state normal school at Em-; ,,...;. , ... ' Tiia HonPTT "white slave bill rez o-. ..i.; ,,,. t,-o-t;,- ir, i,.,M,nroi nlon alien women was passed by the senate. The rhcrs and harbors bill carrying appropriations of more than S35.-00. v with authorizations of work that will cost more than 57.00 U0 add' tio-al was passed bv ;he houe Washington. To make Jamaica bay the greatest harbor in the world, the rivers and harbors appropriation bill provides $550,000 as an initial sum and author i:es the expenditure by the federal government, as needed from time to time, of $7.00'0o0 for this project alone, conditional upon the city of New York spending an additional SIOa'00.000. A bill making eligible for pensions widows of the c'vil war. married since 1S90. was reported to the senate from the committee on pensions. ' An effort by the upper Missouri river delegations, including Nebraska. ; Iowa, the Dakotas and Montana, to secure consideration for the Missouri river needs in the river and harbors bill failed in the house. The senate passed a bill designed , to deal with the question of hazing at ' West Point military academy. The house committee on military af-; fairs reported a resolution re-electing the following members of the board .-. ..-...-t.i.- n tha nn-Tjfc nr ntcihl.v volunteer soldiers: James W. Wads- -vorth of New York: Henrj- E. Palmer, ; Nebraska; John M. Kaliey. Wisconsin re?.ue-ct- uj i-i-? i- vr.ci ""'"" - r .! ... ,- -. ; ; a i j-?- rt-.a-.a 'tT-ij-' nr -no jtit mr tii ir" li.1-. L, V. . U U - hW mm av ; " ' nartment. in i -n .r-.r in n.-L-arTice wita an act j recently passed ly congress. Persons!. i Chr.r!es Adair. nenhew- of John .1 Frown, died zi Osaw atomic Kas aged 47 years. He was bom in Ohio. Presment iatt relieves s tne republv w York staw 'can orum:at.on m ew : is in need of purging. Mn-ror Dahlniaa of Omaha said he a-m? W. J. Bryan had reached tht parting of the ways The Indianapolis Sun has bee r Rr.dolnh Lteds of Richtno 1 .-..- t iir Y" R I.-eds. ..i . w ,it Tnerica. I The validity of the regulation of the i railroad commission of Arkansas. , Concress is expected to foUow the I , nutlined bv lresident Taii i fc V." - - -a his New York 5peech. Dr Cook and u-,fe hav have of late been : ., : phi! j "" The last vear Dll been a busy one ' f T, r-;vii service commission. 4V - - Jem Dnscoll. the English feather weight champion, has announced that he will sail for America shortly to tyrht Abe Attell. holder of the world's title, in San Francisco. GifTord Pinchot acepted an invita tion to speak before the Roosevelt club at a big conservation banquet in : Hi"- az,i nt--4 in. -:i. rw.ii -! .iww. aunaay. rasscrc.a v.w- -w rnzgrum s iaicit;uL o a - uj e p4enty 0 rashlons. Artificial fcl I Tc-m'srnr. pvrr.itr'r until Mav 1T. firtvn frnm the cars by infuriated ?aicpfenntl nn ndprhanded and coward i. i, -f- - .uA r,o. , i r r k a .. r. a s " .- .--r-r - k " l i t'iiv i i m. .1 in 111 w w w w " rt.r,".;TTfc i4- tZt? iiZHr u4 y-vraut.? j ijuj- xiiUii ui c.zw i-.-4-. w-. 4 uLiCii-t iu iju.v ii. w--- - tiCe IS DO maUO OI COu Pulp. i St. Paul on March 19. IRK IN CONGRESS FOUR MEASURES OF IMPORTANCE FOR CONSIDERATION. THESE ME THE TAFT BILLS Senate the in a Mood to Send Through Postal Bank Bill at an Early Day. Washington. The announcement from the White House that President Taft had by his own motion cut down to four the number of administration measures he would demand at the present session of congress is received by republican leaders with unmixed feelings of relief. The administration program was so formidable that mem bers warmly supporting the Taft poli cies hardly knew where to begin. A schedule, including only :he bills to amend the inters cate commerce laws, provide for the regulation of the issuance of injunctions, start Arizona and New Mexico on the road to state hood and validate the withdrawals of public lands for conservation pur poses, is regarded as quite possible of attainment. Most of these measures, it is believed, can be put through the senate while the house is still wrest ling with appropriation bills. When it was reported at the capttoL that the president would be satisfied with the enactment of the four meas ures named, steps were taken to bring all of these matters out of com mittees at the earliest possible date. The postal savings bank bill already i is before the senate and an agree- ment between the upporters of con ' tlictinsr amendments is assured. It is regarded as practically certain that the bill can be passed during this j week. Hearings have been called by the senate committee on interstate com- ! meree on the bill to create a com- ' merce court and strengthen the exist ing laws for the regulation of common 'airier corporations. The committee ' will meet and an effort be made to report the bill at once. There is some ( prospect that this may be done. Although the senate could not bc- ready to take up the railroad bill un-; til late in the week, it is being ar- ' gued by members of the committee i that the bill should be reported a few j days to study its provisions before it is put on its passage. As soon as the postal savings bank bill is out of the way. the railroad bill will be made the order of business and probably will be held before the senate con- stantly until passed, except for the limited time that must be given to the consideration of appropriation ' ,i 4u-j .- --- feature will be retained by the senate 1 and the of establishing a t -tl 1 . . ., onnM . - inn iiih iint'LiLjii neV UlUUii.U III H. J..AJV3 uj'jrt.fc- ; from decisions of the Inter ' nerce commission would tnrown into conference, i Taft Will Visit Hughes. ' Albany. N. Y. Governor Hughes has been advised that President Taft has decided definitely to visit Albany on March 19. He will attend a din ner at the University ciub in the even- ing and will be the guest of the gover- nor at the executive mansion during his stay. Bills Sure of Passage. Washington. Four administration ... m measures are assurea ot passage at . r.ii- nr President this session of congress Taft told callers that he felt certain .. ,M.a , r, inrTiro rom. ,..,., r tYia nnz" il iv?n-s binff merce act. the posl savings uans VAA a w b m - - bill, the anti-m:unction propos mons and the statehood bill will go through, Indian Bill in the House. l.a in'!, n vmpt nn nronosition Washington.- -The Indian appropria ill occupied the attention of can not call out hi men. and he defies i j C3Ln be diminished, and there :se during six hours Saturday, their efforts at boycotting his products. e vacquisn ,he hostility of the tion bill )lfl Vftl .-. , ,.a ic unnn .in ;,:nr fnr'the abolition of In - dian warehouses in New York. Chi cago. St. Louis. Omaha and San Fran cisco. No definite action was taken. Strikers Burn Street Cars. -rT,- j .ii. T Ti-,?- ,n r,r'-vr section of this city followed the at- tempt of the Philadelphia Rapid Tran- St coiapanv to operate us lines here -.-.-.t . -rt- -? - j-rf-3 :rt z ri: .r- v.i- - ww . - - - 3.i - - w- rMw i3n n n: ;riv ih rrnr:tii lh; tr,t- ww--w .--,.. . --.. -- - w destroyee. At nightfall every cir was from service. 1 withdrawn Tillman Will T3lk Again. Washington Favorable indications : -vowcd hemselves I Rendition of Senato s Sunday in the Tillman. The j jnjtial smptoni: ; par:ial ?'ara!ysis s which caused his and loss of speech , h abated and improvement has mmmpreed. according to a bulletin !i-d late in the afternoon b, - : three attencmg pavici.u- wj ::...-. .,?-. . een sold ! he recognized and called by name one ad. indiof the physicians, a man wtom ne. I i,iii .vn but once before. The doc- ..... nrs consider this return of speech ! most favorable. Fight Naming of Bugher. Washincton. Many New York re- i Dublicans are up in arms against the . reported intention of President Taft to appoint Frederick H. Bagher. pre sent acting police commissioner of New Tork City and a democrat to the office of surveyor of the port of New York to succeed James S. Clarkson. whose term scon eipires. It is un derstood Senator Root has been try ing to persuade the president to place Mr. Bugher. who is a nephew of John R. McLean, and Admiral Dewey's wife, in the office of surveyor. Hew often yew tat this f4t A short time ago there appeared In the columns of one of the prominent magazines an article on building brain and muscle by the proper selection of the foods yon eat A good many people were surprised to find oatmeal placed at the top of the list of foods recommended; but if the article had appeared In an English or Scotch paper every reader would have expected to see first place given to good oatmeal. As a matter of fact Great Britain and Europe come to us for tremendous quantities of Quaker Oats because it represents to them perfect food, being the richest in flavor and best in clean liness and purity, of all oatmeals. Americans should eat more Quaker Oats; the results would soon show themselves in improved conditions of health and strength. 65 Helping the Minister. A Scotch preacher had In his con gregation an old woman who was deaf. In order to hear the sermon each Sunday, this old lady would seat herself at the foot of the pulpit stairs. One day the sermon was about Jonah, and the preacher became very rhetor ical. "And when the sailors threw Jonah overboard," he said, -a big fish swal lowed him up. Was it a shark that got im? Nay, my brethren, it was ne'er a shark. Was it a swordfish that eat him? Nay "It was a whale," whispered the old lady excitedly. "Hush, Biddie." said the preacher, indignantly. "Would ye tak th' word of God out 6 yer ane meenister's mouth?" Success Magazine. Some Luxuries Needed. Those stern economists who are pointing out that the people of small means ought to abandon "luxuries." forget that even such people have a moral right to something beyond the bare necessities of life. The rapid increase in prices does not mean to them cutting out more extravagances, but forgetting the modest recreations which have brightened for them the dull round of daily labor. It would be a hard world indeed where one could obtain just enough to keep body and soul together, and no more. Frovidence Journal. Does He Love Anybody? Von Moltke had some few human failings. He loved his wife devotedly, but conquered his alma mater. Den mark, even after she had educated him for the military serVice out of her r.nor Ktinsrv nocket. Hut Kitchener is a machine man only. He loves ' neither man nor woman. His spear has never known a brother, as its , sharp point has hewn asunder the bodies and souls of the sons of worn- j en. Boston Post. No Space Goes to Waste. Dewitt Does your wife follow the fashions closely? Jewitt 1 should say so: she has one ' of those "standing room only" dresses Smart Set. THE As everyone Battle maker . ,,,,,,,, -.y,n mIpt that the , " - - trades-unions are a menace to the lib Hl Ul U1C V.UUUUJ. has been engaged in a ceaseless war-, fare against "The Labor Trust," as he likes to call it. Not being able to secure free and untrammeled expression of his opin ions en this subject through the regular reading pages oi tne newspapers ue nas bought advertising space for this t purpose, just as he is accustomed to for the telling of his Pcstum "story." j and he has thus spent hundreds of ' thousands of dollars in denouncing 4 - - (ntt(M ) uauwumuuBiu. trades-unionism. -A a icauic vi rwJia .,.... ww -w a ? rocTiif nr Knst s acnviues tutr ' P0Ple now know a hole lot about - '- , these organisations: now me honeycoxnoeo wim gran, no ux uu- honeycombed witn gratt, now iney oo- ' o,,-f tta Horfflnnmppt; nf lerftimate ""- -- - r --- husine -j, Poor's output, hold 1 -. .i ; q anufacturerSt m t upon their own i membershiPt a r0b the public Natu- ' rally Post is hated by the trades- unionists, and intensely. He employs no union laoor. so uic The latest means of "getting" Post is ' widespread publication of the story that a ear which was recently wrecked ' in transmission was found to be leaded with empty peanut shells, which were being shipped from the south to Post's establishment at Battle Creek. This canard probably originated with President John Fitzgerald of the Cm- , t a. .um j afd stated it pubUdy, as truth. Post COmes back and gives Fitz- gera!d the lie direct. Ke denounces : . ..- -iit.-- ? ntnr j 3 i .wv. i-. s--. -- - .... - m7a -. Jiiijn r til-ii liii fuui l il ousl jc icHa.uiu. . - .. STORY OF THE PEANUT ' hsTyffih. ' "S& ' SHELLS. 'M Aw .$. I knows, C. W. Post of '. -?y?V,S f "$$& Creek. Michigan, is not only a ' - ' of breakfast foods, but he is a .-. Sjr ' . "SS w TisAxt hli .! Kaiti9 ft '-rtntMmi- i state Com- -"" , JCTt" T. T horse power tbus 5e . " . enMMi ;o,r n-, -n? the ray ! miiiinrk mi l a va l am w i . SCn 11. ifai, w a.v, ..w.. j. .. is significant that this statement about Ind ;a wen: before the synthetic pro "the peanut shells" is being given wids ductoa 0t indigo in German labora- newspaper publicity, in tne patent inside" of an eastern country rar I rind it, and the inference naturally is that lator-unionites are insidiously spreading this lie. An institution (or a man) which will resort to moral intimidation and to physical force, that will destroy ma chinery and bum buildings, that will maim and kill if necessary to effect its ends, naturally would not hesitate to - i en-Jill falcfihfV' fnr Thp Same OUT- , snread falsehood for the same pnr- We admire Post. While we have no enmity toward labor unions, so long as jjjg ul in them will be merely su they are conducted In an honest, "live- perintenaents watching machinery." and-let-live" kind of a way, we have had pnorck of the tarred end of the stick I Statesman's Witty Reply. to sympathize thoroughly with what he , Is trying to do. Ke deserves support. A man like Post can aot be killed, even with lies. They are a boomerang, every time. Again, we knoic. for hasn't this weapon, every weapon that cculd be thought of. been used (and not simplj by labor unions) to put zs oat of busi ness, too? I am going to drink rtro cups of Postum every morning from this time 3n. and put myself on a diet of Grape Vats. Bully for Post! Editorial in Fie America Journal of ClLtic&l ifeJ-icuze. EDISON IS PUZZLED Wizard of Electricity Finds Racfi-urr-'s Secret Hard to Solve. Says fuel Is Ons of the Blf Problems f .the Future Talks of the Cem- Ing Alr-Machlnes and Future Food. New York. Thomas A. Edison has been talking about some ot Ihe won ders and problems which make this old world such an interesting place in which to live. Radium, for in stance, moves him to enthusiasm, the greater perhaps because even Edison himself hasn't got on confidential terms with the substance. He has some of it. though. Oh, yes. Says he: "I have a spinthariscope, which is a tiny bit of radium, of a size that will go through the eye of a nee dle, mounted over a piece of willemlte. It has been shooting off millions of sparks for the six years that I have had it, and I expect It will be shoot ing sparks the same way for thous ands of years. "While only small quantities of ra dium have been isolated, it exists everywhere in water, rock and soil. The possibility of harnessing this force for our use is somewhat of a speculation. A radium clock has been made and it will go several hundred years without winding. "The probleii of fuel is one of the big problems or the future. We may find out to-morrow how to get all the power from our fuel we get only 15 to 20 per cent, now and on the other hand it may take a long time. Water power is being rapidly devel oped. Maybe the utilization of the tides will fol'mv. More practical are windmills connected with storage bat teries to lay ud the energy of the winds in electrical form. "Sun engines are promising con trivances. In Arizona there is a 30- ?fr& Thomas A. sun engine run by focus- s on water ana using a steam turbine. In steaming volcanoes there is power which might be con vened into electricity and distributed. "To get rid c' friction in our ma chines is one of the future problems. The only machine without friction that we know is the world, and it moves in . rpt!e ether. The monorail does not appeal to me. It was a fundamental mistake that our railroads were built on a four foot nine and one-half inch gauge in stead of a six-foot gauge, which we will proDably have to come to yet. .. . . - r, think, have to come to the helicopter "ine aeroplane oi uie imure m, i principle. A successful air machine - . ., def tQe wInds- It '..".... . J. j ...v wrignts aeroplane oaa cas-ieuueiu ! .., WMtM nnf nf. i" " au-.c i v. w-.. wv ted it. "The helicopter principle Is the only way to rise above the atmospheric con ditions. By increasing the velocity of - rrTni,it!nn$ the size of tho wind. A helicopter could have foot size planer contributed on a 100 to 150 foot circle and controlled from the center by wires. "Chemical food has been worked out pretty well, but it won't be a commer- cial proposition. There are lots of synthetic things being made, but you 1 can't beat the farm as a laboratory : ..he c!othes of the future will be so u ,,. .- rn-. mntn c-iu k aKe lQ ioVov- tte fashions and there . .. .-- ... thins tnat tue tiiiv-urm K.w.;-a win ?-r in 50 vears. iuit as the indigo of tones. "In -Ad years by the cheapening of commodities the o-disary laborer will live as veh as a rcan vices cow with 5200.000 annual income Automatic ma chinery and seicatTric agriculture will bring about this result. Not individualism, but social labor will dominate the tuture: you can't have individual maenmes anc every a:, tvorkinc by himself. Industry will ' ..!.- Vo.nma rn-o cnriol find in- tertependent. There will be no man- cai iatcr in the factories of the future. M. Briand. the successor of M. Cle menceau. is. like his predecessor, a man of wit. Recently he was called to task by an orator, who said: "A wrong has been committed against the aid servants of the state. Montesquieu said with truth that the republic should have virtue at its base." "At its base." responded M. Briand. smil ing, "but Montesquieu did not say at its summit." Le Cri de Paris. If men were as perfect as their vives expect them to be the women sould all die of ennui. ssv lSV" "" it !Ht V i m J" -?" : ? "r.jimiF. . HEN INST REAT love through smallest chanaete will find Its surest way: It waits not state occasions, which may not come, or may: It comforts and It blesses, hour by hour and day by day." Diet for the Too Flump. Such foods as bananas, fresh bread and butter, pastry, cake, candy, pota toes, rich soups and made dishes are death to the sylphlike form. Avoid them you who would be slender, and eat unbuttered toast or zwieback. Hot water with a little lemon juice in stead of coffee, or at most but one cup of coffee. Fish in any way except fried, eggs, simple broth, creamed toast, green vegetables, stewed dried fruit, baked apples, cup custard or plain rice or sago pudding for dessert. Any meat, but pork may be eaten. Tomatoes should be eaten freely as well as spin ach and asparagus. For dessert sherbet, fruit or toast ed crackers with cheese. Once a week fast one day, drinking plenty of fresh, cold water. A month of this treat ment will show a decrease of from five to ten pounds, and a week will show a slight reduction. As sugar is fattening and so many of our desserts contain sugar in some form, it would seem that desserts should be left out. Lemon or orange Jelly with very little sugar and no cream are the least objectionable. Sour apples, prunes stewed without sugar or with very lit; tie, are allowable desserts. Things Good to Know. If you are not sure that the sewer pipes are perfectly tight, pour into the soil pipe at its mouth, above the roof if possible or into the basin nearest the roof, a pail of hot water then two ounces of the oil of peppermint. The person handling the peppermint ; should not do the sniffing for pepper mint odor. Pass all through the lower rooms and if the scent of peppermint is noticed, follow it to the leaking spot in the pipe. Things Worth Passing On. Heliotrope sachet powder that has j lost its freshness makes a good de odorizer. A small coal dropped into a i cup with a tablespoonful of the pow der will send up a dainty iragrance for some time. PN lyI ETTER than srar.deur. better T" than iroltl. Tlaa rank and title a thou sand fold: Is a healthy body, a m!nd at ease And simple pleasures that alway please." Tt-Pf nn kind of achievement that li 1 equal to perfect health." ; Salads. ; Salads are such favorite dishes that we never seem to have the menu quite complete without one or two. ' Many people enjoy a simple salad as ' an appetizer to begin a meal others, enjoy one as a dessert so that, the salad may grace almost any course acceptably. For a dinner that salad should al ways be light if meats are served, but that it may take the place of the main dish, such as chicken, lobster or sal mon. A salmon salad being rich in oil of the fish, is more palatable when put together with a simple boiled dressing with chopped pickle in the dressing. For a simple dinner salad of such vegetables as lettuce, cress or dandelion, the French dressing Is es pecially appropriate. A mayonnaise is good served with chicken and cel ery. Egg salad is nice for a lunch eon or supper. Cucumber, when used In a salad, should be peeled, sliced and laid in ice water to keep them crisp. This also removes some of the acrid prin ciples which cause gastric disturb ances in seme stomachs. For a fruit salad for dessert tfcre is nothing quite so nice as the juice of fruit for a salad dressing. If pine apple juice is at hand, boil it with sugar to make a rather thick syrup. Pour this over different sliced fruits. Another dressing equally acceptable for fruits is made by cooking two ta- blespoonfuls each of butter and Sour together. Add one-half cup of sugar, one-half cup of orange juice and one quarter of a cup of lemon juice, cooked until smooth. When cold serve en apple, nut. celery, banana. wi:h a few dates, or any combination of fruit liked. A pretty salad may be made of cream cheese. Arrange the tender heart leaves of head lettuce. Prepare 'cream cheese, weii seasoned with ehorped chives, red pepper and salt, and mo!d with turer paddles into th? cs'e cf ccod-sired marbles Ko".: each in 5ne!y minced parley or chives, arrange en the lettuce leaves and serve with any dressing l:keL yisZLL- 77c-l-. Ccrks Wstch Arriba! cf Gu'ssts. In a!l private resiliences tee Japan ese kitcten is situated at the back cf tte house. bt the hotels, restaurants, etc have ttetr cuisines facinst tha mam entrance: the reason given fr this being that there the ccok. hidden , from view by a hanging bamboo cur- ' tain, can watch tte arrival of the guests, and with intuition judge them plebeian or patrician and erve them plain or elaborate dishes as he thinks . tit! Delineator. After the Snafces Nearly all the rattiesaaices seen la j the zoos of this country and in most of those of Europe are captured by In iian toys and girls on the western res ervations. They locate a spot wher the snakes come out to sun and then creep up with sqairt guns charged ith ammonia and spray the rattlers and render them he!p!ess. When th snake revives he is a prisoner and worth three dollars to his captor. The Remans had tocthpicks of wood ad quills. The wealthier of them jad toothpicks cf silver and said. ai.ii WM AFTER FOURYEARS OF MISERY Cared by Lydia E Pfok htm'sVefetaWc Compound Baltimore, Md. For fonryears lylifewasamlserytoBie. I5? iLvui "'rB1:"" HPHHll m forrihlA drag ging sensations, extreme Berroos- imho. and that All i gone feeling in my stomacn. x uj giTen p Iwpe or ever being well when I began to Vegetable Compound. Then I felt as though nptr liff 1!ul been riven me, and I am recommending it to all my friends." Mrs. W. S. Foeo. 2207 W. "Franklin St. Baltimore, Md. The most successful remedy in this country for the cure of all forms of female complaints is Lydia E. Pink ham's Yegetablo Compound. It has stood the test of years and fcxday is more widely and successfully used than any other female remedy. It has cured thousands of women who hare been troubled with displacements, inflam mation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, ir regularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indigestion, and nervous prostration, after all other means had failed. If you are suffering from any of t head ailments, don't give up hope rata ycu have given Lydia E. PinkhanVa Vege table Compound a triaL If you would like special advice write to Sirs. Pinkham, Lynn. Maasn for it. She has guided thousands to fccalth, free o charge. THE JOYS OF OTHER DAYS Writer's Memory Goes Back to De lights of Which the Present Gen eration Know Little. We cherfully admit th2t the fur nace and the hard coal base burner add a whole lot to modern comfort, but after all they have their draw backs. For instance, yon cam't very well pop corn in either a furnace or a base burner. It took those old fashioned stoves, in which we used to burn a two-foot length of hickory wood, for that sort of thing. When the wcod had burned down to glow ing coals, we'd open the front door, rake the coals down in front and pro ceed to pop corn. When we get rich we are going to have one of those old fashioned stoves put up in oar room, with a lot of two-foot seasoned hickory In the basement, and every tow and then we are going to start a fire in I that stove, get a good ted of coals. I and then pop a dishpan full of com. 3ust as a reminder of old days. Of J course, we'll eat the popeora. et as a reminder cl old days, but oecaase we are awfully fond of popcorn. Will M. Tvo Vctes The first time I ran for ae general assembly one of the prominent citi zens of my community told me that he was going to vote against me be cause when 1 was a shaver I threw a rotten apple at his horse. Another prominent citizen told me that he was going to vote for me because when 1 was a shaver I put a rotten egg in a buggy cushion belonging to the wom an he worked for and he had never liked the woman. Think of it! And yet such stuff has thrown the scales where thrones have been at stake. From a speech at Norwich by former Gov. George P. McLean o Connecti cut. These Knowing Children. "Come here. Mamie, dear. Look at this beautiful Misty girL Isn't she lovely? I don't think Misty ever drew a more charming figure! "Do you think, papa, that this is the model that used to sit en Mr. Misty's knee tT Cleveland Plai Dealer. No man can be provident cf his time who is not prudent in the choice of his company. Jeremy Taylor. No man can pass into eternity. fr he is already in it. Farrar. SHE QUIT But It Was a Hard Pull. It is hard to believe that coffee will put a person in such a condition as it did an Ohio woman. She tells her own story: "I did net believe coffee caused my trouble, and frequently said I liked it so well I wculd net. and ccnld no: quit drinking it, but I was a miserable sufferer frcm heart trouble and ne ons prostration for four years. "I was scarcely able to be rocund. had no energy and did not core for any thing. V.'as emaciated and hod a con stant pait- around my heart rntil I thought I could net eninrc ic Fc months I never went to bed exesptin? ?fil to get v:-p tn the mcming. I :elx a d:e any -Frequently I hzd nervess etulls and the Ieat excitement would drrre sleep away. ar.d any little ncise wxid upset me terribly. I was gradually gvttizj: worse until finally cne time it csme over me and I asked myself wiurc's :he use of being: sici all the tax and buying: medicine so that I ccsaJd in dulge myself in coffee r "So I thought I would sec if I eccXi quit drinking coffee and gtt seme Pcstum to help me quit. I made i strictly according to dirrrscus and I want to tell you. that change wss the greatest step in my life. It was easy to quit coffee because I had the lit3i which I cow like better than the ci coffee. "One by cne tie old trcuTSes kit. until now I am in splendid health, cerves steady, heart all ri$ht and the pain all gene. .Never hare any rscce cerYous chills, dcat take any moiiciae. can do all my hcusewerX uui have den si great deal beside." Read "The Read to WeUville" ix pig. ""Thrre a Reasva." TR rr4 tk tsii' Vetwrr A livnni frwaa ttr I ttri -v ; sjcBr-r ,.mn. Bksaai HL. sJHi V A 1 - HJ-J VJ. U ','J-- tWN 'i