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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1909)
-, N no !) il V- a J 'j .'. " eBBBaBBBBaaBaaBBBaaaBaBBBaaBaBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBaaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBaaBBBpBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBPBBBBBBBBB " ..;, - -.... -y. 1 . V-Jl .- . .- -., n - ll , . '- -" .. 4 --. .- CDLLMBIIS JOURNAL TOOTHER ft STOCKWELL, Fob. -tr. j 4 " COLUMBUS NEBRASKA MM NEWS. NOTES OF A WEEK LATEST HAPPENINGS THE WORLD - OVEJLOtiriN-rcEMIZED- FORM. EVENTS HERE AND THERE' Condenses! Into a Few Lines for the " Parusal of the Susy Man; Latest Personal Infor mation. PERSONAL. Mrs. Horace B. Taft, wife of a brother of President Taft,- died at the Johns Hopkins hospital, Baltimore, where she had been a patient of Dr. Harvey Cashing. At the hospital all Information relative to' the case was refused. George Parish, an English expert on statistics, who is in New York, says England Is pie greatest money-lender In the world and the United States is the greatest borrower in the world. He places the wealth of Great Britain at $1,775 per capita and of the United States at $1,310 per capita. Gen. W. W. Dudley of Indiana, for merly commissioner of pensions, died at Washington of Bright's disease. John E. Berwynd, the millionaire coal man, has given $100,000 in New fork for the care of poor women about to become mothers and the treatment of infants during the first weeks of their lives. Emmett Delton Williams, a direct descendant of Roger Williams, founder of Rhode Island, died at his home at Kansas City, Mo., aged 54. He was president of a paint company. Charles N. Crittenton, founder of rescue missions in many cities, left an estate of $3,000,000 to $5,000,000 at New York. Half of his wealth is be queathed to the missions. President Taft nominated Judge Horace Harmon Lurton of Tennessee to be an associate judge of the su preme court of the United States, and George A. Carpenter of Chicago for United States district judge in the northern district of Illinois to succeed Judge Bethea, deceased. GENERAL NEWS. Knights of Columbus from all parts "of the country will make a pilgrimage next August to Rome and Genoa, the 'birthplace of Christopher Columbus, according to an announcement made in New York. Sensational charges of manipulation of funds and the reckless expenditure of money of the Federal Life Insur ance Company, an Illinois old line con cern, are made in an affidavit filed in the circuit court at Chicago by Burton O. Smith, a stockholder and former director of the company. Isaac Ham ilton Miller, president of the company. Is accused of borrowing front its funds, using dummies in securing other loans and in using money of the company to finance other companies he is inter ested .in. The bodies of two men, blown to pieces by some high explosive, were found near Tulsa, Okla. They are be lieved to have been bank robbers, killed acidentally by dynamite they carried to blow safes. , Two girls are missing and 14 others narrowly escaped death in a fire, which destroyed the six-story factory building of Schrack & Sherwood, man ufacturers of coffins and undertakers supplies at Philadelphia. The mone tary loss Is estimated at $250,000. Charles Bowler of Asbury Park, N. J., decided to save a few dollars by re pairing his own automobile. He is in bed with painful injuries. While searching for a leak with a lighted match he was blown through the side of the garage and auto and garage were both wrecked. report on steerage conditions, based on Information obtained by spe cial agents of the immigration eom- tsnveling as steerage passen- BUt trans-Atlantic steam- public at Washington station to the senate pdations for legislation idltions. Conditions found t)'tttmm. vnnnl . scrtbeeVs appalling. ' 'Tito-death ofKing Leopold Is Immi nent He had'-V serious relapse and Is being 'kept alive through artificial means. Court circles, have practically no hope of the patient's recovery. Gen. Estrada's troops had a sharp encounter with the Zelayan forces at Rama. Reports sent out by the gov ernment claim a sweeping victory, but this Is doubted in some quarters, as' the Zelaya partisans control all the telegraph lines and confirmation Is est to impossible. The steamer Jesse Spalding Is safe at Harbor Beach, Mich., .where it sought shelter from the storm, it was feared the vessel had gone down. - Although a- reward of $3,000 has been offered for the finding of Alma Kellner, the Louisville girl, the police are still without a clew. The Chicago, Milwaukee ft' St Paul railway has just been awarded, a gold medal for the large map of the United 8tates exhibited by that, company, at the Golden West exhibition. Earl's court. London, last summer. This map was over forty-nine feet In length and over thirteen feet in height t A granite tower built by the Japa nese at Port Arthur, from the stones sunk in the itussian ships that blocked the harbor during the war, has been unveiled. It will be used as a light house. The inscription tells that 20. 861 soldiers andi.858 sailors were lost in taking Port Arthur. f , Fortune gave the Zelaya family an other prod when a jury awarded Miss f Juliette Hero $2,000 damages against . Dr. Anibal Zelaya for breach of prom ise. Miss Hero sued for $100,000 dam- 4iges, alleging that Zelaya promised to j marry her while a medical student in Kew York. f'atjansp ' ers. an , wftrssswasj f iL -hv-- -j. j" JwnteC? of tht 8pkMMi ls$ans are on the warpath bectuML of Mar riages between' tkejr ' wopen an4 white' ibm, fccoriias W'sfcsB frpai the antesAb'rofrt-by the -Royal, Slail steamer Aqrangi. - y . The bonded debt of NewlTdrkdty has reached- Sl,0ot,06,60, according to a report Issued byitae comptroller. 1 This amount however, includes more than S200,Md,000 beld'byr 'tie city sfnldng ftmd: '" -O After aeading Us rwKgaathm toTthe Nicanuan-eoBresarFreaJNhwt Zdaya sent a conciliatory cablegram to Presl dent Taf t, saying that he had shown bis good faith by resigning in order that Nicaragaua. might resume friendly relations with the United States. He added' that he proposed to leave the country but stood ready to account for his president -. " gg; 2. XS The 'Vhite slavery" Issue was I ton in tangible form when a drastic compromise bill was reported from the immigration committee. ..The blll.lm poses imprisonment nd " heavy fine for any person importing -women Into this country for immoral purposes 'oi harboring them after their, arrival here. Joseph Bergln, a buslnessman of Burlington. la., was brought to Joilet 111, on extradition papers issued by Gov. Deneen and honored by Gov. Car roll of Iowa to answer to the charge .of bigamy. Bergln was .married recently to Miss Olive Lord, a prominent young woman of Plalnfield, 111., and is alleged to have another wife living at Bur lington. 'It Is learned at Copenhagen that Captain Loose's statement has been compared with Dr. Rook's and various points literally correspond. The gen eral, opinion in' university cireles ' is that the committee, will withhold the acceptance of Cook's claims on the basis that they have not been substan tiated. ' Attorney General W. H. Stead ut tered a1 withering arraignment of the Illinois Central railroad in the hear ing of the great suit of the state of Illi nois at Springfield, 111., to compel an accounting from the road since 1877 and to pay taxes amounting to $20,000, 000, which it is charged the Illinois Central evaded paying through fraud. A jury found guilty five of the six employes of the American Sugar Re fining Company who have been on trial for the past three weeks charged with criminal conspiracy to defraud the government of customs, duties on imported raw sugar. In the case ol James F. Bendernagel, a former cash ier of the company's Williamsburg plant, the jury disagreed. The American grip on Bluefields Nicaragua, was tightened when Com mander Shipley of the cruiser Des Moines issued a proclamation formally stating that no fighting would be al lowed at Bluefields. Taken in connec tion with the rushing of 700 marines to Corinto, the order of Captain Ship ley is construed practically as a move toward occupation. The filing of the will of King Leo pold shows that he divided $3,000,000 between his three daughters. Princess LouisePrincess Stephanie and Prin cess Clementine. This practical dis inheritance of his children signalizes the beginning of a gigantic legal bat tle to obtain the king's wealth similar to tuat which ensued on the death ol their mother, Queen Henrietta. The exact amount of Leopold's fortune probably never will be revealed. Mrs. Maud W. Johnson, on trial at Seattle, accused of being a profes sional claimant was identified by a number of railway claim agents as a woman who collected damages from them in various cities. Pursuant to the call of Chairman H. B. Perham, the railroad employes' de partment of the American Federation of Labor met in St Paul, Minn., to take up the switchmen's strike. Capt B. S. Osbon of New York, sec retary of the Arctic club, announced that Capt August W. Loose's story that he had faked polar records for Dr. Cook was concocted for sale with out regard to the truth. Capt Osbon declared Capt Loose has admitted his affidavit as published In a New York newspaper had no foundation in fact Capt Loose denies this alleged verbal confession with the statement that he was offered $4,000 if he would contradict his affidavit He says he spurned the offer and stands by his original story that he supplied fake records to 'Dr. Cook. Following the payment by Arbuckle Bros, of nearly $700,000 to reimburse the United States treasury for deficits due to false weighing, It was an nounced that the National Sugar Re fining Company Is prepared to settle with the government, as the- Arhuckles have done as soon as It has bees' of ficially informed of the amount the government claimed to be due. 1 Three sisters now occupy separate cells at East Orange, N. J charged with the murder of Osey Snead, who was found dead in a bathtub. Her mother Is one of the. accused, her twe aunts are the others. Leopold II., king of the Belgians. I& dead. The end came as a surprise even, to the physicians in attendance The aged and wasted body of the mon arch was unable to stand the great strain to which It was subjected. A feat in engineering is the con struction of a siphon 14 feet in diam eter under the Colorado river to carry water for 14 miles and irrigate 55,000 acres in the Yuma valley. ',-..' A loss of $200,000 was' caused by a fire that burned .the Grand opera house building in Peoria, I1L A plot, of ground bought by the Fourth Avenue Presbyterian church in New York 50 yearsago for $45,000 has been sold for$660,00Q. The navy department has asked congress for $100,000 for the equip ment of the-training-station at North Chicago. , War was formally declared upon the United States Steel corporation by the leaders of organized, labor throughout the United States and Canada at the. close of a momentous two days' conference at Pittsburg. Pa. against 'the stand taken by the' steel corporation in its policy o "open shop." Hajwftprt, a wealthy resident oi SouihtawLv Ind.. where he is ' the owner -theNicholett hotel, is under arrest at:Chicago on the charge of robbing the general store of Godfrey &. Van .Vailn. In Parma. Mich., August 23, and stealing $5,000 worth of bonds. H,. CAPTURE OF f r NAMES'OF WINNERS' AT NA TIONAL CORN SHOW. .x NEBRASKA DOKE VERY WEU - , t v y w. Cther State Cente In Ate let Honor ,' and. Money .Reward for Their Efforts!' . Douglas county stands high In the Ne braska competition for prises In Um Na tional Corn .exposition. The county wins the Robinson trophy for the best county exhibit within the state. This trophy Is a' aHver cup valued at 1259 fjveri by-the Robinson Seed company of Waterloo. ear of corn grown In-'Nebraska came near being produced within the city limits of Omaha. Almost within gun shot of where tho cltyvends and the coun try begins.- on the farm of William Loner gun of Florence, a tall stalk of Reed's yel low dent produced this one best of all tho ears of corn that Nebraska produced in 1909. Henri' Seltz. of De Sota took the Irst prise' for. the best ten ears of com. 'Aye Bros., seed growers at .Blair, took the' second prise In the best ear competi tion., ,. t- The prizes for Nebraska follow: For besti ten ears yellow dent corn, Ne braska only: Harry Selts, De Sota, first; 130; Roland Smith. De Sota, second, $30; Charles Gram. Bennington, third, $15- For besften ears white dent corn. Ne braska only: Charles J. Brush, Auburn, first, $50: Otto Zelb. PaplHIon. seosnd, $25; Roland Smith, De Sota, third.. $12.50. For best ten ears-of corn other than yel low or white dent, Nebraska .only: Joseph M. Velk. Humphrey, first. 35: Charles TJ.( Brush, Auburn, second, $15;.H. H. Rahlf, Falls City, third. $15. Winner for the sweepstakes for the best ten ears In Nebraska: Henry Seltz. Do Sota. $155. - For best single ear dent corn, any color, Nebraska only: William Lonergan, Flor ence, ilrst, $5; Aye Bros., Blair, second $4 Ed Grimm. Blair, third. $3. For best twenty ears corn, any variety, Nebraska only: Francis Seltz, De Sota, first, $225. For best peck hard winter wheat, .Ne braska only: Edward Weeth, Gretna', first, $120; F. J." Dolczol, Morse Bluff, second,' $10: Charlie .Paasch, Millard, third. $4. . For best neck red winter wheatr Nebras ka only: S. M. Arnold, Aurora, first.' $75; John Dcnker. Phillips, second, $1C; C. W. Francisco, Inland, third, $4. For best peck wheat, other than hard or red winter. 'Nebraska only: A. E. HInrlcksen, St. Paul, first, $50; Henry Harner. Gretna, second, $5; Detlef Stelk, Grand Island, third. $4. i. .' For best peck white oats. Nebraska only: W. D. Stelk. Phillips, first. $85; J. N. Fenerstln, Lesbara, second, $5; F. G. Sloup, Sprague, third, $4. 1 For best peck black oats, Nebraska only: Arnold Martin. DuBols, first, $40; R. W. Hopkins. Tllden, second, $5. For best pecleoats, other than white' and black. Nebraska only: Detlef Stelk.. Grand Island, first. $35: Austin Taylor, Omaha; second. $5; U. W. Hopkins. Tilden, third, second.$5; R. W. Hopkins, Tilden, third,.$4. For best peck barley, Nebraska only:' Arnold Martin. DuBois. first. $27: J. D. Hosik, Abie, second, $5; Roy E. Hileman, Gretna, third, $4. Best ten ears corn grown in Nebraska: Aye Bros., Blair, first, $10. Best ten ears corn grown in any other state than Nebraska: J. M. Gillman. Leavenworth, Kans., first, $10. Best single ear corn grown in Nebraska: Charles J. Bush, Auburn, first. $10. Best single ear of corn grown in any state other than Nebraska: J. M. Gill man, Leavenworth, Kan., first, $10. Best ten ears corn grown by Junior, any state: Paul Gillman, Leavenworth, Kan., first, $10. Best single ear corn grown by Junior any state: Paul Gillman, Leavenworth, Kan., first. $10. August Nelson of Vernor, Neb., raised, the best sheaf of hard winter wheat. The prize winners announced by the Judges in the sheaf grain competition are: Best sheaf fife wheat: William Lalst, Bismarck, N. D., first; E. F. Jurgensen, Bismarck. N. D., second; R. J. Hughes, Whapeton, N. D.. third. Best sheaf blue stem wheat: Thomas Martin, Kalmothf Ore., first; M. C. Baker, Cascade. Mont., second; Joseph Walmer, Wnterville, Wash., third. Best sheaf hard winter wheat: August Nelson. Vernon, Neb., first; H. T. Lape, Roseville. 111., second; C. E. Russel, Mon mouth, I1L, third. Bes sheaf red winter wheat: S. H. KJock, Great Falls, Mont, first; C. E. Roades. Waterville.,Wash., second: Simon Baumgartner, Pierce City, Neb., third. Best sheaf durum wheat: E. F. Jurg ensen, Bisbee, N. D.. first: William Lnlst. Bismarck, N. D., second; Broadview Seed company. Broadview, Mont., third. Best sheaf wheat other than above va-' rieties: George B. Manning, Kalisipell, Mont, first; J. W. BesKman. Uok&to, Minn., second; C. F. Nelson, Bisbee, N. D.. third. Best sheaf white oats: John Accola, Madison. Wis., first; John Henderson, Cokato. Minn., second; Nelson Berry. Kal Ispell. Mont, third. Best shenf black oats: Hugh Lonergan, Florence, Neb., first; Charles A. Surudell, Ryan, Iowa, second. Best sheaf oats other than black or white: Hugh Lonergan. Florence. Neb., first: E. E. Kruger. Beaver Dam., Wis., second; Arthur Crandall, Monte Vista, Colo., third. Best sheaf six-row barley: L. R. Zer nel. Madison. Wis., first; J. W. Beckman, Cokato. Minn., second; Hugh Lonergan, Florence. Neb., third. Best sheaf two-row barley Gus Seig ling, Armington. Mont, first; John Hend erson, Cokato, Minn., second; H. E. Krueger, Beaver Dam, Wis., third. Best sheaf barley other than six or Iwo-row: Hugh Lonergan. Florence, Neb., first; Charles A. Surndell. Ryan. la., sec ond; Frank Relman. Bayfield, Colo., third. Best sheaf rye: H. A. Hughes, Wahpe ton, N. D.. first; J. P. Lowell. Bayfield. Colo., second; Gus Nelson. Verona, Neb., third. Best sheaf flax for seed: R. J. Hughes, Wahpeton. N; D., first: William Lalst, Bismarck. N. V-. second; Brunner Bros., Hurley, S. D.. third. Best sheaf flax for fiber Hugh Loner gan, Florence. Neb., first; John Hender son. Cokato. Minn., second; A. W. Jewett, Mason. Mich., third. Best Sheaf buckwheat: Paul Gillman. Leavenworth, Kan:, first; H. E. Krueger, Beaver Dam. Wis., second. Best sheaf buckwheat: Paul GlUman, Leavenworth. Kanus., first; H. E. Krueg er. Beaver Dam. Wis., second. Best sheaf field peas: H. F. Albrecht, Kallispel. Mont, first; L. L. Smith, Eureka. Mont, second:, H. E. Krueger, Beaver Dam, Wis., third. Best sheaf soy beans: Hugh Lonergan, Florence. Neb., first; H. E. Krueger, Bea ver Dam, Wis., second; M. Nelson, Fay etteville. Ark., third. The prise winners in the grass and for age competition are: Best peck of red clover seed: H. W. Meekin. Fond du Lac, Wis., first. $150. Best four-inch sheaf red clover: L. R. Zerbel. Madison. Wis., first. $20; Miss Anna Martin. Du Boht. Neb., second. $6.50; J. M. Gillman. Leavenworth, Kan., third. $5.00. T Best bale red clover: John Leader, Ft Crook. Neb., first, $100; Lewis Leader. Papilllcn, Neb., second. $11; Otto Zeis, Ftfoilllon. Neb., third. $5. Best peck timothy seed: H. W. Meekin, ielaya Controls Monopolies. Washington. The report from Man agua that, the Nicaraguan congress, probably anticipating the early re tirement of President Zelaya, attempt ed v to .authorise a number of. import ant concessions to friends of Zelaya, calls attention to the number of vast ly remunerative monopolies already en joyed by Zelaya and his friends in that country. The facts as to these monopolies arecontalned in official re ports to the state department and are said to be suspectlble of absolute proof. Ten Million Spent on Harber. Washington. In. a letter directed to the house of representatives the secre tary of war transmitted a report at the general board of United States en gineers recommending the extension of, harbor projects at Galveston. Tex., and the appropriation therefor from the public treasury of $3,988,480. The report of the district engineer, which Is 'appended,, that the depth of the channel "be 'thlrty:five feet,- but the general board advises that, thirty feet .ouiy vis jusuuu . as--at iub presen; i m iiorir.-... it' - - , k.,i. PRIZES i- Fba du Lac. Wis.; tot SIM; d. G. Onto. Ma4Kbeoter,Tla--tcondtie; H. P. West. jUnea. 'Wis;, thlrd."5. ; Beat four-tech? shear timothy:. William Lonergan, Florence. Neb-.'-flrst $20; Hm 'Ann Martin, rDu Boia. Neb.'., second.; $5; BqyJo.' Soman, Eastern. Mo.; third, $3. Sett bale, timothy: L. M: Vogler. Hee. Ind.,, first; $$5rFree Sasa, Eden. Wis., sec ond. 91": F. O. Brlggs, Fend du Lac, Wis., third, ffi. c . - - v Best peck; alfalfa seed: J. M. Gillman, Lee.venworth.JCui., first. $50; Lohr Bros.-, TPampacol. Montr second, $10; James Grif fin. Chinook, Mont., third. $5. Boot' four-Inch sheaf alfalfa: John Lak Ing, -Hurley, S. D.-.' first $20; John Hen ,dero;.Ckato,iMmBi. second. $.M; Arn old Martin.- Do Bote, Nob., third. $5. Best bate alfalfa: H. P. Stevens. Max welLNeb first'; C. N. Schmale. Em erald. Neb., second. $10; J. D. Zuler. Hia watha, Kan.,' third; $5. c Best four-inch sheaf upland wild hay: L.H. Zerbel, -Madison. Wis., first floTJ. HungfeUbw. Havre. Mont, second. $5; J. MTCroft Stanford. Mont, third, $3. . Best hale wild upland hay. J. T. LOugh, Hanford, Mont, first; $40; John Denker, Phillips. Neb., second. $10; William Stelk; 8r.. Grand' Island, Neb., third. $5. Beat peck millet seed: Rothgeb Mllford. BL, first $50; Paul Burtstaff, Stillwater. Minn..- second, $10; H. T. Lapl, Roseville, nL. third. $2. - . Best four-Inch' sheaf millet: J. H. Tay lor. Waterloo. Neb., first, $12.50; William Lonergan. Florence. Neb., second. $5; Brunner Hros., Hurley, S. D.. third. $3. Winners of Corn Sweepstakes in zones. ' F. J. Lindsay, Fox Lake. Wis., for single oar in .northern zone. Competition limited to states of Dakotas, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan. William D. Littlejohn. Kentiand. Ind.. for best single ear corn, any color, in north central zone. Competition limited to Columbiana, Stark. Wyno. Ashland, Richmond. Morrow, Delaware, Union, Logan. Shelby and Mercer and all coun ties north in Ohio; JoyB!ackford, Grant Howard. Carroll. White, Jasper, Newton and all counties north'in Indiana: Illinois, all territory north of T. P. ft W. Ry.. east of Peoria and nodth of the following coun ties: Fulton, McDonough and Hancock: ?Jot Iowa and 'all of Nebraska east of he western zone. ' F. C. Palin. Newton. Ind., for the best single ear dent corn, .any color, in south ern central zone. Competition limited to all, of Kansas east of western zone, Mis souri, Kentucky, and all-of Illinois. Indi ana and Ohio south of north central zone. TJ. B. Hesteriy,- Villa Rica. Ga., for tha best single ear. any color, in the south ern zone, competition limited to nil-states south of West Virginia, Kentucky, Mis souri and Kansas. Leo Brueckner, Ft Atkinson. Wis., for the best ten ears corn, any variety, in northern zone. Competition limited to the Dakotas, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michi gan. , Frank Sar, Essex; la., for best ten ears corn, any variety, in the north central zone. Competition limited to Columbi ana. Stark. Wayne. -'Ashland. Richland, Morrow. Delaware, union, I.ognn, Shelby and Mercer and all'counties north in Ohio; Joj Blackford, Grant Howard, Carroll. White, Jasper, Newton, and all counties north in Indiana: Illinois, all territory north of the T. P. & W. Ry.. east oq Peoria and north or the following counties: Fulton, McDonough and Hancock; all of Iowa and all of Nebraska east of the west ern zone. Joseph Overstreet, Franklin, Ind., for the best ten ears dent corn, any 'ariety. in the south central zone. Competition limited to all of Kansas east of western zone, Missouri, Kentucky, and all of Illi nois'. Indiana and Ohio south of north central zone. R. S. 'Brandon. Normandv. Tenn.. for the best ten ears corn, any variety, in southern zone. Competition limited to all states south of West' Virginia. Kentucky, Missouri and Kansas. D. M. Walter Funk, Wray. Colo., for the best ten ears corn, any variety. In the western zone. Competition limited to all states west of Texas, Oklahoma, the Da kotas and that portion of Kansas west of the following counties: Jewell. Mitchell, Lincoln, Ellsworth, Rice. Rena, Kinsman and Harper: and Nebraska west of tha roilowing counties: Foyd. HIt. Garfield, Custer. Dawson. Gosper and Furnas. South Dakota Prize Winners. Winers of prizes offered for South Da kota growers only, in corn, wheat, oats and barley at the National Corn exposi tion are: ,f Fdr best ten ears yellow dent corn: .T. P. Thompson. Elkpoint. first. $r0; George H. Whiting, Yankton, second, $18. For best ten ears dent corn, other than yellow: Hugh C. Pierce, Fairfax, first, $32: Bunner Bros.. Hurley, second, $15. For best ten ears flint corn, anv variety: L. H. Kruecer. Orient, first. $20: Goreo H. Whiting. Yankton, second. $3.50; Peter Newberg. Sioux Falls, third. $2. For best single ear dent, corn, anv color: J. P. Thompson, Elkpoint. first. $3; John Laking, Hurley, second.' $1; George H. Whiting, Yankton, third, $3. For best peck fife wheat: Jacob Mees, alpena. first, $35; J. L. Jones, Clark, sec ond, $5. For best peck blue stem wheat: Charles P. Schultz. Cavour, first, $32: Nels John son, Mount Vernon, second, $5; Jess John son. Beresford. third. $4. For best peck wheat, other than fife or blue stem: Charles A. Schulia, Cavour, first, $12.50. For best peck white oats: Jess Johnson, Beresford. first, S25: J. I Jones, Clark, second. $5.00; Brunner Bros., Hurley, third. $4.00. For best peck oats, other than white: William Scissons. Boncsteel. first. $15: Jacob Mees, Alpena, second, $5. For best peck six-rowed barley: Wil liam Scissons, Bonesteel, first. $35; Nets Johnson, Mount Vernon, second, $5. Kernels. When the prize grains were put on sale at the National Corn exposition farmers. publishers of agricultural papers and plant breeders paid higher prices for the prize winners than lias ever been paid before for such samples of grain. E. E. Faville, editor of Successful Farming, takes home to Des Moines the prize ten ears of corn, having paid $335 for them.. The corn was grown by J. R. Overstreet of Franklin. Ind.. and won more than $1,000. They are known as the "champion sweepstakes ears," and brought almost $100 more thau the ten ears last year. Arthur Caper of Topeka. of the Cap newspapers, paid $2S0 for the best bushel of corn in the world, receiving seventy ears and at - the rate Faville paid the bushel would have cost him $2,345. H. E. Kugger of Beaver Dam, Wis., who won the sweepstakes on wheat, producing" the best peck the world has ever seen, according to judges, paid $104 for the peck that he might retain it and take it back to Wisconsin for seed. Mr. James Hill's pride peck of wheat, to which he gave his special blue ribbon and grand first premium, sold for $10.50 at auction. The prize Hill wiicat was grown by H. Garfus at Acton, N. D.. and was knocked down- to W. A. Wheeler, a Mitchell seed dealer. Mr. Hill had de clared that this wheat was superior in milliner aualltv to the Rrand sweepstakes champion wheat of the show, grown by H. E. Krueger or neaver uam, which was sold for $104. Wis., Arbuckles "Put It Back." New York. Arbuckle brothers, gen erally credited with being the largest Independent rivals of the American Sugar Refining company, have ac knowledged that from 1898 to 1907 they; -too, failed to" pay the govern ment all the mo'ney due as customs charges on 'Imported sugar. In settle ment of all civil claims against them, the ' Arbuckles have offered and the treasury department, with the concur rence of the attorney general, has ac cepted payment of $695,573 for trans gressions. "Go Naked, Be Strong." Philadelphia, Pa. "Go naked and you will be pure in mind and strong of body. I would not be surprised to see the men and the women' walking hand in hand down Chestnut street wearing nothing but the unconscious innocence that clean mind brings." This is what Mrs. Raymond Duncan, Grecian wife of Raymond Duncan, mu sician and scholar, said. Mrs. Dun can and her husband and their 4-year-old son Menalkas walked the streets. followed by a curious crowd. The tem perature was 30.. Trophies for, Smithsonian. Washington. The Smithsonian Afri can expedition, beaded by former President Theodore Roosevelt, had up to December 1, taken 60,663 skins, of which less than one-half have been received at the institution here. The collection consists of 243 large mam mals, 1,50ft small mammals and 1.35C birds. The collection has a series of human .skulls picked up along tha line of the'Jihcierit slave trail. .This' statementVofthe.workfof tie-ejcnetH,' i --i i ,irvd'Hi'i ii.A-i, -- 'r'Vsr . . I i uonwaAsuscc&tur.:,D- 'Secretary. . v .wiuaaffj&tmm&t4i WORK III " , ' ' "' NOT MUCH DOING .UNTJjL AFTER THE HOLIDAYS ADJOURNMENT FOR A TIME Appointment of Lurton to Be Asee elate Justice Occupying Atten tion of the Senate. Washington. With probably fewer than a- quorum "ofmembers of either house in the city, all legislation In congress 'during the next two days will be by common consent. The house, will undertake nothing more than the passage of some bills of minor importance and the comple tion of its work on the District of Columbia appropriation bill, which al ready has been under consideration for two or three days. It has been hoped that the army, supply bill might be taken up and dis posed of before adjournment, but that program has been abandoned in the face of the departure of so many members. It is expected that very little time will be necessary for the disposal of the District bill, and with it out of the way the house, in the main, will simply "tread water" until the time for adjournment for the holi days. The senate will undertake very lit tle except the confirmation of Hon. Horace H. Lurton to be associate Justice of the supreme court of the United States. The nomination will be reported favorably to the senate on Monday and an effort will be made to have it acted upon. The present Indications are that there will be no objection to such a course and that Mr. Lurton's confirmation will take place before the beginning of the holi days, thus enabling him to take his seat on the supreme bench upon the reconvening of that body" after the holidays. It Is not expected that a quorum will be present either Monday or Tuesday, and if such should prove to be the case a call for an aye and no vote would have the effect of postpon ing action until January. No one seems willing to accept this responsi bility, and Senator Bacon of the judi ciary committee, who has charge of the nomination, is hopeful that the expediency of such a call will not be resorted to. Undoubtedly there are a number of senators who consider Mr. Lurton's age to be against him, but their ob jection does not go to the extent of pronounced opposition. Some investigation is being made of Judge Lurton's decisions as a circuit judge, with a view to determining the foundation of the charge that they are in the interest of corporations, and a statement covering this phase of the question probably will be presented to the senate when the subject is tak en up for consideration. In the main, the disposition is to al low the president to have his way In the selection of a successor to Justice Peckham, but many of the senators are disposed to make a record regard ing Mr. Lurton's shortcomings, if he has any. If it were a question of success or defeat, Mr. Lurton would have many champions and there is no doubt that he would be confirmed on a vote. The only question involved at this time is the advisability of delay. He would be confirmed soon after the holidays, even though the question should be deferred so long. Both houses will adjourn on Tues day for two weeks, the day for the re convening being fixed for Tuesday, January 4. Green B. Baum Is Dead. Chicago. Gen. Green Berry Baum, former commissioner of pensions, died at his home here after an illness of several weeks. He was 80 years old. To Enforce Food Law. Washington. A comprehensive en largement of the activities of the De partment of Agriculture in the admin istration of the pure food act is con templated. Their object Is to inaugu rate for ports where the department has no chemical laboratory, a system atic inspection of foods, as in done at the ports where such facilities exist For this purpose there has been estab lished a complete chain of laboratory districts, with headquarters, to which will be sent samples of imported goods when necessary. Oklahoma Bank Law Attacked. Oklahoma City. Restraining orders against State Bank Commissioner Toung were asked in a suit argued in the district court. The United States Fidelity and Guaranty company and the Southern Surety company, sure ties for the State School Land com mission in the protection of funds de posited with the Columbia Bank and Trust company, asked the court to pre vent the bank commissioner from mak ing the state guaranty fund and state banks preferred creditors in closing up the bank's affairs. Cardinal Sato! I i Fatally III. Rome. Cardinal Satolli has suffered a severe relanse from nephritis. Ex treme weakneg has been marked and be is often delirious. The doctors fear - fatal issue. Rumor of Menelik's DeatKr Rome. A rumor was circulated hers that King Menelik of Abyssinia, was dead, but there is no confirmation or this. The latest dispatches from Ab yssinia, which are dated December 12, merely announce the illness of the king, but give no details. Nebraska Boy Honored. Boston. William F. Williams, '12, of Omaha was one of the Harvard undergraduates publicly honored Sat urday night in Sanders theater, Cam bridge, for high college standing la3t year. Wpung Mr. Williams was awarded one of the Matthews scholar ships, which carry a stipend of $300 each. These scholarships are con ferred on , Harvard men who are dc- .serving' of aid. Those, intending to study for the ministry of the-Protest- anc rn?iscopai cnurta uave me prei- erence. . . , AN EXCELLENT REMEDY. 1? WllllreekUp eTCeW in Twenty-Feer J: Heers anei cererAny. coeoh That Tae'foilDwing mixture iraften. pre-. scribed- and is highly recommenced- for eeegas.coW and other throat and1 bronchial trouble Mix. two ounces' of. Glycerine, a. half-ounce of Vlrgfa Oil of.PIne compoand pure, aneV eight ounces of pureWhisky. , These cam' be bought in any good drag store and eas ily mixed together In a large bottle. The genuine Virgin Oil of Pise com pound pure is prepared only in the laboratories of the Leach Chemical Co., Cincinnati, and nut vip for dls penalngin half-ounce vials. v JUST WANTED A SENSATION, ' Tender Passion Net the Only Thing That Prompted Young Man's Question. The girl was very rich and the young man was poor, but honest. She liked him, but that was all, and he knew it. One night he had been a little more tender than usual. "You are very rich," he ventured. . "Yes," she replied frankly. "I am worth 11,250,000." "And I am poor." "Yes." "Will you marry me?" "No." "I thought you wouldn't." "Then why did you ask me?" "Oh, just to see how a man feels when he loses $1,250,000." Ilius trated Sunday Magazine. SORE EYES CURED. Eye-galls and Lids Became Terribly Inflamed Was Unable to Go About All Other Treatments .Failed, But J ' ! Cuticura Proved Successful. "About two years ago my eyes got In such a condition, that I was unable to go about. They were terribly in flamed, both the balls and lids. I tried home remedies without relief. Then I decided to go to our family physician, but he didn't help them. Then I tried two more of our most prominent physicians, but my eyes grew continually worse. At this time a friend of mine advised me to. try Cuticura Ointment, and after using it about one week my eyes were con siderably improved, and in two weeks they were almost well. They have never given me any trouble since and I am now sixty-five years old. I shall always praise Cuticura. G. B. Halsey, Mouth of Wilson, Va., Apr. 4, 1908." Potter Drag & Cbem. Curjk, Sole Propi, Bostoa. Is "Prayer Geographical? Not long ago, in an important coun ty in Ohio, the women and others prayed that it would go "dry" and it did. A few days later, the people in Nassau and Suffolk counties, Long Is land, prayed that these counties would become desiccated and a count of the votes showed that there was noth ing doing. In both cases only those poople prayed who were accustomed to that form of weapon. Accordingly there is a strong suggestion that prayer, like the tariff, is a local issue. A Pair of Them. No. 1 "Now mind, Johnny," said the mother of a five-year-old, "there's a ghost in that dark closet guarding the jam." No. 2 (two hours later) "Oh, mam ma!" cried Johnny. "That ghost in the dark closet has eaten nearly half the jam!" A Rare Good Thing. "Am using Allen's Foot-Ease, and can truly say I would not have been without It so Ions, had I known the relief it would give my aching feet. I think It a rare Rood thine for anyone having sore or tired feet. Mrs. Matilda Holtwert. Providence, R. I." Sold by all Druggists. 25c. Ask to-day. "Soft and Nice." She George, dear, do you love me? He Yes, darling; very much. She Say something soft and' nice to me. He Oh, custard pie! Judge. Some people suffer continually with tired, aching and swollen feet. Little do they know how soothing is Hamlins Wiz ard Oil. Rub it in at night and have thankful, happy feet in the morning. It worries a modest girl if a man tries to kiss her and it worries a young widow if he doesn't. AIXKVS OTXG BALSAX has been used successfully for years f or deep-wateS. coughs, colds and bronchitis. KTerybodj should know about It. It is simple, safe and sure. There is a place for everything, and the place for slippers is very often on the seat of a small boy'a trousers. liewis' Single Binder cigar. Original in Tin Foil Smoker Package. Take no substitute. It's easy -for a woman to paint a pretty face if she has one. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets 'regulate and !avf orate stomach. Urer and bowe rots. Sugar-eoated, tiny granules, easy to take as candy. A good guesser always boasts of his Intuition. Piano Sale Extraordinary Taat is the only term for onr Golden Anniversary Sale now In progress. You may secure a High Grade. Sweet Toned. Piano Fully Guar anteed, and Save from fl to 200-from regular retail prices. Here are some of the Bargain Values to be secured: BB m ----BBBaBBSeneSSSSlSSSSBM Dept.W-12 f T A DOSE OF ttt .1ST WLWXl TO! (ttStfa. is as safe as k is effective. , Guar anteed to contain bo opiates.. ;It is very palatable toorr-children like k. An; .251 PIS05 HIS TIME WAS SHORT. j3 1 1 lH us gsH lUall'B r fgr She What- do you mean, Lieut. Schmidt? Yon have known me only two days and want to kiss me? He Can't help It! My leave is up to-morrow. CLIP THIS OUT. Valuable Recipe When Afflicted with Rheumatism or Baekache. This is a renowned doctor's very best prescription for rheumatism. "One ounce compound syrup Sarsa parilla; one ounce Toris compound; half pint high grade whiskey. Mix them and take a tablespoonful before each meal and at bed time. The bot tle must be well shaken each time." Any druggist has these Ingredients or he will get them from his whole sale house. A married man can always get a lit tle og his sentence for bad behavior. Nebraska Directory XWMMWWWWWWWWXWMW A Grateful Man Says of UNCLE SAM Breakfast Food AS A CURE FOR CONSTIPATION "Enables me to go to stool with out syringe or medicine, a thing I have not been able to' do for four or five years-" William Hitches. Such voluntary testimonials are constantly received. ASK YOUR GROCER ABOUT IT HE CERTAINLY KNOWS U. S. B. F. Co Oman SteelWoolSole RUBBERS Boots and Arctics Best Made TkadbMabk Ask yur Osalsr for Osods with this hrantf American Hand Send Stoi Co. OMAHA RUPTURE Of alt va rieties per manent ly cured In a few days without a surgical operation or detention from business.- No pay will be accepted until the patient Is. completely satisfied. Write or call on FHANTZ H. WMY, . B. svfJM 3W VOtt HIwft UflMsiss NOB Do j on wast tb Seat Cora SaeUermaOe? If insist oa tevlSK a MMSEILLES CMI SKLLER Writ for catalog or saa roar total Oaalor. JOHN DEERE PLOW CO.. OMAHA TAFTS DENTAL ROOMS 1517 fjlas St., NAM, HEI. tollable Deasktry at I WELDING !&,broa pacta or atacbJBery.ssadegooa as aew. Welds cast Iron, cast steel, atamiaam,coeer. brass or aay other metal. Expert aatemobife repairing. KRTSCHV MOTOR CO.. Council Bluffs. Mitlk4mb J. E. VHUCErTaMmmUtwdiwnm attO Lake Street OMAHA. NEB. mmm ALL pm usa or znaspay- asrefnr fm i I n vJ73fZ cmiii . wnMKTHaHBM Woman Suffrage -JJ? e2I?f!!!!!t-"0eH fs.T1 wb Seed easts (stt IViJ2SiRl W splendid pora--Wtmea Klahts. wfcteli tell how women mar obtain the ballot anlrklr a.K IVBSSBaSBWBSSSXVm M- "V . - w s.iViBBBBVa.i vsnmm mr if m.H pv'. " tJP 1 r wSf Com. s$m Same :!( 4Sk joatory & uamp at j 9600 Stelnway Grand Square at .:.... J.W".."."" 7i $200 Kimball at t 55 $X0 Sterling at ;... !."""!!!".!! or. $30Q.Singer at "I"""""ll5 $330 Ivers & Pond at ; !!"l3 $250 Stetson at 133 $2S5 Milton at 14,-, $22.1 Norwood at izr. $330 Cramer at , !!"!!lS3 Write for Complete List Catalogues and "Terms. Don't Put this oft Do It Xow. Terms SI a Week. SCHMOLLER A MUELLKK MS MO en Erf. 1SSS Omaha. Neb. Salts and Castor Oitt?. cure, only makes bowels move be- , cause it irritates and sweats them, like px)kingfingeriDyoat eye. The best 1 Bowel Medicine is Casctrret Every Salts sad Castor Oil user should .get a box. of CASCASETS and try them jost once. Youll see. s CUT THIS OCT. mail it with your r.itdrcs;. tc Merlins Kerned? Co., Chicago, HI., and revive j a banUsoine buuveair sold Eoa Uoa 1'KEE. --i r"5-- V 'v S IS lg- Jrr WarJyrffi m