The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 12, 1910, Image 7

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. je
Immense Amount of Money Spen
Last Year in Fight Against
A report issued recently by the Na
tional Association for the Study ant
Prevention of Tuberculosis shows tha:
for the treatment of tuberculous pa
tients in sanatoria and hospitals $5,
292.2S9.77 was expended during tht
year 1909. The anti-tuberculosis asso
ciations spent $975,889.56, the tubercu
losis dispensaries and clinics $640,474,
.C4f and the various municipalities, foi
special tuberculosis work, spent $1,
111,967.53. The anti-tuberculosis asso
ciations distributed the most litera
ture, spreading far and wide 8,400,001
copies of circulars, pamphlets ant
printed matter for the purpose of edu
eating the public about consumption
The health departments of the differ
ent cities also distributed more thai
1,056,000 copies, which, with the wort
done by state departments of health
brings the number of pieces distribut
ed during the year well over 10,000,
000. The largest number of patienti
treated during the year was by the
dispensaries, where 61,586 patienti
were given free treatment and advice
The sanatoria and hospitals treated
:!7,758 patients, while anti-tuberculosij
associations assisted 16,968.
Lightning Change.
4 ".Maria, who is the spider-legged
gawk that comes to see Bessie two oi
three times a week?"
"Why, don't you know. John? That's
young Mr. Welloph, the junior partnei
in the firm of Spotcash & Co."
"Well, confound her. why doesn't
she give him a little more encourage
"I am afraid Dulby is putting an en
emy into his mouth to steal away hii
"Yes." answered Miss Cayenne; "an
it's a case of petty larceny, at that."
A noble life, crowned with heroic
death, rises above and outlives the
pride and pomp and glory of the
mightiest empire of the earth. Gar
Pr. Pierre Pellets, small, sngar-eruitea. raw to
tk as candy, r ecu la to and invipurato ttomach,
llyer an-J bowels and euro constipation.
There comes a moment in every
man's life when he regrets his inabil
ity to kick himself.
Lewis' Single Binder straight 5c cigar.
You pay 10c for cigars not o good.
Sometimes a man's wisdom is due to
the possession of a clever wife.
ttonV and Advice FKEB. Slum.
traairL Lawrvar. Washington,
D.C Kit. .- jrs. Best references.
Nebraska Directory
The Ohio State
Chemist says
Uncle Sam
Breakfast Food
"Has a high Food Value and
contains no deleterious in
gredients." Hundreds testify to the value
of Uncle Sam as a cure for
Ask Your Groctr
of continuous success. Printed matter sent
i-j ;lain envelope upon request. All cor
respondence strictly confidential.
Cor Twenty-Fifth and Cass St.. OMAHA. XEB.
3 o marl r rK. Outer
menu. Ranted, rent appll
Dn ur mv
Z- 1 II CMtttwl.
WELDING fflBrffl5H3
iirtot machinery made good as new, Weldi
cast iron, cast eteel, alamlnnsa, copper, bra of
any other metal. Expert automobile repairiar.
BERT8CHY MOTOR CO.. Council luffs
Aunt Rhinocolura and the Leg
By Ellis Parker Btrticr.
I Avdhor dTPios isPlds" Etci
Last August A,unt Rhinocolura Betz
met with a serious mishap. She was
going along Main street, which is one
of Betzville's leading thoroughfares,
when Sim Dwiggs' yellow hound dog
went insane with the heat and dashed
into Aunt Rhinocolura and bit her on
the leg. By the greatest good luck
the dog bit her on the wooden leg in
stead of on the other, or Betzville
might soon have had one of the swell
est funerals in its history. As it was,
Aunt Rhinocolura hurried home and
cauterized the wooden leg, and hoped
for the best, but the dog died and its
head was sent to the city, and the re
port came back that the dog had had
the rabies, and that the only way to
save Aunt Rhinocolura's life was for
her to come to the city and take the
Pasteur treatment. Unfortunately this
would have interrupted the garden so
cial that was to be given at Aunt
Rhinocolura's house, but it came out
right enough, for Uncle Ashdod Clute
when consulted, said that as the
wooden leg was not integrally a part
of Aunt Rhinocolura it would not be
necessary for all of Aunt Rhinocolura
to go to the city to take treatment.
He said it would only be necessary to
send the wooden leg. So Aunt Rhi
nocolura did that.
As soon as the leg was an its way
Aunt Rhinocolura called in Bildad
Gubb. who is our leading carpenter
and cabinet maker, and gave him an
the wooden leg. and she couldn't walk
six feet without tripping, and the left
side of her skirt would bell out as if
blown by a breeze, when it was only
crowded out by the sprouts of the
wooden leg.
Aunt Rhinocolura said she wouldn't
have minded if the leg had not been
so much work. She said it was pleas
ant to waken in the morning and see
the fresh green leaves at her bed
side, but that when a leg got so that
it had to be pruned every half hour
it had certain inconveniences. It
worried her so much that it brought
on another attack of neuralgia that
kept her in bed a week, and the sight
of the fresh green leg annoyed her so
much that she had Sally set it out on
the second-floor porch. When Aunt
Rhinocolura recovered and went hop
ping but onto the porch to get her leg
she hardly recognized it, it had flour
ished so. It had burst into bloom, as
we might say, and in the tender twigs
a pair of wrens had built a nest and
had set up housekeeping.
Aunt Rhinocolura is one of the kindest-hearted
ladies in Betzville, and
she would never in the world have
thought of tearing down that nest and
destroying the little eggs, but she
couldn't think of any good way in
which she could wear the leg without
disturbing the wrens. It would sound
all right in a work of fiction to say
she put the leg on and that the wren
j o0 pHHHI
- raEsssssssssflssssssssssBHsBBBi
iB . ' Sfck i f -KI9si , 2IX JC r XVJBbVJBbVJBbVJBbVJBbMJBbVJBbVJbbI
ittLitP JT vmd vmex wmmA
SA. ST ' 1 a ammmSl A JsnaaJasaEsJntlJtafc. 9aV9W Jfk. 5tT mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
ST'sb .mV W&Oya3fe'r7 55C55 2Lym
Ssfe3& -'mTtt'- OmttnfkXJL JJL jC jXvSaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBBaBaBaa
BaBBB J9 V" i lOOirX JraaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBal
....... -..V. nJ lK JC VKSttaBBBBBBBSBBSSalSaflBaBBBBi
aMvv) k vveSBamwBB8maBm0amwmm
. - W "fc l K2e9aBSBBVsBBsskw96nBBnBrBBBEBBBaH
) Ul ZL Beji aiTj, w M. J . J-.i" I UJ W !. . .
fcvlsy ftjirjiiniW. Vn"i uiiiiiimi! "ffl"ag
BBaf'l' wL
s-u ri j. -- s-i
-BaW 'BaBBai fBa I TT WS - m Ba?rVi
Pain in the back is the kidneys' signal of distress. If this
timelyLlwarning is ignored kidney disease silently fastens
its deadly grip for kidney sickness first shows itself m
pains and disorders in other parts, and the real cause is too
often hidden until fatal Brighr's disease or diabetes has set
in. Suspect the kidneys if you are rheumatic and nervous
or have lame fcack, painful, too frequent or scanty urination,
weak heart, dizzy spells, headaches, bloating or neuralgia.
What you want is a special kidney medicine not an
experiment, but one that has stood the test for years..
Doan's Kidney Pills relieve weak, congested kidneys cure
backache regulate the urine.
DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS began curing lame backs and sick kidneys 75 years ago. The demand
lead a nearby druggist, James Doan, to prepare it for sale. From him the magic formula passed to the pres
ent proprietors. Now, as in those early days, Doaris Kidney Pills are made from only the purest drugs
and are absolutely non-poisonous. The7 are used and praised all over the civilized world.
I 0b "fay Retort
fen .K Tells A 5cy
Tells A Story.
v-.-ZlsJI I-.-ill
4ir -1
Bx 1 1 . c n
I t?-'J I .ISt- ras
J. R. Black, 1005 E. Sixth street. Topeka,
Kansas, says: "In the spring of 1899 Doan's
Kidney Pills brought me such great relief that I
did not hesitate to make the fact known and give
this remedy my nicst earnest endorsement. In
my statement I said that for three years I had
suffered from kidney complaint. I had a dull
grumbling ache across the small of my back that
greatly inconvenienced me when reaching and
straining in doing my work. An annoying kidney
weakness was also in evidence and it was out of
the question for me to sleep well. In the morning
I was all tired out and it can be seen that I was
in bad shape. The use of Doan's Kidney Pills
quickly and surely drove away these symptoms of
kidney complaint and I have since been in good
The foregoing statement was given in March
1905. and when Mr. Black was interviewed on
Nov. 12, 1908. lie said: "I have never had a
return attack of kidney complaint and I know that
my cure is a permanent one. My faith in Doan's
Kidney Pills is stronger than ever.
Mrs. James Crooks, First St., N. '.. American
Fork. Utah. sas, "I had kidney complaint for ten
years or more. Sometimes a twinge darted through
the small of my back and Iofteu became ohelpless
that I was compelled to go to bed with my clothes
on. The attacks often lasted for days at a time
and I could not even stoop to put on mv shot's.
My condition was certainly alarming. 'J in secre
tions from my kidneys were irregular in r-a&agc
and contained a heavy sediment after standing. I
well know what the misery kidney complaint
causes and I cantherefoie appreciate the merits
cf a remedy that cuies this disease Dean's
Kidney Pills live'd up to the claims made for them
in my case and effected a cure. My kidneys were
restored to a normal condition and my health
greatly improved." (Statement fjiven Aug. 22.1907 )
On Aug. 24. 1909. Mrs. Crooks was interviewed
by one of our representatives and she said "It
gives me pleasure to reendorse Doan's Kidney
Pills. They cured my backache and my health
is now good. Other members of my family have
taken this remedy with decided benefit."
V Its Your Ki
A TRIAL FREE My pmsYwrsdr
Cut out this coupon, mail it to Foster-Mi lburn
Co.. Buffalo. N. Y. A free trial package of
Doan's Kidney Pills will be mailed you
promptly. w.n.u.
pssi Sold by alfdealefsVjPrice 5o cents. Foster-MilburnCo. rBuffald; N Y-7 .'Proprietors.
dneysx r
ir the ranis there
Its Your Kidni
.1.I..U .UU.wiiia
I u.i -J
It Had Burst into Bloom, as We Mig ht Say, and in the Tender Twigs a
Pair of Wrens Had Built a Nest and Had Set Up Housekeeping.
,i Itm
rua aot Htm Beat Cor
laalat on lamas a
Wrtf tonaf las yor I al 4 lac.
TUaCDRYTflll Hotel
Eiropm Flu
Booms from tl.00 up ainele. 75 eeota up double.
When Yon're Hoarse UseN,
m'ttST VSXWkl TOTl (UttStf5&S
Gives immediate; relief. The nt
dose relieves your aching throat and
allays the irritation. Guaranteed to
! contain no opiates. Very palatable.
AUDraauta. 2Se.
order for another leg. She explained
that she wanted one about size eight,
and then she said she would like it
ever-so-inuch if he could make her a
summer weight leg this time. She
said the hickory one she had had was
a good strong limb, but almost too
heavy for summer use, and asked him
if he could not make a lighter one
not too light, just about medium
weight, something she could wear
comfortably until time to put on win
ter legs.
Bildad thought it over and then
said he thought he had a piece of
wood in bis shop that would be the
very thing, and that it would make
a neat and serviceable leg some
thing stylish and light, but still guar
anteed to wear well. He said it was
a piece of willow that he was saving
to turn potato mashers out of on his
lathe, but that he was willing to sac
rifice that aspiration and make a leg
of it. So he did.
When he delivered the leg. Aunt
Rhinocolura retired into her own
room and tried it on, and she was
very much delighted with it. There
were a few alterations necessary, but
not many. It was a little too long In
the waist, if we may use the term,
and made her poke up into the air on
the left side, but Bildad easily reme
died that, and then Aunt Rhinocolura
said It was the most comfortable leg
she had ever worn.
That was a very damp summer, and
a very busy one for Aunt Rhinocolura.
ahe was on her feet in the yard or
the street nearly every minute of the
day, and she never thought of wear
ing a rubber shoe on her willow leg.
In fact, she hardly gave her willow
leg a thought until one night when
she was retiring and happened to
look at the leg. and then she saw
it was breaking out in buds. By
morning it had sprouted so much
that she had to trim it off with her
nail scissors. Every morning after
that she had to manicure her wooden
leg before she could put it on, and
one week when she stayed in bed for
three days with the neuralgia, the leg
got such a start on her that she had
to have Sail-, her maid, take it
down cellar and trim it up with the
After that the willow leg seemed
to have really started to grow, and
often when Aunt Rhinocolura went
out for the day she would have to be
hauled home, for her real foot would
get ..11 tangled up in the sprouts of
continued to hatch her eggs while
Aunt Rhinocolura went to the sewing
society or trod the light fantastic toe
at Philemon Jones' barn dance, but
the fact is that even a summer
weight woodenv. leg goes thumpty
thump, and that is no good for eggs
that are hatching. A wren may love
its little home in a willow tree, but
it cannot be happy if the tree goes
bumping about the country.
So Aunt Rhinocolura hopped back
into the house and sent for Bildad
Cubb, and ordered a new, light-weight,
non-sproutable leg. Then she had the
willow leg carefully removed to the
back yard and planted there, and it is
growing finely, and is one of the most
interesting sights in Betzville.
(CopyriRht. 1909, by W. G. Chapman.)
Naive Confession of Little Girl Proved
Her to Be True Daughter
of Eve.
Loie Fuller, the noted dancer, told
at a luncheon a story about her class
of dancing children.
"I gave the children a Christmas
party last year," she said, "and when
the pudding came on I said to them:
" 'I have put in this pudding a coin,
a little china doll and a button.. Who
ever gets the coin will be rich.
Whoever gets the doll will be married
before the year is out But whoever
gets the button will be an old maid.'
"Well, the pudding disappeared rap
idly, and the little girls soon found
the coin and the china doll. But the
button did not turn up. No one got
the button. This amazed me.
"That night I said to my favorite
little girl, as we sat alone by the fire
in my room:
"I can't understand what became
of that button. I put it in the pudding
"Til tell you,' the little girl con
fessed, turning rosy with confusion. 'I
dot the button. But I didn't want
everybody to laugh at me tho I
thwallowed it.'"
aB? "eC"aBBBT Wffll fi5i 'irBBB
m iylB
Carpets Made of Paper.
In Halmstad, Sweden, Pontas Holni
strom is about to start a spinning mill
for making yarn out of paper. Such
mills already exist in Germany and
France. So far the manufacture of
rugs and carpets seems to be the best
practical use of this new paper yarn.
It is said that people in Sweden, es
pecially in the provinces of Ostergot
land. are already making carpets with
paper weft Narrow rolls of paper
tape are used, but this, of course, is
Knot spun. "
From the cradle to the grave
Man is born to Buffer trouble: -For
the coward and the brave
Life. tbe- say. is just a bubble.
But it always seemed to me
If a fellow does his best.
Toiling; on undaunted, he
Needn't bother 'bout tha rest
Needn't bother 'bout the sorrows
That will come and soon depart.
Needn't face the dim to-morrows
With a sorely quaking- heart.
Needn't be afraid of losinc
An that makes the game worth while.
When its problems are confusing
And lie longs to rest a while.
Needn't worry 'bout the riches
That tt seems he'll never get:
Though a patch is on his breeches.
Sooth, lie may be happy yet.
Failure's no disgrace. I'm thinking.
If a fellow proves he's brave.
Never shirking, never shrinking
From the cradle to the grave.
Her Bright New Cook.
Mrs. Blank prided herself on her
ability to train her servants, and she
had just been bragging about the
treasure she had in her new colored
cook when the following dialogue oc
curred: "Now, Amaranth, I'll come out and
fry the chicken, but I want you to
have it all ready for me. Dress it
carefully and be sure to singe off
every hair."
"Then cut it up Just as I showed
you the other day. Do you remem
ber?" "Yas'm."
"Wash and drain it well. You un
derstand?" "Yas'm." "Then, as an afterthought,
"Shall I kill it?" The Circle.
Division Superintendent How many
fare passengers did you have on your
last trip?
New Conductor Fair passengers?
Say, do you think all I had to do was
to notice people's complexions?
Why He Got Married.
A S900-pcr-annum clerk in one of
Uncle Sam's departments at Washing
ton was recently approached by a co
worker, who asked if it were true, as
rumor had it, that the $900 person
was about to marry.
"It is," was the laconic response.
"Surely, old man," said the other,
with that freedom permitted an inti
mate friend, "you don't think that
your present income would justify you
in taking a wife?"
"To be perfectly frank," said the
other, "I do not."
"Then what on earth can be your
reason for taking this serious step?"
"I have no reason," was the calm re
sponse. "I am in love." Lippincott's
Trytn "Sassier" Than Fiction.
Most southerners are gallant. An
exceptiou is the Georgian who gave
his son this advice:
"My boy, never run after a woman
or a street car there will be another
one along in a minute or two."
Everybody's Magazine.
Charity and Courage.
Knicker Do you ever cast your
bread on the waters?
Xewwed Xo: all I dare to do is to
throw told water on the bread.
when thoroughly rubbed in relieves strain, and
t-pralns in Joints or muscles from any rausc All
i,i),3a.Uc sizes, large bottles I he cheapest.
I tried all kinds of blood remedie
which failed to do mc any good, hut I
have found the right thing at last. M5
face was full of pimples and black-heads.
After taking Cascarets they ail left. I axr
continuing the use of them and reconi-
( mending them to my friends. I feel fiw
when I rise in the morning. Hope tt
have a chance to recommend Cascarets.
( FrcdC. Witten, 76 Elm St., Newark, N.J.
CUT THIS OUT. mail it with your ad
dress to Sterling Remedy Company, Chi
capo. Illinois, and roctive a handsoir.i
souvenir sold Eon Bon FREE. P'
After a man has flattered a woman
she begins to think It over and de
cides that he really meant it.
I In (Trent rartety for ale at t he lowest prices by
ursTMH si-wsriru r.inn, tstw.Ada. .. rvrH
Important to Mothers.
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for
infants and children, and Bee that it
Bears the
- m . rfwmM-
KVfrb CwCCnfJ
Signature of
In Use For Over 30. Years.
The Kind You Hare Always Bought
"Off His Feed."
Diner (to his neighbor after having
three helpings of fish and meat) I've
got no appetite to-night.
Neighbor You hide it Tery well,
College of the Future.
"We shall be pleased to have your
daughter matriculate at our univer
sity." "How about flirting?"
"That is one of the ontionai studies."
Tightness across the chest means a cold
on the lungs. It means misery and dis
comfort every minute, if nothing worse.
What's the answer? Rub the chest with
Hamlins Wizard Oil quick.
Calumny is not only tho greatest
benefit a rogue can confer on us, but
the only service he will perform for
nothing. Lavater.
PAZO OINTUENT If guaranteed to care aay ease
of Itching. Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Fflaa in
to U days or money refunded. Me.
Every mother knows a lot of good
rules for raising other people's children.
A TRIFLING COUGH will become a perma
nent one nnlesa stopped. Allen's Lung Balaam will
sorely stop it. A r3c bottle is lane enongh for that.
Sold by all drngzists. 25c, 50c and tl.00 bottles.
Don't blame the phonograph If It has
a bad record.
Harvard Scored.
It was the morning of the Yale-Harvard
game at Cambridge, and two of
the New Haven collegians were wan
dering through the Harvard yard,
looking at the university buildings.
Down a walk toward them came a
youth of serious aspect, but palpably
an undergraduate.
"I beg your pardon," said the Yale
man, who is a bit of a wag. to the
stranger, "can you tell me where 1
can find Harvard university?"
"I'm very sorry," said the serious
one, with never a smile. "They've
locked it up. You see, there are so
many Yale men in town."
Point of View.
Senator- Beveridge, apropos of the
old-fashioned snowy Christmas, said
the other day:
. "Snow of course, has. its disadvan
tages, from some 'points-, of view-
"'Snow Is beautiful in its season.
Solomon said that. But I know an old
Indianapolis man who. on hearing this
remark of Solomon, grumbled:
" 'Ob, yes. no doubt it was beautiful
to you, sittin' with all the wives and
lasses of Jerusalem beside you; but If
you'd been a poor stone cutter you'd
never have said any 6uch thing.'"
Anticipation Safer Than Realization.
"It is not always necessary to make
a direct accusation." said the lawyer
who was asking damages because In
sinuations had been made against his
client's good name. "You may have
heard of the woman who called to the
hired girl, 'Mary, Mary, come here
and take the parrot down stairs the
master has dropped his collar but
ton!'" Everybody's Magazine.
Mr. Wlnklow's Soothing; Sjrrnp.
For children teethlag, oof ten the girros, reduce; In
flammation, allays pain, cores wind colic 25c a bottle.
A small boy never looks comfortable
in his Sunday clothes.
WatNOBF.rr.trmaB.Wift. liiokifree. !lu;l.
e?t icferenuefi. ilea. rruli;
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 3-1910.
Stomach Blood and
Liver Troubles
Muchsickness starts with weak stomach, and consequent
poor, impoverished blood. Nervous and pale-people lack
good, rich, red blood. Their stomachs need invigorating
for, after all, a man can be no stronger than his stomach.
A remedy that makes the stomach strong and the liver
active, makes rich red blood and overcomes and drives
ont disease-producing bacteria and cures a whole saulti
tude of diseases.
Cttridot yoarSfmaek Weakaeaa mm
Liter Laxiaess my tmklmi a coarse
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
tme treat Stomach Restorative, Ltnf
iarlgorator mat Blood Gleamser.
You can't afford to accept any medicine of miasm
imposition as a substitute for "Golden Medical Discov
ery," which is medicine of known composition, having
a complete list of ingredients in plain English on its bottle-wrapper,
same being attested as correct under oath.
Dr. Pierces Pttmant PeOHm ngmtmto mad
', Liver sad Bawtlt.
An Obvious Proposition.
"Have you a plain cook?"
"You bet she is. My wife wouldn't
have any other kind in the house."
The happiness of our later life is in
great part made up of the pleasurable
memories of early years. Dr. Alexan
der Bain.
Tie HAYO LAMP a lstade tsap. wM at a Tow price.
Then) atv lamps that exist more, but the re is no better lamp at any
price. The Burner, the Wkk, me ainey-HoldeT all am
ribd tnhsji m a lamp: oW parts ef sW HAYO LAMP am
perfectly coaatr&cted and mere bnotntag knows m the art of
Ump-makinftbat ckl add to the value of the RAYO aa
a light-emaf device. Suitable for aay room in any bombs.
Erery dealer everywhere. If sot at ynnra.-writ
for deseriptiTO circular to the nearest Agency of the
2-lb. Cans
Red Label
Big value, true
flavor.- Always
the same and
always fresh.
Buy it today.
,0 . o