lV33&: $ " i w -- 1 IHHHlBlHMHiHHMMaMtoMiliHMM IIMHiMMHiMaiHMaHMMMtaHMMHaaBMMMaHMM .- - - r w r ? iW u . . .?. T . . -(-"Mfc-V-' - . - - .- V - J . - V''; rfJUr 4i ' BETZ3iflM TABES iUcco Mcktosh and His Two Natures MGttkTjf' jLfiUS facte Atdhor cVi3S is Pi fc?V JtLU5TBATED y PETE MUl fml Eie NEWELL The most permanently uncomfort able man in Betxville-hv Rocco Mack latest, and it is all due to his two na tures, which he inherited from his parents. From his mother, who was GaEucci. he inherited the hot- mature of Italy, and from his father, Sandy Mackintosh, he inher ited the cautious nature of a Scot, and while hoth 'these natures are ex cellent, they do not mix well, and in Kocce Mackintosh they did not mix: at alL They remained at all times distinctly separate, like the streaks of fat and lean in a piece of bacon. Three weeks ago last Wednesday Bocce woke with his hot Italian na ture hi the saddle, so to speak, and an overpowering desire came upon him to write a -Black Hand letter, so he sat down and began to write one. but whew he was about half through his cautious Scotch nature warned him that he was doing a very dangerous thing, and that if he was discovered he aaight be taken to court and made to pay a fine. But when he decided set to write a Black Hand letter, his At Length He Put His Knee on His ffced, and Pinning Himself Down That, He Seized His Ear in His Teeth and Bit Until He Cried for Mercy. Italian nature rebelled and in- that he write the letter. So, to placate both his natures he wrote the letter and addressed it to himself. The he took the letter to the post omce ai mailed it Whcs his Mackintosh nature re ceived the letter the next morning he was very much excited. Never be fore had he received a threatening let ter, aad it made him properly angry. that, no, matter what he would not put $100 a tko lattaf onmininil. " r . . ed Mm to do. Instead he went'out raswed'a ohatgaB -from Uncle Caste,- so as to be ready for Along al four o'clock that after- his Italian nature took hold of him aad he sat down and wrote a threntcsriag letter to himself, ten times than the first, and mailed it to he received this letter the his Scotch blood fair- He was so angry he could his pen while he was Whoa aeat ly hardly writing another Black Hand letter to wf merit that afternoon, but -he was vise enough Jto take every precaution. before he went to bed he barri- l the house by pushing all the f ur- Bitare against the doors. Even then he was so excited he could not sleep, several times in the night he wrote Black Hand letters to lii fTf By the aad of the week he was in of fear that he only ven- the house once a day, and that was to mail to himself- the let ton he had written, but the letters more and. more threaten- they all mentioned last Wedaeeday as the last day of grace, at the fjvh was aot put aider the flat otoae at the cross-roads by noon that vengeance would be taken kept getting i ,tj VbshBBBJjBbk Bsbbbbb "? k la Betsvllle noticed the had come over Rocco hat ao one suspected what aad Wednesday morn- a placid scene. The at the cross roads was as aad the cross roads as usual, hat Rocco Mackin s twice as cross as the roads. am miaates after 11 he put ma, aad he InstaaUyjknew tohe cross roads to see fit had been put under he had advised himself to he saw himself take a dagger in his hand he knew he must be prepared for the worst, and that he had a cruel Italian nature to deal with. So he took his shotgun in the other hand and' sallied forth, bound, at all costs, to protect himself. But hardly had he stepped outside the door than he weakened. What, after all, was $100 as compared with his life? He went back 'into the house and took ten ten-dollar bills from his sock,, and went out again. He walked to the crossroads and tucked the money under the stone, and then stood back behind a tree to see what would happen. In a minuto or so he laid his shotgun on the ground and stole slowly toward- the flat stone. Glancing cautiously around, he lifted the stone, picked up the $100 and slipped it into his pocket, with a cruel Italian chuckle of glee. At that moment his stanch Scotch nature rebelled. Never would he be robbed in this manner! With a cry of anger he dashed for the shotgun, and at the very moment that he laid his hand upon it his left hand drew the trig ger. Then ensued a terrific struggle, in which his Italian nature had all the advantage. Try as he would he was always too close to himself to use the shotgun, while the dagger was Just the weapon to use at close quar ters. With a groan he dashed the shotgun from him, and closed in upon himself. Again and again he wrested the dagger from himself, only to have it wrested away again. At length he put his knee upon his chest, and pinned himself down thus, he seized his ear in his teeth, and bit un til he cried for mercy. Then, putting his hand in his pocket he pulled out the ten bills and put them in his pock et He had triumphed. All the way home his proud Scotch nature gloated on this unequaled achievement and he took his seat at his dinner table with a feeling of great content He felt in his pocket to see that the $100 was still there, and it was. "That for the Black Hand!" he cried, snapping his fingers, and he set to work devouring his'-meal. Suddenly he paused and a look of fright and amazement came over his face. He paused with his fork half way to his face, and stared at it He was eating spaghetti! Instantly he knew what had happened. In his ter rific struggle with himself he had mixed his two natures, and the Ital ian nature had triumphed after all! He had allowed himself to take the $100 away from himself. He had al lowed himself to black-hand him self. As he finished his meal he laughed merrily to think how-he had carried out his threat and at the same time the tears ran down his cheeks as he thought how he had been victimized. It is a terrible thing to have two na tures. o . (Copyright. 1909. by W. a." Chapman.) READY TO FIGHT. The big man with the fiery look oa his face had been struggling with the car window for 20 minutes. Suddenly it came down on him and held him a prisoner. With much fuming and wriggling he finally released himself. "Confound that blasted window!" he thundered, almost exploding with rage. "I feel like I could chew it up in bits, glass and all." It was then that the humorous little man in the next seat touched him on the arm. "My friend," he said, with a merry twinkle in his eyes, "don't be so an gry with the window. Why, that win dow likes you. In fact it is really affectionate." "What!t Are you joshing me? The window affectionate?" r "Certainly, sir. Didn't it fall on your Beck?" And then the humorous little vanished toward the smoker. Unusual Luck. "So you've rented that haunted house which was on 'your hands so long?" "Yes; rented It to -an actor." , "" "Did he find out its reputation?' "That's the very thing which de cided him to take the house." "Rather surprising!" "He said it would be such a com fort for him to get inside of a house where the ghost walked every night" Better Than Ever. Mary Backstoop Did., he tell you life with him would be one grand, sweetsong? Maudie Sldestreet No; he said It would be one grand, beveled, sweet toned, silver-coated, indestructible phonograph record. Puck. AAMMAAAMMalMVMVWWMWtAfWVVVWVVVVVMArfVlAMtftfVWkMtAMMWfVVVM COLOR THAT SUIT CHILDREN Combinations .Can hy Use of Simple Black, iRfYllvv-"' m cams we r ' the most effective colors may can them tin the are black and white. It is whea-yoa hare tired of to get a shep- ' To Freshen Ribbon. If it is only mussed, dust It and then iron between tissue paper. - To wash colored ribbon Blake a Hhlck.lataerf good white soap and feoldwatarli -t "J . WaA;the ribbon in this, rusting it about gently until, the dirt is loosened. BMflte amid ftatman K Rinse -several times in, water that Is auBx a.utue soapy. ahnddaam. Maaamm i worn with the AMlr ithmui and The.aWge jmaama hat 4a this elective T- oatflt with a mealy "tied aatta dotted wtth white aad a haK la. aiaamter. over .with it is htae aad scarlet. over Its af prevldlBg two dflfereat mr toe same hat may be by the nee of aad they win be to the amateur, simply the tying ; Week 1 jMP-'partly'Hfry-imooth'ut the rlDpn and iron between thin pieces of musDB," In washing white -ribbon the water shoaM be .warn rather -thaa hot, aad the'soap a fiae wake oae. ' ? Rinse a two dear 'waters ami om stroaf bine water. Hams hTlte Buam heat dry, 4hea press BBder clear muslia. .asias a Iron.. Jet and AlM Dinner Frocks. The dinner resees favored by most wealthy Americans, and foreigners generally. areablase with Jet.or gold ia compact awamea. The gUtteriag em broideries appear partly in beads, partly la spangles aad cabochons of all sizes. From the Gentlewoman. NOTES -m: BkBB am maFma Ban mBmaWawP ' Tt lmar BBrndBw Mrm Mn &3fr f dfSBBmBW4lLBa!BBBBBVamBdlY , T-: .It is not so expensive to start a pure bred herd as it' is to continue with a scrub lot- Keep the soil covered, with some liv ing crop. Get. in rye if nothing else can be used. Keep the cows clean; keep the barn clean; keep your yard clean; keep everything clean. ; There Is no possession, more desir able for a woman with children than that of a good home. Milk clean at each milking. A little care taken right at the start may save serious trouble' later. Sterilizing means heating to 212 de grees Fahrenheit It may be done by boiling water or by steam. n Rain and snow bring some five pounds of nitrogen each year to an acre of soil. It is washed out of the air. Gardening and horticulture are work which may be easily done byr women and children, and there isro occupa tion so beneficial to health. Iowa ships approximately 100,000, 000 of butter outside of its borders ev ery year, the surplus product over and above the home consumption. Ground oats and peas make a fine feed for any stock. It pays better, though, to cut the oats and peas early and make them into green feed or hay. Long ago. in Holy Writ, were set forth the advantages of dwelling under one's own vine and fig tree for which last a fine winter apple makes an ex cellent substitute. Some warm hog-houses, buiu before cold weather comes on, will mean a saving of feed and hog flesh another way of saving, less expense and more money In your purse. It may be safely asserted that no one with ordinary physical strength, who has a house, a few acres of good land, and a few hens, need ever suf fer want, far less starvation. In a man's workshop his tools or books are within easy reach; In order that he may accomplish the greatest amount of labor, within the shortest time and with the leeSf exertion either of mind or body. Crowd the fatteningg pigs along, now. If you hold them till cold weath er, it will then take so much more feed to keep them going, that it's a question whether or not they will pay for what they eat There are many advantages in hav ing cows come fresh in winter when all dairy products sell at a high price In many places the price of butter is from 25 to 50 per cent, higher in win ter than in summer. Don't let cold weather catch you napping. The first freeze is the one that always plays the sneaking, dam aging tricks on a fellow. So wake up and take notice of what ought to be done before winter; then see that you do that In good season. The man on a farm will work in the cold and complain but very little, while the man in town will ait around the warm fire and make alt kinds of complaint of the intense heat The reason .for this Is that one'has time to complain ana the outer nas aoc It is astonishing to 'any who 'have not learned by actual experience, how much easier It Is to live In comfort how much farther the same amount of money will go in the country than la the city, where everything, even pure water, must be paid for in cash. Now's the time to break the chick ens from roosting out among the sheds aad trees. Ton are liable to aeglect this, till freezing weather strikes them unawares; thea, with frozen combs and frost-bitten feet the fowls will lay very little. If amy. till !'. 42i 4 W. - f.J to use this fa ae-fastras yoa caa. ; It the-cows do aot give their mflk freely take It from them; firmly but SBatly. -jR5 - The farmers-wife's social life m .immeasurably moreattractive thaa it used to he., ; ) V Intensive farming of small areas 'makes closer neighbors, concentrates wealth and social eonvenience. f. Neatness in all departments of the farm life ought to be the farmer's motto, but especially in the .dairy. In any part of the country the more we use our crops to produce some thing of greater value, the more we will have. - Get the best appliances you can for the dairy; 'but remember that the best machinery 'ever' made requires gump tion behind it ' The new agriculture is one of the important occupations open to youth and early experience on a farm is a good foundation for later professional training in it Feed is too expensive to use spar ingly. You get no real returns from a mere subsistence ration. It is what you feed above that that really makes money for you. The business of the strawberry grower is to supply favorable condi tions and to direct the energies of the plant in such directions as will best serve his purpose. A large number of farmers from Finland. In the northern part of the Russian empire, are going into New1 England and taking up the abandoned farms in that section. The Wisconsin dairyman who has been, experimenting with molasses as food for his dairy cows declares that it" increases the milk flow and im proves the quality of butter. So In a woman's kitchen or sewing room the utensils or materials should be near at hand and always kept in the same place, that no time or'steps will be lost in looking for them. A tremendous experiment in sewage farming will soon be undertaken on the sandy wastes of Long Island. The sewage from Greater New York will be applied by the irrigation process. A newly stirred soil admits the ab to the roots, conserves moisture and prevents the growth of weeds. Every shower tends to seal up the surface and exclude the air. So we aim to stir the soil after every rain. The Rhode Island State Grange de mands a -law which will recompense! farmers for losses sustained by the enforcement of the state laws regard ing tuberculosis and other animal dis eases. The largest alligator farm in the country is near Hot Springs, Ark. It contains about 500 'gators, the largest of which Is 15 feet long, and whose age is estimated at 200 years. The crop Is sold to northern tourists. Those who "work out of doors, "next to the ground" in pure air, suffer none of the ills experienced by those who toll in factories and sweatshops, and the country boy who follows the plow finds health and strength in the furrow. When animals get sick on the farm, the first question usually Is, what medicine is wanted? Now, medidno has its own part but no medicine will effect a cure without proper attend ance and nursing, while good nursing will often bring a patient around with out any medicine. A shelf back of the kitchen table on which to place cups, spoons and small vessels that are used frequently, the wash basin within reach of the roller towel, a drinking cup near tfao water pail, all save needless exertion and time that may be utilized for something else or rest next spring. The number of .people Is . sbuh who. knowing that through their fault some mistake of an injurious" nature has been made, would wantnly fco attach the blame to innocent parties. This is generally done thoughtlessly and Ignorantly. albeit to- gtieaVfaKh. The idea is. to examine' batie1fes njid methods. before oonaemafiiBT another. A: farmer In yermllioa county, DJf aois,laeryear discovered a freak ear of cortrhlch was composed of a core of JMh the grains, being neatly wrapnpJoOn the soft f ouadatloa Uke a anpoa. ne puncea we con. m ra raised from It ere jaV ai exact reprodactioa of Hie coUemf ear. The experlmeatt will the continued. v ' : r If a mm wanto a aarA Job. let Urn go oat la march eta real gaad farm team. He wOl flea many for sale, sat aot one ia a haadred win prove to he right to all respects. There ieame to be aa aaceastog for this class of.mprk teams ia aO sectioae of the eoaatry. mA the.maa who wal con tinue to raise high-grade work hones will always tad a paying market for them. Farmers have a better way of doing their work than in former years. They live up in style since they are making lots of money. , There is another view, however. 'Better living, better cloth ing and better lodging, and children better educated; This seems to pre pare them for leaving the farm, rather than staying oa It Sometimes one is convinced during the strawberry season that his soil Is hot rich enough: Some complete fer tilizer or a thin coating of decomposed manure may be scattered between the plants to Increase the growth. It Is well to see that the roots of any rank growing ,cropd are not encroaching oa the strawberry bed. Even the' roots of a tree standing 100 feet away may begetting the plant food intended for pS plants. So we may in many ways assist oar plants in doing their best mmmmBBnaaammamBamamamBaaaBaa I For the Hostess! Imaaaaamaaamaammi'' BaaaaaamBBaBmaaaamamBaamm;aaaaaaBaBaammaamffj Idaaamamammmmaml BBBBammmmaaaaBBmamaaaBmi amSBSSl Chat iBtirmwIiBii TMics off - K V T Hi - S.P.' -Upon all farms certain expenditures of cash aad labor are made which con stitute a charge against t a larmtng operations as a whole rather than against any one enterprise. As no en tirely satisfactory method has been de termined whereoy-thls expense may be properly and Justly distributed to the 'various;- enterprises of the farm, the term general expense may be ap plied, which oa each farm .will average between .80 cents and one dollar per acre.' Thus the acrecost of produc ttoa to increased by this' amount The principal reason why goats do better thaa sheep in some places is that they are practically inexpensive so far as feedlag Is concerned. They eat the leaves In summer' and the soft twigs to winter, aad If there Is aa abundance of either they will not re quire anything else to sustain life, but this coadltlOB exists only In certain localities, aad other mesas must be adopted elsewhere. They are fond of siraw aad fodder of any kind. Sugar beet pulp has been iea to laem wiin success. The goats must be taught to eat It, but after once learning they seem aot to be able to get enough. A Novel' Shewer. 4 A. dozen; girls, who lived for year as neighborhood friends showered oae' of their number, who is to he a De cember bride, to this unusual manner: The hostess asked them all to meet at her house Informally at two o'clock, the bride-elect was asked to come at three, hrthls way the host ess explained her scheme, which was as follows. She had material for each one to make the following articles: A dusting cap, three dusters. a broom bag. Ironing holder. laundry bag, kitch en apron, clothespin bag. roller towel and a case to wind linen doilies oa The entire cost was added and divided equally and then teach article was wrapped in tissue paper, tied with rib bon and hidden throughout the rooms. When the honored guest arrived, they chatted awhile, then the hostess an nounced that, a fairy godmother had confided to her that there were pack ages of value concealed within the portals of the room, to be discovered only by a bride-elect and to the tune of bridal music. Wherenpon the host-, ess sat down to tbo piano and played wedding marches while the merry lit tle bride hunted the hidden treasures, guided by the loud or soft tones on the piano. All the packages being dis covered, they were opened and the girls all set to work on which ever piece they chose. They pronounced this a utility "shower," and it certain ly was practical, for the guest of honor said her mind was so in the clouds that she had never even dreamed "of the articles presented.' Besides it was a Jolly afternoon. Refreshments were English toasted muffins, orange mar malade, preserved ginger and delicious tea. brewed by the hostess. handle of gold. Into watch fobs aad pis.,. I have seea all these- article aaatnay wffl go'aaglfts to this wed ding. As every 'eae Hhes to give a toast sad oftea people are aot pre pared, there are to be perfectly ex quisite cards passed to each one to be read aloud after refreshments. These cards are done to gold lettering, with a mother of pearl motif worked out beautifully. The choicest gems of oux best writers are found on these latest creations. I must'admit they are onlj postcards, as the reverse side shows For want of a better name I call them "Sentiment" cards. After the guests have paid this pretty tribute the cards are to be collected and put in a boi covered with cloth of gold and pre sented to the aged couple. A Guessing Contest This clever little stunt was the in ale at a shower given for a Novembei bride. A table was brought into th room having on it a lot of things, eact one representing a cake; cards were passed bearing the duplicate 'numbers of those on the articles. Great fur was had in the guessing. Here arc some of the objects, and a hostess may enlarge the list as she desires: A sponge (sponge cake), a little toy her for "layer bake." a chocolate lozenge (chocolate cake), two 'little Cupids (angel food), a picture-of a bride in fuli wedding costume (wedding cake) a bit of gold and silver gauze or rib bon (gold and silver cake), etc. Fot prizes there were recipe books and several beautifully dec-ated cakes:. MADAME MBRBl AhWTHw MIMKIBW. VttTfMtV FOR TNI CARTUt atsMCIMaV l CBhhPAMY im Turn tmme STATES CtJUsTT. The United states Chreult Court for the Southern Dutriet of New .York aittJac to New York; CJty-hae "just awarded to the Carter Mealsfa. Con tao.cempany's exclusive right to use the red package for liver pills. By the terms of the decree, it is. among other things: , Adjudged that the Carter Medicine Company Is the owner of the sole and exclusive right to the use of red col ored wrappers aad labels upon said small, round packages of liver pills of the style described to the bill of com plaint; said right having been ac quired by the prior adoption of said style and color of package for liver pills by the complainant predecessors more than thirty years ago. and es tablished by the coatlBBoas aad ex clusive use of the same ia constantly increasing- quantities by said prede cessors and by the complainant, the Carter Medicine Company. Itself, from the time of their said adoption until the present day. The decision just announced Is per haps the most important and far-reaching of all, by reason of the character of the tribunal which rendered it. No Court in the country stands higher. ' National Druggist, St. Louis, Jft. REPENTANCE CAME TOO LATE Small Boy Had Taken Drastic tien to Avoid Being Invited to Party. Ac- The Golden Wedding. A fiftieth anniversary to be cele brated this month is going to be a most beautiful affair. The invitations are lettered In gold engraving and ask you to arrive between the hours of eight and ten. The decorations throughout the rooms are to be In yellow, consisting of showers of gilt wedding bells. -which are to swing from every chandelier and be sus pended by yellow tulle and yellow satin ribbon over the heads of the couple where they will stand to re ceive congratulations. This corner is to be made a perfect bower of greens studded with yellow chysantbemums. Brass candlesticks holding yellow can dles are to stand on piano, mantel, bookcases, etc. The honored bride will carry a bouquet composed of 50 yel low roses, and the refreshments are to be orange ice. New York ice cream, sunshine cake iced with yellow, and the bonbons are to be wrapped In gilt paper. Gilt bell-shaped boxes are to be given as souvenirs, bearing the monogram of the happy pair. The November stone is the tops:, and it works f up ? beautifully into .seals, with UsfcSfSUSS o; fla&aumftEiCT.' A. isa? Skeleton bodies are popular. There is quite a fad for opal matrix The Japanese wash silks are love licr than ever. Foliage colorings abound. Enormous black cherries are used on some of the hats. Coats for girls suits are plain and almost straight The latest Parisian novelty is the hand-tucked waist Some of the standing collars are hemstitched around the top. Belts will match the skirts instead of the waists this season. Most of the new crepe blouses are inset with Irish crochet lace. Pretty little neck bows are made ol colored open-work embroidery. Swiss embroidery, whether hand done or machine, gives excellent ef fects. The new hats, almost without ex ception, show exaggerated crowns. On many of the new ribbons, just' arrived, checks play a prominent part Fashion's Latest dPdhBaTBT fill IBBBBBBBV BBJ " ,'-' IW, Scsllmf I If I I sbbbBbVf i1 "rnP' 4pmmrl ff I Ibbbbbbt r '"'" mf'1 Sw'l SflHr I II A small boy bad something to say to his father at the dinner table the other night, says the Philadelphia Rec ord!- "Papa." he said. "Johnnie Bur ton is going to have a party nex' week. an' he said he'd Invite me. An' I got to take a present" "A present? What's that for?" "It's for Johnny's birth day. All tke kids take presents." Things hadn't gone just right during the day with -the -boy's father. He was not in an agreeable humor. "That's all nonsense." he declared. "Every day or two it's a present here or a present there. If you can't go to a party without taking a present you might as well stay at home." Thu boy's lip trembled, but he made no re ply. The next day the father regret ted his hasty words and that night turned to the boy. "George." he said, "there are a couple of new books in my overcoat pocket. You can take them to your friend Johnny's party." "It's too late," said George, gloomily. "I licked him to-day so that he wouldn't Invite me." ECZEMA COVERED HIM. Itching Torture Was Beyond Words Slept Only from Sheer Exhaustion Relieved In 24 Hours and Cured by Cuticura in a Month. 1 am seventy-seven years eld. and some years ago I was taken with ec zema from head to foot I was sick for six months and what I suffered tongue could not telL I could not sleep day or night because of that damdful itching; whea I did sleep It was from sheer exhaastloa. I was one mass of irritation; It was even in my scalp. The doctor's medicine seemed to make me worse aad I was almost out of my mind. I got a set of the Caticnra Soap. Ointment and Resolvent I used them persistently for twenty-four hoars. That night I slept like an Infant the' first solid night's sleep I had had for six months. In a month I was cured. W. Harrison Smith, Mt KIsco, N. Y, Feb. S; 1908." Ittur fins Cbmu Om, Sal I As to the Hessian Fly. The Hessian fly is a German product which waa conceived In iniquity and born in sauerkraut. It is a long, rangy fly with a bite like a steel trap, and it lays a pale blue, oblong egg at the rate of 30,000 an hour. The Hessian fly will eat anything from decayed custard pie to a glass inkwell, but its favorite dish Is the double neck of a fat gent This bird can perform a two-step on sticky fly paper without crooking its toes, and Is proof against rough on rats, the daisy fly killer, and a8trychnlne hypodermic. No Hessian fly was ever known to die of anything but old age. which accounts for the color of its whiskers. If it ever fas tens will stay until removed by the undertaker. Man chester (la.) Press. On the "left is a house gown of Lindea green satin with trimming of old gold velvet aad gold buttons. Oa the right is a reception gown of king's blue panne velvet with trim mlng oVean point rft CARE OF THE TABLE LINEN Best Quality Will Quickly Spell If Net Handled in the Proper. Manner. The careful keeping of table ltoea will mean more toward a perfect ta ble than perhaps the quality of the linen itself. The most ex quisite table linen will look ao better than the poorest quality If It be thrown into a too small drawer or closet Just a pair of tablecloths will go farther If they are kept well flattened sr, better still, rolled oa a pasteboard or woodea roller thaa a dosea Ill-kept ones. AH ceaterpleces. If not rolled, should be spread flat to a full-Used box or a ltoea-covered portfolio. The portfolio is a reliable saaitlon to the dining room or paatry, aad It may be made at home by covertog two pieces of pasteboard with tea-colored linen, or crash, hinging them together with coarse linen thread or with aarrow ribbon strips an inch to length, so that the portfolio will hold more flat linen pieces. This, when filled,- Is tied together with ribbons and kept ia a napkin drawer, .where even the sud den rush for napkins can no longer wrinkle the embroidered liaens. Black in -the Jabot Ia making' the last new jabot for yourself, or, better still, for mother, consider the Introduction of a touch of black. Since these neck fixings are now A such double aad triple fulness, It.i perfectly possible' to have the bit ol black detachable. -'It may he a plait tog of tulle, p&tnf or lace trimmed; it may be plaited aid hemmed chiffon. or agate, it may be made of chaattUy lace, goffered; but to many cases It Is mounted on a small piece of mate rial ao that it may more readily he slipped to among the folds of the plaited jabot Long black velvet eads depend from the aewest Jabots, aad maay of them are touched with gold lace ot thread. Many Children Are SJeidy. mother Gray's Sweet Powdem for ChH- jKcd by Mother Gray, a nurse In Children's Home. New York, cure Sam- seer Complaint. FeveruuineM. "Headache. Stomach Troubles. Teethlntr Disorders and , Destroy Worms. At all Druggists'. 25c. . Sample mailed FRKE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Lc Boy, N. T. ,i Hew Kind. -Edyth Jack says I was made to kiss, htayme A diplomatic way of refer- riagto your turned-up nose, wasn't it? If a giddy woman could hear what is said about her giddiness Denied her hack It would knock some of the gid diness out of her . . -, . ..IUi For csndrm teeUua. i llns. illiys saay tsscsros. BBUMtiS. Ifaay a maa suspects his neighbor as he suspects himself. There Is a new white wash suede that has taken the place of silk and lisle gloves with fashionable women TIimiFUL MVEITIMIC TIE BASIS OF SUCCESS. as smlTemis if ' -COLUMBUS, OHIO.-Tin ac tive ingredients entering; the snoot popular household remedy la the world have been made know to tke public. This means a new era iatlw advertising of popular ram Uf inediclnes Peruaa leads. things, fjolden seal, powerful la its the mucous aim inodiciae aad wnswrpasead tonic Cubebs, valuable In nasal catarrh affections ef the kidneys and reef, wjluahls for as ia aVensf and leei- i A i ' , tf jaS3ygg "