The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 03, 1909, Image 4

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Champ Clark continues tcTpredict
that the democrats will have a "work
ing majority" in the next house. The
trouble is, however, that democratic
majorities in congress, no matter how
large, seldom can be made to "work"
because they invariablytget busy fight
ing with each other. Pittsburg Gazette-Times.
. There are preachers who love noto
riety and not unlike men of other call
ings some will go to any extent to
obtain it. The "affinity" cult cap
tured some of them. 1 Then there is the
socialist preacher and only a few weeks
ago a Chicago divine gained a mo
ment's notoriety by denying the divin
ity of the, Bible and Christ. Kansas,
home of freaks, comes forward with a
preacher who has forsaken the pulpit
and taken to street car driving, claim
ing that a minister of the gospel can
not live an honest life; that he dare
cot preach the truth or he will con
demn the lives of the most of his con
gregation. The preacher, like other'
brethren who have tried to get in the
limelight by the advocacy of some
fantastic notion, blinds himself to
some of the teachings to which he was
supposed to be exponent. Christianity
teaches, if it teaches any one thing
plainer than another, that man is
human and full of errors and it is the
part of the church to have charity and
overlook his frailties and endeavor to
lead him to better things. Lyons Sun.
The comment reproduced from the
State Journal yesterday, to the effect
that while the bank guaranty law was
in process of formation last year mem
bers of its staff were given a confiden
tial tip that the platform promise had
to be fulfilled, but that something
would be put into the law which the
courts would be unable to swallow,
recalls the statement made by a local
banker during the campaign of 1908,
to the effect that a large number of
Omaha's bankers were against Sheldon
because he had, prior to the republican
convention of that year, favored the
deposit guaranty propositionnd there
was a quiet understanding that Gov
ernor Shallenberger would really be
opposed to the plan. The Grand
Island banker referred to is still a
resident of the city, and will no doubt
recall the statement It is difficult to
believe that there should be such an
understanding and that Governor
Shallenberger should be a party to it,
but it will not be so difficult to believe
if what the -State Journal intimates is
true. Grand Island Independent.
A. new idea in marriage laws is visi
ble on the American horizon, and it is
an indication of healthful common
sense. In North and South Dakota
and in Washington laws are already
in force that no marriage license can
be issued unless the contracting parties
can produce a satisfactory physician's
certificate. How the new laws will
work remains, of course, to be seen.
But one point is positive; the very
necessity of having a physician's cer
tificate is going to act as a deterrent to
scores of marriages that should not be
solemnized. Another advantage will
be,, even if the new laws will not work
out in a practical way, that the very
mention of a physician's certificate in
the case of marriages will call public
. attention to the evil which made this
step necessary, just as the liws of "2fo
spitting allowed" called attention to
the evil of tuberculosis back of the
mandate. Every step taken to insure
more common sense and a higher
standard in the marriage relation is a
distinct advantage to the common good.
Too long have we been shamefully lax
in our marriage laws; the time has
come to protect the marriage altar
from the profanation to which it has
been so criminally subjected. We
want to make it easily possible for our
TOMg people to marry, but there is a
distinction between "easily possible"
and "dangerously easy." Edw. Bok.
It becomes necessary to call in the
Congressional Uecord to arbitrate the
difference between Charles O. Whedon
and Senator Burkett over the position
of the latter on the lumber tariff. The
senator explained recently in a speech
in Lincoln that he favored free lumber
and "had supported it in the senate.
Mr. Whedon thereupon pointed out
Mr. Burkett's vote against a free lum
ber amendment and wanted to know
what kind of support free lumber
received from ,that position. Mr.
Burkett's answer is that it was a "bun
come amendment," so much so in fact
that it could command the support of
not a single republican insurgent On
May 24, 1909, Mr. Johnston of Ala
bama offered the following substitute:
Nothing contained in this act shall
prevent the admission free of duty of
the following articles: Lumber of all
kinds, laths, shingles, doors and door
locks and hinges, window frames, win
dow sashes, bricks, lime, cement, slate
roofing, nails, carpenter's tools, com
mon window glass not exceeding
16x24 inches, tin plate for roofs, lin
seed oil and white lead.
On this omnibus amendment thir
teen democrats voted aye. The num
ber of noes was sixty-four, with four
teen senators, mostly democrats, not
voting. It is necessary to rule, on
this evidence and the further fact that
Senator Burkett on the day this
amendment was voted down made a
leng speech on the floor of the senate
advocating free lumber, that Mr.
Whedon's point is not well taken. If
he has any further evidence on this or
any other point in the senator's record
it will be submitted to the intelligent
people of Nebraska who are after all
the final judges in this interesting
debate. Lincoln Journal.
Elsie Sigel, granddaughter of the
famous civil war general, voluntarily
entered the field of settlement work
among the Chinese of New York City.
She was a missionary among the
heathen Chinese in the thickly popu
lated section of foreign New York
City. She was found murdered, her
mutilated bod being packed in an old
steamer trunk. The man or men to
whom she had brought the message of
the gospel turned upon her and killed
It 13 almost incomprehensible that
the girl should have fallen in love with
her Celestial convert, and yet there
are the incriminating letters said to
have been written by her. If this
element of romance was an actual fact,
then jealousy or revenge must have
been an element Certainly there was
treachery somewhere, and a "convert
ed" Chinaman murdered the young
girl missionary.
Here is a lesson in missionary work,
and the question arises, does it pay to
sacrifice lives and treasure in an
attempt to compel the followers of
religions older than ours to accept
Christianity? Will somebody answer
this question? Cleveland Press.
Ever see a man hanged that you
knew? It's a queer sensation; differ
ent from anything else in the world.
I witnessed the hanging of a man the
other day with whom I had become
acquainted while reporting his trial
for the New Orleans Times-Democrat.
I was assigned to write up the hanging;
it was not idle curiosity that took me
Avery Blount was the man hanged.
His trial in April in Amite City, La.,
was written up in The Globe at the
time. Amite is the seat of Tangipahoa
parish, which has become noted for its
murders and assassinations. Previous
to the Blount case, there had been
seventeen or eighteen killings within a
year, and no one was ever punished.
"Bloody Tangipahoa," it is called all
over the South. Blount was indict
ed for killing a man, his wife and an
other woman, in a lonely road one
night During the trial the. court
house, and jail, and prisoner, were
guarded by state troops. Soldiers
were also there at the time of the
hanging. The Blount case is one of
the most noted ones of recent years.
Blount was hanged last Friday;
Friday is "Hangman's day" in the
South. Blount was a man with won
derful nerve. He maintained his in
nocence from the time he was arrested,
and he died declaring he was not guil
ty. The hanging took place in the
top of the parish jail, a permanent gal
lows having been built. Blount was
the first white man that has ever been
legally executed in Tangipahoa, which
parish has been the scene of more
crime than any other parish or county
in the South. The quarters were small,
and there were about twenty-five men
to witness the death penalty inflicted.
When Blount came up the stairs, his
step was firm and determined. He
looked each man in tb.e eye. He was
not pale; neither did he look frighten-,
ed. Half an hour before he.had pro
fessed religion.
He had nothing to say. "While the
sheriff read the death warrant, Blount
stood on the trap door. He was the
most composed man in the crowd.
There wasn't a tremble of his hands or
legs. He gave me a glance of recog
nition. I was more scared than he,
and the sheriff's hands could hardly
hold the death warrant
I had talked with Blount frequently
during the two weeks of the trial.
Every week or so during the summer,
I had visited him in the parish prison
in New Orleans, where he was for
safe keeping: He was always sending
for me, his idea being to get stories
printed attacking the character of
those who testified against him.
How does a man feel who has been
sentenced to death? I often ask my
self that question, and wondered every
time I visited Blount He was always
full of hope. It is human nature to
cling to hope, no matter what the law
has said. Blount did, and all others
do, even until the last moment If it
hadn't been for whisky, Avery Blount
would haye escaped the trouble which
cost him his life, at the end of nine
feet of rope.
Because the sheriff was nervous, and
had trouble in adjusting the noose,
there was a delay. Blount stood on
the trap ten minutes. Condemned
men almost invariably have a certain
look; a certain paleness that suggests
fear, agony, dread and misery. Not
so with Avery Blount His complex
ion was pink as the day he was arrest
ed; the day after the killing.
I don't understand how men can
walk to the gallows. I studied the
man. He almost seemed defiant l
occurred to me once that possibly
after all, although the noose was being
put around his neck, he would yet
cheat the gallows. Many other
thoughts flashed through my brain.
I could not help wondering how he
felt; how he could so CDolly stand on
the gallows. He was not more than
3 feet from me. And I kept think
ing: "He is a strong, healthy man;
in a moment he will be dead." Blount
evidently was thinking about other
things. After the rope had been put
around his neck, Avery kneeled to the
floor of the trap to pray. The sheriff
asked him to pray out loud. He said
he couldn't. A deputy prayed for him.
Then he stood erect His hands were
handcuffed behind him, and his feet
schackled. The black cap was put on.
Still he did not scream or yell. He
stood there as composed as ever.
Everything was ready. The sheriff
stepped back to pull the lever. It
seemed an age before the fatal click
was heard.
When the trap doors fly out from
under a man, the body seems to re
main there the fraction of a second.
Of course it does'nt, but it looks that
way. Then the body drops; it seems
almost to shoot, or fly. Blount's body
did not move a muscle. It was as
clean a job as is possible. The only
delay was the ten minutes with the
man on the trap. That suspense was
terrible; terrible for all but Blount,
who cried when he bid his relatives
goodbye, but there were no tears in
hi3 eyes at the last If he had broken
down, I don't know what I would
have done. I think I would have
cried, too, and begged for him. He
was as cool as though we were all tak
ing part in an amateur play, as though
Blount's part were no more danger
ous than the parts played by the offi
cers, witnesses and reporters. And
when he fell, it was sickening. I felt
as though the rest of us had fooled
Blount; that he had met death when
he no more expected it than the rest
of us did. Atchison Globe.
Cardboard Takes Qualities of Metal.
An eighth-inch disk of cardboard re
volved on the shaft of an electric mo
tor of highest speed gets stiff, owing
to the rotary tension, which makes it
behave like metal, and it can no long-'
er be bent If struck with a hammer
a sound emits like that from bronze.
It easily saws a cigar box in two,
similarly as a disk of soft iron, when
rapidly rotated, cuts through heavy
armor plate. Centrifugal force does
many other strange things. Among
others, when a small chain is looped
around a high-speed rotary drum the
chain can be shoved -off the drum to
the ground, where it bounces up and
when struck acts like a ring of solid
France's New Glory.
In this conquest of the air France
has earned a glory of which nothing
can deprive her. After all the foolish
talk about French decadence it is re
freshing to see the aspiring germs of
France soaring triumphant into un
traveled heights. Only America con
tests her supremacy in a domain
which she has made her own. France
may be proud of what is happening
at Betheny. The spectacle is one full
of reproach to ourselves, but we do
not grudge France her glory. We re
juice in her renaissance. She has re
sumed her role as a pioneer of hu
inanity. London Chronicle.
Favors High-Neck Gowns.
The duchess of Fife, better known
as the princess royal, who is a daugh
ter of King Edward, has started an
earnest campaign for high-neck eve
ning dresses. The duchess has been
appearing 4n court and at the opera in
gowns unusually high, and her ex
ample is being followed by many won
en in London, Including Americans,
Missouri Impression of
Shelbina, Mo. "Say; do you know
I lost the opportunity of a lifetime?"
said a frosty haired citizen of this
town to a group of the oldest inhabi
tants sitting on the benches in the
railroad park. "I might have had
chain and tables and pipes and things
worth hundreds, thousands, of dollars
by now.
"When the bushwhackers began
raising Hades up and down the ,old
Hannibal and St Joe until nobody
wanted to travel the government sent
a rather short, stout man up here to
look after things. He only had a
handful of men and was so quiet and
easy going that nobody thought he
amounted to shucks.
"We never took much stock in him
till we began to notice that he would
not let his soldiers rob our hen houses
and take our horses. If any of the
men took anything all we had to do
was to make a roar to the quiet, stolid
looking fellow and he'd say a few short
words to somebody and we'd get it
back with an apology. That quiet fel
low, who generally wore a cigar in his
mouth, was a St Louis wood seller,
Col. U. S. Grant by name."
"What's that got to do with gilding
your furniture?" asked a listener.
"Ob, I forgot When we found he
was a pretty decent sort of a Yankee
and wasn't out here to raid us my wife
told me to invite him over to supper
one night, and he' V come too if I had
asked him. Wish I had now. Think
of the value as relics he'd have given
to my furniture?
"Let me tell you," the narrator went
on, "that man Grant soon had more
friends in those parts than anybody.
Of course we were all for the Johnnie
Bebs, but we respected the square
fellows on the other side. Grant knew
which way. our feelings were, and he
never talked politics or got into any
controversies. He and his men pro
tected the railroad at the big bridge,
and made the bushwhackers afraid to
light there. That's all the duty he had
here then.
"Lots of our people went out to his
camp on the river and became ac
quainted with him. He talked to
them about fishing and hunting and
woodcraft and the thousand and one
homely little occupations that lie near
est the countrymen's life; but I noticed
that he would a good deal rather listen
than talk. He seemed to be gifted
that way, and he would remember
everything you told him that was
worth remembering.
"On each side of us were Union com
manders who at that time were talked
about considerably as being fierce and
warlike. One was in charge of a large
force at Palmyra and the other in
charge of the department of Northern
Missouri at Macon. Some time during
the war each of these commanders
ordered military executions of ten men
in their respective jurisdictions. I'll
bet under the same circumstances
Grant wouldn't have done anything
like that
"Here within the length of sixty
miles three men were making history
in their own peculiar way, two of them
by a rigorous enforcement of the mili
tary law, and the other by quiet, un
ostentatious attention to duty. Of the
St Pierre Still Desolate.
"There is absolutely no. truth in the
report printed recently in a number of
American newspapers that St Pierre,
Martinique, is being rebuilt" said
Chester. W. Martin of the American
consular service, stationed at Bridge
town, Barbados, to the Washington
"I visited St Pierre 'not long ago.'
said Mr. Martin, "and the only houses
that I saw there were two houses
which were put up by the French gov
ernment and are used by the gen
darmes. The French government has
cleared up and excavated the scene of
desolation and laid bare the streets;
but there is no intention of rebuilding
so far as I am aware."
British Swindlers in China.
The British endeavor to secure mod
ifications of the loan regulations to
conform to the Kowloon terms, claim
ing that these are best to insure an
honest administration of the railway's
finances, has been given a rude shock
by the arrest of the British chief ac
countant of the Kowloon railway at
Canton, charged with heavy embezzle
ment The Chinese are therefore not
impressed with the claimed superior
ity of the Kowloon terms, and they
refuse to consider any change in the
Tang-tse regulation.
(Mijroiina ecmes.
A code of "playground ethics' has
ben promulgated by George E. Rose,
an educator in Rosedale: "Never
fight; never run; never get licked." If
a fellow swats you on one cheek,
swat him on the other also. Do it
cheerfully, good-naturedly, without
malice or anger. Anger is the divid
ing line between play and hostility.
Keep on the manly side of this line.
The hardest knocks on that side are
nothing, as every hero of the gridiron
will attest Mere looks or words on
.the other side cat like a knife. Kan-
L sas City Star.
a Owlet, Short, Stout Man
three the quiet man is the only.oce
whose aaaae ever got into the histories.
"When Col., Grant first came to
these parts most of the southern men
hiked out Grant beard of that, and
he sent couriers out after them, telling
them to come back-home and extend
ing a cordial invitation to come to his
camp and get acquainted. Those who
accepted the invitation were astonished
at the plain soldier's hospitality and
evident good will.
"He talked to them in his easy, bus
inesslike way, explained the difference
between a soldier and a marauder, and
said that when his men required feed
for their horses or provisions for them
selves orders would be issued and the
government would pay for the sup
plies. He said the fact that we were
southern sympathizers wouldn't make
any difference so long as we didn't
come at him with guns.
"We all thought it was a pity that
such a man should be a Yankee, and
a citizen asked nin one day how he
could fight to free the 'niggers,' being
in all other respects so much of a gen
tleman. I never heard Col. Grant's
answer, but several people about here
did, and they quote him this way:
"'This war is not to free the nig
gers; if I thought it was I'd take my
men and join the south.'
"You may be sure that didn't lessen
his popularity any in this neck of the
woods. We considered Col. Grant a
pretty good rebel from that time on,
and looked with confidence to his lin
ing up alongside of Bob Lee before the
war was over. Well, he did line up
alongside of Lee, but not the way we
hoped that he would.
"It was while Col. Grant was mak
ing his headquarters hereabout that he
was ordered to hunt up and attack
Col. Tom Harris and his confederate
soldiers, who were becoming somewhat
audacious. Harris was then much
belter known than Grant He had
been engaged in a number of lively
skirmishes and was said to be a hard
and swift-fighter.
"Grant knew all this, and I notice
in reading some' sketches about him
since the war that he was just a bit
uneasy about the outcome of the ex
pected encounter. Nevertheless he led
his men bravely enough in the direc
tion of Harris' camp. The union
forces halted before ascending the hill,
while muskets and ammunition was
examined, bayonets fixed and prayers
said by the devout Then the order
came to march, the big hill was sur-
1 mounted, revealing a naked plain and
a hastily abandoned camp. Harris
and his warriors had skedaddled.
"'I'll admit I was suffering from
stage fright when we went up that hill,'
said Col. Grant, 'but it never occurred
to me till then that Harris might be
bothered with the same disease.'
"That gave rise to Grant's oft quot
ed expression that when going into
battle I try to remember that the
enemy might be as much afraid of me
as I am of him.'
"After Col. Grant left here I read of
many mean things said about him by
his enemies, but I didn't take much
stock in 'em. He never said mean
things about other people, and that
kind of a man doesn't need any de
fending." A Black Record.
There goes a man of low life and
lark deeds."
"Mercy on us! What does he do?"
"Cleans cellars and shovels in coal"
Baltimore American.
The Basra of the corporation shall be "Platte
Long Distance Company." Theprincioal place
of trail rtin it ita business shall
Colnmbns. coantr of Platte and state of Ne-
CUBK ua nnsiness snail De
ThM natare of the bnsinesa to be transacted
shall be to construct, operate and maintain tele
phone poles, wires or other electric conduits, as
It may deem beat for the transmission of messa
ges, sounds, signals, heat, light or power, the
generating ana producing of electric current,
the transmitting and selling of electric current.
To bay or sell patents, appliances, materials,
apparataa, machinery and supplies of all kinds,
to acquire, hold and sell public or other fran
chises and contracts. To install electric wires
and appliances for any purpose To buy, hold,
construct or acquire, or to rent or lease such
real estate and buildings as may be necessary for
the conducting of the business, and to enter into
any and all contracts for the purchase, sale and
furnishing of heat, light, power, or for the
transmission of messages, sounds or signals,
and to connect the lines or plants of this com
pany with the lines of plants of such other
comnanr or companies aa it may desire. To
borrow money for the use of the said corpora
tion in the acquisition of or conduct of any of
its business and to secure the payment of such
money by tie execution of mortgages upon the
property, real or personal, of the corporation
The capital stock of this corporation shall be
tUOJOMJSS, divided into shares of S100.00 each.
StOJOODM preferred and $70,000.00 common. All
of said stock to be paid up and non assessable
when Issnnil Said stock shall be issued at each
times as the board of directors may proride. and
may be paid for in either money, property, ser
vices or otberjhings of Talne and shall be trans
ferrable only on the books of the corporation.
The cancers of this corporation shall be a
President, Vice President, Secretary and a
Xreassrer, any wo ot which wu hmtt wi u
held by the same person. There shall be a board
of not leas than three (3) Directors who shall be
elected from and by the stockholders at the
meetings. Until the irst annual meet
ing, the officers of this corporation shall be as
follows: President, Samuel B. Gregg; Vice
President. Andrew Anderson; Secretary and
Treasurer. Louis Lightaer.
The highest amount of indebtedness shall not
at any one time exceed one half of the paid up
capital stock of the company.
The STiitrmnn of this corporation shall com
mence on the 23rd day of Jane, 1900, and coa
tmae for the period of SB years.
In witness whereof we hare hereuntoset our
hands and ssato this Had day of Jane. 1S.
na sInmxB.OBsoo.
Louis Lhjhtsxb.
Overland Cars
Spend more time in active service every day than any kind
of cars in existence. This is partly due to their immunity
from motor troubles. But it is also due to the fact that
anybody in the family can safely drive the Overland it
quickly becomes an all around convenience for the whole
The Overland owner and his family do more motoring daily and
for a longer service period than any others. The Overland goes
farther at less expense than other motor cars. It is less severe on
tires, less wasteful of power. The old bugaboo of maintenance cost
has no place with the Overland. It achieves economy and real motor
ability and motor style in one.
Columbus Automobile 60.
Eleventh Street
Pocahontas Smokeless
Illinois. Rock Spring's
and Colorado Coals
at prices that will interest you. Let us
figure with you tor your winter's supply.
T. B. fiord
Bell 188
We invite all who desire choice
steak, and the very best cuts of
all other meats to call at our
' market on Eleventh street. We
also handle poultry and fish and
oysters in season.
Telephone No. 1. - Columbus. Neb.
No. II... .
No. IS....,
No. 9
No. 7 .....
No. 15
No. 3
No. 5 .... .
No. 50
No. 63
No. 19
... 3:49 am
,.. .1131 am
... 9:10 am
...111 am
... 3:10 pm
... 6:23 pm
... 635pm
... 2:15 am
... 70 am
... 3:00 pm
... 8:45 pm
No. 4 628 am
No. 12 10 am
No. la 1:00 d 130 pm
No. 6 4 JO am
No. 18 2:t6pm
No. 10 3:06 pm
No. 8 6:1ft pm
No. 2 91 pm
No. 60 405 pm
No.SC 5:00 am
No. 20 702 am
No.77mxd..d 7:20 am
No. 29 pas ..d 7.O0pm
No. 30 pas ..a 100 pm
No. 78 mxd.. a 040 pm
No. 79 mzd..d 8.-00 am
No. 11 pas ..d 130 pm
No. 32 pas ..al230pm
No. 88 mxd..a 7:00 pm
Daily except Bandar.
Woe. 1, 8, 7 and 8 are extra (ara trains.
Noa. 4. 5, 13 and 14 are local passengers.
Noa. 58 and 50 are local freights.
Noa. 9 and IS are mail trains only.
No. 14 dae in Oman 4:46 p.m.
Magazine Binding
Bmaal mass!
I Old Books I
I Rebound I
SBbbbI Bmaal
I In fact, for anything in the book I
I binding line bring your work to I
I 6fte I
I Journal Office I
I Phone 160 I
afQKau4 I k
24 hours a day
Columbus, Nebraska
Grain Co.
Ind. 206
Ftr the Farm Rome
All the comforts of
town life can now be
had on the farm.
Heat the house with
hot water, and get the
maximum amount of
comfort at a minimum
cost The day of the
base burner in the
country home is rapid
ly passing.
The time to install a heating'
plant is from now on.
Once installed, they last a life
time. Come in and let ns tell you
about it, or drop us a card stating
what yon want.
Plumbing; and Hot Water
Mima an excellent D6sition. galarr
or commission for Colnmbas and vi
cinity. State age, former occupation
nad give reference. Address LOCK
BOX 438, Lincoln, Neb.
I The right party can
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