rasfrswr - ' .' -s"-'- 'v-Vf5? ; 7 T - -. v - -, 1;V .tr,mj "v- - '-V ' -. 4 r O -,'?rMHffi.. -w fcii FORTIETH TEAR. NUMBER 40. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1910. WHOLE NUMBER 1,990. I BBnW Ml .7BBnr Sal BB1 I BBJ flw n ftriiiwh' nnViririrl H H H. H B H H H H H H H B B H H ! r H H H H H H H H m --.- ric - 5F,. WSS BBS BBJ BB ' BBT ,., BBS BBF BBi BB1 BB1 BBI BBI BBI BBI BBI BB Bfl BB BBI WBk WB BB BBI BB BBJ BBS BBI BBI Si WS.L BBI - J- " - , - ,,t.- . w -BM- -. r , t . ' ' - ' ..... ' 'm.. ' '. . ' . 1. fl. I' , Jf rfl t i M Htitt Mr Mr Mr INSURE 5 IllUUIIk M) Mr Mi Mr Mr Mr I m m Before the fire ! Now is the time Mr Mr S Mr i Mi ft Mr Mi Agents 12 good companies S BECKER, H0CKEMER6ER & t CHAMBERS J COLUMBUS (fete 80 Wheat, new 1.00 Corn y. 54 Hog, top 7.90to800 w E M AKT TEABS AGO. UHUMMMMMMMMMMMM Files of the Journal January 10, 1877 Three wagons freighted with the traps and provisions for individual miners on their ay to the Black Hills, paaaed this city on last Sunday. We have a splendid country for sleigh ridiog, bat it is exceedingly for; tunate for Nebraska horse flesh that we have not got the snow. Large quantities of tea and ilk recent ly passed over the U. P. road from China and Japan to New York city. It takes lees time to make the trip on this road, consequently less risk of damage to goods. John Tannahill recently took up some soil containing grasshopper eggs, plant ed corn in it, set it near the stove, wittered it and watched developments. He had a not ion that the alternate freez ing and thawing of t'he soiled destroy ed the 'hoppers' but one day after the corn was up about two 'inches, he noti ced some of the little hoppers on the stalks, eating away. On a square foot of land he counted forty-two sacks of grasshopper eggs, averaging fifteen to the sack. Mr. Tannahill tys the eggs are only found in hard soil, and are not so universally distributed as some think. We have never known of any hoppers hatched here doing erious damsge to crops. When we have been despoiled it has been by the migratory kind. Route No. 1. Adolph Reese viBited at the Henry Lueschen home last Wednesday. Carrier Beed has a new pair of bobs, and all he does is bob around the conn try. Mike Dineen and wife returned last week from Alliance, Neb., where they had been visiting Mr. Dineen's brother. Carrier Benson was the recipient of three sacks f corn from one patron and a sack of oats from another one, for which he ex-end thanks. Advertised Letters. Following is a list of unclaimed mail mitter remaining in the post office at Columbus, Nebraska, for the period end ing January 5. 1910: Letters Panl Earhnrt, O Flanders, F M Hack, Eric Johnson. Cards Mrs B Barns, Mrs E L Colom, Master John Davis, Frank Finney, Miss Frieda Glnsser, Clara Hinee, Julius A liines, H K Herrig, Freddy Johnson, Peter Lund, W A Merritt, Miss Helen Miller, Miss Jeannette Miller, Mr and Mrs John Price, Mr and Mrs Gust Rudolph, L A Riohardson, Mrs Henry Biemer, Miss Ailawillda Silsbre. Parties calling for any of the above will please say advertised. Carl Kbvr, P. M. All the latest shades and styles in WALL PAPER Sip Writlag a Spwlallf D. C. KAVANAUGH Mra William Terrell died at her home in this city Wednesday evening .of last week. For thirty-eight years she was s resident of this city. Death was due to paralysis, of which aba was stricken the second Toes lay morning preceding. The following mention is taken from the Telegram: "Mrs. Terrell was formerly Mary May Turner. 8he was born in Cadiz, Ohio, April 8, I860, and in 1871 came to Columbus with the family of her father. Judge A C. Turner, one of tfae founders of the Columbus Journal. She was married to William Terrell August 9, 1900. Her husband and a foster son are the surviving members of her house hold. She was a tister of J. A. Turner, George W. Turner and Mrs. E H. Jen kins, all of this city. Mrs. Terrell was a lifelong Christian, having early in child hood identified herself with the Metbo diet Episcopal church. Her most effec tive church work was along musical lines. For seventeen years she wss a faithful helper as organist and ohoir leader in the city. In the church and among personal friends she was known as one of the best and most noble wo men, une wno had known her intimate ly for years voiced this sentiment : 'Too much cannot be said of her life. She was the best woman I ever Vnew. It is often said that church people practice one religion in the church, and another in the home. That could not be said of Mrs. Terrell. 8he wss a true church woman, and her faith was her guide in her daily life at home and in society. I can conceive of no higher example of living than that displayed by the good woman who has just passed from among us.'" "A short funeral servioe was held at the home 8unday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Bev. Boush of the Methodist ohurch officiating, his very impressive remarks being taken from tbe fourth chapter of II Timothy, part of 7th and 8tb verst-s, after which burial was made in the family lot in tbe Columbus cemetery. Graustark," tbe magnificent produc tion under tbe direction of Meters. Baker & Castle, which was the hit of last season in New York and Chicago, is taken from George Barr MoCutcheon's romantic and thrilling story of a love be hind a throne, in which a typical American hero defies tbe tradition hedg ing old world royalty and wins the hand of the princess be loves, lenrts itself ad vantageouly to dramatic purposes, and the prettystftge pictures and romantic and heroic spoken dialogue arouse tbe patriotic pride and quicken tbe popular pulse even more than the printed words. Saturday evening of this week Union Camp, No 131, 8oob of Veterans, and Baker Post No. 9, Grand Army of tbe Bepublic. will hold a joint installation of officers at their ball. At this meeting the date for tbe annual encampment of tbe Nebraska department of the Sons of Veterans will be decided on as tbe'local camp assists in the entertainment and they are consulted as to tbe time. The state encampment will be held some time in February, and as soon as tbe time is fixed, Commander Beed will issue orders to the different camps. Last Saturday forenoon the fire de partment was called to L. W. Weaver & Son's coal yards, the blaze starting from an overheated stove pipe. The coal shovelers had fixed up a temporary room in the west end of the sheds in which to stay when not at work, and tbe pipe from their stove, which extended throu gh tbe roof, became too warm and set fire to tbe root. The west end of the sheds was scorched, but the damage was slight. During the few warm days like last week quite a good deal of snow melted, and the water commenced to raise in the river. At Monroe tbey had fixed a road for hauling grain across the ice, com pleting their work Thursday evening, but Friday morning there was so much water running over tbe ioe that it was impossible for them to haul. But the last cold snap has made tbe ice as solid sever. Thursday evening of this week tbe Columbus bowling team will give their first annual ball in the Orpheus hall. One of the features of tbe evening will be a bowling match in the hall during tbe intermicsion in which tbe following bowlers will take part: Ed Kavanaugb, Joe Gutzmer, Morris Whitmoyer, Jap Nichols and G. J. Hagel. The Orpheus orchestra will furnish music for the oc casion. Hard coal, of the nut size, which is naed in the ordinary base burner, is a luxury, so far as Columbus is concerned. The first of tbi week there was less than a car load in town, and as such freight is moved very slowly by tbe railroads, it is quite likely the present supply will be exhausted before it is received. Dealers report plenty of other kinds of coal to meet all demands. Lee Beaty of Cedar Bapids was in the city Tuesday and Wednesday, a guest of his brother-in-law F-ed Curtis. Mr. Beaty had been to South Omaha with two car loads of stock, and went on to Oenterville, Kansas, where he visited ten days with a brother and also visited another brother at Falls City, Nebraska, Notainoe the winter of 1880-81 has there 4een as much enow as this yesr, o far. This year the snow fell earlier, but a late spring followed. January is starting out with plenty of snow, and' saay exceed the Deoeaber record. Dr. Naumana. Dentist IS St. " Dr. Morrow, office Laeschen building. People who get results advertise in the Journal. Four room house for rent. Elliott, Speice & Co.- For Sale A small cash register. Phillipps Budat. Dr. C. A. Allenburger, ofloe in new State Bank building. Dre. Carstenaon & Hyland, Veterinar ians. Both phones 212. See the Columbus Hide Co. before yon sell your iron and junk. Dr. W. B. Neumarker, office with Dr. C. D. Evans, west side of Park. L. A. Laohnit was a New Tear guest of Humphrey and Lindsay relatives. Miss Minnie Gaeth of Schuyler wss a guest of Miss Florence Hsgel over Sun day. Frank Lachnit, who baa been visiting bis childred at Humphrey, returned Sun day. Oscar Ernst of Shell Greek was visit ing friends and lelatives a few days last week. For fine watch, dock and jewelry re pairing, try Carl Froemel, the Eleventh street jeweler. It pays to sell your hides where you can get the most money from them. See Columbus Hide Co. Miss Minnie Bucher returned Monday to the state university, after spending the holidays at home, i Miss Marie Zinnecker returned to Omaha Sunday evening after a 'few daya visit with home folks. Max Scberrer who is visiting with friends and relatives here, made a busi ness trip to Lincoln last week. Fred 8affran returned Tuesday from Chicago, where he had been on business connected with tbe North theatre. Found A Highlander pin, gold. Owner can have same by calling at Journal office and paying charges. Mr. and Mrs. J B. Carter of Norfolk were over New Year guests of Mrs. Car ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs L. Platb. Mrs. Frank Laohnit was called to Gornlea Tuesday morning by the serious illness of her daughter, Mrs. P. J. Kortb. Mr. Carl T. McKinnie or Loup City was in the city Sunday to attend the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. William Terrell. Miss Rose Walker of Omaha, who has been visiting with friends and relatives for a week, returned to her home Mon day. Miss Ester Lubker after a weeks visit with her parents, returned to Oberlin, Ohio, Monday where she is attending school. Fred Blaser, sr., of Omaha came up Friday evening and will visit with his many friends and relatives for a week or ten days. Attend th9 first annual ball given by tbe Columbus bowling team, at tbe Orpheus hsll Thursday evening, January 6. Bowling match held in the hall dur ing intermission. Postmaster Kramer was in Lincoln last Saturday attending a banquet given by the letter carriers in honor of Senator Burkett. A number of postmasters and prominent republicans from over the state were also present. Max Bliss is at home nursing a badly sprained ankle, the result of his slipping on an icy platform while at Gothenburg. The injury is a severe one, and it will be at least two or three weeks before he will be able to resume work. Mr. and Ha. H. E. Mueselman left last Wednesday for Excelsior Springs, Mo., where they will remain for some time while Mr. Mueselman takes treatment for his health. Bay Mnsselman has charge of the Paciflo Hotel during their absence. Mies Hazel Studley of Oreston arrived in Columbus ,8unday noon, she being enroute for Duncan where she will take charge of the Gilmore school, about eight miles west of Duncan. Miss Studley while here, was a guest of the Misses Sophie Moersen and Minnie Glur. Sixteen' below zero this (Wednesday) morning is tbe record for the winter. Fortunately the severe cold was not accompanied by wind, and it did not seem as cold as some of the windy days. But the severe cold had its effect on the trains and they were later than ever as a result. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Glur of this city celebrated their silver wedding anniver sary last Saturday evening at their home at Eight-and Lewis streets. There were seventy-five gaests present, and many Useful and beautiful gifts were presented to Mr. and Mm Glur. A bountiful supper was served at a' late hour. M. F. Bittner, the Twelf'h street cigar maker, returned last week from Kansas City, where he was in the hospi tal for tea weeks. During that time '.he was on the operating -table five times, and as a result wss in a very weakened condition. But at present he is very much improved .and it is only a question of time until he' regains his health. Every Family .Pays for a bobm, .at least once. It you pay for your homo through The Equitable Buildiaaj, LowA amd Saying Aasocsatiosi you pay for. it but onoaand it is yoars. If you continue to rent, you pay for a, home every few years but it stillremains the pro perty of tbe landlord . If you are aaying for a hoaae for yoar land lordi call at our office and we will explain tojroa how yon can pay for a home) of your own. The Equitable BiiMiiff Ltn & Siviip Assi Office with '' ELLIOTT, SPEICE & CO. '- P. O. Block - Dr. W. & Evans; Union Block. Dre. Paul and Matzen, Dentists. Dr. Valliar, Osteopath, Barber block. Dr. G: A. Ireland, State Bank bldg. Dr. W. H. Slater, veterinarian, phone 96. First-class printing done at the Jour nal office. Dr."Cbas. H. Campbell, oculist and aurist, 1215 Olive street. - Crushed rock salt for h'ides, and for stock. Colambus Hide Co. 8. Bordy has started a branch store at Monroe, opening up this week, Mrs. G. A. Ireland, who has been in an Omaha hospital for several weeks, returned home for the holidays. ; Any man who will stop and look into Hart's windows can see some Hart Sch affner & Marx clothes that he wants. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Feaster returned this week from their holiday sojourn at Kansas City and other points in Mis souri. Rudolph Kolls of Grand Island has been transferred to this' city as main tainor on ttpV.olook'system of the Union Pacific between here and Gardner. Lost East of the city, a time book containing $15 in bills; postage stamps and two aluminum cards. Finder please eave at Journal office and receive reward. Wednesday of last week Gus Beoher received a message telling of the arrival of a daughter that morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Beoher iu .Duluth, Minn. Lost Between tbe Third ward schooLi and the Methodist church, a ladies' gold watch and fob chain, Hampden move ment. Finder leave at pack's drug store and receive reward. Jese Newman, who was visiting Col umbus friends, left last week for Eagle Grove, la , where he will remain a few days. He expects to visit Columbus again before returning to Carthage, Mo., to resume his studies. Gustav Stall returned Monday even ing from a week's visit with relatives in Nemaha county, Kansas. He reports that a fine country, with as much snow there as here and a large percentage of the corn still in the fields Supervisors Goetz, Smith and 8sh warz, auditing committee of the board of supervisrrs, are busy this week check ing up County Treasurer Held's office, preparatory to bis commencing bis second term as treasurer. Dussell & Son have notified tbe city council that they are ready to begin work on tbe new wells at the water works as soon as the weather per mite. They will complete the work as soon as possible so they can be put into service. At Silver Creek tbe Christmas festivi ties at the Congregational church came very nearly terminnting disastrously. Before the program was begun a candle on the tree set fire to it, and . but for prompt action a panic and bad blaze might have resulted. Electric Light Always Ready Brilliant Clean r Safe Have your house wired Colunibus Light, Heat A Power Co. 4 Last week Fred Pratt had about made up1 his mind' to dispose of his Democrat, but when -the deal wis about to be closed 'Editor Pratt reconsidered tbe proposition, and gives his reasons tm follows: .No. The Democrat haa not been sold. We have made this assertion not less than a score of times' the past week, and further than this thV paper is not going to be sold. We will admit that there was some foundation for talk of this kjind for the past couple of weeks but ainoe the deal did not go through and we have had time to take a more sober view of tbe proposition, we have began to realize what a serious mistake we came near making. For the coming year we have made arrangement with John Zavadil who has practically had the management of the paper tbe past year,' to continue in tbe same capacity, only .that his interests and those of the paper will be more closely identified as we have given him a working interest in the business. We propose to continue adding to tbe improvement of the paper and we earnestly ask the co-operation of our subscribers and advertising and job work patrons that we may be able to make Tbe Democrat better and bigger than ever. The editor will continue to devote as much of bis time as possible to tbe paper as long aa his job of oil in spector continues, then be will get back ip the harness and devote his entire time to the business and tbe progress of the community. A young man that bad been working at E. T. Graham's ranch for several moBths is now in the county jail at Schuyler, on a eharge of forgery. On Saturday last he forged a check to the amount of $10 here in Creston. This oheck wss caahed by W. J. Lueschen. The young man then went to Leigh where he forged another check for $20. This check was cashed by a saloon keeper at that place. On both of these checks he had signed the name of E. T. Graham. Shortly after tbe man at Leigh had cashed the check he began to investigate whether the check was good or not. Finding out to the contrary, he immediately began to look for the young man, and found that he had gone to Clarkson. An officer was sent after him and captured him at Clarkson late Sat urday evening and brought him back to Leigh. He was placed in jail until Mon day morning when ho wns given a pie liminary hearing. He plead guilty, and was taken to Schuyler to await tbe aotion of tbe district court. Creston States man. Another high water mark for post office business was made during tbe quarter ending December 31, 11)09, the receipts for this period being 15,479. To compare this increase in the last few years, this amount is over $300 more than the entire year preceding Post master Kramer'd nrst appointment, which was $5,123. When city delivery was established, four or five years sgo, the receipts for the year were $10,000. Sinoe that time there has been a steady increase until in 1909 the total reached $17,000. Business of tbe local post office is a good indication of the growth of a city, snd the showing made for Col umbus very gratifying. The Columbus Hive, Ladies of Macca bees, elected new officers Wednesday night as follows: Mrs. Jennie Hsgel, past commander; Mrs. Carrie Slater, commander; Mrs. Belle Scofield, lieuten ant commander; Mrs. Cora Boyd, record keeper; Mrs. Emma Brock, finance audi tor; Mrs. Ellen From, ohaplain; Mrs. Ida Jones, mistress at arms; Mrs. Alice'Lohr, sergeant; Mrs. Eva Hollenbeck, sentinel; Mrs. Nettie Dolan, picket; Mrs. Henrietta Winslow, chaplain of the guards. Thursday morning tbe change in the county officers at the court house takes place, and there are but two this year. H. C. Lachnit succeeds C.J. Car rig aa sheriff, he being tbe only new official elected last fall.' Jerry Oarrig takes bold of tbe newly created office of register of deeds, to which be wss elected without oppoei- tion. County Clerk Graf, Superintend ent Lecron and Treasurer Held each succeed themselves, having been re-elected without opposition Inst fall While unloading freight Wednesday morning Wm. Terrell had his right leg broken just above the ankle. The ac cident happened while he was taking a truck load of freight out of a car, one of tbe boards over which he was wheeling the load slipped, causing it to tip and in some manner tbe truck struck his leg, breaking it. Tbe company physician was called' and Mr. Terrell removed to tbe borne of Mrs. E. H. Jenkins, and tbe fracture reduced. Wednesday morning the first of the big compound engines recently purchas ed by the Union Pacific, reached this city. Tbis.engine is numbered 2002 snd is practically the same size as the South ern Pacific oil burning engines that pass e'd through here last summer. Besides them tbe largest mogul engines in use look small, and the new machines will haul a muoh larger train than the old ones and with much less danger of break ing the couplings. Work on the addition and remodelling of the Burlington depot is progressing slowly on account of tbe extreme cold weather, and under favorably conditions it will befc least tbe middle of February before all 'changes are completed. In tbaVajMsntisst Agent Rector is doing the best he can under present conditions. Y. M. C A. Notes. The boys' Bible classes have been postponed for two weeka for unavoidable reasons. This week, Friday, the regular 6, o'clock lunch and tbe Bible classes will beheld at the usual time. They are also boosting for tbe attend ance at the 8undsy meetings. Mr. Put- man delivered a very helpful talk. ftvery boy ought to have heard it. For the next meeting an effort will be made to secure Hon. G. W. Thompson as speaker. If this arrangement cannot be made the boys will attend tbe mass meeting to be held in the gymnasium. Although New Tears' night wsa very cold end disagreeable a creditable num ber of Columbus people enjoyed tbe see ond annual New Years' reception at the Young Mena'Ohristian association. The attendance ranged somewhere between 250 and 900, and it is needless to say that every one of these enjoyed the evening thoroughly. There were no extra 'de corations but everything was arranged for the convenience of 'the gaests who were made welcome in every part of ton building. Members of the board of directors with their wives were in the receiving une. too music wnioa con tinued throughout the evening waan very pleasant part of the program. The social committee, recognizing the well known fact that the surest wsy the heart of a human being is through the alimentary canal, prepared several well-filled punch bowls to be presided over by tbe young ladies. The largest part of tbe program was given in the gymnasiun. The business men were defeated in a close and well played game by tbe young men's team. Tbe High school alumni basket ball team defeated tbe High school team by a small score. The bar performances by Lamie and Weaver was very much enjoyed, the on ly unpleasant thing being that Mr. Lam ie incured a very bad sprain on the right wrist. Then tbe swimming pool room was packed full of spectators at the swimming exhibition siven by Messrs Harold Kramer, Howard Wbaley, Clifford Galley and Phil Hockenberger. On the whole the reception was very successful and tbe social committee are to be congratulated upon their splendid efforts. Congregational Church. The Congregational church offers the following services for next bnuday: Worship II am.Yr P. 8.0. EVfcSop. m. worship 7:30 p. m. Theme for morn ing sermon: Elected for Service. Of the evening the following program will be rendered: Organ Prelude Gloria Invocation Hymn Hymn Prayer Violin Solo uIntermezzo Cavalleria Busticana Miss Hedwig Jaeggi Beception of members Hymn God's Provision for Man's Evolution Pastor Solo (Selected) Mrs. Milton Bower Announcements and offertory Anthem Choir Benediction Postlade We invite yon to these services. William L. Dibble. Graustark. Grauatark is entitled to rank high among the romantic dramas of the pre sent day stage. It is replete with strong human interest, is full of life and spirit and tbe comedy element is much and enjoyably in evidence. The hero of of the play, Greenfall Lorry, is a rich young American who pursues a mjster iotis Miss Guggenslocker across two continents to her home in the little country of "Graustark," where tbe at tractive young lady is a reigning prin cess. Tbe princess is about to marry a man for whom she has a natural anti-path)-, in order to free her country from a burdensome and oppressive debt. The rich American, however, after hav ing saved tbe life of a young ruler, comes to the rescue and saves tbe nation from bankruptcy and insolvency by pay ing the debt. As a matter of course the accomodating American is enabled to in duce tbe princess to banish all ances tral prejudices and to become his wife. Route No. 3. Miss Mary Borcbere is visiting friends in Springfield, 111. GustaveBrunken is here from Labom, Okla., visiting his parents and relatives. Mrs. Alvina Both and Gus Plath were guests at the home of John Brunken, sr., Wednesday. Heiman Mobrmann and John Behlen are in Knox county this week looking at land in that section of the state. Mason Aibers shipped a car load of fat hogs to tbe South Omaha market, Monday night, losding them at Platte Center. Marriage Licenses. Joseph W- Bruckner, Humphrey 32 MaryM. Wegner, Cornlea 28 Jacob Gottberg, Columbus 23 Bertha 8. Schwank, Columbus 23 Alfred Sohnpback. Columbus 32 Anna Feidler, Columbus 31 George W. Gaff, Osmond, Neb 27 Elizabeth H. Seller, Lindsay 37 Theodore Voss, Ogalalla, Neb 30 Sarah M. Whisler, Hillside, Neb 20 A pretty cold winter, so far. Get a Hot Water Bottle and keep warm. POLLOCK & CO. Tbe Druggist on the Comer Columbus, Nebraska Otto Kinder went to Omaha last' Fri day to spend New Years, returning Mon day accompanied by his wife and two little daughters who had been visiting relatives. On tbe lawn at tbe Considiaa hotel stands an apple tree on which there hangs at least a half bushel of nice looking red apples. If they are not gathered soon tbe chances are that they will be frost bitten. natte Center Signal. Gus Wilson, formerly of Genoa. but a resident of Fuller ton for the last four years, since he has been county clerk of JNance connty. was in tbe citv Isst week enroute home from Genevs, Neb., where- ne nas purchased an interest in a real estate hnsiuess and will move his fam ily. Joseph Bumgardner was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Jaworski last week on complaint of William Loebd. being charged with habitubal drunknaess. He was taken before the insanity board Thursday and committeed to inebriate ward at Lincoln, to which place he will be taken this week. Mrs. Warwick Saunders, wife of War wick Saunders, died at tbe Saunders home, 2573 Manderson street, Omaha Monday morning. Mrs. Saunders has imany .acquaintances jn this city, the family having resided here while Mr. Saunders was editor of the Argus, and before coming here tbey resided at Platte Center. Next Thursday evening, January 13, Platte Aerie, Fraternal Order of Eagles will hold their first annual inBtalatioa of officers, and also have arranged for a banquet and dance the same evening,' to which tbe members and their families sre invited. The affair will beheld ia the Maennercbor hall, and a pleasant time is anticipated. Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Leach arrived from Chicago Wednesday evening ard are the guests of Mrs. Leach's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Segelke. On account of an acute attack of rheumatism, he is com pelled to give up bis post graduate work for tbe present and will spend the winter visiting. They still continue to maintain their home at Fairbury. John W. Early, who baa the contract for putting in the new electric light plant at Central City, expects to have it in running order by January 15. Be sides tbe labor troubles, which he had to contend with in the beginning, the boil ers and dynamos have been delayed, but the end is now in sight and Mr Earlv ia confident tbe plant will be completed by me uuuuie or toe momn. "Antelope Dick," or G R. Nunnally, who arrived here some time ago. hss been visiting his old lime friends at Genoa and Fullerton. At Monroe he found that a cousin of bis, J. P. Nun nallv, bad resided there for some time. He had not seen this cousin for a good many years, and was more than pleased to find a relative where he had done eon. siderahle of his pioneer newspaper work. With the beginning of the newt year there is one change in tbe membership of tbe board of supervisor. Daniel Wil son of Monroe townsbio. in district No. 4, will succeed W. M. Pollard of tbe same towcBhip. who declined tbe reno minatinn. Politically tbe board stands tbe same as before. Bix democrats and one republican. A. Peterson of Wal ker township bet t, he republican mem ber. Underwear UNION SUITS We have the agency for the famous Mousing Underwear, the best popular priced Union Suits on the market. Prices in men's from $1.50 to 84.50. Prices in boys' from 50c, 75c, $ I and $1.15. Underwear TWO-PIECE SUITS In two piece garments we have a splendid line ready for your in spection and ranging in price from 60c to $2 50 a garment. Buy early while the sizes are- complete. GRAY'S ,-- .V t uX - , f l