The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 19, 1910, Image 8

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The Devil's Race Course In the Blue
Ridge Mountains.
"The Blue Ridge mountains abound
In natural wonders," observed an old
resident of Penmar. "Most wonderful
of them all, in my opinion, is the Dev
il's Bace Course, which is but a short
walk from Penmar.
"At first view this strange natural
phenomenon appears like a broad
roadway of great stones which ex
tends away up the mountain in a path
no human hand could ever build.
Many of these great stones weigh
tons, while others are only a few hun
dredweight Lying close together by
the thousand, they present an extraor
dinary spectacle.
"Tradition has it and scientists agree
that a thousand or more years ago
this strange track was the bed of an
ancient river. The conclusion Is drawn
from the looks of the stones. They
are all well rounded and worn smooth,
showing the action of water, which
had polished their rough edges no
doubt for centuries.
"But the mystery Is if this theory be
true to explain how the great body of
water was confined at the sides, for
the course is not hemmed in by high
banks, nor Is It located In a ravine.
In fact, it stands somewhat higher
than the natural side of the mountain.
The puzzle only Intensities Interest in
the queer place and multiplies the ar
guments and theories of its prehistoric
origin." Baltimore American.
A Story About a Cow and the Calf
She Licked.
An absurd story is cited about a
cow, showing what creatures of habit
animals, arc. This particular cow
would not stand to be milked unless
she could lick her calf at the same
time. For a long time she always had
a calf of some age or other to lick,
but at last by ill fortune one of her
calves died.
There Is no reason why a bereaved
mother should mourn her loss just at
milking time, but there was the fixed
habit of making certain motions. The
farmer, however, was a practical
psychologist lie stuffed the .skin of
the calf with hay and let the cow
have that to lick. To be sure, the hay
calf hud neither head nor legs, but a
cow has no general ideas concerning
themture of calves nor any special
reason for assuming that calves should
have heads and legs. It felt right, and
It smelled right It enabled her to go
through the customary motions at
milking time. Therefore it was suffi
cient By dint of caressing and licking her
little calf the tender parent one fine
morning unripped it The hay issued
from within, and the cow. manifest
ing not the slightest surprise or agita
tion, proceeded tranquilly to devour
the unexpected provender. E. T.
Brewster in McClure's Magazine.
A Gentle Rebuke.
It was late in the year for straw
berries, but Mrs. Beacon was deter
mined to have some for Sunday 'din
ner. Over the telephone came the
news that they were "very fine,
ma'am; very fine indeed." Being.
however, a cautious housekeeper, she
decided to look over the fruit herself,
as the grocer was not always to be
"They don't appear very good," she
said some time later, examining care
fully a basketful. "They look" here
she extracted one and tasted it "they
'look a little green. I don't know. Just
let me try one." She took another.
"I guess I'll take one box, please. You
don't put very many In a box, do you?"
she inquired.
"There was," said the grocer respect
fully, "but there's been so many ladles
looking 'em over that there ain't"
"You may give me two boxes," said
Mrs. Beacon. Youth's Companion.
Lincoln's Religion.
I have never united myself to any
church, because I have found difficulty
in giving my assent without mental
reservation to the long complicated
statements of Christian doctrine which
characterize their articles of belief
and confessions of faith. Whenever
any church will inscribe over its altar
as its sole qualification for member
ship the Saviour's condensed statement
of the substance of both law and gos
pel. "Thou shalt love the Lord thy
God with all thy heart and with all
thy soul, and with all thy mind, and
thy neighbor as thyself," that church
will I Join with all my heart and all
my soul. Abraham Lincoln.
Queer Friends.
On board the Union Castle R. M. S.
Goth on a voyage from the Cape to
Tenerife was a little monkey belong
ing to one of the stewards. It was
very fond of sitting on the back of a
tortoise, another ship's pet, while the
latter crawled about the deck. Al
though rather ill tempered and snap
pish with people, the monkey was al
ways friendly with the tortoise, which
made no objection to being used as
her steed. Wide World Magazine.
Society's Mandates.
Society can aud does execute its own
mandates, and if it issues wrong man
dates instead of right or any man
dates at all in things with which it
ought not to meddle it practices a so
cial tyranny more formidable than
many kinds of political oppression,
since, though not usually upheld by
such extreme penalties, it leaves few
er means of escape, penetrating much
more deeply into the details of life
and enslaving the soul itself.-John
Stuart Mill.
Well He Knew.
Emperor Francis of Austria and bis
empress once attended the perform
ance of a play which abounded in po
litical allusions. On leaving the the
ater he remarked good naruredly, "We
may congratulate ourselves on having
seen the piece at all, for I am sure
that it will be speedily forbidden."
"Love your neighbor as yourself."
"1 do."
"Then why do you have such a
1 hate myself." New York Journal.
The first catalogue of the stars was
published about 159a
Praise For His Verses Which the Mas
ter Had Not Read.
A Paris contemporary tells a story
of Victor Hugo and a young unknown
poet The poet, hailing from the prov
inces, sent to the author of "Notre
Dame de Paris" a copy of his work,
which he had just published in the
form of a book of poems. Hugo re
plied in most sympathetic terms, and
the young man was delighted with the
letter, as well he might have been.
His joy, however, was but short
lived, for a day or two later bis serv
ant announced that the package con
taining the volume of poems had come
back through the post unopened. The
package bore the legend, "Refuse par
le destinataire affranchissement ii
suffisant" (refused by the addressee on
account of insufficient postage).
Hugo's letter was hyperbolic and in
these terms: "Your work has given me
a proud pleasure, under the impression
of which I hasten to congratulate you.
Your fame is young and radiant; mine
is declining. It is the salutation of the
night which departs at the rising of
the dawn. You are shining, and I am
dying. You emerge from oblivion; I
return there.
"The heart either grows hard or
breaks forth. Your sentiments have
come forth, and you have written so
norous and superb poetry which conse
crates you as a poet as .well as affirm
ing you as man. You are then 'deux
fois mon frere (twice my brother).
Accept my admiration as great as my
Several Varieties Are Valuable For
Food Purposes.
Seaweed is not much to look at, but
seaweed docs not depend so much upon
beauty as upon more substantial merit
to make itself worthy of attention.
Various species of it are used in manu
factures, and several varieties are edi
ble, the most important of the latter
being Irish or carrageen moss, used in
the preparation of jellies blancmange,
for instance dulse or diilesk, very
highly thought of by Scotland, partic
ularly when roasted by wrapping about
hot tongs, and kelp or tangle.
Irish moss and some other species,
particularly eel grass and flat stalk rock
weed, have been found valuable as
cattle food, especially when boiled to
destroy the rank taste and mixed with
meal. The eel grass and rock weed
compare favorably with hay as regards
the most important constituent pro
tein containing C.03 and S.21 per cent
respectively. They are deficient in fat,
but contain a large amount of ash.
The great bulk of the seaweed gath
ered, however, is used as a fertilizer,
and the average seaweed contains
large quantities of all the essential fer
tilizing elements. Allowing 10 cents a
pound for nitrogen, 2 cents a pound
for phosphoric acid and 4 cents a
pound for potash and these are as
low prices as it is possible to procure
those materials in any form a ton of
seaweed containing 80 per cent water
is worth as a fertilizer $1.42 a ton.
New York Times.
An Ancient Mountain Race.
The most ancient people still living
in the mountains of India are the
Todas. Long before the arrival of the
other tribes of the region the Todas
were the kings of this country, which
they held in common without strife or
treachery to one another. The Todas
are a fine race, tall, well proportioned
and with regular features. Their com
plexion is of a light brown, and 'their
eyes are bright and intelligent. The
men wear a linen or cotton garment
that reminds a European of the Roman
toga. Their bearing is proud and dig
nified; their countenances are pleasing;
their fine straight hair is regularly cut
and well kept Their superior appear
ance, the mystery that surrounds them
and the obscurity of their origin have
caused certain students of ethnology
to suppose that the Todas are descend
ed from the soldiers of Darius or Alex
ander, the ancient conquerors of India.
Deaf Guests at Hotels.
"To waken a deaf person who wishes
to be called at a certain time in the
morning is about the hardest proposi
tion a hotel clerk runs up against"
said a member of that fraternity. "To
ring the telephone is useless, because
the man can't hear. Knocking for the
same reason is futile. Now and then
a guest who has lost his hearing sug
gests that he leave his door open, so
we can walk right in and shake him,
but there are so many chances of
somebody less guileless than ourselves
walking in ahead of us that we can't
consent to that simple expedient It
seems to me that the man who can
patent a device for waking the deaf is
sure of fame and fortune, not to men
tion the gratitude of the brotherhood
of hotel clerks." New York Globe.
The Other Side.
Hank Stubbs I fixed one uv them
air agent fellers today. Bige Miller
How so? Hank Stubbs Waal, he
come sneakin' up to my front door an'
ast me ef the lady uv the house wuz
in, an' I said no, but the gentleman
uv the barn an' hoss stables is. Bos
ton Herald.
The Caddie's Sneer.
Golfer The day 1 get round these
links in under a hundred I'll give you
a shilling. Sandy! Juvenile Caddie
Hoo will I want it wheu I'm drawhV
ne auld age pension? London Punch.
His Vowels.
Ethel Have you noticed how Lord
Blinker drops his aspirates? Fred
It's nothing to the way he drops his
rowels; I've got more than a dozen of
his I O TJ's myself. London Scraps.
The Ubiquitous Purist.
Vicar I'm sorry to hear you've been
so poorly. You must pray for a good
heart, Thomas. Thomas Ya-as, zur.
But it's my liver wot be wrong, y
know, zur. London Telegraph.
Sky High.
Howell Our servant kindled the fire
with kerosene the other morning.
Powell Did you reprimand her? How
ell You bet she got a blowing up.
New York Press.
Hold your tongue and you will pass
for a philosopher. Italian Proverb.
1 1 :. ' T- ;'; .r v-. ::-jS::: c j :ftu." v"? - .'; ? ':V - ,. y'miBB'-BTatrBBaM 5ll
This is a new photograph of Queen Wilhelmina and the prince consort
with the heir to the throne of Holland. The "little queen," as the ruler of
Holland is known, insists upon taking personal care of the baby princess,
who passed through her first summer with remarkably good health and bids
fair to one day fill the place of her royal mother, who is worshiped by her
Capture Prizes at Recent Roping
Contest in Wyoming.
Learn Art in Rounding Up Wild Cat
tle on Mountain Peaks of Lit
tle Island in the Pacific
Honolulu. Since a dusky Hawaiian
rode out into the arena at Cheyenne
in the Frontier day contests and beat
the best of all the ropers in the world,
and since Irkua Purdy's cousins,
Archie Kaaua and Jack Low, won
third and sixth places in the contest,
many have wondered how these men
from a group of tiny islands in the
middle of the Pacific were able to
come to Wyoming and show the best
of the plainsmen how to, rope a steer.
The answer is simple. Ever since
these men have been old enough to
straddle a horse, they have been used
to riding over rough country and rop
ing cattle under conditions such as
the average prairie cowboy never saw
nor imagined.
The island of Hawaii contains a
mountainous and rugged land through
which the wildest of wild cattle roam.
High up above the level of the sugar
plantations the mountains are well
wooded and the task of rounding up
and roping cattle in such country re
quires the greatest skill and coolness
in the saddle and with the rope. Only
once in a thousand times will it hap
pen that the animal to be roped lays
itself open on a level piece of land.
The throw Is almost always made on
the slope of a hill, sometimes with a
sheer precipice at one side, and for
this reason the Hawaiian cowboy
never makes his rope fast to the sad
dle horn before throwing. It would
be as much as his life is worth to do
so, for the steer is liable to break
away when the horse is on ground
that makes it impossible to throw the
animal, and so the roper must let go
of his rope to save himself and his
horse. These Hawaiians are accus
tomed to throw from all angles and up
or downhill indiscriminately. The ad
vantage of being used to this kind of
work was well demonstrated at the
recent championship contests in Chey
enne. The three Hawaiians naturally
enough, did not have their own horses,
and depended on what they could bor
row to ride during the contests.
Purdy selected one that looked about
right for the work, but a few seconds
after he started for the steer he
found to his disgust that the horse
was not well neck broke and he had
difficulty in guiding the animal right
and it looked as if it were impossible
for him to make the throw success
fully. But Purdy was used to that
kind of work, and without any hesita
tion he threw from one side. As the
noose rose and fell cleanly over the
steer's neck a shout of derision went
up from the crowd. They thought it
impossible for any man to throw a
steer in that way. But, quick as a
flash, Purdy made fast the rope to the
horn of the saddle, and almost before
the spectators knew what had hap
pened, the steer was struggling on
the ground. The final result of that
tie is famous. Purdy ran to the steer
and had it properly tied in one minute
and three seconds, making the best
time of the day and beating Archie
Kaaua's time by six seconds. When the I her to collect a $5,000 insurance pol
finals came off Purdy was more used J icy on his life.
Egyptian Embalming.
The modern e tuba liner is still igno
rant of the secret that was so wejl
known to the men of ancient Egypt.
The process followed by the Egyptian
embalmers is knowu only in part, the
main part being still a mystery. As
to the cost of becoming a mummy,
Herodotus and Diodorus tell of three
modes of embalming prevalent in
Egypt, the first very costly, answering
to about $2,000 of our money, the sec
ond $G0 and the third within the reach
of all. New York American.
to his horse and tied his steer in 56
The man to whom much of the
credit for the Hawaiian's victory is
due is Eben Low, brother of Jack
Low, half-brother to Archie Kaaua,
and cousin to Purdy. Mr. Low is a
retired rancher, who now lives in Hon
olulu. He It was who started the fund
to pay the cowboy's expenses to Chey
enne. Purdy's first appearance in public
was made in Honolulu a year ago.
when Eben Low produced a wild west
show at Kapiolani park. Angus Mc
Phee, then champion of the world,
was present and took part In the com
petition, beating Purdy and Kaaua,
but using a tied rope instead of a
loose one, to which the Hawaiians
had been accustomed.
Purdy is a typical Hawaiian of the
mountains. Lithe as a Greek god, the
symmetry of his well-muscled limbs
is something to wonder at. His face
Is dark and has many of the features
of a Wyoming Indian, but he has none
of their characteristics, for he is well
educated and speaks three languages
with ease and fluency. In manner he
is quiet and talks but little. He is
in no way conceited about his won
derful victory, but chats of his trip
and his doings in the easiest and most
modest way in the world.
All Business Engagements Are Off
the Instant This Animal Hears
Noon Whistle.
Columbus, Ind. Howard J. Tooley,
a local grocer, may have to get rid
of the horse he uses with his delivery
wagon. No matter where that horse
may be, when the factory whistles
blow at noon the horse starts for the
barn, and all the pulling that drivers
can do will not change the horse's
The other day the horse was Ina
distant part of the city when the fac
tory whistle blew at noon, and the
animal seemed to know it was time
to eat. The driver was delivering
some parcels at a rear door, but the
horse did not stand on ceremony. In
stead, it wheeled suddenly with the
intention of going home. The wagon
was overturned and demolished, and
the horse was thrown in the mix-up.
As soon as the horse could get on
its feet it again made an effort to go
to the barn, demolishing wagon and
Offers Life Saver 25 Cents.
Baltimore, Md. Saving life accord
ing to one mother's valuation of her
Son, is worth 25 cents when a "kid"
falls overboard about Canton. Joseph
Strobel, a workman at station 5 of the
American Ice Company, oft Boston
street, had his attention called to a
boy overboard. He sprang into the
water with all his clothes on and soon
had Willie Harrison, nine years old,
of 2413 Fait avenue, in his strong
arms. When brought ashore the boy
was in a bad way, but with Mr. Stro
bel's record of saving half a dozen
boys this summer from drowning he
has also acquired the art of first aid
to the near drowned. He soon had
Willie revived.
Court Makes Woman Widow.
San Francisco. Charles H. Moore,
formerly a prominent attorney of this
city, who went to Europe in 1901 and,
when last heard from, was in Paris,
has been declared legally dead by Su
perior Judge Graham. Special letters
of administration were granted to the
widow, Mrs. Alblna Moore, tc enable
Why She Stayed at the Foot.
Being upbraided by her mother for
being the lowest in her class, little Ma
bel exclaimed in tones of injured in
nocence: "It ain't my fault The girl
who has always been foot left school."
A Limited "Forever."
"What's the matter, Clara?" asked a
father of his daughter.
"Ferdy and I have parted forever."
"Dm! In that case I s'pose he won't
be calling for a couple of nights!"
Electric Light
Always Ready
Have your house wired
Columbus Light,
Heat & Power Co.
Method of Applying For Them to the
State Department.
Passports are issued to citizens of
the United States upon application to
the state department in Washington.
The application must be accompanied
by an affidavit attested by a notary
public or other officer empowered to
administer oaths stating that the ap
plicant is a citizen and giving the
place of birth and age, and it must be
accompanied by the certificate of one
other citizen to whom he is personally
known that the declaration made by
the applicant is true.
The application must be accompa
nied by a description of the person.
particularly as to age, height, com
plexion, forehead, eyes, nose, mouth,
chin, hair and face. Blank forms are
furnished by the state department on
application. The fee for each passport
Is $1. Citizens traveling abroad may
also obtain passports by applying to
United States ambassadors and minis
ters. Where any person has made a dec
laration of intention to become a citi
zen of the United States and has re
sided in the United States for three
years a passport valid for six months
may be Issued to him. This passport
is not renewable and does not entitle
the holder to the protection of this
government in the country of which
he was originally a citizen. New York
It Is Said to Hold All the Climates of
the Earth.
Mount Etna has furnished more ma
terial for travelers tales than any oth
er mountain on earth. Astonished Eng
lishmen of a century ago, who fell
into the fashionable habit of climbing
to its highest peak and some did so,
to the amazement of the Sicilians, even
in the dead of winter have left on
record in the exuberant language of
their day the emotions that thrilled
their soul. "The man who treads
Mount Etna." wrote one of these, "is
a man above the world. Every river
on the island can be traced from its
mouth to its source.
"The characters," the same writer
continues, "of all the climates of the
earth can be detected the frigid close
around one, the temperate with its
belt of trees just beneath and the trop
ical at the base of the mountain, with
its vineyards and luxuriant groves. The
great ocean around, with the islands of
Lipari, Panari, Alicudi, Stromboliand
Volcano, with their smoking summits,
appear under your feet, and you look
down upon the whole of Sicily as upon
a map."
In addition to all the climates, Etna
is reported to have trees that rival the
giants of California, lakes that never
thaw, bottomless caverns and salable
snow. Chicago News.
Which Leg?
In a small town in the west of Scot
land the town clerk, who was a bit of
a "character," bad the misfortune to
lose his leg in a railway accident. As
a mark of appreciation and esteem for
bis long services the council unani
mously agreed to replace his loss with
an artificial limb, which they did as
Boon as he was sufficiently recovered.
A few months afterward the town
rlerk. who was generally known by his
Christian name, Paul, was unfortunate
enough to have his other leg fractured
In an accident. Naturally the mishap
became food for town gossip, and one
old wife in discussing the matter with
a neighbor was overheard saying:
"It's a gey bad business for Paul,
puir man. but Is't his ain leg or the leg
that belangs to the toon that's bro
No. 11 86 am
No. IS 1:45 am
No.l 10:35 am
No. 9 11:41am
No. 17 3:05 pm
No. 15 6:23 pm
No. 3 620 pm
No. 5 6:35 pm
No. 21 8:45 pm
No. 19 11:20 am
No. 4 4:43 a m
No. 12 1027 p m
No. 14 r:3Tam
No. 6 2:16 pm
No. 16 2:16 pm
No. 10 35 pm
No. 18 6:0ft pm
No. 2 8:50 pm
No. 22 7:12 am
No. 20 120pm
No. 79 msd..d 6.00am
No. 31 pas ..ll:30pm
No. 32 pas ..al2:30pm
No. 80 mxd.. a 7:00 pm
No. 77 mxd. d 720am
No. 29 pas ..d 7.00 p m
No. 30 pas ..a 1:10 pm
No. 78 mzd..a 6:10 pm
Daily except Sunday.
Nos. 1, 2, 7 and 8 are extra fare trains.
Nos. 4. 5, 13 and 14 are local passengers.
Nos. 58 and 59 are local freights.
Nob. 9 and 16 are mail trains only.
No. 14 doe in Omaha 4:45 p. m.
No. 8 doe in Omaha 5:00 p. m.
C. B. Q.
Tim Tails
No, 22, Pass, (daily ex. Sunday) leave.... 7:35 a m
No. 32, Frt. & Ac. (d'y ex. Saturday) lv.SflO p m
No. 21, Pass, (daily ex. Sunday) arrive. .920 p m
No. 31, Frt. & Ae. (d'y ex. Sunday) ar. ..6J5 a m
It Was Obeyed, and Yet the Monarch
Was Not Happy. ,
When King Gustavus HI. of Sweden
was in Paris he was visited by a depu
tation of the Sorbonne. That learned
body congratulated the king on the
happy fortune which had given him so
great a man as Scheele, the discoverer
of magnesium, as his subject and fel
low countryman.
The king, who took small Interest In
the progress of science, felt somewhat
ashamed that he should be so ignorant
as never even to have heard of the re
nowned chemist. He dispatched a cou
rier at once to Sweden with the laconie
order. "Scheele is to be immediately
raised to the dignity and title of a
"His majesty must be obeyed," said
the prime minister as he read the or
der, "but who in the world Is Scheele:"
A secretary was told to make inquiries.
He came back to the premier with
very full information. "Scheele is a
good sort of fellow." said he. "a lieu
tenant in the artillery, a capital shot
and a first rate hand at billiards."
The next day the lieutenant became a
count, and the illustrious scholar and
scientist remained a simple burgher.
The error was not discovered until
the king returned home, nis majesty
was Indignant. "You must all be
fools." he exclaimed, "not to know
who Scheele is!" Argonaut.
A Loving Mother Guides Her Girl at
the Fateful Moment.
"Your whole future life depends
upon it."
The mother, her face tinged with
sympathy which we must ever feel In
the presence of an immaturity that is
hesitating between right and wrong,
laid her hand over that of her beauti
ful daughter.
"Yes, dear," she continued, "into
every life there comes at one time or
another a supreme temptation. If the
crisis is passed all is safe, but if you
yield at the fatal moment you cannot
retrace your steps. You are then com
mitted to a fatal policy."
"But, mother, father says he cannot
afford It."
"Exactly. Fathers from time im
memorial have always said that. It
Is their way of imposing on youth aud
Innocence. Go forth at once and buy
the gown. Do not forget that I am
with you, that 1 will stand back of
you with all the feeble strength I can
So saying, the proud woman folded
into her arms the weak creature, who
even then, if it had not been for her
timely rescue, would have been be
trayed into a humiliating and shame
ful surrender. Success Magazine.
A Stage Manager's Ruse.
The house bill of the Imperial the
ater of La Roche-sur-Yon announced
for the evening performance "La Tour
de Nesle." a five act melodrama, and
"La Socur de Jocrisse," a one act farce.
The drama had been disposed of, but
the low comedian was missing and
could not be found. What was to be
done? A luminous idea finally entered
the manager's mind. The orchestra
played an overture, then another,
then a third, then a polka and finally
a quadrille. At last, when the audi
ence had grown quite obstreperous.
the stage manager appeared. He ad
dressed the three conventional bows to
the spectators and said: "Ladies and
gentlemen, you are anxious. I know, to
listen to 'La Soeur de Jocrisse. The
piece has just been acted, but through
an unaccountable oversight on the part
of the stage hands they forgot to raise
the curtain."
Saw It In a Dream.
For many years ivory manufacturers
were trying to devise a machine for
turning out a billiard ball as nearly
perfect as possible and at the same
time avoiding waste. Among those
who strove to perfect such a machine
was Mr. John Carter of the firm of
John Carter & Son. well known ivory
manufacturers. One night, after Mr.
Carter had been striving to solve the
problem for some time, he suddenly
awoke his wife by shouting out, "I
have got it," and rushed downstairs
Into his study, where he made a draw
ing of the last knife for the want of
which he had been so long waiting in
order to complete his machine. It ap
pears that he had fallen asleep and
dreamed about the machine, and in the
dream the solution of the difficulty
was revealed to him. London An
swers. Work of the Earthworm.
When we behold a wide, turf cov
ered expanse we should remember that
its smoothness, on which so much of
its beauty depends, is mainly due to
all the inequalities having been slowly
leveled by worms. It is a marvelous
reflection that the whole of the super
ficial mold over any sueb expanse has
passed and will pass again every few
years through the bodies of worms.
The plow is one of the most ancient
and most valuable of man's inventions,
but long before he existed the land
was, In fact, regularly plowed by earth
worms. It may be doubted whether
there are many other animals which
have played so important a part in the
history of the world as have these low
ly organized creatures. Some other
animals, however, still more lowly or
ganizednamely, corals have done far
more conspicuous work in having con
structed innumerable reefs and islands
in the great oceans, but these are al
most confined to the tropical zones.
Still There.
Peckham (meeting an old friend)
Why, DIngley, is this you? I haven't
seen you for ten years. How are you
anyhow? Dingley Oh, I'm just like I
used to be. By the way, Peckham,
how's your wife? You used to say
you had the boss girl when you were
single. Peckham (sadly) She's still
boss. Life.
A Bunch of Kicks.
"The world wipes its feet on me,"
said the doormat.
"And every hand is against me," said
the push button. Kansas City Star.
"I am continually being sat on." com
plained the soft cushion.
"And I get beaten hard for the light
est thing." the egg groaned. Bosto
A South African Child Who Ran te
Meet the Big "Doggie."
The infant son of one of the Dutch
settlers in South Africa had strayed
away. After some time a search par
ty discovered little footprints leading
in the direction of the bush. Follow
ing up these, the search party came
upon a large open space, at the far
ther side of which they discovered the
object of their search sitting hugging
a little wooden doll and munching a
piece of bread and butter. Before
they could make their way through
the thick, tangled undergrowth a large
lion sprang into the cleariug. The lit
tle boy. far from beiug frightened, ran
to meet the lion, holding up his bread
and butter and said. "Take a bite,
The father stood iowerIess to move
or speak through fear, expecting each
Instant to see the child crushed under
the lion's paw. but instead of doing
as he dreaded the lion turned himself
over and lay on his back at the child's
feet. looking up iu his face as a cut
would do at play. Watchiug his op
portunity, the father raised his gun
and fired, hitting the lion in the leg.
The animal sprang up and. leaving the
child, rushctf on the party, injuring
two of the number before it was liual
ly killed. From this circumstance th
child was immediately christened by
the settlers "Daniel." London Family
An Incident of the Land League Agi
tation In Ireland.
One morning during the Land league
agitation Mr. I'arucll left Dublin by
the -.ui, mail train for ICoscommou
to xddrcss a meeting. On arriving in
the town he received a telegram from
Dublin which ran:
Missed mail train. Will get down at '
o'clock. Postpone meeting till 1 arrive.
Mr. Parnell was pleased to learn that
T. M. Healy. M. P.. was coming dowu.
Delighted, too. were the local promo
ters of the demonstration, and the meet
ing was gladly iostponed for a few
At 3 o'clock the railway station and
its approaches wore thronged witn
people with bands and banners, and
the traiu from Dublin steamed Iu
amid terrific cheering for Tim Healy.
The train pulled up. a carriage door
opened, aud the local reception com
mittee rushed to it. when out stepped
"Healy." but it was not T. M. Healy.
M. P. It was V. Wallace Healy. a
well known reporter on the staff of
the Irish Times.
He bad been assigned to the Roscom
mon meeting, had missed the mail
train, and it was most important that
his paper should have a report of Mr.
Paruell's speech; hence the telegram.
Pearson's Weekly.
What Yeomen Were.
Yeomen were formerly considered to
be by their title on a level with es
quires, and they were called yeomen
because, in addition to the weapons
proper for close engagements, they
fought in the wars with arrows aud a
bow which was made of yew; hence
the word. After the conquest the
name of yeoman, in reference to the
original office iu war. was changed to
that of archer. The term, however,
was continued with additions the yeo
man of the crown, of the chamber,
yeoman usher, etc. and we find that
considerable grants were bestowed on
some of them. In the legal view a
yeoman is defined to be one that has
fee land of the value of 40 shillings a
year and is thereby qualified to serve
on juries, to vote for knights of the
shire and to do any other act which,
the law may require. The yeomen al
ways took a leading part in whatever
concerned the regulations or interests
of the kingdom, and their renown us
warriors is fully established by their
numerous heroic achievements. Lou
don Globe.
Insects and Flowers.
Experiments on showy flowers like
the poppy tend to show that insects
are not always attracted to flowers by
the brightly colored petals, but rather
by the perception doubtless by means
of smell that there is honey or pollen.
In these experiments the unopened
flower bud 13 inclosed in a gauze net
so as to protect it from insects, aud
when it expands the petals are care
fully removed without touching the re
maining parts with the fingers (for
bees avoid a flower if the smell of hu
man fingers is left on it), and the petal
less flowers receive practically as
many insect visits as uutouched flow
ers do.
Her Complexion.
We once knew a woman who quar
reled with her complexion. At one
time she touched it up so much that
it became touchy. At another time it
was beyond the pale. Occasionally it
broke out and lecame very fiery. But.
however much she quarreled with It.
she was always ready to make it up.
"Prosy old Judge Talkit got hold of
Smythe the other day and treated ihe
poor fellow to a regular judicial pro
ceeding." "What was it?"
"First he arrested his progress and
then he tried his patience." Ralti
more American.
Happy Thought.
Mrs. Newed How does the break
fast suit you, darling? Newed It's
just right, sweetheart. It may ba
rather plebeian, but just the same I'm
awfully fond of calf's liver. Mrs.
Newed So am I. dearest. Don't you
think it would pay us to keep a calf?
Then we could have calf's liver every
morning for breakfast. Chicago News.
Not That Kind.
Charlie came to the doctor's office in
a state of great excitement and said:
"Please, doctor, come right straight
down to see Freddy. Mother says
he's wreathed in agony." Delineator.
The Responsible Party.
Visiting Relative How aristocratic
your father looks with all that gray
hair! The Naughty Sou Yes. and he's
got me to thank for It too. Puck.
Knowledge, in truth. Is the great sun
In the firmament Life and power are
cattered with its beams. Webster.
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