The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 11, 1909, Image 4

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uhmkwalm Tha data opimalta foex
yiier papar. or wrapper abowa to what time yomr
tabaeripUon I paid. Thus JaaOS ahow4 that
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rMS to Keb. 1. 1906 and so on. When payment
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DuiOONTINUANCEB-iiesponaible sabacrib
rs will coatinoe to receive this Joornal natil tha
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tha time paid for has expired, yoa ahoald
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. UUANQK III ADDRESB-Whea orderiac a
tiance ia the address, subscribers shoald be aare
to their old as weU as their new address.
Editor Edgar Howard has a dark
horse for senator locked up in his
editorial stable which he will trot out
"at the proper time." Perhaps it's
Chris Gruenther.
There's trouble brewing between the
two factions of the democratic machine
in Platte county, which is liable to
break out in au open rupture when the
time approaches for nominating a state
ticket The split will come when Shal
lenlierger demands a renomination.
Dahlman has some very warm sup
porters in Platte county, and interest
in his candidacy is growing and the
opposition to Shallenberger increasing.
The action of the state convention in
refusing to endorse the daylight law
has caused considerable soreness
among the governors friends in Platte
county and they are circulating the
story that a former friend of the gov
ernor, whose recommendations were
turned down, was in a measure respon
sible for the action of the convention.
Chairman Dickinson, in one of his
boyish communications in the Tribune,
speaks of Carl Kramer as "ihe dis
turbing element the ulcer in our
party and we can never be in har
mony until he is separated from the
post office." Mr. Dickinson kuows, as
does every man familiar with the effort
that is now being made to discredit
Mr. Kramer by a bunch of lawyers
and secure his job for one of their
number, that Mr. Kramer was a
republican when the man who now
assails him in public print was taking
au active part in Platte county politics
as the champion of ihe populist party
and all that it claimed to 'Stand for.
Mr. Kramer was working for repub
lican principles and keeping up the
organization of the party and fighting
for its candidates when another mem
ber of the Blackstone Ring was serv
ing on the supreme bench of the state
as the alleged representative of the
Burlington railway. Carl Kramer
was a consistent and loyal supporter of
republican candidates when another
one of the briefless bunch Boss Dick
inson represents was riding pver the
county beseeching republicans to vote
against their party candidates and for
the democratic nominees. It is such
men as Carl Kramer that has kept the
republican banner waving when Dick
inson was seeking to tear it down.
The attempt to besmirch the character
of Mr. Kramer is resented by every
fair minded republican in Platte
county, and the job Mr. Dickinson has
attempted to pull off as the represen
tative of the Blackstone Ring will end
ia a fizzle. When the republicans of
Platte county fully realize that the
inner circle of the county committee
are attempting to use them for their
own selfish ends there will be a revolt;
in fact the revolt has already com
menced. When Mr. Dickinson as
sumes to dictate and boss every mem
ber of the county committee and
control their political acts, he ought
to have sense enough to understand
that there will be an emphatic protest.
As chairman of the county committee,
Mr. Dickinson ought to know that he
was placed at the head of the com
mittee to organize not disorganize; to
build up not tear down; to treat all
candidates for endorsement for posi
tions in a courteous manner, even
though the applicant may not be his
personal choice. If republicans differ
with him he should not attempt to
bluff them into line by inviting them
into the back room of his office and
there deliberately charge them with
having been bribed. The chairman of
the county committee should be a gen
tleman aa well as a man of
political sagacity. If there is a "dis
turbing element" or "ulcer in our
party," it is not Mr. Kramer, but the
chairman, who commenced his work of
disorganization a week before the
county, convention assembled by rush
iagiato print and assailing those who
do not agree with him. "Words,"
Mr. Dickinson, "have weight when
.there k a man back of theav". Aad
do- kot forget, Mr. Dickinson, -that
"eaiBerience keeps a dear school, but
foobV will learn in no other."
The so called Payne tariff bill is
now a law. Like all tariff measures
it does not meet the approval of every
republican or the .condemnation of
every democrat
In the framing of the measure more
than half the democratic senators voted
with eastern republican senators in
retaining rates in the Dingley bill.
Leading democratic senators denounc
ed on the floor of the senate the tariff
plankfin the Denver platform and
voted to "protect" the products of
industries in southern states. The
last speech made on the democratic
side in the tariff debate was by Sena
tor Baily of Texas, who pleaded for a
duty on hides, yet the Texas statesman
claims to be a tariff "reformer."
Although the President approved
the bill, as the best he could get under
the circumstances, it is no secret that
he is not fully satisfied with the meas
ure, but nevertheless he regards it as a
sincere effort to make a downward
The democratic party, following its
traditional policy, will denounce the
measure and apologize for the twenty
three democratic senators and forty or
fifty members of the house from the
southern states who allied themselves
with the Aldrich republicans and voted
against amendments offered by repre
sentatives from western states for
genuine tariff reform.
The people of Cleveland, Ohio, re
cently voted down a proposition to
insure three cent fates on a part of the
street railways of that town. The
three cent ordinance was fostered by
Tom L. Johnson, who seems to be
crazy on the subject. Johnson has
wrecked his private fortune in fight
ing the Cleveland street railway. He
secured a test of the three cent plan,
but it proved a failure.
And uow the people have again de
cided against him, Johnson.
Why do some men go crazy hating
street railway? In every big city in
the couutry, there is a wild man fight
ing the street railways iu the fiercest
way and meanest way possible. Are
not street railway investors entitled to
reasonable compensation?
In the case of Cleveland, we must
conclude that Johnson was rabid and
unreasonable, since the people have
repeatedly decided against him. A
test demonstrated that three cent fare
is not enough. And Johnson has lost
fame aud fortune in a foolish, unfair
and unreasonable fight.
A dispatch says that Johnson re
ceived news of his defeat at home,
"guarded by policemen." After all
his "fighting for the people," he is
guarded by policemen, to prevent per
sonal injury!
Tom Johnson's motives were no
doubt good, when he started out, but
during his long fight he has, in some
way, became an impractical, meddle
some, troublesome nuisance. No one
is warranted in concluding that a ma
jority of the people want to be robbed,
or that they are dishonest, while Tom
Johnson is right.
Many other reformers finally be
come as unreasonable, as meddlesome,
as unpopular and troublesome as Tom
Johnson. For a time he was a nation
al figure; today he is discredited, and
seldom heard of except in connection
with defeat.
Tom Johnson has demonstrated that
a fight on a street railway company can
be carried too far; that people become
tired of a clamor that is untrue and un
fair. We believe it is also true that
the pure food experts are going so far
as to disgust the people. The pure
food men have become cranks, and
insist upou regulations that are un
importaut and troublesome. The an
nouncement that travelers on railway
trains cannot have drinking water un
less they carry their own drinking
cups, is silly, in the opinion of many
people who known as much as the men
who are cranks on public health.
The reform stunt has been carried
too far iu every direction. Atchison
Thus the women of the country who
rose in vigorous protest against the
advances that were promised iu gloves
and hosiery have' won half their bat
tle. Whatever may be thought of the
new tariff as a whole or as to particular
provisions, there is reasou to rejoice
that it has been completed and that
after these long weary months the peo
ple will at last' know where they
stand. The country can adapt itself
to almost any tariff conditions, but un
certainty and suspense are almost
ruinous. New York Herald.
The benefits of tariff reduction, if
any, will come through somewhat bet
ter conditions for great industries, in
creasing their" demand for labor and
thus making more work- and more
wages.- The immediate benefit of the
tariff settlement is that it gives cer
tainty, and frees the people from un
certainty, to go forward with confiden
ce to take prosperity as it comes.
Chicago Inter Ocean.
The president has evidently accept
ed the wool and cotton schedules, not
because he likes them, but because he
can get nothing better. He may be
blamed for them. But no tariff bill
was ever just right, and none ever will
be. The president has obtained a bill
which, is certainly more a revision
downward than a revision upward.
He has blocked certain determined
raids on the pocket of the consumer.
He deserves praise for that. He will
get it; and the prosperity which is
bound to follow the settlement of the
question will be imputed to him.
New "York Mail. - ,
This is one' of the relatively few
cases in which results can be reduced
directly to figures and estimated in
their effect on the pockets, of consum
ers. We may benefit indirectly by a
reduction In the duty' on anchors and
iodoform, on pig lead and sulphate of
ammonia, but the gain is not percepti
ble through the medium of the house
hold expense book. New York Sun.
John J. Sullivan, the only non-partisan
democrat in NebrasKa; will be a
candidate for supreme judge. With
such men as Sullivan on the
matter whether republican or demo
crat, the supreme court is safe, but
there are democratic candidates for the
job who would be partisaus first and
last and all the way along the line.
Kearney Hub.
Hired Reporter for One Day, That He
Might Have Satisfaction of
Firing Him.
One of the oddest, quaintest charac
ters that ever held the desk of man
aging editor was H. T. White of Chi
cago. Many people still consider Mr.
White one of the greatest newspaper
men that ever lived, but that doesn't
count one way or the other when his
uniqueness Is under discussion. There
never was but one H. T. White, and
it is an even bet that there will never
be another.
One afternoon when Mr. White was
managing editor of the Daily News he
strayed out into the local room and
there found a cool, complacent young
man roosting atop of a desk and puff
ing an inferior cigarette.
"Say, you useless, pop-eyed son of
an obelisk," thundered Mr. White,
"don't you see that sign, 'No smok
ing?' "
"Now that you remind me about it,"
said the young man, agreeably. "I
think I do."
"You think you do?" -roared the
boss. "You know you do! Now, young
man, whoever you may be, you go
down to the cashier and tell him I
said to give you whatever's coming to
you? Then you get out! You're fired."
The young man waved the cigarette
in mild protest.
"But, Mr. White," said he. "I'm not
working here. I just came up to see
if I could get a job."
Mr. White, who was not personally
acquainted with any of the ' minor
lights of the local staff, was dum
founded for an instant. Then he
growled, savagely:
"Well, then, you insolent, imperti
nent, bat-freed baboon, you go to the
city editor and tell him I said to put
you to work. And to-morrow, you
striped hyena of the Gobi desert, I'll
have the satisfaction of firing you!"
And he had it, while the young man
got one day's pay.
East African Carriers Said to Make
Light of Feats That Would Stag
ger a Mule.
A carrier costs about 10 cents a day
in our money, with a few red bananas
and green stuff thrown in for his food.
One will "tote" a load of sixty pounds
through a place where a Missouri
mule would lie down in disgust, ac
cording to a -writer in Putnam's. Tot
ing here means a good many things.
The packers will follow an elephant
road, cut their way through flags and
reedshigh above their heads, wade
through black mud up to their necks,
and when they "squat" the bundle
from their heads It will be dry and
clean. There are man toters in the
cavavan. Mr. Roosevelt is a rather
heavy weight, but the Baganda car
riers have back muscles like iron that
will hold hiin above the water un
aided, for they are among the strong
est men in the world, and "Ndulu" is
the song in which they brag of their
ability, to do "stunts" like this. If
Kermit takes a snapshot of his father
sitting on the shoulders of a toter, his
legs astride his neck, it will probably
not' be published, but this sort of
thing is common enough in the
Some, funny things go into those
bundles. Not only food and clothing,
dishes, bedding, even stoves, but they
tie live goats and calves by their legs,
curve them like links of the letter S
and make a pack as snug as a blanket
Never Give Up.
If you have lost faith and hope, you
are indeed in a bad way. Harrow the
ground and start fresh seeds of hardy
plants of the same species. Never
give up.
A Difficult Problem.
It Is often difficult to decide wheth
er the most disagreeable people in
the world 'are those who merely think
they are our superiors or those who
really are. '
Woman Suffrage
Gladys "So you've sent Herbert
about his business, have you?" May
belle "Yes. But I have since used
the er recall on him."
Fame has uncovered a hitherto un
known young man -who is playing a
large part in the affairs of New York.
From him came the opening of the
fight on the revised building code,
which Charles F. Murphy and Chief
Daniel F. Cbbalan of Tammany went
down to defeat.
Thirty-three years ago there was
born in the little town of Hamburg,
Ark., an infant who was christened
William F. McCoitfbs, jr. His moth
er was of the Pugh family, kin to the
Alabama senator.' It became essential
in course of time for the youngster to
learn something and they sent him
over to Bellbuckle, Tenn., in the mid
dle of the horse country, where the old
Webb Academy had acquired a reputa
tion for instilling "hoss" sense into pu
pils. After that' start Mr. McCombs
got to Princeton, where he was mem
ber of the class ot '98. Then came a
course in the Harvard. Law School
from which he graduated in 1901.,
When the last "rah rah" had lost its
echo and the class of '01 was a mem
ory, the young man sat down to pick
out a place to earn a living.
"I'll take the biggest on the map,"
he said, and he packed his few belong
ings aud headed fur New York. He
had to make a fetart aud make it iu a
He got a place in a big firm. Then
along came a lot of theew York
baukers who were planing to put 200
million dollars into the construction
of the New York, Westchester it Bos
ton Railway. Two concerns had
franchises and the question that vexed
the financiers was whether or not the
franchise of the company they thought
of backing would stick. The firm
turued the matter over to the new
man. He wrote the opinion .sustain
ing the validity of the fraucliise. The
firm sent it to William B. Horublower,
John G. Jackson aud Governor Hugh
es. These eminent lawyers put the
stamp of their approval upon the initi
al work of the new law aid aud the
bankers put iu the money. Later,
when attacked iu court, the court of
appeals sustained the tint job of the
uiau who picked the big game fur his
Then McCombs got to thinking that
if he could turn that sort of a trick on
a salary, he could do the same thing
for himself. The mure he thought of
the matter the better it looked to him.
Right here came the making of the
man. With no money and without a
client, he opened an office in the Wall
Street district, still playing for big
game and setting his sights high. He
got a stock exchange house for a client,
and then a corporation. Others came
to his net, and he soon found himself
at the head of an office with a force of
men working up his cases, just as he
would have done had he stayed in the
old place on a salary.
Among these clients came the Roch
ling Construction Company, and at-
r tached to this employment came his
opportunitv. Here is how he viewed
"I come into the fight on the Burld
ing Code as the attorney for the Roeb
ling Company. Before two weeks had
passed I realized that the matter was a
bigger one than my private employ
ment, and that it was too far reaching
to be regarded in the light of a.private
corporation's matter.
"In the city of New York 250 mil
Effect Is Said by Witness to Be Fine
Stern Fighting Men Occasional
Iy Find Leisure for the
The national dance of Montenegro
is the kolo, somewhat similar to the
horo of Bulgaria. Both sexes tak6
part, crossing hands and forming an
unjoined circle. The music they sup
ply themselves, each end of the horn
alternately singing a verse in honot
of the prince and his warlike deeds.
The kolo is always danced at any
great national festival, and the effect
of the sonorous voices and swaying
ring is very fine. Then there is an
other dance performed by four or five,
usually youths, to the acompaniment
of a fiddle, the leader setting a lot
of intricate quick steps which the rest
imitate at once. It is really a sort
of jig and makes the spectator's head
swim if he watches it for long.
"I never saw any dances in north
ern Albania," says a writer in The
Wide World, "though certain Slav ar
tists love to depict wonderful sword
dances, with beauteous maidens sway
ing gracefully after the style of nautch
girls. .A casual observer who has
seen the Albanians come into Monten
egrin markets or to their great week-,
ly gathering in the bazar of Scutari
could never picture these stern men
dancing or at play.-
"They never smile and they look
the life they they lead, each clan evei
ready for war with its neighbor and
absolutely pitiless in the vendetta
When fighting the Turks the Monten
egrins evince a heroism and uttei
lion dollars goes into new buildings
every year This coda proposed to
make the superintendent of buildings
the supreme authority as to what
materials, what elevators and what
equipment shoald be used. Where
his opinion differed from the code, the
code was superseded. It thus was pro
posed to make it possible for a single
head in each borough to ruin any one
line of industry that raised its head
ami to make millionaries among such
favored persons as might be designated
to receive his approval.
"Tammany had allied its forces. We
could not get the other people engaged
in building work to join in the fight be
cause they feared if they did the poli
tical organization would wipe them
out of business and that tbey would
never have another contract in the
city. So we went it alone. I realized
that it was a matter that the public
must take up and understand if the
fight succeeded. The newspaper be
gan to grasp the full &igii'ficance of
the thing and joined in the attacks.
The papers won the fight"
But of the hundreds of persons in
terested in the municipal contest, few,
very few, knew the spare, thin, young
man, whose gray hair fell carelessly
over a broad forehead, whose steel
eyes penetrated everything iu sight,
whose mobile mouth miltl as he
plunged the knife into Tammany, and
who was the silent, never-sleeping
power behind the fight
The figure was McCombs.
But when tin mayor had come
scurrying back from his vacation to
kill the code, the limelight began to
turn McCouili'ss way. It developed
that he was ihe Mime young man who
had shown "Big Bill" Edwards how
to catch tin sunn graftr.-, aud how to
go after the dump graders. Haud in
hand he woiktrd with "Big Bill," and
the result ia nell ku-.wn.
"I just helped Bill," is the way Mr.
McCombd put it when asked about
the fight "I was his counsel without a
Feeless he had prosecuted that grail
fight, aud his interest iu civic matters
led him to turu his private employ
ment by the Koebliugs into a public
fight when he ot the chance. He
doesn't' care much for money, any
way. "I got interested in that code, out
side of my employment," he said.
"Do you know that I found 182 in
stances in the code in which the super
intendent of buildings was mentioned,
and if that code had gone through
there would have been a czar in every
borough who would have done what
his'political leaders said, and he would
have held every building in New
York in his grasp completely. Any
other city except New York would
have gone wild when it found that
fact out."
It is in his feeless work that Mr.
McCombs has done his chief service.
He is secretary of the Princeton Club
and he evolved the scheme of forming
a "Committee of Opportunities." It
is the business of this committee to
keep a card index of every job open
to a young man, chiefly'' in places
where old graduates of Princeton are
heads of establishments. The com
mittee stands as a connecting link be
tween the gray-headed alumnus and
the youth who is trying to make a
start. From the New York World.
fearlessness that is remarkable. The
strongest men carry bombs or rather
hand grenades things the Turkish
soldier particularly abominates.
"I was told once how a certain man
whom I knew well saved his band
from destruction. They were fairlv
cornered, and the Turks closing in,
when the bomb thrower stood .up amid
the hail of bullets, lit the fuse with
his cigarette and rushed toward the
soldiers, who seeing his intention
promptly made tracks.
"It was of course lucky that the Mo
hammedan soldier, who does not much
mind being sent to Paradise with a
bullet, thinks his chance of eternal
bliss very doubtful if he is blown up
with dynamite. The nerve required tc
be a bomb thrower is worthy of a lit
tie reflection. He must absolutely ex
pose himself, and as the fuse is very
short the ignition must be coolly con
"If premature it means the destruc
tion of himself and comrades, and
when it is fairly alight the bomb must
be thrown with mathematical exact!
tude. In other words, the man must
leave his cover and charge an over
whelming force alone and not throw
till he Is close up to it."
Heavy Sentence.
"I have decided to suspend your
sentence," the judge began. "For the
Lord's sake, judge, you don't mean
to say lifting a few chickens ia a
hanging matter!"
A Speedy Substitute.
"I would love, if only once, to have
a swell luncheon." "Why not try one
of dried apples and water?" Balti
more American.
Deing Their Best.
"Those Comeups are determined to
make a noise in the world of society."
"Are they? Well, they're loud
Fraasieo, Darin Diving Dei-risk, Plunges
from a Tall Mast. Free to All. on the
'Show Grommds 11 a. a. and 6-45
Bilcs 11 Bills
Ufll H HI COT Features. Historic Pictures
VflLlf VWEOI amlThrilling Battle Sceuw.
IflfftlavllC The Real Red Man of the
IHUIHII9 Plains in War Paint.
U W WW D U W 9 and Prairie Range.
apapft Swarthy Bedouin Athletes and
Wla Desert-bom Acrobats.
Call IIIbTDQ Military Men in Warlike
lf BbH Scenes and Incidents.
ACCBI If C Reckless RidersTrotuFar
bUaHVH9off Russian Steppes.
ryiaBIIC K Koughritkra from
IVHH the Land of Montezuma.
DIAIMCMFM Makers of History
rUllllSallbal "Way Out West."
I BHt?DC Graceful Cavalrymen in
W Difficult Tournament Tilts.
DTI I I CDV Drills and Exhibits of
Hit IbIbBi H W Old-time Tactics.
VAQUEROS Meca'nJ&0oV.the
IIDIIirCr "The Little Brown Men"
JHrllllb9b from the Far-East.
U ADlf OUCIIL"! bv the Wizard-Wonder
DIIDBI ICC Typical Members of M ti
! Ki9 co's Mounted Police.
TAIiaifaTC Perfection in Rapid Drills
aVWIf HI a9 and Manual of Arms.
ft If I DV" Uncle Sam's" Horsemen.
WilWillll The Pride of the Army.
llDBCAnilC RePrcscntini; "The
UIUWUUII Kinc's Own Defenders."
Grim Vfeaffed War Reflected
Picturing the Pomp and Pageantry of the Romantic Far East.
Tka Mart Wonderful Tramed MaawMtk.
the WorU Has Ever Known.
The Whole World lias Contributed Two Vast Continents have Applauded.
Led in Person by the Last of the Great Scouts, COL. WM. F. CODY, the Original
and Only Buffalo Bill, who Positively Appears at Every Performance.
TWICE DAILY 2 aad 8 P.. M. RAIN OR SHINE. Atlmnion (inclutling seat). 50 cents.
Children uiuler 10 ears half price. All seats protected from Sun and Itain by Immense Waterproof
Canvas Canopy. Grand Stand Chairs (including adinusion). S1.00 ou sole day of Exhibition at
I will sell at Public Auction at
my barn at
Columbus, Nebraska
Thursday, Aug. 19
75 Head of Horses
Consisting of Drivers, Saddlers and
Work Horses, as follows:
Denver Dick
Nick Tolus
Josie Wilkes
1 Win nave nvc ui oia uurer guuu , Single ariVing
horses and three saddle horses, two span of young mules, I
one span " .-jcai-viua, uuc span ua o-year-oias, aiSO bv
head of good young farm horses, consisting of mares and
geldings weighing from 1,200 to 1,400. Some good
matched teams.
Skillful Feats
of Daring Native
Illustrations of Wild,
Primitive. Aboriginal
The World's Experts in Displays Dill INC
of Fancy and Real Rough nlVIHV
Difficult Feats by Skillful a Til I FTFC
Brawny, Brown-skinned I nlaaa I K
Indians and White Men inDMTTI a?C
DesperateandThrillinsMimicaVfll IU
Bronchos. Mustangs anil Hit;h-AD6CC
Iy Educated Western Ranee UlalOtO
Splendid Exhibitions of
Expert Roping and
Wild West GirU and Cowboys PBA C
in Characteristic Holiday rifJUll0
White Soldiers Repulse KcdTTalBlf C
Men's Fearful -rorays and HwHO
.The Famous Cowboy Band Will flCf
Dispense Popular and Classic Vlw
airy and Infantry IWalllUCU III EiO
Representatives of New
ami OKI World .Native
Pifliculr.Trap.Targetami CUAATI DC
Kxnert Ilorehack OIHJEJ I 1 11V
Crafty Method of Wild
Indian Warfare and
Parades. Reviews, Pageants and D 1 1 I
Fancy Artillery If II I LLd
I Iorses ami Soldiers in Furi- 1IHBICC
ous. Fearless Cavalry WalillltaTai
Hundreds of Men and
Horse in Grand Military
in the Smiling Face of Peace.
InteHiceat aad Graceful Maaouver by
Real Western Raage Horiet.
Eva Caffery
Scotty Girl
Mabel Wilkes
Amy P
Splendors of the Orient.
Strange People from the