The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 15, 1909, Image 1

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Before the fire
Now is the time
Agents 12 good
W-m VW-W-M VvH.Tl-1 W-W-m,9-W-mm
Oats 36
Wheat,new 98
Corn U
Hogs, top 7C5
llJWIimil Ml
Files of the Journal, December 20, 1876.
A special train of seven cars parsed
east on the Union Pacific at 11 o'clock
Monday, filled with silk worm eggs, on
tbeir way from China to France, and
valued at three million dollars.
Mr. Powell, we learn, has purchased
the mill property at Wsterville,Boone co
unty, and is now putting in tbe machin
ery for grinding. Mr. Powell intends
to have a first class flouring mill which
will add another valuable improvement
to that locality.
James Hudson writes to his father,
under date of Dec. 2, saying that there
is plenty of gold in the Hills bat life is
rough. Ohas Davis was to start for
home soon. Claims are laid over until
spring. The telegraph was completed
io Deadwocd Deo. 2. There are now
five quartz mills in Deadwood and Gay
City. James saw, a.bigbearjatalbut
didn't get a shot at him. ""
Now that the U. P. seems to mean
business with the south side, railroad
people are beginning to conjecture
what it means, and what the ob
jective point is. West of us the idea
seems to prevail that this great corpor
ation intend to head off the B. & H.
from the North Platte country by run
ning from Waterloo to Grand Island,
thence up the Loup to tbe Black Hills
However, it will be some time before
this can be accomplished.
We are closing out all our
trimmed hats at less than half
eost price, $5.00 hats for $1.50.
We hare the largest line of hair
goods west of Omaha switches
from $1.50 up. Braids, puffs,
etc. We have 8f cared a sample
line of fine linen handkerchiefs,
on sale at jobbers prices. We
are showing the new imported
corsage bouquets, now the rage
in the cities. H. H. STIBES.
Marriage Licenses.
AlbertH Scburr, Leigh 21
Alvina Marth, Leigh 19
Herbert 8. Hopson, Omba 85
MaryE Lalor, Omaha 32
William Bickert, Columbus 24
Emma C. Groteleuscben, Columbus.. 22
Desk sets, useful and attractive, a pleas
ing gift for either woman or man. $4 00
to $10 00. Niewohner's.
La-Book Special for Xante. Odd lot
of neck pieces worth up to 910.00.
While they last, your choice at $5 95.
All the latest shades and
styles in
amd Decorating
Sign Writiex a Speclalff
Last Saturday's Excelsior Spring, Mb.,
Daily Call ha the following regarding
the marriage of Daaiel J. Echols at that
place last Friday evening: Bev. and
Mr. F. A. Bradehaw did sot retire un
til an early hour this morning, but there
was "sielhod in their madness." About'
9 o'clock last evening the telephone
rang and the minister was asked to per
form a marriage ceremony. He readily
consented and was told that, on account
of the bride-to-be being superstitious,
the wedding could not take place on
Friday and wonld have to occur a few
minutes after midnight Bev. Bradshaw
was willing to humor the whim of tbe
bride, so awaited the couple. At 11:45
o'clock Mr. Daniel Jackson Echols and
Mies Lillian Irene Miller appeared, and
and at 12.-05 the pastor performed the
mathematical paradox where by one plus
one equals one. Then the couple, blush
ing and happy, returned to the Washing
ton. The guests of the hotel had pre
pared a big time for the bride and
groom, but when they did not appear at
a "seasonable" hour, the reception waa
given up and all hands "turned in "
Consequently when Mr. Echoh and his
bride returned to the hotel there was
no rice or old shoes. They had out
witted tbeir tormentors. Mrs. Echols
has been a professional nurse at Excel
sior 8prings most of tbe time for several,
years. She has a large circle of friends
who wish her every happiness. Mr.
Ecbols hails from Columbus, Nebraska,
and had know his bride only about three
weeks His family have been advised of
hiemarrisge and his father may come
hereto meet the new daughter. Mr.
Ecbols has not announced his plan for
the future.
The following Boulder, Colo., special
to the Denver Times, dated December
11, contains some good news for Colum
bus people who are interested in mining
properties in that locality: "The facts
were made public in Boulder today of a
strike at the little mining camp of Mag
nolia, eight miles west of here, which it
is thought is destined to entirely revolu
tionise the metal industry in northern
Colorado A carload of Telluride-iron-sulphide
iron from a five-foot vein in the
old Magnolia Tellnride mine at that
place, which carries values of $38 in
vanadium and $70 in gold and silver, was
brought to the Vanadium mill for treat
ment yesterday. This strike is looked
upon by old mining men of the vicinity
as ttagreatest find, since gold. was first
discovered near 8ugar Loaf in the early
days of the county. Owners of property
in the region of the strike are preparing
to make exhaustive developments of
tbeir own land with a view to finding
just how valuable the strike is. A grab
sample of tbe ore was tested today by
Hugh Watts, a local assayer and chem
ist, and the result showed vanadium to
the amount of seventy two hundredths
to the ton and three and a half ounces of
gold as well as twenty ounces in silver.
The strike was made in the old Magno
lia Consolidated Mining company of
Columbus, Nebraska, of which O. C.
Shannon of that town is the president."
Last Thurday evening tbe annual
election of officers for Platte Aerie,
Fraternal Order of Eagles, was held, and
the following were elected : Henry Gass,
jr., W. P ; Louis Held, W. V. P.; M. O.
Heating, W. C; L. A. Lachnit, secretary;
Wm. Kurt, treasurer; Mark Burke,
Frank Betz, and Chas'Sturek. trustees;
Dr. F. H. Morrow, physician;' Tony
Bothleitner, I. G ; G. W. Clark, O. G.;
Ohas Segelke is no w past president. On
January 13 the annual installation of
officers will be held and also a celebra
tion of tbe first anniversary of the local
Aerie. The event will be observed with
an open meeting at which the families
of tbe members will be present, and
there will also be a banquet, followed by
Minnie Augusta Shaffer, aged thirty
five years and thirteen days, died at the
home of her brother, Cbas W. 8haffei,
in Lost Creek township, last Thursday.
Deceased was a daughter of Mrs. G W.
8haffer, and was born in Platte county.
Her parents were among the early set
tlers of the Platte Center neighborhood,
and here she grew to womanhood. Be
sides her mother she leaves two brothers
T. W. and Chas. Funeral services were
held Saturday at the Oconee Presbyter
ian church, being conducted by Bev.
Harkneas of this city, and burial was in
the Columbus cemetery.
It is understood that the Union Paci
fic will add two new passenger trains on
the main line within the next sixty days.
They will be known as Nos. 17 and 18
and will take care of a portion of tbe
traffic now handled by the limited trains
Nos. 1 and 2 and 7 and 8. There is also
some talk of making No. 10 a solid mail
train, running opposite No. 9. The cold
weather and long trains no doubt have
much to do with the putting on of the
additional trains.
Sheriff-elect H. O. Lachnit was in the
city Monday making arrangements to
move here after the first of tbe year.
Mr. Lachnit will reside on East Ninth
street, in a residence to be built for him
by C. a Hardy, and for which the
foundation has been laid. Henry will
move his household goods here early in
the year, but will not be able to move
his family until his residence is com
pleted. Bay year Christmas Firs at
Gray's at sale prices. -
Holiday gifts at Leavy's.
Dr. Kallmann, Dentist 18 St,
Far Xsaee eiasan.-Hael's.
Dr. Morrow, office Luescben building.
. Last call for Xmas photos. Davis
stadia " " '
People who get results advertise in the'
Attend the Christmas sale at
Four room house for rest. Elliott,.
Speice &vCo.
You can still have photos for Xmas at
tbe Davis studio.
For Sale A small cash register.
Phillipps Budat.
Dr. C.A. Alleoburger, office in new
SUte Bank building.
Bee the big doll in the east window at
Leavy's Drug atore.
Dm. Carstenson ft Hyland, Veterinar
ians. Both phones 212.
See the Columbus Hide Co. before you
sell your iron and junk.
Miss Lottie Becher waa an Omaha
visitor Saturday and Sunday.
Dr. W. B. Neumarker, office' with Dr.
O. D. Evans, west side of Park.
T. F. Askew or Counou Bluffs, was a
Columbus visitor Sunday and Monday.
Diamond rings, $10, $12, $18, 125, up to
$200, all specially priced. Niewohner's.
Miss Msjorie Compton of Genoa was a
Columbus visitor between trains Satur
day. N
Box candy, cigars,' perfumes, toilet
sets, stationery and drug sundries, at
Best style and qnality of ladies
salts and cloaks for Christmas
at Gray '8.
For fine watob, dock and jewelry re
pairing, try Carl Froeme), the Eleventh
street jeweler.
Get your best girl one of those niee
set rings at Carl Froemel's, Eleventh
street, Columbus.'
It pays to sell your bides where you
can get the most money from them. See
Columbus Hide Ob.
Found A Highlander pin, gold.
Owner can have same by calling at
Journal office and 'paying charges. - '
A neat and tasteful line of watches,
clocks and jewelry, suitable for Christ
mas presents at O. Froemel's, Eleventh
street, Columbus.
Pacific Express Agent W. I. Ruther
ford went to St. Louis last Saturday for
a few days visit. Mrs Butberford is at
present a guest of relatives in that city
You will never look just the same
again and baby will never be quite eo
cute as now. First class photos at
moderate prices at Elite studio, succes
sor to Saley.
Jerry Oarrig was on the streets Sun
day for the first time since his severe
illness. Of course he got the glad hand
from every one he saw, and it will please
all his friends to know that he k mend
ing rapidly.
La-Book for Xmas gifts. Tailored
suit, beautiful coats, handsome one
piece dresses, stylish skirts, silk petti
coats, silk and net waists at a saving
of one-half. $2 00 tickets given with
each $1.00 purchase.
Thursday morning the fire depart
ment was called to the home of Harry
Newman by the explosion of an ml
stove, but before the department arriv
ed the stove had been thrown out of
doors and the flames extinguished.
Gayle, the fourteen months old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Boyd, had the mis
fortune to fall down a flight of stairs at
their home Monday afternoon and frac
ture his left arm. The little fellow
started downstairs, but slipped and fell,
and the accident resulted.
Mr. A. J. Luescben of Los Angles,
arrived last Thursday to spend the holi
days with ber parents, Mr. and Mm, C.
F. Elias, and also to visit friends, oom
ing by tbe way of Kansas City, where
she had been visiting. Dr. Luescben
may probably also come to Columbus
during the holidays.
Monday evening Thusnelda Lodge.
8ons of Hermann, elected the following
officers for 1910: Fritz Gattermeyer,
president; Walter Jaeggi, vice president;
Louis Schwarz, secretary; Peter Lusch
singer, treasurer; August Schack, trustee.
These officers will be installed at the
regular meeting on-the second Monday
in January.
After a brief illness, Joseph Francis
seven months' old son of Mr. and aff,
Frank J. Gerbarz, died last Wednesday
evening. A bad cold, which later de
veloped into pneumonia, was the cause
of the little fellows' death. Funeral
services were held Friday afternoon at
St. Bonaventara's church, being con
ducted by Father Marcelinua.
Marinue Anderson, who had a prelim
inary hearing before Judge Batterman
last Wednesday afternoon on a charge
of incest, made by his daughter Mar
garet, was 'bound over to the district
court, his-boad being plaeed it $1,000.
As he was unable to furnish this, he is
now ooafiaed ia the oouaty jail to await
trial at the next term of district ooart.
Every Family
Pays for a kome, at least once.
If joa pay f on, your koaae through
The EquitaWe Building, Loan
and Savings vAsociatkn
you pay for it but once and it is
yours. If yen continue to rent;
you pay. for;a home every few
years but it still remains the pro
perty of the landlord . If you are
paying for a home for your land
lord, call at our office and we will
explain to yoa howvyou can pay
for a home of your own.
The Equitable
Biiliiif, Lim & Savins Au i
Office with
P. O. ock '
Drs. Paul and Matien, Dentists.
TryLeavy'sLaxitive Lozenges 10c.
See those beautiful dolls at Leavy's.
Dr. Vallier, OsteopatbfBarber block.
Dr. G. A. Ireland, State Bank bidg.
Bay yew Christmas eiganef Bagel.
Dr. W.
H. Slater, veterinarian, phone
First-class printing done at the Jour
nal office.
Beautifalneekwear for Christ
mas at Gray's.
Dr. Cbas. H. Campbell, oculist and
aurist, 1215 Olivejtreet.
Crushed rock salt for hides, and for
stock. Columbus Hide Co.
Still time for your Xmas photos.
Elite Studio, successor to Saley.
Clock stopped at 4:10-3. Mrs. Busch
man held the nearest time, 4:20-3.
Attend the auction at Gray's
every afternoon nntil Christ
mas. Don't let this Christmas go by without
scouring a Victor talking machine at
Oarl Froemel's jewelry store from $10
- - -&
DeHart studio for Christum, photos.
We have lately fitted our studio so we
oan get out all Christmas work prompt
Doll buggies, go-carts, ahooflies, rook
ing horses, tool chests, msgio Isnterns,
all kinds of electric and mechanical toys
at Braun's.
For the Holidays A nice jug
of our choice wines or liquors
at the right price, at William
Large assortment of albums, photo
and postal cards, toilet, manicure, shav
ing and smoking sets, cuff and collar
bones at Braun's.
From now until Christmas, during the
rush, it will be to your advantage to
make appointments for your sitting.
DeHart' studio.
Lost East of the city, a time book
containing S15 in bills, postage stamps
and two aluminum cards. Finder please
leave at Journal office and receive reward.
Myss Catharine Rusche will have an
exhibition and sale of Art Craft and
Water Colors, beginning November 30th,
1909, and continuing until after Christ
mas, at 601 West 14th street, city.
Largest line-of Xmas candies
in town and lowest prices.
Special prices to churches and
schools. Get onr price before
buying. Come and see Santa
Clans at our store from Dec. 23
to Dec. 25. Santa will give
away free caaiy, nuts and toys.
The Old Reliable Wm. Poeseti.
"The place for particular people"
is what Fitz's jewelry store is called, as
everything is perfeotly new and up-to-date,
and satisfaction guaranteed.
Post Cards
and many other good things
for Christmas
Purity Drug Store
Union Block . Olive Street
Both PhoneiNo. 80
Teachers' Institute.
This first meeting for 1909-10 of tbe
Platte County Teachers' association,
which was held at tbe high school build
ing, in Plstte Center last Saturday, was
quite well attended, coasideriag the un
favorable weather and bad roads. State
Superintendent E. C. Bishop, who was to
have been at the institute during the
summer, but was unavoidably detained
at Lincoln, bad promised the teachers
and county superintendent that he
would be present at tbe first meeting of
the county association. In order to not
disappoint the teachers this time super
intendent Bishop was compelled to make
the drive from Columbus to Platte Cen
ter, as, owing to late trains, he did not
arrive at tbe county seat until noon.
In tbe absence of Miss Lillian Bennett
principal of the Monroe schools, her sub
ject, "Results." waa discussed by Super
intendent Lecron. He said that tbe one
thing that teachers and superintendents
labored for by day and sometimes worried
over part of the night was summed.up in
the one word, "Besults." Teachers
should instill into every pupil when they
entered school in the fall that there waa
a certain amount of work to be. done dur
ing the year, certain ends to be met and
results obtained.
Miss Elsie Jaeggi, a 1909 graduate of
the Columbus High schools, who is gain
ing her first praotieal experience as a
teacher in the rural schools of Platte co
unty, gave a paper "Tbe First Term."
Miss Jaeggi told of how she had planned
the various things to do and say ia con
nection with ber school work and bow
she had found everything entirely differ
ent, and had to adapt herself toexhriting
conditions. Her word picture of the ex
periences of a teacher during ber first
term were praotioally the same as all tbe
Be teachers, and during the discussion
of the papers Profs. Malone, Lomie and
Patterson told of their early experiences
which were very similar to those out
lined in the paper.
A paper, "What It Is, and Means. of
Securing It," by Prof. Chas Otredovee,
principal of the Platte Center schools,
took up the subject of discipline, care of
school property, conduct, both within
and without school rooms, and honesty
in examinations, and other kindled
subjects. The subject of honesty in ex
aminations brought out a spirited dis
cussion, as this is one of the main things
that teachers are seeking to avoid.
Superintendent Lecron made the point
rthat tbe best way to avoid dishonesty in
examinations was to remove all tempta
tion, and Prof. Malone said that dishon
esty also existed outside of the school
room when they obtained answers and
solutions unfairly. At this point Gideon
Braun, president of the association, gave
an interesting talk on tardiness, which
was one of thesubjeots mentioned in the
State Superintendent Bishop was then
introduced to the association, which was
his first meeting with prstically all tbe
teachers. His address, which took about
an hour, was full ot good advice and
suggestion for the teachers. It was an
inspiration to tbe teachers and will be
remembered as one of the most pleasing
features of any of the association meet
ings. Tbe music, which ws furnished by
the local talent of Platte Center, was
very much appreciated by the teachers.
Miss Augusta Nelson, who resigned as
secretary, was succeeded by Miss Alios
Lyons of Lindsay.
The manual department ot the Col
umbus High school presented the as
sociation with a beautiful gavel of cherry
and walnut, made by them.
President Gideon Braun then declared
the association adjourned until the next
meeting, which will be held at Oreston
early in February.
Congregational Church.
Next Sabbath will be observed as
Christmas Sunday at the Congregational
church. There will be appropriate
music and readings. Tbe pastor will
speak from the subject, "The Prince ot
Pesos." Of the evening tbe following
program will be rendered:
Hymn Joy to the World
Hymn Never Shone a Light so Fair
Scripture The Star ot the East
Solo The Star of Peace
Mrs Mark Bathborn
Hymn Christ is Coming
The Story ot The Christ Pastor
Anthem The Herald Angels Choir
Violin solo Selected Miss Goff
Solo Tbe Birthday ot n King
Miss Milton Bower
Hymn Let Us Crown Him
We invite you to these services.
William L. Dibble, Pastor.
Route No. 5.
Miss LillieHouseris planning to enter
the Columbus schools after the holidays.
Mrs. Ed Hahn and Mrs. Albert Hum
mer spent a couple of days in Columbus
this week.
The Willing Workers did not meet
this week on account ot the bad roads
and weather.
After twelve years the stork visited
the some of Mr. aad Mm. Sam Bell last
Friday and left them a fine baby, boy,
and ha looks just like his dad.
Y. M. C. A. Notes.
The Cymca Club will hold its regular
meeting Thursday evening at 9:90
o'clock. All .young men interested ia
the topics of the day and parliamentry
practice are invited to attend this meet
ing. Bev. H. B. Harrison of Hastings ad
dressed a large mass meeting last Sun
day afternoon in the Y. M. C. A. build
ing. His subject was American Citizen
ship sad his special object was to reveal
the new type of the citizen.
Last Friday evening at the Bible Class
supper the boys' elected James Colton
to carry resolutions to tho business
mens' club expressing the boys' appre
ciation of the generosity of the business
men during the boys' state convention.
The boys will never be able to return
the kindness of the men but they want
the men to know they appreciated it at
There was a good deal of wholabme
patriotism exhibited at the 8anday
school athletic meet held last Saturday
evening in the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium.
The spirit .with which the boys went into
it, to win honestly for their Sundsy
school is' very commendable. There
were forty-six boys who took part.
These boys were required to attend
their own Sunday school four consecu
tive 8undaya in order to be eligible to
eater this meet. The meet consisted of
four events, namely, fifteen yard dasb,
high jump, relay race and potato race.
Almost every boy from each Sunday
school went into all the events with the
exception of the potato race. TheY, M.
O. A, offered a penant to the Sunday
school which should win the highest
number of points in the entire meet.
The Presbyterian Sunday school carried
off tbe honors with 22 points, beating
the Congregational bojs by 1 point.
The results by sohools were as follows:
Presbyterian 22; Congregational 21;
Episcopal 14; Methodist 11; German
Evangelical 6; Catholio 2.
Earl Weaver of Humphrey was over on
Bay Moran spent Sunday with friends
in Humphrey.
Wm. Wenke and son George left on
Mondsy for Omaha.
Leon Clark has been ,quite sick the
lastTfew 'days with quinsy. "' '
John Lemmerman and bis bride ar
rived here Monday evening.
Mrs. Chester Ogan has been under tbe
care of Dr. Morris this week.
Jack Buyers has been slightly disabled
the past week with a oarbuncle on bis
The diphtheria scarce ia over now,
and the quarantines are going to be
lifted this week.
The icemen of this piece are kept
quite busy these days putting up ice for
next summer use.
Dr. and Mrs. Ludwick came down
from Elgin . Monday, so the Dr. could
look after his dental practice.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Steenia who have
been visiting relatives at Newman
Grove returned home Monday.
Dr. H. G. Morris of this place and Dr.
W. 8. Evans of Columbus performed a
surgical operation on Mrs. Fred Fry
last Saturday.
Mrs. J. L. Sbarrar, Mr. and Mrs. H.
Sharrar left for Omaha Saturday on a
shopping expedition and also for a visit
with relatives.
Mrs. WillismB arrived in town Mondsy
evening from her canvassing trip, snd
will stay with her sister Mrs. Glenn
Wright a few days.
Bruce Webb and Dr. H. G.Morris
went hunting on Mondsy and captured
sixteen rabbits to their delight. Now
who says Bruce and Dock can't catch
Route No. 4.
L. 8. Eby, who was laid up the last
week, is out again.
Lietng Bros, lost a fine heifer that
was running in the stalks, from having a
leg broken.
Ohas. Mayberger took the box off bis
auto snd put it on a runner, msking a
nice sleigh out ot it.
Lem and Frank Gjpple, who were
working for Liebig Bros., have returned
to their home in Fullerton.
Donogbue Bros, had four teams in the
field Monday and Tuesday finishing
busking a piece of corn, so they could
tarn their cattle into the stalks. They
had nearly finished this piece before the
storm stopped them.
Miss Grsce Dodds returned last Sat
urday from an extended visit at Monaca,
Pa., and while east she also visited
Buffalo, Pittsburg, and Toronto, Can.
She was accompanied home by ber sister,
Mrs. J. C. Cooper and two children,
Route No. 3.
School closed in tbe Adamy district
for the winter vacation.
Bernard Hulebus is visiting at the
home of George Botchers. v.
Born, on Thursday, December !, to
Mr. and Mrs.OHie Newman a son.
Just a reminder that'
is coming
and that a
Giiette Safety
is the ideal rift for "any i
with "any kind" of a beard
The Druggist on the Corner
Columbus, Nebraska
Marsoella Adamy. seven months' old
infant of Mr. and Mrs. Biehard D.
Adamy, liviag fourteen miles north of
the city, died December 9, after a short
illness. The funeral was held Sunday
at tbe Catholio church and burial was ia
the Catholic cemetery.
Columbia lodge No. 268, A. O. U. W.,
elected the following oflcers for 1910 last
Fridsy night: C. W. Freeman, M. W.;
August Schack, foreman; J. W. Herod,
receiver; G. W. Phillips, financier; Ed
Bossiter, recorder; Barney Mioek, inside
watchman; Felix Smagatz, outside
watebmao; C. J. Scott, trustee.
Mrs. Amelia Ernst, aged 45 years, died
at Hastings last Friday, and was brought
here for burial She was a sister of
Julius Budat, and leaves three children,
two- daughters and one son. Funeral
services were held Sunday from tbe
German Beformed church, and wereooa-
ducted by the pastor, Rev. Neumarker,
and burial was in the Columbus ceme
tery. Bill LaKue must think by this time
that the "Bogey" man is after him sure
enough. He just returned home from
Fremont where be had been in abnepital
with an injured foot. Mondsy he came
iB,frotujVwqrk 4n theUnion Paeiic
bridge with a badly disfigured face that
required the attention of a surgeon. Hie
nose was split almost be entire length
by coming in contact with an iron bolt.
Sunday the Columbus bowling team
goes to Omaha to play a return game with
the Storz team of that city, they having
played the first game in Columbus early
in the fall and were defeated by the
home toam. The line up of the Colum
bus team is Ed Kavanaugb, Joe Gutz
iner, Fred Sawyer, Jap Nichols and
George Hagel. The Storz team will
have practically tbe same line as when
here and on their own alleys will put up
a hard game for the Columbus bowlers.
Last week George Hagel retsrned from
Omaha, accompanied by his wife, whom
he went down tc bring home. Mrs.
Hagel has recovered from tbe operation,
which was quite successful, and was in a
condition to return. It is now only a
question of a few weeks until she will
be able to walk a few steps and from
then her recovery will be rapid. Mrs.
Hagel suffered from a broken hip as the
result of a fall last winter, snd for a time
she was almost helpless, but later was
able to use crutches.
Advertised Letters.
Following is a list of unclaimed
matter remaining in the post oSee at
Columbus, Nebraska, for the period end
ing December 15, 1909:
Letters Bobt Cawtborne, Mrs E H
Cutts. Mrs Henry Considine,WN Coley,
Christian Pastor, Miss Anna Hampton,
Miss Edna Mosher, Mrs Chas Rathbara,
Cards Dan Adams, W N Coley, Fre
mont Cowling, J A Coyle, Miss Fay
Groab, Glenn McQueen, Ruth Nelson
Dr Elmer Watkins.
Parties calling for any of the above
will please say advertised.
Carl Krakkr, P. M.
We have the agency for the
famous Munsing Underwear, the
best popular priced Union Saita
on the market. Prices in men's
from $1.50 to $4.50. Prices in
boys' from 50c, 75c, $1 and $1.95.
In two piece garments we have
a splendid line ready for your in
spection and ranging in price
from 50c to $2.50 a garment. Bay
early while the Bizes are complete.
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