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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1909)
ammmmmammmmmwaasmmm wmprw. ' ?:l :u jt PITY FOR-THE TOILER. --.-' nf nil " ' ""xA." ' al-.v2atlJsl. A iiaLrJ'l $& a-W J&jRmd&zM JsgW fTT yv 7 bbbbbW amf .r F MA r F ar VSS . "- 8 -rm m ill iiiipi i i a .r- . ..'-..riw cLaaiiiwiiiiiiissi3 sp 1 hear, Limpy, dat tie price of lrtia' has increased." "Yep. Gee, it mart be tough to hare to work for wot a feller eat." The Selfish Invalid. Senator Dfzoa. discussing a certala tariff proposition, said: It la selfishaesB.-pare selfishnen. It reminds ate of George Cartwright af Missoula. t "George Cartwrlght took sick and spent a week abed. He carried dreadfully with bis groans and cqm plaints. His wife said to him dae night: " "Well, George, I'd rather have the whole family sick than you!' "'Huh, so would I,' George an swered." " "" Laundry work at home would be much more satisfactory if the right Starch were used. In order to get the desired stiffness, it is .usually neces sary to use so much starch that the beauty and fineness of the fabric is hidden behind a paste of varying aickness, which not only destroys the appearance, .but also affects the wear ing quality of the goods. This trou ble can be entirely overcome by using Defiance Starch, as it can be applied much more thinly because of its great er strength than other makes. Well, What If He Didn't? For many years Dr. Francis L. Pat ton, ex-president of Princeton univer sity, wore side whiskers. Whenever he suggested shaving them there was a division of opinion in the family. One morning he came into his wife's room, razor in hand, with his right cheek shaved smooth. "How do you like it, my dear?" he asked. "If you think it looks well, I will shave the other side, too." Every bod3T's Magazine Smoother Then. The second-year debutante, as she massaged her left cheek with a rotary movement, said: "Of course I love him, though he's rather rough, I confess." "Before I threw him over," said the third-year debutante, looking up from the face-steaming machine, "he shaved every day." The extraordinary popularity of fine white goods this summer makes the choice of Starch a matter of great im portance. Defiance Starch, being free from all injurious chemicals, is the only one which is safe to ase on fine fabrics. It great strength as a stiffen er makes half the usual quantity of Starch necessary, with the result of perfect finish, equal to that when the goods were new. Mar-vel-lous! At a baseball game in Chicago ths gatekeeper hurried to Comiskey, leader of the White Sox, and said: "Umpire Hurst is here with two 'friends. Shall I pass 'em in?" "An umpire with two friends!" gasped Comiskey. "Sure!" Every body's Magazine. Division of Musical Labor. Knicker Is yours a musical fam ily? Bocker The cook sings about her work, and my daughter works about her sing. Success. "Why did you marry?" 'For sympathy." "Did you get what you were after?" "Yes from my friends." Nebraska Directory TAFT'S DENTAL ROOMS 1517 halls St., OHM, BEB. Reliable Dentistry at Bjostiate Velie Wrought Iron Vehicles Will Not Wear Ont. Insist on baring them &tk your local dealer or MHN DEERE PLOW COMPANY. Omaha Sioux FaHt mriTiMr aii riiUi 1 IHU Dyem and C! Rticbinfr, Buttons, etc Send for free price list and samples. IDEAL PLEATING CO. 202 Douglass Blk., Omaha, Neb. REBUILT TRACTION at bargain prices. Write STJJ"!-- LIMI6ER IMPLE MBVT CO.. Omaha, Nefc. TYPEWMTSIIS S& MAKES ."? jair it iTii-r. ummtx or lime my- menu. Rented, rent applies. We it k. itexsuo. Tent applies. Wevbip here for free examination v i- Wrile &r btctMmin li.t m4 .fr.. wnmi l..x; Tl ! BUf. AUTOiOBILE TIRES and Tubc. Larpe stock. Want your business. Write for prices. PIONEER IMPLEMENT CO., Tire Department, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Thm Roof tsith the Lap All Nail HeaJ, Protected CAREY'S ROOFING Hail and Fire Resisting Ask your dealer or SUNDERLAND ROOFING k SUPPLY CO. Omaha. Nebratka, nAM'T Wear Other Overalls Uvll I When You Can I OVERALLS JUST AS CHEAP SOU BY LEADING DEALERS EVERYWHERE Made with the Greatest Care Made of Best Materials Made in Omaha by Byrne & Hanner Dry Goods Co. RUPTURE Of all ?a netles per manent ly cured in a few days -without a surtneal operation or detention from business. Xe pay will be accepted nntil the patient is completely satisfied. Write or call on r FMNTZ H. WEAY, . D. i306SeeBWf.. Oauaa,Nta. 1 FciTTnA VL .- f -Ml BflnLnainBinBW UlnnBnfBnt Se5Iwit. my fe OAK BRAND B i:i-T:--"f'S snw AKWmWmWmWBV' i awaamw I ll sssssss 1--ff-p'iCXr ; . ElL m.::M MmKm flamamwf 9Kf BH. C?--- l! fUfe l "are- , ,ya j Jjjf lUMsAlfi&F- oa i rt yy JirjxwiJ,j; 'a c -s 2,o Jtcav a. ie-iaKtAyiBamfe t qbvi w km w.w ' SYNOPSIS. 5&M&''&8lti&? . r"Van!sh!ns Fleets,'.: -a-stcry of "what rnipht have happened." opens in Wash ington with the United States 'and Japan near war. Gpy Hillier. secretary of the British embassy, and Miss Norma Rob erts, chief aide of Inventor Roberts, are introduced as lovers. Japan declares war and takes the Philippines. Guy Hillier starts for -England. Norma Roberts leaves Washington for the Florida coast. Hawaii is captured by the Japs. All ports are closed. Tokyo learns of missing Jap anese fleet and whole world, becomes con vinced that United .States has powerful war agencj'. England decides to send a fleet to American waters as a Canadian protection against what the British sup pose Is a terrible 'submarine flotilla. Hil lier Is sent with a message. Fleet mys teriously disappears. The kaiser is miss ing. King Edward of England Is con fronted by Admiral Bevins of the United States. The Dreadnaught, biggest of Eng land's warships, is discovered at an lm pasable point In the Thames. The story now goes back to a time many months before the war breaks out, and Inventor Roberts visits the president and cabinet, telling of and exhibiting a metal produc tion. This overcomes friction when elec trized and is to be applied to vessels. Roberts evolves a great flying machine. The cabinet plans a radioplane war against Japanese. The start Is made for the scene of conflict. The Japanese fleet, believing Nippon supreme, suddenly dis cerns the radioplane fleet. After maneu vering the airships descend, and by use of strong magnets lift the warships, one by one. from the sea. The vessels are deposited in a mountain lake In the United States to await peace. The Brit ish fleet accepts American nosrjjauiy ana is conveyed to the United Stas by the wingless terrors. To show the kaiser their wonderful invention, that ruler Is taken on a long trip his first visit to America thus accounting for his mys terious disappearance from Berlin. The radioplane breaks down. CHAPTER XXI. Continued. It was noon before the workers saw him again. They came out of the dark hull for a cold luncheon, and were joined by the emperor, who sat .silent ly through the meal. Again they re sumed' work, and this time it was dusk when they emerged. There be fore them was a camp fire, and stu diously broiling trout, caught with "and prepared by his own hands, was the kaiser. On huge pieces of birch bark before the coals he had spread his catch, and with a boy's jubilation laughed at their surprise. His national philosophy had conquered, and the sovereign had become a dem ocrat in truth. As a boy he recounted his adventures of the day, and as a tired boy he went to rest. The next day was given up to the rifle, and hunting such as he had never dreamed of having was before him. Indeed, he had turned camp hunter, and with success. So ended the second day, and so passed many others. And each day brought him nearer to those round him, each night brought him better rest, and every hour added to the broadening of his serenity. He was now merely a man among men, playing his part in his own way, en joying it, and finding the worries of empire dropping away in this spot where all his crown of rulership availed him nothing. What was the need to fret when his hands were tied? Why not dismiss it all from his mind? The great federation would pass on and on long after his bones had gone to dust. Here in these Ca nadian woods, which he had never dared hope to invade, was life such as he had dreamed of, freedom such as he had never known, and absence of all formality. Here were men who were learning to love him for himself, and for whom he was forming an af fection that would last him to the end. Strange as it seemed, the cloud which had disturbed him on the night of the accident bad taken another form. Then it had been because he was to be detained for an indefinite time. Now it was because the deten tion was to be so short, and he saw with regret that the time for his de parture was nearly at hand. He fore saw the reluctance with which he would enter that craft of the air and hear its metal door close him in for homeward flight, but as a prison door shutting him out forever from the for ests and hills, the pools and brooks, which he had learned to love. Only now and then, as be tramped beside some stream or followed some game trail cut through the fallen leaves by countless caribou, he would smile iron ically at the amazement and alarm which must have been caused by his absence, not only in his own empire, but in the United States where were those who had -caused his disappear- ance. And in both surmises be was cor rect; hut the distress in the American republic was perhaps the most keen. Not since the beginning of hostilities had the president and his associates suffered such grave apprehensions as when it became known to a certainty that Brockton's endeavor had met with accident or disaster. On the first day when the expedition failed to return from its voyage of conciliation no undue alarm was oc casioned, it being considered entirely possible that it had been compelled to return directly to the key to avoid observation. Another 24 hours of silence caused comment; but again it was regarded as tenable that a barrier in the first quest had required a sec ond trip. The third day passed with anxious expectations but no news. The fourth, however, was a memor able one; for then it became known to the entire civilized world that the beads of a nation had been abducted, and the situation in Washington grew almost unbearable. In response to an urgent message to the plant, "Old BUI" Roberts, Norma, and Bevins appeared on the fifth night, utilizing the new radioplane for their visit The gravity of the con sultation which followed was intense; but the faith of the inventor in his wKOafeMl &&lil JtaEr'l MMyI' 'jn I n iU9m lm(" mL 4ml m Wl; IP )Fr T,7iigy. waraa. ;,& wMffDBi i'ats 1 51 '8?!lBffl5Kr He Had Turned work afforded some measure of re lief. "It would be almost impossible," he asserted, "for anything worse to be fall them than delay. They may have been cast away in the air or on the land by an accident to their steering gear, which would require flight in straight lines. Nothing but a blow such as was sustained by Seventeen in battle could even temporarily stop both dynamos; hence it is Improbable that they lost their lives." Step by step he reasoned out the course which would-be pursued, and at last gave it as his opinion that the Norma had come to ground In Cana dian woods. He suggested searching expeditions, even though it entailed the exposure of the secret, the aban donment of the Oriental campaign, and the opportunity to establish per manent peace. The president alone stood steadfast for the latter hope, and was quick to offer a new plan. It was that the people of Great Britain themselves should have a conclusive and final demonstration, and, yielding' to his arguments, It was agreed upon. The project was no less daring than those which had been executed before. The Dreadnought was to be deposited in the Thames under cover of darkness,- and in an apparently impossible position, where the people of .London might look upon it as an object les son. Immediately afterwards the king and. his most powerful officials were to be shown the working of the radio- plane, that they might be in a position to advance measures for peace and disarmament, fortifying their argu ments by their own observations. The utmost secrecy was to be maintained, because in the meantime the Chinese armada might have sailed. In case it had not, the secret would be given out and search begun actively for the missing Norma and her. distinguished passengers; but in any event British support would have been assured. Bevins, foreseeing the difficulty of his task, asked and obtained permis sion to invite the British admiral to accompany him, the wisdom of which was evidenced. Favored by the dif ference in time, the speedy Roberts on that very night crossed the Atlan tic and deposited letters to secret service agents in London, instructing them to obtain positive knowledge of where the king might be found the following evening. On her return she conveyed Fields and the Dreadnought to the key, preparatory to the mo mentous journey. That flight which was again to dis turb the thrones of Europe was ac complished without incident, but not without difficulty. The Roberts swooped down from the heights of air, untenanted save by her, to find spread between the earth and sky a blanket of fog, thick and impene trable. Into it she slowly dropped, groping this way and that over the un suspecting city, whose sounds came up to her but gave no hint as to locality. Aimlessly she wandered here and there in the murk, taking desper ate cnances in her quest. Suddenly something loomed directly below the open port, from which Bevins was leaning and peering down, and only a quick change cf course avoided a col lision. Fields joined him, and iden tified the dome of Saint Paul's. It was a narrc escape, but enabled, them to set their course and gain the deserted greens of Saint James Park, where Bevins was lowered by ropes to the earth. He stood for a moment while the bulk of the radioplane and the Dread nought which she was carrying rose Into the air and disappeared from 'Camp Hunter. view. He felt alone in an unfriendly city, but set his teeth and stumbled out to a street, where be enlisted the services of a constable and a hansom, and was conveyed to the Cecil, whose lighted doors' stared out upon the fog washed courtyard leading from the Strand. His message of the previous night had met with instant response, and no one would have suspected that the two men who lounged in the hotel entrance in seeming idle conversation, smoking and watching passersby, were important agents in the hands of fate. As nonchalantly as they had met they parted, one returning within doors. and 'the other sauntering back to the waiting hansom which was to convey the admiral to the hippodrome and a daring audience with the king. .The fog deadened bells of the an cient city marked only an hour's time before he had emerged and returned to the park entrance, where the won dering driver was dismissed, shaking his. head and marveling at the Idiosyn crasies of the Americans, who seemed never to have a resonable destination. Once .more the grim old admiral limped through the paths to his ren dezvous and gave the whistled signal to his waiting craft, which during his absence had released its burden, near Westminster bridge and -above Black friars, where her position would be both accessible and impressive to the people on the following .morning. Up into the air for a short distance, then down again tn hovering silence, the Roberts went, and landed her com mander in the garden behind Bucking ham. The fog was no longer an ene my; for now she remained motionless only a few feet above the roof which had sheltered so many kings and queens.VThis nearness aided the quick visit of the British officer to his sov ereign when called, and prevented de lay when the monarch and his corn-' panions appeared for their journey. The fog had become an ally. "r -i-ki ii--ij-ii-ii-m-m-h- 1 w iri iu-uu-uJrxrLJXiij'KJj-M-u'u- KEEP THE ROOSTERS MUZZLED Simple Contrivance That 'Means Much , . Light Sleepers.. 'They were like fairy helmets lit tle wire helmets no bigger than a wal nut "They are rooster muzzles," said the city farmer, as he led the way? past the pea beds on the window sills, the pota to field on the back porch and the flourishing mushroom crop under the' outhouse. "Even so. Muzzles, not to prevent roosters from biting for -eves the gamest fowl has never been known' to snap but to prevent them from- crow ing. See here." They had eached the tiny chicken run. The city farmer caught 'a roost er and gently slipped a muzzle over Its fierce head. ' "Now," said he, "it can't crow. It can't wake the neighbors with Its crows at daybreak. Hence, thanks to this muzzle, .It is at last possible to keep chickens in the most crowded city quarters. "Harrison Weir' Invented the roost er mszzle. A rooster, to crow, you see, stands erect flaps his wings, throws back his head and opens his beak wide. If he can't open his beak no Those who sit' upon England's throne may never show surprise so runs' tradition but on1 this night an expression of astonishment burst from one of her sovereigns as he entered the yawning portal of the strange ma chine. Up to that moment neither he nor his companions had entertained a belief that the American engine of destruction could be other than some powerful, speedy, and invincible sub marine. Now in the cloak of fog and darkness, within sound of the roar of traffic past his palace gates, in the midst of his own garden, he found a formidable monster with undreamed of might With his companions he was ushered through a shadowy -companionway without hearing the stealthy closing of the port through which he pame. Nor was he aware as he entered the bril liantly lighted drawing room amid ships, that already he had been -lifted into the light of stars and was flying through space over the Atlantic ocean at a speed of 600 miles an hour. It was incomprehensible that before his first questions had been answered the ribbon cf the channel had been passed and Ireland had lost Itself in the eastern horizon. Gravely interested and steadily courteous, he inspected the radioplane under the guidance of the inventor and his daughter, who made known to him its capabilities, and it was his own suggestion that the trip might be extended to the Chesapeake, where the fleet of the Lion was moored. For once the first lord of the admiralty showed eager ness, and was visibly pleased when Bevins said there could be no objec tion to the king's desire. , Between the inventor and the king, as they sped westward, there was es tablished a friendship. Gruff and querulous "Old Bill" Roberts, demo cratic to the core, and respecting men only for their real worth, found in this quiet, self-contained guest one whom he could admire. And to the monarch the scientist was the most interesting man he had ever met, con sidering that his past achievements bad gained world-wide fame, to be capped with the surprising creation of this aerial masterpiece. From time to time he glanced at the stately American girl, who sat silently beside the prime minister. He found him self puzzled by the brooding wistful ness of her eyes and speculating as to what yearning had mirrored its sadness in their depths. Not until Bevins had recounted the tale of the western battle did the king realize that on occasion the supple hands of the girl might become things of steel, and that within her was a soul of flame. She begged permission to retire before the admiral had fairly begun his story, and was not there to .bear that stern old veteran of the seas conclude with the trenchant statement: "It was not I, your majes ty, who won the battle-.that day; It was that slip of a girl who led the cohorts of the Eagle down upon them. It was she who clasped the flag in her arms when the battle was done." The men in the room leaned1 forward in silence when Bevins ended. They had. been carried away Into thearealm of imagination to picture the stirring clash of mighty arms and valorous deeds. Before anyone could speak an officer appeared at the door. VI have to report that we are above the Chesapeake, sir," he said to his superior. ' It was the breaking of reverie, the sharp call from the past to the pres ent, and the king rose expectantly. The lights of the Roberts flashed out and left them in darkness. The ports below opened, and they grouped them selves round them, with night glasses tendered by -their host (TO BB CONTINUED.) crow can throat" come from his little red Settled the Whdle Question. Rev. William Carter discussed at a dinner in New York his successful ex periment of conducting services in the Belasco theater. "One- of my theater auditors," he said, "was a Scot from Peebles. This Scot told me that the Sight of a clergyman in a theater re ainded him of an experience he once bad in London. He went to a melo drama tt Drury Lane. A man in front of 'him looked familiar. To his sur prise ha recognized in this man his .minister at Peebles. He leaned for ward and laid his hand on the minis ter's black coat 'Oh. Dr. Saunders Mcintosh,' he whispered, 'what wad the people la the auld kirk say if' I tell't them I saw ye here?' 'Deed, they wadna believe ye,' Dr. Saunders answered quickly, 'and .ye needna tell them.'" Give Mother Earth a Rest In India there are certain days when it is unlawful to plow. Mother Earth is supposed to sleep six days in every month, and on such days she refuses to be disturbed in her slumber. PssplS'Tatk Md4t starf Thhifs.. Foartcea yews ago few people kaew of such a preparation as a Powder for the Feet. To-day after the geawiac merits of Aika's Foot-Eate have been told year after year oy grpiciui persons, n M maiapejw able to millions. It is cleanly, whole some, healing and antistptie and gives rest and comfort to tired aching feet. It cures while you walk, Over 90,060 testimonials. Imitations pay the dealer a larger profit otherwise yon would never be offered a substitute for Allen's Foot Ease, the original foot, powder. Ask for Aika's Foot-Ease, sad sec that job get ft. Net Hard to ti "Woman may be uncertain aad coy," renarked the boarding house nhiloso aer,,"hut she isn't hard to please. That's where the poetis wrong." "What new light have. you had oa that subject, Mr. McGinnisT' asked the landlady. "She'll put up with almost any kind of stick for a husband and wear any old thing on her head for a hat" Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signature of. la Use For Over 30 Vears. The Kind You Have Always Bought " Courage. "He's a man of great courage." "Unusual courage?" "Yes, unusual courage. He Isn't afraid to keep his seat in a street car, even if a woman he knows is standing right In front of him." Red, Weak. Weary, Watery Eyes Relieved .by Murine Eye Remedy. Com pounded by Experienced Physicians. Mu rine Doesn't Smart r Soothes Eye Pain. Write Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago, for Illustrated Eye Book. At Druggists. x Ruling Passion. "He's half crazy, about music." "Sure is. Even calis his price list a scale of prices." Over fifty years of public i confidence and popularity. That is the record of Hamlins Wizard Oil, the world's stand ard remedy for aches and pains. There's a reason and only one MERIT. Uncle Josh Says: Taint all cigarette smoke la Turk ish circles, b jinks. Is it? For Any Disease cr Injury to the .eye, use PETTirS EYE SALVE, ab solutely "harmless, acts quickly. 25c. AH druggists or Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y. Marriage is not a lottery; It's a raffle. One man gets the prize while the other gets the shake. ,. There are imitations, don't be fooled. There is no substitute! Tell the dealer joa want Lewis' Single Binder cigar.' She Is a wise young wife who tries her first cake c a tramp. Mra, WInalew'a Soetntas; Syrap. For children teetalaa, (often the gotos, reduce ta flaaaaattott. allays paar.cartawladcoUc, Xcabottla Some marriages meun war and some mean an armed truce. B BmBafMBB 'Guar! There's Danger Ahead if you've been neglecting a cold. Don'texperimentwith your health. Get a remedy that you noio will cure that remedy is DR.D.JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT It's safe. In the severest cases of cosghs, colds, bronchitis, croup, in flammation of chest and longs it is the most effective remedy knows. It does its work qaickly, removes the coeat of the disease Sold eterjtchat in thee Mat hHles. SI. 00. 50c 25c Constipation Nearly Every 64 Gtts It The bowels show first sign of things going wrong. A Cascarel taken every night as needed keeps the bowels working naturally without grip, gripe and that upset sick feeling. am Tea cent boa. week's treatment. All drag-stores. Biggest seller to the world million boxes a month. Always Ready NO STROPPING Always Sharp NO HONING KNOWN THE WORLD OVER PAfticfitVs HAIR BALSAM aae ii tines tb Verar Jails to asstsss Oiswi Caws seslp ffiwss asfattas y3r . vXwJ ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE Shake Into Your Shoes Allen's Foota-Ease. a sawser far the feet. It relieves painful, swol len, smarting, nervous feet, and instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. Its tke greatest csstf art skscarery sf ate age. Allen's FootarEase makes tight-fitting or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain relief for ingrowing nails, perspiring, callous and hot. tired, aching feet It is always in demand for use in Patent Leather Shoes and for Breaking in New Shoes. We have over 30.000 testimonials. TRY IT TODAY. Sold by all Drsnrists. ssc Da asK accent Sent by mail TRIAL Ha a stack. aseMcns ALLEN S. OLMSTED, LE ROY, N, Y. MOTHERS WHO DAVE DAUGHTERS Fiod Help kLydiaL Pit 'sVegetabfeCompoMd Winchester, Ind. "Four doctors told me that they could never saake me regular, ana that I would event ually have dropsy. I would bloat, ana pains,cramps and chills, and I could not sleep nights. My mother wrote to iirs.Pink ham for advice.and I began to take LvdiaE-Pinkham's veirotable Com pound. Alter tamng; one ana one. half bottles of the Compound, I am all right again, and I recommend it to every suffering woman." Alas. Hat Seal, Winchester, Ind. Hundreds of such letters from'girls and mothers expressing their gratitude for what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound has accomplished for them have been received by The Lydia E. PinkbamMedicino Company, Lynn, Mass. Girls who are troubled with painful or irregular periods, backache, head ache,draggin?-dovm sensations, faint ing spells or indigestion, should take immediate action to rrard oft the seri ous consequences and bo restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound. Thousands hare been restored to health by its use. If yon would like special advice about your case write conden tial letter to Mrs. Plnkham, at Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free and always helpful. SICK HEADACHE Positively cared by these Little Pills. They also reliere Dis tress from Dyapepsia, In t!ies:loaauilToo Hearty Entiii?. A perfect rem edy for Dizziness, Nau fcca, DrotviiLness, Bad Taste In the Month, Coat ed Tongue, Pain in the Side, TOEPID LIVER. They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL Pill. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simile Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. 45 to 50 Bu. of Wheat Per Aero have beea grows oa farm Iaadc is WESTERN CANADA Much lew woold he satisfactory. The gea. era! average is above twenty bushels. "All are loud in their praises of the great crops and that won derful countre-." ii- trct front ccrresponifrce KtUOnMl tditorUl Association cf August, 1903. k is bow possible to secure a homestead of 160 acres (res aad aaother 160 acres at $3.00 per acre. Hundreds have paid toe cost of their fanes (if purchased) sad then had a balance of from $10.00 to $ I ZOO per acre frosa one crop. Wheat, barley, oats. Six all do welL Mixed faming is a great access and dakyias is highly profitable. Excel lent cKsssIf, splendid schools asd churches, rail ways bhag asost every dutrict wkhm easy reach of Bucket, Railway aad land companies have lands for sale at low prices and oa easy terms. "Last BestWesfpamphlets and maps sent free. For these and information as to how to secure lowest railway rates, apply to Superintendent of Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, or the authorised Canadian Govern ment AceaU V. V. KHUtTT. SflRewTsrkLB TOILET ANTISEPTIC ' NOTHING LIKE IT FOR THE TEsm Pax,"e ocels any dentifrice) I Bats I II in cleanstag. whitening aad removing tartar from the teith. bestder destxoymg al germs of decay and disease which ordtoary tooth prepirahoBs caamat do. TUP BmWsllTII Pxbneiedasameth lilK mVUIn wash daf ecu the Bouth ssJAroatp.seshWbreuh.aeJtikthegersc. whcolect in the month, caasktg sore throat, rleeslvbbfeatswinppaiKlswickae-. TC rVTC "J" 3nd, BKd, acbsj nCfclfcO and bum. maybe nliillj relieved aad ssreagiheaed by Paxtiae. CATAInW5r&,2?r twmmas and atop the cmcharge. It is asm wmedyforsjtstrisjsj catarrh. P?te is a harmless yet powerful ai lis .lysmin ism sikJdeodonzer. Used m batlmwaclestroys odors aad ' seams the body aahV riii illy cleat rat sslc ar dmuo stomcs.soc wti PVBTPMD BY MAIL. LARGE SAMPLE FREE! t PAXTOt TOHjrr CO- BOSTON. MASS. JUST FLY IILLER. . Mil file. t. cIcaa.onumntel. cod Trnlcnt.cbmp. -HH.irHM.lU not spin or tip oTer. wi!( not noil onnJareaDTthlnsr. Muamnfeed effec tive. urIISltra, or tent prrpatit for Vie. SMMdHMn, ISkblm Ifasnctenwitb) sort) eves, use BwasfSM'tEyt Wafer W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 24-1909. mmirrT"Cmnrirvrsrirvjjn- for 25c in stamps. PACKAGE sent by mail. Address anSBSPsBSBSBSsI Bnsna&nsnsnsM BsaPSilBnH BBBBBBawV -1 ttnnBBVanSBBBBBBBBBV anSnaJSgansnsni PMbsbsf I WnwMww? I ICARJEKS WnriE DIVER PILLS. CARTERS Sver pus. LSbbbbbbbbbblsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI bBbbBBbt "wiwiii.i - , t. lh ,,,.inn(yi.UUULniWu.u.LIUUL,; r- .-. Lr-&;-5t1s-.-S ft J STtjfet b - , . ifi -5-mii. ,2& r4L 1'A r-r.t.r'-lv. '.f-ir t- . t - t, .