The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 22, 1909, Image 1

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Consolidated with the Columbus
April 1, 1904; with the Platte County Argus January 1, 1906.
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' S
Ifrniav fft Inavn
Money to loan
A good list of
Property for sale 5
1 Good insurance companies
to select from
lli 9
Oats 31
Wheat, new 83
Corn f
Hogs, top 7.30
xmiitiHiiaiMHH mmmmmmmm
Samii iiu Hmmmmmmmmmm
Filea of The Journal September 22, 1875
Michael Doody, er., recently sold his
farm on Shell Creek, 160 acres for $1,600.
The first county fair will be held near
Mr. Gottschalk's grove, not far from the
Rev. Hood tells of ft squash whioh he
saw at Schuyler, grown in Colfax county,
which weighed 168 pounds. There were
three very large ones grew on the same
Alvan Craig of Harrison, Ohio, arrived
in Columbus on Tuesday of last week
with two hundred and fourteen sheep
forG.W. Brown. They came in one
double decked car, the railroad charges
being $175. The flock are very nearly
full blooded Merinos, and are decidedly
the finest wooled sheep we have seen in
the state. One of the bucks . sheared.
eighteen pounds of wool.
Wear told by a reliable gentleman'
that he has examined two pieces of corn
one in Colfax county and one in this, in
which he reckons from one-eighth to
one-third of the corn is damaged, hav
ing rotted and sprouted, supposed to
have been caused by the wet hot weath
er, Ears that looked outwardly all
sound, on examination were found, some
sprouted, the sprouts growing out
through the husks, others the grain
rotten about the center of the ear and
this on stalks that were standing per
pendicular. Walker Township.
John Swanson is putting np hid prairie
hay this week.
Dablman and Rood started to thresh
grain in stacks Monday.
Gilbert Swanson is doing some carpen
ter work for Martin Nelson.
We have had no frost in this locality
yet and corn is maturing tot.
There is many of the farmers around
here sowing winter wheat now.
Auuust Dahlberg is in 8t. Edward fix-i.-jj;
up his residence which he expects to
occupy in the near future.
School closed in district 65 Monday
for one week to safeguard against the
much talked about disease spinal men
ingitis. The whole town of St. Edward
is quarantined, the school is closed and
no children are allowed on the streets.
Marriage Licenses.
Joseph Kiobasr, Silver Greek 21
Valeria Pciraza, Colnmbus 18
Grove Altig, Columbus 21
IdaXerly, Columbus 18
Michael Bogacz, Columbus 54
Mary Jurek, Columbus 60
All the latest shades and
styles in
and Deooratimc
Writtig a Specially
Mr. T. Postal of near Leigh was visit
ing at the John Craig home last week.
Mr. Henry Sohl was an Omaha visitor
Mr. M. Freiden was an Omaha visitor
last week.
Miss Hazel Sharrar visited with home
folks Sunday.
Mr. Don Gammel was a Tripp County
visitor last week.
Mr. Garlow of Columbus was a Cres
ton visitor Monday. v
Rev. Moore left Tuesday for Neleigh
to attend the conference.
Mr. Will Wenk has moved from Leigh
on to his farm north of town.
Mrs. Ferd Clark and daughter Lula
were Humphrey visitors Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Wagner returned
Wednesday after having a two weeks
Mis. Antrum and son left Monday
morning after making a long visit at the
John Craig home.
Dr. H. 6. Morris went down to
Omaha Tuesday to assist in Miss Mina
Rolfson'a operation.
Mr. Will Fulton arrived Saturday
from Gibbon, Nebr., for a visit with his
sister Mrs. Alva Weatcott.
Mrs. John Smith and little daughter
came up from Scribner the latter part of
last week' for a visit with home folks.
The G. W. Smith impliment sale was
well attended Saturday last and those
who purchased certainly got some bar
gains. Mr. Del Westcott returned Wednes
day evening from his visit in Missouri
and was accompanied by Miss Cora
Wheeler who will spend the winter
Mrs. Kimball who has been visiting
for some time at the Dr. Kimball home
left the later part of the week for her
home. Mrs. A. P. Kimball accompanied
her as far as Omaha.
Mr. T. F. Stevens who has been mana
ger at the Crowell Lumber and Grain
office was called to Omaha Saturday and
was promoted to traveling Auditor x and
he started out Monday.
Rev. Traachel the German minister
celebrated his fiftieth preaching anni
versary and quite a large crowd attend
ed and presented him with seventy-five
dollars in gold and Mrs. Tranchel re
ceived twenty dollars.
Mr. Rudy Wenk met with a very ser
iouB accident Sunday evening, his horses
were frightened and ran away throwing
him out and fracturing his arm and
breaking the buggy all to pieces. Rudy
will have a vacation now but not a very
pleasant one. v
The Fremont Commercial men stop
ped at our town the latter part of last
week and called at all the stores and
distributed some souviners. They cer
tainly had a nifty band on their train
which furnished some swell music for
about fifteen minutes.
Route No. 3.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brunken were
guests at the home of John Brunken
Miss Mary Lange, who has been in
Columbus for some time, has been spend
ing the last two weeks at home.
J. F. Goedeken took advatage of the
high price of hogs and marketed a good
sized bunch in Columbus Monday of this
Rev. Henry Koch returned last Sat
urday from St. Louis, where be had been
attending district conference of the
German Baptist churches.
Route No. 5.
Farmers are busy sowing fall wheat.
Miss Anna Bonner is still 6ick with
typhoid fever.
. Grandma Leonard returned home last
Saturday, after spending two months in
Montana and Idaho.
Grandpa Olcott returned to his home
in Illinois last Thursday, being accom
panied by his son Frank.
Geo. Englehardt was at Will Houser's
last Tnesday and Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cattau of Bismark
township left Wednesday for Schawano.
Wis., for a two weeks1 visit with rela
tives. C. H. Sheldon was called to Ohio last
Saturday to attend the funeral of his
brother George, who died at the ad
vanced age of seventy-five years.
K. S. Fisher, president of the Omaha
Typhographical union, and also an or
ganizer for the International Typhogra
phical union, was in the city Tuesday
and Wednesday of this week with a view
of establishing a local union in Colum
bus. While there are comparatively
few printers in the city, still Mr. Fisher
is of the opinion that there are enough
to justify starting union. The matter
has been left in the hands of the local
men for consideration, and should they
think it advisable to organize a local,
Mr. Fisher will be here again in a few
weeks to complete his work.
Dr. Naumaaa.'.DentJstl8 St.
Dr. Morrow, office Lussohsn building.
Messenger service, 12th . St., both
People who get results advertise in the
Four room house for rent. Elliott,
Speice. & -Co.
For Sale A small cash register.
Phillipps Rudat
Dr. C.A. Allenbnrger, oaWe in new
State Bank building.
Drs. Carstenson & Hyland, Veterinar
ians: Both phones 212.
Dr. Chas. H. Campbell, oculist
aurist, 1215 Olive street.
For Sale Five room residence,
building lot. W. A. McAllister.
Fall Opening Sale at
F. N. Smith went to North Platte
Tuesday for a weeks' vith with his par
ents. It pays to sell your hides where yon
can get the most money from then. See
Columbus Hide Co.
For Sale Six roost house eft Twelfth
and Henry, good repair, lot 66x132.
Gallon O. C. Pennington, Oolambus,
Last Saturday Jndge Ratterman issued
the marriage license and performed the
marrige ceremony for Grove Altig and
IdaNerley of this city.
Gall in and see the Favorite
Base Boner with triple expos
ed flues and back, at Boyd &
Herman Schmidt of Sherman town
ship has purchased the Eber H. Smith
residence property, west of the brewery,
and will move into it this fall.
Cal Nelson was before Police Judge
O'Brien Tuesday, charged with being
intoxicated and carrying concealed wea
pons, and he was fined $25 and costs.
The across the continent automobile
relay race, which was being conducted
by the Philadelphia Press, and was
scheduled to pass through Columbus,
was called off on account of an accident
to the first car, which resulted in the
death of. two men, one, of them being
the messensrer. When the maasenser
'reachedCofumbus, he was to have been
taken as far as Kearney by Ohas H.
Dack-of this city.
Installing the block signal system on
this portion of the Union Pacific was
completed when the short stretch thro
gh the Columbus yards was placed in
service. For some time the advisability
of equiping the yards in some of the
towns was considered unnecessary but
since the wreck at Fremont some time
ago, it was dcdied to make the system
complete and all yards were ordered
equipped with the safety device.
George Beck filed a comploint in Pol
ice Judge O'Brienis court, charging
Franz Wilhelm with disturbing the
peace and annoying him. The case was
up for trial Wednesday morning, and
after both sides had aired their grievan
ces, the judge decided there was not
enough evidence to convict, the de
fendent, and he was discharged. The
parties lives in the neighborhood of Six
th and Washington Avenue.
r Additional advices from Lake View.
"Ore., tell of the following Columbus peo
ple who were successful in securing
good tracts of land: Fred Gerber drew
the best plum so far, getting a quarter
section. The next best tracts, 80 acres,
was alloted to E. P. Duseell and the
following drew forty acre tracts: Henry
Gaes. jr.. Martin Langley, George Birm
ingham, John Schmoker, Norman
Davies, R. Jenkinson, W. A. Graves, A.
Dnssell. Thirty acre tracts were secured
by H. L. Dussell and Otto Kumpf, and
Fred Gatlemyer and Miss Estella Ross
each secured twenty acres. Ten acres
tracts were allotted to O. C. Pennington
Emiiy F. Rorer, and Chas Graves.
Two smooth strangers thought Frank
Gerharz of the Gerharz-Flynn Oo.
looked easy, and Monday of
this week undertook to re
lieve him of some clothing. The thread
bare game was tried one fellow pre
tended that he wanted to buy some
small article and the other fellow under
took to do the shop lifting. But Frank
was watching, and when the fellow
thought he had succeeded in getting his
plunder securely hid in his coat, his at
tention wss called to the fact, and he at
once began-to apologize to Frank, and
tried to square himself, thinking pro
bably he would be arrested. But Frank
did not let them get far enough so he
had to call the police, but gave them to
understand that their game would not
work with him.
We are moving into onr new
store and will continue onr
special sale for 10 days longer
in onr new location. Come and
see ns in onr new qnarters, we
will have no brass hand nor
other unnecessary display hat
give yon the heneflt in onr re
duced priees.
Ewery Family
' Pays for a-home, at least once.
If you pay fo your home through
The Equitable BufldintVLoan
and Savings Association
yon pay for it but once and it is
yours. If yen Continue to rent,
you pay for a home every few
yean but it stiU reattiaa the pro
perty of the landlord. If you are
payisg for a home for yoar land
lord, call at oar oflee and we will
explain to yon how you can pay
for a home of your own.
The Equitable
MMiif, liaa & Saiinfs Assi
Office with
P.O. Block
Drs. Paul and Matzen, Dentists.
rjt,VaUisr, Osteopath. Barber block.
Dr. G. A. Ireland, State Bank bidg.
Dr. W. H. Slater, veterinarian, phone
See the Columbus Hide Co. before you,
sell your iron and junk. , ,.
Dr. D. T. Martyn. jr office new Colum
bus State Bank"building.
Crushed rock salt for hides, and for
stock. Columbus Hide Co.
Fall Opening Sale at
For fine watch, clock and jewelry re
pairing, try Carl Froemel, the Eleventh
street jeweler.
Ed North came up from Omaha the
first of the week for a short sojourn
with relatives and friends.
Dr. W. R. Nenmarker, office with Dr.
C. D. Evans, west side of Park. Resi
dence telephone, Bell 91 Isd.189.
O. O. Shannon returned from Boulder,
Colo., the first of the week, where he
has been looking after his mining inter
Theo. Friedhof left Wednesday for
Knoxviile. HL, vhere be ie attending
school, this being hk last year at that
Mm. Devlin, sr., Mr. and Mia Sharp
and two children of Johnstown, Pa.,
who have been visiting at the home of
O. E. Devlin north of town, returned to
their homes last Wednesday.
A. L. Bixby of the 8tate Journal
the guest of honor and speaker of the
evening at the Y. M. C. A. business men's
banquet Tuesday evening. Other ad
dresses were made by L H. Britell and
E. H. Nauman.
Before buying a base burner,
call at Boyd & Bagatz's and see
the Favorite. It's not the
cheapest, bnt the best, as it has
the most radiating surface,
which gives it the most heating
The remains of Mrs. Frank VanAllen
formerly of Monroe but later of Gre
gory, S. D., were brought up from
Omaha Tnesday evening and taken to
Monroe, where the funeral will be held
Thursday afternoon. Mrs. VanAllen
was formerly Miss Anna Munterand was
raised at Monroe, where she resided un
til about four years ago, when she and
her husband moved to South Dakota.
One of the most enjoyable performan
ces of the present season will be seen, at
North Theatre on Monday Sept. 87
in the appearance of The Lyman Twin
Brothers the 'popular twin comedians.
This new production far surpasses all
others in which these clever young
comedians have yet appeared, being
supported by some of the olevereat com
edy entertainers today in the musical
field. The production is a revelation in
beautiful scenery. Pretty costumes
a dainty chorus and a wonderful display
of electrical effects, and is said to be one
of the finest musical comedy productions
A Barter
Ideal Oil Hoater
Will make the
more comfortable these
chilly mornings and
cold damp days.
Absslutely no
when you use a
Costs about
per hour.
one cent
We put
them out on
A letter from the land seekers at Lake
View, Ore., tells of their trip and also
the names of those who had their sllot
meat before the letter was written Sept.
ember 12. They arrived in Lake View
the evening of September 9, after mak
ing the trip from Reno north over a
narrow gaugerailway, an automobile, a
boat ride across the lake, and then a
fifteen mile ride in a carriage from the
end of the lake to the town. They were
fortunate in getting over the lake before
the boat stranded, making it aeoessary
for the others to sround the lake in or
der to reaoh the town. Theallotingwas
commenced the next day after their
arrival, and the following is the result:
P. J. McCaffrey, ten'acres; Tim Hogan,
ten acres, George Turner,, forty acres; G.
A. Neitsel, ten acres; Chauneey Hagel,
ten acres; George Window, twenty acres
Mont Duncan, twenty aores; Carl Schu
bert, eighty acres; Wm. Terrill, twenty
acres. They report all kinds of provi
sions quite expensive, with the exception
of meat. The olimate there to some
what different from Nebraska, very hot
in the day time and cool at night On
the road up they had an excellent view
of Mount 8hssts. They all report they
are having a good time, and the fisher
men in the party are going to put in a
day at the lake so they can tell of the
wonderful catches to be made there.
Most of the party expected to leave for
home Monday, some of them going to
San Francisco and Seattle and return
ing by way of St Paul over the Great
Northern, while others will return via
the Burlington.
The popular young comedians "The
Lyman Twine" will bring the largest
musical attraction they have ever seen in
here shortly called "The Prize Winners"
which is just as breezy aa ita name im
plies and which is not only the largest
but the best musical success these twin
stare have ever attempted. A much
larger company is employed, more beauti
ful scenery and costly effects together
with some of the catchiest whistling
song hits of the season will be heard. A
handsomely dressed chorus is a big fea
ture, which display some stunning gowns
and new novelties in a way that will
satisfy the most sceptical. All in all
"The Prise Winners" is by f sr the largest
and best production the Lyman Twins
hsveever presented.
Looking over the old records in County
Clerk Grafs office to find out just what
Platte county corporations come under
the proviaionsof the law recently passsd
by congress, Deputy Internal Revenue
Collector O. N. Stukey of this district
was carrying out his part of the law.
Under the new law passed this summer
all corporations having a net income of
over $6,000 are liable for a tax of one
per cent on all over that amount, and it
to the deputy collector's dnty to look
over the records and report those liable
for taxation. In looking over the re
cords the deputy collector began at the
first, and it is really surprising to note
how many corporations have been form
ed in Platte county since its organiza
tion. October 5 to the day for holding pre
cinct primaries to nominate precinct
officers, and County Clerk Graf is send
ing out certificates for that purpose to
the precinct committeemen of the var
ious political parties. This year there
are six precinct officers to be elefted
treasurer, clerk, justice, constable, road
overseers and sssessors. This to one
more than last year, as the last legisla
ture passed a law taking the appointing
of precinct assessors away from the co
unty assessor and giving the precincts
the right to say who their assessor shall
be and this lsst change to one that Is
appreciated, both by the people and the
Beginning with the first of the week,
Con Keating, who recently disposed of
his interest in the firm of Keating ft
Sohram, became identified with the Co
lnmbus Mercantile company, having
purchased the interest of Homer Tiffany
in that institution. For some time Mr.
Keating had under consideration an
other proposition, bnt he finally con
cluded to remain in this city, and but an
interest in the Meroantilecompany. Mr.
Tiffany expects to leave for the west
soon, where he is looking for a location,
and should he succeed in finding some
thing that suits him, will make his home
Snnday evening while Mr. and Mrs. H.
W. Hsineman were at church some sneak
theif entered their home and took wear
ing apparel belonging to them. As the
house was locked the thieves were com
pelled to break in, and the value of the
articles taken being over 960, it makes
the offense a serious one. Mr. Heine
man is inclined to believe thatome one
familiar with the premiss had a hand in
Editor E. A. Harms of the Biene has
purchased the William Speice property
at the corner of Ninth and Lewis street,
and will move in to town as soon as a
few repairs are made on the building.
The Great Majestic and Mal
leable iron range. Stld only
by Boyd ItBagatz.
Work has been commenced oa O. C.
Gray a new residence on Qainoy street,
the excavation for the basement being
well under way.
For Bale or Rent Beat meat market
in Fullerton, Neb. Address George E.
Masters, FuUertoa, Nebr.
Y. M. C. A. Notes.
A large group of young awn will meet
next Thursday evening at 8 o'clock to
organize a "Live Wire Clab." This
Clnb will probably meet every two weeks
to disease the curreat toplosof the dsy.
The Social Committee which will meet
at 7:90 o'clock next Thursday evening ia
planning for. eome interesting social
times this winter. It is expected that
the Camp Fires which will be held pro
bably every two weeks will be most
The Eatertainment Coarse Committee
has been delayed oa account of a" mis.
understanding with the Lyceum Bureau,
and have had to change some of their
attrrotions. . Bnt as every taiag to plan
ned now the Columbus people will have
an opportunity this winter of enjoying
one of the very best ntertaiament
Courses that has ever been seen in the
city. Each attraction being of high or
der and the best talent to be secured.
There will be two Concerts, two humor
i?ts and one Lectarer. The Evelyn
Bargelt Concert Company, which will ap
pear October, 98th. consists of Miss
Evelyn Bargelt and Mr. Leon Batoheld
er, Mr. Clifford and Mt. Joseph Stelzl,
mueioisns and artto's of high order.
They play on the flate, piccolo, cornet.
trombeae. cello and piano and prime
favorites with Lyeenn audiences.
Strickland W. Gilkilao, who to the sec
ond number to perhaps foremost hum
orists of the dsy. He to also a magazine
and a aewspeper writer as well ss a poet
and a philosopher. He has appeared
before the following Nebraska audien
ces: David City, 3 times, York. Belle
vue, Hsstiogs, Holdrege to times, and a
score of other plsees in this state and
ia almost every state in the Union.
Honorable G. W. Thompson, the
third number on the course, will lecture
on Greed, Gouge and Graft and atoo on
The Trial of Jesus The Christ from a
legal standpoint.
The fourth dumber will be Packard,
the artist, cartoonist, composer, mueiciaa
humorist and enteitaiBer to the peer in
his line.
Sarah Wathina Brown, the Hapttot of
national fame, and the Chicago Boy
Choir will close the course.
The sssoeiatioa does not want to
make a profit. Ita desire to to iaterest
the thinking people of the city through
the beet in music, in art and ia Uteratare
and the same time to stand for the culti
vation of the ideal among the young
men. The course to open to all persons
desiring to secure tickets. At the same
time the sale will be limited to 400
course tickets the price of whioh Is 91.60
Each association member to entitled to
one tickets at 91.00.
The boys' state convsntion of all the
associations of the state will bring to
Colnmbus something like 160 boys from
all part of the 8tate. Melvin Brugger
of our association to the corresponding
secretary of the Convention. It wiil be
held November, 26, 97 and 28th speak
ers snd workers from New York City
and Chicago and from the west will be
The Business Men's snd the Young
Men's gymnasium clsss banquet will be
a big affair on October, 1st. Speakers
from out of town will be present and
special mnsio provided for the occasion.
It to expected that nearly 160 men will
sit down to well ladened tables.
The membership o' the Association
has passed the 350 mark. Interest in
the work is on the increase. Committee
meetings are almost daily or nightly oe-
The Banquet of the boy's department
whioh to given by the ladies comes off
next Fridsy evening. Melvin Brugger
as toastmaster will have the pleasure of
introducting Paul Becker, Phil Hocken
berger.FreABaboock, Frank Echols and
Harry CoJton who will uphold the boys
speech making end. Remarks will also
be made by oity superintendent of
sohools Mr. Conn. O. O. Sheldon and the
secretaries of the associotion. The
principal speaker of the evening will be
Mr. Dean Ringer, an attorney of South
Omaha, formerly n foot-ball playsr at
the State University.
Mr. Ringer will also address a mothers
meeting at 3:00 in the afteraooa, Sep
tember, 24th, to which all mothers snd
ladiss interested in boys and boy life
are iavited.
A Life Problem Clnb composed en
tirely of High school boys to being talk
ad about.
The local clerks league of this city en
joyed n very pleasant social eveet at the
Mannerchor hall Tuesday evening,
about eighty invited guests being pre
sent. Deputy Labor Commtosioaer
Maupinof Lincoln, who was ia the city
oa DusuMSs connected witn ine perma
nent organization of the clerk's league,
was a guest of the organization daring
the evening.
Next Sunday the annual Missioafsst
will be held in the German Evangel,
Prot. church. Bav. Neomarker, D. D.,
Pastor. Services at 10-30 a. m,. and at
7:30 p.m. Preachisgby RevsiShimmel
pfennig. P. H. D of Howell, snd G.
Mueller of Shell Creek. Evening add
ress in German and Engbsh. Everybody
cordially invited.
Self-Filling Finntain
We have just received
a new shipment. The
pens range in price,
from $2.00 to .$5.00.,
The Waterman is the"
pioneer fountain pen, :
and in point of excel-'
lency it nas kept apace
with growing age.
The Druggist on the Corner
Columbus, Nebraska
Paving District No. 1 was established
by the city council at a meeting last
Friday morning. The district com
prises the slleys of blocks 84 and 85, be
ing in the rear of the Meridian hotel
and the block east. Before bide an
called for the connoil reqaesta those in
terested to express a desire aa to the
material they wished need for paving.
At the evening session of the same day
Horatman & Kersenbroek, the new drag
firm, were granted a dragctote permit.
The committee having in charge the
proposition of voting water works' ex
tension bonds reported that the city
could not vote enough bonds at one
time to make the necessary extentioaa
bat that 91.000 a year was the limit, and
also that they thought it was unwise to
call a special election for this, bnt sub
mit the proposition at the regular Nov
ember election. Should the bonds carry
work could be commenced early ia the
sprint. John Martz of Wshoo wss em
ployed as consulting engineer for the
proposed water works extention, at $150
per month, and as soon as he arrives ia
the city he will be asked to examine and
make a report on the present wells at
the pumping station, as the committee to
of the opinion that they need attention.
The council ordered one much needed
and timely improvement for the city,
and that is a new jail, whioh the com
mittee was authorized to buy a suitable
lot for and build.
Timely discovery of a fire in the coal
bin at the Whaley laundry probably
averted qutte a blaze, For some time
empolyes at the laundry had smelled
the gas but were unable to locate it,
bnt Tuesday afternoon, when Wallto
Graves, the firemen, opened up the full
coal bin, he had no trouble in locating
it. There was no alarm turned in, but
Chief Galley notified a few of the fire
men and a line of hose was lsid by the
Btosel Hose Company, to be used in ease
of emergency, and Mr. Whaley employed
two men to move the cos!. The fire had
gained enough headway so that it was
impossible for the shovelers to work
long at a time, but by Wednesday morn
ing they had it all moved and the ire
practically out. The damage to nominal,
the expense of moving the coal and
what little coal was burned up covering
Mr. and Mrs. G.E. Willsrd left Tues
day for Excelsior Springs, Mo., for a so
journ for the benefit of Mr. Willards's
health. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Robinson
left Wednesday for the same place,
where they will remain for some time.
There was a fatal case of spinal
mengitis in the Grentli neighborhood,
west of itbis city in Loup township,
Samuel Carl Imhoff, son of Mr. and Mia.
Samuel Imhoff being the viotim, his
death occurring Sunday, after a short
illness. He was born March 24, 1905,
and was four yean, five months and
twenty-five days old. Funeral services
were held Monday, being conducted by
Rev. Braun, and burial was in the Grue-
tli cemetery.
We have the agency for the
famous Manning Uaderwear, the
best popular priced Union Suits
on the market Prices in men's
from 91.90 to 94.50. Prices ia
boys' from 50c, 75c, 91 snd $1.95.
In two piece garments we have
a splendid line ready for your in
spection and ranging in prise
from 10c to 92.50 a garment. Buy
early while the sizes are complete.