The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 07, 1909, Image 1

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Consolidated with the Columtrai Times April 1, 1904; with the Platte County Argus January 1, 1906.
4Jm MM
di t t t
t may come any time 2
before it comes
:1 MttlM SSi Matt
Oete 35
Whsst 85
Corn 55
Hogs, top S7.10
A tap of tfae fire bell Tuesday evening
called the police to the bottoms to settle
a family row, bat as usual, when the
alarm is given everything is quited down.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Gerrard, W. T.
Strother and Mrs. A. E. Matson of
Monroe were in the city last Thursday
to attend the funeral of Mrs 0. W.
While doing some wiring for the elec
tric light company Monday morning,
lineman Joe Stovicek got a bad fall. He
was standing on the limb of a tree,
twenty feet from the ground, when it
broke and let him fall with such force as
to fracture two ribs. Fortunately the
accident will not lay him up, and in a
few days be wu'l be able to go to work
One more announcement of a candi
date for a county office was made during
the laat week Louis Held, the present
eoanty treasurer, announcing himself as
a candidate to succeed himself for a
ssoosdterm. This makes lour announce
meats so far, and all for different offices,
bat there still remains ten days in which
those who are willing to make a cam
paign to file for the nomination.
The last two car loads of stone for the
mew Union Pacific depot arrived last
Saturday, and incluled in the shipment
ware the two four ton cap stones which
are to be placed over the doors on the
south side of the building next to the
main line. This material has been the
cause of considerable delay, anil its
arrival will give the contractor an oppor
tunity to push the work along more
Members of the local camp of Sons of
Veterans are making arrangements to go
(o Fremont this month, to meet the
National commander of the order, Edgar
Allan, jr. As the division headquarters
for Nebraska are located in this city, it
was their privilege to entertain him, but
Division Commander H. B. Reed was
anxious that members of as many camps
in the state as possible should attend
the reception in honor of the Comman
der, and as Fremont was centrally locat
ed for the majority of the camps, it was
decided on as the place for the comman
der to stop in this state.
Platte county's largest item in the as
sessment of personal property is notes,
which amount to $837,815. Next comes
the value of the corn 'in the county,
which is 490215. Money on hand or in
bank amounts to $381,880. there are only
fifty-one automobiles, valued a 819,525.
Jewelry is rather scarce, only 81,800 be
ing listed, but diamonds to the value of
86,035 were listed. The assessors found
1,146 'dogs who bad owners and listed
them at $"5,740. In real estate, the im
provements for the last year amounts to
8135,266, nearly all of it being credited
to the city of Columbus.
All the latest shades and
styles in
mad Decorating
Sifi Writiflg a Specialty
Last Wednesday evening a special
meeting or, the Commercial elub waa
held for the purpose of discussing the
proposition of Omaha parties to locate as
ovsralLfaetory in this city. A bonus is
not required in order to have the factory
located hare, all that is asked being aid
in securing suitable quarters, and the
names of not less than fifty young men
and women who will agree to work in
the factory. The wages offered will run
as high as $15 to 818 per week. This
week representatives of the company
will visit this city, and President Karr
appointed Sam Gass, jr., Edgar Howard,
G. Friachholz and R.8. Dickinson to aot
as a committee to look after the interests
of the city in the matter. Frank Keraea
brock was elected secretary of the club
to fill the vacancy caused by the resigna
tion of Gus G. Becher, who resigned
some time ago. A committee was also
selected to assist in securing chautauqua
grounds and also in the advance sale of
tickets for the occasion. The club will
tender a farewell reception and smoker
to Messrs. A. Anderson and H. Bagatz,
many years prominent business men of
this city, prior to their leaving for Cali
fornia. The club will assist in the en
tertainment of the state convention rural
letter carriers, which meets in this city
September 1, and donated $25 for that
Last Friday Chief of Polioe Sohack
received a telegram from Fremont ask
ing him to look out for a man who bad
stolen some articles from the proprietor
of an automobile garage in that city, and
shortly afterward he located his man
near the Union Pacific depot. It seems
the fellow, who gave his name as Arthur
Blohok of Cleveland, Ohio, had been
working a few days in the garage in
Fremont, and when a man with a car
bound west came along, asked for a ride.
When he left he took a suit case Con
taining a 835 suit of clothes, a pin valued
at 815, two pair of automobile gloves
worth $5 each, and other articles. The
stolen property waa recovered by the
chief and he turned it and "his prisoner
over to Sheriff Bauman of Dodge county,
who came up in an automobile. In
speaking of the arrest, Chief Schack
saya it is the quickest catch he ever
made, as in less than three hours after
he received word the prisoner was on his
way to Fremont.
A petition, whioh had been circulated
by Ex-Mayor Dtolansos, asking that the
city council appoint a committee to in
vestigate the prices charged by the elec
tric light company, waa presented to
that body at their meeting last Friday
evening, and referred to a com
mittee, composed of Sam Gass, A.
W. Clark, J. L. Brunken and G. E.
Willard. It seems that some of the elec
tric light patrons are not satisfied with
the rates charged, claiming they are not
in accordance with the promises made
at the time the franchise waa granted,
and it is understood that this petition
waa circulated for the purpose of bring
ing the matter before the council for an
airing. The patrons say they can show
where they are not treated justly, and
the light company insists that they are
giving the people all they agreed to.
The public will no doubt have a better
understanding of the terms of the fran
chise and the prices charged before the
matter is settled.
Sunday forenoon one of the Greeks
employed on the extra gang that is dis
tributing gravel balhst between this city
and Schuyler, fell off the work train and
was so badly injured that he died short
ly after being brought here. No one
seems to know just bow the accident
happened, the first the train crew knew
of it was the alarm given by bis fellow
workmen, and the train was brought to a
stop within a hundred feet. When the
train left here the Greeks were riding on
the flat cars, and some of them were
careless about their safety, and it is
supposed the injured man was one of
these, and fell from the car. When
found he was dragging in front of a
truck that had cut off one leg and badly
mangeled the other, and bruised bis body.
He was bandaged up as best they could
by his fellow workmen and train crew,
and on his arrival here taken to the hos
pital, but his injuries were such that he
died soon after reaching the hospital.
Samuel Boss, son of John Boas of the
Gruetli neighborhood in Loup township,
was drowned in the Platte south of
DflBcan, last Thursday evening. In
company with Charles and Samuel
Ernst the boys went swimming where
the water waa very deep. The Boas boy
was an excellent awimmer, but was taken
with "cramps" and drowned. The body
was carried down stream for a mile and
waa aot recovered until Friday morning.
Faneral services were held Saturday
morning from the Gruetli church, Rev.
Braun conducting the services. The
yoang mas waa twenty-one years of age,
and was born in Loup township, where
bis parents now reside.
Miss Louise Marty, who haa bees at
El Paso, Texas, for the past several
months for her health, will return home
Friday of this week and remain perman
ently, provided her ailment does not
make its appearance again. Miss Marty
went south with the hope of regaining
bar health, and her hopes have been
fully realized, and it is possible that a
permanent cure has been effected and
that she can withstand the northern
Dm. Paul and Matzea, Dentists.
Dr. Valliar! Osteopath. Barber block.
Try a 5e ice cream soda at Poeeeh's,
Dr. W. H. Slater, veterinarian, phone
First-class printing doaa at the Jour
nal office.
Wanted Girl for general housework,
lira O. J. Oarrig.
S-e the Columbus Hide Go. before you
sell your iron and junk.
Oruabed rock salt for hides, and for
stock. Columbus Hide Co.
A ppecinl ioa cream for parties, every
day. at Hagel'a bowling and billiard par
lore. Mrs. L P. Carstensin left this week
for Kansas City, Mo , where aha will visit
W. B. Neumarker physician and sur
geon. Office Fitzpatriok Bldg, 13th st,
opposite Park.
For fine watch, clock and jewelry re
pairing, try Carl Froemel, the Eleventh
street jeweler.
Mm. Howard Rowe of Omaha is in the
oity, visiting at the home of her mother,
Mrs. M. K. Turner.
Miss Mazie Magill returned to her
home in Monroe Tuesday noon after a
few days visit with friends and relatives.
For sale Magnolia stock at
8e uer share. Sjlvanite stock
for 15c. Inqure at the Biene
Charlie Windisb, formerly of Colum
bus, but now residing in Omaha waa
renewing friends and relatives in this
city over Sunday.
C. A. Gerrard, editor of the Baseett,
Nebraska, Democrat, waa in the city last
week to attend the funeral of his aunt,
Ura. C. W. Zeigler.
Ralph Turner, now with the Practical
Engineer in Chicago, haa been at home
the past week enjoying his annual vaca
tion. He returns to Chicago this week.
Robert Lewis, who was up before the
insanity board on a oharge preferred by
his wife, Anna, had his hearing Friday,
whioh waa continued from the Monday
previous, and was discharged.
Mrs. O. C Shannon, and daughter,
Mies Helen, left Saturday morning for
Trinidad,"ColoVadb,lwhere they will visit
for sme time with Mrs. Shannon's
daughter, Mrs. W. B Kennej.
If you need help of any kind, tell as
many people as oasible. There are
more thnu 40,000 people who subscribe
for tb- Omabit Bee. You can tell them
all for oue cent per word per day. Write
Prof, and Mm. R. M. Campbell, who
have been gueata at the home of O. H.
Sheldon for the past few weeks, left
Thursday for Morrison. Illinois, where
they will visit Prof, and Mrs. W. E.
Misses Martha and Gladys Turner
came up from Lincoln Saturday evening.
Miss Martha returned to her duties on
tbe State Journal Tuesday morning, and
Miss Gladys will remain at home for a
two weeks' visit.
H. N. Levine, who runs a store in the
Krug building on Eleventh street, has
purchased the building and two lots oc
cupied by A. Dussell k Son, and it is un
derstood he will erect a one-story brick
building on tbe site when it is vacated.
The Columbus Automobile Co. have
enlarged their line by adding a popular
four cylinder 30 h'orse power car, which
comes in four models. This with the
Reo, which they will continue to handle,
will give all sizes and styles to select
Jacob Greisen, administrator of the
estate of Emma Wagner, received a draft
for 82,000 tbe first of the week from the
Royal Highlanders in payment of her
policy in that order. The payment waa
made promptly and them was no delay
in the matter.
Tuesday W. A. Sohroeder received a
telegram from Denver telling of the
death of hia brother-in-law, F. W. Ott,
at a hospital in that city. Mr. Ott waa
formerly a Columbus citizen and con
ducted a stationery and music store on
Olive street north of the Schilz shoe
Friday of laat week the eight o'clock
closing law went into effect, and those
with an early morning thirst were com
pelled to wait until seven o'clock. And
eight o'clock comes rather early during
the aammer months, but the twelve
saloons in tbe city are strictly obeying
the law.
W. K. Lay received a message Mon
day telling him of the death of his aged
father, James H. Lay, at Buffalo, N. Y,
on July 4. The funeral will be held at
Sandwioh, III., the old home, on Thurs
day afternoon, and Mr. Lay left Tuesday
for that place so as to be present at the
Thursday afternoon the fire depart
ment waa called to the home of Judge
L L. Albert, the barm on the rear of the
lot being in flames. However, the blaze
waa put out before the arrival of the de
partment, and the damage waa nominal.
Tbe origin of the fire is supposed to
have been email children and matches.
Every Family
Pays for a home, at least once.
If you pay for your home through
The Equitable Bu Ming, .Loan
and Savings Association
yon pay for it but once sad it ia
yours. If yon' continue" to rent,
you pay for a home every few
yearn but it still remained tbe pro
perty of the landlord . If yon are
payiBg for a home for yqnr land
lord, call at our office snf iwe will
explain to you bow you; sen pay
for s home of your own.- v
The Equitable
liilliief Liu & Savitfs Asm
Office with
P. O. Block
Dr. Neumann. Dentist 18 St.
Dm. Martyn, Evana & Ireland.
Dr. Morrow, office Lueachea building.
Messenger service, 12th St., both
People who get results advertise in the
Four room house for rent. Elliott,
Speice & Co.
Dr. A. E. Yallier is visiting relatives
in LaBelle. Missouri. &
Dr. C.A. Allenbnrger, oBoe in new
State Bank building. V
Dm. Carstenaon & Hyland, Veterinar
ians. Both phones 212.
Dr. D. T. Martyn. jr office new Colum
bus State Bank building.
George Randall went to South Omaha
Wednesday, where he expects to remain
this summer.
It pays to sell your hides where you
can get the most money from them. See
Columbus Hide Co.
Dr. C. H. Campbell, eye. nose and
throat specialist. Glasses properly fitted.
Offioe 1215 Olive street. ,
Mivand Mm. J. J. Murphy and fam
ily we're guests at the Fitzpatriok home,
Mr. Murphy returning Monday.
Mrs. A. J. Smith and Mrs. E. H. Smith
have been entertaining Mrs. W. F. Var
ley of Omaha for the past week.
Mrs. Clark and baby of Brady Island,
Neb., are guests at tbe borne of her par
ents, Mr. and Mm. W. F. Lohr.
Quite a -crowd attended the annual
pionio dance of the Orpheus at their hall
Monday night, notwithstanding the
For Sale MagMolia stock at
8c per share. Sylraaite stock
for 15c. Inquire at the Biene
Mrs. R. G. Strother went to Council
Bluffs this week and returned Wednes
day with her mother, who will visit her
some time.
Mrs. George Douglas and son Clyde
and daughter. Miss Ethel, left Tuesday
for North Platte, where they will spend
two weeks visitiBg with relatives.
Dan Eohols is now book keeper ia the
Central Meat Market, having changed
from the Columbua Mercantile Co.,
where he held a mmiler position.
Monday of thia week Judge Ratter
man performed the marriage ceremony
for Eugene Burleson of Nashville, la.,
and Nellie M. Pace of Humphrey.
Wm. Matson of South Omaha, who
has been visiting his son, A. E. Matsonj
was the guest of his daughter. Mm. G.
M. Hall this week, while enroute home.
Have you a farm to sell, or. exchange?
It cost only a cent a word per day to
run an advertisement in the Omaha Bee.
It will reach over 40,000 subscribers and
is almost sure to find a buyer. Write
Star Brand
Last Thursday evening twenty-nine
members of the Masonic order gathered
at tan, home of Henry Rsgatz to tender
him a farewell reception before his leav
ing for California. Aa a token of regard
his friends presented him with a gold
headed cane, L. W. Snow making the pre
sentation in a few well ohoeen words.
Mr. Ragatz responded, and said that it
waa hard for him to leave tbe communi
ty where be haa resided for so long and
whose people he held iu such high es
teem. He also said that bis first year in
tbe weat wonld decide whether or not he
would return to Columbus, and he would
do so should the weetfsil to meet his ex
nsotationa 8traying away of two of tbe race
horses from this city, at tbe Grand
Island races Saturday night, is causing
their owners considerable uneasiness.
The horses were "Fred C," a trotter be
longing to Will Kauffman and "Denver
Dick, a pacer owned by Tom Branigan.
These two homes got out of their stalls
Saturday night and the only trace of
them was that they were seen east of
Grand Island,' probably making their
way to Columbus. It is supposed that
they will eventually reach this city, but
their owners do not like the idea of their
being able to feast on all tbe green stuff
to be found in the fields at present, after
living on a diet suitable for a race home.
The dissolution of tbe firm of Martin,
Evans & Ireland is announced thia
week, on the return of Dr. Martyn from
the weat. Dr. O. D. Evans succeeds the
old firm and retains tbe office building
on Platte street. So fsr no announce
ment further than this haa been made,
but it ia understood that another firm of
doctors, and possibly two, may be tbe re
sult of the change. All the parties in
terested intend to remain in this oity
and continue the practice of their pro
fession, the same as heretofore, except
the obange in the location of their offices, f
which they will announce later.
Already there are one hundred and
twenty-one entries for tbe races the last
of thia month, and from the fact that
thia number practically fills all the avail
able alalia at tbe race track, the manage
ment will no doubt have to construct
some additional ones, tbe same as laat
year. The popularity of tbe Columbus
races is growing, as those who attended
the Brat year returned a second time and
the number was increased by others who
attended for tbe first time Ami the
same' condition will be true this year, so
the races will be bigger and better than
Clarence W. Ilollenbeck and Miss
AnnaF. Strack, both of thi9 city, were
married in Omaha last Tuesday, tbe
ceremony being performed by the coun
ty judge of Douglas county Those
from here who were present at the wed
ding were Miss Rose Strack and John
Strack, brother and sister of the bride.
The bride ia a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Ed. Strack, and the groom is a son of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hollenbeok. After a
short visit with Omaha friends they will
go to Osbkosh, Neb., where the groom is
employed as a stationery engineer.
. Whether or not the carnival was re
sponsible for the heavy rainfall of the
first of the week, it is certain that there
was plenty of moisture, and some to
spare. Sundsy night the precipitation
was 1:75 inches snd for Monday night
2.25 inches, making a total of four inobes
of water in less than forty-eight hours.
Some of the farmers report considerable
damage to tbe small grain and delay
with the harvest. In the city tbe main
damage waa a number of Hooded cellars
some of them heretofore considered dry
in all kinds of weather.
Tuesday afternoon two attachments
against the carnival company were filed
in Judge O'Briens court by T. W. Adams
of tbe Olother hotel and H. E. Mussel
man of the Pacifio hotel. Tbe amount
of the two claims was less than $200 and
were for board and lodging of the mem
bera of tbe company. Sheriff Carrig
took charge of the show and closed it
down that afternoon. Later in the day
the matter was satisfactorily adjusted,
and tbe carnival waa doing business as
usual in tbe evening, being patronized
by good crowds.
Columbus made a splendid showing at
the Grand Island races last Saturday.
Out of the 9600 in purses $375 was taken
by two Columbus horses, $225 by Tom
Branigan and $150 by Jamea Howell.
These homes were entered in the trotting
snd paoing races, and it indicates that
thUfoity ia the home of some speedy
horses. From Grand Island they went
to Tskamah, but they will arrange their
campaign so that Columbus people can
see what they will do on their home
track during tbe races the last of- this
Miss Mabel Drawbaugb, daughter of
Mr. and Mm. Joseph Drawbaugb, and
John Berger. a well-to-do young farmer
residing six miles south of the city, were
married in Lincoln Jast Wednesday, the
ceremony being performed by the coun
ty judge of Lancaster county. Mr. and
Mm. Berger returned to this city and af
ter July 15 they will be at home to their
friends, at their farm home. Miss
Drawbaugb ia a graduate of the Colum
bus schools and baa been a Platte coun
ty teacher for several years.
Jos Gross of Chicago, a former busi
ness man of this city, passed through
yesterday. He had been to Madiaos
lookisg after his interests there.
Congregational Church.
Sunday aohool :,. 9:45
Morning worship 11
Y.P.aC. E ?p.m
Evening worship 8 p. m
Subject for morning sermon: The
Beaten Path of Christianity. Subject
for evening sermon Life's Purpose
Achieving. We invite you to these ser
vices, v
William L. Dibble, Pastor.
Laat Sunday morning the pastor of
the Coagregational church began the
second year. In reviewing tbe year'a
work the pastor said that while we have
not reached our desire, yet we have
mueh to be thankful for. Never ia the
history of the eburoh have there been so
many aooeaaora to the church in a single
yearas in the one just past. More than
half of these have joined on confession
of faith. Every department of the
eburoh ia well organized and is in good I
shape. The Sunday school haa madaj
tbe largest growth, wbile the Y. P. 8. C.
E. haa mads certain gains. While tbe
extensive improvements on the church
has been laid over, the church will be re-
decked and jiew walks pot in on the par
sonage property. Tbe out-look ia in
deed bright for next year.
A splendid patriotic service was held
last Sundsy morning at the Odhgrega-
ational church. Tbe choir assisted by
Miss Hedwig Jaeggi rendered special
music Miss Elsie Jaeggi read the De
claration of Independence. The pastor
ffwlrA fmn t.tiA anKiAnl tfPliA flitivAM
He emphasized the thought that society
is what the citizens make it. The ser
vice brought forth many words of com
mendation from those present. Because
of the heavy rain and the attendance
small the pastor gave an informal talk
rather than treating the subject an
nounced. Route No. 4.
There waa a pleasant surprise party at
the home of H.T. Phillips July 2.
Miaa Grace Dodds, who ia employed as
a trained nurse at Lincoln, came home
last Saturday for her summer vacation.
About twenty-five friends and neigh
bore gathered at the home of Geo. Simp
son Sunday afternoon, and a social time
was enjoyed, which included refresh
ments ooBBistiag of ice cream and cake.
- St. Josephs cemetery, which was es
tablished in 1873,.will now be known as
B& Patricks cemetery. During tbe last
few days extensive improvements have
been made there and it now presents a
very neat appearance.
Last Sunday tbe friends and neigh
bom of John Ebner gathered at his
home to celebrate the Fourth. Beeidea
those residing in the immediate neigh
borhood, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Borioh of
route No. 3 were present.
About twenty-five little folks of the
neighborhood from Columbus, gathered
at the home of John Randall .last Thurs
day afternoon, the occasion being Eddie's
eleventh birthday. Gamea and rides
with tbe Shetland pony furnished
amusement for tbe little folks during tbe
afternoon, and light refreshments were
Walker Township.
Fred Nordgren and family visited A.
E. Swanson in Boone county Sunday. v
Andrew Johnson, an up-to-date farmer,
drove to Newman Grove Tuesday after
a load of stock food.
Miss Minnie Johnson, who is working
in St. Edward, spent the Fourth with
her parents, Mr. .and Mrs. P. P. Johnson.
School meeting was held in' district 65
Mondsy of laat week with all three mem
bers present. I tell you that was a good
chance for the school board to raise
their salary.
The Fourth of July celebration waa
rather dull this year on account of rain.
Still we done the best we could. There
was a picnioin John Ohrietensen's grove,
also at Enoch .Dahlatadt'a whioh lasted
till about three the next morning.
Route No. 5.
Some of the corn fields resembled
lakes Tuesday morning.
Wheat fields on the route were badly
tangeled by tbe heavy rains and wind of
JoeChlopek and family have returned
from a visit with friends and relatives in
Howard county.
A telephone pole near the Lindsay
place was shattered from top to bottom
by lightning Monday night, the cross
arm and wire being left intact.
A very pleasant gathering of farmers
and their wives and children waa held
at the Hahn school house, to which tbe
carrier was invited. Tbe good things
to est were to numerous to mention.
Thanks, kind friends.
Route No. 2.
Born, on Friday, July 3. to Mr. and
Mm. Ben Fix, a son.
Wm. Henning was hauling bogs to the
Columbus market Monday.
Last Sundsy the congregation of the
Shell Creek Lutheran church extended
a call to Rev. Muller.
Marriage Licenses.
Chas. A. Humphrey, Newman Grove. 22
Clara V. Cox, Newman Grove 22
Eugene Burleson. Nashville. Ia. . . . 48
Nellie M. Pace, Humphrey 43
ed Cedar Flakes
Keep the moths
The most convenient and
inexpensive form of moth
?reventative in the market
ou can sprinkle it over
any garment of any de
scription without the least
fear of any 01 effects from
it, and the osagreable od
or of moth balls is elimi
nated to a great extent
Prices, 15c per package,
2 for 25c
The Druggist on the Comer
Columbus, Nebraska
Supervisors Gostz, Schwarz and Sauth ,
are busy this week, doing the semi
annual checking up of the county
8ometime within n week thsnsw Or
der of Owls will be organized, the deputy
who has been working here having se
cured over one huadrad obarter mem
bers. This week a O. Gray purchased the
Pearsall residence corner, just aorta of
bis present home.- Mr. Gray saya he
does aot intend to baild there at present
but will use the lot south of 1
ce that he retained.
Do you want to sell, or exchange your
business? The Omaha Bee will run an
advertisement for you st one cant a word
per day. There will be many out of
weir w.uuu readers wno will answer
your advertisement. Write today.
On accounts of so many postponed
games a rearrangemsat of tbe schedule
for the Firemen's league has been nude
necessary, and a meeting for that purpose
has been called for thisWedaeaday, eve
ning, after which snnouneemsnt will be
made as to what teams will play 8uaday.
who disregarded the small pox quaran
tine established by County Physician
W. S. Evans, was before Jadge Ratter
man last Saturday, on a complaiat filed
by the county physician. He was assess- -ed
$5 and costs, amoaatiug to $23, for
not obeying the law snd endangering
the public health.
Columbua enjoyed a safe aad
Fourth this year, bo celebration
held. The City Band went to Schuyler,
where they furaiahed music during the
day, returniBg in the evening. The
carnival company held forth on Thir
teenth street, and drew a good crowd,
many of those returning from other
towns taking in the shows.
County Assessor Shell Clark expects
to complete bis duties for the year aad
return home thia wash. For several
months Mr. Clark has been here almost
constantly, the work of hie office requir
ing all hia time. The last legislature
relieved him of one task, however, that
of appointing deputies, the preciact
assessors being elected after thia year.
Careless riding of bicycles on the side
walka by the younger boys and soma of
the older ones has been brought to the
attention of the authorities the last
week, aa several minor accidenta have
resulted. There is an ordinance against
riding on sidewalks, and should some
offender be called before police judge.
it will no doubt be a lesson to them all.
Ed Fitzpatriok, who haa been learning
tbe trade of jeweler in Chicago, waa at
home from Friday until Monday, when
be left for Sidney. Neb. He has com
pleted his work st Chicago aad now goes
to Sidney for a permanent location. Hia
brother. Jerome, who graduated from
St. Francia college, at QuiBcy, 111., re
turned with him and expecta to remain
in Columbus penaaneatly.
Ws have the agsney for the
famooa Massing Underwear, the
beetpopulsr priced Union Suits
on the market Prices ia men's
from $1.50 to $4.50. Prises in
boys' from 60c, snd Sl.Si.
In two piece, garmeata we have
a splendid line ready for your in
spection and ranging in pries
from 60c to $2 60 a garment. Buy
early while the sizes srs complete.
i-j Sij ' jft - anzCri
i-. r