The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 22, 1909, Image 1

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Files of the Joutaal Dee. 27, 1876.
Hon. J. E. North returned from the
Bleak Hills Monday, where he went on a
quick business trip. He says that gold
duet ia plentiful, especially at Dead wood
which ia tolerably strong evidence that
it is a good mining country.
One of our Platte county land ageata
eaya that Platte oouaty ia not receiving
proper share of imaugratioa. Ha com
plains that the citizens of Columbus do
not take pains to talk up the advantages
of Platte county for eettlers as against
the newer counties; that our land ia
fully as good, it not better, than the new
counties adjoining it, that our markets
and ready access to market are much
preferable to any other, and yet we do
not receive oar just share of immigra
tion. He explains by saying that part
ies coming here with a view to purchas
ing land stop 'at the Clother or Ham
mond house, and that they . naturally
come into conversation with farmers
from other counties who present the
claims of their respective localities for
consideration, and thus the immigrant
ia induced to go elsewhere. Our friend
does aot wish to be understood as oen
earing these farmers for trying to secure
immigrants, but he does not believe
that our own people are active enough.
If the citizens of Platte county would
make an effort to talk up their own lo
cality he believes that we could retain a
large share of the immigration to this
section of the state, and thus immensely
increase the value of land in Platte coun
ty, and greatly benefit every business
interest of Columbus.
For tlie accosaModattoft of
the f fclic the following stores
will he pern ereiy eveaiig iar
iag Ghristaias week, aai oa
Chrtetaaas aai New Tear iays
watil BOOB.
Colaauhas Herraatile Co.
Braahen & Haaey ,
H. F. Greiaer.
$3,000 worth or fars at auc
tion Friday, December 24, be
giaaiBg aroMBtly at 8 'a. at.
Ceate ami hay a far at -yoar owa
trice. These fan are direct
fraau tar Oataha stare sad Mr.
LaBoak will aersaaally coadact
the Bale. LaBoak.
"The place foe particular people"
is what Fitzu jewelry store is called, aa
everythiagis perfectly new aad up-to-date,
and aatiafactiaa guaranteed.
All the latest shades and
styles in
Sip WiWax s SptcisHi
Clarence Bennett' attractions an no
well and favorably known in Colnmbaa
that it ia with irreat pleasure Mr. Saffron
taoager of the North opera home an
nonneea the eosains of one of their
atandard traeoaaees, "A Royal Slave"
which k booked to play, here Chhetaias
taatinee and night. The aatbor, who
wrote that other phenominal ancoeea,
"The Holy City" which we also hope to
thu aeaaon, has ehosen for the action
of the piece the most romantic penod in
the history of Mexico, the brief reign
of the unfortunate Maximillian. The
character of Agnlia, the desoendent of
the Monteznmas, the last of a race now
extinct is a poetio creation whiob ap
peals to oar uugiaation. The other
characters of a long and interestiog oast
are equally strongly drawn. The special:
ties introduced by the comedy element
are strictly in keeping- with theatraos
pbere of the surroundings and the bit
of sword-play in the duel soene, second
act, is aa pretty an exhibition si one
oould witness. Remember the date
Ohristmaa. Seats oa sale at Pollock's.
8pecial Ohristmaa prices, matinee 15, S5;
night i5-8650.
A. Duasell & Son of this city were
awarded the oontract by the city council
last Friday night for putting down the
five new wells at the city water works,
their bid being t240. These wells will
be located north of the present building
and will be at a euScient distance from
each other to not interfere with the flow
of water. Work oa them will be com
menoed as soon aa the neoessary material
arrives. Besides disposing of the well
matter the council provided for the re
vising of the city ordinances by the city
attorney, his compensation for the work
being fixed at $175. When thia work is
completed, the council will then be in a
position to ascertain the oost for print
ing tbem, and should it be within the
reach of the appropriation, thia will be
B M. Garfield's "The Girltbat'sall the
Candy" played before a good bouse at
the Academy last night. In the langu
age of the poet, it was some show.
Hans Snitzel, played by Edward Niner
was the main malefactor and Hans did
hie duty. His big hit of the evening
was the song "Paradise" in the last act
Aramute by Miss Juliette Niner was the
girl who peddled the candy,' her big.
feature being when she tossed a big
backet full of Candy biases to the audi-
enoe. George -Clark played Adolphue
Busch the retired brewer. H. L. Bich
ardson played the minister, and Hiss
Pansy Waldin played Kathryn Busch.
The attending chorus was more than
pleasing. Saginaw Courier Herald,
Sept. 23. North Theatre Monday Dec.
An order has been received by Post
master Kramer from the department
directing. the rural carriers to make a
report of all unmulable packages carri
ed by them during, the month of Jan
uary, 1910. This will be done by all
the carriers in the service, and it is
quite probable that the dta obtained
will be used in connection with propos
ed parcels post legislation. And in con
nection with the rural service, another
order has been issued regarding the
penny nuisance. This is one thing the
department ia trying to put atop, to and
instructs the carriers and postmasters
to use their efforts to induce patrons to
place postage on their mail instead of
depositing pennies in tbe boxes.
Lsst Wednesday afternoon Mrs. S. C
Gray met with a very serious and pain
ful accident. She had walked over to
the home of her son. C. .C. Gray, and
was stepping up on the back porch,
when she slipped on some ice and fell,
dislocating and fracturing her hip. Aa
there was no one at home at the time,
but Mrs. Vallier, who lives across the
street, came to her. assistance, and suc
ceeded in getting her home. On account
of her advanced age, she being aboat
seventy years of age. the injury is all
the more serious, and at present abeia
confined to her bed, and it will be quite
a while before she will be able to be out
In a few days tbenew mail box for the
Union Pacific depot will be installed,
and it will be in accordance' with the re
quest of Postmaster Kramer that one be
provided so clerks on passing mail trains
could take out the contents. The boxes
are provided with two locks one for the
city carriers and the other for the postal
clerks on tbe trains. Notices will be
posted on the boxes telling what trains
take mail from them aad also .what
hours city collections are made. These
new boxes will beappreoiated by the de
pot employes, direct 'the person with a
letter to the box. aad give the assurance
that it will be the quickest way for tbe
letter to get started oa its journey.
0 v. u. neuiuuo, wno nee oeea extra
eeaductor on tae Union famfio out of
this city for some time, resigned this
week and goes to Genoa to take charge
of his father's coal baejneae at that
place. Mr. Hedlund baa 'been in the
employ of the Union Pacific for ten
years and leaves a dear record. He
commenced aa a station helper and later
entered the train service, aad. two or
three years sgo was promoted to be a
Attead the aactiaa of Caiaa
ware at Gray's every afieraaaa
aai evealagaatU Ghristaias.-:
Holiday gifts at Lasvy'a.
Dr. Nauaaaa, Deatirt IS St. ...
Per Zsaaa iejan.-Macal's.
Dr. Morrow, oMce Lasaohea baildiag.
Last call for Xsias photos. Davis
People who get resalta advertise ia the
Usefil GhristMag preteitsat
Four room house for rant. Elliott,
Speice & Go.
You can etill have photoa for Xmas at
the Davis studio.
For Sale A
Phillippa Budat.
D. C. A. Alleaburger, ofloe in new
State Baak building. ,
See the big doll in the eaat window at
Leavy's Drug atore
Dm. Carateason A Hylaad, Veterinar
ian. Both phones 212. ..
See the Columbus Hide Co. before you
sellyour iron aad junk.
Dr. W. B. Neuaarker, ofBse with Dr.
O. D. Evans, wast side of Park.
Diamond nags, $10, $12, 918, t95, up to
$200, all specially priced. Niewohner's.
Friday the city schools close' for a two
weeks holiday vacation, until January
10 , '
Box candy, cigars,' perfumes, toilet
sets, atatioaery aad drag sundries, at
For fine watch, clock and jewelry re
pairing, try Carl Froemel. the Eleventh
street jeweler.-..
Get your best girl one of those nice
net rings at Carl FroemePs, Eleventh
street, Columbus.
It pays to sell your hides where you
can get the most money from them. Sea
.The Misses -Maiie Magill and Emma
Smyers of Monroe were Columbus oallers
Friday and Saturday.
Bay yoar cut glass at Gray's
aaetioa afteraooa aad eveniBg
BBtil Christmas.
Mr. and Mm. a H. Dacklett Tuesday
for Clarinda, Ia.rwhere they will spend
Christmas with relatives.
Found A Highlander pin, gold.
Owner can have same by calling at
Journal office aad paying charges.
Mr. and Mm. E. B. Feeater left last
Thursday to spend Christmas with rela
tives at Kansas City and Sedalia, Mo.
Any man who will stop and look into
Hart's windows can see some Hart Sch
affner & Marx clothes that he wants.
A neat and tasteful line of watches,
clocks and jewelry, suitable for Christ
mas presenta at O. FroemeTs, Eleventh
street, Columbus.
Mrs. Wm. Terrell was taken suddenly
ill Tuesday morning and is now undsr
tbe care of a physician. At this writing
shaia slightly imptoved.
A carload of apples on sale in base
ment of building occupied by Colum
bus Automobile Co. Price, from 83 60
to $4.00 pr barrel Easton & Bennett.
1 On account of the holiday rush. Post
master Kramer requested the depart
ment to grant extra help for that time,
and H. J. Brian, substitute city earner,
has been aeigacd to that work.
Thia week Judge Ratterman issued a
marriage lissasa to August G Hutoebus
and Minnie Hnkebun. both of Platte
Center. They are distant relatives, the
names being the name, but are not cou
sins. .Continued cold and storms is some
thing quite out oLthe ordinary for Ne
braska at this time of the year, in fact it
has been a good many years since the
record for December of this yssraas
been equaled.
Mr. and Mm. Dan Echols arrived last
Friday evening from Excelsior Springs,
Mo., aad will spend the holidays ia this
ofty, returning alter January 1. They
will remaia at the Bpriags for noma
time for the benefit of Mr. Echols'
Louie Brunken eatertaiaed
about twenty young folks, ia honor of
her sister Matilda Schneider, who helped
her celebrate her birthday law Wednes
day evening. The evening was apaat ia
playing cards, after which dainty re
f reahsMnta ware served.
.Last Friday evening the Columbus
High8caooi basket baU team played the
Ooatral City High school team at that
place, winning by a score of 82 to a.
Saturday they played the Omaha High
school team and ware defeated, the
ecore being 44 to 8 in favor of Omaha.
Oolumbae Camp, Modem Woodmen
of America, elected thefolktwiagoffloers
at their meetiag Inst Tuesday evening:
J. T. Boyd, venerable consul; W..R.
Snell, worthy ' adviser; G. W. Phillips,
banker; John Braaigan, clerk; Clareace
Shaw, escort; Fred Drummond, watch
man; Carl Kramer, sentry; Leopold
Plata, maaaaer; Drs. O. D. Evans, D. T.
Martyn, jr., and L. C. Yoss, camp phy-
L. Rollinwaa
for the aa-
bwm installation la Jaauary.
Every FaMly
Pays for a home, at least
you pay for it but oace aad it in
yours. If ' you coatinue to rent,
you pay for a home every few
years but instill raauiao the pro
perty of thwlandiord'. It you are
paying for a hoejefor yoar land
lord, call at oar.osaee and wa will
explaia ttoyoa how you oan pay
for a home of your owa.
The Equitable
liiMiif, Lin & Stviafs Am
Office with
Pre, Paul aad Mstssa, Deatists.
TryLeavy's Laxitiva Loceagea 10c.
See those beautiful dolls at Leavy's.
Dr. Vallier, Osteopath. Barber bloak.
Dr.G.A. Irelaad,8Ute Bank bidg.
Dr. W. H. Slater, vatanaariaa. ahone
96. ,
First-clasa printing done at the Jour
nal oMoe.
Buy yoar Chipaware at Gray's
aaetioa. ,,
Dr. Caaa H. Campbell, oculist and
auriat, 1215 Olive street.
Crushed rock salt for hides, 'and for
stock.-Columbus Hide Co.
Still time for your Xmaa photos.
Elite Studio, successor to Saley.
Don't let thisOhriatmaa go by without
securing a Victor talking machine at
Carl Froemel' jewelry store from $10
Doll buggies, goKsarts, shooflies. rock-
lag horses, tool chests, magie lanterns.
all kiads of eieetrio and mechanical toys'
at Brand's
For the Holiday s A aice jag
of oar choice wises or liqaors
at the right price, at William
Large assortment of albums, photo
and postal cards, toilet, manicure, shav
ing and smoking sets, cuff 'and oollar
bones at Braun's. a
Lost East of the city, a time book
containing $15 in bills, postage stamps
and two aluminum cards. Finder please
leave at Journal office and receive reward.
In district oourt Joseph Zuroaki has
filed a petition asking for $1,990 dam
ages for injuries received from being
struck by- passenger train No, 15 on
Auguat 25 last. He was struck by the
engine and thrown over to the fence,
his nose being broken, besides other
painful injuries. He alleges that sheds
obstructed the. view so that he could not
see the approaching train.
Workmen are-busy remodelling and
enlarging the Burlington depot. The
present structure will be extended
twenty-one feet to the east, and thia
part will be used for a-freight room.
The present baggage and express room
will be the office end the waiting room
enlarged by the addition of the present
office space. It is expected to have the
building completed .by February 1,
should tbe weather be favorable.
H 8. Elliott aad David Thomas re
turned Monday evening from Idaho,
where Mr. Elliott was injured by the
overturning of the etage, having two
ribs broken: and. being considerably
bruised Her was eeventy-five miles
from a railroad at the time the accident
happened, and aa soon as possible waa
taken to the railroad, and brought home.
LHis injuries nrenotBeriou8,however,and
he expecta to be able to be out again in'
a ahort time.
Post Cards
and many other good things
for Christinas
Purity Drugstore
Union Block Olive Street
Both Phones No. 80
.The Doxeya Indicted for Murder.
A St. Louis dispatch of December 18,
tells of the last step in the Doxey ones,
as follows; Charged with murder in
the first degree in connection with the
death last July of William J. Erder. Dr.
Lorea B. Doxey of Columbus, Neb., aad
his wife, Dora EV Doxey. are tonight
held ia tbe city jail. No eommsaiea-
tioa may paw between them except ia
writing and that only after the jailor
hat approved the missives.
They are charged with responsibility
for the death here on July 10, of William
J. Erder, who died after a brief illness.
Mrs. Doxey, it is charged, was married
to Erder a few weeks before hie death.
Analysis of Krder'e visoera revealed
considerable arseaio therein. The in
formation of the oircuit attorney upoa
whicfi Mm. Doxey was brought here
from Nebraska charged that Erder waa
gtVsn poison in his food.
Tbe court's action waa taken on the
application of Harry Roeskopf, aeaiatant
circuit attorney, who appeared in open
court and announced that indictments
had been1 found against Dr. aad Mrs.
He then asked that the warraate be
issued, adchag that the iadiotmenU
would be returned into court as sooa as
they had been drawn up and verified.
Thia will take several days.
Both prisoners todsy asserted their in-
noosneeot the charges lodged against
them. They added that their attorney
had instructed them not to discuss the
As" the Missouri statutes do not recog
nize accessories to crime aa such, Dr.
Doxey is charged with being n principal
although he was not in St. Louis when
Erder was taken ill.
The circuit attornev'a office 'assorts
that evidence will be produced to show
that he was in communication with Mrs.
Doxey while she, according to tbe chargea
wssjninistering to Erder aa tbe letter's
Mini Kate Erder. sister of the dead
man. asserted that her effort to solve
the mystery of her brother's death will
not. cease.
MI will do all in my power to furnish
evidence needed by the prosecution."
said MhwErder. "When I first reported
the matter to the police I waa told that
the burden of proof was on me. I have
produced the proof thus far and I will
still take part in the case."
Y. M. C.A. Notes.
Mr. Kienzel is putting the baskets up
in tbe gymnasium, getting ready for
basketball. Better get in on it if you
are not already a member of some team.
The social committee is planning a
big time for New Years' Day in the Y.
M. O. A. The physical committee is
making arrangements for something
special for men in the gymnasium on
New Years' dsy.
A large number of memberships are
due at this time. Those who know
that their membership has expired sad
wish to renew would do a great favor
for the membership, committee as well
aa the employed officers by notifying the
offloe of their desire to renew. Let us
all join hands in working for renewals
and new members.
The mens' meeting last Sunday
addressed by Alex Anderson and M.
Brugger. Next Sunday afternoon tbe
mane' meeting will be a Ohristmaa ser
vice. Thia will be special and Bev. D.
LBouahwill bring us the Ohristmaa
message. The service begins at 4 o'clock.
We extend a very cordial invitation to
all the men .in the city to attend this
meeting and bring your friends:
C. C. Sheldon spoke to the boys
laat Sunday at their Sunday meeting.
They profited very much by his sympath
etic talk with them. We only wish that
more boys, both members and those
who are not members could come to our
Sunday meetings. It dose a. boy good
to think seriously about himself and
others at least once a week. Our meet
ing next Sunday will be p something
special. G. W. Phillips is the speaker
aad we will have special music. The
meeting begins at 3 o'clock. Be on
C, G. Sheldon haa offered to pay
the expenses to tha next state boys'
convention of the boy who is most re
gular in attendance at theY. M. O. A.
bible clasaes this winter. It looks as
though a number of fellows will win the
right to that prize. Last Friday even
ing 44 fellows sat down to the bible
class supper at C o'clock and went to
their class rooms at 6:30. Almost all of
these boys have been in their clasaes
every Friday evening since the clssees
began in the fall and expect to be there
just ss regularly until the claseee close
in tbe spring.
In The Theatre.
A abow which we hope has set tbe
etandard of excellence for the coming
local theatrical season waa eeen here
Thursday evening laat when the "Girl
that's all the Candy'' played here. Here
was a company that did what it advertis
ed to do. It really bad ita good sized
chorus aad ita oomediana were fine.
And they gave a performance which
could aot help but please. The enow
would hold ita own with the big $1.50
attraction Ia fact that is what it is.
Vat they played at popular prices.
I Das Moiaes (Iowa) Capital, Novl8.
North Theatre Monday Dec. 27.
Route No. 4'.
Ioesi Bros, are buildiBg
house oa the Carrig f arm.
D. F. Donoghue has been
some new gatee on hia farm.
a new ice
The iafaat daaghter of Mr. and Mm.
Joaa Randall was very (sick Suaday
Chas Mayberger aad Herman Alvea
were traasaeting business in Oolnmbae
last Saturday.
Doaoghae Broa. are ahelliag corn for
aaumbsrof the fsrmera oa the route
who live ia the valley.
There waa a surprise party last Fri
day evening oa Louis Mikaek, givsa by
the young folks bf the neighborhood.
August Harass loaded a ear of wheat
Monday aad Heary Phillips a car of
corn Tuesday from the Wiaslow switch.
L. F. Phillipps haa bought the old
Marry traction engine, which ie being
fitted up, aad he will use it for a saw
mill. Daa Bray brought it totowa,
and he had plenty oT grief on the trip
owing to slippery roads.
" Ccaajreaatioaal Church.
Next Sabbath the CoagregaUoaal
harofa will ooatiaae the Christmas
themes in their worship... There will be
special mueie and readiaga at each
eemoe. In the morning the pastor
will speak from the theme: The World's
Greatest Benefactor Jesus. Of the
evening the following program will be
Organ prelude v
Invocation .
Hymn-'Oh, Worship the King"
Hymn "Let Us Crown Him"
Hymn "In the Shadow of hia Wings"
Anthem mO Chime Again"
Girls' Choir
Violin Solo-Seleoted-Miss Pobl
- Offertory
Solo-"Slumber Land"-
Gertrude Fauble
"The Joy of Chriatmaa" Pastor
Solo Selected Mrs Olseen
Anthem Choir N
We invite you to these services.
Wiuuax L. Dibble.
'RwweNo. 3.
"Miss Mary Laage ia spending a few
days in Columbus.
Miss Anna Becber was shopping in
Columbus Tuesday.
Henry Bnodehorat, sr., is spending
the winter in Los Angeles, Csl.
Monday of this week Ollie Newman
shelled and delivered about 200 bushels
of corn to Henry Buss.
One of our patrons received a letter
from New South Wales, Pa , which re
ports a drought in that section. The
wells are going dry and drinking water
ia at a premium.
An old straw stack on th J. F. Goede
ken farm toppled over and buried a
cow that was standing near. The ani
mal was not discovered For three days,
but' when she waa taken out was seem
ingly none the worse for the experience.
Route No. S.
Miw Anna Bonner ie on the sick list.
Msster Will Flax has the chioken pox
butu getting -along nicely.
School in district No. 4 wilt close Fri
day for n two week's vacation.
MiseMsry Lewis will have a Christ
mas program next Friday at the Houser
school house.
Miss Jennie Goekeon left lsst Monday
for Calhoun,' where' she expeots to re
main about a year.
The Last of Hia Race.
' With all ita wealth of special scenery,
gorgeous costumes, bright and catchy
specialties, is the attraction at the
North opera house Christmas afternoon
and night. This piece, which haa at
tained such sn eaviableureputatioo and
secured such a hold on the hearts of
theatregoers from oae end of this broad
land to tbe other ie from the pen of Mr.
Clarence Bennett, author of the "Holy
City," another nj table success. Mr.
Bennett has located hie scenes near the
city of Mexico and based tbe'fabrioof
the play on eventn which actually occur
ed during tbe brief reign of the unfor
tunate Emperor Maiimilliac. 'The
gieat pleasure tbe secret of which was
so loyally aad jealously guarded by El
Agulia(The Eagle) who although a serf,
traced am iineege from tbe royal Mont
eznmas is founded oaf aot. The success
of this piece has been ao phenominal in
America teal tne firm nan decided to
present it next year in England.
Advertised Letters.
Following is a list of unclaimed mail
matter remaining in the post osaoe at
Columbus; Nebraska, for tbe period end
ing December 9S. 1909:
Letters G Anderson, Walter B Beebe,
Albert Fraker 2, Mite Goldie Noble, Tom
Safana, Joseph Stmt. Mrs John A
Saaper, Miss EsteUa White. Miss Mar
garet Wright
Garde Mies Maud Bauman, Miss
Annie Beutei; Mra E Fitzaer 9, JohnT
Gentry. Mies Mary MeAffe, Miss Estella
Parties calling for aay of the above
will please say advertieed.
' ' Caw. Kkamkk, P. M.
Route No. 2.
Banning shot a coyote last
that weighed twenty eight
Just a reminder that
is coming
aad that a
Gilette Safety
ia the ideal gift for "aay
witn aay kind" off a
' The Druggiat oa the Of
Columbus, Nebraska
Practical ChristMaa areatmts
at Gray's.
Dr. aad Mrs. D. T. Martya
Homer left Moaday for Caieaga,
they will epead the holidays with thaw
daughter, Mrs. W. E. Bhodes.
Last Saturday Genu Tiffany tank
charge of tbe Gooch brokerage wires hi
thie city, succeeding Mr. Beyer, whe
formerly had charge, the latter aeaaf ta
At their laat regular meeting tha I
of Veterans elected tbe following!
A. O. Boone, commander; C. E. Devlia,
junior vice oommaader; Geo. H. Grub,
junior vice commander; Bart J. Galley,
secretary; L. A. Jenkine, treasurer; D.
Burr Jones, chaplaia; D. Barr Jonas.
W. H. Westbrook and Chan Waraewaa,
camp council. V. Barr Jones
ohoseri delegate to the etate eaa
ment, whiob meets in thia city
February, aad W. H. L Rue alternate.
Hauling mail traina with two anginas
ia quite common in the west, where there
are heavy grades to climb, but ia thia
level country it is' something out of the
ordinary. But the Christmas mail I
led on the Union ; Pacific haa
heavy Vhaturinar the last weal
headers on the" mail train have been used
to haul the heavy train, some of thaw
consisting of over tenv cam. Aad la
addition to tbie it has beaa all
possible for the truss to make
from one to three bourn late
Saturday evening, Jaauary 1,
members of tbe Y. M. C..A. will held
their second annual opea house at tha
building, The entertainment will eoa
sist of orchestra music, coatests ia the
gymnasium and other programs and re
freshments will be served ia the various
parts of the building by the ycuag
ladies. These annual events of tha
association are intended to be soaaial
sad an invitation ia extended to tha
general public The "Open Heuee" of
tbe association' -'last year waa n very
pleasant and enjoyable event and xaa
doubt all those who were nreeeatlaat
year will avail themselves of the oppor
tunity to again oe present tain year.
Over half of the steel girders are ia
place for the new double track bridge of
the Union Pacific west or this city. The
girders are being riveted together, and
when complete will be slid into place oa
tbe track they are now resting on. All
but the west pier or abutment in fin
ished, and thia work baa been delayed
by the water. At present a temporary
cofferdam is being constructed, around
tbe work with the hope-that it will shat
off enough water so tk helaace eaa ha
pumped, oat aad give them asuwoieatlv
dry place to work in." '" Everr effort la
being put forth, to complete thentrae
ture so tbe false, work 'caaTba i aai a i ad
before the ice .breaks, fn lh sprfagi to
avoid neavy damage to tbe bridge. '
We kindly ask you to do your buying;
early in order tkat the merchants
live up to their agreement in
their atorea closed Xmas and New
We have the ageaey .for tha
famous Munsisg Uaderwear, the
beet popular priced Uaioa Saws
on the market. Prices ia sauna
from 11.60 to $4.50. Prices ia
boye' from 60c, 75o, 91 aad
la two piece garments wa have
a spleaoid line ready for your in
spection and ranging in
from 50c to 92 60 a garweat.
early while the aixea are j
"X -,
. '.
Ti?3ia .aiSfe k.jhs&.sg&? -t&XMs &&Z vt.jl.
A.MiZ Oftco&&y 2Lck vi& ,;& h&. v . . .