The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 26, 1910, Image 3

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Then the insurgents In the house took the bit in their teeth and ran away
with "t'nclo Joe" Cannon's vehicle that might have been convenient in case
there was any desire to haul a load of whitewash Into the affair. The power
of appointing the house committee was taken out or Speaker Cannon's pow
er, and Mr. Balllnger recognized at once that there was grave danger that
men friendly to his interests would not be members of the committee.
Therefore Mr. Ballinger prepared to fight. If he is a friend of the "Inter
ests." as has been charged by Glavls and others. Mr. "Balllnger Is sure to
have the support of the Guggenheims and the people with whom they asso
date In business. Likewise. Judging from the report of Attorney General
Wlckershara on the Glavis charges. Mr. Balllnger can expect aid from the
Arrayed against him are what may be termed the Roosevelt forces. There
Is no gainsaying the fact that Pinchot's great strength lies In the fact that he
Is a friend and protege of Col. Roosevelt It la not because Pinchot was a
good forester and did the v.ork well because of his love for it and a desire to
conserve the natural resources of the nation for the people that he Is danger
oub to Balllnger. The fickle public has a way of forgetting a man's great serv
ices to his nation, but once let the people learn to love and trust a man tis
they do Roosevelt and they will support him and his followers to the limit.
It Is for this reason that all of the Roosevelt followers in the country will do
everything they can to help Pinchot In his fight against Mr. Ballinger.
Mr. Ballinger is a native of Iowa and is 52 years old. He is a great law
yer and the author of several lepa! works He was mayor of Seattle, and was
appointed commissioner of the general land office in 1907.
I trust." and
V . ,
ing pat
f f i -wc-v
v I
.f 4 3 railroads.
M1' A l'i I The "match king" is nursing a grudge of 20
I I s ' ' 1 .
claimed he didn't owe. he cannot be classed as a "tightwad."
When a committee from St. Paul's Episcopal church came to him for
a possible $3,000 donation for their new church In 190C. he surprised them
completely by giving them a $400,000 subscription with which "the best church
in America" was built
Mr. Barber, in his travels in Paris, has admired the church of the Made
line. He promised to duplicate it for Akron, the town in which he had ris
en from poverty to many millions, and he did.
Senator Hick in Ins spin dies against Barber has raised the issue that
the "match king" is not a citizen "Who's Who in America." says Mr. Bar
her was born in Miildlctmry. O.. April 20. IS II. and when 13 years old began
work in bis father's match factory at Akron. O He worked up rapidly and
Veeanie a partner in 1M.l It was in 1SS1 that he arranged a combination of
-match manufacturers, and formed the Diamond .Match Compan. of which he
became vice pmsiib.nt Seven jear.s later he was made president, and since
then has benn known as the "ilnttch king."
t 7v y
, ' H
't y-
are given. Anyway, me marquis ,is ujivuuuu.
raid the report, and withdrew sonewhat ruffled. Some of the diplomats say
iie threatened to request hi.s home government to remember the incident when
the minister uf this government attends the court receptions of Alfonso.
The marquis denies the story and declares: "About a month and a half
.ago." he said, 'lay government asked me If I would go to Lisbon and take up
n number of important matters between Spain and Portugal. I replied that
I prel erred to remain as minister to the United States. While I would be glad
to gv "it my government required it. I informed the king. I had been happy
here and every relation -with this government was most pleasant."
iff W1
declares. Sight of It will first be obtained through the most powerful tele
scopes w hen it Is a star of the eleventh magnitude. Twenty-seven years later
It will become visible to the naked eye and three years later it will be a star
of the first magnitude.
In two years .and three months more It will be as close as Jupiter Is and
the brightest star In the sky. Forty-five days later those still alive will wit
ness the beginning of the end of the earth, for the dead world will draw this
earth after it as it plunges into the sun.
Had Nothing on Noah.
Noah was Inspecting the animals as
they trooped Into the ark.
"f don't claim to . be a f aunal nat
uralist." he sala. "but I'm making T.
Rs Smithsonian Institution collection
look sl:k."
In tIu? tlmf, moreover, he sailed
away with the greatest aggregation of
living "wi.d animals ever seen in cap
tivity.. knew Human Nature.
"To! what do you attribute the popu
larity of your work?" we -asked of the
comic supplement" artist. "
, yTo the streak .of. human nature
that -causes people-" to grin when the
' other 'fellow., gets it In -the neck," he
Richard Achilles Ballinger. secretary of the in
terior, has prepared to put up the 'greatest fight
of his career. When Gilford Pinchot threw cdown
the gauntlet and forced "President Taft to oust him
as forester he did not make things easier for Mr.
Ballinger. With Pinchot In office Balllnger felt
tba: he could dp less harm than if he wrs free to
express his opinions openly as ho is now out of
the government's employ.
Consequently Mr. Balllnger xecognized at once
that his fight with Pinchot became all the harder
when Pinchot wrote' the letter to Senator Dolliver
that brought about his discharge. Pinchot is now
placed in the position of prosecuting witness
against Balllnger. and when he goes on the stand
before the congressional Investigating committee
he will not he merely a government "witness.
Columbus Barber, head of the "match
the most prominent citizen of Akron,
-...... -... Inc. rHrtlr
U., is out I or revenge upuu aeuuiui umivs iy4v
Lie has challenged that statesman to give a public
explanation of what he means by "stand-
on certain uum atucumco v.i mv. ..
j'earh standing uguiubi .ijcu. u.v-n. us uum.- ....
ditor, sued him. as manufacturer, for $100,000 back
taxes and the match king had to transfer the resl
dence of his Ohio person to Illinois to fight the
suit. The "match king" was chased from his na
tive city.
But although Mr- Barber was very much averse
to civing up the $100,000 for back taxes which he
1 be marquis de Villalobar. Spanish minister
to Washington, has been transferred to Lisbon."
This brief dispatch sent by the Associated Press
from Madrid caused a 'stir In diplomatic and state
dt partment circles, coming, as it did. on the heels
of a stoiy that the had considered him
Mir Bruited bv President Taft.
The marquis Js said to have taken exception to
the new rule which separates the ministers from
the ambassadors and to have felt such annoyance
that he has reported to Madrid.
The president, with members of his cabinet, re
reived the ambassadors behind an inclosure roped
off from the passageway in which were the mln
inters. The mnrouls desired to pass back of the
inclosure and different versions of what occurred
Prof. Pereivai Lowell, who watches the stars
from Lowell observatory. Flagstaff. Ariz., has
started an astronomical controversy that bids fair
to put theCook-Peary bitterness in the candy
Prof. Lowell smiled when It was suggested to
him that Halley's comet, now the big thing in the
skies, might wreck the earth. "Halley's comet
will In all human probability not affect the earth
In this way." Prof. Lowell replied.
Then he proceeded to elucidate his now con
troerted theory of the earth's finish In the melt
ing pot of the sun. Floating around somewhere
in the ether Is a dead, cold, ley star which is rush
ing loward the earth. Prof. Lowell theorizes. It
may take millions of years to get here, the uni
verse is so vast, but it Is on Its way. Prof. Lowell
Beating Mrs. Lot.
"It was not so very wonderful that
when Lot's wife looked back she
turned Into a pillar of salL"
"Not a very wonderful thing to have
happened In the age of miracles per
haps, but nothing so wonderful hap
pens In these prosaic days."
"Oh. 1 don't know; we were going
out Main street last evening and when
my chauffeur looked back he turned
into a telegraph pole.
Didn't Pay.
"So you think' advertising pays?"
"Nope; I advertised for a wife
"And failed to get one?"
"Nope, got one."
Tlif story opens with the Introduction
of John Stephens. alvnturvr. a Maswa--iniM-tts
man maroonw! l(y authorities at
Valparaiso. C'Jiile. Bring interested In
mining operations in Bolivia, lie was de
nnunred by Chile as an Insurrectionist
and as a conscience w:is hfding. At his
hotel his attention was attracted by an
Knghsbirian and a young woman.
Stephens rescued the ynun woman from
:i drunken olficer. He was thanked by
her. Admiral or the Permian navy con
frorted .Stephens, told him that war had
been declared between Chile and Peru
anil offered him the office of captain. He
desired that that night the KsmeValda. a
Chilean -vessel, .should be captured.
Stephens accepted the commission.
Stephens met u motley crew, to which he
was assigned. He gave them final In
structions. They boarded the essel.
CHAPTER V. Continued.
"There is certainly no watchman
aft." I announced, softly, "unless he be
found upon the other side of the cabin.
Hatten down the companionway while
I examine the deck. Two of you men
come with me."
We dropped over the low rail to
gether, moving silently in our stock-ing-feeL
The roof of the cabin, form
ing the quarter deck, extended clear
to the rail. We groped over this shad
owed space as though exploring a
cave, encountering nothing except a
few camp stools, although my lingers
discovered a goodly sized boat swing
ing from davits across the stern. From
the opposite side we could peer for
ward toward the dim light streaming
from out the haich. the deck being
thus fairly revealed as far as the fun
nel. Beyond all remained black and
impenetrable. A man sat upon a bench
against the side of the galley, a dull
red showing from his pipe bowl. His
earliest knowledge of our presence
was when the two men closed on his
windpipe, and I pressed a revolver
muzzle against his cheek.
"Not a sound. Jack." I muttered
sternly in Spanish, "or else your life
pays for iL"
The pipe fell with a click to the
deck, the fellow's eyes staring up at
us. his opened mouth showing oddly
amid a surrounding gray beard. A
moment later, securely gagged and
bound, we rolled his body close in
against the rail.
"I thought I heard a bit of a blow
and a ye.lp on the fo'castle just now,
sir." said one of the men. pointing
eagerly forward. I stood still, intent
ly listening, staring into the gloom.
"Quiet enough there at present.
Probrbly Mr. Tuttle has been attend
ing to the for'ard watch. Come on.
lads, and we'll join forces with him."
ISeyontl all doubt the main deck was
clear as far as the bridge, and. provid
ing Tuttlf's crew had attended to
tluir share of tho work, as far as the
fo'castle head as well. We advanced
cautiously, keeping close within the
denser shade along the weather rail,
pausing a moment to peer over the
edge tif the open hatchway into the
illuminated space below. Two Ka
naka?, naked to the waist, their slim,
brown bodies glistening, each grasp
ing the handle of a coal scoop, were
backed tip against a bulkhead con
versing, while on a low stool, tipped
back to a comfortable angle, his feet
0:1 the rounded crosspiece. a pipe In
his mouth, his hands buried deep in
his pockets, sat a white man. with
red face and long, sandy mustaches.
His brown overalls and pink under
shirt told nothing distinctive, but the
uniform cap. pushed well back on his
brirling stock of hair, proclaimed him
the vessel's engineer. As I drew back
from this swift survey. Mr. Tuttle
suddenly rounded the end of the chart
house, and. wih whispered word of
inquiry to one of the men, advanced to
meet me.
"Well." I sai.'l as soon as certain of
his identity, "the after-deck is ours
without a blow; what 'have you dis
covered forward?"
"Two men were posted on the fo'
castle. sir," he returned, the disagree
able nasal tone apparent even in his
subdued voice. "We got them both,
but Mason was pricked with a knife
during the scuffle."
"Did you close the fo'castle?" I
questioned briefly.
"All fast. sir. but I doubt if any of
the crew are below."
"'Well, there are some aown in the
engine room, and the fellow in charge
looks as if he might fight on occasion.
Take half a dozen men with you. and
jump below. The Kanakas won't make
any serious trouble, but you had bet
ter clap a gun to the engineer."
I watched tliem as they swarmed
like rats over the hatch-combing and
dropped down into the light. There
was a scurrying of bodies, a sharp ex
change of blows, a yelp of alarm from
the startled Kanakas, a stout volley
of English oaths, and, when the tangle
partially cleared away, the engineer
was lying fiat on his back, the knee
of the big singer at Rodrigues' at his
chest, and Tuttle holding a blue-barreled
revolver at his ear. I never be
held an angrier man, but he was hel
less as a baby. Assured of the future
of the engine room, I mounted the
steps and took a hasty survey of both
bridge and wheelhouse. They were
unoccupied the vessel was entirely in
cur possession.
In Which We Attain the Open Sea.
Our adventure had been' successful
ly accomplished through its first step;
now it remained to get safely out to
sea. As I turned to retrace my steps
to the deck I encountered De Nova
coming up. . .
"Pretty lucky, job. monsieur." he
"You Damned Bloody Pirate!"
said, jovially. "It was w'at you call
ze picnic, I bet. Zc companion was
I lock', an' ze guard posted. W'at more
now for me?"
"Relieve Mr. Tuttle In the engine
room. Keep three men below there
with you. and arm them as guards.
Make the Kanakas do the firing, and
hold the engineer to it with a gun at
his head. You know enough about a
stoke-hole to tell whether things are
going right, don't you?"
He nodded, and I could see the
gleam of his white teeth.
"Then get your steam up, hut don't
let those fellows fire so as to drive
any flame out of the stack, and watch
that Johnny Hull to that he can't put
any kinks in the machinery. Don't
take your eyes off him. Do you under
stand the signals?"
"Ay, ay. monsieur."
"Then stand by. We'll tow oat at
once with the boats, but I want you
ready for business the very moment
we cast off the lines. Send all the
rest of the men on deck and ask Mr.
Tul tie to report to me here imme
diately." I was not kept waiting. Two men
came stumbling up the companionway
together. I peered at them, uncertain
of their identity in the gloom.
"Is that you. Mr. Tuttle?"
"Yes. sir. This is Johnson, one of
the wheelsmen; thought you would
likely need him, so I brought him
"Very good. Johnson, go on up
into the wheelhouse and see that all is
clear. I'll give you directions later.
Mr. Tuttle, we'll tow out until we get
the sweep of the sea fairly under our
fore fooL Get the lines out to the
boats at once, with fuil crew at the
oars. You are to take command, and
I shall have to trust you for the
course, as we can't risk signaling. I
presume you are acquainted with the
harbor HghLs?"
"Been In here eight times in ten
years without a pilot"
"Then you ought to know the
course, but take no chances; feel your
way, only keep the ropes taut. Have
you any man fit to take charge of the
second boat? I need De Nova below."
"The boatswain, sir; that big fellow
with the scar."
"What's his name?"
"Bill Anderson."
"All right; put him In the cutter.
Leave me three men on deck, and post
the best one of the lot at the stern
line ready to cast off. As soon as you
get the ropes out I'll slip the anchor
chain, and leave the flukes in the mud.
Work lively now; we must be well out
at sea before daylight."
He stood leaning against the rail,
peering out over the water, his hands
shading his eyes.
"Have you spotted any guardboats.
with your glasses?" he questioned, un
easily. "Only that one yonder; see, the yel
low light just rounding the stem of that
big brig. There was a steam-launch
out there to the west about. 20 minutes
ago. but it seems to have disap
peared." "Swallowed up in the fog likely," he
admitted, snuffing the air like a
pointer dog. "We'll find it banked
pretty heavy outside, or I'm a lubber.
Well, so much the better for our job.
AH right, Mr Stephens, I'm off. and
we'll have you in tow in a jiffy. I'll
put the nigger at the stern line; he's
the best all-round hand on beard."
However 1 may have disliked and
distrusted the whaleman, he certainly
proved himself an able seaman and a
smart officer. He comprehended every
detail of his work, and held his men to
it finely. Within 20 minutes we were
in motion, moving slowly, yet steadily,
toward the black vacancy outlined by
the harbor lights . on either hand.
There was no disturbing sound to be
He Yelled, Glaring at Me Savagely.
tray progress, the yacht's sharp cut
water cleaving its passage through
the liquid with the merest faint, ripple,
scarcely leaving a gleam of white foam
behind, the oars dipping silently, the
two lines held taut to the strain. Ex
ultant, I climbed once again to tho
bridge, gave a few directions to the
observant Johnson standing motion
less at the wheel, and leaned anxious
ly over the rail, studying tho water
front through leveled glasses.
It was a barren, deserted waste, ex
cept for a deeply laden schooner beat
ing slowly up along the north shore
under closely reefed topsails, and the
gleaming lights of a large steamer
just beginning to emerge faintly
through the curtain of fog a trifle to
the left of our course. The towing
boats appeared as two insignificant
blots on the surface, but that they
were making excellent progress was
proved by the way we were steadily
drawing up toward the outer lights,
already shining round and yellow
through the increasing haze.
How dark, silent, uncanny the
gloom-enshrouded yacht appeared as 1
leaned over the tarpaulin-protected
rail and gazed down on the deserted
decks, no movement, no gleam of light
anywhere visible. The two masts, for
the vessel was schooner-rigged, rose ra
kishly and with noble sweep into the
sky, yet I could trace little of the
cordage against the of cloud.
They appeared skeleton-like reeds to
be broken by a gust of wind. A slight
fringe of white water alone marked
our progress, while a misty vapor of
escaping steam bpoke of the chained
engine and hissing boilers below. As
I rested thus, the watchful Johnson
grasping the spokes behind me, the
momentous events of the past few
hours swept through my mind like
fragments of a strange, disconnected
dream my seemingly hopeless plight
in Valparaiso; my controversy with
Lieut. Sanchez; my brief meeting
with the Englishman; the friendly
eyes of Doris; the throb of sudden in
terest aroused by her presence and
as quickly lost again; the sudden
swinging of the pendulum of Fate; the
approach of De Castillo bringing unex
pected opportunity for action and es
cape, and those later events which had
so rapidly followed. I struck my hand
hard against the iron rail to assure
myself I was awake, and to arouse my
dormant faculties to action.
"Hold her steady as she is, Johnson,"
Strange Yet
Extraordinary Happening Vouched For
by Truthful Sailor.
"Happy families!" said the sailor.
"There ain't no man Hvin ever seen
the happy family 1 once saw seed,
"It was at La Barte, the port o
Bayonne. where the bayonets come
from. I was strollln' acrost one o
them there salt medders full o' small
white snails, when all of a sudden I
gasped and cast anchor.
"A cow on a hilltop was bein
milked simultaneously by a pig. a
suake and a dog.
"I watched that milkln several min
utes. The cow enjoyed It cows alius
do. you know and the happy family
milked, away ravenously.
"Miss Snake got oneasy first She
let go her .holt, and droppln to the
grass, slid off.
"Then Mr. Pig got enough and trot
&jpjjM"gyjf"iLAAyf yyjfc y iy."t.47fa fcWfjfeyM iwySHSNiJi wg'-E
I said, my voice tremulous from sud
den awakening. "I'm going down to.
recall the boats."
"Steady as she Is, sir."
In the engine room. '.two seamen,
each grasping a gun, leaned negligent
ly against a bulkhead, while De Nova
bare-headed, his little black mustache
clearly outlined against the olive oi
his cheek, occupied the stool betweerf
them. The Kanaka firemen were out
of sight, but the red-faced engineei
was" on his knees tinkering over a
refractory bolt with a monkey-wrench
"Everything working all. right. Mr
De Nova?" I questioned, quietly. .
The eyes, of the four men instantly'
turned toward me,. the engineer
straightening up. monkey-wrench In
hand. . . .
"No troubles here, monsieur," and
the mate rose to his feet, his white
teeth showing. "Were are we now?"
"Just off the point, with the light
house dropping astern, and.thei swell
of the ocean under oun forefoot. I am
going tq call in the boats: Have you
plenty of coal?"
"Bunkers all full, monsieur.'
"Hqw is your steam?"
He stepped over to the gauge; peer
ing at It across the burly shoulder pi
the engineer, who still stood' staring
at me.
"Pretty near up to zc danger mark,
"Then stand by for signals."
The engineer came to life as though'
treated to an electric shock, his fist,
still grasping the monkey-wrench
suddenly extended, his red face pur
pling with passion.
"You damned, bloody plratej" h
yelled, glaring at me savegly. "It's
hung the whole lot of you will be foi
this bloody night's work. No, I won't
keep still, you moon-faced mulatto. I'm
a free-born Briton, an 111 smash in
the heads of some of you yet. an L'U
live to see the rest hung in chains for
the bloody pirates you are. Just wail
till you're caught, an then you won't
be grlnnln that way at an honest
man. Oh. you'll git it all right, my
fine lads. There'll be hell to pay for
this job, let me tell you! It's on
nothin you'll be dancin' then, you
murderin spawn o" hell!"
De Nova pressed the barrel of a re
volver into the man's neck, with a
stern threat and an unpleasant gleam
ing of white teeth. The sailors re
mained leaning on their guns, grinning
as if in enjoyment of the play.
"Never min w'at he say. .sir," and
the mate glanced up toward me. as if
in apology. 'He bust out zat way
ever' fiv minutes since we be down
here. We have club him, two, t'refr
time, hut he stick hero just ze same,
an run ze engine. Oui. oui. it just
ze way wiz ze bull-headed Englisher."
"I see," I acknowledged., drawing,
back, "only watch that he doesn't kink
the machinery."
1 was not in the least surprised at
discovering one of his nationality in
charge of the vessel's engine room,
nor was I sorry. He would feel little
real interest in the affair, after he
once clearly comprehended the situa
tion, while a native Chilean might be
impelled by a spirit of patriotism to
cause us serious trouble. Englishmen
were very frequently met with in for
eign engine rooms; this fellow had
probably been picked up because of
better qualifications than any native
applicant: or. indeed, he might have
been a member of the original crew of
the yacht before it was disposed of
to the government. I would have a '
talk with him later; meanwhile he
was certainly in good hands; and I '
had enough else to attend to. The 1
tow-ropes came in hand over hand,
and were coiled dripping on the fore
castle deck. At the end of them the
two boats emerged from out the fog,
and the men tumbled in silently over
the rail. I watched from the vantage
of the bridge, as the whole crew tailed
onto the falls, distinguishing Tuttle's
nasal tones above the Incessant shuf
fling of feet.
"Nor'west by nor', Johnson now
hold her steady, my lad."
I pulled the signal cord, dimly dis
tinguishing the faint responsive tinkle
of the bell far beneath. Like a hound
suddenly released for the chase, the
steamer sprang forward Into the fog
wreaths and buried her sharp nose in
the sea.
" . -. J..
Happy Family
ted away with a satisfied grunt. Last
to go was the dog.
"I've saw queer sights all over the
world." the sailor concluded, "but the
queerest of 'em all was that there
happy family takin its milk" at La
The druggist laughed coldly.
"It wasn't milk." he said, "that you'd
been taking at the har, I'll wager."
English Money Coined in Canada.
English gold sovereigns were coined
on the North American continent for
'he first time in 190S. when a limited
number of these pieces were struck
at the newly-opened Canadian mint at
Ottawa. Permission to. strike these
coins, it .is. said, was given by the
British authorities as a special privil
ege to mark the beginning, of opera
tions and extended only up to De
cember 31, 1908, after which the -mint
was -to confine itself, to making silver
and bronze -coins.
Omaha, Nebraska, January 26. Thi
city is at present in the midst of an
excitement beyond anything that it
has experienced in recent years.
Old and young, rich and poor, all
seem to have. become beside them
selves over an individual who was a
stranger to Omaha up to two weeks
The man who has created all this
turmoil is L. T. Cooper, President of
the Cooper Medicine Co., of Dayton,
'Ohio, who is at present introducing
his preparations in this city for tho
first time.
Cooper is a man about thirty years
of age and has acquired a fortune
within the past two years by the sale
of somo preparations of which he is
the owner.
Reports from eastern cities that pro
ceeded the young man here were of
the most startling nature, many of
the leading dallies going so far as to
'state that he had nightly cured in
public places rheumatism of years
standing with one of his preparations.
The phys'icians of the East contradict
ed this statement, claiming the thins
to be impossible. but the facts seemed
to bear out the statement that Cooper
actually did so.
In consequence people flocked to
him by .thousands and his. prepara
tions sold like wildfire.
Many of these stories were regard
ed as uctltlous in Omaha and until
Cooper actually reached this city little
attention was paid to them. Hardly
had the young man arrived, however,
when-he began giving demonstrations,
as he. calls them, in public, and daily
met people afflicted with rheumatism,
and with a single application of one
of his preparations actually made
them walk without the aid .of either
canes or--crutches.
In addition to this work Cooper ad
vanced the theory that stomach trbu?.
ble is the foundation of nine out of
.ten diseases and claimed to have a
preparation that would restore the
stomach to working .order and thus
get .rid of such troubles as catarrh-and
affections of the kidneys -and liver,, in '
about two weeks' time. I
This, statement seems to have been
borne 'out by the remarkable results
obtained through the use of his prep
aration, and now all Omaha is ap
parently ir ad over the young man.
How long the tremendous Interest
in Cooper will last Is hard to estimate.
At present there seems to 'be no sign
of a let-up. Reputable physicians
claim it to be a fad that .will die out
as soon as'Cooper leaves.
In justice to him. however, it; must
.be said that he seems to have accom
plished a great deal for the sick of
this city with his preparations
Tommy I say, sis, Mr. Gotsplbsh
wanted to know whafyou had in your,
stocking this morning.
Sis. Indeed; and what did you say?
Tommy I said the usual things,'
you know.
Prescription that Cured Hundreds -Since
Published Here.
"One ounce syrup or Sarsaparilla
compound; one ounce Tom; com
pound; Add these to a half pint of good
whiskey: Take a tablespoonful be
fore each meal and at bed time;
Shake the bottle well' each time."- .
Any druggist has these ingredients
In stock or will quickly get them from,
bis wholesale house. Good results are
felt from this treatment after the first
few doses but it should be continued
until cured. This also acts as a system,
builder, eventually restoring strength
and vitality.
A Modest Doctor.
While on his vacation, a city .doctor
attended the Sunday morning, service
at a little country church. When the
congregation was dismissed several
of the members shook, hands with
him. and one. wishing to learn if 'he
were a Methodist inquired: "Are
you a professor, brother?".
"Oh. no, indeed." answered . the
physician, modestly; "just an ordinary
doctor." Lippincdtt's.
Awful. Thought-
"When I leave here I shall-have .to
depend on my brains for a living."
"Don't take such a pessimistic view
of things." Cornell Widow.
PAZO QIVTMBNTi-iK-jaraTitecl to enrr anr eaa
r llehin. mind. BlrriiK or ITnirudlBtfi'ilea i
ttoMUlorBune reliiBCed UK-
The only reason e care to be a.
millionaire is for tin purpose of. indue- .
ing bill collectors to cut our acquaint
ance. . -
Dr. PI area's P!M!iBt PelTetn runila and Invff.
Mate .:kmac!u Uxor and tm-trln. Sugar-coated,
Uny. granules, easy W take. Im nut gripe.
A poor excuse Is better than none
If It works
to ti Irutk