The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 11, 1909, Image 3

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    " ' v "HT. "--' J
How to Cur Kidney Trhl Eaaltf
Nand Quickly.
It is aeedless to suffer the torture
of an aching back, the misery of back
aches, rheumatic pains, urinary disor
ders, or risk the danger of diabetes or
Bright'g disease. The cure is easy.
Treat the cause the kidneys with
Doan's Kidney Pills
H. Alayne, Market
St. Paris, Tean..
says:' "Weak kid
neys made my back
stiff and lame. The
urine was cloudy and
irregular and I had to
get up many times
at night I lost en
ergy, became weak
and could not work. Doan's Kidney
Pills removed all the trouble and re
stored my health and strength."
Remember the" name Doan's. Sold
by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Fos-ter-Milburn
Co.. Buffalo, N. T.
XV I XL -X ' !S;:".'.'r'-v,'
1 J9W.
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I C0py!QHT,l9Qg Br W,A.PATTEeM jj " "Z: J
1AX graph that bas survived fl ' jwllA v -fVrVv I JlflSSrn'i iMt Q v '0$hx$w w
S Miles and Col. W. F. jjM jjMjfS iU',l'tx W A TcSSl
annnnasannnnnnW' j-J V nwnn ntiil I r m k 7 r "lS ) lJl " W I ft III H B H I ft. H I BB Jr
from a bluff the last great VJ VfV , ll ' 'J JfcnfJT Ipr i . NYll ,ltt
! 1 V b I
camp of the Sioux Indians when con-
ing in from the warpath. The Sioux
surrendered to Gen. Miles in Janu
ary. 1891, but they came very near,
jx few days after the surrender, to
the point of breaking away once
more. The story of it is this:
Gray dawn was breaking at the
Piue Ridge agency when an Indian
runner broke headlong into the vil
lage of the surrendered Sioux. He
stopped at the tepees of the prin
cipal warriors loi; enough to shout
a message, and then leaving the
camp where its end rested against
an abrupt hill, he made his way with
a plainsman's stealth to the group of
agency buildings, circling which and
exterding beyond, crowning ridge
after ridge, were the white Sibley
tents of the soldiers.
Breakfast was forgotten in the
troubled camp of the Sioux. The
chiefs and the greater braves rushed
to quick council and the lesser war
riors, the squaws and the children
stood waiting with dogged patience
in the village streets.
The council was over. An old chief
shouted a word of command that was
caught up and passed quickly to the
farthest outlying tepee. An army
might have learned a lesson from
that which followed the short, sharp
order. Mounted men shot out from
the village and as fast as lleet-footed
ponies, pressed to their utmost, could
accomplish the distances every out
lying ridge was topped with the fig
ure of rider and horse, silhouetted
against the morning sky.
Every sentinel warrior had his
eyes on the camps of the white soldierv
..t-mj iiuiu iiiu -iii.L ui me agency, where lay
thj Sixth cavalry, there came a trumpet call that
swelled and swelled and ended in one ringing
note that sang in aud out of the valleys and then,
subdued to softness, floated on to be" lost in the'
prairie wilderness beyond.
The motionless figure of one of the hilltop sen
tinels was moved to instant life. A signal ran
from ridge to ridge, finally to be passed down
ward into the camp of the waiting Sioux, who
sprang into action at its coming. The pony
herds of the Sioux wore grazing on the hills to
.. the vest, unrestrained of their freedom by lariat
or herdsman. In number they nearly equaled
the people of the village, a few ponies for emer
gency use only having been kept within the
camp. Upon the ponies in the village jumped
waiting warriors', who broke out of the shelter
of the tepees for the hills where the herds v.ere
foraging on the snow-coveied bunch grass. It
seemed but a passing moment before every pony
in that great grazing herd was headed for the
village. The animals were as obedient to the
word of commaud as is a brave to the word of
his chief.
During the gathering of the ponies the women
of the camp had slung their papooses to their
backs, had collected the camp utensils and were
standing ready to strike the tepees, while the
braves, blanketed and with rifles in their hands,
had thrown themselves between the village and
the camps of the soldiers of Gen. Miles.
The Sioux, who had surrendered less than a
week before, were preparing to stampede from
the agency and to make necessary the repeating
ni a campaign that had lasted for months. The
Indian runner had brought word that Great
Chief Miles had ordered his soldiers to arms
early in the morning and that the surrendered
Sioux were to be massacred to the last man.
woman and child.
The medicine men had told the Indians that
this was to be their fate and the runner's word
found ready belief. Miles sent a courier with a
reassuring message to the chiefs, but they would
not believe.
The braves prepared to kill before they were
killed and everything was in readiness for the
ftigtot of the squaws and papooses, while the war
riors, following, should Gght the soldiers lusting
Tor the Sioux blood.
Gen. Miles had planned a review of the forces
In the field as a last act of the campaign, and it
was the order for the gathering and the maich
tug that had been taken as an order of massacre
by the suspicious Sioux.
Trumpet and bu
gle calls of "boots
and saddles" and
'assembly" b u r
dened the air. The
troopers and "dough
boys" had fallen in,
5,000 strong. The
column started west
with flags and gui
dons fluttering. The
head of the com
mand, the greatest
that had been gath
ered together up to
that time since the
days of the ' civih
war, reached the
bluff above the
Sioux village. A
shout would have
started the stam
pede of the savages:
a shot would have
been the signal for
a volley from the
warriors lying be
tween the white col
umn and the village.
The soldiers passed on and the review began,
but out on the hills the Indian sentinels still
stood, and between the marching whites and the
village were the long lines of braves still sus
picious and still ready to give their lives for the
women and children in the heart of the valley.
What a review was that on the snow-covered
South Dakota plains that January morning 15
years ago! Gen. Miles on his great black horse
watched the o.OOO soldiers pass, soldiers that had
stood the burden of battle and the hardships of a
winter's campaign and had checked one or the
greatest Indian uprisings of history.
The First infantry, led by Col. Shafter, who aft
erward was in command in front of Santiago, was
there that day. Guy V. Henry, now lying in peace
ful Arlington cemetery, rode at the head of his
black troopers, the "buffalo soldiers" of the Sioux.
Capt Allen V. Capron was there with the battery
that afterward opened the battle at Santiago.
The Seventh cavalry was there, two of its troops,
B and K, having barely enough men left in the
ranks 'to form a platoon.'
These two troops had borne the brunt of the
fighting at Wounded Knee a month before when
90 men of the Seventh fell killed or wounded be
fore the bullets of the Sioux. When the two
tioops with their attenuated ranks rode by, the
reviewing general removed his cap, an honor oth
erwise paid only to the colors of his country.
The column filed past, broke into regiments,
then into troops and companies, and the word of
dismissal was given. The Indian sentinels on the
ridges, signaled the camp in the valley. In anoth
er minute there-was a stampede, but it was only
that of the thousands of Sioux ionies turned
loose and eager to get back to their breakfast
of bunch grass on the prairies.
Two Strike, the Sioux, watched the review that
day. Old Two Strike was one or the warriors
who went out with a following of braves on the
warpath the month previous. Two Strike wore
no ghost shirt. He was above such superstition,
even though he took no pains to iirge his com
rades to follow his shirtless example.
Two Strike was glad of the craze that had
brought war. for he hated the whites harder than
he hated anything on earth except the Pawnees,
the hereditary enemy of his people. Two Strike
knew in his soul that the buffalo were not coming
back as the medicine men had declared, and that
no Messiah was to be raised to lead his people
against the pale faces to wipe them from off the
face of the continent. What he did know was
that he w-as to have one more chance to strike
at the encroachers on the lands of his people be-
fore the enfeeblements of
strength from his arm.
Two Strike was a great warrior. He had fought
on many a field and he had won his name from
the overcoming of two warrior foes who had at
tacked him when he was alone on the prairie.
Single handed he had -fought and killed them and
"Two Strike" he had been from that day. He was
the leader in the last battle which took place be
tween hostile bands of savages on the plains of
America. For years without number the two na
tions, the Sioux and the Pawnees, had hated each
In one of Cooper's novels Hard Heart, a- Paw
nee, taunts a Sioux thus: "Since waters ran and
trees grew, the Sioux has found the Pawnee on his
warpa'th." The fight in which Two Strike ,.was
the leader of the Sioux was fought against the
Pawnees on the banks of a little stream known
as "The Frenchman," in Nebraska in the year
In the vallej- of the Platte river the buffalo were
plenty, but the Pawnees had said that the Siou:
should not hunt there and they defied them to
come. "The Pawnee dogs called the Sioux worn
en." said the story-teller and old Two Strike
It was when the grass was at its besti that the
Sioux started for the country of the Pawnee. The
teller of the tale made no secret of the intention
of the Sioux to exterminate the Pawnees, sparing
neither women nor children if the chance for their
killing presented itself.
Two Strike and his Sioux reached the edge of
the buffalo country and there they waited oppor
tunity. They did not have to wait long. Runners
told them that the Pawnees in full strength had
started ou a great hunting expedition led by Sky
Chief, a noted warrior. When the name of Sky
Chief fell from the lips of the interpreter old Two
Strike smiled and closed his fist. The Sioux left
their encampment and struck into the heart of the
hunting country. There a scout told them that
the enemy was encamped in a prairie gulch and
that their women and children were with them
to care for the hides and for the drying of thp
meat of the buffalo.
Two Strike led his men by "a way around," as
the interpreter put it. coming' finally to a point
less than half a sun's distance from the camp in
the valley. The Sioux struck a small herd of buf
falo "and they goaded the animals before them
right up to the mouth of the gulch. When th6
buffalo were headed straight into the valley the
Sioux pricked the hindmost with arrows and the
herd went headlong toward the encampment or
the Pawnees, who "were foolish men" and did
not watch for an enemy.
When the Pawnees saw the buffalo they mount
ed their ponies and followed -them out through the
far end of the alley to the level plain, leaving
the women and children behind.
Then the Sioux went in to the slaughter, spar
ing neither infancy nor age. and they had almost
ended the -killing when the Pawnee braves re
turned. Then followed the last great battle which has
been fought on the plains between tribes of red
men. The story-teller in the tepee at Pine Ridge
did not say so. but it is known from the account
of a white man. Adabel Ellis, who knew the cir
cumstances, that the Pawnees fought that day as
they had always fought, bravely and to the death.
Sky Chief, the Pawnee, rode out in front of
his men. shook his hand and called out that Two
Strike, the Dakota, was a coward. Then Two
Strike called back that the Pawnee was a dog's
whelp and he lode out, armed with his knife,
which was the only weapon Sky Chief held.
The two leaders met and fought. They dis
mounted, turned their ponies loose and grappled.
The ttcry-tellrr lingeied i.ot on the details of the
fight. He aid simply, -'the Pawnees heard Sky
Chief's death cry."
The tale ended. Two Strike rose, bared his"
right arm. drove his hand downward and than
upward, and sailed.
Not Much Use Made of Water Trans
portation in Egypt
It is a curious fact that the Nile and
most of the canals in Egypt run north
and south. The wind blows nearly ail
the year from the north, and thus fur
nishes the cheapest propelling power
for boats going south. When the boats
return north the rapid current of the
Nile is the motive power. The regu
larity ot the wind and the steadiness
of the current are two reasons why
boats propelled by any other power
are so little used. Time Is not so im
portant an element in business In
Egypt as in some other countries, and
it does not matter, .therefore, that
boats propelled by wind or current are
slow. But not so much use is made
of water transportation in Egypt as
one might think, in view of the possi
bilities offered by the Nile and the
many canals throughout the Delta.
The Nile is navigable for many hun
dred miles. The first cataract is at
Assouan, but there is no interruption
of traffic until Wadi Haifa is reached.
800 miles from Cairo. The primary
object of the canals Is to distribute
water for irrigation, but they are real
ly broad and deep water courses, easi
ly navigable by sa'ling- boats and
small steam tugs. With Egypt'3 awak
ening the value of these canals will
soon be realized.
Following Instructions.
She was a little girl and very po
lite. Twas the first time she had beea
o- a visit alone, and she had been tow
how to behave.
"Now. Ethel, should they ask yoa
to stay and dine, you must say: 'No.
thank you: I have already dined.'"
It turned out just as papa bad -anticipated.-
"Come along;, Ethel,' said the host,
"you must have a bite with us."
"No. thank you," said the dignified
little girl. 1 have already bittern."
wC ' ' '' v;g3MK at
MW ' W
It is a remarkable fact that no one
ever returns from a visit to the south
of Ireland without having something
to say in praise of the country he has
left behind him.
The south of Ireland on Saxon lips,
generally means the Lakes of Killar
ney; but, as a matter of fact, there
is hardly an acre of the kingdom of
Kerry, especially of its coast-line, that
is not exquisitely beautiful. Now that
means of transit are both so rapid
and reasonable, it is a pity that all
this beauty is not better known. The
best way to make its acquaintance is
to go by rail to Kenmare. and then,
following the coach road round the
coast. lead up to Killarney, if desired,
as final. From Kenmare the road runs
close to the sea, though- high above
it, leaving Dromore castle to keep
watch over the blue waters of Ken
mare bay on the left, until the bridge
is reached beneath which the river
Blackwater (one of IT Blackwaters in
Great Britain and Ireland, by the
way), rushes seaward down a fern
clad ravine. Thence the' track de
scends through thickets of wind
gnarled oak and glistening arbutus.
intersected by water-courses, half hid
den beneath a luxuriant growth of the
great Osmunda regalis. to Parknasilla.
Parknasiila is an ideal spot for
anyone in search of warmth and sun
shine. On the north and east it is
sheltered from harsh winds by high
mountains, and the breeze that blows
in from the Atlantic brings with it a
balmy temperature of the gulf stream.
In this sheltered spot palms and aloes
will winter safely out of doors, and
the huge growth attained by delicate,
semi-tropical evergreens testifies to
the equableness of the climate. Those
who can afford to travel in the leisure
ly manner such surroundings demand
should loiter a day or two at Parkna
silla at the Great Southern hotel,
once a bishop's palace, whose beauti
ful wooded grounds stretch to the
water's edge. Close at hand is the
lovely Gararish island, where sandy,
sunny coves form an ideal resting
place for a summer afternoon.
Winding up from Parknasilla
through groves of oak and beech, the
road leads at last into the wilder
beauty of the hills, which rise on the
right hand into the precipitous heights
of Crohan mountain. Once upon a
time this district was populous with
miners and smelters, for the moun
tains are rich in copper: but there are
no signs of human habitation there
now. Anoth'er interesting relic of the
past, close by, is Cahirdaniel, the site
of an old Danish fort, eloquent of
stormy times. The sea appears once
more at Derrynane, where a ruined
abbey stands ou on a rocky penin
sula, while the erstwhile home of Dan
iel O'Connell, "the Liberator," stands
within a stone's throw.
From Derrynane the scenery Is a
succession of mountain passes until
the road descends to Waterville, lying
midway between the sea. on one hand
and Currane lake on the other.
Waterville affords ideal headquarters
for the fisherman. The lough is well
stocked with brown trout, which give
good sport throughout the season, and
the white trout come up from the sea
annually to spawn. The sea angler
will appreciate the pollack, a fish
which will put up a good fight on a rod
with light tackle and prove equally
good eating when landed. The archae
ologist also will find Waterville worth
a prolonged stay, and the prehistoric
remains of Staigue fort, within easy
distance, are reported to be at least
2.000 years old. Other points of in
terest are the cable stations both on
the mainland and Valentia island.
For the remainder of the journey
the way crosses rocky moorland is
terspersed'with bog and heather, until
the railway is regained at Cahirciveen.
The interest in this section of the
road lies chiefly seaward, where be
yond cliff-bound Ballinskelligs bay 114
the two islets known as the Great and
Little Skelligs. The Great SkelHg is
a lighthouse station, and on the sum
mit of the rock are some interesting
beehive dwellings reported to be of
monastic origin. The Little Skellig is
one of the largest breeding stations oi
the gannet and puffin round our coasts,
and the huge colony of birds who do
not leave the rock until the autumn
is well worth visitig on a calm day.
The whole distance from Kenmare
to Cahirciveen is 50 miles, and there
is not a mile of it that is not worth
seeing, both for its beauty and Its as-'
sociations; but a shorter route more
suitable for cyclists or those who do
not care for a long coach journey lies
over the mountain pas of Ballagh
bema. By this route the traveler fol
low s the main road from Kenmare as
far as the Blackwater bridge and then,'
turning aside, follows the stream up
into the mountain which divides its
watershed from that of the Caragb
river. Following this river he comes
down to Caragh lake, where the rail
way appears again. The salmon and
trout Ashing, both in the lake and the
surrounding rivers, are excellent, and
should he desire to try them he can
not do better than stay at the New
Southern hotel. The Caragh river is
reserved for the guests here, a3 are
25,000 acres of shooting. Indeed, a
winter visit to Caragh In search of
snipe and cock will well repay the
trouble of a channel crossing. Bath
ing and boating are perfect, and there
is a golf course close at hand.
Witchcraft Survival in England.
Remarkable stories of the preva
lence of witchcraft in Somerset and
of strange medical beliefs common in
the country were told at a meeting of
teachers at Bury, near Dulverton.
Dr. Syndenham, Dulverton. said that
herbalists and white witches were
still living among them, to say noth
ing of "the doctor," or seventh son.
The belief was widely held that whoop
ing cough could be cured by placing
the sufferer on the ground in a sheep
fold: epilepsy by -procuring silver
coins from friends and having them
made into a necklace or bracelet to be
worn by the sufferer, and hemorrhage
and burns by the chanting of a
strange prayer.
A seventh son. especially if he were
the seventh son of a seventh son. was
as much sought after in some parishes
as if he were a Harley street special
ist. His patients were attended on
Sunday mornings, after fasting, the
cure being by touch and prayer. Lon
don Daily Mail.
An Old Sheep.
A Bepgali clerk, who had been trans
ferred at his own request lrom Sir
Arthur Fanshawe's office tp another
government office in Calcutta, was
anxious to return and wrote to Sir
Arthus personally on the subject.
Although not a Christian himself, he
was evidently acquainted with the fa
miliar lines of Bomar's hymn:
"I was a wandering slierp.
1 did not love the fold."
and this is how he applied them to his
own case: "it is true I have wandered
from the fold. i. e., the director-General's
office, but I trust that your
honor will be merciful and receive
back an old sheep." Westminster Ga
He Started.
He had been there since 8 o'clock
and it was now ll.
"Are you interested in Mr. Weston"?
wonderful walk?" she asked him.
"Oh, yes," he answered.
"Do you think you could walk as
far?" she. went on.
"Oh, no" he quickly replied; "I'm
sure I couldn't."
"But how can you be sure," said the
dear girl. "If you never start?"
Then he started.
A Sunday Sermon.
One must accept life as it is. It"
gives us great happiness if we are
wise enough to see iC and it balances
the scales by sending great sorrows,
But that is life.
If you would make the world bright
er try to forget your hurts, dry your
eyes and turn to help those who need
the pressure of a friendly hand, the
encouragement of a smiling look.
Sorrows and troubles of all kinds
should teach one a great lesson the
lesson of universal kindness. New
York Times.
What Did He Meant
The Major I saved that rose yoa
gave me last week. Miss Antique; for
though it is withered it still reminds
me of you!
Miss Antique Sir!
Are Held Back by Poverty
Your editorial on "The Endowing of
Individuals" expresses a prevailing
but mistaken view that wealth and
leisure 'handicap, while pressure and
need produce achievement.
Success comes in spite ot these bur
dens, not by their aid. but the discov
eries the world has lost, with the ac
companied benefits to humanity,
through the condition of 90 per cent.
of its population is too great to ven
ture an estimate upon.
Civilization began in warm, fertile
lands, where food was easily produced
before the accumulation of wealth and
knowledge enabled mankind to over
come obstacles in severer climates.
The calmer and milder manifestations
of nature in Greece brought forth sci
ence. 'while nature's work in India,
great rivers and floods, tremendous
mountain ranges and vast valleys
caused a riot of the imagination re
sulting in much superstition and little
Learning- began among the priest
hood, who were removed from any
hardship or danger of- starvation. In
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Vienna. W. Va. "I feel thatloww
the last ten years of my life to Lydia
table Compound.
Eleven years age I
was a walkiLg
shadow. I had been
under the doctor's
My husband per
suaded me to try
Lydia E. Pinkham's
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like a charm. It re
lieved all my pains
I advise all suffering;
women to take Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable compound. jui.JuMma
Wheaton; Vienna, TV. Va.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
Eound, made from native roots and
erbs, contains no narcotics or harm
ful drugs, and to-day holds the record
for the largest number of actual cures
of female diseases of any similar medi
cine in the country, and thousands of
voluntary testimonials arc on file in
the Pinkham laboratory at Lynn,
Mass., from women who have been
cured from almost every form of
female complaints, inflammation, ul
ceratrbn.displacements, fibroid tumors,
irregularities, periodic pains, backache,
indigestion and nervous prostration.
Every such suffering woman owes it to
herself to give Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound & trial.
If yoa would like special advice
about your case write a confiden
tial letter to Mrs. Pinkham, at
Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free,
and always helpful.
and misery.
WiLwr Food 1
the book of Proverbs, chapter ten. is
given a Jewish thinker's idea of the
dangers, of wealth and the opportuni
ties of poverty. "The rich man's
wealth is his strong city, the destruc
tion of the poor is their poverty."
Also Gray's Elegy expresses the enlightened-
thinking of his time.
Herbert Spencer in his autobiogra-
phy says that he would have been
unable to write many of his books bad
not he received legacies from rela
tives. Newton "was in easy circum
stances and had abundant leisure.
Darwin writes in his autobiography:
"I had ample leisure from not having
to earn my bread." And the Greek
thinkers from Thales to Aristotle ci
ther possessed means or were in posi
tions that enabled them to work with
out any "spur of poverty."
It is as reasonable to say that one
could work to better advantage had
he to use a sword in one hand while
he worked with a spade in the other,
or that the frpur of war was necessary
for industrial progress. Communica
tion in New Vcrk Tiie3.
Llbhy' Coohm
There's a marked distino
t i o n between MJMty'm
Oookmti Omrmmtl
BO0f and even 'the best
that's sold in bulk.
Evenly and m3dly cured
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d11 ft ah
if " iuc UUUII
flavor of the fresh, prime
beef is retained. It is pure
wholesome, delicious and
ready to serve at meal time,
Saves work and worry in
Other Libby "Healthful"
Meal-Time-Hints, all ready
to serve, are:
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"Purity goes hand in hand
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Write for free Booklet,
"How to make Good
Things to Eat".
i Bflnnnnnl
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your grocers.
Utty, toftsUI