The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 09, 1909, Image 5
HHVnPHVHPHpnKV II in j-r?? .VS!? -?i- 5f- - v '"' T ' cV.. '3.' - j? " " -v"- '. Jf - i I 1 r2r:W:mSsWySW r Tfci 6mt Aiiricm Bill-Bung Lm Mmr This MCkim tne mo9t "itted, and the best sll arouad -Mower of its class in the- world. , it was the first saccessf ul ball-bearing machine on.-the mar ket, it has the largest sale of any, and its quality has never been approached by any other manufacturer The five cylinder blades an crucible sleel, oil tempered and hardened, crucible steel dead knife, with self-sharpening raised edge feature, perfectly fitting cups and cones, insuring an easy raaaisg Mower, and every detail of construction has been cars' fully carried oat Fiaished in aluminum and gold, handsomely decorated, sad graceful in appearance. JOHANNES & KRUMLAND HIS TALE TOLD IN A MOMENT. But It Is Not Hard to Imagine That the Delay Was Fatal to the ' Flower Beds. One morning not long ago there burst Into the office of a physician in Tacony, Pa., an excited individual, who, as he perceived the doctor just disappearing into his consulting room with a patient, exclaimed: "Doctor! Doctor! Just one mo ment!" "I'll see you shortly," was the curt professional response. "Only a second, doctor! Only a sec ond is what I want!" protested the perturbed one. "I'll see you shortly," reiterated the physician, with increasing impatience. Whereupon, with a sigh, the man took a seat in the general reception hall, says Harper's Weekly. His ex citement soon subsided, for he read the morning paper through, glanced through a number of magazines, and played awhile with the doctor's cat Then, after a period of half an hour, the doctor reappeared, and, in an air of great condescension, said to the erstwhile excited person: "Now, sir, I am at your service. Your turn has come. What can I do for you?" "Oh, nothing special," was the re ply. "I only dropped in to tell you that your neighbor's cows have es caped from the yard and are now hav ing a fine time among your flower beds." THE MAD RACE FOR WEALTH. Stock Gamblers Misapply Funds That Are Theirs Only in Trust. We once knew a professional gam bler who habitually lost in front of other men's tables what he made be hind his own. How do you account for that? He would sit behind his own tables night after night, claiming his sure percentage from the gamblers on the other side, and when he had thus accumulated 120.000 or $30,000, he would go and lose it all in one sitting on the wrong side of another man's table. Most of the scandals affecting stock exchange members in Wall street come of their having got on the wrong side of the table. A house does not set out deliberately, in the first in stance, to make away wrongfully with 'the customers' funds. The head of the house or one of its members be comes extravagant, lives beyond his resources, and needs money quickly. He turns to the stock market He be gins as a speculator, takes greater and greater risks, becomes a gambler, and ends by breaking his house and cheat ing his clients. Haven't yout wondered why In these cases the men who mis use jour funds In their private stock market gambling always lose them? That is because they have been try ing to do what you have been trying to do make 500 or 1,000 per cent on a given amount of capital and it simply can't be done. Everybody's. Wise Idea of Matron. The spirit of independence is driving men and women into apartments, where they can live as they please and be under obligations to nobody. Favors are returned, and so are slights, and a degree of harmony pre vails. Such people are welcome guests In many places, for they have the good sense to limit visits. "Live with my son?" repeated a handsome matron the other day to a friend whe wondered why she was not an inmate of the pretty home she visited fre quently. "Not I." with emphasis "There is the deepest affection be tween us, which I take precious care to preserve by this sensible arrange ment I am an Important personage now, but if I was located in the best chamber of that house I would be come a nuisance. I have seen some thing of the world, and I want to end my days in peace and comfort" Fiodden Field. Scotland and England have agreed to forget all old unkindness and erect a monument of Fiodden field com memoratlve of the courage of their FRISCHHOLZ BROS. shoes clothing Gents9 Furnishing' Goods RELIABLE GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES. FRISCHHOLZ BROS. 405 11th Street, ancestors of 1513. Both' sides art right, for the Scotch lost the battle quite as much by King James' high) strung chivalry preventing him from using his strategic advantages as by ,,the superiority of the English archery. Fiodden was among the last of the great battles in which firearms counted for little or nothing. Prob ably the last appearance of the bow in war was in Russia a century ago The Russians at Eylau, 1807, had a body of Bashkirs in chain armor whe opposed arrows to French bullets, aad during the retreat from Moscow la 1812 occasionally French soldiers found themselves targets for the same wild archers. First Aid to Memory. The Coming Poet was being enter tained at an afternoon tea given is his honor by the leading society ladles of his native town. It was the Poet's annual home-coming. And leave it tc him if he wasn't playing up his tran scendental mysticism, or mystic tran scendentalism (take your choice) tc the awe-inspiring point Just a few But, as usual, he was misunderstood, For instance, when he sprang his fa vorite bromide, "An indefinable some thing within me often whispers that I have a message to deliver," a dense dame shattered the solemn silence with: "What a labor-saving gift that must be! Why, when I want my hus band to deliver a message I always have to tie a string to his finger tc remind him of it!" Illustrated Sun day Magazine. Borneo Inviting to Naturalists. There is no country in- the world more Inviting to the naturalist than Borneo. Here are found the flying squirrels, flying foxes, flying lizards, flying frogs, and the natives report flying snakes. Among the most noted birds is the litUe swift Collocalia Nidi, fica. Their nests are eaten by the Chinese, and are regarded as a great luxury. These birds build their nests in limestone caves of a glutinous sa liva which they produce from thelt glands; no sticks or any other foreign substances are used. The collection of these nests is an important indus try with the natives, though they pay a tax on all they take to market The value of those exported from British North Borneo in 1907 was $35,924. They are served at the great feasts of the Chinese, especially at weddings. Asthma Plant of Queensland. The euphorbias are very numerous in the colony of Queensland, and among them Is the -euphorbia piluli fera, the "Queensland asthma plant," which has a remarkable reputation for curing this troublesome complaint Several pharmaceutical preparations of the plant are extensively sold la Australia. Analysis shows that a green plant contained 79 per cent by weight of water and three per cent of ash, leaving 18 per cent of vegetable matter. A dried plant contained aa alkaloidal substance equal to about 1 part in 1,000. It contained also a i glucosidal substance to the amount I rt nnt mnro than 4 nnrts in 1 AAA Possibly one or both of these was the active principle of the plant. Schisms That Seem Small. Two religious sects who hated one another bitterly were found by Sven Hedin in Tibet Searching fer the cause of this aversion he found that one of the sects believed that the prayer wheel should turn to the right, while the other was convinced that the wheel should turn to the left In the region of the Bramaputra he found a mountain which Is so sacred that who ever walks around it 13 times has all his sins forgiven. The result of this belief is that criminals from far and near infest this region. When Sven Hedin started to ride around this mountain on his horse the pilgrims la formed him that that would do hist no ?ood. THINK THIS OVER. We offer vour money back if you use a large bottle of Kexall "cj" Hair Tonic and are not satisfied with what it does for you. We do this because it seldom fails to effect a complete cure of dandruff, scalp irritation and falling hair. Can you ask a better argument why you should try it? Two sizes, 50c and $1.00. Columbus. TOO DEEP FOR ENGLISHMAN. Neat Bit if-Wit with Whleh Hia In sular Brain Was Unable to Cope. A youag woman of Iriah descent treat to a tea that was given oa a re cent Sunday afteraooa for the artists of one of the, opera houses. After she bad listened to the babel of tongues In the drawing-room for a while, for the singers were talking ia. French, German, and Italian, she, weat into the library, where one of her acquaint ances was presiding over the tea table. With a beautiful assumption of Hut-' tering embarrassmeat, the young woman leaned over the table and fal tered out: "I don't know how I came to do it, but do you know I only came with eight languages to-day, when I meant to bring 12. ' I've looked In my muff for the others, but they are not there, and do you know, I' feel positively embarrassed without them all." And with this she went on her way. Now, the woman at the tea table thought this a pretty good bit of wit, and when a young Englishman came up to her to have his cup refilled she told it to him. He looked at her blankly and thea said with a puzzled air: "What an extraordinary place to carry them! Do you think she meant it?" GARDEN THAT IRVING LOVED. Writer's Pride and Pleasure in Old Fashioned Ground at Home in Sunnyside. The gardens at Sunnyside, planned by Washington Irring, followed the old fashioned order. He loved a riot of color, and the plants and towers which he frequently cultivated and watered repaid him with their best. Over the porch clambered vines that he trained with Ids own hand. One of these, brought by a friend from Abbotsford, and said to have been taken there from Melrose abbey, was his particu lar delight It climbs there still, shad ing the porch and the iron porch chair and that, too, is there In which Irv ing used to sit in the long drowsy sum mer afternoons readlag a book. But the gardens themselves have disappeared in more formal plantings. Sunnyside, also, under the radical im provements ordered by the author's grand-nephew, is scarcely recognizable for the house that Irving left While still occupied by descendants of the author, it is no longer their property. White-Faced Qirla. Powder is worn more than usual this spring. This fashion note can be observed on the faces of the aver age girl from 18 to 23 years old any where in town, says the New York Times. Just what or who is respon sible for the Introduction of this pure ly Parisian facial fad is not easily as certained. But the result Is to give the average young woman one sees on Broadway or Fifth avenue an ef feet of unwholesomeness almost ghastliness in fact that is decidedly unpleasant Of course, the observer only has time to note that it is the lower part of these girls' faces that is unadorned with this deathlike mask. The upper part almost invari ably is hidden by the drooping brims of the peach-basket or coal-scuttle hats. New Kind of Tape Measure. -Tape measures are so useful and in dispensable to the dressmaker in their present form that it would seem as it it were impossible to improve on their construction. Tet this has-been very easily accomplished in a tape meas ure recently patented by a New York man. A short piece of flexible springy material is combined with the' end of the limb tape measure. The end is thus made self-supporting. Th& value of thus having a' small portion of the end of the tape-measure still and unbendable will be , apparent where small measurements are to be made; the necessity, of holding the end of the tape measure is eliminated The measuring can also be accom plished much more quickly and with accuracy something impossible in a limp tape measure, where small mess urements are made. Irreparable Loss to Mexico. The Springfield Republican calls attention to the Irreparable losses caused by the. fire la the City of Mex ico which destroyed the building where the chamber of deputies had met since 1872. Among the docu ments that were burned were the con stltution of 1861, which was signed at Chllpanclngo and for many years was guarded in the state archives In that city; the act of Independence, signed in 1821 when Iturbide entered Mexico; the constitution of 1824, the coastitu tion of 1857, under which the latter day reforms were initiated, and the signatures of the heroes of Mexican independence aad Mexican history. Uunpton's Inventions. W. J. Lampion, the long, lank poet from Kentucky, has two inventions of which he Is more proud than of hit most peculiar poetry. They are a cinnamon splash a drink that is worse the next day than pink elephant whis ky and toothpicks with punch. "I don't know why," explains the poet "that nobody else ever thought of serving toothpicks in punch, a toothpick 'to a glass. How else can you pick oat the strawberries and pineapple aad cherries with which they fill most punches here in New York.. Id like to know?" New York Press. All Are Baay Dig fine. "The love of money a the root of all evil," 'but everybody seems to be dig ging away at the root even preach era seem to preach more powerfully when they have pleaty of the roots in their salary. The love of mosey while a root of all evil, may also be the root of much good. The Bible alsc says: "Money aaswereth all things. "Money is a defease." If there were no desire for wealth there woaM b no need of it It would sooa ceame t exist at all, aad society would ac back to a state of actual barharlasa. HOT WATER HEATING For Hit Fara Hm All the comforts of town life can now be had on the farm. Heat the house with hot water, and get the rrmYimnm amount of comfort at a! minimum cost The dajrof the base burner in the country home is rapid ly passing. WHY NOT HAVE THE BEST The time to install a heating plant is from now on. One installed, they last a life time. Com in and let us tell you about it, .r drop us a card stating whatyoii wnnt. I. DUSSELL & SOI Plumbing and Hot Water; Heating - COLUMBUS, NEB. SCREENS Now ia the season for screens. Leave your order with us. We make any size you want. If you sre goiug to build, get our figures. 6E0. F. I0ILEI Ountrartor and Builder Shop 13th and Adams lad. Tel. 9051 JFRITZ W. A. PAUL FrvTessar off MvslG Violia'and Piano, all Brass and Reed Instru ment, s At home for intending student Tuesday and Fridays. 2 to 4 p. m., at No. 1018 Washington AT6DQ6 ' Telephone, Bell Black 278 P. O. Box Ul A Millinery Escape. The woman was rushing so wildly out of a hat store that she dashed against her friend without seeing her "What's the matter?" asked hei friend. "A fire?" "No," the woman panted. "It's a hat That girl in there! She's so magnetic If I hadn't jabbed on my own hat ant run as hard as I could she'd have made me buy a hat as big as all oul 'doors, with a whole cherry tree on II that made me look like the very old Nick.'" Knew Her "Missis." "Hadn't you better wash the dlsnes before we go?" said a man, who was taking a hired girl out for a walk; "your missis will be sure to see them and scold you." "No, she'll not," re plied the girl; "aa soon as she learns I. am going out for the evening, she'll spend all the time looking through my trunk." Puck. New Hampshire's Name. New Hampshire was called so with reference to the original patentee, who was governor of Portsmouth Id Hampshire, England. It is known as the Granite state, from the fact that Its mountains are largely composed of that stone. Next Pure Reading Matter. Poet "Will you accept this poem at your regular rates?" Editor "I guess so it appears to contain nothing ob jectionable. Go to the' advertising de partment and ask them what the rates are. How many times did you .wish it inserted?" PILES! PILES! PILES! Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will cure Bliad, Bleeding and Itching Piles. It absorbs the tamora, allays Itching at once, acts as a pool tice, gives instant relief. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment is prepared for Piles and itching of the private parts. Sold by druggists, mail 50b and ILOOl Williams' MTg. Co.. Props.. Cleveland. O WHY NOT TRY THE PACIFIC HOTEL COLUMBUS, NEB. The big brick hotel one and one half blocks south of west depot cross iagi 25 rooms at 35c; 20 -rooms at 60c; meals, 85c, HARRY MUSSELMAN, Pripriitir COLUMBUS MEAT MARKET We invite all who desire choice . steak, and ,the very best cuts of all other meats to call at our market on Sleventh street. We also handle poultry arid fish aad oysters in season. S.E. MARTY & CO. Telephone No.l. - Columbus. Nob. Itching or Psoriasis Prof. J. Btanchard. Skin Specialist. Kill Cot tesje Grove Ave- Chicago, will diagnose yoar skis disease FB.E.slso give advice and state how the disease will act and disappear ander ose of hislotkm. How assay are there that can do thi? Write 'or symptom blank;. His Lotion is sold at L. II. Tjssvy'a.Colninbas, Neb. ANTED Ike right party a exeallssrt position, salary or eesBjniMkm for Oommww aad vW einky. Btate . former oeeapatioa aad aim rafereaea. Address LOCK BOX 48. Lfaeelm, Met). LIFE WELL WORTH LIVING. Man Whe Has tracted 'Much ef the Honey ef existence. There Is a man in Massachusetts fey the aasae of Henry J: Turner who has had. we suspect, more solid en joyment ia his long life than any maa in the world. This Is, of course, a very strong; statement,' but whea we remark that la the last 40 years Mr. Turner has, with a hook and line, caught 11 miles of ash. the gentle reader will surely agree to the asser tion. By 11 .miles we mean that whea these fish, nearly all pickerel and the largest not weighing over five pounds and the average weight not reaching a pounds are laid down, head to tail, the line would extend 11 miles away. He averaged four fish a day fbr 40 years, counting in sick days, winter days, storm days, Sundays in fact, f or every day in 40 years he caught four fish. While it is easy to calculate the pounds, distance, number and all the statistics of this 40 years' fishing. It Is Impossible to estimate the Joy that has come into this man's life. Why, he has had more real, downright, up right fun than all the presidents; cab laet officers, congressmen, million aires, euchre players, automobilists, vaudeville goers all put together. Just think of those meditations and exhilarations attending upon the 175, 000 bites he had and the 55,000 fish he drew out of the water. That man's joy has been greater than the man's who found a bonanza, built a palace to live In and drinks cham pagne instead of water. Ohio State Journal. AS TOLD BY INDIGENT ALBERT Really Remarkable Tale of Woe That Should Satisfy the Most Incredulous. "My unfortnlt condition I traces di rect to the vanity of wimmin," said Indigent Albert, accounting for his financial lack of stature to the pedes trian of benevolent aspect. "How Is that?" , "Well, sir, you see I- was seckind mate aboard of a three-masted schooner what traded between here and South Amurrika. She was the dalslest (parding my tears) little craft that ever sailed the oshun blue. She was built all through of the finest curly maple, wich every, seaman knows is the best wood for ships what is." "That's news to me." "Yes, sir, p'raps. But as I was sayin', we took on board one trip a cargo of them Irons what wimmin uses for to mar-sell their hair. They was for wimmin in Brazil. We was doln' fine and dandy until we struck the tropics. Then them irons got het up and the whole ship went to pieces. Ob, but it was rotten hard luck, it was." "But I don't understand." "No, sir, p'raps not But as I was sayin', w'en them Irons got het up every curly maple plank in the ship Jest nacherally curled up in a mar sell wave, and we pore marineers had to swim to shore, miles and miles away Thank you kindly, sir. You has a heart of di'monds. This will give me a place to lay my poor, un fortnlt head." Freeman Tilden in Puck. An Unpopular Official. There is one public official that goes begging in many small suburban towns. Nobody wants the position of dog catcher. "It Isn't that we're afraid to handle the beasts," said one man who had de clined the honor. "It is the fact that the business of running in dogs gets everybody down on us. I know a man a first-rate fellow he is too who was made dog catcher in a Staten Is land village. He had enjoyed the best kind of reputation up to the time he took that position, but before he had held the job three months, hardly a person In the town would speak to him. In the opinion of the general public, to scoop up poor, little, defense less doggies and cart them away to the pound is the furthest cry of human Ignominy. The man who will do such a thing sinks below the level of the official hangman and no longer holds a place in the esteem of his. neigh bors." Silent Clubs. Some eccentric persons in the French capital, we learn from a Paris contemporary, have formed a club the principal rule of which is that all the members when at the institution shall preserve an absolute silence. Our con temporary prophesies a short life for the club in a country noted for its loquacity. Moreover, the idea is by no means new, for we read toward the end of the seventeenth century of a similar assembly In London. Many such clubs are said to exist to-day in China. The silent members of the Spectator club gave us unaided Sir Roger de Coverley, so what measure less possibilities are before this new club of silent members! Advertising That Counted. An Oklahoma boy put up what he considered a good joke on his mother by advertising In her name for a hus-' band. He Is now being walloped by a good, stout stepfather, the surprised but not at all frustrated mother hav lag annexed the first man that came along, and doing well at that, as the neighbors all allowed. You can do anything In this world that is doablt .by proper advertising. Let our Mr talk with you about it. Minne toplta Journal. Dolls Are Matrimonial Agents. Travelers through Servian villages often see dolls suspended in the win dows of cottages. The dolls have nothing to do with child life but sig nify that a marriageable daughter 01 a widow lives In the house. Progress. It generally happens that aloag about the time one" becomes able to recogaixe true art one loses the kaaea of being able to take advantage of hastaes opportunities when they pre seat themselves. EsMbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbw alsaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsfl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsflm BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSW Esm ft " ' ril aiSZr-- Vs -1 irfy v I am a Moon. SEE ME AT L. W. BATTLE MUSIC NOT MARTIAL British Soldiers Prefer Music Hall Songs to Heroic Hymna When They Go Into Action. It is an understatement of deeds of heroism which delights the British sol dier, declares Sir v Arthur Conan Doyle in Through the Magic Door.' Anything In the least "highfalutln" would depress a body of English troops; German troops can march to battle singing Luther's hymn's; French men will work themselves into a fren zy by a song of glory; but English poets need not imagine that martial song is what the British soldier needs, as these instances testify. Our sailors, working the heavy guns in South Africa, sang: "Here's an other lump of sugar for the bird." 1 saw a regiment go into battle to th6 refrain of "A little bit off the top." The martial poet, unless he had the genius and the Insight of a Kipling, would have wasted a good deal of ink before he got down to such chants aa these. The Russians are not unlike us in this respect. I remember reading of some column ascending a breach and singing lustily from start to finish, un "til a few survivors were left victorious upon the crest, with the song still go ing. A spectator inquired what wondrous chant It was which had warmed them to such a deed of valor, and he found that the exact meaning of the words, endlessly repeated, was "Ivan is in the garden picking cabbages." The fact is, I suppose, that a mere monotonous sound may take the place of the tom-tom of savage warfare, and hypnotize the soldier into valor. Youth's Companion. GIFT OF CHINESE EMPRESS. Miss Carl, Portrait Painter, Has an Interesting Jewel Presented by Tsi Ann. Miss Katherine Carl, the portrait painter, has an interesting jewel, pre sented to her by the empress of China. , which reveals Tsl Ann, even amid her cares of state, as a remarkable enthu siast for the minor harmonies of life. It was while Miss Carl was living at the palace for the purpose of painting the empress' portrait that the incident occurred. On one occasion when Mis? Carl appeared before her the empress was not satisfied with the unrelieved gray of the painter's gown. Sending for flowers from the garden she tried them against the gray gown, but as they were all pink or red in tone the combination did not please her. Finally she drew from her own hair the floral decoration which she herself wore. This was of jasmine blossoms worn in the Chinese fashion; with the leaves all removed and a long pin thrust through rows of blossoms, which were packed tightly together on the pin. The head of the ,pin has a branch of coral, with a setting of twe large pearls. When the empress had tried this, flower strung pin against Miss Carl's hair and gown she was pleased with the note of color Jt afforded, and, thrusting it into Miss Carl's hair, she said: "Keep this pin when the flowers have faded as a souvenir of me and to remind you also that it is the duty ol all of us to look as well 'as we can at all times, and especially that It Is the duty of women." Said Uncle Silas: "It takes a woman longer to get Into her duds to go down town shop ping than it 'does a man to pack up for a six months' vacation trip." Loa Angeles Express. Tact and Talent. Talent feels its weight, tact finds its way; talent commands, tact Is obeyed; talent Is honored with approbation, and tact is blessed by preferment 'London Atlas. In Praise of Music Music is the only one of all the arts that does not corrupt the mind. Montesquies. Canadian Farmers Own Homes. About 87 per cent, of the farmers of Canada preside over their own farms. Sultan Fond of Zoology. The sultan of Turkey is the propri etor of a fine zoological garden. Dark Houses in Scotland. Scotland has many houses without window PRICES SHOULDN'T PULL very strongly in the selection of a photographer. It is a good portrait job are after, not a chance to save a quarter or half a dollar. OUR PRICES FOR PHOTOGRAPHS are aaither the highest or the lowest. They, however, represent whst is a fair return for the highest grade of photo work. See our studio aad you'll see wast our idea of grade is. DeH ART STUDIO. I'm All Right WEAVER & SON'S ROYALTY WRITES COOK BOOK. Is Said to Contain a Recipe fer Irish Stew That Is Superior to All Others Known. The announcement that Qaeea Alex andra and Lady Dudley are to co-operate in the writing of a cookery book should make all Anglo-Saxon house wives prepare their culinary depart ments for an attempt at some famous dishes. The queen is Known to be aa adept in the kitchen and she has a recipe for an Irish stew that should make every Irishman's mouth water when he reads it, or, better still, whea the recipe takes practical shape, fox him, in his good wife's culinary ac complishments. That reminds us that the stew is by no means a favorite dish in this country; the average house wife looks upon It as a family dish that absorbs resurrected products of bygone meals and is never intended for company. How different in Europe, where the chef has a thousand aad one ways of concocting a stew, the very memory of' which inclines one to smack the lips enjoyably. Here the stew is a despised and mostly rejected thing, unless it consists of kidneys and choice portions, say, of the fowl We may have to thank Queen Alex andra if we can see .the Introduction of a variety of stews such as we have tasted in Europe into our own house holds. With a fine relish, we say: "Oh let it be soon!" In the matter of liquid compounds, there is the queen's famous concoction of sole gin and el derberry wine. What excitement la our kitchens a few weeks hence! The queen's determination to publish her recipes doubtless has been promoted by the success and popularity of hei photograph albums, which now are to be seen on this side in number. SENATOR WAS DOWN THE ROW Governor of State Outranks the Repre sentative in the Upper Branch of Congress. Many people will be surprised to learn that a governor outranks a sena tor, according to the law of precedence in vogue in other countries. A few years ago the new senator from Vermont, Carroll S. Page, was crossing the Atlantic with the late Sen ator Redfleld Proctor in the Cunard steamship Campania. They had, of course, seats at the captain's table Senator then (Governor) Page was surprised to find himself occupying the post of honor, with Senator Procter seated further down the table. This the modest governor of the Green Mountain state thought was not quite correct and he remonstrated, explaining that there must be some error, as his friend was a United States senator and his superior la rank. He was told that a governor out ranks a senator. National Magazine. The Cost of Being Beautiful. The latest scientific experiments prove that to remain eternally young and beautiful you must not only eat and drink in the sparest manner, buf! undergo actual periods of starvation. Dramatic Note. Vice may be a monster of hideous mien, but stage a play or write a book about it, and it beats the deuce how many persons will welcome the mon ster. Los Angeles Express. Pointer for Kissers. Never kiss a girl while the scent of cigarettes is on your lips, for the next fellow who comes along may thlak she has been doing the smoking. Florida Times-Union. WHtl PACIFIC TIKTULE WEST BOUND. 2J'-'am No. IS 11:29 am No.l 9:43 am No. 9 11:49 am No. 7 3:12 pra No. 15........ R:40 p m No. 3 6:40 pm No. 5 7:85 pm No.'5 7:00 am No. 63 5:00 pm KABT BOURD. No. 4 834 am No. 12 4:53 a ai No.l4al22Sd 1:00 pai No. 6 2:18 pm No. 16 23pm No. 10 302 pm No. 8 6:14 pm No. 2 9:17 pat No. 60 4:15 pm No. 64 5j00m BBANCHKK. NOBrOLK. SPALDISO AUIOil. No. 79 mxd..d 65 am Mo. 31 pas ..ll:30pm Ko.32paa No. 80 mxd.. a 7:60 pm No.77mxtl. d GfSam No. 29 pas ..d 7:15 pm No. 30 pas ..al2:45pm No. 78 mxd..a 50 pm Daily except Sunday. noTZ: Noa. 1, 2, 7 and 8 are extra fara traiaa. Hon. 4. a. is anu it are local 1 Noa. 58 and 59 are local freights. Noa. 9 aad IS are mail trains only. No 14 due in Umana 4:J5 p. m. No. S doe in Omaha S3O8 p. ra. mSSb3i I k - . -,A -J? -jt" J"" H30-nrtei ZL.- V . " t'i. Is. rc'.; i-,- - -, 3 ii.i-1l3. T.. - t --. -