. 8 & COLUMBUS JOURNAL TROTHEB Jb 8TOCKWELL, Paha. COLUMBUS NEBRASKA IMPORTANT NEWS NOTES OF A WEEK LATEST HAPPENINGS THE WORLD OVER TOLD IN ITEMIZED FORM. EVENTS HERE AND THERE Condensed Into a Few Lines for the Perusal of the Busy Ma Latest Personal Information. PERSONAL. Cardinal Satolli, who has been seri ously ill for several weeks, and had been delirious at times, passed away at Rome. Henry de Sincay, a Belgian noble man, fn a New York Interview, says American women are the most beauti ful in the world, but they do not know how to dress. He declares they wear "too much lace and gingerbread." American men, he says, are money mad. President Lowell of Harvard uni versity has invited Maj. B. M. Harrod of New Orleans, a confederate veteran, to deliver the Memorial day address t the university on May 30. Edward Moore Robinson of the banking Arm of Drexel & Co., Phila delphia, died at his home in Villanova. Pa., his death occurring Just sine days after that of his wife. Oscar G. Murray, president of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company, tendered bis resignation at a special meeting of the board of directors of the road held in New York city Dan iel Wlllard, vice-president of the Chi cago, Burl'ngton I Quincy railroad, was elected as his successor. ; Ex-Premier Clemenceau of France In the coming spring will make a tour of South America and deliver lec tures on socialism at Buenos Ayres and Montevideo. He may also visit the United States. ' Pittsburg, car building companies have booked more than 155,000,000 ol orders for cars during the year 1909, according to reports made public. A sensational crisis in the Ballinger Pinchot controversy was preclpitatec when a defiant letter from Chief For ester Pinchot was read in the senate at the Instance of Senator Dolliver In this letter Mr. Pinchot admits thai his assistants aided Glavls in attack ing Secretary Ballinger, praises then: as patriots who were trying to pre vent frauds, champions Glavls as a vigorous defender of the people! In terests, virtually reproaches the pres ident himself for having dismissed Glavis. and In effect dares the presi dent to dismiss himself. One hundred and ninety-three Ital iaa3, suspected members of the no torious "Black Hand" secret society, were arrested at Chicago in a drag- net put out by the police, following the murder of Benedetto Cinene, a wealthy merchant, who was shot tc death in his bed while his terrified 65-year-old wife struggled with his three assailants to prevent the crime. King George's royal family was routed from the regal palace at Tatoi, Athens, Greece, when a Christmas tree, around which the circle was gathered, caught fire. The blaze spread with lightning-like rapidity and the right wing of the palace was destroyed before the flames could be checked. What has come to be known as the "fair list" of the nations of the world, that is, those countries which will be entitled to a continuation of the mini mum rates of the Payne-Aldrlch tariff bill, soon will be ofiicially proclaimed by President Taft, Mayor Gaynor of New York has notified every department head under him that they must indulge in no newspaper interviews and issue no statements concerning the business of their departments except through him. Another notable New York pulpit is to be presided over by an English clergyman. The Fifth Avenue Presby terian church has just called to its pastorate Rev. John Henry Jovett of Carr's Lane Congregational chapel, Birmingham. He is offered a salary of 112,000. With this goes a home valued at $5,000 a year. Believing that Thomas Reilly, a state representative, bad hypnotized him, Frank Cavanaugh, a cigarmaker, started after Reilly at Joliet with a revolver. He was arrested after sev eral windows in the representative's bouse had been smashed. John Burns, president of the local government board and labor leader in fistic' COMMERCE LAW M THE TRUSTS TREATED OT TAFT jt PRESIDENT HANDLES TWO IM PORTANT TOPICS IN HIS SPE CIAL MESSAGE TO CONGRE8S. WANTS NEW COURT CREATED Tribunal Would Hear Cases Arising Under the Interstate Law Chief Executive Also Urges Federal In corporation Statute to Suppress Abuses and Not to Destroy Legiti mate Combinations of Capital. In a lecture before New York club women Prof. Charles Zuehlln, former- the house of commons, had a ly of the University of Chicago, said clash with an unidentified man as he the west was ahead of the east in was leavinj? a political mcetine in everything except cleanliness. D. O. Mills, the famous banker and philanthropist of New York, died sud denly at his winter home at Millbrae, in San Mateo county, about twenty five miles south of San Francisco. Death was due to angina pectoris and was not expected. London. The minister was about to- GENERAL NEWS. The first annual contention of the National Gasoline Gas association opened in Des Moines, la. A telegram was received at .the state department, through Rear Ad miral Kimball, stating that President Madriz of Nicaragua had asked blm to communicate to this government that after a personal study of the circum stances attending the execution of Groce and Cannon he profoundly la mented the act; that he was com pelled to declare It Illegal, and that the resentment of the government and people of the United States was just. Gilford Pinchot, chief forester of the United States, was discharged from the service by Secretary Wilson of the agricultural department. The dismis sal was at the order of President Taft, after an all-day session of the cabinet on the subject of Mr. Pinchot's letter read in the senate by Senator Dolli ver. Technically the dismissal is for violation of an executive order Issued November 26, 1909, by President Taft forbidding subordinates in depart ments to communicate directly with congress. Great Britain has intervened in the Nicaraguan affair. The secret of the continued presence in Nicaraguan wa ters of the British cruiser Scylla was revealed when its commander sent an ultimatum to the generals command tag the revolutionary and government forces of Nicaragua that there must be no fighting within the town of Qreytown. , A sweeping indictment against the paper box trust, known to the trade as the Paper Box association, was re turned at New York by the United States grand jury. About twenty cor porations and 140 individuals are cov ered by the indictment. A bill in congress by Murphy of Missouri puts a ban on publication of divorce details and similar scandals by newspapers and fixes the penalty at from three months to two years' imprisonment Edmond Thery, the French econo mist, figures that the wealth of France increased during 1909 by $1,200,000.- rrencn iureign investments at totaled $7,600,- n0. Jie end of the year 000.000. Thirty .dollars per drink for apple jfder which cost the retailer 20 cents a gallon is the price an East Orange (N. J.) policeman has been forced to pay. He was reprimanded and fined $120 for taking four drinks. The writs for the general elections la Great Britain were issued. The president lias tossed a fire brand Into the politics of the far east This Is borne out by the terms of a statement given out by Secretary of State Knox which means that Japan must abandon her machina tions against American interests and Chinese sovereignty In Manchuria. Phineas Guild, who claimed to be a cousin of Gov. Curtis Guild of Mas sachusetts, met a tragic death in his borne at Los Angeles, Cal. While struggling with his wife for posses sion of a revolver, the weapon was discharged, sending a bullet through 'bis brain. Physiicans of Michigan. Indiana and Ohio attended the semi-annual meet ing of the Northern Tri-State Medical association in Fort Wayne, Ind. The best meeting ever held by the Kansas Improved Stock Breeders as- a I LJk III vi 4 J sociation began in Topeka. Gov. .w , una enter his motor car when the man sprang upon him from the rear and threw him to the ground. According to a bureau of navigation report fG2 vessels of 82,425 gross tons were built in the last six months of 1909, compared with 528 vessels of 47, 250 gross tons in the corresponding period of 1908. Over 3.000,000.000 revenue stamps will be required for the cigars, cigar ettes, strip tobacco and snuff during the current fiscal year, according to a deficiency estimate sent to congress by the treasury department. Charged with the task of Inquiring into the traffic in women, with a view to rigid prosecution or an end to sen sational slanders against New York city, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., was made foreman of the grand jury. The suit inaugurated by Adrian H. Jollne and Douglas Robinson, former receivers for the New York City Rail way Company, against Thomas F. Ryan and other directors of that cor poration to collect $2,979,000, is about to be called in the United States court at New York. Fire threatened the Japanese em bassy in Washington. The flames broke out in the stables in the rear as Baron Uchida and Mme. Ucbida were returning home from the diplomatic reception at the White House. The damage was slighL J. Plerpont Morgan may unite In one banking concern, through further trust company mergers la New York under consideration, the enormous sum of $260,000,000 in deposits alone. This is aproxlraately $75,000,000 more than the deposits of the National City bank, and $125,000,000 more than the resources of the Farmers' Loan and Trust Company, the largest financial institution In the United States. A woman armed with a shotgun held a mob of 150 drunken, Infuriated ice cutters at bay near Kenosha, Wis., while she cut the rope with which the men had hanged one of their number to the rafters of an Icehouse. The man had already lapsed into uncon sciousness when his courageous res cuer routed his would-be executioners. Leon Delagrange, the noted French aviator, was killed while making a flight at Bordeaux. He fell with bis machine from a height of about sixty five feet and was crushed under the weight of the wreckage. Matthew J. Whittak of Worcester, Mass., the largest individual carpet manufacturer tn the United 8tates, put bis 1.500 employes on a 58-hour schedule with no reduction In wages. The mills have been running 58 hours. Representatives of the Carriers' and the Switchmen's union, in conference in Chicago for the last month, have mutually agreed to submit their dif ferences to arbitration and abide by the findings and recommendations of Chairman Martin Knapp of the inter state commerce commission and La bor Commissioner NellL Two members of the Rockefeller Bible class have been selected to serve on the grand jury of which John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Is the foreman, and which Is to make a thorough investi gation of the so-called white slave traffic In -New York city. One of the Italian bootblacks at a New York hotel received a $20 gold piece as a New Year present from a guest He announced that he would quit his job for the rest of the winter. The Chinese naval commission ar rived in Berlin to make a study of German naval affairs. Prince Oscar met the visitors at the railroad station and accompanied them to their hotel. Fireman Guy Cameron, while fatally scalded on his engine, stuck to his post at Valley, Cal., and ran down the track to warn an approaching train Washington. Jan. 7. Needed legislation concerning the interstate commerce law and the control of trusts formed the sub ject ot President Taft's special message to congress. The president calls atten tion to the partial failure of the present commerce law to get results because of the frequent appeals from its decisions to federal courts and the slowness of the supreme court in deciding' these cases. The message says: "It would not be proper to attempt to deprive any corporation of the right to the review by a court of any order or de cree which, if undisturbed would rob It of a reasonable return upon its invest ment or would subject it to burdens which would unjustly discriminate against it and in favor of other carriers similarly situated. What la, however, of supreme importance is that the decision of such questions shall be as speedy as the nature of the circumstances will ad mit, and that a uniformity of decision be secured so a3 to bring about an effec tive, systematic and scientific enforce ment of the comeree law, rather than conflicting decisions and uncertainty of final result. Recommends "Court of Commerce." "For this purpose I recommend the es tablishment of a court of the United States composed of five Judges desig nated for. such purpose from among the circuit Judges of the United States, to be known as the 'United States court of commerce,' which court shall be clothed with exclusive original jurisdic tion over the following classes of cases: "(1) AH cases for the enforcement, oth erwise than by ajudication and collec tion, of a forfeiture or penalty, or by In fliction of criminal nuuishment. of anv order of the interstate commerce com- mit-sion other than for the payment of money. "(1'J All cases brought to enjoin, set aside, annul or suspend anv order or requirement of the interstate commerce commission. "3 AH such cases as under section 3 or the act of February 19. 1903. known as the 'Elkins act.' are authorized to be maintained in a circuit court of the Uni ted States. "(4) All such mandamus proceedings as under the provisions of section 'J) or sec tion 23 of the interstate commerce law are authorized to be maintained In a cir cuit court of the United States. "Reasons precisely analogous to those which induced the congress to create the court of customs appeals bv the provi sions in tlie tariff act of August .", 1&03, may be urged in support of the creation of the commerce court. "In order to provide a sufficient num ber of judges to enable this court to be constituted it will be necessary to author ize the appointment of five additional rircmt judges, who. for the purposes of appointment, might be distributed to mose circuits where there is at the pres ent time the largest volume of business sucii as the second, third, fourth, seventh and eighth circuits. The act should em power the chief justice at any time when the business of the court of commerce dws not require the services of all the Judges to reassign the judges designated to that court to the circuits to which they respectively belong; and it should also provide for payment to such judges while fitting by assignment in the court of commerce of such additional amount as Is necessary to bring their annual compensation up to $10,000. Only Second to Supreme Court. "The regular sessions of such court should be held at the capitol. but it should be empowered to hold hessions in different parts of the United States If found desirable; and Its orders and Judg ments should bo made final, subject only to review by the supreme court of the United States, with the provision that the operation of the decree appealed from shall not be stayed unless the supreme court shall so order. The commerce court should be empowered in Its discretion to restrain or suspend the operation of an order of the interstate commerce commis sion under review pending the final hear ing and determination of the proceeding, but no such restraining; order should be made except upon notice and afetr hear ing, unless In cases where irreparable damage would otherwise ensue to the pe titioner. A Judge of that court might be empowered to allow a stay of the commission's order for a period of not more than CO days, but pending applica tion to the court of its order or injunc tion, then only where his order shall con tain a specific finding based upon evi dence submitted to tiie judge making the order and Identified by reference thereto that such Irreparable damage would re sult to the petitioner, specifying the na ture of the damage." "Under the existing law the Interstate commerce commission Itself initiates and defends litigation in the courts for the enforcement, or in the defense of its or ders and decrees', and for this purpose It employs attorneys, who, while subject to the control of the attorney general, act upon the Initiative and under the instruc tions of the commission. This blending of administrative, legislative and ludi- cial functions tends, in my opinion, to Impair the efficiency of the commission by clothing ft with partisan characteris tics and robbing it of the Impartial judi cial attitude it should occupy in pass ing upon questions submitted to It. In my opinion all litigation affecting the government should be under the direct control of the department of Justice; and I therefore recommend that all proceed ings affecting orders and decrees of the Interstate commerce commission be brought by or against the United States eo nomine, and be placed in charge of an assistant attorney general anting under the direction of the attorney general." Would Permit Agreements. Coming to the subject of railroad pools and traffic agreements, the president Bays: "The Republican platform of 1908 ex pressed the belief that the interstate commerre law should be further amend ed so as to give the railroads the right to make any public traffic agreements subject to the approval of the commis sion, but maintaining always the prin ciple of competition between naturally competing fines, and avoiding the com mon control of such lines by any means whatsoever. "in view of the complete control over rate-making, and other practices of In terstate carriers established by the acts of congress, and as recommended In this communication. I see no reason why agreements between carriers subject to the act. specifying the classifications of freight and the rates, fares and charges for transportation of passengers and freight which they may agree to estab lish, should not be permitted, provided, copies of such agreements be promptly filed with the commission, but subject to all the provisions of the interstate com merce act, and subject to the right of any parties to such agreement to cancel It as to all or any of the agreed rates, fares, charges, or classifications by 30 days' notice in writing to the other par ties and to the commission." Other Amendments Urged. In accord with other declarations of the Republican platform of 1908. the president further recommends that the Interstate commerce law be amended so as to pro vide, that no railroad company subject to the commerce act shall, directly or in directly, acquire any Interests of any kind in capital stock, or purchase or lease any railroad, or any other corpora tion which competes with it respecting business to which the interstate com merce act applies; that a law be enact ed providing "that no railroad corpora tion subject to the Interstate commerce act shall hereafter for any purpose con nected with or relating to any part of its business governed by said act. Issue any capital stock without previous or simul taneous" payment to it of not less than the par value of such stock, or any bonds or other obligations (except notes matur ing not more than one year from the date of their issue), without the previ ous or simultaneous payment to such cor poration of not less than the par value or such bonds, or other obligations, or, if issued at less than their par value. then not without such payment of the reasonable market value of such bonds or obligations as ascertained by the in terstate commerce commission: and that no property, service, or other thing than money, shall be taken in payment to such carrier corporation, of the par or other required price of such stock, bond or oth er obligation, except the fair value of such property, services or other thing as certained by the commission," Would Prevent Wrong Practices. The president continues: "I believe these suggested modifications In and amendments to the interstate com merce act would make it a complete and effective measure for securing reasonable ness of rates and fairness of practices in the operation of interstate railroad lines, without undue preference to any individu al or class over any others. "By my direction the attorney general has drafted a bill to carry out these recommendations, which will be fur nished upon request to the appropriate committee whenever it may be desired. "In addition to the foregoing amend ments of the interstate commerce law, the interstate commerce commission should be given the power, after a hear ing, to determine upon the uniform con struction of these appliances such as sill steps. ladders, roof hand holds, running boards and hand brakes on freight cars engaged In interstate commerce used by the trainmen in the operation of trains, the defects and lack of uniformity in which are apt to produce accidents and injuries to railway trainmen. The won derful reforms effected In the number of switchmen and trainmen injured by coup ling accidents, due to the enforced in troduction of safety couplers, is a demon stration oi wnat can De aone u railroads are compelled to adopt proper safety appliances. "The question has arisen in the opera tions of the interstate commerce employ ers' liability act. as to whether suit can be brought against the employer com pany in any place other than that of its home office. The right to bring the suit under this act should be as easy of en forcement as the right of a private per son not in the company's employ to sue on an ordinary claim, and process in each suit should be sufficiently served if upon the station agent of the company upon whom service is authorized is made, to bond the company in ordinary actions arising under state laws. Bills for both the foregoing purposes have been con sidered by the house of representatives and have been passed, and are now be fore the interstate commerce committee of tiie senate. I earnestly urge that they be enacted into law." Control of the Trusts. The second part of the message is de voted to tiie control of trusts. After a lengthy discussion of trusts, good and bad, and tiie success of pro&eciitions un der tiie Sherman anti-trust act, Mr. Taft says: "It is the duty and purpose of the exec utive to direct an investigation by the de partment of justice, through the grand Jury or otherwise, into the history, organ ization, and purpoF-s of all the industrial companies with respect to whicli there is any reasonable ground for suspicion that they have been organized for a purpose, and are conducting business on a plan which is In violation of the anti-trust law. The work is a heavy one, but it Is not beyond the power of the depart ment of Justice, if sufficient funds are furnished, to carry on the investigations and to pay the counsel engaged in the work. But such an investigation and possible prosecution of corporations whose prosperity or destruction affects the com fort not only of stockholders but millions of wage earners, employes, and associated tradesmen must necessarily tend to dis turb the confidence of the business com munity, to dry up the now flowing sources of capital from Its places of hoarding, and produce a halt in our present prosperity that will cause suffering and strained cir cumstances among the Innocent many for faults of .the guilty few. The question which I wish In this message to bring clearly to the consideration and decision of the congress whether to avoid business danger something cannot be done by which these business combinations may be offered a means, without great finan cial disturbance, of changing the char acter,' organization and extent of their business into one within the lines of the law under federal control anil supervision, securing compliance with the anti-truat statutes. For Government Control. "Generally, in the industrial combina tions called "trusts," the principal busi ness is the sale of goods in many states and in foreign markets: in other words, the Interstate and foreign business far exceeds the business done in any one state. This fact will Justify the fed eral government in granting a federal charter to such a combination to make and sell In interstate and foreign com merce the products of useful manufac ture under such limitations as will se cure a compliance with the anti-trust law. It is possible so to frame a statute that wlille it offers protection to a fed eral company against harmful, vexatious able or can be introduced Into the stat ute. "In considering violations ot the anti trust law we ought, of course, not td forget that that law makes unlawful, methods of carrying on business which before Its passage were regarded as evi dence of business sagacity and success, and that they were denounced In this set not because of their intrinsic Immoral ity, but because of the dangerous re sults toward which they tended, the con centration of industrial power in the hands of the few, leading to oppres sion and Injustice, In dealing, therefore, with many of the men who have used the methods condemned by the statute for the purpose of maintaining a profit able business, we may well facilitate a change by them in ths method of do ing business, and enable them to bring it back into the xone or lawiuiness. wiinoui losing to the country the economy of management by which, in our domestic trade the cost of production has been materially lessened, and in competition with foreign manufacturers our foreign trade has been greatly increased. Asks National Corporation Law. "I therefore recommend the enactment by congress of a general law providing for the formation of corporations to en gage in trade and commerce among the states and with foreign nations, protect ing them from undue interference by the states. and regulating their activities so as to prevent the recurrence, under na tional auspices, of those abuses which have arisen under state control. Such a law should provide for the issue of stock of sucii corporatlonas to an amount equal only to the cash paid in on the stock; and if the stock be Issued for property, then at a fair valuation ascertained un der approval and supervision of federal authority after a full and complete dis closure of all the facts pertaining to the value or such property and the Interest therein of the persons to whom it is proposed to issue stock in payment of such property. It should subject the real and personal property only of Buch cor porations to the same taxation as im posed by the states within which it may be situated upon other similar property located therein, and it should require such corporations to file full and com plete reports of their operations with the department of commerce and labor at regular intervals. Corporations organized under this act should be prohibited from acquiring and holding stock in other cor porations (except for special reasons upon approval by the proper federal author ity, tnus avoiding the creation, under national auspices, of the holding company with subordinate corporations in different states which has been such an effective agency in the creation of the great trusts and monopolies. State Laws Conflict. "If the prohibition of the anti-trust act against combinations in restraint of trade Is to be effectively enforced, it is essen tial that the national government shall provide for the creation of national cor porations to carry on a legitimate busi ness throughout the United States. The conflicting laws of the different states of tiie union with respect to foreign corpora tions make it difficult, if not impossible, for one corporation to comply with their requirements so as to carry on business in a number of different states. "To the suggestion that this proposal of federal incorporation for industrial com binations is intended to furnish them a .refuge in which to continue industrial business under federal protection. It should be said that the measure contem plated does not repeal the Sherman anti trust law and Is not to be framed so as to permit the doing of the wrongs which it is the purpose of that law to prevent, but only to foster a continuance and ad vance of the highest industrial efficiency without permitting industrial abuses. "Such a national incorporation law will be opposed, first, by those who believe that trusts should be completely broken up and their property destroyed. It will be opposed, second, by those who doubt the constitutionality of such federal in corporation and even If it is valid, object to it as too great federal centralization. It will be opposed, third, by those who will Insist that a mere voluntarv Incor poration like this will not attract to its assistance the worst of the offenders against the anti-trust statute and who will therefore propose instead of it a sys tri'i of compulsory licenses for all feder al corporations engaged in interstate business. "Let us consider these objections in their order. The government is now try ing to dissolve some of these combina tions and it is not the intention of the government to desist in the least degree In its effort to end these combinations which are to-day monopolizing the com merce of this country: that where it ap pears that the acquisition and concen tration of property go to the extent of creating a monopoly of substantially and directly restraining interstate commerce, it Is not tiie intention of the government to permit this monopoly to exist under federal incorporation or to transfer to the protecting wing of the federal gov ernmen of a state corporation now vio lating the Sherman act. But it Is not. and should not be. the policy of the gov ernment to prevent reasonable concen tration of capital which Is necessary to the economic development of manufac ture, trade and commerce. . . . IRKING FOR PEACE DISPOSITION IN CONGRESS TO PACIFY INSURGENTS. PINCHOT HAS MNY FRIENDS The General Question of Party Har mony Uppermost in the Minds of Prominent Representatives. and unnecessary invasion by the states, i courses before them May Doubt Constitutionality. "Second There are those who doubt the constitutionality of such federal Incorpor ation. The regulation of interstate and foreign commerce is certainly conferred in the fullest measure upon congress, and if for the purpose of securing In the most thorough manner that kind of regulation, congress shall insist that it may provide and authorize agencies to carry on that commerce, it would seem to be "within its power, this has been distinctly affirmed with respect to railroad companies doing an interstate business and interstate bridges. The power of incorporation has been exercised by congress and upheld by the supreme court In this regard. Why. then, with respect to any other Town of interstate commerce like the sale of goods across state boundaries and into foreign countries, may the same power not be asserted? Indeed, it is the very fact that they carry on interstate com merce that makes these great industrial concerns subject to federal prosecution and control. How far as incidental to the carrying on of that commerce it may be within the power of the federal gov ernment to authorize the manufacturer of goods, is perhaps more open to discus sion, though a recent decision of the su preme court would seem to answer that question in the affirmative. "The third objection, that the worst of- ienuers will not accept federal incorpora tion, is easily answered. The decrees of injunction recently adopted In prosecu tions under the anti-trust law are so thorough and sweeping that the corpora tions affected by them have but thre Washington. The present week probably will decide whether there will be a prolong conflict involving the president of the United States within the rank of republican party in congress. Conditions have been tending in that direction for some time, but instead of adding to the im pulse the dismissal of Mr. Pinchot apparently has had the effect of caus ing a halt. It has prompted senators and members to consider the pos sibilities of a continuation of the con troversy, and present indications are of a more pacific tendency than were those of a week ago. There is no denying the fact, how ever, that in some respect the situation remains critical. Mr. Pinchot has a large number of personal friends and admirers in both houses of congress, who would be inclined to take up his cause if favorable opportunity should present itself and if they could do so without endangering the peace of the party and their own political welfare. On the otaer hand, many are say ing that the personal fortunes of Messrs Ballinger and Pinchot are of litle importance compared to the great question of the preservation of party harmony, and those who take this view are urging the necessity of pre venting any sharp conflict in congress on the lines of difference between the secretary of the interior and the for mer chief of the forest service. "Wheth er the conservative counsel of this ele ment shall prevail will depend upon the course of events in congress dur ing the next few days. There is no doubt that the investi gation of the interior department and of the forest service will proceed along the lines indicated by the Jones Humphrey resolution; but it will be competent for the investigating com mittee either to broaden or narrow J the inquiry. The question will receive its next aa tcntion on the floor of the senate. The present situation is this: The house has adopted the resolution providing for the appointment of its members of the committee by the house itself, rather than by the speaker, as was originally provided. Without await ing the official notification as to the action of the house, the senate com mittee on public lands has decided to present the resolution in such a form as to authorize the selection of the house members by the speaker. Unquestionably this motion was taken with the intention of romplimenting the speaker and it will be reported to the senate. Speaker Cannon, it is said, feels that it would be impolitic for him to take advantage of this condition and override the expressed order of a majority of the bouse, and it is prob able, therefore, that the senate will take such action as will steer clear of a controversy with the house. It is now said that the speaker himself would prefer that the house should select the committee. DOCTORS FAILED. RESTORED BY PERUNA. Catarrh of the Lungs Threatened Her Life. Miss Ninette Porter, Braintree, Ver mont, writes: "I hare been cored by Perana. "I bad sereral hemorrhages of the longs. The doctors did not help me Bach and would never have cured me. I saw a testimonial in a Peruna almanac of a case similar to mine, and I commenced using it. "I was not able to wait on myself when I begam using it. I gained very slowly at first, but I could see that it was helping me. 'After I had taken it a while I com menced to raise up a stringy, sticky substance from my lungs. This grew less and less in quantity as I continued the treatment. l grew more fleshy than I h3d been for a long time, and now I call myseli well." " NERVE. lrgJ Fuzzy Frank Lady, kin I have a drink o water? Lady Certainly; there's the tun bler and there's the pump. Fuzzy Frank (insinuatingly) An now if you will please work de handle for a few minutes? A BURNING ERUPTION FROM HEAD TO FEET "Four years ago I suffered severely with a terrible eczema, being a mas? of sores from head to feet and for six weeks confined to my bed. During that time I suffered continual tor ture from itching and burning. After being given up by my doctor I was ad vised to try Cuticura Remedies. After the first bath with Cuticura Soap and application of Cuticura Ointment I en joyed the first good sleep ddring my entire illness. I also used Cuticura Resolvent and the treatment was con tinued for about three weeks. At the end of that time I was able to be about the house, entirely cured, and have felt no ill effects since. I would advise any person suffering from any form of skin trouble to try the Cuti cura Remedies as I know what they did for me. Mrs. Edward Nenning. 1112 Salina St. Watertown, N. Y., Apr. 11, 1909." INDIAN OFFICERS SUSPENDED. it shall subject It to reasonable taxation and control by the states, with respect to Its purely local business. "Many people conducting great busi nesses have cherished a hope and a be lief that In some way or other a line may be drawn between 'good trusts' and 'bad trusts." and that it is possible by amendment to the anti-trust law to make a distinction under whicli good combina tions may be permitted to organize, sup press competition, control prices, and do it all legally If only they do not abuse the power by taking too great profit out of the business They point with force to certain notorious trusts as having grown Into power through criminal methods by the use of illegal rebates and plain chetit' ing. and by various acts utterly violative of business honesty or morality, and urge the establishment of some legal line of separation by whicli 'criminal trusts' of this kind can be punished, and they, on the other hand, be permitted under the law to carry on their business. Now. the publle. and especially the business public, ought to rid themselves of the idea that such a distinction Is practic- 'M ' wmxwwMy x MmW4MMWWM,MVWWWWWMMMAAfW0WM0VM VARIOUS KINDS OF COURAGE the bunters to climb up the tree or into the den and pull him out. Of Mrst. they must resolve themselves into their component parts In the differ ent states, with a consequent loss to themseles of capital and effective organ ization and to the country of concen trated energy and enterprise: or second, in defiance of the law and under some secret trust they must attempt to con tinue their business in violation of the federal statute, and thus Incur the pen alties of contempt and bring on an In evitable criminal prosecution of the indi viduals named In the decree and their as sociate?: or "Third, they must reorganize and ac cept ii good fuilii the federal charter I suggest a federal compulsory license law urged as a substitute for a federal Incor poration law. is unnecessarv except to reach that kind of corporatio'n which, by virtue of the considerations already ad vanced, will take advantage voluntarily of an incorporation law. while the other state torporations doing an Interstate business do not need the supervision or the regulation of federal license and would only be unnecessarily Surdened thereby;" ----------------------- 1-, ii infuu'juuuuLw Secretary Ballinger Bounces Four as the Result of Inquiry. Washington Secretary Ballinger of the Interior department suspended from office Superintendent John D. Benedict of the five civilized tribes of Oklahoma and three supervisors as the result of an investigation which has disclosed "a disgraceful condi tion" affecting the material and moral welfare of the schools. As a result of the investigation which the interior department has been carrying on for some time, and which will be continued, other officials of the Indian service may suffer a like fate to that of Superintendent Bene dict and the three supervisors sus pended already. Father's Method. During a recent slight illness th five-year-old Teddy, usually so amiable, flatly and obstinately refused to take his medicine. After a somewhat pro longed and ineffectual argument with him, his mother at last set the glass of medicine down. leaned her head on her hands and "played" that she was crying. A moment passed, and the tender hearted Teddy, unable longer to bear the sight of his mother's stricken atti tude, inquired. "What's the matter. mother, dear?" Without removing her hands from her eyes, she replied: "I'm grieved that my son won't take his castor o;l for me. Whereupon Teddy sat up in bed and offered consolingly: "Ob, I wouldn't feel badly if I were you, mother, dear Father will be home soon and he'll make me take if The Delineator. Individuality Among Lower Animals as Marked as It Is Among Human Beings. Stubbs welcoming the members. . v entlng a wreck. was blocked, thus pre- I ilr 1 up a fight, "Now, a coon. Is one of the nastiest customers for a pack of dogs to han- "1 believe that there are as many die that you can readilv find. He is different kinds of courage among anl- game to the core, and many a valu- mals as among men." said John able coon dog has passed away as a Trainor of Richmond. Va. result of one of these encounters. "There are men who can wade Into First of all, when he finds the dogs on a crowd of husky opponents, and. as his trail he will try to escape. But long as fists are the weapons, fight when he Is cornered there is bound to to the last gasp. Some of these same be some trouble for a dog or two of men may dodge around the corner the pack, as soon as a revolver shows up. On "The peculiar feature, though. Is me otner band, a gun fighter, de- that a possum can whip a coon with- prived of his weapon, may get out of out half trying. The coon is afraid of the way speedily before the fists of the possum and gives him a wide an angry enemy. berth. They tell stories down there "There Is Just about the same sort In the mountains to the effect that a of difference between the courage dis- coon, worsted In a fight with a pos- played by a possum and a coon. I've sum, has fought off a pack of dogs, Just come back from a little hunting and that this same pack ha3 then trip in the mountains of Virginia, and treed the possum, who allowed hlm- I heard more than one story which self to be captured without a struggle, proved this assertion. When a pos- A possum has coon courage, but no sum Is treed or 'denned he never pre- 'dog courage.' I don't pretend to un- "onds to show fight. He Just hugs derstand the reason for these traits. '" H'ub ar.il calmly waits for one of but I am sure of the facts." Mutations of Plants. ft tine Trioon Tmfnut rhi !. B.M hSWiIlbJtewl8nt8e,Zf theory Put to Vries of tblUi S6 Deck but he DeVer putS Amsterdam, according to which new species of plants come into existence not by a long process of natural se lection, as Darwin supposed, but through sudden mutations, the cause Taft at Methodist Church. Washington. President Taft on Sunday attended the Charles Nelson Crittenden memorial services at Foundry Methodist Episcopal church, where an address was made by Dr. John Wesley Hill of New York. Dr. Hill is an intimate friend of Mr. Taft and accompanied him on his famous western speaking tour during the cam paign of 1908. The Selfish Hunter. James R. Keene, apropos of tb Jumping contests at the New York horse show, talked about fox hunting "Hunting," he said, "develops .. race of very savage, selfish men There was, for instance. Jones. "Jones, on a bitter cold day, was riding hard at a brook, when he per ceived the head of his dearest friend sticking dismally out of the icy water Did Jones go to his friend's assist ance? Not a bit of it. "'Duck, you fool!' he shouted, and Jumped over him." St. Louis Globs-Democrat. Just the Place. "Save me, save me!" shouted a man dashing into the first open doorway. They're coming to kill me!" "H-m-m-m!" calmly remarked the proprietor. "You've picked out a goo place fer 'em to do it. This Is an tin dertakin' establishment." Will Try for the Pole. Berlin. Lieutenant Ernest H. Shac kleton announces that he has decided upon another Antarctic expedition. Sbackleton has succeeded in getting nearer to the South pole than any other explorer. Real Art. "Smith's a born liar " "Jones has him skinned. He learned his lying at college, and scorns the crude, natural methods." Exchange. of which remains unknown, applies equally well to new species of ani mals. The gfant dinosaurus, for instance, whose remains, as found in our west ern "bad lands," excite so much amazement, appear by paleontological evidence to have sprung suddenly into being and as suddenly to have disap peared. All the other animal types also seem to have been well characterized when they first made their appear ance. The theory of the origin of species by mutation, when applied either to the plant or the animal kingdom, does away with the demand made by the natural selection theory for. inor dinately long periods of time, during which existing races were brought I gradually to their present condition Balfour Has Opposition. London. A. J. Balfour, the leader of the opposition in the House of Commons, after all will not enter the new Parliament without a contest. At- the last moment the liberals have nominated Sir Hugh Bell to oppose him for bis seat for the city of Lon don. Sir Hugh Bell has no chance of election, but the liberal party consi dered that it might adversely influ ence their prospects if both Mr. Bal four and Mr. Chamberlain were re turned unopposed. Parliament will be formally dissolved on Monday. Statement from Insurgents. Washington. Those who are op posed to the republican doctrine and policies as interpreted by the present administration can expect no support from the regular wing of the repub lican party. Such a warning to the insurgents was sent out to the coun try in a statement by the republican congressional campaign committee. The statement is issued, it was ex plained, to meet the allegation that the committee is attempting to pre vent the renomlnation of those in- 1 i-urgents who are antagonistic. j A WOMAN DOCTOR Was Quick to See that Coffee was Doing the Mischief. A lady tells of a bad case of coffe poisoning and tells it in a way so sim ple and straightforward that literary skill could not improve it. "I had neuralgic headaches for 12 years," she says, "and suffered untold agony. When I first began to have them I weighed 140 pounds, but they brought me down to -310. I went to many doctors and they gave me only temporary relief. So 1 suffered on, till one day a woman doctor told me to use Postum. She said Hooked like I was coffee polryned. "So I began to drink Poetum and 1 gaiaed IS pounds In the first few weeks and continued to gain, but no: so fast as at first. My headaches be gan to leave me after I had used Postum about two weeks long enough to get the coffee poison out of my system. "Since I began to use Foetum I can gladly say that I never know what ; neuralgic headache is like any more and It was nothing but Postum that made me well. Before I used Postum I never went out alone; I would get bewildered and would not know which way to turn. Now I go alone and my head is as clear as a bell. My brain and nerves are stronger than they have been for years." Read the little book. "The Road to Hrellville,"ln pkgs. "There's a Reason." ETer read the abo-ir letter? A new r.ae appears Croat time to time. The ire cenuloe, true, aad fall of buniaa iaterest. ; - -vjS -. -.ir - V MO.' .r.&taL'-' jb . Vj-Ai.,-