The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 11, 1909, Image 6

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Miss Petunia Scraggins and the
"By Ellis Parker Bullor
Atdhor of Figs is Pigs Lie-
Rft'A&x 1
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Fbr a great many years Miss Pe
tunia Scraggins of Betzville sent her
washing .away from home to be done,
but it was not in order to appear styl
ish, as some of our invidious citizens
liave h2jrt. It was because she was
7 modest mai sue cquiuu i uem .
look uDon a naked clothespin. The
mere sight of six dozen pale, nuae
clothespins in a basket always over
came Petunia so that she became
weak and trembly and had to go and
lie down on the red-plush sofa and
sniff at the uncorked camphor bottle.
But when adversity overtook, her
nnd she couldn't afford to have her
washing sent out, she saw there was
nothing to do about it, and that she
must do her own washing. For three
weeks she hunted high and low for
some kind of lady-like clothespins
that she could put skirts on and that
would ride side-saddle on the clothes
line, but she could not find any of that
sort, and she didn't know what in the
world to do. Then she tried putting
skirts on the two-legged clothespins
any way, but although they looked all
right in the basket, the way they be
haved on the clothesline was perfectly
scandalous. Skirts were never in the
world meant to ride a-straddle. And a
It Irked Miss Petunia Almost to Death
to Go Out and Hang Up a Towel
and Hear the Loud Chesrs as She
Stuck the Clothes-Pin on the' Line.
clothespin was never intended to do
anything else. Miss Petunia couldn't
so much as hang out a handkerchief
on the line without being shocked and
blushing like a mile a minute. '
It didn't make the least difference
that Miss Petunia was not sparing of
clothes. A well-informed stranger
who visited our town - stated in the
hearing of some of our best citizens
that he had never seen, anywhere in
the world, as well gowned and out
fitted clothespins as Miss Petunia's.
They were fully robed in skirts and
underskirts and general trousseau
stuff, including stockings, and yet
when they were stuck on the clothes
line they looked like reckless crea
tures whose acquaintance one would
not care to make.
The thing that worried Miss Pe
tunia most was that Sim Wiggins, who
owns the lot next to her humble
home, built a grandstand on it, facing
Miss Petunia's yard, and sold seats
every wash day at ten cents a. seat
The grandstand was always crowded
on wash days by spectators come to
see Miss Petunia's clothespin ballet,
and it was not at all a nice crowd.
The best society all stayed away after
they beard what kind of a show it
was. It irked Miss Petunia almost
to death to go out and hang up a
towel and hear the loud cheers as she
ttuck the clothespins on the line. The
audience got so it knew each individ
ual clothespin, and gave them all
names, and when their favorites ap
peared and began to dance in the
breeze they just went wild. And Sim
Wiggins used to sell peanuts and
lemonade, and parade up and down be
fore the grandstand as proud as if he
had thought of the show himself. It
riled -Miss Petunia dreadfully.
At last the crowd got to be so noisy
that the city council met and consid
ered the bad effect the clothesline bal
let was having on the public. They
appointed a committee of censors, and
the next Monday the committee went
round and censored Miss Petuna's
week's wash and declared it injurious
to the morals of the community and
ordered her to discontinue it. They
said she still had the right to use
nude, unadorned clothespins if she
wished, but she couldn't bring herself
to do that, and it looked for awhile as
u she would have to discontinue wash
H. H. Rogers' Humor.
Oce of the characteristics of H. H.
hogers was his love of a joke, even
at his own expense. This was one of
his favorite stories:
He. William C.Wkitney, and several
other friends were discussing the suc
cession of the presidency of Yale,
then -vacant before the election of
Prof. Hadley. who then held the chair
of economics. Another professor lon
ger at the university than Dr. Hadley
was a candidate, and his chances of
Under the Friendly Awning.
. "How it rains! Doesn't the light
ening scare you dreadfully?"
"Not when my husband is around."
"He's a er conductor, is he?"
"Oh, bo. He carries a $5,000 acci
dent policy." Chicago Tribune.
Painter's Colic
llanwaa What's the matter with
Fido? '
' Towmie Oh. I 'was playing with
my soldiers and he came in aad" in
sisted upon licking the whole army. '
day, and so she would if she hadn't
happened to hear that the best so
ciety elsewhere was -wearing -divided
skirts for horseback riding.
For awhile Miss Petunia was
doubtful about divided skirts. She
was a little old-fashioned and she
feared they might not be modest, but
when she spoke to the city censoring
committee they said the divided skirts
were perfectly proper and suitable
for the most well-bred clothespins tc
wear. So she set to work and made
a complete outfit of divided skirts fox
her clothespins. Sim Wiggins solda
few reserved seats for the first ap
pearance of the divided-skirts, there
being some curiosity about them
among those who had .never seen
them, but the next Monday the grand
stand was as empty as a church on
Fourth of July.
It is wonderful how a little thing
like clothes changes things. Formerly
Miss Petunia was afraid to look a
clothespin in the face, and now she
is as fond of them as can be. She
says that putting clothes on .them
makes them really clothespins, and
that that is all seme people are. She
says that for upwards of 40 years she
was lonely and sad and always work
ing her fingers to the bone to get a
husband, but now she has learned how
much human companionship there is
in a well-dressed clothespin, and she
has given up all intention of getting
married. In the long winter evenings
she just goes out to the clothespin
basket ami gets a clothespin and sets
it astraddle on the edge of her work
basket, and the evening passes as
quickly as could be desired. And she
says she has raised such an affection
for the dear good things that she can't
abide thinking of them all alone in the
cold cellarway in a draughty willow
basket, and every night she puts them
all snugly to bed in. the spare bed in
the east bedroom. Miss Petunia says
that they look so sweet and innocent,
lying there 72 in a row, with just their
little wooden heads sticking out be
yond the covers, that every night she
gives each one of them a kiss and a
little pat on the cheek before she
turns out the light. Bless their little
Copyright. 1903. Iy W. G. Chapman.)
Turkish Kindness to Animals.
In the matter of kindness to ani
mals it is said that the Turk cannot
be surpassed. Thus at Stamboul the
wandering dogs are treated with great
gentleness and when puppies come
into the world they are lodged with
their mother at the side of the-street
in improvised kennels made out of old
boxes lined with straw and bits of car
pet. And frequently when a young
Turk happens to be flush of money he
goes to the nearest baker's shop and
buys a quantity of bread, which he
distributes among the dogs of the
quarter, who testify their gratitude by
jumping up at him with muddy paws
and sniffling muzzles.
The Walrus' Defenses.
A full-grown walrus will weigh as
much as 2,000 pounds a mountain
ous mass of muscle and blubber. He
is armed with tusks of ivory, some
times two feet in length, and when
from his upreared bulk these formid
able weapons are plunged downward
upon an enemy, they are asr resistless
as the drop of a guillotine. Such a
thick layer of blubber lies under the
skin that he is practically clad in ar
mor impervious to teeth and claws
alike. So, unless the enemy is greatly
favored by luck, he has little chance
to overthrow his antagonist. St.
Office Repartee.
"The blonde typewriter over there
carries her own headlight," remarked
the humorous bookkeeper.
"Yes," rejoined the bill clerk, "and
you have your own private entry
way." And the office boy stared at them in
astonishment, for he had his own
Too Trusting.
The early robin freely acknowl
edged that'as a harbinger of spring
it had been a failure this time.
"I was fooled by the boys playing
marbles in the streets," pleaded the
bird, in extenuation.
Fbr there are times, as Solomon or
some other wise man has remarked,
when all signs fail.
Alice Ethel tells me she is engaged
10 Jack. Do you think she really
means to marry him?
Kate Not if she can get anybody
winning the honor were under dis
cussion. "Well." said Mr. Rogers, "if I had
been as long around Yale college as
Prof. So and So I'd be president"
"No. Henry," retorted Mr. Whitney,
"you would probably own the ground
and the buildings, but you would not
be president."
Mr. Rogers always told that story
with a chuckle.
"You can print that, some time' he
said to a reporter to whom he told it
some months before his death.
Up to the Minute.
Mrs. Gossip They do say that her
husband has acquired locomotor
Mrs. Parvenue I don't think much
of those cheap cars; .my husband has
an imported one.
Matching His Feeling.
"Ragsby is very; chesty' since he
started to bay a new house."
"Yes. so much so that he insisted
on getting; one with a swell front."
Yonkers Statesman-
. -ar ar-aT-i-aT" - -m. t-w a
if MSBvBsMnfnK. '
m iwm '-'m.
fylrn: fitr
Why guess at 'things when it is
safest to be sure?
The road drag is a good thing to
keep going the year round.
Give your neighbor a lift occasional
ly. You'll feel better and so will he.
Be sure you lay in -sufficient rough'
age for the stock for their feed', dur
ing the winter.
Grain ration every day for the grow
ing lambs. That means early market
ing day and cheap mutton.
The right brand of gumption mixed
with the best quality of common sense
is sure to make the old farm pay.
A well-balanced ration is that kind
and quantity of feed which will pro
duce the best results at the least pos
sible expense.
One way of cultivating the orchard
is to fence them and then turn in the
hogs, and after they have cleaned
things up plow and cultivate.
The rainy days are godsends to the
farmer not only because of the grow
ing crops but because it affords him
time for repairs and inside work which
he would otherwise neglect.
A trip through the fields and around
the place for the purpose of inspection
rather than driving away at some par
ticular task will help you to see many
things which you would not otherwise
What kind of watering places have
you in the pasture? Look after them
during the hot weather. Contaminat
ed water supply means contaminated
stock. Especially is this true of the
cows, and the milk supply.
Mature brood sows can safely raise
two litters a year and can be carried
from year to year after weaning their
litters, quite cheaply, with little or, no
grain after the spring litter is weaned
until the fall litter comes, if they can
have fresh grass or other succulent
feed. We should learn to produce as
much of the feed as possible.
New grape vines may be propagated
by layering. Select fairly well-matured
branches of this season's' growth near
the ground, place them on the ground
and cover with five or six inches of
soil at a joint. If the runner is long it
may be covered in more than one
place. Roots '..ill spring aut at the
joints covered with earth within a few
weeks and later in the season these
new grape plants may he separated
from the parent plants.
The well cultivated corn field will
always give a better yield than the
one that is neglected. Give the boy
a good team and an improved sulky
cultivator, and he will do more and
belter work than half a dozen men
with hoes and will take a pleasure in
having the work well done. When
corn is half grown, put wire muzzles
on the horses, use harrow single trees
and set the teeth to cut about four
inches in depth, by using the shovel
teeth to throw a slight furrow to the
hills at the fourth working, and the
cultivator teeth at the fifth working.
The corn can then be thoroughly
worked and the iron, pig and rag
weeds cut out before the' are deep
rooted and the field put in nice con
dition for fall seeding.
Nothing will upset a calf's digestive
system any quicker than a batch
of cold milk when it has been
accustomed to warm milk. The prop
er temperature of the mtyk for young
calves is between 90 and 100 degrees'
F., according to Mr. Woodward. As
the calf becomes older and its diges
tive organs stronger the feeding tem
perature ma,y be reduced. But in any
case milk should be of a uniform tem
perature all the time. It is well to
use a thermometer occasionally to be
sure that you are giving milk some
.whefe near the proper temperature.
What- has been- said in regard to cold
milk will also apply in part to sour
milk. The milk for young calves
should be sweet, but as it grows older
sour milk or butter milk may be sub
stituted without bad results. Milk
should be sour all the time or sweet
all the time.
The American farmer has yet to
come to full realization of the value of
leguminous crops. Prof. G. C. Creel
man, recently returned from a trip
abroad, and in giving bis opinion of ag
riculture as it is carried on in Italy, he'
has this to say: "In looking about to
find out how thr fertility of the soil
was maintained in districts where live
stock was not common, and' hence
farm manure was for from plentiful, I
noticed that everywhere leguminous
crops (or pulse) were the rule. I also
discovered that in some form it was
eaten every day by rich and poor alike.
All the time I was in Italy I never
once sat down to a dinner without be
ing served with peas, or beans, or len
tils, or some other variety of legumin
ous annual. I found also that the
poorer classes consumed large quanti
ties of pulse, it being used to a large
extent as a substitute for meat Where
the Irish peasant finds his balanced ra
tion In potatoes and pork, the English
'man. in bread and - cheese, the Scotch
man in oatmeal and milk; so the Ita
lian, rests 'content with macaroni and
pulseand-the'land'sets the benefit in
nestored fertility."
4 ' .
Coyer thebfcad in a stone crock to
keep it moist. ,
Sow a cover' crop in the orchard
after the .last cultivation.
Dry and- clean stalls should be pro
vided for the calytfs.
The good idea is worth sticking to,
but be sure, it is a good one befoie
risking too much upon it.
The crop of flies on "the farm can be
reduced considerably if the manure is
kept cleaned up.
Manure put on the soil in big chunks
Is not readily incorporated with - the
soil and may do more harm than
good. ,t
A mixture of salt, copperas, lime and
ashes is god for the hogs and should
be placed where they can have access
to It at all times.
With other food stuffs increasing in
price why should not milk go up also?
There is not enough margin of profit
for the farmer under the present scale
of prices.
If there is no pasture for the ram
provide a paddock in which he can ex
erclse. It is a shortsighted policy
which would keep him shut in the
barn these days. i
Look at the nuts on the buggy occa
sionally, and the other vehicles, too
Easy to tighten them, but mighty hard
to repair the damage sometimes when
a wheel comes rolling off.
Does every cow in your herd .e-.
turn you a profit? you cannot know
unless you have tested the milk and
keep a record of the yield. Use the
scales and the Babcock tester. It is
the only way..
If by careless handling a piece of
farm machinery lasts you only five
years when it might have been made
to do good service for eight years or
perhaps ten years, see what a loss
your carelessness has cost you.
In discussing the feeding of cows,
Ex-Gov. Hoard of Wisconsin declares
that when the American farmer's wife,
a few years hence, hands her husband
the shopping list there will appear the
following: "Chocolates for daughter
Susan, taffy for little Bill, and a gal
Ion of molasses, for the cow! Cows
like sweets," he said. " I feed my
herd a regular ration of molasses ev
ery day, and I find that they thrive on
it. It makes their flesh fat and their
skins glossy. It gives zest to their
appetities and helps their digestion.
It increases the quality and improves
the quality of their milk, for it puts
the cow in a good humor, and a good
humored cow is the best milker."
Wheat and oat straw havea value
of about six dollars per ton for feed
and four dollars a ton for bedding it
handled right. Much straw is wasted
from careless ricking. If possible put
all the straw in one large rick close
to the barn. The straw should be
thoroughly tramped down, keeping the
middle full. When the grain- is
threshed by a large steam power there
should be three men at least on the
rick to properly' place the straw as it
comes from the ca.rrier. A large, high
rick, well put up, and after it settles
nicely topped off and wired down
will shed rain perfectly.
Paralysis in swine most often fol
lows a'ver-feeding of rich nitrogenous
foods to animals that are closely con
fined. Pigs do best when allowed a
considerable range and not fed too
highly. As this affection involves the
spinal cord. It is not only liable to
prove fatal, but is not, as a rule, sat'
isfactorily treated. First, remove thO
cause. Cut down feed and allow plenty
of range, and if not fed too liberally
they will forage about and get exer
cise. Young pigs only partially para11
lyzed will often come right treated aJ
above advised. Old animals will not
often respond to any form of treat
Farmyard manure is weak in both
phosphoric acid and potash, and these
elements are-supplied in fertilizers
While they may be used alone, it is
customary to use them in connection
with farm manure, which will prac
tically mean crop insurance, and wil.
actually prove so with sufficient mois
ture. Crops can be grown continuous
ly on fertilizers containing all the ele
ments of plant food. This was demon
strated at the experiment station at
Rothamstead, England, where Tor 4
years wheat was grown on chemical
fertilizer without manure and yielded
a larger aTerage crop per year than a
similar section on 'which farmyard
manure was used.
Sore shoulders can be avoided on
the horses with proper care. No sen
sible driver and; owner ofa horse will
allow his horse's shoulders to gall and
become sore, because this is a dangei
that can be wholly avoided. The prin
cipal causes of shoulder trouble in
horses are ill-fitting collars, the per
nicious sweat pad and too low a draft
on the hames. It is the urgent duty
of every one owning a working horse
to see that the collar is fitted exactly
to the shoulders of the animal, and if
this is done no evil-smelling and skin
burning sweat pad will be necessary
for the comfort of Dobbin. Many ol
the working harness outfits,' nowa
days, are not made with the' comfort
of the horsev In mind. This is seen
particularly in the placing of the draft
in the construction' of the hames. for
in the majority of cases the point ot
application of the pulling force is
fixed entirely too low down on this
important part of the harness. When
the animal is at work, the pull thus
comes on the "point" of the shoulder
where it is not evenly distributed
over the surface as it is when it comes
up a bit higher on the shoulder where
the draft should naturally be applied
There is more muscular action near
and around the "point" or lower part
of the horse's shoulder than is noticed
on the fiat surface of the muscles that
cover the shoulder blades, hence there
Is less chafing and rubbing against
the face of the collar there. It is to
the best.interest .of the horse as well
as to his master that the draft be
properly and comfortably placed.
Bags of Patent
Leather and
tr There has been a .new favor, ac
corded' to patent leather and. many of
the smartest new bags for practical
use are in this leather. It does not
wear so well as many .other black
leathers, but it has a brightness for
eign to any of the other leathers, save
morocco, a youthful air. and made up
fn attractive shape, with lining of some
gay color, it certainly deserves popu
larity, even if it does show wear ra
ther quickly! ""-'-
The patent-leather 'bags are In -.almost
every case more effective than
any of the other leathers. The de
tails of the bags give them individ
uality even when shapes vary little
and the last word seems to have been
said in the matter of fittings.
' For luncheon downtown there Is a
smaller bag (also used for matinee
purposes), containing the indispens
able vanity equipment., mirror,, paw,
der puff or cloth" and possibly other
items. It may have the little opera
glasses and fan, too.
For visits a flat envelope bag or
f small handsome bag with handle is
the thing if one carries anything in
leather.' A purse or bag of netted
gold, silver or gunmetal is often pre
ferred, but it should be large enough
to hold cards as well as handker
chief, and if one is traveling by car a
small change purse.
Lizard skin is considered a good
skin for dressy occasions, but the
leather workers are so clever in their
use of dyes now that one may have a
bag to match almost any costume.
The very pale biscuit and gray tones
and white are used for beautiful
purses and small bags, often gold
mounted and having precious stones
set in their clasps. A new shape as
shown by one well-known leather
goods firm shows a succession of
overlapping flaps inclosing separate
pockets. This model has taken ex
tremely well. Another well-liked mod
el has its original note in the smooth,
plain mounting of metal curving down
war slightly in the middle, and in
the plain metal handle, which seems
a continuation of the mounting. From
this same shop comes a bag with
right angle double handle of leather,
beneath which the bag is cut down a
little, the Ales being left higher. The
flap of a small change compartment
buttons down on the outside of the
Neat Candle Shade
Design for Candle Shade,
ALL manner of fairs, bazars and
lawn parties are being held for
one purpose or another and those
in charge are on the lookout for things
both novel and useful. Attractive
candle shades fill the bill admirably,
as they prove ready sellers. One of
the most effective and at the same
time inexpensive variety of shades is
made on a frame of heavy water
proof paper, painted black, with a thin
paper, such as Japanese rice paper or
very thin water-color paper, painted
in beautiful bright colors and lined in
India ink to give the effect of leaded
glass. It is very simple to make and
charming when finished and lighted.
The design for a round candle
shade is given and one-fourth of the
pattern. The pattern given is merely
repeated four times, with a half-inch
seanTat each end, to be turned in at
right angles to the shade and fastened
with brads. Another way to finish is
tn ipnve a flap on one side only and
glue the other side over it A strong
glue must be used; mucilage or pho
tograph paste will not do.
Shirring are on their way back.
The separate coat is more fashion
able than ever before.
Gray, tan, khaki and even darker
shades are more worn than the white
Belt buckles, necklaces, hatpins,
and stickpins are ablaze with ame
thysts. The one-piece princees dress is sup
planting the separate waist and skirt
White buckskin shoes with wide
buckles of burnished gold are smart.
Stockings match every variety of
stoes and the more fashionable dress
Soft, cool blouses of China or Jap
anese silk are popular for summer
New silk' parasols have handles to
nurtch, made of enameled or lacquered
Proper Service
at Dinner
The young housekeeper, setting up
her own establishment, sometimes
finds it difficult to instruct the maid
who serves the family meals to do the
work noiselessly and properly. Per
haps the first principle to learn is
that everything should be banded to
the left side, of the person who is sit
ting, which enables them to serve
themselves easily with tne right
In laying the table one must have
an eye to preserving balance with ev
erything that is put on. That is. if a
salt cellar is placed at one side then
must be another in the corresponding
place on the other. -A fern or a dish
of fruit or even an empty dish, if it
is a pretty one. must always be placed
in the very center. Around that are
the extra forks and spoons, as attrac
tive as you can arrange them.
In front of the places of persons
who are to be seated-there, must be a.
plate. The knife' is put at" the right
aide and the forks at the left, the
tines pointing up. If there is a soup
spoon it goes beside the knife. The
oyster fork also Is next to the spoon
and knife, but that for oysters is the
only fork that is placed at the right.
All the others go to the left If more
than one is required, as for salad
after the meal, the larger fork goes
next to the plate. Spoons for dessert,
whether they are large or small, are
over the plate; that Is, are across the
top. The napkin should be folded
with two points under and laid in the
plate, a square of bread being tucked
away in it if the meal is dinner.
Few housekeepers have more than
the roast on the table these days, veg
etables being at the side table from
which they are handed by the maid,
who returns them there after each
person has been served.
If they are to be kept on the table
one would be at one side, another at
the other side of the meat, or two
dishes might be put at the foot of the
table. That is a matter of individual
preference which each housekeeper
The maid serving should wear a
small white cap and a big apron with
bib and straps over the shoulders and
crossing at the back.
Quiet in the dining room is a thing
that must be striven for by the maid.
A noisy person is an abomination and
the rattle of 'dishes and clash of silver
should not be permitted.
with One-Fourth Pattern.
The first step is to trace the pattern
on the heavy water color paper by
means of carbon paper, then paint it
black and cut it out. The frame wil
then look like the small diagram it
the upper right-hand corner of tin
Next the panels may be traced anc
painted in water color, using tbest
colors: Cloufc. white; sky. light co
bait blue; water, darker blue; trees
green; land in foreground, a shade
darker green; hills in middle distance
yellow green; hills in distance, vio
let; castle, medium gray, with roofs
in soft old tery. cotta; windows, pur
ple; bridge, darker gray than castle,
underneath part of bridge purple'; re
flection of bridge in water, purple;
reflection of clouds in water, white
When the paint is perfectly dry go
over all the lines with India ink and a
coarse pen. The panels are now ready
to glue into the frame.
The tiny thumb sketch in the up
per left-hand corner of the cut shows
the completed shade.
The Evening Hood.
In spite of the warm weather there
is no abatement of the popularity of
the evening hood, which is an ideal
head covering for girls flying abo-it
in motor cars to parties. To be both
utilitarian and picturesque is recom
mendation enough for any article of
apparel, and the hoods have this
merit, for they admirably keep the
hair from blowing, while affording z
most, charming frame for the youth
ful face. Made of dainty mull and
delicate lace, the summer ones will
be particularly fetching.
Glove Lore.
Most gloves absolutely refuse to be
presentable after having been wet
with rain. For some reason it is al
most impossible to efface the wrink
ling and shrinking and hardening ef
fect of the water. The best plan Is to
place the gloves in a cool, dry room
never near a fire and. when dry,
massage little olive oil into their skin
before putting them on again. This
will return the soft texture if any
thing will, but the gloves will naver
really be the same.
Hix What's the best way to never
settle a question?
Dix Go to law about it
And Suffered Annually with a Red
Scald-Like Humor on Her Head.
Troubles Cured by Cuticura.
"When my little Vivian was about
six months old her head broke out in
boils. She had about sixty in all and
I used Cuticura Soap and Cuticura
Ointment which cured her entirely.
Some time later a humor broke out be.
hind her ears and spread up on to
her Wad until it was nearly half cov
ered. The humor looked like a scald,
very red with a sticky, clear fluid com
ing from It. This occurred every
spring. I always used Cuticura Soap
and Ointment which never failed to
heal it up. The last time it broke
out it became so bad that I was dis
couraged. But I continued the use of
Cuticura Soap. Ointment and Resol
vent until she was well and has never
been troubled in the last two years.
Mrs. M. A. Schwerin. 674 Spring Wells
Ave.. Detroit. Mich., Feb. 24, 1903."
Potter Drag & CSc-n. Corp Sola Prop-L. Sostao.
Praises American Woman.
Alfred East says that American
women, like American machines, need
but little man power. The American
woman, he says, is the most chum
mable woman in the world, therefore
she is the most charming. Our excel
lent educational system, he thinks, i?
responsible for the fact that American
women are such "good fellows."
With a smooth iron and Defiance
Starch, you can launder your shirt
waist just as well- at home as the
steam laundry can; It will have the
proper stiffness and finish, there will
be less wear and tear of the goods,
and it will be a positive pleasure to
use a Starch that does not stick to the
Among Women.
"Why worry about the children?"
"I can't help it"
"But, my dear, you are hurting your
game of bridge." thnat !s no triflinir ailment. It
will sonict.mcs carry infection to the en
tire system throiiph the foot! that i. eaten,
llamliua Wizard Oil is a sure, quick cure.
Faith makes' us. and not we it; and
faith makes its own forms. Emerson.
Lewis' Single Binder made of extra qual
ity tobacco, cost- moie than other 5e
cigars. Tell the dealer you want them.
Too often when the heart is willing
the purse is weak.
iS mmemBBmfflrfl
for Summer
Dysentery, Diarrhea, Cholera
Morbus. Cholera Infantum.Coliz
and Cramps. Also relieves Grip
ing Pains, Sour Stomach, Vom
iting, Sea Sickness, and Hys
terics and Nervousness due to
bowel affections.
stops pain immediately and al
most invariably brings about
speedy recovery. This medicine
is just as safe as it is effective.
Get a bottle at your druggist'?,
and keep it always in the house.
For the children's sake, don't
go away for the Summer with
out taking a supply along.
Ptr Bottle, 25c
9t. 9. Ja-faB Ixvactavaat ia a
reliable remedy for crou and
whooping const), coosha aad cold.
Nebraska Directory
i-i.r jirLru"ijijiririfni' J - i-"---!--" Mir nr j
vnnair cihichima Man ..r.i.r-,
RVURH rilHwHIHnj ffiTensprcial
attrnttou. All HiijpIie-forthe Amateur jlric-tly
fre-h. S-nl for csvtalofrue and flnUhinir prii-en.
Box 1197. Omaha. Neb.
Roorcn from 81.00 up single. 75 cents up double.
nrr the !.: inxist on having tlietu.
AhIc your local dealer, or
M u ? mtrm pnw. uu or udio par
raw. iwntw. tobi appiiee. ,nip
iTwhera for fro eranlnatioB. J
Wit. Wrtt.fer Mf tartmla llt ol .Okr
tMtiiiifMI1 WiiI.ii Ma..Owm.
M. Spiesberger Son Co.
Whtltsalt Milliitry
TkaBMl lath Wast
ri0- - X i sr FlM
Sold b7.tbBt Dmmtttm. W win aaad U pop! an J
tMen on receipt ofUct-kln tampa.a lJ-lach. tnrl
CO."TH Candy Mn"Councll Bluffs, la.
ipnpnm i
.Vs j!ir
v ,