G. Kl ft I VI r i t . o i J IT- .c 4. FRISCHHOLZ BROS. k shoes clothing Gents' Furnishing Goods RELIABLE GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES. FRISCHHOLZ BROS 405 11th Street, Columbus. GOVERNOR HOT M FORCDUNTT (Omaha Daily News,, November 14.) County option will not vbe written into the platform of the Nebraska democracy., next year, regardleae of the poaitSon of W. J. Bryan, if Gover oraalJenliffiat cam jmvrent it "County option mmn pnAibltfcp declared the, goveraor on hi arrival la Omahathla morning, "and Mr. Bryan la illogical la his statements that he la a-county option!, but not a prohibitionist "Mr. Bryan has Intimated in numer oua conferences that he is an option let bat not a BtvklMUoaliL but tk- very principle of county option is pre-J 1UD1UOD. ATTITUDE OF MR. ROOSEVELT it advisable for the democratic nrt t to adopt a county option plank. me uquor lawn, with the daylight euiuuu ace passed by a democratic legislature;' are being more rigidly en forced than ever before and l believe that a rigid enforcement of liquor statutes is to be preferred to county option. "It Is too early to draft a platform view of the great interest" of all the states In the question, and said that h harf hun MMmuaJI.. .. -- ii .. k. i t.i. s ... ' And I believe that we should wit n, evils of politically nursed prohibition.. ttl the develops." When I expressed my unwillingness I Attitude of Democratic Pra to subject myself to any more of the! ...-v"!. Harper's Weekly of July 17. 1909. Je that the radicals and fanaUcs Tne TelegSm preFerl the method ontalna an article under the caption had to P0" "P me. he urged of law nStSalSL metnolrf 'The Truth About Prohibition in Z VT7 " eg. And when w?? we Maine. Mr. Holman Day Versus Cer- " and 'nb ttem- n fail1 Prefer the method of the law u ta tain Fanatics." The article is im- "r .i "f"" '? meet ? with the understand t li iJf portant because it quotes an Inter- J""ICOB " "P"8 wno are ma "6 iuuicbsiuu out ui urouiuiuoi. view with Mr. Day, who Is a promi nent editor of Maine, In which he gives the particulars of an interview had with Mr. Roosevelt, the latter "hav ing called Mr. Day to Washington for a conference. This interview shows clearly the- attitude of Theodore Roosevelt toward statutory prohibi tion as Illustrated by the experience of Maine.' The article is well worth reading and Is as follows: "The grand jury of Cook county, Illinois, in session at Chicago, has found an indictment for criminal libel against William P. P. Ferguson, edi tor and publisher of the National Pro hibitionist, published in Chicago. The complainant Is Holman Day of Maine whose articles on prohibition, recently published in Harper's Weekly, elicited the libel for which Ferguson has been Indicted. The Harper articles atr tracted much attention throughout have been slinging their mud at me. I have picked Out the most heinous offender, a man whose attack Is the climax of slanderous invention, and propose to 4nd If there Is law enough In the land to protect a writer who asks only the privilege of free dl cusslon of an open question. " 1 have more to say upon the sub ject in a novel that Is to be issued later by Harper ft Brothers, and by clearing the atmosphere with this suit for criminal libel I would like to as sure myself that enterprising fanatics will not begin accusing me of murder or treason when my book appears. Having in my discussions carefully refrained from all personalities, though sorely tempted by striking ex amples of prohibition malfeasance, 1 am invoking the criminal law to as sure to me like respect a respect that a more Just and courteous and the country and were widely copied- 5" m0 '? Mt"w Md and commpnt on tKo tLa 9J I le desperate antagonist would grant .ww WM a WW .Wfc0 BJ V sented by Mr. Day have not been Im peached. Ferguson, in an. editorial utterance, stated that the conditions as pictured In the articles existed In Maine, since Mr. Day was in a posi tion to know whereof he spoke; and then the editor of the National Pro hibitionist proceeded to make a wan ton attack upon the moral character of Mr. Day, imputing to him offenses so ridiculously and 'shamefully false that the state of Maine, of which Mr. Day has been a widely "known and honorable resident all his life is In dlgnant on his behalf. Among .the friends of Mr. Day who wrote.vfrom all parts of the country to urge him to take steps to punish such reckless vfllfiers was Colonel Henry Watter son of Kentucky, whose name ap peered in the libelous editorial as one who felt that Mr. Day needed the endorsement that Colonel Watter son had given him in the Courier Journal. At the suggestion of Colonel Watterson Mr. Day engaged H. H Huffaker, Esq., of Louisville, an -able attorney and a personal friend of Colonel Watterson's, and ' with him proceeded to Chicago armed' with complete refutation of the charges contained In the organ of the prohl bltionlsts. "The indictment followed promptly and the case has been marked foi trial in the early fail of 1909. 'In taking this step,' says Mr. Day. 1 am not actuated by any mere spirit of revenge. I am not conducting s campaign against prohibition, as a cause, nor do I hold any brief in de fense of the whiskey interests. I was asked by reputable publishers, anx lous to put facts before their readers to describe conditions in Maine after nearly sixty years' experience In at tempting to enforce the prohibitory law. On the appearance of my first article President Roosevelt summoned me to Washington and, in interviews, continuing parts of two days, com mended my manner of presenting real evidence before a grand jury com posed of the thinking people of the United States. He urged me to oon tinue tha presentation of the case. In without being choked into such a con dition of grace." Crime Epidemic In Alabama. (Portland Argus.) The report of the attorney-general of Alabama furnishes authoritative evidence of the sort of progress this southern state Is making under Its new prohibition regime. It is not o! the sort to encourage belief that the state's new departure will usher in the millenium. Contrarywlse. There -is .marked-increase in criminal of fenses for the two years covered by the report over the previous, or any other like period of time, for which the attorney-general is unable tc 'offer a satisfactory explanation. A marked increase In criminal offenses this Is the cold fact in Alabama'? short prohibition experience bu waves of hysterical sentiment zr nr stopped by cold facts, for a time, r least. .pfUeve' there were ever so many; be fore. They come 5n here everv morn ing with, their faces pale and taebs hau shaking, after some drug thai will straightened, them, out- It 'cer tainly is a shame." With, that he turned -to the soda fountain to 'mix a bromo for a man waiting there. " Thirty-Four i Murders. DIacasaing-tae subject of crime, in prohibition states, the Chicago Rec-ard-Herald, In an editorial, makes thin statement: "In Jefferson? county, Ala Llfjja, the cemnty that includes .JBlrm- jsjtjsasax. were were tntrty-four. mur- jutv I the first twenty days ot Anrll." Cannot Understand. (Alma Record.) Considerable agitation Is heard re gardlng one of the two big political parties adopting the. county option plank, but the writer fails to under stand just why either the republican "The liquor problem will be one ot I or democrat party should wish to the main issues of the iri,j "steal the,prohIMtkMi party's thunder, said the governor, "and I do not deem 1M -....-. wunii rnumsiiiun. (Omaha. World-Herald, October 26.) ' Thanks are due the ladies of the W. C. T. V. for plainly and unmis takably denning the liquor Issue as It will he presented in Nebraska next year. These who are -for prohibition and those who are against it, those who are for county option and those who are against it, are alike and equally Interested lnjknowing exactly what It is they are. fighting about Nobody wants to win by taking an unfair advantage, and no victory would be permanent that was won by befogging the issue and deceiving the people. Mrs. Frances B. Heald, the presl dent of the state organization, in pleading with the national organiza tion to indorse the stand in favor of county option which the Nebraska W. C. T. U. has taken, made this frank statement: The Anti-Saloon League county op tion bill was submitted to the execu tive committee of the state W. C. f. U. and found to be county prohibi tion and nothing else. The officers of the Anti-Saloon League have pledged us their word that they will join with us in working for statewide prohibi tion the minute this coanty prohibi tion bill is passed. This makes the issue so plain that .he who runs may read. county option is desired first, not because it is county "option," but be cause It is "county prohibition." As soon as county prohibition is obtained the advantage thus won la to be used Immediately to advance the campaign for state prohibition, which, if successful, will wipe county "option" out ot existence. The one is to be, merely the step ping stone to the other. -Without county prohibition the prohibition forces believe it would be extremely difficult fto secure state prohibition. But with county prohibition they are confident it will be impossible to de feat state prohibition. v:ir. Dry Only In Name. (Portland Daily Argus.) That an increase in "dry" territory, so-called, does not Indicate a corre sponding advance In temperance, has been demonstrated again and again. Missouri furnishes the latest illustra tion of this fact In that state this year more than half the counties are without licensed saloons, but accord ing to a report just filed with Gover nor Hadley by the state beer in spector, the collections under the beer stamp law are nearly $19,000 greater this year than last when the area of "wet" territory was much larger. This report covers a period of ten months, including October and the in creased sales indicated by it, as the Boston Transcript points out, must have been of beer consumed in the state, because that made for sale out side of it is not subject to the tax. understanding that all laws governing the sale of liquor shall be enforced to the letter. We favor obedience to the law for iwo reasons: 1. Because It Is right. 2. Because only by strict enforce ment of the present Nebraska liquor laws can Nebraska escape prohibition We are -glad to be able now to siaie mat this is the view of the great majority of the country demo cntuc press m Nebraska and -The leiegram always, feels safe- when traveling the path which the malar Ity of the democratic, editors, are yuiuims out as tne right path. Bishop Scanneli's Admonition. Rt. Rev. Richard Scannell, bishop of the Catholic diocese of Omaha, de livered a notable sermon at St Cecelia church in Omaha Sunday, No vember 14. The bishop adaionlahed the women to eschew politics.. He criticised the activities of the woman temperance crusaders. On thi nnint ue saia: "Instead of these women striving tor louu aosunence they should be working In the cause of temperance," said Bishop Scannell. "Men have a practical judgment In this matter and do not look for the. ideally perfect Therefore, I see no advantage to be derived from the women being ad mitted into the political arena." ssssssssnsarB v .awk. wi wr v - eBBBBBnsvBasanaaaaaaaBw gx 9f -'. , F - ff 'fjSmr .BBBn m BBBVBHBt-sfV S2lflBPnSka Crapes- jB&xffne&smk . .Ki-c,r ient, theactwtfpnncipk to MfeJLIOBi BS&To'. --i. . V," rz22il C2. TBBBMBHataMM!. ejiC Ml Drmr 'shhr. bbbbW 1 b.X awwa BBBKBaas asaae. aanaM BBaaaj 'Baaaaj bw aaasT sanaa bbV3Ssbbb naafx bbbbbbkI-. A VK; " 3H8bVb1H BBBVBr bHbbbV bbBbbBbH LsbbbbbbbbbV& bK. feSW BakiitgRywdcr iCtW ifeHlsS8nilllk lamres wholesome aad ---- 1 MtlBCOgniyBBW delicious food for every RMHraflP' BulEilljBsflB.111011 .ar BLmGX ftKKA NMhN -" VnjBy m m anW VI OF PROHIBITION Juvenile Crime in Kansas. Pittsburg Kansan. The reign of lawlessness among boys seems to be fairly Inaugurated. Petty thieving and holdups by boys is an everyday occurrence and Pitts burg haB more than a fair share of these voung offenders. Figures That Burn. -(Worcester Post) The prohibitory brethren should not be discouraged because the num. ber of arrests' for drunkenness to tailed only 2,340 for the year ending with the first of last month. Lewis ton and its neighboring Auburn in Maine with about a third of Wor cester's population had 1,600 of 'them last year according to the Lswlaton Journal. This Is fully twice our rate In proportion to population. But these cities have had nearly sixty years; training In "prohibition" and our rate of progress to-the bad is such that we can overtake them if the farce continues for another vear. The Journal -says the great part oi tne men arrested there were dipso maniacs appearing over and ovei again. This Is also the usual result of "prohibition" and the stuff that flows under it and the way it Is swilled down In bulk purchases and In secret and Irresponsible dives Effects of No-License Booze (Worcester Post) "It is easy enough for me to see the effects of no-license," said a drug gist to Saunterer this morning. "Ev ery morning there is a line of men at my soda fountain waiting for their bromo, a drink that Is supposed tc take down the head of the morning after, and they come In here in an awful condition. Their hands some times shake so that they can't lift the bromo to their mouth without using both hands. This no-license booze is certainly the stuff that kills. And the most pitiful thing about it is the number of young fellows that have gone to .the. bad this year. I. dojit Right of Trial by Jury. (Louisville Courier-Journal.) The state of Alabama, which has 'been in a condition of aberration for some time, now proposes to with draw right of trial by jury in an ef fort to enforce the Fuller law pro viding for the abolition or liberty in the interest of an anti-liquor crusade. While the right of trial by jury is customarily spoken of as inalienable, it is so only when a state of sanity in the body politic is presumed. The federal constitution protects the right against violation by congress and the federal judiciary, but except as they are restrained by their own constitu tions, states may abolish the jury sys tem. The extremism expressed in the Fuller law made it plain when the bill was passed that the forces behind it were slated for ultimate defeat The next exploit ot the fanatics was to inaugurate a movement to amend the Alabama constitution in the in terest of the Fuller law. Now comes as a logical development an effort to gain the desired end by denying the accused liquor sellers the right to be .tried under a system that has stood for some seven centuries in the most highly civilized countries, despite its timUted defects. Anti-prohlbitlonlsts j Alabama should ball this latest de- lir.-r-eut Joyously. It will hasten 1 .!-rJiruw of the opposing forces. (Portlenu Oregonisn, Oct. 20. l09.) The Oregorlan stands for strict regulation of the liquor trade, and for strict enforcement of the regulations. It opposes prohibition because it does aot consider prohibition reasonable or just; because it authorizes and pro vides unnecessary restrictions upon personal conduct and private right; because it forces a secret trade that is more injurious than the open trade under regulation; because it strikes a blow at many useful and important industries; because its enactment by any state is a sign of narrow provin cialism, and Oregon ought to be kept out of this class of states. To enter It would be hurtful in many ways to .her reputation for sanity, and in .many ways hurtful to her business 'and industry. A prohibition state is a small, wrangling community. Wash ington and California will not be pro hibition states. Should we adopt pro hibition it would be one of many other proofs that we were falling behind in the race of progress; that the "dry rot" had not only struck us, but had sunk deep. No pun intended in the phrase about "dry rot." On this subject, now a year in ad vance of the time when the vote on state prohibition is to-be taken, The Oregonian uses the opportunity to de clare its position. It knows it must declare its position frankly on the subject; and it cannot shirk the duty It knows, moreover, that its readers who consider this subject from a reasonable point of view will agree with It; that others, who simply con sider the subject from the standpoint of their opposition to a trade that in irresponsible hands becomes an in strument of abuse and must be sub jected to correction of law, statutory and moral, will npt agree with it The appeal is to the larger and wider judgment. The appeal is to those wuu uuui-rauinu me expression oi ine i moral uoet of two thousand vears uno who exclaimed, "What can laws avail I nrso-voil to try it at ourrisk. Certainly Internal Revenue Increase. (Associated Press Dispatch.) Washington, Nov. 1. Surpassing the most sanguine expectations of the treasury officials, the internal reveaua rnnrtJ nrc hrmnrtlno- unnrnrf Pn October the figures show $23.94.434. an increase of Sl.616.735 over the corresponding month last year and that there will be some additions to the receipts credited to last month's account. So far this fiscal year, up to Oc tober 30, the internal revenue receipts have run $4,575,99 ahead of the same period last year, the total since July Certain Ingredients II Properly Com bined, Stimulate Human Hair Growth. Rasorcin 18 one of th most effective germ destroyers ever discovered. Beta nsphthol is a most powerful, yet abso lutely safe germeide and Nntiseptic, which prevents development i.f germ matter, and creates a clean, healthy condition. Pilocarpine, although nut a coloring matter or dye, is an ingredient well es tablished for its power to ret ore natural', 1 lug $89,783,037. color to human hair. Borax, because of iU well-defined softening and cleansing properties, is most useful io the treatmt-nl of ecalp and hair diseases Olycerioe acts as a stimnlant totbe hair bulbp, snl has a soothing, healing and nuriabing influen ce. Alcohol is. iadispensable in medi cine because of its sntiseptic, stimulat ing and preservative qualities. Rexsll "!)3" Hair Tonic is chiefly com posed of these ingredients, which are compounded in a peculiar form, and we nelieve it is,the; moat effective remedy known to medical science for scalp and bair troubles generally. We personally iiuarantee it to eradicate dandruff and -ealp irritations and to grow hair, even though the foalp in spots is bare of hair, providing of course there is life and vit ality remaining in the bair.roota. We want every one troubled with scalp disease, dandrnff or loss of hair to try Oezall "93" Hair Tonic. If it dees not remove dandruff and promote a growth )f hair to the satisfaction of the user, we will without question or quibble return every cent paid us for it. This guaran tee is printed on every package It has effected moat satisfactory results in 93 jut of 100 cases where put to a practical est. Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is entirely nn- ike and in every particular different from any tLing else we know of for pur- pone for which it ia recommended. We 1 Liquor cannot se seized. (Press Dispatch.) Guthrie, Okla., Nov. 5. Judge Cot ters! in the United States district court here reaffirmed his decision that state officials cannot Interfere with Interstate commerce shipments, thus restraining the state officers from seizing shipments of liquor before they have been delivered to the consignees. iawi--:qigsa7-iiiaBSM 9S Mmvtk-yT&tAS, "7 ,rtAK!r7(w5r5?TTwr?v V&vl&vwTBBBBwr . !y .JBMBBBBBBwBBwWratf"C''tS tdtK g5ZwKasBS3wiBamBBBwgWKaBMKyqatofe?Mr V-. BQBjngajahBKBjKa& jfcf x-BV-xyr iKfXpSIBfMBkJffmKttuKBSt vr3FHGR:B2BflBBnKsnr&5& BjBfiBVOBSiKlBBBMNMBBBfiBSMBiinaalMB BBBErBBSaiSBaBf2BnnBBVSlBlBlBG& -BVBP BvBBSk: ?BnBmwBBBBBMBBBKMBBCBMHiMBBBBBBW'4BB 'i jBS' 3 5BK-v?aaBSHBBSnBBBBBWHBBBBVBBS&BBBBB TlNBBB-Bi?lBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSaVBBBBBBBBBS ' ,? nBfiaBBBBnBBMsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsibgBW4iBntt i3kri',i'-; t.&; ?PHiPJ9lBBBBBBBBHK35tv! Vvi .;,-- - c F ' -'"BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSK? 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KSBB BLH LLH yBBBBBBBP .snsnnsnnssnannnnsnnsnnsnnMnnsnnsnnsnsnTBsnsnnsnnsnnssnnssaSjSSBasnw syBs.isnas BTBTBfriBarBrK'XBrBrJBrXaTJRBrH 28stJ IwBBBjB w& vnHBnSnnnBwnsBBfyBJiBnBMBBnBBBnHs aBTllKERBBwsnaBHBBBBF.BBKSaVBNBBnB Pr flHaWBnaTsaBlBBBaBBBBIaBBllnB iBBmLLl BBBBWHEHJBBaKSRslBBvMarBBnBrM -vIsbtjbk&S IbbTbVI BTBTBTSawSBaBTJHslBBTK.aTBTBTjn "S BBBB'J naBBBBBBBBBBBaaaBBBaBBBBBBBBB SBJ '.SBBBHKNHaBBBBE9HBKBB IfBK r'ABBHiHBVSKfBBBBHBSKStaBBWiJBA'SM IbTbTJi ! IrBTBTSaHwiBmBTBTJBTBTBTJSnRBTBTSi ABTBTBVlaT9iBTBSBTBTBTK29 -bTbWI?V aV iBBsnsnTa4 v:4asnsnsnsK3BRBnsBsnsBSBsnsnsnsnsnsnYSKar3 "v.Baaaawat'j.vSBai HPLSSBBBHBHIHfBBBiBBBHISBttfl larKlKmBrBrBrB?BrBrBrBrKHBW K: -:':;WiBBBBnBBBVaBfnBmtiJHaB IbBBBB 'laf -tH&BHKBBKjBDKBHHNMW -;bbbbbHbt'1 SbsVbS lilHl VM : :' 'vllBHBllBBBBBrBlBBnBBmt JbBBBbKBbHb larBBBla. I -ivwsBniBTBrBrBiBTfrBrBrBrSBrBrBrBrBrBTJPBr -- bbbbbbwbbS ssssa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaBaaawaaaaaaaaaawa napKv-v' v-'':. ''yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaataBsaaaaaaaaaB ITifTJ- V I3BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVBlBnBBBnBnBBBBBBBBW-S "iIfcTr ''SBBW'Kv'i lMSUJMBBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBrBTBT rflSSSSSSSSK2i6rSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmBBmBBB jBBMBMWMBWBMMBBBMBrJBBrJsWBWBWBWBMBWBB Scene from 3 Act MGrustErlc, NORTH THEATRE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 14. Frioee 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 when the customs of the people, their social conditions and wants, the va rious requirements or their business and industry, do not call for the legal enactments?" In such cases laws are not only vain empty, that is to say but in many ways may be posi tively hurtful. Morality is not based on law, but law on morality. They who desire to prohibit In their own localities have the opportunity now in local optiou. The opportunity has been abused as The Oregonian foretold it would be, by enabling the rural districts tc force prohibition on the county towns that didn't want it. This forcing pro cess is now to be attempted on all Oregou on all protesting towns and cities and communities in the stat6 of Oregon. It is the opinion of The Oregonian that it will not succeed; but should it succeed the consequence will bo injurious to the state in many ways in u multitude of ways ma terially, industrially and morally by giving the state an undesirable repu tatioo. iu company with the narrow ness of Maine and Kansas; by keep ing people out of our borders who have breadth of view and want rea sonable freedom of action; by gener ating a secret traffic and setting the meanest among us to spy upon their neighbors; by weakening personal and moral responsibility among those whom the' state would undertake to coddle and to protect (or kill) with kindness. Character, neither for in dividuals nor for states, is made in this way. Personal responsibility Is basis of all. There are other features of the argument which, perhaps, may be developed later particularly as to tliu offensive intrusion of clericals and orients, who use their argument as an instrument for holding the ascend ancy of dogmatic pretension over the general mind. Infringes a Sacred Right. (Press Dispatch.) Mobile. Ala., Sept. 21. In the in ferior criminal court this morning in the trial of alleged violators of the Fuller prohibition law. Judge Jules Al ford bound the defendants over to the city court, declaring that the law was unconstitutional in that it denied the right of trial by jury. This after noon County Solicitor Stallwortb filed with Judge O. J. Semmes of the city court a petition for the issuance of a mandamus to compel Judge Alford to try the cases. v could offer no better guaiantee. Two sizes. 50 cents and f 1 00. Sold in Ool imbusonly at Pollock Co'b d.-ug store on the corner. COLUMBUS MEAT MARKET We invite all who desire choice steak, and the very best cute of all otbfr meats to call at our market no Eleventh street. We also handle poultry and flab' and oyster in seapon. S.E MARTY fc CO. Telephone No. 1. - Columbus. Nh. WHY NOT TRY THE PACIFIC HOTEL COLUMBUS, NEB. The big brick hotel out and one half blocks south of west depot uroes ing. 25 rooms at25r; 2t rooms at 60c; meals, 29c. HARRY MUSSELMAN, Pnpriitir Distinctly Different. (Portland Argus.) General Fred Grant Insists that he is still In favor of restoring the army canteens. It appears that Genera) Grant is a temperance man instead of a prohibitionist, as has been, re ported. Haverhill Gazette. A difference with a distinction which prohibitionists wholly ignore. Horses and Mules I have n car of ohoicn broke horses, and mules, and will sell them reasona ble. I will also buy horses ami mules. JOHN RANDALL. One half mile northwest of ColnmbiiK WANTED I The riirht party can i-ecun an excellent position, xalary orcomtnifMou for Colombo.- awl Tl cinity. Stato age, former occupation ttDtl uivA reference. AUdrii LOCK BOX 438. Lincoln. NVb. zmmm 35SS32 BBEffi mmmmimmm Hsr. l Alt wP5? -& &S&5 cai a&KfrV.r i-.rji iKI. s &-- .fcS" -V vj rrfmfflml QBBbI mm & The North" Dakota Farce. Hon. D. R. Streeter. editor of the Emmons County, North' Dakota, Rec ord, published at Linton, writes: "The manifold evils of theprohibl tion law in this state are ofBthe in crease rather than the decrease Blind pigs exist in most parts of the state and no sooner is one of these squelched than another reckless per son steps in to take its place. The drug stores are doing a flourishing business 'and there, are probably a third more In the state than, there is a legitimate demand for." ran Pff -".rnJi asBsse - ffllZlIISBaSS The Comfortable Way to California ; is via Union Pacific Tk Safe Road To Travel" Electric Block Signals. Perfect Track: Equipment and Service Best That Money Can Buy. New Steel Passenger Cars. Dining Car Meals and Service Best in the World For literature and information relative to rates, routes, etc call on or address E. G. BROWN, Agent, U. P. R. R. Co. Columbus, Neb. A