The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 19, 1910, Image 1

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Before the fire
i Now is the time
Agents 12 good
Oats 38
Wheat, new 08
Corn 4
Hogs, top 7.C5 to 7.75
a g
Files or the Journal, January 24, 1877.
F. P. Burgess bus been heard from at
the Pawnee agency in the Indian terri
tory. He contemplates taking a tirp
through Kansas shortly to bnnt up a
newepsper situation.
If crops are good next season, the
lumber men may expect an immense
trade, greater than they have ever bad.
Nebraska men are determined to improve
their farms to the utmost extent of their
Among the bills introduced to the
Nebraska legislature we notice one to
attach the Pawnee reservation to Mer
rick county, and another to create tLe
Pawnee reservation into the county of
Forty-one freighters wagons went
north from Sidney on Saturday last,
thirty-two on Sunday, twenty-five on
Monday, thirty-four on Tuesday, forty
on Wednesday and twenty-eight on
Thursday. It would almost seem as
though the Black Hills people consum
ed as much as Chicago and Sidney com
bined. People cannot be too careful in getting
on and off the cars, especially when the
grounds and platforms are slippery.
Only a few weeks ago a man was thrown
violently to t he ground when jumping
from a moving train at the Olive street
crossing, narrowly escaping serious in
jury. Last Wednesday, Miss Hanchett,
of this city, in attempting to get off a
train after it had started from the de
pot, slipped and fell partially under the
cars, and but for the timely assistance of
a bystander would probably have been
Congregational Church.
Sunday school 9:45
Morning worship 11
V.P.S.O.E 6:30 p. m.
Evening worship 7:30 p. m.
At the morning service the pastor will
speak from the subject: Coming into
One's Own. Of the evening the follow
ing program will be rendered:
Trombone Solo (Selected)
Mr. Stovicek
Liife's Unlisted Asset Pastor
Solo (Selected) Mrs. Milton Bower
Announcements and offertory
Anthem Choir
William L. Dibble.
All the latest shades and
styles in
Paper Hanging
and Decorating
Writing a Spatially
Last Sunday afternoon, January 1G,
Adolph Jaeggi, manager of the Elevator
Roller Mills of this city, died at his re
sidence, Eighth and Ernst streets, after
an illness of four weeks with pleurisy.
Mr. Jaeggi was born in Berne, Switzer
land, August 2, 1848, and was the second
son of a Swiss minister. He received an
excellent commercial education in a
wholesale house in Elmdorf, in Emman
than. He spent a year in Italy for the
purpose of learning the language, and
while there was an eye witness, in St.
Peters1 dome, of the concilium, de
claring Pope Pio Nono infallible. Hav
ing absolved bis military services in his
native country, reaching the rank of
lieutenant, he immigrated to Columbus
in 18G9, taking a homestead eighteen
miles southwest in Polk county,
where he enjoyed the blessings and
suffered the hardships of the pioneer.
Later he was the first book keeper in the
Columbus State Bank under Leander
Gerrard and Abner Turner. Later he
engaged in the lumber businss under
the firm name of Jaeggi & Schupbach
and then became manager of the Eleva
tor Roller Mills, which position he held
at the time of his death. Mr. Jaeggi had
enjoyed good health until a year ago,
when he suffered from a severe attack of
rheumatism, from which he failed to
And relief, even at the Hot Springs of
South Dakota. Eight weeks ago he
was taken with fainting spells and com
pelled to remain at home, and the last
four weeks he was bedfast during which
time he received the best of care, but
this did not avail to prolong his life.
Besides his wife he leaves three sons,
Paul, Walter and Ernest, all grown to
manhood, and one brother Leopold, all
of thtj city, and one sister in Salt Lake
City and another one in Berne, Switzer
land. Funeral services were held
Wednesday, at 2 p. m.from the residence
and were conducted by Rev. Neumarker
of the German Evangelical Protestant
church. During his long residence in
Columbus was always interested in the
growth and advancement of the city,
and in his quiet way gave substantial
encouragement to all improvements.
One of the most important and sweep
ing changes in the Union Pacific time
table, for many years, was put into effect
Sunday. Besides adding four new
trains, two, the Los Angeles Limited,
Nos. 7 and 8, are taken off temporarily.
Of the westbound trains, there are no
changes in No. 1, the Overland Limited,
and North Platte and Grand Island lo
cate, the two latter arriving here at the
same time as before, but under different
numbers. No. 3 and 15 are changed but
very little, and arrive in the evening as
before. No. 17, the Portland Special,
runs on the time of the former Los
Angeles Limited, arriving about 3 o'clock
in the afternoon. No. 13, the Colorado
special, is the night train, and leaves
Omaha at 11:48 p. m., and carries the
mail. The time for this train is the
fastest on the division, making the run
from Omaha here in one hour and forty
seven minutes, and from here to Grand
Island in one hour and ten minutes
No. 11 leaves Omaha about seven o'clock
in the morning, making it an early morn
ing train for Columbus people. No 5,
now follows No. 3 in the evening, the
same as before the last change. In the
westbound trains, No. 12 is an evening
train instead of in the morning, arriving
at 10:27 p. m. No. 14, the Colorado
special, arrives at about the same time
as No. 12 did. No. 18, the eastbonnd
Portland train, takes the place of the
eastbonnd Los Angeles Limited No. 8.
No. G. which formerly arrived in the
night, is now a day train, following No.
1G and arrives at 2:4(1 This new ar
rangement provides for three Denver
trains each way, and provides splendid
service for that travel.
Columbus and Omaha high school
basket ball teams played a very close
and interesting game in this city Friday
night. Judging by the game put up by
the Columbus team when in Omaha,
the team from the metropolis expected
an easy victory. But they soon discov
ered that Columbus made a big improve
ment, and that their play was ahead
of the former game. The score at the
end of the first half was 12 to 5 in favor
of Omaha, but in the second half Colum
bus played to win, and at the end of this
half the score stood 30 to 22 in favor of
Omaha, The lineup was as follows:
Omaha, Rectar, Carson, Patton, Finely,
Dodd, Burdick, Trimble, Knlakofsky.
Columbus, Becker, A. Wilson, West
brook, Rhode, V. Wilson, Kinsman.
The Columbus Fire department will
be represented at the twenty-eight an
nual convention of Nebraska Volunteer
Fireman, which is held at Fremont,
Wednesday and Thursday of this week
by the following delegates: Pioneer
Hook and Ladder Co., Clarence Pittman;
Hose Company No. 1, Otto Kumpf;
Hose Company No. 2, John Staub; Bis
sell Hose Company, George E. Davis.
Besides the delegates quite a number of
members and ex-members of the depart
ment will be in attendance at the con
vention. Chief Bert J. Galley of the
Columbus department is president of the
association, and at this meeting his suc
cessor will be elected; one year being
the rule for this office.
The chorus in "Little Johnny Jones"
is just about as sprightly a company of
sweet femininity as has "lately been as
sembled on any local stage. Mr. Cohan's
J choruses are always sprightly, other
wise they are not there.
Dr. Naumann, Dentist 13 St.
Dr. Morrow, office Lueschen building.
People who get results advertise in the
Four room bouse for rent. Elliott,
Speice & Co.
For Sale A small cash register.
Phillipps & Rudat.
Dr. C.A. Allenburger, office in new
State Bank building.
Drs. Carstenson & Hyland, Veterinar
ians. Both phones 212.
See the Columbus Hide Co. before you
sell your iron and junk.
Dr. W. R. Neumarker, office with Dr.
C. D. Evans, west side of Park.
Visit LaBook's final clearance sale and
get a 315 ladies' tailored suit for $5.
Mrs. Otto Kinder was taken to St.
Mary's hospital Tuesday for treatment.
For fine watch, clock and jewelry re
pairing, try Carl Froemel, the Eleventh
street jeweler.
Editor Harms and Otto Kinder of the
Bienewere in Omaha the first of the
week on business.
It pays to sell your bides where you
can get the most money from them. See
Columbus Hide Co.
Found A Highlander pin, gold.
Owner can have same by calling at
Journal office and paying charges.
Watch for our big clearance sale on
petticoats, which begins Friday morning,
and get a $1.25 petticoat for 69 cents.
La Book.
Fremont and Columbus bowlers had a
match scheduled for the Hagel alleys
Monday evening, but the Fremont team
failed to show np. and a game between
two local teams was put on.
There are song hits galore in "Little
Johnny Jones." But the ones that are
whistled and hummed the most are
"Good Bye, Flo;" "Nesting in a New
York Tree;" "Give My Regards to Broad
way," and "Yankee Doodle Boy."
Wm. Terrell, who had the misfortune
to break his leg at the Union Pacific
freight depot two weeks ago, had the
injured member placed in a plaster cast
Sunday morning, and is now able to get
around the house with the aid of
' Monday morning Seth Braun closed a
deal for the sale of his store on Eleventh
street. W. E. Rohrich being the pur
chaser, and he took possession the first
of the week. Mr. Braun can now devote
bis time to railroading, as he is next in
line for a regular run as fireman.
According to the dispatches in Tues
day's dailies, Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Doxey
were nrraigned in St. Louis, charged
with the murder of William J. Erder,
and pleaded not guilty. Their trial has
been set for the next term of court, and
the proceedings will be closely watched
by Columbus people.
James Robert Pennington, infant son
of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Pennington, died
Sunday after a two weeks' illness with
pneumonia. He was born May 20, 1909,
and was seven months and twenty-six
days old. Funeral services were held
Wednesday afternoon at 2 p. in., from
the borne, on East Eleventh street and
were conducted by Rev. W. L. Dibble
of the Congregational church.
It is understood that as soon as the
weather will permit the working of pav
ing around the Union Pacific depot will
be commenced. The company had
planned to do this last fall, but on ac
count of the early winter were unable to
do it. There are a number of other im
provements contemplated, and when the
work is completed Columbus will have a
depot and grounds to be proud of.
Supervisor of the Census Joe A. Hayes
of Central City was in the city Monday
looking after details connected with tak
ing the enumeration in this county. Mr.
Hayes has charge of the census work for
the Third congressional district of Ne
braska, and be is now making arrange
ments for the examination of prospective
enumerators. The examination for
Platte county will be held in this city on
Saturday, February 5, at a place to be
designated later.
Monday of this week the grand offi
cers of the Sons of Herman were in the
city checking over the books of Grand
Treasurer Fred Volpp of Scribner and
Grand Secretary Carl Rhode of this city.
But two members of the auditing com
mittee were present, William Piepen
stock of Wayne and August Boettcher
of this city. Grand President John
Mattes of Nebraska City was also pres
ent at the meeting, as also were the
other officers mentioned.
Ever since the town of Monroe was
started they have at different times
considered ways and means for provid
ing a bridge over the Loup south of
town. At one time they had a tempor
ary bridge, but the high water washed
it away, and later they put in a ferry.
But now they have another idea and
that is to put in a pontoon bridge.
Those interested in this project have
been ascertaining the cost of such a
bridge, and they believe it will be possi
ble to raise the required amount and put
in the bridge Monroe has long felt
that the trade from the south side of the
river in Loup township and now hope
that a pontoon bridge will be the means
of securing it for them.
Four Room House, located with
in 6 blocks of Post Office. Fine
shade and a desirrble location,
Post Office Block
Dr. W. S. Evans, Union Block.
Drs. Paul and Matzen, Dentists.
Dr. Vallier, Osteopath, Barber block.
Dr. G. A. Ireland, State Bank bldg.
First-class printing done at the Jour
nal office.
Dr. Chas. H. Campbell, oculist and
aurist, 1215 Olive street. .
v Crushed rock salt for hides, and for
stock. Columbus Hide Co.
Only two dozen coats remain worth up
to $25, your choice for $7.50. LaBook.
Mrs. Henry Gass, jr., and daughter
were guests of Staplehurst relatives the
last week.
Fritz Jaeggi of Omaha was in the city
this week to attend the fnneral of the
late Adolph Jaeggi.
Miss Mazie Magill was a guest at the
A. W. Clark home Tuesday night, re
turning to her home at Monroe Wednes
day. Mrs. C. H. Dack and little son Bruce
returned last week from Clarinda, la,,
where they have been visiting relatives
for some time.
Tuesday George Garns was fined 3
and costs amounting to $6, in Police
Judge O'Brien's .oourt for being drunk
and disorderly.
The party who found the lap robe in
the north part of town on January 2,
will please leave the same at The Jour
nal office and receive-reward.
Washington dispatches this week an
nounce the reappointment of Henry
Geitzen as postmaster at Humphrey.
This is his third term for him.
Dr. A. E. Vallier left Thursday for
LaBelle, Mo., on receipt of a telegram
telling of the serious illness of his wife's
mother. Mrs. Vallier left for her moth
er's home over two weeks ago, and they
will remain there for some time.
R. S. Dickinson and C. O. Sheldon of
Columbus Brick company returned last
week from points in the east, including
Dayton, O., where they investigated the
Young-Green kiln. As yet they have
not decided on anything definite in the
line of improvements for the brick com
pany, bnt will make further investiga
tions. President Karr of the Commercial
club expects to call a meeting of that
body during the coming week for the
purpose of considering, in connection
with the City Band, a proposition to se
cure a director and leader. Other im
portan t matters may be considered by
the club and may be incorporated in the
call for the meeting.
Agent Rector of the Burlington is
still compelled to transact business in
almost the open air, as the carpenter
gang rebuilding the depot have gotten
far enough along to begin tearing out n
portion of the old office. When the
building is completed it will be much
more convenient, one improvement being
the office extending the full length' of
the building north and south, and giving
them windows facing the track.
Last week the Knights of the Macca
bees held their annual election of offi
cers, which resulted as follows: Fred
Schofield, past commander; August Die
trich, commander; Harvey Miles, lieu
tenant; George Winslow, sergeant; H.
W. Heineman, recorder and finance
keeper; J. T. Boyd, chaplain; Dr. D. T.
Marty n, sr., physician; Lester Jenkin
son, master at arms; E. C. Worden, first
guard; O. E. Devlin, second guard;
Clarence Shaw, sentry; Norman F. Davis,
Another of the entertainments given
under the auspices of the Spanish-Amer-can
War veterans, in order to assist in
defraying the expenses of their state
convention and reunion in this city
sometime during the month of April,
will be given at the North Theatre
Thursday evening of this week. They
have secured Laurants, who will enter
tain the audience with feats of magic
and legerdemain, and is said to be first
class in his line. The boys are asking
Columbus people to patronize their en
tertainments and in that way, while
they are getting the worth of their mon
ey, materially assist them in raising
funds for the state meeting.
Columbus, Neb.
For a Court House.
At their last session, the board of
supervisors seriously considered provid
ing more room at the present court
bouse, and Architect J. F. Guth of
Omaha submitted plans for a remodeled
building, to cost about 50,000 and
utilize the present building. The board
discussed the plans and various ways of
raising funds, bnt before adjourning the
following resolution was presented by
Supervisor Goetz and adopted:
Whereas, A movement has been start
ed by this board to submit to the tax
payers of Platte county the question of
either building an addition to the old
court house or to build a new court
house for the county, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the question of pro
viding for a new court house for the co
unty of Platte be made the special order
of business for the second day of the
next session of the board of supervisors
at 2 p. m. of said day.
The date of the second day of the
meeting is March 16, 1910, and at that
time the remodeling of the present
building, or the building of an entirely
new one will be taken up and discussed.
The court house question is one that
every taxpayer in the county is interest
ed in, and has been before the people on
different occasions. Platte county has
long needed a new court house and it is
hoped that the 'present movement will
result in providing more and better ac
commodations for the county officers.
Columbus Banks Elect Officers.
The three national banks of this city
held their election of officers during the
last week, and there were very few
At the First National the list of direc
tors is composed of J. H. Galley, Jacob
Greisen, Edward Johnson, P. F. Luch
singer, P. A. Peterson and Henry Miller,
making eight members of the board, with
the addition of Messrs. Henry Miller
and Franz Lucbsinger.
The Commercial roster U as follows:
H. P. Oehlrich, Daniel Schram, A. D.
Becker, S. C. Gray, Jonas Welch, A. F.
H. Oehlrich and John J. Galley, the
latter taking the place of Frank Rorer
in the directory.
At the German National G. W. Phil
lips, C. H. Sheldon. Frank Rorer, Theo.
Friedhof, August Boettcher, II. S. Elliott
and George Willard compose the board,
Mr. Boettcher taking Bernard Schroe
der's place as a member of the board.
Return Engagement of Little Johnny
"Little Johnny" Jones which will be
seen in this city in the near future has
scored one of the biggest bits of any
musical comedy presented in recent
years. Fully half a season it was pre
sented to crowded bouses in New York
City and during one entire summer it
played to capacity at the fashionable
Illinois theatre in Chicago, where it
scored a record of one hundred per
formances. The same complete scenic
production as presented it in those cities
will be seen here. The company num
bers fifty people including one of the
best drilled and most efficient bhoruses
in America.
Advertised Letters.
Following is a list of unclaimed mail
matter remaining in the post office at
Columbus, Nebraska, for the period end
ing January 19, 1910:
Miss Winnie Alonzo care Boston Ideal
Opera Co, Henry Considine, Harry
Colby. Miss Christina Iverson, A S
Keesee, Harry E Nicholson, A Ossowski,
Wayt-yl Kodak, Fred Solomon care Chris
Weber, M r Snyder, commission business,
R M Wallace.
Cards Stephen Dailey, James Miller,
A Ossowski 3, Miss Lydia Peters.
Parties calling for any of the above
will please say advertised.
Caul Kramer, P. M.
Marriage Licenses.
William Kerzeder, Lindsay 27
Mary S. Borer, Linflsay 19
Joseph Gains, Tarnov 28
Anna Olsofka, Tarnov 2'
John Iwan, Duncan 25
Catherine Czapla, Duncan 19
John Kusek, Columbus 25
Catherine Molczyk, Tarnov 18
William Kringes, Cedar Rapids 25
Anna Stracke, Platte Center 26
H. W. Bergstron, Ft. Pierre, S. D. . . 33
Hannah Wingren, St. Edward 16
Y. M. C. A. Notes.
Next Sunday the meeting will be held
in the Y. M. C. A. and will be entirely
in the hands of the boys. There will be
four or five speakers.
The boys' Bible classes will meet at
6:30 and all the boys are welcome. Rev.
Dibble will give a short address on Bible
study before the boys separate to their
The Men's meeting will be held at the
usual time next Sunday afternoon at
4:00 p. m., in the Y. M. C. A. building.
Rev. W. H. Xanders of the Episcopal
church will speak, his subject being
"The Moral of the Prodigal." Messrs
Lamieand Putnam will sing a duet.
All men are cordially invited to attend.
Through the kindness of Rev. Neu
marker the boys Sunday meeting was
held in the German Reformed church
last Sunday afternoon. The meeting
was well attended, a number of fellows
who are not members being present.
Messers Lamie and Putnam sang a duet.
Mr. Jones spoke to the boys from the
incident of Joshua's battle with the
men of Ai. And he had in evidence an
old fashioned spear which he brought
from the Philippine Islands, very much
like the old weapon Joshua's men used .
More than Co different monthly and
weakly magazines and daily and weekly
papers are on file in the Y. M. C. A.
reading for the free use of the members,
When these magazines have been read
and replaced by later issues they are of
no further use to the association. This
fact and the fact that it costs the as
sociation a largo sum in subscriptions
for this matter has caused the education
al committees of the association under
the approval of the board of directors
to offer for sale most of the mugazines.
Any one desiring to secure these maga
zines can get information how to do so
at the office of the association.
There will be a championship game
of indoor base ball Saturday evening at
8:15 between Hastings and Columbus.
Hastings team are the champions of
three states, and a rattling good game is
assured, for our local team is in good
condition to give the comers the best
they've got. There will be a preliminary
game of kick ball between the Bnsines3
Men and High School team. Admission
fee will be 25c. The line-up:
Hastings Columbus
itohrer catcher Todenhof
Alexander pitcher Kienzel
Schissler s. stop ItectoH
Johnson 1st base . Nelson
Webster 2d base Shaw
Omeara 3d base Taylor
McClean field Colton
Route No. 4.
Gusta Mekin has been at the home of
Will Willis for the last few weeks.
Fred Bruggeman shipped a carload of
cattle that he had bought, from Oconee.
Miss Mary Mitsch has been, at the
home of her sister, Mrs. Will Roricb, in
Miss Anna Lambertus of Monroe is
visiting at the home of her grandfather,
J. W. Sissle.
Mrs. Mary Langan of Bruno, Saskat
chewan, Can., is visiting at the home of
John Ebner.
Will Willis shipped a car of cattle to
South Omaha Monday, and from there
he went to Peoria III., for a visit.
Route No. 5.
Harley Olcott brought home a fine
new carriage Tuesday.
Charley Hughes is recovering from an
attack of typhoid fever.
Mrs. Jce Hotiser is confined to her
bed on account of sickness.
Hy Enyeart was brought home from
Hot Springs, S. D., Saturday.
"The Willing Workers" will meet
with Mrs. Frank Olcott next Thursday.
The Misses Edith and Florence Hou
ser have issued invitations for Friday
John Ruppert, who was arrested and
brought down from St. Bernard on a
charge of selling liquor without a
license, had his preliminary hearing be
fore Police Judge O'Brien Wednesday.
He pleaded extenuating circumstances,
but County Attorney Hensley reminded
Ruppert that this was the third time he
had been up on the same charge, and
that twice before he had been dealt
with leniently, on a promise to not dis
obey the law again, and he was bound
over to the district court under a $600
bond. As he desired to plead guilty
Judge Thomas said he would hold court
Wednesday afternoon, and it is quite
probable, as Ruppert said, that after he
gets through with this trouble, Platte
county will not have any more bother
with him.
Last week the First National bank of
this city secured the title to one-half
the space of the stairway between their
building and that of Sam Gass, sr., ad
joining it on the north. This is to pro
vide the bank with a full sized lot, and
enable them to make extensive improve
ments in their building, practically re
constructing it. The plans have already
been approved and contractors will be
asked for bids in a few days. The work
of making the changes will be carried on
so as to not interfere with the business
of the bank, and when completed the
building will be modern in every respect.
The estimated cost of the change will be
in the neighborhood of $10,000.
A pretty cold
winter, so far.
Get a Hot Water
Bottle and keep
The Druggist on the Corner
Columbus, Nebraska
Tuesday of this week Mia. James
Naylor received a telegram from her
oldest son, James Naylor, telling of the
death of bis wife at their home in Brit
ish Columbia.
Fred Oeltjen of Scribner was in the
city this week visiting with relatives.
Mr. Oeltjen may conclude to return to
Columbus, as he now has a position that
makes this town a desirable location for
George Fairchild of this city, who was
employed in the office of State Auditor
Barton for some time, now has a posi
tion with an expert accountant of
Omaha, and at present is at Hartington,
where they are doing some expert work
for Cedar county.
Wednesday afternoon County Judge
Ratterman performed the marriage cere
mony for Henning W. Bergstron of Ft.
Pierre, South Dakota, and Miss Hannah
Wingren of St. Edward. As the girl
was nnder the legal age, her father
accompanied her and gave his consent
to the marriage.
Duncan is going to have a new gene
ral store, and it is understood that Co
lumbus parties will be interested an
operate it. With the completion ofJLAc
Platte bridge at that place mucbJLudi
tional business from the souU'side u
anticipated-,- -hence- another business
house in addition to those already there
Herman Weyen of the northwest part
of Monroe township, was in the city
Tuesday on business. In speaking of
his corn crop, Mr. Weyen said he still
had about twenty acres in the field, bnt
that he did not anticipate it would be
damaged by the snow, and rain, and he
would be able to get it out as soon as
the snow melted. He also believes in
feeding his grain to stock, and the other
day marketed two loads of hogs at Platte
Center that brought him almost 8200.
February first is the date that those in
charge expect to have the new double
track Union Pacific bridge, west of the
city, so that it will be out of the way of
danger from the ice. All the steel
trusses, except the east one, are in posi
tion, and all that delays the finishing
of this one is the concrete and mason
work on the cast pier. The emergency
track and false work would very much
impede the movement of the ice and
throw tho strain on the bridge, but by
the first of next month all of this will
be removed.
I. L. Albert of this city is one of the
attorneys in the hank guarantee case,
which is attracting considerable atten
tion all over the country at present. In
a recent interview in Washington, Gov
ernor Shallenberger is quoted as saying
thatMessrs. Albert and Whedon, who
have charge of the case for the state are
entirely satisfactory to him and will con
tinue if they so desire, but in case they
do not, Charles A. Towne would be call
ed. Mr. Albert, however, has no inten
tion of withd rawing from the cast, and
as soon as the Oklahoma bank guarantee
case, which is very similar to Nebraska's
is decided, they will proceed, if the
decision be in favor of Oklahoma.
We have the agency for the
famous Munsing Underwear, the
best popular priced Union Suits
on the market. Prices in men's
from 81.50 to $4.50. Prices in
boys' from 50c, 75c, $1 and $1.85.
In two piece garments we have
a splendid line ready for your in
spection and ranging in price
from 50c to 32.50 a garment. Bny
early while the sizes are complete.