The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 22, 1909, Image 7

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Rev. Ebenezer
Rev. Ebenezer Spillgath of Beto
vllle is in serious trouble with hie
congregation at present, and it all
goes to show that one should not be
too forward in the good work of smit
ing the wicked. It is all right to smite
the wicked, for that is all the wicked
are good for, but any one desiring to
smite should be careful not to pick
out a wicked that will smite back.
When Purdon's Three-Ring Circus
and Unmentionably Great Menagerie
was in town about a month ago, it
happened, to be here on Thursday, and
Rev. Ebenezer was greatly angered
to find that when he opened prayer
meeting that night he had the meeting
entirely to himself, and he decided
that as the Egyptians so to speak
had spoiled his meeting, he would
wreak vengeance on them and spoil
the Egyptians. As the circus had
moved on to Billingsville that night.
Rev. Ebenezer harnessed up his
mare Rebecca, and drove over, and
on the way over he made up his mind
how he would spoil the Egyptians.
Rev. Mr. Spillgath is noted in this
county as one of the most 'progressive
and slick horse traders on earth, and
he decided he would spoil the T2gyp
tions in a horse trade. He was not
aware, at that time, he .says, that the
Egyptians were just spoiling to be
When Rev. Ebenezer returned to
Many Said It Was as
Betzville Friday evening he no longer
drove Rebecca, but a white horse, and
he wore a smile that informed one
and all that he felt he had success
fully spoiled the Egyptians and that
he had spoiled them good and hard.
Many were the 'congratulations he re
ceived from Uncle Ashdod Clute and
other prominent citizens of Betzville,
and he announced that it was his in
tention to call the horse, hitherto bear
ing the sinful name of Skeezicks, by
the more appropriate name of Moses.
The next morning Rev. Ebenezer
harnessed Moses and started on one
of his accustomed tours of mercy and
business, since his salary compels him
to peddle watermelons between his
stops at the homes of the sick and
soul-sad. and all went well until he
reached Main street Here he paused
and entered into a controversy with
Alderman Bud Winters, on the merits
of free liquor as against the mulct tax,
when, suddenly, Moses arose upon his
hind legs, and stood gracefully bal
anced thus. It was a thrilling scene
Alderman Winters scooting else
where; Rev." Ebenezer exiting from
his buggy head first and Moses stand
ing on his hind legs. All this, set
against the back-ground of the Bank
rupt Store and the post office made
one of the pictures that will go down
in the history of Betzville forever.
As soon as Rev. Ebenezer regained
his composure he examined Moses,
and a very superficial examination
proved that Moses was still standing
on his rear legs. Nothing that Rev.
Ebenezer could do would bring the
horse to any other posture. The horse
seemed to want to stand that way,
and so it stood that way. If Rev.
Ebenezer ever became angry he came
near it then, but a whip seemed to do
not a bit of good, and when, with his
patience quite exhausted. Rev. Eben
ezer entered his buggy and whipped
up, Moses went his way on his hind
logs. Many said it was as good as a
That night Moses slept- in his stall
on his hind legs, while Rev. Ebenezer
lay awake wondering what had caused
the beast to act in this .strange way
By daylight he decided that some
word said in the presence of, the horse
must have "been a signal for the act
and he proceeded to the barn and re
peated to the horse, as nearly as pos
sible, what he had said to. Alderman
Bud Winters. Nothing worth chroni
cling happened, and with "a. sad. heart
Rev. Ebenezer harnessed the upright
horse and went his way..
At the corner of Main and Cross
streets he met a large body of citl-
)SHrV Will II IPlyr t
Is Pids" Eic
d" . '
sens, A all. much interested, among
whom was Alderman Bud Winters,'
and resuming the discussion of the
day before, Alderman Winters ex
pressed himself in his usual free and
profane way. In the midst of the dis
cussion Moses suddenly up ended him-,
self, with his rear legs in the air. and;
and stood on his front hoofs. In vain
did Rev. Ebenezer speak to the brute;
he was compelled at last to continue
his rounds with Moses walking on
his fore feet That night, and six
nights thereafter, Moses slept in his
stall with his rear roofs against the
rafters, and whenever Rev. Ebenezer
went for a drive he was followed by
a horde of interested parties. - It was
very annoying.
Nothing that Rev. Ebenezer could
do seemed to' have any effect on
Moses, and the sight of the minister
of the gospel driving a horse that was
a permanent circus caused consider
able scandal in these part Aunt
Rhinocolura Betz, who is one of the
.best contributors in the congregation,
'gave notice "that she was going to
withdraw, and other leading society
folks followed her example.
It was then that Rev. Ebenezer,
driven to desperation, sent for Alder
man Bud Winters. He had tried
everything in his own vocabulary un
availingly, but the moment Alderman
Winters opened his luxurious store oi
Good as a Circus.
cuss words the effect on Moses was
instantaneous. For each variety of
oath Moses performed a different act,
and the only difficulty seemed to be
that Alderman Winters did not have
in stock the' particular kind of swear
that would make Moses act like a
regular horse. The nearest he came
to itwas when he said, "Blankety
blankety, your blank hide!" At this
Moses did a cake walk on four legs,
and Rev. Ebenezer had to be satis
fied with that It was better than
having a' horse walk on its hands. But
Rev. Ebenezer is a man of bulldog
tenacity, and he is having Bud Wil
liams come up to the barn every night
and swear at Moses. He hopes some
day Alderman Winters will swear
Moses into a regulation horse.
The trouble is that the congregation
knows it and they are trying to de
cide whether they shall discharge Rev.
Ebenezer for having profane language
fired off by order in his barn, or dis
charge him for having a horse that
does the cake walk.
(Copyright. 1909. by W. G. Chapman.)
Found New. Tribe of Eskimos.
Word has come to the Smithsonian
Institution in Washington of the dis
covery of a brand-new tribe of Eski
mos. They were found by W. J. Bow
er, an Arctic explorer, who came Into
San Francisco on the Jeannette. The
tribe, according to Bower, lives on a
point of Prince Albert Land. The na
tives call themselves Nunacaotics;
They are tall and look like the North
American Indians. The explorer was'
cordially welcomed, and he got many,
rich furs from them. From the town
of the Nunacaotics Bower proceeded,
farther north, where he discovered
immense copper deposits. On this
trip Bower lost one eye through the
bite of a spider. After the eyeball
had been removed by the crude sur
gery of an Eskimo the schooner used
by- the party ;was wrecked and the
adventurers had to walk 130 miles to
Point Barrow, where they were taken
on board the 'Jeannette.
.Output of Precious Metals.
vIt isJmppssibleto give an absolute
ly accurate statment of the gold and
silver output of earth's mines. The
European stock of "precious metals
before 1S50, including the flow of
wealth from Mexico and Peru, amount
ed, to over $9,500,000,000. Then came
tbe jiimost fabulous wealth of. 'Cali
fornia and Australia. The greatest
output" 'of gold . in California was in
1853, $65,000,000, and in Australia in
1S72, 1103,000,000.
;Sketch of Roald Amundsen Who
Found, Northwest Passage.
Norwegian, Friend of Dr. Frederick A,
Cook, Only Man to Take Ship
from Atlantic
( Pittsburg, Pa. Roald Amundsen,
now about thirty-seven years old and
with a record behind him of but a
jingle independent expedition, has
tmore or less proved himself one of the
most competent arctic explorers who
,have ever gone north. He Is .the first
(and tbe only man so far to accomplish
jthe long-attempted feat of taking a
iship from the. Atlantic, to the Pacific
jby the Northwest passage. He has
imade at a point within a short dis
;tance of the magnetic pole the only
!set of complete polar magnetic obser
vations ever taken. These achieve
ments, on which rests his fame, were
accomplished in the years 1903-05.
under conditions making them the
Imore remarkable. Amundsen's suc
cessful expedition was made at a cost
;of only $30,000, in a tiny whaling
jsloop, the Gjoa, of but 70 feet length
over all and 47 tons burden.
Amundsen was born at Sarpsburg,
Norway, and In his childhood moved
Jwith his .parents to Christiania. His
jparents destined him for medicine.
For one year he was a medical stu
Ident but at his mother's death, when
jhe was 19 years old, he gave up the
(intended career and'went to sea. Fe
Roald Amundsen.
a number of years he cruised in the
north as a whaler and scaler on Nor
wegian vessels.
Amundsen bad his first taste of ex
ploration when in 1897 he went as
first officer with the Bclgica on Ger
lach's Belgian polar expedition. From
what he learned of the work and ad
venture of exploring on this trip and
from .the second Norwegian polar ex
pedition of 1898 he became filled with
arctic ambitions of his own. He formed
the project not of attaining the geo
graphic pole sought by so many, but
of trying the long-neglected North
west passage and approaching and
studying while on bis way tbe little
known magnetic pole. Ross in his
expedition of 1831 had made observa
tions locating the magnetic pole and
Studying its phenomena, but for some
6ixty years his work had lain uncom
pleted. It took Amundsen several years to
prepare himself for his. trip. His first
care was to study the subject of mag
netism with that extreme and patient
thoroughness that characterized him.
He begrudged no time. For two years
he studied, first in Hamburg under
Neumayer. authority on magnetism;
in Berlin under Schmidt and finally
nt Wilhelmshafen under Borgen in the
meteorological station. His mental
preparation over, he spent two years
piore in raising funds and outfitting
his expedition.
The Amundsen expedition, says the
New York Sun. was perhaps the most
modestly appointed that ever went for
purposes of discovery into the ardu
ous field of the Arctic. Its cost was
C30,000t) a large part of this Amund
sen's own money. Ftithjof Nansen,
the Norwegian polar explorer, a closo
friend and faithful helper of Amund
sen's, helped raise another large part
Amundsen was finally able to put off
from Christiania In the little 47-ton
sloop Gjoa on June 17,-1903.
..The Gjoa sailed around the north
end of America, reaching the mouth
of the Mackinac river about Septem
ber 3, 1905. She went by way of
Baffins bay, Lancaster sound, Barrow
strait Peel 6rand, James Ross strait
and Rae strait Twice she wintered
in the ice. For a period of many
months during this voyage Amundsen,
maintained an observatory on King
Williams Land, at latitude 68 degrees
30 minutes, longitude 90 degrees west,
within 90 miles, as he calculated, of
the magnetic pole. He took constant
observations during the period, him
self watching the movements of the
needle for four hours every day.
The northwest trip, fulfilling the
.dream of the early navigator, brought
Amundsen great renown. His latest
jlan for an expedition to drift around
to the polar sea has received strong
backing from his countrymen. King
Haakon and Queen Maud of Norway
leading the subscription list
"Dear ; me, Mrs. Smithers, what is
that noise I heard yesterday ever your
way? Was that howling your dog
In a fit?"
"No, Mrs. Queerit that was my
daughter taking her singing lesson
from SIgnor Yelerino." m ; .
"No, no, Mrs. Smithers. I was told
it was your daughter singing when I
asked what bird you had there trill
ing more, beautifully than I knew your,
canary could." I -1
Rome to Have Unique 'Library.
A, complete library of' Italian and
foreign newspapers from .the earliest
times is to be instituted in Rome, and
more than 200,1)00 collections have al
ready been secured.
Many a bachelor has had a narrow
escape from Cupid's bow. f-
-V M
. w. ' ., - R-jJct T-is
9 -'JiVC 1I
uuunmi nnuoc owl otcllo
Another Fat Year far thV Canadian
Our Canadian neighbors to the north
ire again rejoicing over an abundant
larvest and reports from reliable
jources go to show that the total yield;
f 1909 will be far above that of any
ther year. ''"' ."iJ
It is estimated. .that $100,000,000
will this year go; Into the pockets of'
.tone, tmuiuer 3w,vvv,vvv iron, oats,
ind barley, while returns from, other
:rops and from stock will add'fio;
)00,006r more. Is it any wonder then
Jiat the farmers ' of the Canadian
.Vest are .happy? ....' . -
Thousands, of American-farmers
lave settled in. the-above- memtiohed
provinces during; the past :year; 'men
who know the West' and its pbsslbili-
1 ies, and who. also know perhaps 'bet
ler than any other people, the 'best
nethods for profitable farming.
President Taft said recently In
ipeaking of Canada:
"We have been going ahead so rap
dly in our own country that our heads
iave been somewhat swelled 4 with the
dea that we are carrying on our shoul
lers ail the progress there is in the
world. We have not been conscious
that there is on the north ' a young
country and a young nation that is
'poking forward, as it well may, to a
H"eat national future. They have
r,000,000 people, but the country Is
still hardly scratched."
Jas. J. Hill speaking before the
Canadian Club of Winnipeg a few days
igo said: .
"I go back for 53 years, when I
:ame West from Canada. At that time
Canada- had no North-West A young
boy or man who desired to carve his
jwn way had to cross the line, and
to-day it may surprise you one out
if every five children born in Canada,
ives In the United States. Now you
ire playing the return match, and the
.Vorth-West is getting people from the
United States very rapidly. We
Drought 100 land-seekers, mainly from
'owa and Southern Minnesota, last
light out of St Paul, going to the
STorth-West Now, these people have
ill the way from five, ten to twenty
ihousand dollars each, and they will
nake as much progress on the land in
me year as any one man coming from
iie Continent of Europe can make, do
ing the best he can, in ten, fifteen, or
:wefity years."
It is evident from the welcome
jiven American settlers in Canada
:hat the Canadian people appreciate
hem. Writing from Southern Alberta
ecently an American farmer says:
"We are giving them some new
deas about being good farmers, and
ey are giving us some new ideas
ibout being good citizens. They have
i law against taking liquor into the
Indian Reservation. One of our fel
ows was caught on a -reservation with
l bottle on him, and it cost him $50.
Dne of the Canadian Mounted Police
'ound him, and let me tell you, they
ind everyone who tries to go up
igainst the laws of the country. ,
"On Saturday night every bar-room
s closed, at exactly 7 o'clock. Why?
Because It is the law, and it's the
same with every other law. There
isn't a bad man in the whole district,
ind a- woman can come home from
town to the farm at midnight If she
jrants to, alone. That's Canada's idea
iow to run a frontier; they have cer
tainly taught us a lot
"On the other hand, we are running
their farms for them better than any
Dther class of farmers. I guess I
can say this without boasting, and the
Caandians appreciate- us. We turn
out to celebrate Dominion Day; they
are glad to have us. help to farm. the
country; they know how to govern;
we know how to work."
Another farmer, from . Minnesota,
who settled in Central Saskatchewan
3ome years ago, has the following to
say about the country:
"My wife and I have done well enough
since we came from the States; we can
live anyway. We came in the spring of
1901 with the first carload of settlers'
effects unloaded in these parts and
bulk the first shanty between Sas
katoon and Lumsden. We brought
with our car of settlers' effects the
sum of $1800 in cash, to-day we are
worth $40,000. We 'proved up' one
of the finest farms in Western. Canada
and bought 320 acres at $3 per acre.
We took good crops off the land for
four, yean, at the end of which we
bad $8000 worth of improvements in
the way cl buildings, etc., and had
planted throe, acres of trees. Two
years ago wa got such a good offer
that we sold our land at $45 per acre.
From the above yon will see that we
hare not done badly since our ar
Prof. Thomas Shaw of St Paul, Min
nesota, with a namber of other well
known editors of American farm jour
nals, toured Western Canada recently,
and in an interview at Winnipeg said
in part:
"With regard to the settlement of
the West I should say that it Is only
well begun. I have estimated that in
Manitoba one-tenth of the land has
been- broken, in Saskatchewan one
thirtieth and in Alberta, oneAundred
and seventy-fifth. I am satisfied that
in all . three provinces 'grain - can be
grown successfully up to the" sixtieth
parallel and in the years to come your
vacant land willbe taken' at; a rate
of which you have at present not con
ception. We have enough people,in
the TJnited States .alone who-w-jnt
homes, to.take up thV,iaridVTv 4.v
" "What ybVmust do'in" Western OaL
ada is to raise morel Uye. stock. "When
you are doing what you ought, to. do
in this regard, the land which is now
selling for $20 per acre will be worth
from '$50 to $100 pre acre. jit is as
good, land as that which is selling for
more thanv$100 per acre in the corn
. --N
aW y . ;. ;.,
, would ratter raise cattle iBfWesfc
eT Canada than in the corn belt of
the united States. You can getyow
food cheaper and the. climate is bet
ter for the purpose. -We have a bet
ter market, but your market win im
prove faster than your farmers will
produce the supplies. Winter wheat
can be crown in one-half of the coun-
trr throorf which I have nassed. and'
alfalfa and one of the varieties of
clover ,inn three-fourths of it The
farmers do not believe this, hut it is
Keening pace . with . wheat produc
tion; the growth of railways has been
quite as. wonderful, and the whole
country from Winnipeg to. the Rocky
Mountains will soon be a net-work of
trnnk' and branch lines. Three great
transcontinental lines are- pushing
cosstructipn In every direction, and
at, each siding the grain elevator is
iobe found. Manitoba' being the
first settled' province, .has now an ele
vator capacity of upwards of 25,000,000
hashels, Saskatchewan 20,000,00, and
'Alberta about 7,000,000, while the ca
pacity of elevators at Fort William
jand Port Arthur, on the Great Lakes,
lis upwards of 20,000,000 more.
'Within thp provinces of Manitoba,
Saskatchewan and Alberta there are
flour and oatmeal mills with a com
bined capacity of 25,000 barrels per
day, and situated along some famous
! water j powers in New Ontario, there
are larger mills .than will be found
anywhere in the Prairie Provinces.
.Last year the wheat crop totaled
over 100,000,000 bushels. This year
the' crop will yield 30,000,000 more. A
recent summary shows that on the 1st
of January, 1909, the surveyed lands
of the three western provinces, totaled
134,000,000 acres, of which about 32,
000,000 have been given as subsidies to
railways, 11,000,000 disposed of in other-ways
and 38,000,00 given by the
'Canadian Government as free home
steads, being 236,000 homesteads of
160' acres each. Of this enormous ter
ritory, there is probably under crop
at the present time less than 11,000,
000 acres; what the results will be
when wide awake settlers.have taken
advantage of Canada's offer and are
cultivating the fertile prairie lands,
one can scarcely imagine.
Pathos Out of Place in Schools.
In an address at a teacher's insti
tute Miss Martha Sherwood said that
sad and pathetic stories should have
no place in the public schools. She
'declared the pupils' great need is hu
morous stories and the kind that
make children roll on the ground
with laughter. "Anything to make
them laugh, and laugh loudly," she
said. "It makes them grow, puts
sunshine into their lives and develops
contented men and women."
0ntR or Ohio crrr or Tolzso. t
Lvcas cou.vrr. f ss-
Franx J. Chexst makes oath that be senlof
ter of the arm of F. J. & Co.. doma
in the City of Toledo. County and State
aforesaid, and that said arm will par the sum ot i
nvr trrrvnorn nnniiiQ far cTi nnft ww '
ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured oy the use of
Ball's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence,
this 6th day of December. A. D.. 1S8&
i " A. W. GLEASOX.
nail's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of Lbs
System. Send for testimonials, tree.
F. J. CHENEY 4c CO.. Toledo, a
Sold by all Drucclsts. 75c.
Take Hairs Family Pills for constipation.
... .AW..L..V.. &rA....r .w. un . .. (
The Strategic Point
"General, we are outgeneraled."
"Caramba! But how is that?"
"The other side has beaten us
the cable office."
Worth Its Weight in Gold.
jPETTlT'S EYE SALVE strengthens old
eyes, tonic for eye strain, weak, watery eyes.
Druggists or Howard Bros.f Buffalo. X. Y.
I have lived to know that the great
secret of human happiness is this
never suffer your energies to stagnate.
BBBBBass SB ssMj ssaas aaaj
The Wretchedn
of Gnstipation
Caa asklly be ovaeoaw by
act ssreiy i
easy oaths
am. Qsra
. SaaaB ML SsaaB Deie, Saul Prie.
GENUINE arast bear i
aCCeles a,Waa
wawawiiw, ail
aore eyes, use ( ISwaTpewsl a.JB) SraleT
Aprtpsratfaaof superior merit forrcSsTfa; Coughs.
from eeblea w u t.r..f i nZC '
'wLSSftn5? Md U0 fc
iuhm i. BRoam jgnw w- ,.
T-.aSBBBBB--fJ -2V.
iVH Carters
rW jNl I PIUS.
Dim. W JlJtiSSiml
.ilL. k'i y kijJiLLt- .--'i
-XThen'the tclaeers.Ciit.liu.
"Yon may be sharp," saM the thread,
in the needle, "hut I notice you are
always geHlpglit in the eye." '" ,
"Oh,' I know answered the.
needle, '1 'notice that whenever yba
get in a hole I have to pull you
through." -
fUBn np. you two," cried tne ininv
Me- "' K PU't for my push yoa
wouW BeItne,r " & wong.
Important to Mothera.
Examine carefully" every bottle of
CASTOFJA, a safeand sure remedy for.
Infants and .children,-and see that.' It
Bears the -Signature
In Use For .Over 90 Years.
The Kind You Hate Always Bought
"What makes those two women turn
up their noses at each other so super
ciliously?" "Possibly," replied Miss Cayenne,
"each 'got a glimpse of the current
"novel the other' was reading."
The Way It Happened. x
Maude BIgsby literally fell at my
Belle Aeroplane or intoxication?
wken yon want PciTyJtovIs' Painkiller, as BoUtln
it as good (or rbenraatism. neuralgia and similar
troubles. TB Tears in conaUntnse. ;Sc,ScandS0c.
You cannot hurt anybody without
receiving a. greater hurt yourself.
Mrs. Wlnalow'a Soothlaar ":
For children teethlnp, tot tens tho giims, reduces ta-
SaaniaUon,aUaspatt,cmreawladcollu 3Sc a bottle.
A woman isn't necessarily level
headed because her hat is on straight
Lewis' Single Binder straight 5c cigar is
made to satisfy the smoker.
Don't worry, and you'll have nothing
to worrjr you. l
A Poor Weak Woman
As she fa termed, will endure bravely aad paticatly
agonies which strong men would give way wider.
The fact fa women are more patieat thaa they ought
to be under such. troubles. .
Every woman ought to know that, she may obtain
the most experienced medical advice free ef thorgt
aad ia absolute ffideuce and privacy by writing to
the World's Dispensary Medical Association, R. V.
Pierce, M . D., President, Bufialo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce
has been chief consulting physician of the Invalids
Hotel aad Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y., for
many years and has had a wider practical experience
in the treatment of women's diseases thaa any other physicfaa ia I
Ufa medicines are world-famous for their astoniahiac efficacy. '
The aaoat perfect reaicdr ever devised for weak
ate woaaen fa Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescriptiosu
The many and varied symptoms of woman's peculiar ailments are fairy ast
forth ia Plain English in the People's Medical Adviser (1006 pages), a newly
revised aad up-to-date Edition of which, cloth-bound, will be mailed fn est
reeeipt of 31 one-cent stamps to pay cost of mailing only. Address as above.
Sara care aad pod tire
rrvMMtf. Unukl vIvmb
KUonoasKerms from tl body. Cttrca Dlstamper la Doits and BosepaM caa
oltrr. LannstselllnirllTestoekrctiwdT. Cans la Orlppe saow fcawaui
.asjdlsaanaKldary remedy.
n. enow 10 jour am(nrn.
uutilRl. Dpeciajagonwwmutra.
safety and comfort through winter's ice anil Meet, at practically no more nwu
than the olc-fa.bloced willcire you assolstzlv
ruioftherennetiualed R0WE WlUal TssWhtl Ctsfcr CALKS n otherbraarfs r
screw cal k, bu t itbarper and longer wearl ag than any other, because o f the I w Vocly
Known weage h nape center or welaea tool-Stee I. ' en os 11 1 J name ana mt
Ot y oar horyeshoer. IS How many hones you are sboetnir. f 51 Kind and fixe of i
known wedge k tape center of
w many
calks you now ore. If any. Then
ViinSpri.alrttcKcr. WiiiaB&B4ka...7itArpbl.tfa'fttdal;fct,KMW.aUf JW -&9
mmS-o. uul Bttl CALK
Thc Largest manufacturcr or l
Wear W. L. Doualas comfortable
mada upon honor,
era, by the most skilled workmeat
In all the latest fashions. Shoes In
every style and shape to suit men
In all walks of life.
If I could take
factories at Brockton, Mass., and
show you how carefully W.L.Doua
laa shoes are
then understand
their shape, fit better, wear longer
I and are of greater value than any
other make.
Bameand the retail
cue nouou, xaae
U aBBaaal -)i
aaW Baaaaaaa
No fuss no flurry no smell and, above all, no smoke.. The
Automatic Smokeless Device
which automatically locks absolutely prevents smoke. Removed in in instami
Solid brass font holds 4 quarts of oil sufficient to give out a glowing kcaftr
for 9 hours solid brass -wick carriers damper top cool handler-oil indicator..
Heater beautifully finished in nickel or Japan in a variety.of styles.
Every Dealer Everywhere. If Jfot At. Yours. Write for Descriptive Orcular
"J' to the Nearest Agency of the -
. - (laeorDarated)
nan nea
W Mi laf W'M at at- it , at
C ; '.:,. '(A- ). Issl i
i m, wmt w m: fl
awawa"aauavaaBaBki yBBBLr.aBBBL '.aaaaLi m
Gas Roasted Coffee
- The most popular coffee in the West comes
from the biggest wholesale grocery in the West
Twenty-five years of coffee roasting and Wending insures
yoa that Paxton's Gas Roasted Coffee is always going to
give you the same flavor and delight that the first cup does.
'' 21b. air-tight sealed cans at 25c per pound.
' ' Your Grocer Has It '
- i:. -
IHlBnnttBw twaaHa BSil-TfeJ
BTOSSiMaBSSSSnis eke aaA tmmttm
MbbbbbbIBPsbbs ujm js
BPBBbWMUBSV Xes market .!
bTbWsII WBh It isster.
I bbbbbbbbbVSsbbbbbbbbbbVmbIIvCvsTCvvB MSbbSb
fcj"MBBaBSMaillffi? afaa es
knHl SKI BBM JbbV 5 BBBnWM UbWbbbsbb bhbt bbV
iroiflBBBi 5E;5sn'j'agjgg
jnm lig-iitiil, i
flas anas, aa.weu m
Aaairtakl Ml,
csmrebi. and
For settlers istea.
Btmlm "r t Ease
ratios. Ottawa. Csaawa. er js
Ckaaats ana
PiiiriiitM a 1
Hnav Sklla to Si
Hair to lta Yvashral CHasw
Carts sesia fimMlAUa
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. S2-10.
Pink Eye-.
ShiBBlad Fa
a Catarrhal Ft
prsreatlra. bo matter how hones at i
nn tkA ionna: mc tA on th ulood I
SSe and Ha bottle. KandtlOaclosea. Cntswat.
wno win get H ior you.' Miwm nwiun.
60SMEN, III.. B. S. A.
welded tool-Stee I. Tell tin 1 name and aaVtreaa
nones you are snoeinir. 131 Kind ana nxe oi screw
thewe calks will be tupplleil yon thruoKb yoa r own
SOIM CtL. 12G4 accawic Strut. UlTFCaf.
ahoes. They ara
of the best Math
you Into my large
made, you would
why they hold
that W. L. Dowlas
price is am pod on I
o naasutate.
sf iibj tBsgwsjBgyass jnyw lbw T
WW J ()
ssntlHai st BstaB
tm iaat aBaaaVf
aft SsBBBBn.
nP4 avaaaaaasak. I
BsT w saSBiaSBS'
Have Heat
Brought To You
When your bed-room, bath-rota?
or dining room, is chilly, you may"
have heat brought to you in just the:
degree you desire, ft is easy, wbex
you have a . -
00 Heater
(Equipped with Smokeless Device?
available. Place the heater where the
cold is most annoying, strike a match.
. - ..
'.4 r-;-v!f&JL& -