The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 22, 1909, Image 6

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Ckaft oa hterestu Topics of Maty
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Never occupiea a. pecu
liar relation, to the
ty-five days on which
are etched the doings
and history of a whole
calendar year. The Ro
mans observed the day
as a public holiday, and
on this day all litiga
tion and strife were
suspended, social visits
' -were exchanged, presents were
tgtrea and received, and feasting
I throughout the empire was the or-'
Xer of the day- The early Chris
tians at first set themselves against
. she usages of the day as observed
' ly the Romans until the fixing of
Christmas day on the 25th of De
n.Ynber, and.New Year's day came
mt be eheerved as the octave of the
'.Nativity and also as the Festival
of the Circumcision.
The ahaer ranee and spirit of the
are not changed very greatly
earush of the centuries. We
go back across . tne long
of years between the day
live in and the day when the Romans inter-
thelr social visits and their good wishes
gave and. received their strenae, and be
tmmvm the then and the now the identity of feel
lag.' eaaotion and sentiment concerning this day
is readily discovered.
8e saany sentiments crowd themselves into New
Tear day and all are mostly children in the
which the day appears to them and in
pie feelings and emotions by which it is
The greeting: "A Happy New-Year!"
p through the hard strata of the year, and
staple emotions, which make the whole world
:, brine friend nearer to friend and melt life to-
teto a richer affection, and good will be
the keynote of life on this day. Grudges are
resentments dissolved, and the average
i with the average endowment of affection for
fellows finds, it almost impossible to vitalize
ef his hatreds through the emotion-laden mo
ot New Year's day. The personal life has
things to say to Itself; it is at once a doe-
ef accounts and the opening of a new career,
things pass away and all things seem to be-
stew. The things mat mignt nave oeen ana
have not become are forgotten In the new hopes
amd aspirations and ambitions which spring up in
the heart on the first day of the year.
Of eatirse, nobody will ever be what the hopes
snafl faith of the day project for the individual life.
The most ardent believer in the better day, the
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most sanguine architect of the richer fortune yet
to be will fall short of the Ideal that controls his
imagination. But the very fact that the day stirs
these noble impulses and floods the prospective
days with the glow of hope Is in itself an assur
ance that the year shall be rich in the gifts and
the good will of the gods.
Another year! another year!
The increasing rush of time sweeps on!
Whelm'd in its surges, disappear
Man's hopes and fearsforever gone! j -pti '
Oh. no! forbear that Idle tale!
The hourdemanJa another' strain.
Demands high thoughts that cannot quail.
And strength to conquer and retain.
'TIs midnight from the dark blue sky
The stars, which now look down on eartl
Have seen ten thousand centuries fly.
And given to countless changes birth.
Shine on! shine on! With you I tread
The march of ages, orbs of light!
A last eclipse o'er you may spread
To me, to me, there comes no night!
The sentiment that phrases Itself In the quite
depressing words:
The world Is very evil.
The times are wearing late,
is hardly In tune with the modern spirit when
life Is thought of as a corporate business and this.
modern spirit takes account of its own enlarged and
enlarging kingdom.
ieu ? .i m m,inmj
TRIKE up the band, here
comes the good resolution.
Let the whistles blow
their heads, off, let the bells
ring out. let the fog
the lake front shatter the at-
t atoms,' let the similar
e noises be let loose upon the
ozone even in the uttermost
of our beautiful city. For the
resolution is marching forward:
a few days more and we will
ia) its splendid presence.
CEbe village drum major it
proudly prancing toward us
the week. Get a seat early
the .crowd If yon would be-
-tt 4a its glory. Keep your 'eyes
he the splendid spectacle, keep
ears open for the lofty sounds,
for it wfll not be long in passing.
!U!a safe to say that if all the high
reaotves that go into 'effect on 'New
Xfeara may had half the endurance of
r Marathon runner the millennium
so fast that we'd have to
speed laws to keep it from
josclting the .asphalt
If good resolutions were salt mac-
arhat. a universal thirst would
experience seems 4o indl-
that progress in any line is nee-
gradual. Take the flying ma-
far instance. At present the
engaged in the development
hsterestiag device are in a po
ts assert that many of their
are already solved. They
t p into- the- air without the
4yaacaite and they can-come
with practically no effort.
there are other difficulties
-Shi he everceme such as the tendency
eai the vert of the machine to select
hi eaa cisse aad place for coming
Bat these problems are minor
and doubtless the answer is in ahe
book somewhere if they can only find
The practice of resolving presents
a similar' aspect. It is not entirely
perfect at present. But considering
the few years since Adam Inaugurated
the outdoor sleeping fad and became
jgrandpa to the human race it is not
surprisingCthat some details are still
to be worked, out. The forming of the
resolution has been beautifully work
ed out, till almost anyone; the merest
novice, can resolve. The date, too,
has been firmly fixed as on the first
of January The chief difficulty that
still remaiashas to do with keeping
the resolution once it is made. Some
thing like keeping your aeroplane
right side up once you have estab
lished a' neighborly relation with the
stars. , . -
Probably several years will elapse
before thecjwtomf of resolving
reaches p.stjljidjsn and in the mean
time it NjjflHe well to adopt a
makeshift JSPbhe present unattain
able. ""
It would seem as if the difficulty
might be minimized by more attention
to the subjects taken for resolving
purposes. It Is well, to use care In se
lecting our resolutions, and because
of the proximity of January 1, a few
suggestions may not be out of place.
For a young woman Try this one.
"I hereby resolve with earnestness to
no longer, insist on grandma wearing
French heels." , There are several ad
vantageous features to : this resolution.
To begin with it Is humane. Just
think of forciag the poor old lady to
teeter down the street with little
church steeples under her sole leath
er! Her silver, locks bob under her
dignified black, basnet and at every
painful step she whispers "Ouch.'' Fie
upon you! Shamey! Remember
grandma is not so young as she once
was and the penitential efficiency of
a bunion is greatly enhanced by the
shoving forward of the foot as accom
plished by the French heel. Command
the old lady to do a cake-walk once
an hour around the dining room table
if you will, but let her do it in com
fortable shoes. Another item in favor
of trying this resolution is the fact
that you have probably never asked
grandma to wear any kind of shoes
she didn't like, so it should be that
much easier to keep to your resolu
tion not to do so.
For a young man "I resolve from
this day never again to smoke a pipe
in church. This sample is highly
recommended. The practice against
which you issue the edict of banish
ment is reprehensible in the highest
degree. Smoking, while of course it
might be a solace to you during the
sermon, could not but annoy your
neighbors and fellow worshipers. The
men envy you, leading to countless
domestic difficulties for them. .The
preacher is unable to see whether all
the deacons are awake or not by the
haze from your, pipe. Moreover, just
as a distinguished statesman once of
ficially declared that the odor of
cigarettes annoyed him there are
those to whom the smell of a pipe is
a nuisance and the offertory collector
might be. one of these. Besides, you
would probably be thrown out or ar
rested or something.
For men who ride much in street
cares "henceforth I will not mind the
feathers." This is one requiring con
siderable care but if strictly adhered
to will be found of great assistance in j
your aauy are. wnen depending irom
a strap and resting your toes on some
neighbor's a long stiff quill suddenly
jabs you In the nose giving to that fea
ture the rich red that which another
class of resolvists have already ac
quired, do not release your temper.
Smile and pretend you like it Oft
times you can make yourself believe
it, after due practice, of course. But
the principal advantage to be cited in
this resolution's favor is that "you
might just as. welL" So long as the
fashion remains -the same you will
have your daily communion with .the
tail , feathers of .an ostrich or of a
rooeUr and If you resolve not to mind,
how.inuh more placid the temper!
For any one who does not raise
chickens "I hereby resolve and de
termine not to eat any more strictly
fresh eggs for several weeks to
come." This Is in some respects the
prize resolution. Its' advantages are
many, but all the others are over
shadowed by this one you can't' get
any to eat
la spite of all the 'teacher may do
the pupil' will not learn unless he
himself studies. You cannot make
successful use of these sample resolu
tions without effort' on your part But
you should find one among them
which can be kept with the minimum
of struggle. If you have no choice or
you are skeptical as to your ability,
try the last oae.
Not the most credulous and believing prophet a
generation ago could have forecast the world we
know and are perfectly at home with to-day. Bui
wer Lytton In his short book. ;The Coming -Race."
endeavored to tell the story and achievement of
mankind In the day that was shortly to be, but bis
seeming impossible -world has been more than, re
alized In our own day. The half has not been told.
The great note of the day is the large, grasp human
life possesses over its owfi career and destiny, the
growing confidence that this old yet ever renewing
world is solving its own problems, and, under the
guiding of that Providence which Pope's well-known
lines so beautifully express:
All nature is but art. unknown to thee;
All chance, direction, which thou canst not see:
All discord, harmony, not understood;
All partial evil, universal good,
is working for the day of a perfectly ordered and
perfectly -adjusted civilization. The greater, power
man is accumulating and- employing over his own
bodily life, his mastery of the secrets of life which
have been hid from the foundation of the world, the
realization that man himself is his own providence
in a vastly larger degree than hitherto he has
dreamed of, and that the "greater things" the great
est of all Teachers foretold ages ago that he should
be endowed with competence to do
these he is doing in this very
day with a miraculous confidence
and a mighty faith. He has discov
ered that his own commission ovw
life, over the happiness and health
and the fruitage of the life that
now Is, as well as of that which is
to come. Is a vastly larger commis
sion than the world hitherto has
dreamed of. He is finding out that
Providence Is a partnership and
that no man may be a sleeping
partner in the business of living
without the penalty of losing the
very thing that life is a world oi
potencies converted into achieve
ment This is the note, surely, as civi
lization faces the year 1910 the
note of competency, the sense of
added powers to life, the feeling
that the greater things are coming
on the earth, and that man is us
ing the key to unlock the treasure1
house of his own life with a sure
ness and a wisdom that give prom
ise of a vastly better, richer, juster
universe than be has yet known.
A Loud Complaint From Western
Nebraska Counties' Regarding
J Passenger Train Service.
The supreme court has upheld the
occupation corporation tax law enact
ed by the recent legislature. The law
provided a gradually annual tax on all
corporations doing business in Ne
braska unless expressly exempt. The
tax will bring to the state $60,000 this
year. About $15r000 was paid under
protest The law was attacked by the
Mercantile Incorporating company of
Omaha and the Erie City Iron Works
of Erie, Pa., who sued to recover back
an occupation tax paid by them under
protest to Secretary of State Junkin
and to have the law declared uncon
stitutional under which the tax was
exacted. The law was upheld In the
Lancaster district court and the deci
sion is affirmed by the supreme court-
The law was argued in both courts
by Grant Martin, deputy attorney gen
eral, who appeared for the state,
while John J. Sullivan. W. W. Sla
haugh and John Battin appeared for
the corporations. The law was en
acted by the legislature under the im
pression that it would raise approxi
mately $300,000 annually for the state.
There has been paid to the secretary
of state approximately $60,000.
The law was assailed on the ground
that it violated the constitution in im
posing a. tax on franchises. It was
contended that this was a tax which
should be levied under the constitu
tion aecordiar'tovsraationand wit
according to the" amount of capital
stocks of corporations. - ."- - .,
Mr. Martin contended the tax was
not a tax which should be levied ac
cording to valuation but it was a tax
which might be fixed by the legisla
ture arbitrarily according to the capi
tal stock of -the corporations. The
opinion sustaining the- law was writ
ten by Judge Root.
Another note of our time is the
fact that life mirrors itself in such
a wonderful way and the things
and forces that make for the bet
ter day to be are known and read
of all men. We live in the open,
and no man may become champion
of any cause and keep the world in
ignorance of the character of the
cause and the nature of his cham
pionship. No man to-day may hide
his light under a bushel. It is n
tell-tale world, and, more than any
past time, the world to-day has a
juster sense of values and knows
both the things that are saving it
and the things also that threaten
and -endanger it. Public service 1
was never so responsible as it is
today, because civilization never
had the almost miraculous power
of analyzing and testing the value
of public service aB in this present
year. Public life is an open book,
and the most impossible of all im
possible things to-day Is that any
national or International movement
should be misunderstood or misin
terpreted by the world's best mind.
And what is true of public move
ments'A!s true of public men. No
public man can deceive his constit
uents to-day, for his constituents
are the world. And the strong man
to-day is the man who frankly rec
ognizes this.
Startling Figures.
The lives of all the 85.500.000
residents of the United States are
worth $250,000,000,000.
Unnecessary deaths every year
cost in capitalized earnings, $1,000,
000.000. Workmen's illness annually costs
in wages $500,000,000.
Care of the sick and dead every
year costs $60,000,000.
Tuberculosis taxes the nation
x$l,0v0,000.000, annually.
Typhoid fever costs $350,000,000.
Malaria costs $200,000,000.
; . Worm Turns at Last
vsm assasSftsaf
- saMs sBSsm
old, story. The one we
repeated so many, many
Tsreyeuag women entered the
the tired-looking man.
sasd proffered his seat Them,
unsteadily for a strap.
venation ensued:
yea, sir."
yoa so much."
yen sit down." . -
'1 Insist dear; I'm not a bit tlredl- :
"Neither asm I, aad I'd just aa, sooa
"Go ahead, dear, and take It"
"No, no, you take It I "
And then the tired man did what
so. many have wanted to aee done
so many, many times. He took it
As he sank wearily but calaaly hack
la his seat the smiles of mutual heaev-
otehce oa the two faces frose into out
raged dignity.
"Such.Jmpertiaeace!" snapped one.
"How iasultiag!" huffed the other.
: But on the faces of a score. o pas
sengers was reflected more plainly
than words:
"More power to you, old boy."
The Federal Cenetltution. '
It Is a fact that there, waa a tre
mendous and most bitter opposition
to the adoption of the present Federal
Constitution, both among the members
of the various state conventions and in
the federal convention. Men like Sam
Adams, Patrick Henry, Richard Henry
Lee, Yates and Lansing, Luther Mar
tin, George Mason and Thomas Sum
ter, with many others were from start
to finish bitterly opposed to the rati
fication of the Constitution. When the
first vote was taken it was almost a
tie in some of the states, New York,
for instance, voting 30 for ratification
and 27 against ratification. Vlrgmla
voted 89 for, 79 against Massachusetts
187 for, 168 against
Better Service Demanded.
The State Railway, commission has
under consideration the proposition
to have a general hearing for towns
in western Nebraska which are de
manding better passenger train serv
ice. Complaints have come from a
number of towns. The complaint from
Thedford follows:
"The facilities for west-bound pas
sengers are absolutely worthless, as
far as local use is concerned. It takes
about fifteen hours to- travel thirty
miles, and only one train a day.
"Imagine a young women, unattend
ed, being compelled to go to a point
west of Seneca, Thomas county. She
would get on the stun train at Thed
ford, No. 39, at 8:53 p. m., which train
terminates at Seneca. There she
would be compelled to sit in the little
dingy station trainmen's waiting room
for thirteen hours or more, waiting
for passenger tain No. 43, at 9:38 a.
m. the following morning. The hotel
accommodations are inadequate in
every way to supply the demand, no
sidewalks, or street lights, and she
might get lost in-trying to find the ho
tel, or crippled for life. Possibly
worse luck might befall her. Strang
ers have been compelled to beg ac
commodations at private residences
many times.
"We characterize this condition or
things as indecent, indelicate and Im
moral; having a tendency to degrade
womanhood. It is worse than the
old-time' stage coach. Thedford is
the county seat of Thomas county,
and as such should have at least one
through train each way."
There are three trains each way a
day, but do not stop at Thedford.
New Year's Greeting. t
Even now, following fast upon the
heels of the merry Christmas tide,
we can hear the rustling of the little
New Tear's wings as he presses hard
upon old Father Time, bent with the
weight of many centuries. Take it
all in all, it has been a good year as
we look back at the rapid procession
of days, some gray, some dark, but
many radiant with dazzling sunlight
Mme. Merri wishes to take this op
portunity to thank all readers of the
department for their many kind let
ters expressing in highest terms their
appreciation of the column.
As a personal favor she begs that
no one ask a reply to queries in
"next Sunday's paper," as it is utterly
impossible to comply. Questions that
will benefit many, it Is well to answer
in the paper, but private answers are
willingly sent If a self-addressed,
stamped envelope is inclosed. Let
ter! are filed and answered personal
ly or through the paper just as fast
as It is possible to handle them. Orig
inal suggestions of interest to all are
welcome contributions, as we aim to
make the department a clearinghouse
for the hostess of all successful enter
tainment schemes. May the coming
year be laden with blessings, may we
all be fitted to take each day as it
comes, remembering that "God's in
his heaven, all's right with the
world." A happy New Year to you
every one.
A New Year's Dinner.
Gift making at Tfew Tear's Is not
so prevalent in this country as It is
over the water, where it is the day
par excellence for exchanging pres
ents. Christmas is a royal festival
time for the children there, and the
first day of the year Is a time thor
oughly enjoyed by the grown-ups.
There are balls, calls, receptions ga
lore, with elaborate gifts in fact it
ia oae grand, merry holiday, while
with as, especially of late years. It
has been rather a state day, with lit
tle doing save in Washington, where
the president holds a reception. It Is
the day for a family dinner, and. by
the way, I must describe this very
beautiful dinner which is to be given
on the first
The New Year's bell Is the keynote
for decoration, and the color Is red
t with plenty of holly and mistletoe.
Red bells will hang everywhere; the
candle shades are to be red bells and
the centerpiece a big red bell-shaped
"Jack Horner" pie. with red ribbons
going to each plate. Even the nut
and bonbon holders are to be bell
shaped, the ices are to be frozen in
bell molds to be eaten with bell
shaped cookies. Bridge is to be the
after dinner pastime, the score to be
kept with gold and silver costume
bells slipped onto silver key rings,
which .the guests will have for favors.
The wee bells boucht by the hundred
are not expensive. Following are
some of the quotations which will be
K written on cards cut in shape of
God bless the master of this house.
Likewise the mistress, too.
And all the little children
To whom the day is new.
Welcome be ye that are here.
Welcome all and make good cheer.
Welcome all another year.
Under mistletoe and holly
A party gay and jolly
In sanies will pass the hours away
Of this our festive New Tear's day.
Here's to the old year, drink, boys, drink
Here's to the days that have fled.
Old friends, old wine, old memories.
Drink to the joys that are dead.
Ring out the old. ring in the new.
Ring- happy bells across the snow:
The year Is going, let him go:
Ring out the false, ring la the true-
May every joy attend you.
And heaven daily send you.
. Blessings in heart tad. borne.
A resolution let us. make.
On this bright New Tear's day.
Throughout the year well wear a smile.
And fret dull care away.
Come, let's join the merry throng.
Upon the coach of life we'll ride.
Speeding the coming year along
Happy we'll be what'er betide.
Maka Yeur Hatpins.
For your dressy hat wy not make
your own hatpias of lace? An old
form can be covered with a crocheted
medallion or lace flower. The stitches
must necessarily be close in order to
cover the foundation, but when an
Irish lace daisy curls its petals over
a hatpin you will pierce your crown
with joy ia the knowledge of having
something home-made but new.
Public Sentiment Wins.
The city of Lincoln is ahead some
$50,000, paid to it by the Lincoln
Traction company, due for a year, as
an occupation tax. This payment
came as a distinct surprise and re
lief to a long-suffering public, which
had been goading the traction com
pany for many months to pay up.
Judge Dean for Congress.
Judge J. R. Bean, a democrat, who
was appointed to the supreme bench
by Governor Shallenberger and who
was a democratic nominee for re-election
at the late election will be a can
didate for congress.
Grand Assessment Roll.
Henry Seymour, secretary to the
State Board of Assessment, has com
pleted - the work of compiling the
grand assessment rolls and the figures
have been entered on the permanent
records in the office of the state au
ditor. The. assessment of the state
for 1909 is $.,98,985,819, against $391.
785.464 for 1908. The assessment is
one-fifth of the actual value of the
property of the state.
May Reinstate Agents.
Several of the insurance agents of
the aBnkers Life of Lincoln whose
licenses were revoked by Auditor
Barton because they had used ques
tionable methods to secure business
have been calling on the auditor late
ly asking for reinstatement Several
of the .agents have put up the story
that they were actlag under instruc
tion in offering the Iducements they
did to secure business, and- were also
actlag ia good faith, believing in what
they said. The auditor is inclined to
believe some of the agents.
Experiment' Stations Legal
The supreme court directed man
damus to issue to compel the board
of regents of the university to locate
and maintain two experimental sta
tions la the Sandhills accordiag to
the provisions of acta of the late legis
lature. The law provided that the
money should be paid out of the uni
versity temporary fund and the re
gents alleged this money could not be
spent for that, purpose. The eourt
holds that it Is the duty of the board
of regents to obey the win of the leg
islature as expressed la these acta.
VERY smart are the stiff linen collars with flanuei or coiton waists,
and a soft, daintily embroidered necktie is both pretty and becom
ing with them.
Shadow embroidery will appeal to the girl whose time for sew
ing Is limited. -for it is -quickly and easily done. A very sheer
linen or lawn should be chosen because the embroidery is done
en the wrong side and should show through. Lay the material
over the design and hold in place with thumb tacks. Draw all around
the design with a sharp pencil making the stems darker than the flower
and leaf outlines because the stems will be worked in outline stitch on th
right side of the stitch. The scallops also are done on the right side and
worked In buttonhole stitch. Use a medium size white embroidery cot
ton and begin the leaves and petals at the point nearest the stem.
With a fine needle, take up a little of the material about three
threads being enough on the outside edge of the -petal, right on the pencil
line and cross horizontally to the pencil line on the other edge and take up
a few threads: then back to the other side, crossing back and forth until
the space is filled. When the tip of the leaf is reached, work the thread
back to the starting point with darning stitch, and begin the next nearest
leaf or petal. The stitches should be placed near enough together to nearly
This design is especially suited to shadow embroidery, as the leaves
and flowers are slender. When the embroidery Is all finished, cut out
the scallops and hem the long edges.
- - - ri sri
r si
Fashion is trying to drive out the
button from the full-dress scheme, as
!ar as It is possible to do.
Many of the prettiest serge yacht
ing suits, instead of being all white,
have black moire collar and cuffs.
Collars and buttons made from
alack satin are considered smart oa
'inen coats of both white and colors.
The restaurant coat of supple cloth,
with its flowing Spanish or Japanese
lines. Is superseded by the jetted
Since tan is only suitable for morn
tag and the country, bronze is the
oicest non-black shoes for wear with
Some of the sleeves of the advance
styles show tigat-flttlag upper sleeves
and a loose bishop sleeve from elbow
to the cuff.
Jet buttons are used even oa linen
suits, and jetted chalna and flexible
brooches aad bracelets are among the
aay forms that appear.
Fashionable Colors.
Some of the most beautiful of the
new materials for winter are the
crepes, which show a crinkle as deep
as mourning crepes and come in the
most fascinating colors. Aeroplane
blue is a sky blue, deeper in tone than
we are accustomed to, and with a hint
of gray behind it "Gris d'eau" is a
new gray exactly the shade of sea
water on a cloudy day. Yellow is
tremendously popular just now, and
comes in all' shades, butter color be
ing especially liked.
Collar Warn Inside.
A neck arrangement shows the back
of the bodice cut along the neci:
line, a small V at the front, and the
lace collar set inside the opening.
The Medici collar, with niching in
side, Is seen oa many advance models,
showing the tendency to produce col
lars higher at the back than the front
Dress skirts are shown with full
overskirts that are made over brocade
petticoats, a very attractive style.
when materials are of the richest
. fe
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