The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 30, 1909, Image 1

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Consolidated with the Colmnbuji Timet April 1, 1904; with the Platte County Argui January 1, 1906.
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I W'r J V V w nuMmiaj tsnj
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J may come any time $
before it comes
mi onAMDcno j
Oats 45
Wheat 31.10
Oorn ..... ""
Hogs, top - S7.0a
fgmtmamimm tsmwmtmmnmMm
Files of the Joarnal, June 30, 1875.
The worst used op flelds of grain that
we saw during the late grasshopper raid
were those of C. A. Newman. He said
Monday that he would have a pretty
good crop after all,
Abner Turner of the firm of Turner &
Hulst returned from Missouri last week,
where he bad been to institute the pur
chasing of a large number of sheep,
which the enterprising firm above named
will utilize on Nebraska prairies. Know
ing that many of our farmers desired to
purchase a few sheep we made inquiry
as to whether any of those to arrive
within the next month would be for sale
in small lots, but we found they were
just like the Missourians and all others
who have sheep don't like to part with
The Wild oats or Devilfc,-lariB, jae
they are more appropriately called, are
very abundant this year, especially on
the uplands, owing to the wet season,
and those who are herding sheep should
see to it that they are not left to suffer
by them. Where sheep are allowed to
graze all season you will find very few
of these peels, and they should now be
confined to those places for a few day?,
until the "darts" have dropped, as they
are now rapidly doing when there will
no longer be any trouble from them.
If your flock has been permitted to graze
where these darts grow it will be a
measure of economy, as well as mercy to
dumb animals under your care, to go
over your entire tloek and pull out every
one of these sharo. barbed needles. We
found in one spring lamb as many as
could be pressed into a coffee cup, and
in that number, ai least twenty-five that
had entered the flesh and several that
had caused festering sores The dart
strikes the fieece and through the mo
tions of the animal and owing to the
barbs of the dart, gradually makes its
way to the hide and into the llesh. Mr.
L. Gerrard informs us that he has known
wolves to die from the effects of these
darts, and, though we do not think that
the sheep would lie troubled so much
with them, because of the peculiar kinky
Bature of their covering, offering greater
resistance to the penetrating power of
the barbed darts, yet we think the mat
ter of sufficient practical importance to
warrant especial care on the part of
shepherds. You will not neglect it if
you value your sheep and think they
have any rights or feelings, "which you
are bound to respect."
For Sale Magnolia stock at
8c per share. Sylvanite stock
for 15c. Inquire at the Bieue
All the latest shades and
styles in
Paper Hanging
id Decorating
Sip Writtag a Sptelallf
On Friday last Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Hamer of this city received by telegram
the sad news of the death of their
daughter, Anna, that morning at Basin,
Wyoming. The news waa quite a shock
to the aged parents, as it waa the first
intimation they had of any illness of
their daughter. Anna Hamer was born
on the Hamer homestead two and one
half miles west of Monroe, this county,
thirty-eight years ago, coming to this
city with her parents when she was five
yeare of age. She attended the city
schools and was a graduate of the class
of 1890. She was a bright student and
after graduation was a teacher for many
years, both in her home county and in
Wyoming. On the 11th day of May,
1902, at Casper, Wyo., she was united in
marriage with Mr. Joseph Henry. They
resided on their ranch at Big Trail for
several years, and about three months
ago removed to Basin where her death
occurred on the 25th inat., the burial
taking place the day following. She died
of child birth. She leaves a loving hus
band, her aged parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Hamer, of this city, and one
brother, A. J. Hamer, of Toledo, O.
Peace to her memory.
After suffering for several years with
cancer, W. II. Lewis passed away at bis
home on West Fourteenth street last
Saturday evening. Mr. Lewis was born
near Rochester, N.Y., Decembers, 1843.
At the outbreak of the rival war he en
listed in the Thirteenth New York In
fantry and served until 1863. He was
wounded in the second battle of Bull
Bun and left on the field for dead, being
taken prisoner by the Confederates, and
afterwards being paroled. After the
war he went to Wisconsin, and October
22,1881, married Catherine B. Munson
at Wilmot, that state. In Ootober, 1887,
they came to Nebraska and settled in
Columbus, where Mr. Lewis was employ
ed in the packing house, at that time lo
cated east of town. After thiB industry
was discontinued he engaged in the
stock buying business, which he followed
as long as his health would permit Be
sides his wife h leaves two daughters,
Miss Mary Lewis and Mrs. Forrest But
ler, both of this city. Funeral services
were held Monday from the home, being
conducted by Bev. Dibble, pastor of the
Congregational church, and burial was
in the Columboe cemetery.
Affiliation with the national assooia- the local clerks' Taagoe of the
city seems almost a certainty, as the
sentiment of the members, and especial
ly those who have taken the lead in the
local organization, is almost unani
mous in favor of this step. While the
clerks and their employers are on friend
ly terms, and it would hardly seem ne
cessary to do this, yet Columbus is a
growing city and now that the organiza
tion has been perfeoted, it's quite proper
to make it permanent. When affiliated
with the national organization, the local
will be better able to work for both the
interests of themselves and the employ
ers, as they are both interested in the
welfare of each other. The social time
enjoyed by the members of the league at
the Mannerchor hall last week was for
the purpose of talking over the feasibili
ty of taking this step, and at the next
meeting of the league in July the per
manent organization will no doubt be
practically assured.
Last Sunday afternoon the Platte co
unty rural carriers held their annual
convention at the home of H. B. Beed
north of this city. Besides the rural
carriers, substitutes and city carriers.
Postmaster Kramer and daughter. Miss
Florence, attended the convention. Offi
cers elected for the coming year were,
II. B. Reed, president; J. F. English, of
Humphrey, vice president; Q. M. Hall,
secretary; W. D. Benson, treasurer; O.
M . Hall, delegate; J. B Brock, alternate.
After convention adjourned refreshments
were served, consisting of ice cream and
cake. Besides transacting the regular
business of the convention, committees
were appointed and preliminary arrange
ments made to take care of the state
convention of rural carriers, wbioh
meets in this city September 6, at which
time at least 150 rural carriers will be
present as delegates.
Candidates for county superintendent
and county judge will have their names
on the primary ballot, the same as two
years ago, as the decision of Judge Cor
nish on the non-partisan law affecting
these offices was to the effect that it waa
unconstitutional. County Clerk Oral
has his primary call ready to issue, bat
is awaiting instructions from Lincoln
regarding the addition of offices affected
by the decision. So far in this county
there have been three filings for county
offices, iJohn Graf for county clerk,
Jerry Carrig for the new office of record
er of deeds, and H. C. Laohnit of Lind
say, who was formerly deputy sheriff,
for sheriff. These are all democrats, aad
so far no republicans have signified their
willingness to run for office, but the tic
ket will probably be filled up before the
time for filing expires.
Books of tickets for the carnival,
which begins Friday of this weak, arson
sale at the Park barber shop, Poesch's,
Pollock's drug store, Dack's drag store,
Hegel's bowling, alley and the Oxford
restaurant. These books contain $1.70
worth of tickets, but if purchased before
the opening of the carnival, will be sold
J for $1, so it will be quite as advaatageto
purchase them before Friday.
Dra. Paul aad Mates, DutiiU.
Dr. Valliar, Osteopath. Barber block.
Try a 5c ice cream soda at Poesch's,
Dr. W. H. Slater, veterinarian, phone
See the Columbus Hide Co. before you
sell your iron aad junk.
Crushed rock salt for hides, and for
stock. Columbus Hide Co.
Orpkeas annual public dance,
Monday night, July 5.
Afepecial ice cream for parties, every
day. at Hagel'e bowling and billiard par
lors. Miss Minnie Gaetb of Schuyler is a
guest at the home of Paul Hagel and
W. B Neumarker physician and sur
geon. Office Fitzpatriok Bldg, 13th at,
opposite Park.
For fine watch, dock and jewelry re
pairing, try Carl Froemel. the Eleventh
street jeweler.
Only 3 more lays of the 50
per cent discount sale at U ray's
on Bag g and Combs.
Wallace Thompson was fined $5 and
costs in Police Judge O'Brien's court
Monday for getting a fifteen-year-old
boy drunk and then leaving hira in a
weed patch, Sunday afternoon.
Beginning with Monday of this week
the Burlington passenger arrives at 9:10
p. ax, ten minutes later than heretofore.
There is no change in the leaving time
at this or the Lincoln end of the line.
Thin week the regular band concert
will consist of a program of popular
airs, instead of the usual program. The
concert will be given in front of the
carnival grounds, instead of in the park.
If you need help of any kind, tell as
many people as pousibla There are
more than 40,000 people who subscribe
for the Omaha Bee. You can tell them
all for one cent per word per day. Write
The management have again contract
ed with Liberates New York City Con
cert Band and Grand Opera Singers to
play at the 8tate Fair Sept. 6th to 10th,
which will be appreciated by all Ne
braska lovers of good music
Mrs. F. N. Stevenson and daughter
Madelyn left Wednesday evening for
Seattle, wnere they expect to remain
about iwo months. Mrs. C. W. Spicer
of McCnmb, Mississippi, a sister of Mrs.
Stevenson, who has been visitiug in this
city, accompanied them.
Almost two and one-half inches of
rain, or to be exact 2.44 inches, is the
record for last Wednesday evening,
Streets were flooded and also some cel
lars. A few large bail stones fell here,
and some damage is reported in the
neighborhood of Duncan.
M. C. Casein has sold a halt interest in
the Palace meat market to Frank Breen,
who has been employed as manager of
the Bushman market, the change to take
place July 1. Mr. Breen will have
charge of the market and Mr. Casein will
devote most of his time to buying and
the outside.
Last Friday evening the Baptist young
folks gave Miss Grace Benson a linen
shower at the home of the pastor, Rev.
Keinhart. Miss Benson was married to
S. C. Leet of Winona, N. D., today at
high noon, and immediately after the
ceremony the couple left for their North
Dakota home.
In some unknown manner the straw
used in packing the tiling for the new
depot, became ignited Monday, and for
a time it looked as though one of the
hose companies would have to be called
out in order to prevent any damage being
done. Bnt the employes succeeded in
putting ont the fire' with buckets.
Too much water on the local diamond
caused the double-header ball game of
Firemen's league, scheduled for Sunday
to be postponed. The recent heavy
rains made the grounds so muddy that
it was out of the question to think of
playing. There will be no games Sun
day, as the Hookies have selected that
day for their pionio.
Archie Ball was drank and raising a
disturbance Sunday evening, and when
Officer Burke arrested him he showed
fight and the office waa compelled to use
force to land him in the city jail. When
he waa up before Jndge O'Brien Monday
morning he faced a donble charge, to
which be plead guilty and waa fined 915
and costs, amounting to 81, which he
Those who were permitted to hear
Liberati'a New York City Concert Band
and Grand Opera Singers last year will
be delighted to hear that this organiza
tion has bean secured by the manage
ment for the Bute Fair Sept. 6th to 10th,
their two months' engagement terminat
ing at 8eattle just in time to permit
them to atop off on their return trip
Jesse Betterton and John Elliott left
last Thursday eveaing for Leesburg,
Idaho, where they will look after the
developing of some miaing property in
which Mr. -Elliott aad some other Col
umbus man are interested. Mr. Better
ton expect to remain at the mine, but
Mr. Elliott will return this fall and re
same hi studies at the Bapid City, a
D., school of
Every Family
Pays for. a home, at least once.
If you pay for your home through
The Equitable BuikUag,Loan
and Sayings Association
you pay for it but -once and it is
yours. If you continue to rent,
you pay for a home every few
years but it still remains the pro
perty of the landlord. If yon are
paying for a home for your land
lord, call at our office and we will
explain to you bow yon can pay
for a home of your own.
The Equitable
Office with
P. O. Block
Dr. Naumann, Dentist 13 St.
Drs. Martyn. Evans & Ireland.
Dr. Morrow, office Lueschen building.
Try a So ice cream soda at Poesch's.
Messenger service, 12th St., both
People who get results advertise in the
Four room house for rent. Elliott,
Speice & Co.
Dr. C.A. Allenburger, office in new
State Bank building.
Drs. Carstenson & Hyland, Veterinar
ians. Both phones 212.
Dr. D. T. Martyn. jr., office new Colum
bus State Bank building.
Orpheus annual public dance,
Monday night, July 5.
For rent, tLree rooms, for further in
formation inquire of Mies Jennie Wise
man. It pays to sell your bides where you
can get the most money from them. See
Columbus Hide Co.
Dr. C. H. Campbell, eye, nose and
throatspecialiat'-Glasses properly, fitted.
Offlcel215 Olive street.
Only 3 more days of the 50
per cent discount sale at Gray's
on Bags and Combs.
H. O. Watson of Kearney drew $2 and
costs in police court Tuesday morning
for being drunk, which he paid.
Miss Lida MoMahon, superintendent
of the Girls' Industrial school at Geneva,
arrived Tuesday evening and will visit
until Sunday with Columbus relatives
and friends.
Lightning struck a transformer near
St. Francis academy last Thursday even
ing, and destroyed connections with the
buildings so that ordinary lamps had to
be put into use.
. W. G. McCully, the manager or the
Columbus Light, Heat and Power com
pany, moved his household goods to
Columbus last week and will make this
city his permanent home.
The twenty days' old infant daughter
of Mr. and Mrs A. C. Zimmerman of
West Fourteenth street died Friday af
ternoon and was buried Saturday, ser
vices being held at the home.
On account of not being able to get
cars from the factory, A. M. Jones of the
Columbus Automobile Co. drove a Beo
touring car today up from the state dis
tributing bouse at Hastings.
Have you a farm to sell, or exchange?
It costs only a cent a word per day to
run an advertisement in the Omaha Bee.
It will reach over 40,000 subscribers and
is almost sure to find a buyer. Write
Earl Kienzel, physicial director of the
local Y. M. O. A., left Tuesday morning.
for Lake Geneva, Wis., where he will at
tend a conference of Y. M. C. A. secre
taries. He expects to be absent until
August 1.
"Star" Brand I
Binding Twine I
None Better I
None Can Be Made Better I
I If you have not used it, we want I
I you to try it. I
I If you have used it, you know it I
I ia as good a twine as ever run I
through a needle of a binder. I
I Price per lb., 9c I
For the last few months the business
men and farmers living in the vioinity of
Monroe bare been working to secure an
independent elevator at that point, con
trolled by the farmers, and it looks very
much as though they would have a bouse
ready to handle the wheat crop this fall.
.When the other elevator men discovered
that they were ia earnest about putting
up an elevator and practically had the
funda subscribed tbey were given an op
tion on the Omaha elevetor building at
that place, until July 10. The promo
ters of the elevator are now convassing
the stockholders in regard to securing
the Omaha house, wbioh would giye
them a chance to begin business at once,
and the proposition is meeting with
much favor, especially among the farm-
era. For some time the grain market at
Monroe has been such as to send all
grain to other towns, and those interest
ed in the new organization determined
to put a stop to the poor market and
bring their full share to the town. The
result was an organization which will be
handling the grain, and tbey will either
purchase the elevator already there or
build one of their own. It is the inten
tion of the organization to later handle
live stock, and probably during the win
ter engage in the lumber and coal busi
ness. Unable to withstand the shock of the
second operation for appendicitis, Miss
N'Rose Rasmussen died at New Meth
odist hospital in Omaha Wednesday
morning at 1230. Last August the first
operation was performed and at that time
it was known that a second one would
be necessary. Mies Rasmussen was
born in this city January 30, 1888, and
was a little over twenty-one years of age,
this city having always been her home.
She was a graduate of the Columbus
schools and taught in the Platte county
rural schools, going to near Elkbern last
year, and where she was again employed
as teacher for the coming year. After
the second operation it waa thought she
would recover, but Monday evening rel
atives were telephoned for, and she be
came worse rapidly and death followed.
Besides her mother she leaves one bro
ther, Albert, and four sisters, Mrs. Frank
Scbram, Mrs. Carl K. Becker and Olga
Rasmussen of this city, and Mrs. H. A.
Sanders of Edgemont, S. D. Funeral
arrangements will not be made until thie,
Wednesday evening, when she will be
brought here on No. 3-but tbey. will he
oonduotecTby Rav. Herknese, she being
a member of the Presbyterian church.
Last Saturday's Omaha dailies tell
of the attempted suicide of Mrs. Mabel
Schneiderheinz of that city, who waa
formerly a Columbus resident Mr.
Schneiderheinz has a number of rela
tives in the city and was formerly em
ployed in M. C. Casein's meat market.
From here they moved to Omaha. Mrs.
Schneiderheinz declared on several oc
casions that she would take her life, but
'when she bought choloroform the drug
gist surmised what she was going to do
and gave her aloohol, with just enough
of the other drug to give it an odor.
Monday evening four sections of the
cement sidewalk in front of Hinkleman's
saloon, at Eleventh and M streets, bul
ged up about six inches, and cracked
some of the adjoining walk. No cause
is assigned for this peculiar action, but
some years ago the cement approach
from the street crossing was cracked in
the same manner. There are no tree
roots in the vicinity to cause this and
the only probable reason is that it was
caused by the excessive moisture, follow
ed by the intense heat of Monday.
Automatio block signals are being put
in the local Union Pacific yards, being a
continuation of the system in use both
east and west of the city. The workmen
have been engaged at this for several
days and it will be completed by the last
of the week. In several of the larger
towns the yards were not protected with
the automatio signals, but as there were
several wrecks resulting from ibis, the
company decided to make the system
Six Columbus young ladies left Sun
day evening for the west. Miss Mar
guerite Seipp goes to Tacoma, Wash.,
Miss Fannie Geiger, for Van Couver,
British Columbia, and the Misses Mathil
da Schneider, Anna Glur and Lillie
F.mat an to The Dalles. Ore., and Miss
Catherine Ternes goes to Idaho, and be
fore returning she expects to take a trip
to Los Angeles, California. They expect
to be absent until September, and some
may remain longer.
July 27, 28, 29 and 30 are dates for the
Columbus races this year, an additional
day having been added, making four in
stead of three. This year the purses are
larger and there is no doubt but that the
string of horses entered this year will be
much better and larger than ever before.
It ia the intention of the Columbus Dri
ving Club to make the purses this year
auoh aa will attract the best horses in
this section.
The White farm, 80 acres,
located 2 miles east of Colum
bus, and the Stenzel farm, 160
acres, located in section 30,
Jwliet township, will he sold to
the highest bidder at the Court
House in Columbus on Tuesday,
July 20, 2 f . m. Prospective
buyers are invited to inspect
these farms and attend the sale.
Don't forget that you can now talk
over the Independent telephone to
Humphrey, Crestoo, St. John, Cornlea,
Tarnov and Lindsay, as well as to all
other points in the country, and nearly
every city in the atate and country.
Frank Kersenbrook was in Fremont
Tuesday afternoon, aad while there
attended the carnival which will be here
next week. He reports that their attrac
tions are exceptionally good and the
Fremont people speak very highly of
their abows.
Bev. D. I. Roush. pastor of the Meth
odist church, leaves Friday for a mon
ths' sojourn and vacation oa the Pacific
On the same day Mia. Roush will leave
for Lima, O., where ahe will remain for
about az weeks. She will be accompan
ied by her sister, Mrs. O. D. Check, of
Fort Worth, Texas, who has been a guest
at the Roush home for the last month.
Among the list of federal jurors called
for the trial of the men who held up the
Overland Limited last month are G. A.
Scbroeder and L. W. Snow of this oity.
O. . Green, the Genoa banker, is also
in the list. The list contains many more
than the required number for a jury, and
there is a possibility probably not more
than one from this locality will be call
ed on to serve.
Henry Ragatz returned last Wednes
day afternoon for a six weeks' sojourn in
this citv. when he expects to move his
family to their new home ia Los Angeles.
Mr. Ragatz is erecting a dwelling in the
California city and expects to have it
completed by the time he returns. He
speaks very highly of his new home as a
place to live, but says he has not tried it
as a business location, but intends to
Mrs Catherine Kohler. mother of Mrs.
M. O. Casein of this oity, met with an ac
oident Tuesday, at her home near Rich
land, that may prove fatal. She was
entering the barn with a pail of water,
when one of the horses reached over and
bit her on the side of the head, destroy
ing the sight of the left eye, and making
an ugly wound. Afterward the animal
knocked her down and tramped upos
ber, bruising and otherwise indicting
injuries. The accident probably occur
red about nine o'clock in the morning,
and as soon as possible after she was
discovered, medical aid waa summoned
Her condition at present is very serious
and the outcome will be uncertain, until
if can be determined whether or not' she
is injured internally.
Mrs. C. W. Zeigler, a resident or Col
umbus and Platte county for fifty years,
died at her home on West Fourteenth
street, Tuesday evening, death resulting
from a partial stroke of paralysis, wbioh
she suffered some time sgo, and a gener
al breaking down, due to old age. Mrs.
Zeigler was born in New Bedford, Mass ,
August 36, 1837. The family then re
turned to their former home in England
where tbey remained several year.-, cross
ing the ocean again and settling in New
York. From there they went to Rock
Island. 111., in 1839, and then to Platte
county in 1859, locating on the old Gar
rard homestead, which is now the village
of Monroe. Here she waa married to O.
W. Zeigler in April, 1871, and in 1873
they moved to Columbus. She joined
the Presbyterian church over fifty years
ago, and has since been indentified with
the church work. Besides her husband
she leavea one sister, Mrs. W. T. Stroth
er, and three brothers, Leander Gerrard
of this city, E. A. Gerrard of Monroe
and F. H. Gerrard of Calamus, Neb
The funeral will be held from the home
Thursday afternoon, and the services
will be conducted by Rev. Harkness.
pastor of the Presbyterian church.
Route No. 3.
John Bakenhus and family were Leigh
visitors Sunday.
Miss Delia Luschen entertained a
number of her young friends at her home
last Sunday evening.
Mrs. Fred Behlen, sr., and daughter,
Frieda, are visiting the family of Fred
Mindrup at Lenox, South Dakota.
Willie Wurdeman and Miss M. Cattau
attended a party near the Colfax county
line Sunday night, and report a good
Merv Kuntzelman claims to have the
earliest potatoes on the route, and tbey
are good ones, too one hill yielding
fourteen early last week.
While at Primrose last week J. F.
Goedeken purchased a choice quarter
section of Boone county land. He did
not state what the price was, but said he
bought it right. This is the second farm
Mr. Goedeken has purchased in that
locality. He prospered in Platte county
so that whenever he sees a anap in land
be is in a position to take it.
Walker Township.
Last week we bad the heaviest rain so
far this year.
Some corn fields are getting too weedy,
bnt the weather is looking better today
(Monday), and the boys will put in their
best licks.
Walker township wss well represented
on the picnic grounds in St. Edward
Thursday. The rain stayed away until
the exercises were over, and then the
most of them hiked for home.
Alfred Olson, who lives square in the
center of Walker township, ia now justice
of the peace with full power to act. That
makes it handy. The young men don't
I have to go so far to gat married.
Red Cedar Flakes
Keep the moths
The most convenient and
inexpensive form of moth
preventative in the market
You can sprinkle it over
any garment of any de
scription without the least
fear of any ill effects from
it, and the disagreable od
or of moth balls is elimi
nated to a great extent
Prices, 15c per package
2 for 25c
The Druggist on the Corner
Columbus, Nebraska
Oily 3 more days of tke 50
per cent discount sale at Gray's
on Bags aad Combs.
Mr. and Mrs. A. . Priest returned
Tuesday evening from a two weeks' trip
and vacation at Denver and Salt Lake.
For sale Magaolia stack at
8c mer skare. Sylvanite stack
for 15e. Iaqaire at tke Bieae
The Columbus Automobile Co. sold
two cars las week, one going to Fuller
ton and a Bra touring car to Dan Miller
south of town.
Miss Margaret Williard left Saturday
for Des Moines, la., to attend the com
mencement exercises at Midwestern con
servatory of music.
Owing to the delinquency of a few
subscribers of the Platte Coaaty Inde
pendent Telephone company, their
phones are being removed from their
Bev. Dibble, pastor of the Congrega
tional church, left Wedaeaday morning
for Crete, where he goes to attend an im
portant meeting of the educational
board of the Congregational churches of
The Platte County Independent Tele
phone company has been olesning house
lately and a number of phones have
been taken out when subscribers were
Do you want to sell, or exchange your
business? The Omaha Bee will run aa
advertisement for you at one cent a word
per day. There will be many out of
tbeir 40,000 readers who will answer
your advertisement. Write today
Today and tomorrow, Wednesday aad
Thursday, the fipworth League conven
tion of the Grand Inland district is being
held at the Methodist church in this
city, over flfty delegates being present.
Chancellor Davidson of the Wesleyan
university, is present and will deliver an
address this, Wednesday, evening.
Last week the firm of Kavanaugh A
Betrerton, painters and paper hangers,
was succeeded by D. C. Kavanaugh,
the senior member of the firm,
who will still conduct the business.
Mr. Betterton will go into business for
himself and devote most of his time to
sign writing, at which he is an expert.
The Misses Anna and Mattie Potter of
Monroe were in the city Tuesday, en
route to San Francisco. They will be
joined by four young lady acquaintances
who will make the trip with them, and
before tbeir return, which will be in
about six weeks, tbey will visit the Seat
tle exposition and other points in the
Last week Postmaster Kramer received
a supply of the Seattle exposition
stamps. In shape they resemble those is
sued for similar occasions, being much
wider than the ordinary two cent stamp.
They are issued in one denomination
and bear the likeness of William H. Sew
ard and are similar ia color to the
stamps now in use.
We have the ageney for the
famous Munaing Underwear, the
beat popular priced Union Suits
on the market Prices in men's
from 11.60 to $4.50. Priees in
boys' from 60c, 76c, ll aad $1.35.
In two piece garments we have
a splendid line ready for your in
spection and ranging ia price
from 50c to 92 60 a garment. Buy
early while the sizes are complete.
VL. ......
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