: -i..--., T. .A : !?5x5Sftv1i, s . kariT w?$ 5- osv v.ip&-.'irs:? wy.,' " v - -'" "(jr? v " vf " v";x 'f , v-i Wv N ; r i n i. it !l " i Ft' I F ROBIRT Ul uusmnmiBmrmaw coPrmc$rr 9ct r a.c rtrczmmc Co. SYNOPSIS. Tlic story opens with the shipwreck of Hie steamer on which Miss Gencviexe l"li an American hcIn-M, Lord Win liirope. an Englishman, and Tom Blake, a lirusque American, wore passnrcrs. Tile thre- were tossed upon an uninhab ited island and were the only ones not drowned. Blake recovered from a drunk en stupor. Blake, shunned on the boat. J"tus:e of his roiisrhne&s, lecame a hero ik preserver of the helpless pair. The I'nslishman was suinK lor the hand of Miss Is-IIe. Blake started to swim back In the ship to recover what was left. Blake returned safely. Wlnthropc wasted his last match on a cigarette, for which he was scored by Blake. Their first meal vas a deal fish. The trio started a ten. mile hike for higher land. Thirst at tack i Ihem. Blake was compelled 10 arry Miss Ieslie on account of weari :.:. He taunted "Winthrope. They en iew the junffle. That night was passed t costing high in a tree. The next morn !s they descended to the open again. All three constructed hats to shield tliem-j-ehejs from the sun. They then feasted ! tocoanuts. the only procurable food. Miss Iealie showed a liking for Blake, but detested his rouKluiess, Led by Blake iiey established a home in some cliffs. TUaUe found a fresh water rpiing. Miss 1-hlie faced an unpleasant situation. CHAPTER VIII. Continued. Thej'll be dry in a day or two. Say. Winthrope, you might fetch some of those stones size of a ball. I used to be a fancy pitcher when I was a l.!d, and we might scare up a rabbit or .-ciuething." T play cricket myself. But these slot's " ' JJelter'n a gun, when yon haven't ;rpi the gun. Conic on. We'll go in a bunch, after all, in case I need stones." With due consideration for Win "t hi ope's "ankle not for Winthrope Mlakc set so slow a pace that the half- ."'.! .' '!: censurse' e-er half an l.ctn. Rul his smouldering irritation v..i toon quenched when they drew lien- the green thicket at the foot of t';; cMt. In the almost deathlike siilUiWo of mid-afternoon, the sound of trickling water came to their ears, clear and musical. "A spring!" shouted Rlake. "I pu?ssod right Look at those green " plants and grass; there's the channel where "it runs out in the sand and .:ks up." The others followed him eagerly as ho pushed in among the trees. They naw no running water, for the tiny rill that trickled down the ledges was matted over with vines. Rut at the foot of the slope lay a pool, tome ten ards across, and overshadowed by the tun minding trees. There was no underbrush, and the ground was trampled bare as a floor. "Ry Joe," said Winthrope: "see the tracks! There must have been a drove of sheep about." "Doer, you mean," replied Rlake. bending to examine the deeier prints at the edge of the pool. "These ain't sheep tracks. A lot of them are larger." "Could jou not uncover the brook?" asked Miss Leslie. "If animals have been drinking here, one would prefer elesner water." "Sure." assented Rlake. "If you're game for a climb, and can wait a few minutes, we'll get it out of the spring itpelf. We've got to go up anyway, to get at our poultry yard!" "Here's a place that looks like a path." called Winthrope, who had cir cled about the edge of the pool to the farther side. Blake ran around beside him and Ftared at the tunnel-like passage which wound up the limestone ledges be neath the overarching thickets. "Odd place, is it not?" observed Winthrope. "Looks like a fox run, only larger, you know." "Too low for deer, though and their hoofs would have cut up the moss and ferns more. Let's get a close look." As he spoke, Blake scooped and climbed a few yards up the trail to an overhanging ledge, four or five feet high. Where the trail ran up over this break in the slope the stone was bare of all vegetation. Blake laid his club on the top of the ledge, and was about to vault after it, when, directly beneath his nose, he saw the print of a gre?.t catlike paw, outlined in dried mud. At the same instant a deep growl came rumbling down the "fox run." Without waiting for a fcecond warning. Blske drew his club to him. jtnd crept back down the trail. His stealthy movements and furtive back ward glancis filled his companions .with vague terror. He himself was hardly less alarmed. "Get out of the trees into the open!" he exclaimed In a hoarse whisper, and as they-creptaway.-white'-with'dread of the unknown danger, he followed at their heels, looking backward, his club raised in readiness to strike. Once clear of the trees, Winthrope caught Miss Leslie by the hand and broke Into a run. In their terror they paid no heed to Blake's command to s'.op. They had darted off so Unex pectedly .that he did not overtake them short of 100 yards. "Hold on!" he said, gripping Win rhrope roughly by the shoulder. "It's sife enough here, and you'll knock out that blamed ankle." "What is it? What did you see?" gasped Miss Leslie. "Footprint." mumbled Blake, ashamed of his fright. "A lion's?" cried Winthrope. "Sou so large 'bout the size of a puma's. Must be a leopard's den up there. I heard a growl, and thought it about time to clear out." "Ry Jove, we'd better withdraw around the point!" "Withdraw your aunty! There's no leopard going to tackle us out here in ojien ground this time of day. The t-neaking tomcat! If only I had a match. I'd show him how we smoke rat holes." "Mr. Winthrope spoke of rubbing sticks to make fire," suggested Miss Leslie. "Make sweat, you mean. .Rut we may as well try it now, if .we're going aaWK-jL I i55iC!kr9l A7 I r--a--1 . st. aP 'Z.- JIS jrr e-9af XaaYa.'lf ' D- Hi M I , "" " Y , ' ir Crept Back Down the Trail. 1 "1 1 - to at all The sun's hot enough to fry eggs. We'll go back to a shady place and pick up sticks on the way." Though there was shade under the cliff within some 600 feet, they had to go some distance to the nearest dry wood a dead thornbush. Here they gathered a quantity of branches, even Miss Leslie volunteering to carry a load. All was thrown down in a heap near the cliff, and Rlake squatted beside it, penknife in hand. Having selected the dryest of the larger sticks, he bored a hole in one side and dropped in a pinch of powdered bark. Laying the stick in the full glare of the sun, he thrust a twig into the hole and began to twirl it between his palms. This movement he kept up for several min utes; but whether he was unable to twirl the twig fast enough or whether the right kind of wood or tinder was lacking all his efforts failed to pro duce a spark. Unwilling to accept the failure, Winthrope insisted upon trying in turn, and pride held him to the task until he was drenched with sweat. The result was the same. "Told you so," jeered Blake from where he lay in the shade. "We'd stand more chance cracking stones to gether." "Rut what shall we do now?" asked Miss Leslie. "I am becoming very tired of cocoanuts, and there seems to be nothing else around here. Indeed. I think this is all such a waste of time. If we had walked straight along the shore this morning we might have reached a town." "We might. Miss Jenny, and then, again, we mightn't. I happened to overhaul the captain's chart Quili mane, Mozambique that's all for hun dreds of miles. Towns on this coast are about as thick as hen's-teeth." "How .about native villages?" de manded Winthrope. "Oh. yes; maybe I'm fool enough to go into a wild nigger town without a gun. Maybe I didn't talk with fel lows down on the Rand." "But what shall we do?" repeated Miss Leslie, with a little frightened catch in her voice. She was at last beginning to realize what this rude break in her sheltered, pampered life might mean. "What shall we do? It's it's absurd to think of having to stay in this horrid country for weeks or perhaps .months unless some ship comes for us!" "Look here. Miss Leslie," answered Blake, sharply yet not unkindly; 'sup pose you just sit back and use your thinker a bit. If you're your daddy's daughter, you've got brains some where' down under the boarding-school stuff." "What do you mean, sir?" "Now, n't get huffy, please! It's a question of think, not of putting on airs. Here we arc, worse off than the people of the stone age. They had fire and flint axes; we've got nothing but our think tanks, and as to lions and leopards and that sort of thing, it strikes me we've got about as many on hand as they had." "Then you and Mr. Winthrope should immediately arm yourselves." "How? But we'll leave that till later. What else?" The girl gazed at the surrounding objects, her forehead wrinkled in the effort at concentration. "We must have water. Think how we suffered yesterday! Then there is shelter from wild beasts, and food, and " "All right here under our hands, if we had fire. Understand?" ' "I understand about the water. You would frighten the leopard away with the fire; and if it would do that, it would also keep away the other ani- mals at night. But as for food, unless we return for cocoanu's "' "Don't give it up! Keep your think er going on the side, while Pat tells us our next move. Now that he's got the fire sticks out of his head " "I say. Blake, I wish you would drop that name. It is no harder to say Winthrope." "You're off, there," rejoined Blake. "But look here, I'll make it Win, if ou figure out what we ought to do next." "Really, Wake, that would not be half bad. They er they called me Win at Harrow." '.That so? Mj Englisn cnum went to Harrow Jimmy Scarbridge." "Lord James! your chum?" "He started in like you, sort of top lofty. But he chummed all right aft er I took out a lot of his British starch with a good walloping." "Oh, really now, Blake, you can't expect any one with brains to believe that, you know!" "No; I don't know, you know, and I don't know if you've got any brains, you know. Here's your chance to show us. What's our next move?" "Really, now, I have had no experi ence in this sort of thing don't in terrupt, please! It seems to me that our first concern is shelter for the night. If we should return to your tree nest, we should also be near the cocoa palms." "That's one side. Here's the other. Bar to wade across sharks and alli gators; then swampy ground ma laria, mosquitoes, thorn jungle. Guess the hands of both of you are still sore enough, by their look." "It only I had a pot of cold cream!" sighe'd Miss Leslie. "If only I had a hunk of jerked beef!" echoed Blake. "I say, why couldn't we chance it for the night around on the seaward face of the cliff?" asked Winthrope. "I noticed a place where the ledges overhang almost a cave. Do you think it probable that any wild beast would venture so close to the sea?" "Can't say. Didn't see any tracks; so we'll chance it for to-night. Next?" "By morning I believe my ankle will be in such shape that I could go back for the string of cocoanuts which we dropped on the beach." Still Retained His Belief Magistrate Clearly Had No High Opin ift of Supreme Cart. Col. Blank, a police magistrate of Toronto, has a local reputation for dis pensing justice in his equity mill with no especial regard for the intricacies of the law. The colonel is highly re spected in the community. Every man gets equal and exact justice in his court. Sometimes the lawyers appeal from his decisions, claiming they are not based on the law as it stands on the books. The defense in a case of some moment appealed once, and kept on appealing until the court of last re sort was reached. The colonel came into his office one morning and was met by a legal friend. "Good morning, colonel," said the friend, "I must congratulate your lord ship this n'orning." "What is the provocation?" "Haven't yon seen the morning pa pers? The supreme court has con firmed your judgment in the case of So-and-So." "Well," the colonel replied as he drew off his gloves, "I still believe I'm right" X O jtS& Ca-eaawF jS si' "I'll go myself, to-day, else we'll have 'bo supper. Now we're getting down L to bedrock. If those nuts have not been washed away by the tide, we're fixed for to-night; and for two meals, such as they are. But what next? Even the rain pools will be dried up by another day or so." "Are not sea-birds good to eat?" in quired Miss Leslie. "Some." "Then, if only we could climb the ;cliff might there not be another place?" "No; I've looked at both sides. What's more, that spotted tomcat has got a monopoly on our water supply. The river may be fresh at low tide; but we've got nothing to boil water in, and such bayou stuff is just con centrated malaria." "Then we must find water else where," responded Miss Leslie "Might we not succeed if we went on to the other ridfe?" "Tha"t's ..the ticket. You've got a headpiece, Miss Jenny! It's too late to start now. But first thing to-mor row I'll take a run down that way, while you two lay around camp and see if you can twist some sort of fish line out of cocoanut fiber. By braid ing your hair. Miss Jenny, yotf cac spare us your hair-pins for hooks " "But, Mr. Blake, I'm afraid I'd rather you'd take us with you. With that dreadful creatu;c so near " "Well, I don't know. Let's see youi teetr "Miss Leslie glanced at him. and thrust a slender foot from beneath hei skirt. "Um-m stocking torn; but those slippers are tougher than I thought Most of the way will be good walking along the beach. We'll leave the fish ing to Pat er beg pardon Win! With his ankle" "By Jove. Blake, I'll chance tht ankle. Don't leave me behind. ) give you my word, you'll not have tc lug me." "Oh, of course, Mr. Winthrope must gc with us!" '"Fraid to go alone, eh?" demanded Blake, frowning. His tone startled and offended her; yet all he saw was a politely quizzica' lifting of her brows. "Why should I be afraid, Mr Blake?" she asked. Rlake stared at her moodily. But when she met his gaze with a confid ing smile, he flushed and. looked away "All right," he muttered; "we'l; move camp together. But don't ex pect me to pack his ludship, if wt draw a. blank and have to trek back without food or water." CHAPTER IX. The Leopards' Den. HILE Blake made a success ful trip for the abandonee cocoanuts, his companion! leveled the stones beneath the ledge chosen by Winthrope, and gatherec enough dried sea-weed along the talut to soften the hard beds. Soothed by the monotonous wash oi the sea among the rocks, even Mis: Leslie slept well. Blake, who had in sisted that she should retain his coat was wakened by the chilliness pre ceding the dawn. Five minutes latei they started on their journey. The starlight glimmered on the waves and shed a faint radiance ovei the rocks. This and their knowledge ef the way enabled them to pick path along the foot of the cliff without difficulty. Once on the beach, the swung along at a smart gait, invigor 'ated by the cool air. Dawn found them half way to theii goal. Blake called a halt when the first red streaks shot up the eastert sky. All stood waiting until the quick ly following sun sprang forth from tbt sea. Blake's first act was to glanct from one headland to the other, esti mating their relative distances. Hit grunt of satisfaction was lost in Win throne's exclamation: "By Jove, kxl at the cattle!" (TO BE CONTINUED.) Skating. Skating, is believed lo'have been in vented In'northern Europe in prehie tofic times. William FitrStephet speaks of it in London toward the end of the twelfth century; but It did not really catch hold until the Cavallen who had been in exile with Charles II brought it with them from Holland. Os December I. 1C62, .Mr. Pepys. having occasion to cross the park, "first in m life, it being a great frost, did see peo pie sliding with their skates, which if a very pretty art." On the 8th he went purposely to see the sight and again found it "very pretty." Disappearing Home Life. The flat dweller ought not to keep a ,dog, prefers not to keep a cat, cannot have a garden, has no chance of keep ing house, has no possible place for memories and, most emphatically ol all, has no use or accommodation for babies. Although it may be possible to make homes without kittens, 01 babies, or flowers, or memories, or cupboards, the spirit.of home is brd to woo and win without any of them Fortnightly, Review. j myA JMBjKSJ W v:-. .v.rl.vv-i-''s?i,.:j::-.-l v?, : :.:. : l :::.-::. :vrrJ 1 Btkl. T .. ..-fli .---T-- " .r4&?Mr2::Stnl tA '..-'T'.'jlfcv; :. fAV ma sz?sn LUCKY MAN. Go She Two men whom I refused to marry, sir, have become millionaires! He Is that the reason why? Only Cure for Consumption. -With -the present rapid growth of the anti-tuberculosis movement -the number of so-called "cures" for con sumption is being Increased almost daily. Hundreds of quack "doctors," "professors" and "institutes" are ad vertising that they can cure consump tion for small amounts, with the re sult that thousands of dupes are year ly cheated out of their lives as well as their money. Besides these, "cures" and medicines of all sorts, numbering now several hundred, are sold for the deception of the public. The National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis brands all these institutes, doctors, professors and cures as frauds and de ceptions. The only cure for consump tion is fresh air. rest and wholesome food. Pleasant for Mr. Bennett. William S. Bennett, a representa tive fromJSew York city. -went to ad dress a political meeting in bis dis trict one night, when he was much younger than he is now. "The chairman," said Bennett, "was a very literal person. He looked at the gallery, where one woman was sit ting, and said: 'Lady and gentlemen, this is a most momentous campaign. There are grave issues to be dis cussed. Later we will hear from our best speakers, but, for the present, we will listen to Mr. Bennett.' " Died in Good Company. A clergyman, who was not averse to an occasional glass, hired an Irish man to clean out his cellar. The Irish man began his work. He brought forth.a4ot of-empty whisky bottles, and as be lifted each one looked through It at the mm. The preacher, who was walking on the lawn, saw Mm and said: "They are all dead ones, Pat." "They are?" said Pat. "Well, there Is one good thing about it they all had the minister with them when they were dying." Tld Bits. ON FOOD The Right Foundation of Health. Proper food is the foundation of health.. People can eat improper food 'for a time until" there is a sudden col lapse of the digestive organs, then all kinds of trouble follows. The proper way out of the difficulty is to shift to the pure, scientific food, Grape-Nuts, for it rebuilds from the foundation up. A New Hampshire woman says: "Last sunnier I wassuddenly.takert with indigestion and severe stomach trouble and could not eat food with out great pain, my stomach was so sore I could hardly move about. This kept up until I was so miserable life was not worth living. "Then a friend finally, after much argument. Induced me to quit' my for mer diet and tryGrape-Nuta. "Although I had but IfttUe faith I commenced, to use 1L 'and great was my surprise to find that I could eat It without the usual pain and distress in my stomach. "So I kept on using Grape-Nuts and soon a marked Improvement was shown, for my stomach was perform ing its regular work in a normal way without pain or distress. "Very soon the yellow coating disap peared from my tongue, the dull, heavy feeling in my head disappeared, and my mind felt light and clear; the languid, tired feeling left, and alto gether I felt as if I had been rebuilt. Strength and weight came back rapid ly and I went back to my work with renewed ambition. "To-day I am a new woman in mind as well as body, and I owe it all to this natural food, .Grape-Nuts. "There's a Reason." Look in pkgs. for the famous little book, "The Road to Wellville. Ever ra the ater letter? A mew me appeara from flaw to tlaw. They trae, u fall mt Iiumb BBkL Adl tJBBHTi X - - " -v.u. -. X X Graham Crackers at their Best There are no better Grahams than "Sunshines" . none half so good. Sunshine Grahams are made of the .best whole wheat graham flour, at the "Sunshine" bakeries the finest in- the world. The ovens are of white tile and are on the top floor sunshine and pure air all around them. Sunshine Grahams Like an Earthquake. Former High Sheriff Chesterfield C. Middlebrooks, whose bungalow at Highland lake stands partly over the lake on stone and cement foundations, was awakened at four o'clock the other morning by loud noises which he says shook his bungalow like an earth tremor. He says that after the household bad been shaken out of a sound sleep, he. not waiting to dress, went outside to ascertain the cause of the noise. He found, he says, that a monster frog bad its bed directly under the bungalow. The frog weighed fully six pounds, he says, and every time it croaked the bungalow cracked and shook. Mr. Middlebrooks bought an anchor, strong rope and enough red flannel to bait 100 hooks, and will try to save his property by capturing tbe bull frog. WInsted (Conn.) dispatch to New York World. Almost Any Mother. The mother of a large family fell ill and died and the attending phy sician reported that she died of star--.ation. It was incredible, but he proved it: The Woman had to get the dinner and then spend the next two hours in waiting on the family and getting the children to the table. It was never on record that she got all of them there at thesame time and, they came "straggling in all the way from potatoes to pie. By the time she had wiped the last face, her own hunger had left her and she had no desire to eat. Chickens, the doctor said, come running at feed time, but children don't. A hen has a better chance to eat than a mother. Atchi son Globe. Laundry work at home would be much more satisfactory if the right Starch were used. In order to get the desired stiffness, it is usually neces sary to use so much starch that the beauty and fineness of the fabric is hidden behind a paste of varying thickness, which not only destroys the appearance, but also affects tbe wear ing quality of the goods. This trou ble can be entirely overcome by using Defiance Starch, as It can be applied much more thinly because of its great er strength than other makes. A Trying Time. Judge Why did you strike this man? Prisoner What would you do, judge, if you kept a grocery store and a man came in and asked if he could take a moving picture of your cheese? Harper's Weekly. llMTHflll tfk llllll Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that It Bears the SuTfoature of t """ w w la Use For Over 30 Tears. The Kind Ton Have Always Bought Reprehensible to Allow It. Husband (reading from his paper) Here, they say, is a comet coming towards the earth, traveling at the rate of a million miles a minute. Wife (awaking from a doze) Why don't they enforce the speed laws better? PESRV DAVIS' PAINKILLER la tha bm.. afrat and rami remedy for cramp. ; colic and diarrhea. Asallnimebt forwoccdaaDd ! SBralaaillsuneqtsaiieo. aewwaac. Occasionally women try to reform a nan by roasting him. Mva. Wlwatow Bolhlas: Syres. tssaana. s,rMacaslar earasvtadaoUu. aseafcettia. A malicious truth .may do more BanD'than an innocent He. Lewi' Sinale'Binder straight 5c-MaByj smoker jnefer them to 10c cigars. j An easy beginning doesnt always Justify the finish. "Gtaw5 CCC nxiftGCIBB. Writ tasaj. Orncrinacrs. prices, inU. farms, rancor, colonization tract a. Bay treat ewnen.Sixe ct-annlt.s.ons. IavtarGals,r.aaaB,f es. y"2r TT Jop SENILES Biscuit Co. W. N. U., OMAHA. NO. 33-1909. HM W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES axe Better Value far the Price Than Ever Before &? ThqnaliiT,workmaniIpaTitttyfrraiHMC " tonrrllrd- A tr-M is II licit in iierdfl to ronTtnre nTOtv that W. I. IonKbu attora hold thir ilmrf. fit twttcr and wear kxur n Ml - thn othr makm k W. lPotirlwntt Ion forth ! 00 mat can ne Tnrnim-m mr trx price i wonv W. n stands twrlc of rvfry pair ana naxsnttrf fall Talne 'o the wrarrr. CATJTI0K. t W. I. lrar sune an4 tha rt! rrfre ! fampl n tfm hmfm TAKK NO SUMTITUTE. to SS.M Shoes for Every MemVr of the Family, afa. Boys, TVomen, 91 lane ami Children. Wlurrrer 7a live. W. U PnwrUa ahfs arc wlthnr yrar rc. If your 1alw rannot fit yon. writ fot Mail Order Catalog. W.UPQUULAS. Brocttrm. Mass SICK HEADACHE ICAKTFri Positively cared bj these Little Pills. Isjissbsiii TUey also relieve Dls aVsBI'I'TLE tress from Drspepbl, Irr SsT 5maTVMrTfc digrstlun and Tuo Heart) S I If ER Eatin?. A perfect rca BB S.11 "A edy for Di-aincus, Naw Bg rlLLO mh Drowsiness, Bac J1B TasteJntheMou'h,Coa IbBbsB cd ToagrtF, Tain In tut raaSasTsTsTsTsTsTi iai.lo. TORPID LIVKR. Ibeyregnlate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PWCE Genuine Must Bear Fae-Siiwilt Sighatwt REFUSE SMISTITITES. Fistula And Rectal On 11 irnfl The book is wcU wore imtlnf. 1 It tells cTm plaia wvta aboatPileal and Rectal diseases. It mnn. J BMsass of hopetotho who hm m..i. hot u,T sbb svaueasw HIM, I I .. .WOT Wl MIW, CSS Ihoprlass. Itpolctacnrtthesisrarosd toprn. eat relief for those who have tried aseleas asedlctaeaaad prcreriptioaa. Tit kookjrjTeaj AAaaa vnv mm b ... miimiiiii ii i k amiwsiwx v. my cipnwstff ana atsla of i lbmiiii v, nn were cvreo. it wfrj i cuhwimww . y mi .iiy wm mam saieer A fc " - ' - - . - A k ,. BMUmm J W NWUIW. Pay When TfcsTa aW fairest offer I eaa saaaiely aaaaa. awtathokjMwartosvovassyoa skat I do as I aaasMnsae a May) aat retaraoraarof mm aawsstasa aaaaaa- s I eoaomacayoai carwi. I ail anac yoa-aaat roa Itte baatatieasieai aa saw . rarya. awal every axaaaawa Jhaa eawsWeasaa. ' ' W a access. aiaad rid yooastaf at aa SaaBsSksW 1 1 fj ."aTaTPaT wrYJfBSJBfa aC"aarV"raT fyoo " t nwf wrrltet foe a ry 9n DR. E. HL TARRY. 12 BMBaridIji,Orrmba,Nebrarica. Constipation -tnrewi wfae yean I aaaTtii.il wtu. cardaws eeasttpatJoBaaddariawtaid ttee-I aval to take aaiajectioaof waraa water oace eeerr ad aown Deforc I coaM hare aa actios oa aay bowesj. Happily I tried Caacareta, aat tooay I am a weH -aam. Dariae the arae yeara before I awed CaacareU IaaaTered watold ariarry with fateraal piles. Thanks to yoa. I am free from all that this atoraias;. Yoa caa ase this ia behalf ef tatfniawhamaaity. B. F. Fisher, Koaaoke. IX. Reasaat. Palatable. Potest. Taste Good. S? Tl-Nc5!r Slckea.Weahea or Gripe. Me. 25c Ste. Never sold la bulk- Tberea aioe tablet stamped CCC Gaaraaseedte cara or yonr moasyback. SB 1 NONE BETTER Tho-stest bill of shingles 7011 buy 1 00k to see what mark is on them, particularly what the name of the manufacturer is. If yon see !DAY LUMBER COMPANY and this mark you can be sure of the quality. i'rtASK'YXDPwgt?llU $3ob shoes $35 CARTERS Twer pmia. Imsssmm T lll-Bf-iyi.Vi'sVwV-aTJV'safdi yj ".. v ;