The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 29, 1909, Image 8

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Heals through Religious Faith, by laying on of hands.
Thousands have been cured by the touch of his hands.
Office at Curry House, 800 West Thirteenth Street
The Williams-Hughes
Miss Edith Spencer
and fourteen ofhers
The Slaves of Russia
10c, 20c, 30c
6 Big Specialties each night
Ladies Free On Wednesday night
if accompanied by one paid ticket
North Theatre 4 nights
Wednesday, Sept. 29th
Seats now on sale.
"Straw used for Matches.
The straw of various grasses and
cereals has been tried and found suit
able for wood in making matches.
The straw is cut into two-inch lengths
by machinery, winnowed to obtain uni
form size, and then boiled in paraffine,
dried and dipped into the mixture of
chlorate of potash, gum arabic, etc.
for the inflammable tip. The process
should, if adopted on a large scale,
obviate the use of wood and also give
an improved match, with the advan
tages of a wax vesta, at a very small
Tip to Local Bachelors.
Coming down to the office at an
early hour the other morning the Re
view man noticed one of our most
popular and highly educated young la
dies busily engaged in carrying in
and stacking the winter supply of
wood. And she didn't seem to mind
a bit who stopped and rubbered at the
unusual sight. The chap who gets
that girl to trot with him along life's
stormy pathway will be in big luck.
Jefferson (Ore.) Review.
idleness Is an Atrophy.
The prosperity of a people is pro
portionate to the number of hands
anil minds usefully employed. To the
community, sedition is a fever, cor
ruption is a gangrene and idleness is
an atrophy. Whatever body or soci
ety, wastes- more than it acquires
must gradually decay, and every being
that Continues to be fed and ceases to
labor 'takes away something from the
public stock. Dr. Johnson.
Real Deep Sea Fish.
In the beginning of the last century
halibut emigrated to deeper and deep
er water, until they are now caught in
depths of 150 to 350 fathoms, in deep
sea valleys. Halibut capture cod by
stunning them with strokes of the tail.
The roe of a 250-pound halibut
weighing 44 pounds, was over two feet
long and contained more than 2,000,
000 eggs, says Prof. David Starr Jor
dan. Horses and Mules
I have a car of choice
broke horses, and mules,
and will sell them reasona
ble. I will also buy horses and
One half mile northwest of
Tuesday, Oct. 5
Hopp Hadley Offers
the Great American Play
A Romance of the Plains
A Natural, Sane Plausible Story of
the Golden West
A Complete Scenic Production
Prices, 25c, 50c, 75c,
"Hamlet" in Japan.
Japanese actors in a theater in
Kobe, Japan, recently presented
Hamlet" The result was described
as "a wonderful mixture of the beauti
ful and the grotesque." Ophelia ap
peared sometimes in graceful kimono
and sometimes in western evening cos
tume. The king at one time wore the
picturesque costume of a Japanese no
bleman and at others a silk hat and a
swallow-tail coat. The climax was
reached in Hamlet himself, who in the
earlier scenes wore the uniform of a
student of the Imperial university, but
in the third act made his appearance
an a bicycle, clad in a bright blue cy
cling suit and striped stockings and at
the finish was seen in conventional
evening dress, with a flower in his but
The Duty of the Rich.
To be rich, in itself, is no crime.
It is the means of his getting rich
that determines whether the rich man
is or is not a malefactor. It is, how
ever, as Justice Brewer does not neg
lect to point out, the obvious duty
of him who accumulates enormous
capital representing well-nigh incal
culable power for good or for evil
to use some portion of his amassed
riches for the benefit of the communi
ty at large. He says:
"The more our wealthy men come
into the habit of helping educaUonal
and charitable institutions and or
ganizations the more they will dis
abuse the minds of the less fortunate
of their prejudices." Philadelphia
Learned in the Law.
Examiner What is an alibi?
Candidate for the Bar An alibi is
committing a crime in one place when
you are in another place. If you can
be in two other places, the alibi is all
the stronger in law. Puck.
Were we to take as much trouble
in being what we ought to be as we
take in disguising what we really are4
we might appear like ourselves, with
out being at the trouble of any dls
guise at all. La Rochefoucauld.
Not a blade of grass but has a
story to tell, not a heart but has its
romance, not a life which does not
hide a secret which is either its thorn
or its spur. Henri-Fredric Amiel.
Not Always.
He that telleth thee that thou art
always wrong may be deceived; but
he that saith that thou art always
right is surely a liar. Jamshyd
(B. C).
Nature's Peculiarity.
Not the least remarkable thing in
this world in which we grope and
have our being is the amazing differ
ences that can exist in the children ol
the same parents.
"Ingratitude," said Uncle Eben, "Is
a word mos' frequently used by folks
dat has had mo' dan deir share of
favors an' had deir expectations on
reasonably stimulated."
An Olden Jest.
"Notice the footnote at the bottom
of the page," laughed the court fool
as the royal attendant's shoes emitted
a squeak. Jack O'Lantern.
Obey God's Call.
Nothing is really lost by a life of
sacrifice; everything is lost by a fail
ure to obey God's call. H. P. Liddon
Art's Reality.
Ruskin: Great art is nothing else
than the type of strong and noble life
Box Seats.$1.00
Columbus. Nebraska. September 15,
The board of supervisors of Platte
county, Nebraska, met in adjourned
session at 2 o'clock p. m.
Hon. J. P. Schure, chairman, and
John Graf, clerk.
Roll called and following members
Supervisors Clother, Goetz, Peterson,
Pollard. Schwarz, Smith and Chairman
Moved by Supervisor Pollard that
the reading- of the minutes be deferred
and the hearing of testimony relative
to the petition of J. C. Dawson and
others for the location of a public road
commencing- at the southwest corner of
section 11, town 17, range 2 .west and.
running thence due east on the section
line one mile and the remonstrance of
Daniel Murdock, I. N. Hitchcock and
others against the establishment of the
proposed line of road be now taken up.
Motion carried.
Attorney J. D. Stires now addressed
the board in support of the opening of
the road, followed by J. C. Dawson,
who asked that said section line be
established as a public highway for
the reason that it will give to the com
munity a better and shorter road to
Fred Schupbach, in his address to
I the board, said that he had used the
road, but that the same is closed since
May and that he must use the same
for his children to go to school.
Ik N. Hitchcock said that he is a re
monstrator and that it is a disadvan
tage to have the road opened and that
he can not see any benefit to the public
by doing so.
Daniel Murdock, in his address to
the board, affirmed that for the last
fifteen years the said section line was
not used as a public road and is not
used as a public road now and the
opening of the same would not be a
benefit to the public.
At the close of the addresses the en
tire matter was, on motion, referred to
the committee on roads and bridges, in
cluding Supervisor Pollard.
The contract between the counties of
Polk and Platte and Vne Nebraska Con
struction company for tiie construction,
erection and completion of a wagon
bridge across the Platte river, near
Duncan, Platte county, Nebraska, was
now presented and read and, on mo
tion, approved and ratified by the
The petition of F. W. Edwards and
others to sub-divide St. Bernard town
ship into two road districts and the
petition of Jacob Korth and others to
sub-divide the same into four road
districts, and also the petition of Ja
cob Krebs and others to sub-divide
Humphrey township into two road dis
tricts were presented and read and,
on motion, referred to the judiciary
County Surveyor It. L. Tlossiter pre
sented the survey of the "Olsofka
Road." in Butler township, the "Ebner
Road No. 2" and the "White Road No.
2," in Columbus township, the change
in the "Laun Road" in Shell Creek
township and the alteration of the
"Stearns Road" in Humphrey township,
which were, on motion, approved by
the board.
The bids on file with the clerk for
the delivery of coal at the court house
needed by the county the coming year
were now opened and read.
All bids being for the same amount,
it was moved by Supervisor Clother
that the purchasing agent be directed
to buy the necessary coal in open mar
ket. Motion carried.
All bills on file with the clerk were,
on motion, referred to appropriate
The proceedings of the board of su
pervisors of the special session of
August 24th, 1909, and of the session
of August 25th, 1901, were now road
and, on motion, approved by the
Moved by Supervisor Pollard that
the board of supervisors now adjourn
for committee work until 9 o'clock a.
m. tomorrow. Motion carried.
Columbus, Nebraska, Septebmer 16,
The board of supervisors, pursuant
to adjournment, met at 9 o'clock a. m.
Hon. J. F. Schure, chairman; John
Graf, clerk, and all members present.
A remonstrance having been filed
against the establishing of the "Guter
Road," commencing at the northeast
corner of section 29, town 17. range 1
east, and running thence due south on
section line three-fourths mile, the
matter came now on for hearing.
Charles Louis, Pier Speicher and Pe
ter Speicher addressed the board of
supervisors in support of the remon
strance and Albert Stenger and George
Galley in support of the prayer of the
petitioners for the opening of the pro
posed line of road, at the conclusion
of which the matter was, on motion,
referred to the committee on roads and
bridges, including Supervisor Smith.
The petition of J. C. Dawson and
others for the location of a public road
commencing at the southwest corner of
section 11, town 17, range 2 west, and
gunning thence due east on section line
one mile, was reported back with fol
lowing majority report: We, your
committee on roads and bridges to
whom was referred the within petition
would respectfully recommend to deny
the same, for the following reasons,
viz: 1st. That under the provisions
of our statutes the public does not own
nor can not secure right-of-way for
proposed road, except by paying for
same. 2nd. That many of the peti
tioners are under the impression that
the public is entitled to free right-of-way
for same reason of public usage
which Is incorrect in this case. 3rd.
That the interest that should be se
cured by the location of said proposed
road would not justify the necessary
expenditure of public money.
The following minority report was
submitted: I recommend that the pro
posed line of road as petitioned for by
J. C. Dawson and others be opened.
Moved by Supervisor Clother that
the majority report be adopted. Mo
tion carried, Supervisor Schwarz re
questing that his vote be spread upon
the record as voting in the negative.
The following report was submitted:
To the Board of Supervisors:
We, your committee on judiciary to
whom were referred the petitions from
St. Bernard and Humphrey townships
for the re-subdivision of said town
shipsrinto road districts, would rec
ommend the following:
St. Bernard Township.
Road district No. 37 to include sec
tions 1. 2. 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15,
In town 20, range 3 west.
Road district No. 38 to include sec
tions 4, 5," 6, 7, S, 9, 16, 17 and 18, In
town 20, range 3 west.
Road district No. 39 to include sec
tions 19. 20. 21, 28. 29. 30, 31. 32 and 33,
in township 20, range 3 west.
Road district No. 15 to Include sec-
Ftr tht Farn Hmt
All the comforts of
town life can now be
had on the farm.
Heat the house with
hot water, and get the
maximum amount of
comfort at a minimum
cost The day of the
base burner in the
country home is rapid
ly passing.
The time to install a heating
plant is from now on.
Once installed, they last a life
time. Come in and let us tell you
about it, or drop us a card stating
what you want.
Plumbing and Hot Water
tions 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 34, 35 and 36,
in town 20, range 3 west.
Humphrey Towanhlp.
Road district No. 7 to include sec
tions 4, 5, 6, 7, S, 9, 1, 17, 18, 19. 20, 21,
28, 29, 30, 31, 32 and 33, in town 20,
rang 1 west.
Road district No. 40 to include sec
tions 1. 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23,
24, 25, 26, 27, 34, 35 and 36, in town 20,
range 1 west.
Respectfully submitted,
On motion same was adopted.
Moved by Supervisor Peterson that
Sam Connelly be and is hereby ap
pointed road overseer for road district
No. 39, St. Bernard township. Motion
The following bills were, on motion,
allowed and the clerk directed to is
sue warrants in payment of same on
the 1909 county general fund:
Dr. B. Tiesing, commissioner of
insanity $ 43 00
wl M. Cornelius, commissioner
of insanity 18 00
Katy Zuroski, witness, insan
ity of Flora Zuroski 2 10
.Tosie Zuroski, witness, insan
ity of Flora Zuroski 2 10
Tom .Taworski, witness, insan
ity of Flora Zuroski 2 10
Mrs. Franz Wilhelm, witness,
insanity of Mathilda Beck.. 2 10
Mr. Franz Wilhelm, witness, in
sanity of Mathilda Beck 2 10
Katy Powers, witness, insanity
of Mathilda Beck 2 10
Anton Jaworski, witness insan
ity of Frank Chochon 4 00
Mike Chochon, witness, insan
ity of Frank Chochon 4 00
John Chochon, witness, insan
ity of Frank Chochon 4 00
Mrs. Fred Asche, witness, in
sanity of Fred Asche 2 10
Mrs. Bont Speice, witness, in
sanity of Fred Asche 2 10
Mrs. L. Eslinger, witness, insan
ity of Fred Asche 2 10
Mrs. L. Eslinger, witness, in
sanity of Fred Asche 2 10
Mrs. Lizzie Alberts, witness, in
sanity of Robert Lewis 4 10
Mrs. Robert Lewis, witness, in
sanity of Robert Lewis 4 10
Robert Lewis, witness, insanity
of Robert Lewis 4 60
Mrs. Robert Lewis, witness, in
sanity of Robert Lewis 4 60
Win. Baker, witness, insanity
of Robert Lewis 2 00
David Thomas, witness, insan
ity or Robert Lewis 2 10
Hugh Hughes, witness, insan
ity of Robert Lewis 2 10
C. M. Gruenther, clerk district
court, appointing election
boards 39 20
C. M. Gruenther, clerk district
court, costs, insanity cases. . 43 25
C. M. Gruenther, clerk district
court, salary, first and second
quarters 200 00
W. H. Hensley, county attor
ney, salary, third quarter. . . . 200 00
John Graf, county clerk, salary,
third quarter 375 00
Fred S. Lecron, county super
intendent, salary, balance
third quarter 175 00
Shell Clark, county assessor,
salary for 1909 COO 00
John Ratterman, county judge,
costs, state cases.. 39 75
Shell Clark, county assessor,
cash advanced 13 50
John Graf, county clerk, cash
advanced S 75
F. S. Lecron, county superin
tendent, cash advanced C 42
"W. N. Hensley, county attor
ney, cash advanced 29 25
John Graf, county clerk, re
cording official bonds 6 00
Louis Schwarz, livery to Os
ceola 6 00
Hammond & Stephens Co., sup
plies for county 7 80
State Journal Co., twelve stat
utes 50 00
Smith Premier Typewriter Co.,
supplies for county 4 50
KIopp & Bartlett, supplies for
county .'... 6 00
It. L. Rossiter, county surveyor.
surveying roads 61 50
J. C. DIneen, chainman 2 00
German National Bank, rent
county judge office 63 00
Nebraska Biene, publishing
proceedings 6 25
P. H. Metz. M. D., professional
services for poor 36 25
Village of Humphrey, hall rent,
primary election 6 00
-3013 XJEUIIJd 'pqpH IJOqaiS
tion 4 00
Meat Market
CARL FALK, Proprietor
Solicits a share of your
Thirteenth Street
Fred Wille, primary election.. 3 75
Henry Bargman, primary elec
tion 4 00
H. D. Clausen, putting up
booths . 2 50
Platte County Independent
Telephone co., service for
county 14 55
Nebraska Telephone Co., ser
vice for county . 22 95
The following official bonds were, on
motion, approved by the board:
Charles A. Johnson, road overseer
Walker township.
John Brudney, road overseer Grand
Prairie township.
Vincent Wieser, road overseer Grand
Prairie township.
On motion of Supervisor Peterson
the board of supervisors adjourned, re
convening at 2 o'clock p. m., with all
members present.
The following bills cwere, on motion,
allowed and the clerk directed to issue
warrants In payment for same on the
190S county poor fund:
Edgar Webb, overseer, salary
Herman Kluever, primary elec
tion 4 00
for September $ 50 00
Chas. W. Freeman, hay for
county farm 11 80
John Hebda, wages, August 10
to September 10 25 00
Adam Smith, drill for county
farm 70 00
Louis Schwarz, cash advanced. 4 50
P. L. Benthack, M. D., pro
fessional services - for Lizzie
Regan 13 00
The bill of Henry Gass, $44.00, for
casket, etc., for burial of Alonzo Breed
was, on recommendation of the com
mittee on poor, rejected for the reason
that same is not charge against the
The following report was submitted:
Your committee on roads and bridges
to whom was referred the report of the
appraisers appointed to assess the
sdamages sustained by the location of
the "Guter Road," 40 feet in width,
commencing at the northeast corner of
section 29, town 17, range 1 east, and
running thence due south on section
line three-fourths mile, would report,
that after due investigation we find
that all provisions of the law for the
location of public roads have been com
plied with, therefore recommend that
the prayer of the remonstrators be de
nied and the establishment of said
road declared duly made, that the re
port of the appraisers be approved,
that in accordance therewith damages
be awarded to the claimants and the
clerk directed to issue warrants in
payment thereof on the 190S county
general fund as follows:
Albert Stenger. $120.00; Jacob Louis,
$60.00; Peter Speicher, $120.00; Pier
Speicher, $60.00.
We further recommend that said
road be entered on the road plat of the
county as a public highway and the
county surveyor be directed to survey
said road and file his survey and field
notes with the clerk of this board.
On motion same was adopted.
The following bills were, on motion,
allowed and the clerk directed to is
sue warrants in payment thereof on
the county road and bridge funds:
Standard Bridge Co.. account
Burrows township $371 00
Standard Bridge Co., account
Humphrey township 2S1 52
Standard Bridge Co., account
Granville township 595 S4
John Forman, account Lost
Creek township 3 00
Nick Schmidt, account Lost
township 12 25
Peter Lubischer, account Gran
ville township 10 50
Adolph Groeger, account Gran
ville township 10 50
D. B. Folliott. account Gran
ville township "00
Wm. Groeger, account Gran
ville township 35 00
J. E. Kaufman, account city of
Columbus 222 15
Joseph Bender, account Gran
ville township 58 00
Joseph Nienaber, account Hum
phrey township " 51 30
Weller Bros., account Hum
phrey township 1C3 60
Wally Kraus, account Hum
phrey township 115 00
The following bills were, on motion,
allowed and the clerk directed to issue
warrants in payment of same on the
190S county general fund:
Adam Smith, supervisor, ser
vices as supervisor $ 9 60
W. M. Pollard, supervisor, ser
vices as supervisor S 30
J. F. Schure, supervisor, ser
vices as supervisor 22 60
C. A. Peterson, supervisor, ser
vices as supervisor 24 70
John Goetz, supervisor, ser
vices as supervisor 27 20
Louis Schwarz, supervisor, ser
vices as supervisor 24 30
M. E. Clother, supervisor, ser
vices as supervisor 13 50
Moved by Supervisor Clother that the
clerk of this board be directed to pub
lish the advertisement for the widen
ing and deepening of the Carrig and
Jewell ditch in addition to the official
papers of the county for one week in
the Omaha World-Herald. Motion
Moved by Supervisor Clother that the
board of supervisors now adjourn un
til October 5, 1909, at 2 o'clock p. m.
Motion carried.
Says MeGowan:
"Niver moind th' has-beens, an' th
goin't'-be's. Th' man th'at kapes his
ar-r-ms an' head at work, is." Cleve
land News.
Said Uncle Silas:
"There may be room enough at the
top, but the crowd en route keeps a
good many fellers from gittln' there."
Los Angeles Express.
Horrors? !
lfrdw-Jersey inventors, abetted bd
local capitalists, have devised a flW
cracker made entirely by machinery.
at the rate of 36 a minute, at a cost of
production less than the import duty
on Chinese firecrackers. "No hu
man hand," we are told "touches the
cracker from the beginning of its man
ufacture to the end." It is perhaps
too much to hope that no human hand
shall touch it afterward. Doubtless
many will, and we shall begin to hear
the result on the day after July 4.
Boston Transcript
The One Exception.
"Isn't your climate rather change
able?" "Yes," answered Farmer Corntossel.
"I reckon we have about every kind
of weather there is, except good
weather." Washington Star.
The Richest Land
Not uilsr cuHhama tony
Is that portion of Southern Florida near the South
east coast of Florida, north and west of the city of
Miami, and it is the purpose of this advertisement to
truthfully set forth the climate, resources and advan
tages for settlement of this region, which is claimed by
the most noted experts to be the richest tract of land to
be found in the United States, and some have gone so
far as to say, in the world. With a charming climate
and at the very doors of the world's best markets, noth
ing like it can be found on this continent today. There
is now ofiered for sale a tract of 180,000 acres of this
fine land. This magnificent property, large enough for
12,000 farms and homes, is being given away to 12,000
persons who apply for farms before they are . all sold.
Remember that while they last.
Payable $10 a month
Buys a Farm and a Lot
2 Farms
8 Farms
20 Farms
100 Farms
250 Farms
3,620 Farms
8,000 Farms
In addition to the farm, each purchaser is given a
business or residence lot in the town to be established on
this land.
These lands are handled by the same men
who handled the Lake View, Oregon, prop
osition. Ask those who invested in the Ore
gon proposition for their opinion of it.
For information write to
The Florida Fruit Lands Company
103 Massachusetts Building, Kansas City, Mo.
J. F. LINABERRY and A. L. KOON, Columbus. H.M. RIPPand
H. C. SCHEIDER, Jr., Platte Center. E. F. WENTZ, Humphrey
Rouget de Lisle's House.
The house inhabited by Rouget de
Lisle, at Choisy-le-Roi, has been sold,
says the Paris correspondent in the
London Telegraph. It is a small build
ing with two stories and the room oc
cupied by the revolutionary poet, au
thor of the "Marseillaise," is on tho
second floor. It is said to have been
preserved all these years exactly as it
was at the time of .his death in 1SC6
In 1S92, on the occasion of the cen
tenary of the "Marseillaise." a mar
ble slab was placed on the front ol
the house, which, in reality, he had
inhabited only for six years before hi9
death. But so few of his other dwell
ing places were known that this one
was looked upon as precious. The
house was put up to auction with an
upset price of $4,000, and was sold
for $9,000.
Bernhardt's Latest Feat.
One nad thought that it was im
possible for Mme. Sarah Bernhardt
herself to beat her own feats of en
ergy, but she has just surpassed even
her own records. She has come gack
from a tour of 21 days in the prov
inces, during which she actually
played "Dame aux Camelias" on the
21 successive evenings. How many
times she has by now died of con
sumption toward midnight as Margue
rite Gautier, even she probably can
no longer count During her latest
tour she traveled by motor car
throughout, and never set foot In
a railway carriage. When next she
starts on a circuit of Europe and of
the globe she thinks of journeying by
the same means wherever possible.
For the present she Is off to her cas
tle of Belle Isle, on the Brittany coast,
for a few weeks' rest, if she ever does
The Car You Can Trust
Take any high-priced car squeeze all the
non-essentials out of it, including the need
of chauffeur and repair man and you have
left the OVERLAND, the 100 per cent
efficiency car.
All Styles and Bodies Banging in
Price from $1250 to $2250
Golumbus Automobile 60.
Eleventh Street Columbus, Nebraska
of 640 Acres each
of 320 Acres each
of 160 Acres each
of 80 Acres each
of 40 Acres each
of 20 Acres each
of 10 Acres each
Enjoyed Their Cartoons.
The collections of caricatures mads
by Prince von Bulow, says the Borsen
Courier, will be continued notwith
standing the retirement of Von Bu
low from office. Years ago he gave
orders to several agencies to collect
for him all papers, foreign as well
as German, which contained carica
tures of himself. These have been
sent to him regularly, and after care
ful examination they were turned
over for preservation. Many of the
mo3t notable cartoons in the collec
tion, which has already reached the
fourth great volume, have margined
notes by the ex-chancellor, but no
where is there any comment to show
that the cartoons in any way dis
pleased him. The German emperor
has a similar collection of caricatures
of himself, and when he saw the Von
Bulow collection recently he said It
was "almost as large, but not quite as
funny," as his.
A New Use for Canals.
An engineer who has recently
made a tour of the waterways of th
middle west to gather data relative to
proposed waterway Improvements in
forms us that he was astonished to
find what a large amount of freight
ing i3 done by Individual storekeepers
and smaller merchants in launches
propelled by internal combustion mo
tors. The country storekeeper, living
on the banks of rivers and canals, hai
found that he can ship his own freight
from the wholesale dealer and dis
tribute it to his retail customers by
motor boat at a cost far below that
of any other available means of con
veyance. There is in this fact a sug.
gestion of future usefulness for aban
doned canals in which the draft Is lim
ited. Springfield (Mass.) Union.