T3-" ' r eitw -. j J... , t. - -. - - . , ... . - 1 0'7$'r? v- y " ""-5- -' " r , i vvs "5TVV.-JV - , i -. ,' - . i.--.J,i. . ns? IP: , JAN. 3rd 'i &' i THIS MEANS GREAT VALUES FOR LITTLE MONEY TO YOU iv i fmmfmmmmgmrm.iHLrj,.. .vu Clean Sweep Sale leans BSSSSnW BnannnnnnnnV SSSSSSb nnnnnnBnnnr nnnnnlBnnnnnnV v U A Happy lew Tear I J.f.- - ; BJr We wish to extend New Tear Greetings to our many custo mers and friends, and thank them for their patronage daring the last year, and ask for a con tinuation of the same during 1910. H1 GREISEN BROS Marriage Licenses. Cmarlea O. Taylor, Lindsay 82 VeuM M. Davis, Monroe.... 18 Joseph Davis, Primrose 41 Sarah J. Adams, Primrose 27 GayS Padden, Newman Grove 90 Kate C Spohn, Newman Orove 34 Harris A. Daily, Ohsdron 23 ' Anna Sobneitzky, Stanton 19 " Hew to Make Chop Suey. When bis sister came home from Stoking school and asked him If be had ever beard a recipe for chop suey be didn't like to admit there waa any- on earth that he did not know. Just at that age. So be spar- Mi for time by asking what abe want ed H for. It teems that the cooking school teacher had given them the question to Mveatigate for themselves. It was one far which there were many answers, bt the girl who produced the best lectpe was to receive a little prize of tort. Her big brother must nave oat bow chop suey was made. the thought, during some of bis trips It Chinatown. The brother then smiled a wicked mile and said be would write out the beat aad easiest recipe for chop suey hi the world. Next morning be band ti her anenvelope containing the in formation. 8be did not open it until her tame was called In the class. Then this hi what she read aloud, to the amazement of all. herself Included: 7 "Recipe For Chop Suey.-Take a hewl of nice, clean suey and then chop . If Chicago Tribune. The Hint That Failed. , wireA tree, you know, gets new eJttbet every spring hat. parasol, ey- ! ttythlng. Husband Yes. darling, and Ices them all itself. Fllegende Blat Two to On. She Charlie, why are you so very arech opposed to piano duets? He 'From principle. I think it's cowardly far two persons to attack one piece of BANKRUPT SALE of Ladies' Suits and Coats Bought at 271-2c on the dollar will be sacrificed at a frac tion of their value 4 Tou will be able to buy a Good Up-to-Date Suit for $5.00 . . a coat for $1.98 V FOB Buinning Monday, Dec. 27, Ending Saturday, Jan. I .If you cannot afford a suit of this lot for yourself or daughter now, at these ridioulously low prices, you never will. HELPHAND -A N. VuV Xc Th Very Simple Life. Pierre Loti. the French author, el ways did like a practical joke. A French poet who had been advocating a return, to the simple life decided one day to make the acquaintance of Loti. He left bis village, be who never trav els, stick In hand, to make the jour ney to Hendaye. the home of Loti. on foot He prayed the celebrated novel ist to receive him without ceremony; that he should - be satisfied with a bowl of milk for his repast. But he was much astonished when the novelist took him at bis word. In the dining room on a table without cloth or napkin there was only an Im mense crock of milk. The visitor showed some hesitation about beginning tbefeast. Meanwhile his host began to" walk around the room like a bear In a cage, only inter rupting bis walk from time to time to take a long swig of milk from the crock. Without saying a word the host invited the astonished guest to Imitate him. The man of the simple life bad found one more simple than himself, and be left the bouse convinced that the great novelist had become crazy. British Julius Caesars. Julius Caesar, who on one of the dosing days of August in 56 B. C. landed on the Kentish coast has bad many British namesakes, including a great cricketer, but the best known Is Julius Caesar, master of the rolls un der James L. about whom Lord Clar endon In the first volume of bis his tory tells the amusing story. "Remem ber Caesar." The unpopular Karl of Portland sat up all night in a barri caded bouse with his friends and re tainers armed to the teeth because he found In his pocket a slip of paper bidding him "Remember Caesar.", which really bad reference not to the assassination of the Roman statesman,1 but to some preferment promised to a son of Sir Julius Caesar. The tomb of Sir Julius Caesar, with a quaint epitaph In legal phraseology. Is among the many curious monuments of St Helen's, Blsbopsgate. London Family Herald. ' ONE WEEK ONLY DOUBLE SUNSET. Cnrieue Spectte.'e.'Seen at Tiaiei'.tp On Spot In England. A very curious aatrononilcal pbe-, nomenon occurs In the heavens at a certain time of the year wfcjch can be witnessed only by standing in the par ish churchyard of Leek. In Sttfford- sblrenglund. ' .- i From that position the top of -a mountain known as the Cloud hreakV the line of sight and fully intercept! your view ,of the setting of the sun. ! This mountain is six miles distant, as " the crow flies, from the town of Leek- t and owing to Its peculiar ? formation ' causes the sun when it has entered that sign of the zodiac known as Can j cer, which happens when we are about halfway through the year, to produca the strange' effect of setting twice t daily. The first time that it sets the town .sinks Into darkness, and the Inhab itants light up their houses and shops In the usual way. Presently dawn suf fuses over the town, clear daylight follows, and artificial lights are put out j At the second setting of the sun darkness sets In for good. This phe nomenon continues for some days. The head and shoulders of the dis tant mountain Intervene just at the juncture when the sun at the first set ting drops behind the .top or head of the mountain. There be hides for tome time and emerges again from behind, just heiow tne neau ana tnrows aay light out upon the locality once more, when he again sinks behind the moun tain's shoulders and finally sets behind the horizon. Stray Stories. KNOCKED FOR RAIN. And Within an Hour the Wind Veered and the Shower Came. Frances Gostling. author of "The Britons at Home," has this curious tale of the dolmen of Rocenaud with Its curious cup shaped impressions like the constellation Pleiades: An old wo man, a bystander, was asked what the marks were for. "Folks say," said she. "that they were made by the el bows and knees of St Rock. He fell down on this stone when he landed from 'Ireland." And then the old wo man added: "We use the holes now when we waut the wind to change. We knock In -them." The story con tinues: " Do ask her to knock!' 1 cried eagerly. There was. a moment of hesi tation on the part of the old woman, a half franc shown in a careless way. and 'What wind would madam like to have? 'Southwest' said 1, looking at the cloudless sky. "The old woman took up a flint and went slowly to the dolmen. Without any pause for reflection she knocked three times in a particular depression, murmuring some words 1 should not have understood even had they been audible. 'Come.' observed my friend; 'we have yet time to see the rest of the peninsula.' "The old woman said something, at which . M. le Rouzic laughed. 'She says that if we are going' farther it will be best to be quick,' said he. 'Why?' The rain you asked for will be here shortly.' And in less than an hour it was raining." Needle Dust In factories where needles are made the grindstones throw off gtpat quanti ties of minute steel partlcies. with which the air becomes heavily charg ed, although the dust is too fine to be perceptible to the eye. Breathing the dust shows no Immediate effect but gradually sets up Irritation, usually ending In pulmonary consumption, in effective attempts were made to screen the air by gauze or linen guards for nose and mouth.' At but the. use "of the magnet was suggested, and now masks of magnetized steel wire are worn by workmen and effectually re move the metal dust before the air la breathed. London Graphic. f - "jg 409 West Eleventh Street ENGUSH ELECTIONS. Bribery Was Rampant In ilia Old Time " Campaigns.' Even . now parliamentary elections are not. altogether free from corrup tion. Worcester was for a thne dis franchised after the last, general eleov tion on account. of the irregularities found to have been prevalent, and 0th" f et constltueucIesAaU a rough time be fore they -were secure of their respec five members. ' r But the old' time elections were al together dUkreut. The popularity of the reform bill, which purposed the abolition of bribery, was by no means universal. In the Times of May 10. 1831,- there is a story of a London po lice constable who asked ibis inspector for leave to go Into the country to vote for an anti-reform candidate. Be ex plained that, he would get 10 and his expenses for his vote, but complained that it was., not then as in former times, when be had bad as much as 40 and never less than 25. "And if that reform bill passes it will be a aad lota to me and my brother free- aaed. King George IU. had bis own meth ods as an election agent On the eve of an election at Windsor in which Admiral Keppel was the Whig candi date the king strolled Into a eilk mer cert ahop in the town and called out: "The queen wants a gown wants a gown!- No' Keppel! No Keppel P London "Answers. ARMY FLAGS. 4- The Largest ' Is the Garrison Flat, Twenty by Thirty-six Feet .The. largest ensign made Is called No. 1, and .its dimensions are thirty- six feet on the fly and nineteen feet at the hoist but this Is very rarely used. The largest flag used In tbe army It the garrison flag, with a thirty-six foot fly and a twenty foot hoist' which is displayed only on holidays and impor tant occasions. To describe tbe various designs and give tbe different dimensions of all the flags used in onr army and navy would require several columns of space. Thne Is a considerable num ber of flags of various kinds that have peculiar functions to perform. Tbe amount of bunting required for tbe outfit of one of our battleships Is something enormous, for, besides our own flags, she musfbe supplied with a varied" assortment (some forty odd) of foreign national flags for display, as naval etiquette demands, when tbe high officials 'of other nations come aboard or' whose waters our ships en ter while on a foreign cruise. All of these foreign flags are made at tbe Brooklyn navy yard. Manches ter (N. H.) Union. Not Worth Having. He was employed by a firm of deal ers in bric-a-brac and old furniture to scour rural 'districts in search of an tiques, and suddenly, he espied an old fashioned cottage nestling at the foot of a hill. - Surely here' in this old world spot there would 'be something in his line. He, knocked sharply at the door, and a weary looking woman answered. "Do yon happen to have any antique furniture, madam," he asked, "or any old -ornaments, such as heathen idols or the like?. , The woman looked somewhat pus sled for a moment "1 think I've cot one." she said at length. Agog with, expectation, be followed ber.Into'the:hoose and to a room where bur a hulking fellow who waa fast aaleep on a conch. There it" is," abe replied, pointing to the conch. "He's the only idle thing I've got in the place hasn't done tny .work for years. He may .do for yon, but he's certainly no ornament" Lon don Tit-Bits. Logic, Feminine Brand. "I don't like to play cards for mon ey, but I don't in tbe least mind play ing for a prize," Is tbe attitude of sev eral New York women who have re cently got up a club. Who was to furnish tbe prizes was another ques tion. They .didn't wish to have tbe woman at whose borne they happened to be playing.buy prizes In addition to a little luncheon, trinauy one ox iue members suggested a plan which baa met the approval of all tbe women concerned, and it bat been adopted la the club. At tbe beginning of the game each player puts up a quarter, to that, there is a prize of a dollar at each table for the winner. That Is perfectly logical and the eternal feml nine way of getting out of a difficulty. They don't want to play for money but it to til right to pity for prises. whatever they may be. And the wires hannen to be money. No mat ter. New York Praam, "His Conclusion. "And this." said tbe young man who ebowtnx-bls country relatives through the Museum of Art "!. repli cant the Venus de MIlo." "Gosh." ttfd hit Uncle Amasa, "she waa a rood looker, all right! Wa'n't never married, was the?' "No; I dent believe she ever was." "I s'pose. bein' armless and not bav in' a husband to hook p her do's, she timply bad. to dress that way. no mat ter whether tbe liked it or nof-Cbl-cago Record-Herald. His Mtmery. "Harhe-a good memory?" "No. just a common, ordinary, every day memory. He remembers people who owe him money much better than those to whom be owes money." De troit Free Press. If mere Ideas are not truth they are at least the cloth of which It It made Moore. j BmmmmBmmmmmmmmammmVmm!BmmmMmwllmmmml JKpflipjpajjjtftBEj'P) S3pPJBPjMEHpBBpPj!'j?MBBI B.js9h9I BlBMHK33MMH3EBMRiSffiKjq aBflpJSSK&Sfl BmEBmmmmmVBSmmmMkilBmmBMRSaPv'BmwB BBBmmmmBBBBBBBBBBBmBMmmmmmmKpeS tJ.-t . -aV amTlamMMMMMLlamwiamT Bmml9mmmSBmmlHamSwaapfW!KffimMmBmmmH uAfimmmmW faaaaHfaflBaaaaasaaaaB'''BaavBi94HiBau8HLsH$fa'Baaa BBBBBBaBBBaGBBuHuBBBBBTvBBBBBTvBniBsBBaHBfipaSdi2!iSRBH sBaaT Baaaaaaaaaaav ikx as"aaaaaaai)aBi BTBT(mTBTBTBTBTBTBaS'mHBBTBTBTBTBlBTBTBm tvBTBTBTBTBTmBTBTBTBTBTr FiMB&a''cT,BTBTBTmTBBmTI BBJBBJBBBfjnPmmmQBmmatRj''ra(l9 wBSPSBjKffimeeeeewyeeeem'BlmffigBHimwSt BBaBBBBHasaBBBBBBBBBBaBBIIjaRflRanflBBBBalKv BHBBBPmmBmaft ' BBy A" v B immmKi BBBBBBB'fBaESB'B'B'B'B'B'B'B'B'B'B'B'B'B'B'B'B'B'B'B'BV'nuB'RMB BBBBBBBWwBBBBBBBBPWIIBBBHiBlBBBBBBaS C BBKmHB9BflBVUwlalBnMB,aHiBBmmH BBBBBBBBKBBBBBril''''aKiBBBBm fMSfHvmmXei vBBBB BmBmBmiaimBBBmV9IBmr)BclSmBmmKimBmQr A'w"BWflBMH aaS'v- BmS 1 ,'slBmiaammBmi BBBBBBBBBSS"BmEBBBTYa& :$BBB!fW'""flE vyi &t vBrj&M&BSi5rl''vt; ?vnS v "BVBwBBBBBmma mnTaBTaaTaaTaBTBBBiaBHBaaaBiMKmnaMiBjBMMmK THE GIRL FROM THE U. S. A. NORTH THEATRE, FRIDAY, The Stuart Penny. A pamphlet published hi 1077. enti tled "The Worth of a Penny: or. A Caution to. ..Keep -Money, With, the! Causes of tbe Scarcity and Misery of the Want Thereof in These Hard and Merciless Times." contains a list of articles obtainable for a penny in the; days of Charles II. These include "a I dhm of coffee to auk-ken vour stom-! aeb and rerresn your spirits." a iair encumber" aud "portions of sucb com odltlesjts nuts, vinegar, grapes, cake, onions and oatmeal." The catalogue - - .' of pennyworths obtainable at an' apothecary's Is a lengthy one and in cludes "lettuce to make you sleep, nitbridate to make you sweat and ani seed, which may save your life In a fainting- or awouud." This In tbe way of recreation "for a penny yon may see any monster. Jack anapes or those roaring boyes, tbe lyons; yon may hear a most eloquent oration upon our English kings and queens if you listen,, to him wbo keeps monuments at Westminster; you may have all tbe news in England' and other countries of murders, floods.' witches, fires, tempests and what not In tbe weekly newsbookt." London Scraps. How He Helped the Blind. "Please help a blind man." said a fellow with green goggles as he held a tin cup toward tbe line of people issu ing from the Onion depot. "1 always help tfce blind." said one of two young men who were passing, and be stopied and took out a five dollar bill. "Can you get a quarter out of this?" "1 guess so." said tbe blind man. fishing out a handful of change and counting out $4.75. "Well. John." said the ben evolent young man's companion as they walked on. "you're a bigger fool than I took you to" be." "Am 1?" said John. "Yes. you are. That fellow's no more blind than I am. How could be tell that was a five dollar bill?" "Blamed K 1 know," said John inno cently, "but be must be mighty .near sighted not to see that It was a coun terfeit" Chicago News. A Vegetable Cameo. Spain Is the land of the onion, a fact which tempted Mr. Shaw, the author of "Spain of Today." to fall Into the amended easy verse. All returned travelers are sure to appreciate it for! its feeling for truth rather than Its re semblance to tbe form of "Tbe An cient. Msriner:" Garlic, garlic everywber Kxcept In wnat you artnlc. Ladies" Cloaks. Skirts aw Jackets Our New Fall and Winter Iinf of Ladies' Suits, Cloaks, Skirts, Children's Cloaks and Coats is now complete. We can save you money in this department Call and be convinced. We are always glad to short our goods. . We txe showing a complete new Um of Ladies, Gents' and Children's Sweaters The Celebrated SCHMIDT KNIT Sweattn for golf, autoinf and outing wear. They are all the vogue. SPECIAL THIS WEEK Gents' "Four In Hand" Ties, 20 cents each, 3 for 50 cents. In all the late colors. We also carry a Complete Line of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, La dies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Comlorts, Blankets, Carpets and Shoes J. H. GALLEY 605 ELEVENTH ST. PRICES 25c, 35c, 50c and piaer Web at Styptic. A spider's web. an old cure for bleed ing. It an uncleanly application, at It la generally procured from tbe most neglected corner in a room and la con sequently laden with dust The ear liest reference to tola remedy in out language seems to be In a translation of that curious encyclopedic work of the middle ages "De Proprietaribus - Rerum." where we reed. "Coppe webbe that is white and clone tttutchytb blood." But as I have seen It applied to a cut finger It has been anything but white and clean. There hi another reference In Sbakespeare'a "Midsum mer Night's Dream." when Bottom, tbe weaver, aays to the fairy Cobweb. "I shall desire of you more acquaintance. good roaster Cobweb: If I cut my fin ger I shall make bold with you." At a styptic, however. It must be ac knowledged a spider's web as some what effective. In a case of excessive hemorrhage after tbe extraction ot a tooth a dentist' applied a cobweb with most satisfactory results. Hospital. t -a Parent and Prodigal. In a Hongkong paper a abort time ago there appeared a paragraph recit ing that a wealthy young Chinese whose mother controlled a large busi ness hi Cauton bad been spending tbe money of tbe firm too lavishly, the at traction of motorcars and other vehi cles of extravagance being too. power ful for him. After various endeavors to control him tbe mother at length prepared chains and fetters aud bad him locked up. He. however, escaped, and tbe irate mother announced her Intention to exercise her maternal rights on bis return by cutting tbe tendons of bis ankles and thus crip pling him. The account proceeded to say that this treatment Is often re sorted to by irate parents with prodi gal sons.-From "China." by Morti mer Menpes aud Sir Henry A. Blake. Not Entertaining. A vender of ftesh shrimps bad bad a very unexciting day. Money was scarce. Eventually in a dreary street a woman stood shouting at the door. Hurrying up. be asked eagerly. "A pen'ortb. mum?" , "No." .she replied sharply; "a hap ortb. D'ye think we've got company?" London Scraps. Sarcastic "1 can recommend this horse, sir." said a dealer, "as a strong, sound ani mal." "It must be." agreed the customer, "to have attained Its present ager DECEMBER 31 75c. Granaries Rat ant Thief Preef. It sontt sectlous of the corn and -ftrbeat growing districts of Mexico thtt ftident 'x Is so bad that extraordinary iret-autIoii have to be takeu to pre vent the destruction of tbe crupa by the little animals. Sueak thieving of the . natives must also be provided against. Corn and wheat bins of or dinary construction, sucb as are uned In the Onitetl States, would not serve the pnriiosp of protictlug the grain. Instead of woodii structures tbe gran rtvs are built of stone and brick. Most of tbenr are of couit-al shape and vary hi rapacity from .100 to &.U00 bushels. The foundations of these granaries are sunk deep Into the ground. At the top Of the structure Is a close fitting Ikt which covers tbe hole through wnlch the grain is emptied into the granary. Tbe ordinary method of filling the storehouse Is to have the grain car ried to the top In sacks unu tbe backs of laborers up steep ladders. At tbe bottom of the grauary Is a door which leads lato a narrow chamber, which la separated from tbe grain room by a solid wail of brick or stone, containing n slatted opening, through which tbe grain is emptied wbea required. Ifcan sas City Star A Story of Garnbetta. It Is told of Garnbetta that once, when in the heyday of his power, when he went to some agricultural de partment to oust a reactionary candi date in favor of one ot his friends, he Inquired about tbe agriculturists' wants. "We are sadly in need of rain." came the answer. "I'll see about it when I get to Parte." prom ised Garnbetta. And bis listeners be lieved In bis promise. Tbe record runs that tbe rain came down In tor rents a day or two after and that when the reactionary candidate pre sented himself be was booted at. "Let your party do as much for us as Gam-; betta. and we'll elect yon." they said. Poor Dogs! Returned Explorer-Yes: tbe cold was so intense at tbe pole we bad to be very careful not to pet our dogs Miss Youngtbing-lndeed! Why wa, that? Returned Explorer-Yon see, their tails were frozen etuT. .and !i they wagged them they weeii break off. Boston Transcript Gallant Beautiful Widow-Do you know. I tm forty years old today. Gallant Bachelor-Madam, you are just twen ty. 1 never believe more than half ef what 1 bear. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA .-; -f US' v - . , . , -J- . -. J &&Afo&,r e-s s, j-f iv ' r Kggw&&i. J?.?z - Z J . . ?Rii-. . -.t . -c - ; Ln.i-r I- - I 2.tiiri wii wnnwjwgw1 ,v. . ..