The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 19, 1910, Image 4

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(tiolumbus BVLTtVXl.
Colambu. Nebr.
CoMoUdeted with the Colombo Times April
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CHANGE IS ADDBE8&-When ordering a
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Our future ia made by purpose and
by chance. Daily we pass into an un
discovered country. Daily we try in
vain to guess what undiscovered coun
try holds; what of allurement, what of
dread. It is only in fable that men or
witches look into the seeds of time, and
say which grain will grow; or read the
book of fate, and see the continent melt
into the sea. Shakespeare never weari
ed oi the subject the fascination of
the unknown, and how unknown, in
deed, it is. So much does the unex
pected weigh, that a wise man can
see in definite prophecy but little fur
ther than a fool. The advantage of
wisdom is not in forecast, but living
wisely now prepares for living wisely to
the end. We can not penetrate the
unseen, but we can greet it with a
cheer. Better than that, we can wel
come it with readiness and understand
ing. There is enough, at least for in
spiration, in the saying of old Sam
Johnson, that the future is purchased
by the present It is true sufficiently
to make effort, hope and faith the bet
ter course. We know the world, with
all its woe, grows happier; with all its
ignorance, more enlightened; with its
error, more virtuous and just; and in
this painful, slow, and steady progress
we know that each of us can help.
One contributes policy, invention,
knowledge; another, barred these great
factors, can bring at least fortitude,
joy, abnegnation. To none is denied
"that best ortion of a a good man's
life; his little, nameless, unremembered
acts of kindness and of love. Col
Is Christianity an inspired faith or
not? Shakesfteare and Plato tower
above the intellectual level of their
times like the peaks of Tencrifle
and Mont Blanc. We look at them
and it seems impossible to measure the
interval that separates them from the
intellectual development around them.
But if this Jewish boy, in that area of
the world, in Palestine, with the Gan
ges on one side of him and the Olym
pus of Athens on the other, ever pro
duced a religion with these four ele
ments, he towers so far above Shakes
peare and Plato that the difference
between Shakespeare and Plato and
their times in the comparison becomes
an imperceptible wrinkle on the sur-
uce of the earth.
I think a greater credulity to be
lieve that there ever was a man so
much superior to Athens and to Eng
land as this Jewish youth was, if he
was a mere man, than it is to believe
that in the fullness of time a higher
wisdom than was ever vouchsafed to a
human being undertook to tell the
human race the secret by which it
could lift itself to a higher plane of
moral and intellectual existence. I
have weighed Christianity as the
great vital and elemental force which
underlies Europe, to which we are
indebted for European civilization. I
have endeavored to measure its
strength, to estimate its permanence,
to analyze its elements; and if they
ever came from the unassisted brain of
one uneducated Jew, while Shakes
peare is admirable, and Plato is admi
rable, and Gothe is admirable, this
Jewish boy takes a higher level.
He is marvellous, wonderful; he is
in himself a miracle. The miracles he
wrought are nothing to the miracle he
was if at that era and in that condition
of the world he invented Christianity.
Whately says, "To disbelieve is to be
lieve." I cannot be so credulous as to
believe that any mere man invented
Christianity. Until you show me
some loving heart that has felt more
profoundly, some strong brain that
even with the aid of his example, has
thought further, and added something
important to religion, I must still
use my common sense and say, no man
did all this. I know Buddha's protest
aad what he is said to have tried to
do. To all that my answer is, India
pact and present Wendell Phillips.
There are people who question the
utility of the discovery of the North
Pole. Of what use to Society (they
ask) is such a feat? What possible
benefit can come from standing on the
"top o' the world," save the inspiring
example of persistence it affords, and
the race-old thrill that comes when a
fellow being wins a terrible battle
with the elements? One naturally de
plores such unappreciative and ungen
erous cynicism. But we have only
recently discovered an answer which
should silence these carping detrac
tions from the well earned praise of
heroic achievement.
We have just received the Christ
mas number of Hampton's Magazine,
and have been looking over the adver
tisements. Now 'we begin to appre
ciate something of the great commer
cial value of the polar discovery. It
lies in the tested and demonstrated
perfection of American products,
whose superiority was discovered by
Peary at the North Pole.
Here, for instance, is an "ad" testi
fying to the nourishing quality of the
shredded wheat biscuit, which stood
between Peary and death in the fro
zen north.
On another advertising page we are
told that Peary carried a Waltham
watch, which leaves the reader to
infer that all who expect to journey to
the Pole will adopt this eqipment.
Then there is the "ad" of the Nor
folk and New Brunswick Hosiery
Company, whose underwear played an
important part in Peary's success.
On still another page we find that
Peary used throughout the expedition
Dupont (gun; powder.
There is an "ad" of the Rubberset
Company, whose shaving brush was
found peculiarly satisfactory in apply
ing lather by the rayB of the midnight
On another page it is suggested that
the expedition might have been a dis
mal failure had it not been for the
comfort and solace found only in a
brand of tobacco to be had of the U.
S. Tobacco Company.
Of course, it was to be expected
that Pear carried to the Pole a Win
chester rifle and cartridges.
Only when we realize how import
ant on these polar expeditions are the
records of the explorer, can we appre
ciate the reliable efficiency of the
Kohinoor pencil, with which Peary's
records were inscribed.
And how much more convincing
are these records when supplemented
by photographs taken with an East
man Kodak!
We turn over a page and another
Peary "ad" confronts us. It gratifies
us, as Americans, to know that Peary
was enabled to arrive at the Pole pre
senting a respectable appearance, as
becomes an American gentleman, for
we are informed, he carried a Carbon
Magnetic razor made by the Griffin
Cutlery works, presumably "adjusted
to temperature and position."
On reading another Peary "ad" we
are resolved that we will not under
take to go anywhere near the North
Pole without an equipment of Ameri
can Thermos Bottles.
And there is Nelson's loose-leaf
encyclopedia, of which we hadn't
heard before, but of its superiority we
are now convinced because Peary used
and liked a loose-leaf atlas.
We think that the circumstantial
detail with which Peary's endorse
ment of "Wear-Ever" aluminum cook
ing utensils should render it the most
convincing to those contemplating
polar travels. The explorer writes,
"Before going on my recent trip I in
vestigated the merits of aluminum
cooking utensils and found that those
bearing the 'Wear Ever' trade mark
were made of pure sheet aluminum of
sufficient thickness to make them
durable and dependable; and it may
interest you to know that the 'Wear
Ever' cooking utensils went to the
Pole with me."
For the convenience of would-be
explorers, another "ad" states that
Commander Peary was able to find
everything he needed for his trip at
Macy's Department Store.
We were wondering if Peary had
overlooked anything when we ran
across another "ad" with the testimo
nial of Captain Bartlett of Peary's
vessel which tells how successfully the
expedition was disinfected and deo
dorized by the use of Shering's For
malin. Our only regret is that, due to the
premature departure of Commander
Peary, the inadequacy of the postal
service at the North Pole, and a few
other circumstances beyond our con
trol, we are unable to advertise that
Commander Peary, upon his arrival at
the Pole was cheered and comforted
and encouraged for his return home by
reading a copy of La Follette's. La
Follette's Magazine.
His Delusion.
Howell I had the nightmare last
night Powell That so? Howell
Yes; I thought that I was being kicked
by the foot of the bed. New York
BY J. H.
Bancroft, Neb., Jan. 4 To the Edi
tor of The State Journal: Eastern
publishers are just beginning to find
out that there is a great empire west
of the Missouri river, teeming with
energetic, high spirited and intelligent
millions, and for the first time are
giving to the public books in which
are gathered the material from which
history will be written. The old nov
el, generally writen in a dialect which
no one who has lived on these plains
for the last fifty years ever heard
spoken, and filled with tales of out
laws, scalp hunting Indians, drunken
cowboys "shooting up" the towns, is
all that we have had up to the present
time. Now matter of value is being
printed matter that is much more in
teresting reading than the wild and
impossible trash that has so long filled
the booksellers' shelves. . The State
Journal is doing some valuable work
along that line. The articles of A. E.
Sheldon, if printed in book form,
would make a source book, to which
the writters of the future would con
stantly turn. As literature, they rank
with the best writings of the present
period, and there is far more enjoy
ment for any sane mind in reading
them than reading any of the works,
either of fiction or history, which east
ern writers have produced. "The
Conquest of the Missouri," a volume
recently issued, it being practically
the memoirs of Captain Marsh, the
greatest of the old Missouri river pi
lots and captains who navigated the
upper Missouri and the Yellowstone, is
a work of the same character as that
of Sheldon.
The truth about Indians, the cause
of the wars between them and the
whites, the true character of their
chiefs, is for the first time being put
into printed form, and among the men
who are doing this honest and accu
rate historical work, Doane Robinson
of South Dakota, is among the fore
most. Some of us who have known
the facts have often wondered wheth
er what is called history, would in the
future be a mass of falsehoods, as it
has been in the past, or whether the
truth would be finally recorded and
accepted. Some of the great magazi
nes are taking up this work aud there
are now running in Putnam's a series
of articles on the Missouri river by
John G. Neihardt. It will be noticed
that all this valuable and accurate
work is being done by western men
men who write in the purest English
and with indescribable charm which
can be defined only with the words
"good literature."
But the eastern publishers are yet
profoundly ignorant of this great west.
One of them writing recently to a Ne
braska author concerning some work
along these lines stated as an accepted
fact that Long's explorations and the
old Oregon trail were one and the
same thing.
It is very fortunate that this valu
able work is being done while there
are some men still living who made
this history and who can, if they will,
correct any inaccuracies that may be
made, for however careful and honest
a writer may be, or however pains
taking he may be, in gathering his
materials, errors will occur. Doane
Robinson makes one of these errors
when he says that Gen. George Crook
.had no idea of the number of hostile
Indians he would face when he started
out on that campaign against Crazy
Snake, and which ended in the de
structure of Custer and his command.
It fell to my lot to have a close per
sonal companionship with General
Crook for several years. As thesaying
is "we just took to one another,"' per
haps on account of the fact that the
general and I were the only white
men ever initiated into the "soldier
lodge," that is, as far as we could
learn. Both of us had met white men
who claimed to be members of the
soldier lodge, but they could never
give us one of the signs. The years
that General Crook spent in I Omaha
were years when we met almost every
day, sometimes at the old Herald edi
torial room, sometimes at Collins' har
ness shop and sometimes sat at my own
home or at his quarters, and we have
often gone over together all of his
Indian campaigns. He was the only
general officer of the United States
army, who really knew Indians. There
were several subordinate officer who
were well informed, such as Captain
Rourke and Capt. W. P. Clark of the
Second cavalry, but none of the com
manding officers, and among them
Custer, knew less on that subject than
any of the others.
Just after that campaign it was gen
erally asserted that the commanding
officers were greatly to blame for not
having ascertained the number ef In
dians on the war path before starting
on the campaign and more blame was
placed upon Crook than any of the
others, for he had long been in the In
dian country, and should have known.
We often talked of that matter and
Crook repeatedly asserted that in his
official reports he had informed his
superiors of the number of hostile In
dians in his front, but they would not
believe him. They preferred to form
their conclusions from the reports of
the Indian agents located at the var
ious agencies. Most of the Indians
were at the agencies during the pre
vious winter and they drew as many
rations and as much supplies as they
possibly could in preparation for the
coming campaign. The Indian agents
were always the bitter enemies of
Crook and for very good reasons, for
whereever he was, he saw to it that
the supplies sent to the agencies were
delivered to the Indians.
It was during the time that this
question of the ignorance of the gener
al officers concerning the number of
warriors the army would have to meet
was before the public that one evening
General Crook came to the Herald
editorial room bringing some letters
with him which he had written to his
wife just before or about the time he
started out on the old Bozeman trail.
I distinctly remember the contents of
one of those letters. In it he told his
wife that he was going out to meet an
overwhelming number of hostile In
dians, that the department would pay
no attention to his reports, but for her
to not be over anxious, for knowing
what was before him he should so
handle his troops that he could always
defend himself. He would not spread
them out or divide his force at any
time, and no matter how fierce a fight
he got into, he would keep his eyes on
some defensive position where he
could quickly concentrate his whole
force. Then he added you need not
worry for Indians will not assault a de
fensive position. That is not accord
ing to their tactics. Then if the In
dians continued to surround such a
position in overwhelming numbers and
cut oft supplies, he would cut his way
out and make a rapid retreat. To that
end he had issued orders stripping of
ficers and men of every article not ab
solutely necessary and they would al
ways be in light marching order.
Now of course that is written from
memory, but I am certain that it con
tains the substance of the letter that
Crook had with him. In that order
Crook had enumerated just the articles
that officers and men should take, and
there was much feeling among his sub
ordinates because he had one officer
courtmartialed for disobedience of or
ders in that he carried with him in his
inside coat pocket a small note book.
Crook was the only general in the
field who had means of getting accur
ate information. Soon after he was
admitted to the soldier lodge he learned
that he might with perfect safety em
ploy Indian scouts, that any "soldier"
would die rather than to lie to him, for
he believed that if he told a lie to a
brother member, something very terri
ble would happen to him. He would
die, break out with sores, or his family
would be afflicted with some dread
disease and totally extinguished.
Crook was the first officer to employ
Indian scouts, and it took him a long
time to get Washington authorities to
agree to enlist them. Afterwards, all
the generals employed them and no
Indian ever proved a coward or false in
any particular. They were always ab
solutely reliable and trustworthy. It
was through his faithful Indian scouts
that he obtained his accurate informa
tion. But there was some things that
neither Crook or I could ever find out.
They were things connected with what
were called the "Medicine men," and
were not part of the'knowledge known
to members of the soldier lodge. One
of these things was often a subject of
conversation between us, but we knew
no more after we had finished talking
about it than we did when we began.
The swiftness with which information
is spread among Indians separated by
great distance is a wonder to all men
who have been on the plains in those
times. Harris records that Indians
around Bismark knew of the Custer
defeat the same day that it occurred
while the whites knew nothing about
it until the steamboat bringing the
wounded arrived there many days
afterward, and there are many other
instances, all well authenticated, of the
same kind. General Crook told me
that on the afternoon of the day that
Custer was killed, he noticed that his
Indian scouts were all in a state of
melancholy and so terribly depressed
were they that he knew something
dreadful had happened.
All persons at all acquainted with
Indians know that they are subject to
spells of melancholy, "having the
dumps" as the whites who associate
with them call it. At first, Crook
said, he thought that the scouts were
just having a spell of the "dumps"
which would soon pas off, but after an
hour or two when they seemed to be
relapsing into a total collapse, he grew
anxious and sent for the head scout
and asked what had happened. The
scout said that nothing had happened
affecting them or that expedition.
Crook replied:
"I know that, or you would have
told me long ago, but something has
happened. What is it?"
After considerable persuasion the
Indian said:
"Long Hair and all his men have
been killed by Inkpaduta. Not one of
them is left alive." (Inkpaduta was a
very bad chief whom many of the In
dians hated as well as all of the whites
and commanded one of the bands at
the Custer fight)
Gen. Crook said that he tried every
means that he could think of to find
out how the Indians had received that
information but all that he could ever
get from them was that they got it in
the Indian way. Crook's camp was
200 miles from the Custer battlefield
and it was the same afternoon that the
Indians knew the result. What made
the scouts so depressed was that they
thought that the white people would
take a terrible revenge and perhaps
kill all of the Indian people.
Gen. Crook said that he was certain
that that news was not conveyed by
heliographing, an art in which Indians
are very expert, using small mirrors
for their instruments, for the contour
of the country was such as to make
that impossible, nor by smoke signals
or in any other way of which white
people had any knowledge.
There should a new book be written
and written now, devoted to the "Thir
ty Years of War" with the Sioux and
confined exclusively to that subject.
It should begin with the outbreak, as
described by Sheldon, and close with
the burying of the dead at Wounded
Knee. It should be written now, be
cause there are men still living, who
had personal connection with every
part of it, and could help the historian
to be accurate. Ten years from now
they will be dead.
T. H. Tibblis.
A Chicago school architect is of the
opinion that, within fifty years, the
schoolhouses for that and other cities
will be situated away out in the sub
urbs, or in the country. JuIesBois,a
French writer, makes an even bolder
prophecy, and says the great cities of
the future will be practically uninhab
ited, except for business purposes. All
classes, rich and poor alike, will dwell
in the country, or in garden cities for
residence purposes only, access to
which will be cheap and rapid, owing
to the development of pneumatic
railways or flying bicycles. After
nightfall, the cities will be deserted,
except for policemen, firemen, and,
perhaps, theatre crowd. Thomas A.
Edison, America's greatest inventor,
says we are just on the verge of the
development of mechanical and elec
trical invention. This is the greatest
age in the greatest country the world
has ever known. Of the future, we
can only guess, but pleasant prophe
sies are best, and probably most likely.
Perhaps you were born too soon.
Atchison Globe.
Helped Him to Hurry.
Prince Bismarck once told a story of
the battlefield of Koenlggrntz. The old
emperor, then king of Prussia, had
exposed himself and his staff to thu
enemy's fire In a very reckless fash
ion and would not hear of retreating
to a safe distance. At last Prince Bis
marck rode up to him. saying: "As a
responsible minister I must Insist upon
your majesty's retreat to a safe dis
tance. If your majesty were to be
killed the victory would be of no use
to us." The king saw the force of this
and slowly retreated, but in bl zeal
returned again and again to the front.
"When I noticed it," Prince Bismarck
went on. "I only rose In my saddle
and looked at him. He understood It
perfectly and called out rather an
grily, 'Yes. I am coming.' But we did
not get on fast enough, and at last I
rode close up to the king, took ray
foot out of the right stirrup and se
cretly gave bis horse an energetic kick.
Such a thing bad never before han-
pened to the fat mare, but the move
.was successful, for she shot off In a
line canter."
8attfed the Difficulty.
An insurance agent had vainly tried
to persuade a man to Insure his valua
bles against burglary. "A safe's all very
well," he admitted, "but look nt the
constant trouble of locking up and un
locking to see if your things are all
"I've got over that difficulty," de
clared the weary listener.
"Indeed " said the agent Incredulous
ly. "How?"
"I've had a window put in the safe,"
growled the other.
"You say the defendant pulled the
plaintiff's hair. Now, how could the
lefendant. who is an unusually short
man, reach the plaintiff's hair, the
plaintiff being fully six feet tall?'
"Why, you see, your honor, the
plaintiff was butting him at the time."
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Evidently a Connoisseur.
"Bliggins Is a connoisseur in cigars."
"He must be. Otherwise he might
make aa occasional mistake and give
rway a good one." Washington Star.
A bold onset Is half the battle Garibaldi.
Pocahontas tSmokeless
Illinois. Rock Springs
and Colorado Coals
at prices that will interest you. Let us
figure with you lor your winter's supply.
T. B. Hord
Bell 188
Let Us Prove To YOU Thr.t
You Want This
Heat Regulator
We can provide it and prove, that if
you have it installed, you won'tsell it
for what it cost you.
Let Us Take the Risk
If you are not satisfied, and it does
not do all we claim, we will take it out
and give your money back.
We Handle the "Minneapolis"
in This City Because
We know this is the best Heat Regu
lator made regardless of price, and we
know the price puts it within
of every household.
Furnace or Boiler All Kinds of Fuel.
"Saves its Cost in a Season"
Columbus, Nebraska
An Indiscreet Memory.
The Hostess Don't you think Colo
nel Broadside Is quite a wonderful old
man? Look at him. He is as straight
and slender as an arrow, and he has
the most wonderful memory. The
Lady of Dubious Age I think he's an
atrocious old bore. He remembers
when everybody was born. Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
Partial Cure.
"I fear you are a victim of the drink
"You misjudge me. Lack of the
price cured me of the drink habit long
ago. It's merely the thirst that both
ers me now." Philadelphia Ledger.
No need to bear the discomforts of a northern winter.
At a low cost you can enjoy the sunshine, flowers and
summer life of Southern California, Cuba, the Bahamas,
Florida and the Gulf Country.
Take a winter vacation and see the historic Southland.
Write me for descriptive literature about our personally
conducted excursions to Southern California, about Florida
and all the other far famed winjer resorts berths, rates,
train service, etc.
L. F. RECTOR, Ticket Agent, Columbus
L. W. Walelet, G. P. A., Omaha
Old Books
In fact, for anything in the book
binding line bring your work to
Journal Office
Phone 160
Grain Co.
Ind. 206
the reac
Knew of One.
"Suggestion? H'mp: Did you ever
hear of a real cure effected by 'sugges
tion V "
"I personally knew of one. 1 once
suggested to a young fellow that if he
didn't want to have a big dog chasing
him off the premises he'd better quit
coming to my house, and it cured him
of the habit" Chicago Tribune.
Her Train.
"I shall miss my train," she said
"Oh. no, you won't." the dressmaker
assured her. "You will soon get used
to these gowiis which haven't any."
New York Journal.
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