. t 9 iff - , -3 -T . j" a 'a; . -w f- i SSSS . Y; FRISCHHOLZ BROS. SHOES CLOTHING Gents9 Furnishing Goods RELIABLE GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES. FRISCHHOLZ BROS. 405 11th Street PROHIBITIONS DEADLY BLISHT Protest of Business M and Property Owners Against Sumptuary Laws. DELIVERANCE FROM CALAMITY. (VJcksburg American.) . State Chairman J. Lee Long of Ala- bama. in a statement, said: "From -.every county in Alabama the farmers with peculiar unanimity are entering their protests against the ratification of the amendment. Almost the entire . legal profession has denounced it. Most of the leading lawyers of Ala bama from, every stump are against It. At least 90 per cent of the med ical profession are on record as be- . lng in opposition to it; an overwhelm- . -ing preponderance of the bankers, merchants, manufacturers and busi ness men of the 'state are up against its ratification, and more church com municants in the state of Alabama ' will vote against its ratification than will vote for its adoption." Thjs is a . 'very sweeping claim. The correctness -j of his estimate is shown In the ap parent result, and in the fact that the overwhelming defeat of the amend ment is to be regarded rather In the light of a great state deliverance from .calamity rather than a factional tri umph. VICTORY FOR BUSINESS MEN. (Mobile Register of Nov. 30, 1909.) When asked what he thought of the result of the Alabama election, Greg ory M. Luce said: "I consider the re sult of the amendment fight to be a most decisive victory for the business interests of the state. It was con ducted by the business people in the main, and was carried along business lines. The defeat of the amendment means much to the business men, and I rejoice at it" -Mr. A. G. Quinn said: "I am de lighted with the result of the great battle. It will help the business in terests of the state, and help every body." Colonel D. R. Burgess: "I speak as a business man. The result of the amendment election will add' material ly to the value of investments in this state. It will convince the financial Interests of the country that the con servative men of the state have taken control of public affairs." Hon. B. D. Barker, postmaster of Mobile, returned home to vote agajnst the constitutional amendment, and said of the result: "I am glad to see every form of fanaticism defeated. This is not a victory for the liquor element in Alabama and it should not be so regarded In Mobile, in Alabama or in any state of the union. It was the voice of the temperate, sober, con sertatlve men of Alabama who placed ,kl. Jto....l .... . ,. I wen uioMiiji u at uiuu e&ircmisus who re uwilling to jeopardize all the busi ness interests of our state by depriv ing us of our cbril liberties and the rights our ancestors fought for in this country 120 years ago and in England '.over 600 years ago. I believe the voice of the people of Alabama will redound to the best interests of every .part of the state.' FINANCING IN ALABAMA. (Memphis "Commercial AppeaL) The state of Alabama' spent. 967,. 600 more than it received daring the currency fiscal year. The financial status of Alabama is much like that . of several other southern states. En thusiastic reformers cat off source .-.of revenue, but. at the sum they do not cut down expenses. DRY" ALABAMA GOES BROKE; A dispatch from Montgomery, Ala., of recent date says: "Owing to de crease in' state revenue on account of the prohibition law the state is fac ing a shortage of $1,000,000, with the executive authorised under the law to borrow only $300,000. The appropria tion ,made in the regular session of the legislature int.1907 did not take into account the general prohibition law enacted at the special session of the same year, which became effective on the first of the present year. As a result the treasury has gone so empty that $50,000 must be had to tide over the month of November "With perhaps '$900,000 representing the deficit that must come along by the end of the Tear." UPRISING OF ALABAMA BUSINESS MEN. (Associated Press Dispatch.) Birmingham, Ala.. Nov. 30. Later teturns from the state indicate that yesterday's majority against the pro hibition constitutional amendment will ran above 23,000. tit appears that a vote of not less than 125,000 Columbus. was polled1, die largest in the history 9f the state As the sweeping nature of the defeat of the amendment is realized there is a disposition In all circles to analyzs the result for its probable effect on future legislation In the state. Industrial leaders and business men of Birmingham are al- ON DIRE FINANCIAL ROCKS. (Mobile Register, Dec. 3.) Hon. W. D. Seed, state treasurer, says that it has been necessary to bor row 50,(h.O to meet October school warrants, for which treasurer's checks have been issued. The state treasurer believes the taxes coming in, with the unused portion of the sum borrowed, will tide the treasury over the first of the year without further borrowing. STOPS BUILDING OPERATIONS. The American Contractor publishes statistics of the amount of money ex pended' every month by principal cities In building operations, giving gain and loss percentages. Mobile's loss for November was 85 per cent, compared with November, 1908. This is an al most total stoppage of building, due largely to prohibition. TAXPAYERS JOLTED. A special dispatch to the Nashville American from Tuscumbia, Ala., says thaffhe annual tax levies in Colbert county have increased by $3,101.62 the last year, due to the abrogation of liq uor license fees by the prohibition law. NEBRASKA PROTEST OF PROPERTY OWNERS. The taxpayers of every dry town in Nebraska know that the no-license pol icy results in an increase of tax as sessments. Such additional burden or taxation may be imposed by majority vote under the local option clause of the Slocumb law, and while many vot ers pay little or no taxes, the policy is adopted only by voters of the local community. Not so under the pro posed scheme of "county option," which would give voters outside of the limits of villages and cities the right to vote to force the no-license policy upon the taxpayers of all vil lages and cities in the county. It is an attempt to deprive the public school fund of the benefit of liquor license money and to compel local property owners to submit to exces sive taxation, while clandestine sales of liquor are constantly carried on. "T " TZ 1 " TAir"' UtUB UCB1 IUUOI Xll UIO UU1UCU of cost of local government, while the care free and propertyless agitat or pursues his calling and gets a liv ing by passing the hat. Conditions in -prohibition states are much -the same. Statewide prohibition is a deadening blight to small towns and villages. This was proved by the experience. of lowa towns under pro hibitioa and it is true of Kansas towns today. There is plenty of evidence that & the policy of state-wide prohi bition has worked irreparable injury to the mercantile business of Kansas, North Dakota, Alabama, Oklahoma and Maine; has impaired realty aloes; has forced a decrease In mar ket values of farm lands; has lessened the rental value of property: has fbroeght-about a larger c-number of business failures during the year In proportion to population than is the case with Nebraska and other license states. There are many capitalists who will not permit their money to be Invested in a state whose law makers enjoin sumptuary regulations upon the state. The best workers In Industrial and agricultural pursuits the wealth producing men of the better grade, will not long remain in a state which seeks to enforce sump tuary laws. It is the policy of state wide prohibition that puts a terrific handicap upon a state, and deprives it of an even chance with its sister states in the race for Industrial and commercial supremacy. HOW COMES IT? "How does it coire to pass that col lection of beer taxes increase in Mis souri, though some three-fourths of the counties have voted prohibition oy local option?" asks the SL Louis Re public. That is a prohibition conun drum and we give It up. , WHY NOT?" The question -is shall the thrifty, wealth producing taxpayers of Ne- .be forced" to submit to heavy Jli4dttiOBal-4ax levies -just to satisfy the ambitions of non-resident, emo tional agitators? Shall Nebraska tax payers be -.Assessed to make up the deficit following a forfeiture of liquor license fees-now -collected In villages nd cities,;' which would be the only certain result of the adoption of stat utory prohibition? Why should the. business men and property owners' be compelled to pay the taxes which the liquor traffic should be required to pay? In any event liquor would be consumed just the same. Citizens can not be prevented from having liquor shipped tothem for their personal use, their right to do so having been. affirmed by the United States supreme court Every voter in Nebraska can have all the liquor he wants shipped to him regardless of state laws, but of course he cannot sell It if statutes forbid. Since many men will have liquor, why not make the traffic pay a local tax. thus relieving property own ers of part of the cost of i tillage and city government? PAYING THE PIPKtf. Lincoln, Neb., adopted th dry pol icy in May, 1909, thus forfeiOag over $40,000 of license fees annually. Six months later, commenting on the sub ject, the Daily Journal said: "The increase in the consolidated levy over last year amounts to 12.75 mills, the greater portion of this being made by the., school district, which of course must have funds to take the place of over $40,000 in license money which it has lost. Its levy is increased from 19.5 mills. to 27 mills., Of this, 25 mills is for general purposes and 2 mills for the payment of bonds and inter est." To be more specific, the above recital jneaas that the dry. policy adopted by Lincoln has saddled upon the taxpayers an additional burden of $65,000. This condition was brought about by the emotional agitators who pay no taxes, while the property own er must dig down in his pocket and make good the deficit NEBRASKA PROSPERITY. Two of the delegates to the national convention of the W. C. T. U. in Omaha mde addresses defending the policy of' state-wide prohibition. Gov ernor Robert D. Glenn of North Caro lina and Mrs. Nellie G. Berger of Mis souri went into the economic and so ciological aspects of the subject They both attempted to show a higher de gree of average prosperity among the people of Maine than existed in li cense states. Governor Glenn reiter ated the statement often made by pro hibitionists that the people of that state had' more savings placed to their credit in the banks than was the case with the people of license states. He also made some general I remarks about Maine prosperity which should not be permitted to go unchal lenged. There is no more reliable barometer of the financial status of a state than that which is given by the comptroller of the United States currency. The latter's report for 1907 is quoted be- f cause the figures for that year mark the high tide of nation-wide prosper ity up to that fated day in October when the panic put a stop to commer cial and financial activity. The comp troller shows that the people of Maine had on deposit in national banks that year $22,412,000. while Nebraskans had on deposit at the same time $73,942,000, which, making allowance for the difference of population, puts Nebraska, a license state, far ahead of Maine on that score. In this connec tion, it is Interesting to note that tht peopl of Kansas, a state having per haps a third more population than Ne braska, had on deposit in national banks in 1907 $64,978,000. or .some ting like ten millions less than Ne braska money-getters had. In propor--tion to population Kansas should have had a third more money on deposit than had Nebraska. The national banks of Maine in 1907 reported total assets . of $56,569,000, while the assets of Nebraska national banks footed up $132,909,000, or about 60 per f?nt more wealth in the banks of Nebrjika.-than there was in Maine banks. Taeassets of national banks in Kansjts aggregated $110,476,000. or about $&5pp.o6o less than the assets of Nebraska national banks, with a population a third greater than that of Nebraska. The comptroller shows that the average resources of Maine people per capita as shown by the wealth in national banks, was $77.28 while the per capita resources of Kan sans in national banks was $66.73. Here are two prohibition states set up against Nebraska, a license state, the per capita average resources in na tional banks of Nebraskans being $118.13. From the report of the comptroller another interesting comparison may be made touching the capital stock in state, national and private banks, and loan and' trust companies. The aggre gate amount of wealth under this heading in Maine was $12,344,300. while in Nebraska it was $22,278,140. While these figures are greatly in favor of Nebraska, It must be borne in mind that Nebraska and western states derive nothing in the way of material gains from Maine, whereas the tour ists who raise the population of Maine very largely during the summer sea son, spend millions of dollars annually, so that Maine is drawing money from many of the states of the west and benefits through the prosperity of the middle west states. LINCOLN BUSINESS CONDITIONS. No business man, talking for. publi cation, can afford to admit a falling 'off of daily sales. .Every business man knows this to be .true. While Lincoln merchants are suffering from the dry policy prevailing -there, very "few of them dare say so openly, yet a few of them are telling-their friends that they are sick of existing conditions. The -Lincoln Herald, says: "Many farmers for miles around have ceased. coming to Lincoln and -go to Crete, Sterling, . Hickman, pleasant Dale, Wahoo, Eagle and Havelock for their pastime and do. much. of their, trading. People who used .to come here from out over the .state for a few days' recreation and to buy clothing and other goods, now go to other cltt les. People who come here because the town la "dry", are people who nev er spend much money. .They bring-a taneh lrtth ttem, Ma' a1flwt on tho m yfc gpyxfejsBssBBy BBSBBBBW JUsssmf 1BBBBBBBBBBBBLaB Wfif m BhVuMAVBBBB?BBJBSBBBBB ,u rT"j ! flal 'fVfkr- isrsffi -' ssfc'mmPssJ? fcv.ifiiu 'jMisuk !sm mswjssmmmmmri ;Zis5&W copyniui Wis nT'f,aUi" Happy New Year ti All, and to all our beat wishes for the next 965 days. We bespeak yomr orders dfbr flour for 1910. and assure yon thai they wiu receive our most prompt sea eere fnl attention. " There can be no qasatien ae to the superiority of the WAY UP brand, as thousands of its daily peers will attest. Join the ranks of satisfied flour users, by ordering a sack cf WAY UP flour. C0LUINS ROLLER WUS street corner, standing up. . Business has suffered in all lines, wholesale as well as retail, especially the hotels. The cafes at the Llndell and Savoy have been closed all summer and the Flemish at the Capital has discontin-; ued and tqe room rented for a real estate office. Real-estate-has taken s back seat and buildings formerly occu pied by saloons are vacant or occupies- by little dumps that pay a nominal rent for appearances. Business mtrn admit these conditions, and complain," but 'not for publication.' They are glad to have the. Herald tell the story for them and some have requested as to do so to publish the truth." PB0Hh3ITI0rSMENACE TO BUSINESS. Prohibition's Deadening Effect. Dun's review of trade conditions. Issue of Oct 2, 1909, on page '9. pre sents a table snowing the commercial failures in the several states for the nine months of this year, .as. well as for 1908. There is no truer sign of the material conditions of a state than that afforded by the record of commer cial failures. During the last nine months there were 75 commercial fail ures in Maine, with liabilities of $1. 223,710. In Nebraska during the pres ent year there were 100 commercial failures, with liabilities of $874,962. These liabilities aggregate about a third less than the liabilities growing out of the failures in Maine for the same period. In other words, with a population one-third greater than that of Maine, the business failures of Ne braska this year aggregate in losses one-third less than the .total liabilities of Maine failures. The bank failures of Maine for the nine months of 1909jentalled.liabllities In the sum of $1,400,000. while in Ne braska there was not a single bank failure. J During the year 1908, there were 123 commercial failures Ju Maine, with liabilities of $660,584, whereas in Ne braska last year there were. but 39 commercial failures, with liabilities of $245,264; that is to say, with a popu lation one-third' less than that of Ne braska, Maine's losses In commercial failures were nearly three times the amount of the Nebraska losses. Ne braska has had a consttutlonal pro vision for licensing the sale of liquor nearly as long as Maine has had. a con: stltutional provision to prohibit 'the traffic. Hon. Charles F. Libby, president, of the American Bar association, .and long a, prominent citizen of Malae. re cently, made a public utterance de nouncing prohibition. He (stated that the policy of prohibition, had retarded . the material progress of his state, and had prevented a growth of population which bad resulted in great injury to the people. The Portland Argus of Sept. 21st, 1909, in an editorial paragraph, says: "For years Maine has barely held its own in population, and in the last de cade or two the rate of increase has been the reverse of impressive. Pro hibition has been a drawback- to Maine. What progress the state has made has been in spite of this heavy handicap." MONEY WEALTH OF STATES. The national monetary commission has just laid an exhaustive report be fore both houses of congress. It shows the total money resources of the peo ple of the several states based upon official reports of conditions existing April 28, 1909. This is the latest and most authentic information about the wealth of the people. Its accuracy cannot be questioned. Comparing the wealth of the people of prohibition states with that of those in license states reveals some highly illuminating facts. For instance, Ne braska's total banking resources per capita are $214.92, while those of Kan sas are $137.50. South Dakota, a li cense state, $182.75. while North Da kota, a prohibition state; has but SI 53.32. To show how eastern capital IMIMMCIM TIIETULE WZSTBOU3D. Mo. It. SASTsomm.., No. 4 Uiia, o. 12 .. ljiOam- No.l44dl38,m o.8 440 am - No.l8rrtV..:.-2:i6Dm- .. S-49 am So. 18 No.l . No. a , No. 7 . No. 15 No. 3 . No. 5 . No. 90 ..11:31am .. 9:40am ..11:41am .. 3:10pm. .. 623 pm;. .. 635pm .. 2:15 am .. 7:00 a ra 3"vi--'!fte MJ4 No.2'.. 9:41pm. No. St ,4:13 pm: NO.M ..'SiWai No. v..; 7dxa m No. 03 5:00 pm No. 19 8:45 pm BftUli Monvouc. Ko.77mxd. d730ai No.29paa ..d 7 00 pi No.aopui.aiaepi Ho. 78 mxd..a 600 p i SFALDIHa ALBIOS.; No.79mxd..dfettam No.npaa-..dldSm KattpM a&Ss-m No.8emd..a7sMpm DulrexeaptSaadair. hots: Sofcl.2,7aBd8areaxtrafAretnu. . . j. u ana m a tocai pawt Nna. 9S ami BS a ImI fWiJ5Z? Noa. 9 ndu an maatniMoalf . i BmBnBSBSBBd I BM SSagfBV No. d in Qmtim M sVm. - is shunning Oklahoma.aince.that state adopted prohibition, it is noted that the per capita hanking resources of that state: are but-f MJf . o Outside cap- uai nas aiso aeserteti Mississippi and Alabama, whose per capita resources are about $45. Maine .brings up the rear of New England states, falling far below Rhode Island, Connecticut and New Hampshire. Can the industrial and commercial interests of .Nebraska . be induced to load -up with the blasting incubus of prohibition? - , . .." BANK CLEARINGS. Bank .clearings afford sure indica tions of the state of business. Dun's 'Review of Nov. 13, 1909, has a report of '.;thei; bank clearings as usual. All ver the country, according to this statement, bank clearings show a steady; increase. "At some cities. aotaWy St. Paul, Kansas City. Omaha, SO Joseph and 'Denver, the increases are large." A comparison of some of the eJtles'Jn prohibition states with those' in license states -affords food for refection.- For instance, this report shows that Portland, the commercial center -of Maine, shows a decrease of 2.7 per cent in October bank clearings as compared' with October. 1908. anda decrease'of per cent for October, as' compared with the figures or October. 1906.' Springfield, Mass., shows an in crease of nearly 21 per cent. New Haven, Conn., shows an Increase of early 16 per cent. Birmingham, the great Industrial center of Alabama, a prohibition state, shows a decrease of 8.7- per cent in bank clearings in the month of Octoberof this year, com pared with those in the month of Oc tober in 1908. Topeka.,Kan.. shows an increase of 3.2 per- cent. The two towns in Nebraska reported are Oma ha, which shows an increase of 9.8 per cent, and Fremont, which reported an Increase of 12 per cent. At a season of the year when there is great indus trial and-eommerclal revival in all sec tions of the country, and when a very small percentage of cities show a de crease in the volume of bank clear ings, it Is a. significant fact that most of the cities showing such decrease are situated- In prohibition states. CAPITAL- 8HUNS-THEM. In Bradstreet's report of 'bank clear ings for the week ending Dec. 9, 1909, there are represented 102 cities from one end' of the country to the other. All but ten show greater or less in creases. Out of the ten cities showing decreases (decline of business) four are in prohibition states. The great est falling off is in Alabama and Mis sissippi,, states -which adopted prohi bition about a year ago. STATE TREASURY EMPTY. The Oklahoma Daily State Capital, issue of Dec. 3, says that notwithstanding-the heavy burden of taxation the state treasury is empty and state war rants are refused when presented for payment,- drawing interest at 6 per cent. The people of Oklahoma are groaning under the excessive burden of state and local tar levies due to the ill effects of the prohibition law. The newspaper, quoted., above contains au item from Stillwater. Okla., as fol lows: "Stung by an extravagantly ex cessive high state tax, and declaring that their taxes bad been raised from 50 'to 100 per cent over 1908, the tax payers of Cimarron township, of Payne county, have employed Attor neys Biddisonie Eggleston.of Pawnee :to represent them in a suit filed against Payne county to seek some re lief, if. possible, from the confiscatory taxes Imposed .by a prohibition -administration." "WwmiHE BATTER WITH KANSAS.? ' MERCHANTS GROANING UNDER THE LOAD. ; The merchants of Pittsburg, Kan., are protesting against the reformers, who periodically demand enforcement of the prohibition law. The Knnsan , of that city in a recent issue said: "Over a dozen merchants on Broad way have, expressed their disapproval of the law that has driven the trmiu of the miners and their friends from Pittsburg- to the camp stores auu scrub, saloons. It's an outrage on the merchants whose capital has been in vested here. One man- who owns his own building and has been in busi ness here for years says he has oeeu a prohibition sympathizer in the past and thought 1t was all right, but, said he, 'I never thought it would strike Pittsburg; we had open saloons so long I bad begun to thfnk we were im mune from the operations of the pro hibitory laws. 'Other laws are al lowed to grow obsolete and I felt that ltf would be the same with this law. Even after the agitation began I looked over the list of agitators and saw so few men interested who were city builders and taxpayers that 1 thought no one would heed them much. Another Broadway merchant said: 1 have the blue prints ready for remodeling the front of my build ing on all sides; what's the use in me going la debt to enhance the value of my property and be adding to my taxes when there isn't business enough uow to pay the present ex penses.' If a canvass of the merchants on Broadway were made, seven out of ten of thenr-would say the mock en forcement of a prohibition that is on in this cjty is a detriment-to business and of little or no moral force what ever. ENORMOUS INCREASE. Secretary. Knapp of the Kansas ..state. board of control shows in a re- .cent report that taxes levied in that -state in 1899r state, county, city, town- .ship and school district, amounted to 132,32.M,. and in 1907. for the same -purposes, the levy was $20,498,-' 603.33. This Increase of over $7,000, 000 In less thanrtenj years 'is' provoking bitter controversy'In that state. - Aunt 1 can tell at a, glance, what ether people are thinking ofrme- Niece (naesrmimissny) mow- very auagree able for yea, auntie! Altheech theworldto full of. suffer-, us, It Imt ef therovereomingof it-XeDer. BBSB. SBvTk MSSBt sBmftSmm.- - vKV wAW A 11 bssssBssssssssWWX- A-' y JjQssWSJMBmMBsssMrL --- II Adds vjiiicMSI Hi mBBBs? Wf t3r'BBw5r ll ym5SmSBm I BmW . mTA . " "JbW kiBBBBBBBBkVBBBV 4 I sssBmP Bm-BJ IMBmri S5k I K09pUt I RAIbsIbsIbTsi (LKTrTssBPssl B BflBBSBBSSaBSBBBSsBM I hsY wmr ur mW Wwh mrmmT&. SBmrmmrmsl " BSjsSBsb r .liMsBSaS9!BsssseBsBH BsBSBssk .A JaI BBsssSiBBBUfflBs- BJm9BttsasW. BBBwBjSASjS7MdBJBBBBB"-vM BBm9HV'- ABSBBBBssVslBsuBSBBsa ''. ' BJmBj,BBBBBBBjM'nBSBBBBBBBBBI-,'' SBJSlBSBBBSBBBBK jSH -" BBsBmBpBBp?v AVOID HARSH DRUGS. Many Cathartics Tend to Cause In jury to the Bowels. If you are subject to constipation, you should avoid strong drugs and cathartics. They only aiv temporary relief and their reaction is harmful and sometimes more annoying than con stipation. They in no way effect n cure and their tendency is to weaken th al ready weak organs with which they come in contact. We honestly believe that we have the best constipation treatment ever devis ed. Our faith in it is so stronir thAt we I sell it on the positive guarantee that it shall not cost the uBer a cent if it does not give entire satisfaction nd com pletely remedy constipntion. This pre paration is called Revall Orderlies. These are prompt, soothing and most effective in action. They are made of a recent chemical discovery. Their prin cipal ingredient is odorless and coiorlees. Combined with other well known ingre-' dients., long established for their use fulness in the treatment of conBtipution, it forms a tablet which is eaten just like candy. They may be taken at any time, either day or night, without fear of their causing any inconvenience whatever. They do not gripe, purge nor canse nausea. They act without causing any pain or excessive looseness of tho bowels. They are ideal for children, weak, deli cate persons and aged people as well as for the moGt hearty person. They come in two size packages, 12 tablets 10 cents, 3G tablets 2fi cents. Remember you can obtain tbem only at onr store, Pollock & Co the druggists on the corner. Money and Politics. In his reuiinKt-ences of Grover Cleve land George F. P.-irker tells u story of the prodigal expenditures in politics. A rich man who bud Iteeii nibbling at the Democratic nomination for gov ernor of New York asked William C. Whitney advice. This is the advice: 'Of course you ought to run. Mnke your preliminary canvass, aud when you have put in $200,000 you will have become so much interested in it that you will feel like going ahead and spending some money." Police and Press. It was Senator Evarts who paid this compliment to the police of New York rat an anuual dinner of the force: "As compared with the press you exhibit a Striking contrast. Yon know a great many things about our citizens that you don't tell, and the press teiis a great many things about our citizens that it doesn't know." Pbas'ffife $n -W" 'EEBnlB9SSSBSSSBSBSsSSBSBlBBHHVr9L7. r-fTSBi "' ' ' A'r v-AiA'!t2SBmSmBBB 'BsBmBssWBmPJHHs c&'XV Tfi7rWaBmBmHBmFlafil!mBssBBBBB y?.32W U TB " iiaBftSSBBBBBBBBnBSBm Kw?a4a li :WBlC3!BB9BBBYEBSBYlBzlQSBBBBBBB TriM&9K "- 4ji4uBssH!issHfaB9i9SBmmmmmmBssmmmmmmL BsHBrnBsBBBBKBmsVPSlBmBsBBBaBs JFfPjZjfl 1 The Comfortable Way to California is via Union Pacific "The Safe Road To TraTel" Electric Block Signals. Perfect Track. Equipment and -Service Best That Money Can Buy. New Steel PaseengBr, Cars. Dining Car Meals and Service Best in the World" For literature and information relative to rates, routes, etc,, call on or address E. G. BROWN, Agent, U. P. R. R. Co. Columbus, Neb. COLUMBUS meat mm We invito all who desire ohoioe steak, and the very beat cute of, all .other meats to call at our market on Eleventh street.. We also handle poultry and fish sad oysters in season. S.EMARTY&CO. Taiaphonc No. 1. - Cnlnmbua'. Neb. ' WHY NOT TRY THE PACIFIC HOTEL COLUMBUS, NEB. The big brick hotel one and one- half blocks south of west depot cross-; ing. 2 rooms at 25c; 20 rooms at S0o; raealn, 2.1c. HARRY MUSSELMAN. PrapriHir Palace Meat Market CARL FALK, Proprietor Solicits a share of your patronage Thirteenth Street Horses and Mdii I have a car of choiee -, broke horses, and mules, v.- ana will sell them ble. J will slso buy hoi mnlee. sad JOHN RANDALL. One half mile northwest of Columbus. WANTED Tho right party cam secure an excellent position, aalair or commisRion for Cnlnmbac and vi cinity. Htate age, former cccapatiea and give referenc. Addraaa LOCsT BOX 438. Lincoln, Neb. 5 i