The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 07, 1909, Image 3

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ASHINGTOX. Congress almost every
year has before it the case of some West
Point cadet who allowed his animal spir
its to get the better of him, and who un
der the impulse of the moment commit
ted some act of hazing or of another
kind of a discipline breach, and therefore
suffered dismissal. The life at West
Point is a hard one, and each successive
board of visitors is likely to make some
suggestion to make the cadet's condition
just a little mo: 3 irksome. Just now
there is speculation on the subject of
what the ofiiclal visitors of the year of
grace, 1909, will recommend as an addi
tion to the academy's code of discipline.
Sometime ago a clergyman of the Church of England
visited West Point. He wished to get full knowledge of
the drill, the system of study and the disciplinary
methods of the institution, and so he rose at reveille and
made the cadet day his own. until taps had sent the
stripling soldiers to their blankets.
The clergyman, after seeing lights out, went to the o9i-
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mSr -drill y
well, that any cadet who
asks another to perform
. any menial i?ork for him
' shall be dismissed from the
service. The first classman
knew too much to ask his
visitor outright to do any-1
thing of the kind, but here!
IS tne way wnicn veraciuua
academy history says that
he went at it:
"I presume, Mr. Grant,
that you have lived on a
farm, and such being the
case you undoubtedly have f
had rare opportunities to
note the effect of the sun's
rays on certain objects.
Now, if you had left In the
sun a water bucket that was
innocent of the retention of
a single drop' of the" fluid,
what do you think, sir.
would have been the partic
ular effect of. the sun upon
that particular water
"I think," said Cadet
Grant, "that it would get
warped and leaky."
"Very well, Mr. Grant;
you show erudition beyond your
years. Now If you will look at my
water bucket you will see that it is
as dry as a chip. By the further ex
ercise of your knowledge and observa
tion, Mr. Grant, can you tell me by
what means I may prevent the warp
ing and leaking of my bucket?"
"Have it filled," said Grant
"Very good, again, Mr. Grant; but
pray note what you said: 'have it
filled,' not 'fill it. That necessarily
means, Mr. Grant, that some one must
fill it for me. You have shown so
much acumen that I fear to violate
the terms of your prescription either
in letter or in spirit, which I should
do if I presumed to carry the bucket
to the water tank myself."
Grant filled the bucket.
A member of the West Point class
of 1S70, now an officer of high rank
in active service, tells this story about
the first day in plebe camp of Fred
erick Dent Grant, son of Ulysses.
An upper classman, bent on nothing
else than having some fun with the
son of the famous general, asked him
on his advent into camp while be was
cers' mess and there in response to &':KlMBffi
a question lrom tne superintendent PiMlMTilMlMTllWT'T'TliilMHiffrf 1 TTWm ' 1 ' 1mZBWm& " Tg&J0&mWP8
flltftfmmWfmmmmmrmvSmmm. WmmW9mmmmmmmWS''rIImmT
of the academy, he summarized his
opinion of the day's duties of the
cadets by paraphrasing the remark
or the Frenchman on one of the Cri
mean battlefields: "It's magnificent,
but it's a beastly grind."
Lord Roberts not long ago declared
that the United States school on the
Hudson is the greatest military insti
tution in the world. The hero of Kan
dahar doubtless liad made some study
v the records and of averages, for
history shows that in the number of
soldiers entitled to be called great.
West Point has turned out more than
all the military schools df the con
tinent combined
Obedience and discipline are the
loundation stones of the success of a
soldier, according to all the authori
ties who judge solely by results ob
tained. Disobedience of orders means
dismissal from the military academy.
Disobedience of direct orders is a.
thing practically unknown at the
school. Infractions ot regulations may in a
sense be termed disobedience, but they are never
so regarded in any of the world's schools. Boy
nature would needs be remade if the rules of any
institution were to be kept to the letter of the
Discipline at West Point is rigid to severity.
As far as disciplinary methods are concerned the
school never changes. It is the same to-day as
it was in the days of Grant and Lee.
Take a day at the academy and compare its
duties with tho?e of any other institution, no mat
ter of what country, and it will be seen that in,
comparison to the cadets' labor the work of stu
dents at other schools is but play. During certain
months or the year there is little play at West
Point. Drill in the open air gives the requisite
exercise to keep the physique right, and for rec
reation apparently there is no need.
The routine has changed a little with the pass
ing years, but in a general way the day's pro
gram at the academy is like this:
Reveille at C o'clock: roll call at 6:20; break
fast at 6:25; guard mount at 7:15; recitations
and study hours from S until 1; dinner, 1 until
1:40: recitations and study from 2 until 4; drill
from 4 until 5:20; parade at 5:30; supper at G;
study from 7 until 9: CO; tattoo, then taps and
There are no recitations at the United States
military academy on Saturday afternoons, and the
cadets are given what is called "release from
quarters," with permission to visit one another In
barracks or to roam about the reservation, ta
king good care, under pain of dismissal, to keep
from going off limits.
Release from quarters never comes for some
cadets. The breaking of some small rule means
confinement to quarters or the walking of extra
guard tours. The boy who unwittingly puts on
a pair of white trousers having an Iron rust stain
on them, and wears them at drill or at dress pa
rade, will know no release from quarters for
Should a speck of rust be found on his rifle at
Sunday morning inspection, he will shoulder that
rifle and walk two or more hours up and down
the area of barracks as a "sentinel without
charge." while his more fortunate comrades are
.experiencing the ecstasy which comes from per
mission to ramble about the parade ground and
to view the hotel and other delights of civiliza
tion from a distance.
Upon occasion the cadetS are given permission
to call upon friends at the little hotel on tie res
ervation, if, however, a boy commits the enor
mous offense of leaving the main parlor of the
hotel to visit his lather or mother in another
room, and the act should be discovered, he wilf
never see the inside of that hotel again until
many weeks have rollad by and he has expiated
Wis crime by many extra tours of guard duty in
the broiling sun or zero weather or a Highlands'
FdDr the Hditt;
OB Topics of iteuy Kinds, by a
ReRcojgitfzesI Authority
In an elder day at the academy, and it may be
so to-day, the mail bag into which the cadets
dropped their letters was hung with wide distend
ed mouth just inside the door of the guardhouse.
Until the first call for breakfast, the guardhouse
was "off limits." The instant the drums rolled
the cadets could enter the building and drop their
letters. One morning a cadet stood without the
door, holding his letter in his hand3. The drum
mer's sticks were poised tremblingly, waiting to
fall for the pounding out of the first call for
The cadet saw the poised sticks, entered the
guardhouse and dropped his letter just as the
first note of the call sounded. He had passed
through the doorway just one-sixteenth of a sec
ond too soon. An officer saw him mail his let
ter and a report of "off limits" went in which
caused the unfortunate letter mailer to perform
extra guard duty for 16 long hours not consec
utive hours, however.
On the first hook on the wall of his alcove the
cadet must hang one specific article of clothing;
on the second hook another article, and so on.
If, perchance, the youth hangs his dresscoat on
the nail sacred to the overcoat, he can bid fare
well to release from quarters for two Saturdays
at least, and if, perchance, the shell jacket hangs
on the hook given over to trousers, he may add
three more- days of confinement to those which
have accrued from the crime of the misplaced
The methodical cadet runs a yardstick along
the toes of the extra shoes which under regula
tion, must be placed in regular order beneath
the foot of his bed. If the toe of one shoe pro
trudes half an inch beyond the toe of its mate,
the cadet gets one demerit mark. If more than
one pair of shoes shows symptoms of irregular
ity in the matter of toeing the scratch, the cadet
will receive a sufficient number of demerit marks
to enable him to realize thoroughly the beauties
of a right line as applied to something- besides
It is "a beastly grind," as the English clergy
man said, but it z a grind that has its uses, and
the proof of it is written in all the records of the
Hazing is in a sense an hereditary habit. The
army officers who have been asked in the years
that are past, and who are being asked to-day
to root out the practice of "deviling" the plebe
at West Point, did not, and have not all of them
their hearts in the work, for were they not hazed
themselves, and were they not in turn hazers?
Nine out of ten of the hazed will tell you to-day
that they profited by the experience.
When Gen. Ulysses Simpson Grant entered
plebe camp, a first classman who noticed the
boy's strong build intimated to him that it would
be a pleasure to have him can immediately at the
senior's tent. Grant went. There is a rule at
West Pont. ;hih was a rule in Grant's dav as
still wearing the clothes of civil life: "Which do
you think is the greatest man. Gen. George Wash
ington or Gen. Ulysses S. Grant?" ,
Fred's answer, blunt and quick, was: "Washing
ton may have been the greater man, but my fa
ther was the greater soldier."
"Mr. Grant," said the upper classman, "to com
pare your father to George Washington in any
sense, is like unto the comparing of a plucked hen
to the American eagle."
Then there followed a fight, but it was stopped
almost instanter by some first classmen because
the place was too public.
Gen. John M. Schofield was an artillery officer.
The army has it that Schofield had a distaste for
the infantry branch because of an experience which
he underwent during his first week as a plebe at
the military academy.
Some yearlings chased Schofield up a ladder from
the cock loft of barracks to the roof. The future
hero of Franklin was clad only in a night shirt.
When the rof was reached the cadets gave Scho
field a rifle, marked out a sentinel's beat on the
tin roof and started the future artilleryman on his
walk back and forth with the musket on his shoul
der. They kept him at it with few intermissions,
from taps to reveille.
Edgar Allan Poe was a cadet at West Point only
for a short time. Army tradition holds nothing con
cerning the hazing of Poe. The academy, however,
is the custodian of one of Poe's first poems, which
is nothing short of a striking example of the boy's
'While Poe was at the academy Lieut. Joseph
Lock was stationed there as a tactical officer. Lock
was the strictest kind of a disciplinarian, and he
was constantly reporting Poe for offenses, reports
which brought as their natural consequence some
heavy punishments. Poe had his revenge in a poem
which the curious may find in a volume called
"Tic Tacs," which was published years ago by the
John Locke was a great name,
Joe Lock is a greater. In short.
The former is well known to fame.
The latter well known to report.
There is, or was, one form of hazing at West
Point which has in it the essence of cruelty. This
consists in making a plebe read with appropriate
gestures and the proper inflections, all the nice
things which the newspapers of his home town
printed about him when the announcement of his
appointment to a cadetship was made. Imagine, if
you will, the feelings of a green youngster, as he
stands upon a barrel, reading to an assemblage of
possibly 50 yearlings, the editorial statement of the
local papers, that Henry Smith "doubtless will be
made a corporal as soon as the eyes of the super
intendent ot the military academy fall upon his tall
and manly figure. Henry has in him the making
ot a great soldier. We shall hear of his deeds on
the field of battle as a leader of his country's hosts
in case dread war shaU ccme "
A Beach Picnic.
There was nothing very remarkable
about the invitation I found on my
desk last week, save that I was asked
to come at three, and in large letters
were the words: "Bring your bathing
The hostess lived on the shore of an
inland lake. Oh, yes; "Mr. Mme.
Merri" was asked to come at six.
Well, the whole thing was so delight
ful, so delightful, so possible to nearly
every one, that we all found ourselves
asking: "Why haven't we done it be
fore?" As with almost everything,
there must be a leader, some one who
realizes possibilities and makes them
realities. In this case the hostess had
lived for years on this self-same spot,
had regularly gone to the seashore for
the bathing and it was only because
the family exchequer had been struck
by the financial panic that the sum
mer was being passed at home. It's
an ill wind that blows no one any
good, and there is more than one
person who is grateful that the
"Blanks" had to remain at home, for
there have been a number of affairs
just as pleasant as the one herein
At four o'clock, water suits were
donned and under the protection of
automobile coats the run to the beach
was made. After a Jolly splash and
an hour spent on the broad piazza the
men came out from town and there
was a regular beach supper served
with all the comforts of home close at
A huge driftwood fire cooked the
potatoes just to the right turn and a
real Gypsy kettle boiled the corn.
Sawhorses with boards on top made
the table and the cloth was white pa
per with the driest napkins and rings
of paper, each with a souvenir in
side. The guests went in raptures
over the dishes I means the plates
which were of pasteboard, each
with dainty painted flowers for deco
ration. The hostess said they came
in sets all packed in one box.
As there have been several requests
for menus for outdoor suppers 1 am
going to tell exactly what we had.
First, there was a canteloup cut in
half by the man who was dubbed "the
knight of the knife;" then there were
sandwiches of minced him mixed with
mayonnaise and chopped pickles,
sandwiches of sliced chicken and
plain raisin brown bread sandwiches;
deviled eggs and potato salad gar
nished with beets, bottles of olives,
iced tea (the ice brought from the
house), ginger and white cookies and
delicious little frosted chocolate
cakes. The corn and potatoes cooked
over the fire made the heavy portion
of the repast. For the finale there
was a huge watermelon, and after
wards a marshmallow roast over the
dying beach fire. Every one declared
that they had learned a lesson by
learning to appreciate what was with
in their reach, and the hostess re
ceived a vote of thanks for the pleas
ant outing.
The Golden Wedding.
This is in reply to several requests for
golden wedding celebrations, and I
hope will fully answer all questions,
The invitations are engraved with
letters of gold and, of course, golden
yellow will be the color scheme
throughout the house. If the affair
is in the fall golden glow and golden
rod are just the flowers to use. For
the table centerpiece there should be
50 roses, preferably Marshael Neils;
the candies of yellow in brass holders
Gilt slippers make charming souve
nirs filled with almonds. The bonbons
may be wrapped In gilt paper, th6
cake frosted with yellow icing (made
from the yolk of eggs) and the ice
cream frozen in rings. New York ice
cream is a deep yellow and should be
used. Serve orange frappe in a
punch bowl wreathed with yellow. If
the young people who assist are
gowned In yellow it will add greatly
to the scenic effect.
In way of gifts on such an occasion
gold pieces are in order, flowers and
any dainty remembrance, for, oi
course, quantities of elaborate things
are not expected or in good taste.
When a couple have reached this
period in life's Journey they do not
want the care of a lot of new things,
but rather to be relieved of what they
have. In many instances of this kind
the children and near relatives have
a really golden "shower" for the hon
ored pair, and then they do what they
like with the money.
The golden wedding is a fitting time
for reminiscences, and a feature oi
the evening should be a description
of the original ceremony, with toasts,
music and letters read from absent
Wiles of Beautiful Captive. Proved
Just the Thing When Emer
gency Came.
The beautiful young captive retained
her presence of mind, however, and
when it came her tuns to be taken
before the cannibal king, she marceled
herself very carefully.
"Ain't I sweet, though!" she ex
claimed, archly flirting her handker
chief at the monarch.
His majesty at once fell into the
"You're simply it!" he replied cor
dially. "Well, sweet things are terribly fat
tening." "Ah!"
"O, terribly. And there's nothing so
hopelessly out of it as to be fat, these
Whereupon the king was greatly
shaken and commanded her instant re
lease. "People used to blame me because
I knew I was pretty, but all the time I
felt sure the knowledge would come
handy some day!" commented the
lovely creature, as she was led away.
Military brushes now come with pig
skin backs.
Rows of tiny buttons rival rows of
large ones.
Buttoned shoes are more popular
than laced ones.
The newest covers and chemises are
cut low.
Stylish riding boots for women come
in white buckskin.
The new coat collars are large,
round affairs of Irish or Cluny lace.
Raffia handbags are to be found in
almost every color and every shape.
Ostrich feathers are much used, al
though few of the uncurled sort are
Satin crepes, on account of their
light weight, are the preferred hat
Pearl Embroidery.
Pearls are a great deal worn, em
broidered on tulle. There is, too, a
great fancy for dead gold filet lace,
and this over tulle or chiffon is quite
becoming. For gold, like oxidized sil
ver and copper effects, is much in
vogue, and shows the trend of magnifi
cance. Vogue.
A very decorative and useful little
article this to hang on the wall or
on the looking-glass. Cut a piece of
silk the shape and size of No. 2, al
lowing a third of an inch at edges for
turning. Embroider it with sequins
and ribbon in the design given, or in
satin and knot stitches if preferred;
gold sequins and pale pink ribbon on
white silk would be very dainty, and
would accord with most bedroom deco-
Scheme of Long-Suffering Couple Re
sulted in Considerable Abate
ment cf Nuisance.
"We've found a joyful way to stop
the continual playing of a piano in the
flat below us." said a young matron
to a girl friend. "Unfortunately, the
remedy is only applicable when the
nuisance is in the fiat below one, so
I'm afraid it won't do other people
much good. However, it has been
most efficacious in our own case.
"Every evening about 5:30, I think
it is, when the man of the house gets
home, some one starts this fearful tin
panny piano going, and they are ac
customed to keep it up at frequent
intervals all evening until we get so
tired of 'O, Gee, Be Sweet to Me Kid'
and that sort of music that we almost
grow mad. The ether evening we had
two friends to dinner, and when the I
music down stairs had been going for
some time one of our friends suggest
ed that we make use of it and have a
dance. The idea no sooner took root
than we had the rugs up and were
doing the merriest barn dance you
ever saw, and we took little care to
tread softly. It was not long before
the mueic ceased, and it was some
thing like rn hour before they began
to play again. Almost at the same
time, even though we were in the mid
dle of our salad, we got up and began
to two-step, with the result that again
the music stopped. Even if we were
a little delayed with our dinner, we
bad put an end to the abominable
music, and. incidentally, we had better
appetites for the dessert and cheese
Now every time they begin George
and I dance as hard as we can to the
music, and the consequence is we are
having more peace in our own home."
$ 1 f I
No. 2. Design for No. 3.
rations. After the embroidery is fin
ished, cut a piece of card the shape of
No. 2, cover it with the silk, and line
it with white silk; then curve round
"and sew the two edges neatly together.
Cut a tiny circle to fit the hole at
lower end, coter with silk and seam
in position, put a
pom on center.
small silk pom-
No. 3. Hatpin Holder.
ijxoMxjyjxjTj-unjxjtJVXjxrijTjTr - -- .. .. ,... ..-
Then Turn to Another.
When you have set yourself to
task, finish it. Ovid.
Black Hosiery No Longer Worn by
Women Who Keep Pace with
The new stockings come in every
design and in e"very color. The reign
of the sedate black stockings, even
of the fancy description, with clocks
and embroideries, is no more.
Woman has now a stocking for
every dress, and the brighter the hue
the better.
Women will be seen wearing yellow
stockings with black shoes, peach col
ored hose with peach colored gowns
and gray shoes and scarlet stockings
with black dresses and shoes, although
the general rule is that shoes and
stockings shall match.
The suffragette can wear short
stockings of purple, white and green,
and the Scotch lassie a tartan plaid.
The woman who desires a bizarre ef
fect has squares of scarlet, yellow and
green from top to toe.
With a striped costume one can don
stockings with mixed stripes of every
shade, both narrow and wide.
Some hose have demure feet and
half legs of black, after which there is
a bewilderment of diamonds and
squares of color.
Then all the new shades, exquisite
in tone, have stockings to match. Rose
fanee (faded rose), pale mauves, flesh
colors, carnation pinks, parma violet
tints, soft moles, grays and golden
browns one's hosiery can be just as
one desires, as all are obtaiifable.
A directoire stocking is shown for
evening wear. This is in all colors,
and has a lacing at the side of the leg
of black, finished with bows and tas
sels. Garters have returned to fashion.
They are more elaborate than before
Varicolored ribbons, with embroidered
flowers are used in their make.
A bridal garter is trimmed with
orange blossoms, whilst others have
deep flounces of lace.
The individual linen pockets or bags
worn with the summer gown are fre
quently fastened with cor.Is drawn
through embroidered eyelets.
The Phunnibeak Bird Hello, who
are you?
The Other Bird Don't you know
me? Why, I'm "The harp that once
through Tara's Halls."
The Phunnibeak Bird (shortly) Oh,
tut; tut! You're a lyre! That's what
you are.
Hched and Burned Terribly Could
Not Move Thumbs Without Flesh
Cracking Sleep Impossible.
Cuticura Soon Cured His Eczema.
"An itching humor covered both my
hands and got up over my wrists and
even up to the elbows. The itching
and burning were terrible. My hands
got all scaly and when I scratched, the
surface would be covered with blis
ters and then get raw. The eczema
got so bad that I could not move my
thumbs without deep cracks appearing.
I went to my doctor, but his medicine
could only stop the itching. At night
I suffered so fearfully that I could not
sleep. I could not bear to touch my
hands with water. This went on for
three months and I was fairly worn
out. At last I got the Cuticura Reme
dies and In a month I was cured. Wal
ter H. Cox, 1G Somerset St, Boston,
Mass., Sept. 25, 1908."
P0ttr Drug & Chcm. Con)- Bole Props Boatoa.
Force of Habit.
In spite of the impediment in his
speech the fervent lover had nerved
himself up tcr the point of a proposal.
"Mum-Mum-Maud," he began. "I
mum-mum-may call you Mum-Mum-Maud,
may I nun-nun-not?"
"Why. yes. if you wish to, Mr. Chat
terton Harry."
"That's rah-rah-right Call me Ha-Ha-Harry."
"Thank you, Mum-Mum-Maud, there
is sus-sus-something very nun-nun-near
my heart that concerns yuh-yuh-you.
Can you gug-gug-guess what
it is?"
"Why. no. Harry."
"Then I'll tut-tut-tell you. My dud-dud-darling.
I lul-lul-love you. Wuh-wuh-will
you bub-bub-bub-bub-be my
wuh-wuh-wuh-wuh-wife ?"
"Oh, Harry! This is so sudden!"
The Marital Grasshopper.
What is a grasshopper? The latest
definition comes from western Aus
tralia. Domestic servants are almost
unprocurable there, and wives have to
do nearly all their own household
work. The consequence is that they
are compelled to recuperate at the sea
side in summer. In their absence the
husbands have to prepare their own
meals and do domestic duty generally.
Husbands so engaged have come to be
locally known as "grasshoppers." No
doubt the word is the husband of the
more familiar "grass widow." Lon
don Chronicle.
Cherries in soft, beautiful tones are
lavishly employed in hat garniture
Has Had Experiences.
A woman who has used Postum
since it came upon the market knows
from experience the wisdom of us
ing Postum in place of coffee if one
values health and a clear brain. She
"At the time Postum was first put
on the market I was suffering from
nervous dyspepsia, and my physician
had repeatedly told me not to use
tea or coffee. Finally I decided to
take his advice and try Postum. I
got a package and had it carefully
prepared, finding it delicious to the
taste. So I continued its use and very
soon its beneficial effects convinced
me of its value, for I got well of my
nervousness and dyspepsia.
"My husband had been drinking cof
fee all his life until it had affected
his nerves terribly, and I persuaded
him to shift to Postum. It was easy
to get him to make the change for
the Postum is so delicious. It cer
tainly worked wonders for him.
"We soon learned that Postum doe3
not exhilarate nor depress and does
not stimulate, but steadily and honest
ly strengthens the nerves and the
"To make a long story snort cvr en
tire family continued to use Postum
with satisfying results, as shown in
our fine condition of health and we
have noticed a rather unexpected im
provement in brain and nerve power."
Increased brain and nerve power
always follow the use of Postum in
place of coffee, sometimes in a very
marked manner. ''There's a Reason."
Lcok in pkgs. for the famous little
book, "The Road to WeUville."
Ever rad the above letter; A ntm
me npp'.-iir from time to tine. The?
are sen.Une, true, ad ZmU f luuMa
later est.