The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 20, 1909, Image 8

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Popular Priced Store
Hundreds of New Tailored Suits and Dresses Placed on Sale
Friday morning, $9.50,
1-4 off on all Hats sold
"Little Johnnie Jones"
This city will hare the opportunity of
witnessing last season's most emphatic
musical success, "Little Johnny Jones"
thiB notable attractton being booked for
the North Theatre Saturday November
13tb. No musical play presented last
season enjoyed such phenomenal pros-
perity, it having played eight different
times' in New York City during the sea
son, -covering a period of six months. It
was also seen for two weeks in Boston,
four months in Chicago, four week in
Philadelphia, and all the other principal
cities. "Little Johnny Jonee" was
written by George M. Cohan, who also
composed the music and has personally
staged the present production. Proba
bly no writer of musical comedy has had
so many distinct successes as Mr. Cohan,
"Forty-live Minntes From Broadway,"
"George Washington, Jr.," "Running
for Office" and "The Governor's Son,"
which have attained great popularity,
being the work of his pen "Little
Johnny Jones" is conceded the best work
that Mr. Cohan has yet offered the pub
lic. It has a pretty and interesting
story concerning the adventures of an
American jockey who goes to England
to win fame and fortune on the English
turf. There is a plot whioh holds the
attention of the audience from first to
last, while theaction of the play is in-
' terrnpted by some lively and' very tune
ful music during the three acts, and
each one of the songs attained a very
wide popularity last season. The pro
daction that will be seen here is very
large and complete, embracing three
mammoth stage settings showing exteri
or of the Hotel Cecil in London, the
steamship pier at Southampton, with
the departure of an ocean liner, an illu
minated steamer at sea, and a street
scene in the Chinese quarter of San
Francisco. The company that will pre
sent ''Little Johnnie Jones" in this city
contains seventy-five people and em
braces in its cast of principals may
stage favorites. The chorus is promised
as" very large and proficient, numbering
over forty people. As "Little Johnny
Jones" will doubtless prove one of the
big events of our local theatrical season
a crowded house is assured in advance.
Marriage Licenses"
Clemens Bickwartz, Fazareth, Tex. . . 34
Mary Smith, Lindsay ; 21
Frank Voicibhoski, Petersburg. .' 33
Katie 8. Malek 20
Tho name of tho corporation 'hall be "Platte
Long Distance Company." The princioal place
of transacting its business shall be in the city of
Colamtm-, county of Platto and Btate of .Ne
braska, ;
The nature of tho bnsinet-s to be transacted
shall be to construct, operate and maintain tele
phone poles, wires or other electric conduits, as
it may deem best for the transmission of messa
i!Ct. founds, sicnals. heat, Heht or nmvor th
Kenerating. and producing of electric current, J
iib; uuusiuumu; uuu bcjiiiik ui eiecinc current.
To buy or tell patents, appliances, materials,
apparatus, machinery and supplies of all kinds,
to acquire, hold and sell public or other fran
chises and contracts. To install electric wirrs
and appliances for any purpose To buy, hold,
construct or acquire, or to rent or lease such
real etateand buildings as may be necessary for
the conducting of the busiue-s, and to enter into
any and all contracts for tho purchase, hale and
furnishing of heat, light, power, or for the
transmission of meesages, !nunds or signals,
and to connect the lines or plants of this com
pany with tho line of plants of Btlch'other
company or rompauies as it may desire. To
borrou money for the use of tho Raid corpora
tion in the acquisition of or conductor anyiof
its busines and to secure the payment of such
money by the execution of mortgage upon the
property, real or iHTSonal, of the corporation.
The capital btock of tbis corporation shall be
$100,003.00, divided into i-hares of 3100.00 each.
S30.00000 preferred and 70.003.00 common. All
of raid stock to be paid up and pon-assccsable
ii nen issued, fcaiu stocK tiiall be i&ssed at such
times as the board of directors may provide, and
may be paid for in either money, property, ser
vices or other things of value and shall be tracs
ferrable only on the Ixtoks of the corporation.
The officers of this corporation shall Ihj a
President, Vice President, Secretary and a
Treasurer, any two of which taid offices may lw
held by the same per-on. There Bhall be a board
of not less than three (3) Directors who shall Iv
elected from and by the stockholders at the
annual meetings Until the first annual meet
ing, the officers of this corporation bhall lie a
follows: President, Samuel D. Gregg; Vice
President, Andrew Anderson; Secretary and
Treasurer, Louis Lightner.
The highest amount of indebtedness shall not
at any one time exceed one half of the paid up
capital stock of the company.
The existence of this corporation shall com
mence on tho i'Jrd day of June, 1909, and con
tinue for tho period of 99 years.
In witness hereof wo have hereunto set our
hands and seals this 22nd day of June. ISO1..
Samcel B. Gbegg,
Andrew Anderson.
Louis Lightner.
Ladies' Cloaks, Skirts and Jackets
Our New Fall and Winter Line of Ladies'
Suits, Cloaks, Skirts, Children's Cloaks
and Goats is now complete. We can save you money
in tbis department Call and be convinced. We are "
always glad to show our goods. N
We are showing a complete new line of .
Ladies, Gents' and Children's Sweaters
- The Celebrated SCHMIDT KNIT Sweaters for golf, autoing and outing wear They
.are all the vogue. .
SPECIAL THIS WEEK-Gents' "Pour In Hand" Ties, 20 cents
each, 3 for 50 cents. In all the late colors.
i - ,
,We also carry a Complete Line of Staple and Fancy Dryl Goods La
dies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Comlorts, Blankets,
Carpets and Shoes
of the
$10, $12.50, $15, $25
with suits.
Columbus, Nebraska, October 5, 1909.
The board of supervisors of Platte
county, Nebraska, met in adjourned
session in ha court room at the court
house in the city of Columbus, Platte
county, Nebraska, at 2 o'clock p. m.
Hon. J. F. Schure, chairman, and'
John Graf, clerk.
Roll called arfd following members
- Supervisors Clother, Goetz, Peterson,
Pollard, Schwarz and Chairman Schure.
Tiie county boards of Polk and But
ler counties by serving upon the
chairman of each and serving with the
county clerks' thereof. Invitations to be
present and to participate in opening:
of the bids and awarding; of the con
tracts for the rebuilding and repairing
of the bridge over the Platte river, In
Platte, Polk and Butler counties, but
failed to appear.
The bids of the Canton Bridge com
pany, the Midland Bridge company,
the Western Bridge & Construction
company, the Standard Bridge company
and F. !. Freeman, of Tecumseh, Ne
braska, for the repairing and rebuild
ing of said bridge, and on file in
the county clerk's office, were now
opened and read.
Moved by Supervisor Schwarz that
the bids be referred to the committee
on roads and bridges, including Super
visor Smith. Motion carried.
On motion of Supervisor Goetz an
intermission was taken by the board
of supervisors to give the committee
an opportunity to prepare report and
Upon reconvenement of the session
the following report was submitted:
We. your committee on roads and
bridges to whom was referred the va-
rious bids for repairing anil rebuilding
portions of the Platte river bridge,
south of Columbus, between Platte,
Polk and Butler counties, Nebraska,
would respectfully report that we have
examined the different bids for the
three steel plans and general repairs
and beg leave to report:
1. That the bids of the Standard
Bridge company, of Omaha, Nebraska,
are the lowest and best bids.
2. We therefore recommend that
said bids be' accepted for said work
and that, the county attorney be and
hereby is instructed to draw the nec
essary contract with said company.
3. It is further recommended that
the sub-structure of said steel spans
consist of four steel pilings to the
bend and not less than 36 feet long in
accordance with the plans and specifi
cations now on file.
Moved by .Supervisor Schwarz that
the report and recommendations be
adopted. Motion carried.
The following resolution was intro
duced by Supervisor Smith:
Whereas, the contract for rebuilding
and repairing the Platte river bridge,
south of Columbus, in accordance with
the plans and specifications heretofore
adopted and has been awarded to Rob
ert Z. Drake, doing business under the
name of the Standard Bridge company,
of Omaha. Nebraska.
Now, therefore, be it
Resolved. By,the board of supervisors
of Platte county. Nebraska:
Section 1. That the contract with
said Robert Z. Drake, under the name
of the Standard Bridge company, of
Omaha, Nebraska, be drawn in tripli
cate and one of said triplicates be sent
to Polk county and one to Butler
county and that said counties and each
of them be and they hereby are invited
and requested to join in said contract.
Section 2. That a copy of this reso
lution and of the minutes of this
meeting, together with one of said
triplicate copies, be served upon each of
said counties, to be executed In ac
cordance with this request if said
county or counties so choses.
On motion of Supervisor Schwarz
same was adopted.
Moved by Supervisor Schwarz that
the board of supervisors now adjourn
until 9 o'clock a. m. tomorrow. Motion
Columbus, Nebraska, October G, 1909.
The board of supervisors, pursuant
to adjournment, met at 9 o'clock a. m.
Hon. J. F. Schure, chairman, and"
John Graf, clerk.
Roll 'called and following members
Supervisors Clother, Goetz, Peterson,
Pollard, Schwarz, Smith and Chairman
The minutes of the previous session
of the board of supervisors were now
read and approved. -
The contract between the Standard
Bridge companyy and the counties of
Butler, Polk and Platte for the repair
ing and rebuilding of the bridge over
the Platte river, south of Columbus,
prepared by County Attorney Hensley,
was i now presented and read and ex
ecuted 'by the Standard Bridge com
pany and the supervisors of Platte
county, Nebraska.
The petition of Antony Hassebrock
and others for the location of a public
road commencing at the northeast cor
ner of section 3C, town 19, range 2
west, and running west one mile and
terminating on the northwest corner
of said section 3C, but to deviate from
the section line sufficient to avoid the
building of some bridges, was present
ed and read and, on motion, referred to
the committee on roads and bridges,
including Supervisor Schure.
The petition from Granville and
Sherman townships for the subdivision
of each of said townships into four
road districts were presented and read
and, on motion, referred to the judi
ciary committee.
The following bills were, on motion,
allowed by the board .and the cierk di
rected to issue warrants in payment of
same on the 1908 county general fund:
Wm. O'Brien, justice of peace,
costs in state cases $ 20 30
Charles E. Jones, fcTeitness,
State vs. R. Bushnell 1 10
Verha Nrcodemus, witness.
State vs. Edwin Nicodemus. 1 30
C. j. Carrig, sheriff, salary for
beptember and October 250 00
C. J. Carrig, sheriff, jailor fees 168 00
C. J Carrig, sheriff, boarding
prisoner '. 107 eo
C. J. Carrig, sheriff, costs,
state cases 14 S5
C. -. Carrig, sheriff, costs, in
sanity cases 20 70
Humphrey Democrat, publish
ing proceedings ... 46 50
Telegram Company, publish
ing proceedings and supplies 153 74
Smith Premier Typewriter
Co., ribbon for county 75
F. H. Rusche, supplies for
county 10 70
Brunken & Haney, supplies
for county 4 35
Rothleitner & Co., supplies for
county 36 00
T. S. Jaworski, deputy sheriff,
salary, September 7th to
October 7th 60 00
T. S. Jaworski, janitor, salary,
July loth to October 15th.. 93 75
John Graf, county clerk, re
cording official bonds 2 25
John Graf, county clerk, cash
Louis Held, county treasurer,
cash advanced
Browner Bros., livery
Emil L. Mueller, primary elec
tion, Bismark township
Platte County Independent
Telephone Co.. rental for
9 50
15 70
6 50
4 00
14 00
Dr. C. D. Evans, professional
services for W. W. Lackey.. 100 00
The bill of Thoma3 Keating, $8.65,
for error in case of Thomas Keating
vs. John and Anna Schuldt, was, on
motion, rejected by the board for the
reason that same is not a charge
against the county.
The following was presented:
To the Honorable Board of Supervis
ors of Platte County, Nebraska:
Chapter 171 of the Session Laws of
Nebraska, 1909. provides as follows:
"Unless otherwise ordered by the court
or a judge thereof, a grand jury shall
be drawn and summoned in the manner
provided by law, on the first day of the
first regular term of the district court
of each county in the state."
It is my opinion that the statute does
not contemplate the drawing and sum
moning of a grand jury for the first
term next after the taking effect of the
law. but that it contemplates and pro
vides for such procedure for the first
regular terni In the next ensuing year.
But. to save any question as to the reg
ularity of procedure, and it satisfac
torily appearing that no occasion exists
for the calling of the grand jury for
the November. 1909. term of the district
court of Platte county. Nebraska, it is
ordered, that the honorable board of
supervisors of said county of Platte,
refrain from, drawing and causing to
be summoned, and that said board do
not draw nor cause to be summoned a
grand jury for the November, 1909,
term of the district court of said
Done at Columbus. Nebraska, this 5th
day of October, 1909.
Judge of the District Court in and for
Platte County, Nebraska.
On motion same was ordered placed
on file.
The board of supervisors proceeded
now to select sixty names from which
the petit jurors for the November,
Purity Drug Store
Our beautiful new
iceleesgfoda Foun
tain will be open
ed today. .
We will sell ice cream sodas
all winter.
Mi a
Herstiuan &tanbrock
. Druggists
Union Block Olive Street
1009, term of the district court shall
be drawn.
On motion the board of supervisors
adjourned now, reconvening at 1
o'clock p. m. with all members present?
Moved by Supervisor Goetz that the
county attorney bedirected to submit
to this board his written opinion rela
tive to the legality of the action taken
by this board in creatine the office of
register of deeds. Motion carried.
The petition of Fred Schupbach and
others for the location of a public road
commencing at the southwest corner of
section 11, town 17, range 2 west, and
running thence due east on section line
one mile was presented and read and,
on motion, referred to the committee
on roads and bridges.
The following was submitted:
To the Board of Supervisors:
Your committee on judiciary to
whom was referred the petitions for
Granville and Sherman townships to
subdivide each of said townships Into
four road districts recommend the fol
lowing: Gmavllle Tewaafclp.
Road district No. 41 to include sec
tions 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 35
In town 20, range 2 west.
Road district No. 42 'to Include sec
tions 4. 5, 6, 7, S, 9, 16, 17 and 18 in
town 20, range 2 west.
Road district No. 43 to Include sec
tions 19, 20, 21, 28, 29 30, 31, 32 and 33
in town 20, range 2 west.
Road district No. 12 to include sec
tions 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 34, 35 and 36
in town 20, range 2 west.
Shenum Tewaafclp.
Road district No. 3 to include sec
tions 1. 2, 3. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15
in town 19, range 1 east.
Road district No. 44 to include sec
tions 4, 5, 6, 7. 8, 9, 16, 17 and 18 in
town 19, range 1 east.
Road district No. 45 to include sec
tions 19. 20, 21, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 and
33 in town 19, range 1 east.
Road district No. 46 to include sec
tions 22. 23, 24. 25, 26, 27, 34, 35 and
36 in town 19, range 1 east.
On motion same was adopted.
The following official bonds, on mo
tion, were approved by the board:
Sam Connelly, road overseer St. Ber
nard township.
Barney Wemhoff, road overseer
Grand Prairie township.
W. M. Mason, town clerk, Columbus
The following bills were, on motion,
allowed and the clerk directed to issue
warrants in payment of same on the
county poor fund:
C. H. Buschman, meat for the
poor farm $
G. W. Viergutz & Co.Jumber
for poor farm
Brunken & Haney, merchan
dise for poor farm
Rothleitner & Co., merchan
dise for poor farm
Adolph Gerber, hay for poor
s in
32 no
71 or,
29 r.o
s 80
8 25
25 00
23 00
36 00
Carstenson & Hylaml, attend
ing sick horses
John Hebda, wages, poor farm
Henry Gass, Coffin, etc.. for
John P. Settje, care of poor. .
Speice Coal Company, coal for
Brunken & Haney, merchan
dise for poor
Louis Held, county treasurer,
cash advanced
J. P. Schure, supervisor, cash
12 85"
11 00
1 00
The following bills were, on motion,
allowed by the board and the clerk di
rected to issue warrants in payment
thereof on the county road and county
bridge fund:
Standard Bridge Co., account
Joliet township $ 42 8S'
Standard Bridge Co., account
Burrows township 87 9?
Standard Bridge Co., account
Sherman township 1,296 00
Standard Bridge Co., account
Creston township 674 00
Standard Bridge Co., account
Shell Creek township 290 00
Standard Bridge Co., account
Woodville township 734 24
Walrath & Sherwood Lumber
Co., account Burrows town
Walrath & Sherwood Lumber
Co., account Grand Prairie
Crowell Lumber & Grain Co.,
19 r5
8 00
NORTH Theatre
Tuesday, Oct. 26
Jack Mahara's
White Minstrels
Grand Scenic First Part
Six Funny. End Men. Twelve Sweet
Voicec Singers. Singing Numbers,
Choruses, Latest Song Hits
Second Part OUo of Big Feature Acts
Quartettes, Comedy Acrobats,
Jugglers, Comedy Musical
Act, Music, Mirth, Melody
Prices, 25c, 35c, 5tc, 75c
For the Last Days of Our
Sale Continues until WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27th
.. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbw
50 Doz. Unbleached Turkish Towels
worth 20c, at 15c
36 Black $1.50 Black Petticoat at 98c
' 65c All pure Linen Damask at - 50c
600 yards extra heavy all pure linen nubback crash, 10
in. wide, worth 15c, at. . . 10c
500 yds Cotton Challis, while they last, at 6c
800 yds beautiful flannelette, per yd 10c
600 yds of splendid quality bleached linen crash worth
12 1-2c, at . ..10c
150 yards Red Tabje Damask, per yd 25c
25 pieces dark plaid Ginghams, worth 15c, at 12c
500 yards fancy dress silk, worth up to 75c 49c
. 300 pairs of samples of wool gloves, worth 50c, at 29c
1000 Ladies' cambric handkerchiefs, each 2c
Outing flannel gown in almost any color and style you
desire 50c, 75c, $1.00, 1.25, $1.50
Ladies' and Misses' Hats, Special Last days of our October Sale
account Creston township.. 413 47
Sam Mueller, account City of
Columbus s 3 00
Arnold Nyffeler, account City
of Columbus 24 15
Rothleitner & Co., account
City of Columbus 14 !I2
G. W. Viergutz & Co., account
City of Columbus 11 00
Joseph Bender, account Gran
ville township 63 00
Tlie bill of Crowell Lumber & Grain
Co., 1565.40, for lumber, was referred
to the town board of Sherman town
ship for payment.
Action upon the petitions of Antony
Hassebrook and Fred Schupbach and
others for the location of certain public
roads were referred
until the nexti
session of the board.
The following bills were, on motion,
allowed and the clerk directed to issue
warrants in payment of same on the
county general fund:
Nebraska Telephone Co., ser
vice for county
John Goetz, supervisor, ser
vices as supervisor
J. F. Schure, supervisor, ser
vices as supervisor
Adam Smith, supervisor, ser
vices as supervisor
Louis Schwarz, supervisor,
services as supervisor
21 90
16 60
12 6
20 20
V. M. Pollard, supervisor, ser
vices as supervisor 23
M. E. Clother, supervisor, ser
vices as supervisor 10
C. A. Peterson, supervisor, ser
vices as supervisor
Louis Schwarz. supervisor, ser
vices as supervisor
17 50
The following was submitted:
To the Hon. Board of Supervisors of
Platte County, Nebraska:
The question of the action heretofore
taken by the board in creating the
office of Begister of Deeds in said
county and in asking the county attor
ney's opinion as to the propriety and i
legality of the board in the action i
taken In tne premises i neg to suonui
the following: It is the opinion of the
county attorney that the legislature is
invested with the right and power to
create such office and that sucii is cre
ated by Section 77a. Chapter 18, Arti
cle 1, of the compiled statutes, 1909,
whenever the population of any county'
In this state Is 18,003 and over, the
same to be ascertained by the state or
national census. Should the last state
or national census fall to show that
Platte county has a population of 18,
003 inhabitants then in that instance
the office of Begister of Deeds is not
created in this county. As to the other
question of the legality of the action
taken by the board In said matter I
would say that under the statutes the
board has no jurisdiction over the sub
ject matter in question, and what the
board did in this respect was but an
Idle ceremony and therefore not pos
sessing any power to create said office,
the record is of no more force or
effect and not binding on this board.
The only jurisdiction the board has in
connection with this matter may arise
in the future.
County Attorney.
On motion of Supervisor Goetz same
was ordered to be spread upon the rec
ord. No bids having been filed with the
clerk for the deepening and widening
of the Carrig and Jewell ditch, there
was no further action taken in the
The following resolution was intro
duced by Supervisor Clother:
Whereas, There has been a bill filed
for the construction of a flood gate on
the drainage ditch known as the "Car
rig and Jewell" ditch, and also bills
have been filed in connection with the
deepening and widening of said ditch,
the total expense amounting to
$160.00; therefore, be it
Besolved, By the board of supervis
ors of Platte county, Nebraska, that
said expense be and tfie same is hereby
assessed against the lots and tracts of
land and roads benefitted, in proportion
as shown by the report of the surveyor
therein, and that the clerk be and is
hereby directed toTlace same upon the
1909 tax list as provided by law and,
that the county treasurer be directed
to collect the same as other taxes, and
that when so collected the treasurer
shall place said monies In the fund
known as the "Carrig & Jewell Ditch
On motion same was adopted.
Prices $3.00 and $3.75
Ladies' mended kid gloves, worth up to $1:50, at 75c.
100 imitation hand painted plates, worth 25c, at 10c
sssssssssa bssssbssssj Bssssssn. bssssssst bss9ssssb'u
The following bills, on recommenda
tion of the 'committee' on claims, were,
on motion, allowed by the board and
the clerk directed to issue warrants in
payment of same on the "Carrig fc
Jewell Ditch Fund":
E. J. Meayes, flood gate $ 123 00
World Publishing Co., adver
Platte Center Signal, adver
tising Humphrey Democrat, adver
tising r
Telegram Company, advertis
ing 13
1 88
1 SS
1 87
Moved by Supervisor Schwarz that
the board of supervisors now adjourn
until December 6, 1909, at 2 o'clock
p. in. Motion carried.
What H Thought.
"Pa what do you call a person that
reads heads?"
"A phrenologist, my boy."
"Gee! Then ma must be one of
those things. She felt of my head
this afternoon and said right away:
You've been swimming.' " Detroif
Free Press.
o - ii mill hsssssm hi i i w
I - ''gffVsSrBSCSrssssssssssslBsmasss
About Our New Fall Line
We are showing on the floor at the present time our
new line of Bed Room Furniture in Circassian walnut,
mahogany, bird's eye maple, golden oak and the good
imitation quartered oak.
In beds we have something new in wood in the Ver
ms Martin and enamel finishes. The first time these
goods were shown was in Grand Rapids last July. We
can truthfully say that at the
you a larger line of bedroom
In kitchen cabinets we have just received a line of
the'Springfield make, the best we know of, in prices
ranging from $18.50 to $MK. We also show the Mc-
Dougal line of .sifter bin cabinets.
Pedestal extension tables, 42 inch round tops, we are
selling now for $11.00. These are first class tables in
oak and ash, solid woods, golden oak finishes. Genuine
quarter sawed oac tops on these tables at $14.50 and $16.
219-21-23 West Eleventh Street Columbus, Nebraska
Skillful Driving.
First Irishman (in London tube)
"Sure an' 'tis a mighty strange way
of traveling." Second Irishman "Be
dad, 't is a wondher we don't sthrike
and. burst some wather pipe." Punch,
Total Depravity.
"I suppose you have a wife and
eight children," sneered the heartless
man. "Great Scott, no!" answered
Plodding Pete. "If I had, don't you
s'pose I'd be home makin' 'em work?"
College of the Future.
"We shall be pleased to have your
daughter matriculate at our univer
sity." "How about flirting?" "That i3
one of the optional studies." Louis
ville Courier-Journal.
Grudging Praise.
"Did the critics say anything favor
able about your performance of Ham
let?" "Yes," answered Mr. Storming
ton Barnes. "They admitted that I
had selected a pretty good play."
present time we can show
goods than we ever carried
1 1
.. J .