The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 10, 1909, Image 4

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WKOTHIK 8T0CKWELL. Proprietor.
ltas Jaafl
iswltwl p to Ji
an win eemtaw to rsostw tkis JowmI warn mm
nCtniiruM at as isle. H yeeaoaoc
ilte nil tor has zvind.
r teasniuaHiaitt.
The Denver Open House was
packed with people. Senator Lodge
of Massachusetts held their attention
for a time, bnt they were impatient to
hear "Teddy." He was late. He had
not yet arrived. Expectation became
noisy, restless, hostile. Presently
we heard the low grumble of a crowd
shontine in the street The word was
cried about that he was coming. And
almost immediately, in a crash of mu
sic from the band, he strode down to
the footlights and meed the shouting
He looked tired. But without
waiting for . silence, with his head
down as if he were about to charge,
he bared his teeth and uttered some
thing unintelligible in a hoarse voice.
The audience roared. He took a long
breath, watching them, dogged, de
termined, filling his lungs; and then
with a sudden gesture that compelled
silence he screamed at them, with all
his teeth showing: "We stand on
a gold platform!"
It came to them like a blow in the
face; and before they could take
voice, he adding, pounding out the
words with his first: "We stand for
same thing in Colorado that we stand
for in New York!"
He got no further. The shout of
applause that followed came in a roar
of delight from a thousand throats.
They cheered him as if he had said
the one thing they had been waiting to
hear, instead of the very thing that no
Bepublican politican in Denver, would
have dared whisper to any single one
of them in the dark behind a locked
door. They cheered him as if they
would split their throats. A startled
Democratic politican who stood near
me cried: "Great 6! He hasn't
converted this crowd to the gold
standard, has he?" (The wisdom of
politicans!) They cheered his cour
age, his truth, his defiance of political
hedging, his honesty, his manliness.
It was the cheer of pride, of love, of
admiration. It was the voice of our
people raised to greet those very quali
ties in a politician which the Beast has
tried to crush. It was, to me, the
voice of hope.
I went' home that night resolved
never to forget the lesson. Often
since, when I have faced the hoot of
prejudiced opposition from my own
small stage in public life, I have
remembered Roosevelt, and filled my
lungs again, and cleared my throat for
another defiance. For I believe in
that way, with our people, there is
hope. Judge Lindsey in the Novem
ber Everybody's.
Ladies' Cloaks, Skirts aid Jackets
Our New Fall and Winter Line of Ladies'
Suite, Cloaks, Skirts, Children's Cloaks
and Coats is now complete. We can save you money
in this department Call and be convinced. We are
always glad to show our goods.
We are showing a complete new line of
Ladies, Gents' and Children's Sweaters
The Celebrated SCHMIDT KNIT Sweaters for golf , autoing and outing wear. They
are all the vogue.
SPECIAL THIS WEEK Gents' "Four In Hand" Ties, 20 cents
each, 3 for 50 cents. In all the late colors.
We talso carry a Complete Line of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, La
mes' ana uen w
The people are much displeased
with the manner in which court busi
ness is often conducted, but we doubt
if they will ever accomplish reform.
The people grumble a great deal, but
steadily neglect public affairs. There
is really no reason why the people
should not have public affairs sensi
bly, economically and expeditiously
conducted, except that the politicians
always manage to split the people into
factions, and nothing is done.
Almost every noted lawyer has con
fessed that the courts are too slow and
too expensive, and that they encourage
litigation that k extremely discredi
table in its character, if not positively
dishonest. Yet nothing is done, ex
cept to grumble. A writer in Atlan
tic Monthly calls attention to a grim
ly humorous illustration of one of the
results to the litigant found in a New
York law suit which reached a final
chapter recently in the Court of Ap
peals. It was a complex case against
an insurance company on some poli-'
cies of insurance, and each time it was
tried it took from a week to two
weeks' attention of court and jury.
Owing to reversals and new trails-ordered
by appellate courts, it had to be
tried nine times. It was'in the courts
from 1882 to 1902. The plaintiff be
came at last so sick and dishearten
ed with his interminable law suit that
he abandoned it, refused his law-
yers to consult with them about it or to
appear when the case was being tried.
The lawyers had themselves spent over
forty-five hundred dollars' on fighting
the case, and had worked on' it for
nearly twentv years. Their client
having abandoned them, they settled
the case for thirty .thousand dollars,
and took the money themselves for
their fee. The 'last chapter of the
litigation was an unsuccessful attempt
by the receiver in insolvency of the
plaintiff to make the lawyers give up
some of their fee to their client's cred
itors. How 'much the twenty years'
delay in the law suit had to do with
the insolvency it is impossible to say
but such an outcome, to the lay mind,
seems hardly satisfactory as a'result of
twenty years of litigation, of nine
trials, and seventy-two days' time of
over a hundred jurors.
In one of the fairly recent volumes
of the New York Court of Appeals
Reports is contained the last chapter
of a famous and extraordinary case,
which is a gross illustration of this in-
terminableness, and an extreme
though characteristic example of its
results. The court record of the last
chapter of this law suit is curt and
obscure; hardly what one might ex
pect for an extraordinary case. It
consists of eight words: "Judgment
and order affirmed with cost No
opinion." These eight worcU make
the close of a simple accident case in
volving no difficult questions of law,
which has been in the courts contin
uously for twenty-two years. It had
been tried before juries seven times.
It has been argued in appellate courts
ten times. The final bill of costs in
the case, not including lawyers'
charges or the cost of printing seven
different volumes of testimony,
each of from two or three hun
dred pages, as required in appell
ate courts on the various appeals, and
not including any of defendants ex
penses whatever, is over two thousand
dollars. A conservative estimate of
the expense of this litigation not in
eluding lawyers' fees probably would
be five thousands dollars. Atchison
First-cUss printing done at the Jour
nal offioe.
rurnifning uooas, uomiorts, Blankets,
- uarpexa ana snoes
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Sivaf fi
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iiftvk "contrast.
Therltius mornings Sun
day .atweigned about ten
pounds, and .comprised all sorts of
colored supplements, and sheet music,
and wall paper, and doilies, and pi nk
and green sections.
The editorial page was especially
admirable. There were six columns
of moral and political essays, all point
ing the way to the higher life. No
man could read that editorial page
without experiencing a desire to scale
the heights and plant the standard of
purity upon the whatyoucallims. That
page was simply a clarion call, urging
people to forsake error, and sin, and
waywardness, and gird themselves
with righteousness.
Turning from the editorial page, the
prospect is not so pleasing. Many
fake doctors have their announcements
there. They tell of impossible cures,
they make the most absurd promises;
they describe ghastly and sickening
diseases in a brutally frank way, and
often verge upon the indecent. Such
advertisements are indescribably fil
thy, and they cannot be read without
injury to the morals, especially of the
There were advertisements of patent
medicines', making false claims as to
their merits. The manufacturers of
these medicines dare not print upon
the labels the claims they make in
their newspaper advertisements. The
government forbids that The news
paper that prints such advertisements
indorses them to a certain extent, even
though they may disclaim such in
dorsement. People who subscribe for
a newspaper and take it into their
homes, hold it responsible for all its
contents, and, if they are buncoed
through its agency, they have a per
fect right to feel resentful.
The Sunday paper in question con
tains a vast amount of advertising that
is an obvious snare, in the minds of
world-wise people, but it will catch
multitudes whose wisdom teeth are not
fairly cut
And so what is the use of all the
fine preaching on the editorial page?
Of what avail would be a ringing ser
mon against gambling, if the pastor
knew that a poker game was in prog
ress in the basement of the church?
The Sunday newspaper that preach
es morality and clean living, and other
fine thmes on its editorial page, should
be clean throughout, or it is sure to be
held guilty of hypocrisy, which, by
universal consent, is one 01 tne unpar
donable sins. W. A. White. v.
- -A- &.
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..J, -S.
THe Famous Ship and Dock Scene in Chas. M. Cohan's Big Merry Musical
Seeley, who fitted the Czar of Ru-
sia, will be at the Thurston Hotel
F. H. Seeley of Ohieago and Philadel
phia, the noted troaa expert, will be at
the Thurston hotel and will remain in
Columbus Sunday and Monday, Nor. 21
and 23 only. Mr. Seeley says: "The
Spermatic 8hield Truss as now used and
approved by the United States govern
ment will not only retain any case of rup
ture perfectly, aflordini; immediate and
complete relief, but closes the opening
in 10 days on the average case, and
costs no more than common trusses."
This instrument received the only award
in England and in Spain, producing re
sults without surgery or harmful injec
tions. Mr. Seeley has documentary re
ferences from the United States govern
ment, Washington, D. C. for your in
spection. If any interested will be glad
to show the truss without'ehsrge or fit
them if desired. Anyone ruptured
should remember this date and take ad
vantage of this unusnal opportunity.
NORTH Theatre
Saturday, Nov. 13
Jos. M. Gaites presents
GEO. M. COHAN'S Musical Hit
Little Johnny Jones
A Singing, Dancing and
Acting Company of 70
A cast of brilliant excellence. The pret
tiest and liveliest and best drilled chorus
on earth. An entertainment of rare
good fan and tuneful melody which
bas captured the effete east and stirred
the breezy west with an enthusiasm
never before known in the history of
the stsge.
It is the most stupendous of all
34 Weeks in New York
22 Weeks in Chicago
It's whistled and sung in every tongue
The Fastest, Swiftest, Smoothest
Route to the Land of Mirth & Melody
Prices 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50
We invite all who desire choice
steak, and the very best cuts of
all other meats to call at onr
market on Eleventh street. We
also handle poultry and fish and
oysters in season.
Telephone No.l. - Columbus. Neb.
We are overstocked on Buggies,
and as we are going into the
automobile business, we will give
a liberal discount on Moon, Veils,
John Deere and Marshalltown
' Buggies.
Call and look over our large stock and get first choice.
Ftr fht Fim Unit
All the comforts of
town life can now be
had on the farm.
Heat the house with
hot water, and get the
maximum amount of
comfort at a minimum
cost The day of the
base burner in the
country home is rapid
ly passing.
The time to install
a beating
plant is from now on.
unce installed, tney last a
Gome in and let us tell you
'about it, or drop us a card stating
what you wsnt.
Plumbing and Hot Water
secure an excellent position, salary
or commission (or Colombo ud vi
cinity. State age, former occspation
and give reference. Address LOCK
BOX 438, Lincoln, Neb.
The name of the corporation shall be "Platte
Long Distance Company." The principal place
of transacting its bosinees shall be in the city of
Colombns, coanty of Platte and state of Ne
braska, The nature of the bosinees to be transacted
shall be to construct, operate and maintain tele
phone poles, wires or other electric conduits, aa
it mar deem best for the transmission of messa
ges, sound, signals, heat, light or power, the
generating and producing of electric current,
the transmitting and selling of electric current.
To boy or sell patents, appliances, materials,
apparatus, machinery and supplies of all kinds,
to acquire, hold and sell public or other fran
chises and contracts. To install electric wires
and appliances for any purpose. To buy, hold,
construct or acquire, or to rent or lease such
real estate and buildings as may be necessary for
the conducting of the business, and to enter into
any and all contracts ror ine purcnase, saie ana
furnishing of heat, light, power, or for the
transmission of messages, sounds or signals,
and to connect the lines or plants of this com
pany with the line of plants of such other
company or companies as it may desire. To
borrow money for the use of the said corpora
tion in the acquisition of or conduct of any of
its bnsines and to secure the payment of such
money by the execution of mortgages upon the
property, real or personal, of the corporation.
Tne capital stock of tbis corporation shall be
$100,000.00, divided into shares of S10O.U) each.
an firm m nrofon-. d and 70.000.00 common. All
of said stock to be paid tip and non-assessable
when issued. Said stock shall be issr.ed at such
times as the board of directors may provide, and
may be paid for In either money, property, ser
vices or other things of value and shall be trans
ferable only on the books of the corporation.
The officers of thss corporation shall be a
President, Vice President. Secretary and a
Treasurer, any two of which said offices may be
held by the same person. There shall be a board
of not less than three (3) Directors who shall be
elected from and by the stockholders at the
anoLBal meetings Until the first annual meet
ing, the officers of this corporation shall beas
follows: . President, Samuel B. Gregg; ice
pmndont. Andrew Anderson: Secretary and
Treasurer. Louis Lightner.
The highest amount of indebtedness shall not
at any one time exceed one half of the paid up
capital stock of the company.
The existence of this corporation shall com
nunm on the 23rd day of June. 1909, and con
tinue for the period of 99 rears.
In witness whereof we have hereunto set onr
hands and seals this 22nd day of June. 190v.
Samotl B. Gbjwo.
Andrew Akdkbsow.
Louis Lightmeh.
The Ringing Rercord of the Season
A Beautiful Story of the Arkansas Hills
Rich in Heart Interest Resplendent in Rare
Dialogue. Terrific in Climaxes. Original in
A Veritable Triumph of Scenic Beauty, Incidental Manic,
Specialties, Singing and Dancing
Advance Sals of Tickts at Pollock's Drag Store
Prices, 25c, 35c, 50c Box Seats, 75c -
If You Are Interested
in Automobiles
We certainly can furnish you something
satisfactory from the following:
Reo Runabout, It H. P.
Reo Touring Car, 29 H. P.
Rso 4-cylinder, 3t H. P., 34-in
Overland Roadster, two-passenger..
Overland Roadster, four passenger.
Overland Touring Car.
Overland Touring Car.
Kissell Kar, five-passenger, 3t
Kissell Kar, five-passenger, 5t
Kissell Kar, seven-passenger,
Come and see. We will be glad
to demonstrate
Columbus Automobile 60.
We hade several used cars that we can sell
at attractive prices
Pocahontas Smokeless
Illinois, Rock Springs
and Colorado Coals
at prices that will interest you. Let us
figure with you for your winter's supply.
T. B. Hord
. -W i-
Prices. 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50
Cosaedy Bright to
i. .
.$ 5M.M
. M
H. P..
M H.
Grain Co.
Bell 188
Ind. 206
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