The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 09, 1909, Image 2

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Latest News of Interest J
S Boiled Down for the Z
Busy Man.
Senator La Follette in a mild
speech answered the attacks made on
him in the senate.
Denunciation and defense of Sen
ator La Follette, who was absent,
marked the first night session of the
senate to consider the tariff bill.
Plans for the aerial defense of the
United States by the erection of
balloon stations along the coast have
been prepared by Brig. Gen. Allen,
chief of the army signal corps.
Senator La Follette scored the Re
publican senators for failure to keep
the party pledge to revise the tariff
The senate began to hold night ses
sions in an effort to pass the tariff
bill before July 1.
His desk a mass of roses and with
his former associates gathered about
him to give him a farewell, Director of
the Census S. N. D. North, after seven
years service, relinquished his post.
Senator Root of New York voted
with the insurgents against a half-cent
increase in the duty on lemons.
George W. Perkins, partner in the
firm of J. P. Morgan & Co., will visit
saining properties in Alaska this sum.
mer, according to a report from New
Count von Bernstorff, ambassador
from. Germany, said England had no
cause to fear war with bis country. .
Edward I-ayson Weston, who is
walking from New York to San Fran
cisco, has passed Laramie, Wyo.
Dr. W. S. Bovard, president of
Moore's Hill college, Richmond, Ind..
has resigned to become vice-president
of the University of Chattanooga.
The resignation of Dr. Andrew
Walker McAlester, professor of surg
ery since 1873, and dean of the School
of Medicine in the University of Mis
souri, has been accepted.
George Baglin, vice-president of the
United Copper Company, was sent to
Jail In New York for failure to pro
duce the concern's books in court.
By the retirement of Maj. Gen. Ar
thur MacArthur, Maj. Gen. Leonard
Wood became senior officer of the
United States army.
President Dickie of Albion college
and Mayor Rose of Milwaukee '"will
hold another debate on the liquor
question at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific
exposition in Seattle, Wash., June 11.
President sTaft in his Gettysburg
speech declared the regular army of
the United States should not be de
creased. James J. Hill of the Great Northern
railroad declared James A. Patten did
not corner the wheat market
Robert T. Lincoln, son of the mar
tyred president, was stricken by the
heat at the exercises of unveiling a
monument to his father at Hodgen
ville. Ky.
George Ade, playwright and humor
ist, arrived in San Francisco after a
trip around the world.
"Mrs. W. E. Annis, the widow of the
man slain by CapL Peter C. Hains,
Jr., made her debut in vaudeville in
New York.
Ex-Vice-President Charles W. Fair
banks and Mrs. Fairbanks took tiffin
with the emperor and empress of
Japan in Tokyo.
The Philadelphia street car men's
strike, which has been marked by
serious rioting, was ended by political
Having lost her hair after using a
dye, Mrs. M. L. Bowman filed suit in
Milwaukee for 120,000 damages
against the maker and the druggist
from whom she purchased the dye.
The appellate division of the New
York supreme court decided that Har
ry K. Thaw and Albert T. Patrick are
not illegally held prisoners.
John D.0 Rockefeller returned to
New York from Virginia Hot Springs
and declared he is a golfer now.
Dispatches from Alexandretta.
Asiatic Turkey, say there is fear of a
massacre at Deurtyul.
Monkeys are the latest prey for
the Roosevelt rifles according to dis
patches from East Africa.
Five members of what is known as
the "millionaire fire company'' were
injured while fighting a fire at Bryn
Mawr. Pa.
The first day's attendance at the
Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition in
Seattle, Wash., was S9.2S6, according
to reports.
The body of Mrs. Josephine Carle
ton Archer, who died in Los Angeles,
Cal., was exhumed at Oneida, 111., and
strychnine in large quantities found.
Judge Roberts at Centerville. la,
sentenced John Junkin; the negro who
killed Clara. Rosen in Ottumwa, to be
Mrs. E. J. Shea of Eveleth, Minn.,
was - robbed of $20,000 in Seattle,
Wash., where she was visiting her
Following the stoning of carriages
containing mourners on the way to
cemeteries, the Chicago police were
sent to guard 50 funerals in one day.
President Taf t has decided that mid
shipmen in the United States navy
shall not wed until they have served
tixyears at sea. 1
A committee from Monroe, Mich
Invited President Taft to visit that
city in October, when a monument to
Gen. Custer 'is to be unveiled.
George Phillips of Battle Creek,
factory inspector of Michigan, JTell
dead in a railway station at Bee
Moines, la.
Following pleas of guilty the Mis-
r sn. Y ltiwtniala vail.
BOU" "". " "T -"ZTT-A -
j roaa companies were uucu a,vw
lAtue KOCK, Aim., ior rewuus.
An earthquake which continued for
more than two hours was recorded by
the government seismograph at Ma
nila. Directors of the D. A. R. adopted
resolutions indorsing their new pres
ident general, Mrs. Matthew T. Scott
of Bloomington, 111., who has been the''
subject of attacks. -"William
Darragh, a chauffeur whose
automobile killed a boy in New York,
was sentenced to the penitentiary for
from seven to twenty years. ,
Dispatches from Washington say
the supply of labor in the isthmian
canal zone is greater than the de
mand. Precious-stones worth $2,689,213.49
were imported into the United States
through New York in May, as against
importations of $463,454.85 in the
same month a year ago.
The Peruvian cabinet offered its
resignation at Lima, following the
revolutionary outbreak of last week.
The North Platte river is at flood
near Douglas, Wyo., and has already
taken one life and caused much dam
age. Other floods and washouts are
reported from the west and south.
Enrico Caruso, the noted tenor, un
derwent an operation on his vocal
cords at Milan, Italy, at the hand of
Prof. Bella Vedova, aided by three
Residents of Imperial valley, near
San Diego, Cal., are excited by the ap
pearance of a mysterious airship,
which they say is making nightlj
trips over Salton sea.
Whether Dr. John T. Binkley ol
Evansville, Ind., whose body was
found in the Wellington hotel, was
murdered or committed suicide is a
mystery the Chicago police are try
ing to solve.
Machinists on every branch of the
Baltimore & Ohio railroad went out
on a strike.
The lynching of a negro in Frank
fort, Ky., has stirred Gov. Wiilson,
who promises to do all in his power
to bring the guilty persons to justice.
The Japanese government has
adopted a rule requiring all of its
subjects coming to this country or
Canada to register at the nearest
consulate of their government.
Mrs. Sarah Richman of Springfield,
was arrested on complaint of her
brother-in-law, charged with stealing
flowers which he had placed on her
husband's grave.
Resolutions condemning the gov
ernment's rule requiring the name of
the guarantor on all food packages,
were adopted by the' National Whole
sale Grocers' association.
Mr. Palmer of Pennsylvania will
enlist the support of President Taft
in a plan to bring the remains of
William Penn to this country from
A fireworks display will welcome
the Wright aeronauts home to Dayton,
O., on June 17.
Joseph JeskonskI, 12 years old
started a railroad engine in Alpena,
Mich., and caused $3,000 damage. He
was arrested.
The New York chamber of com
merce will soon issue a report con
taining facts as to the growth of the
United States since 1858.
The Arkansas river has left the
town of Douglas, Ark., three miles in
land, by making a cut-off through a
narrow neck of land.
The engagement of Miss Marion
Lawson, second daughter of Thomas
W. Lawson, to James Fuller Lord of
Chicago, has been announced in Bos
ton, Mass.
The emperor of Japan has conferred
the Order of the Rising Sun upon
John J. Carty, chief engineer of the
American Telephone and Telegraph
Company in New York.
An industrial exposition designed to
show the diversity of the city's prod
ucts was opened in Cleveland, O.
The sixth annual conference on the
education of backward, truant and de
linquent children at Buffalo with Su
perintendent C. B. Adams of the
School" for Boys at St Charles, 111.,
in the chair.
The American Society for Superin
tendents of Training Schools for
Nurses met in St Paul, Minn.
Mayor Rose welcomed to Milwau
kee the American Waterworks asso
ciation, which met in annual conven
tion. Invited by the Northwestern Uni
versity School of Law, ' experts in
criminology, met at Chicago.
Danish residents of the middle west
gathered in Chicago to celebrate the
sixtieth anniversary of the adoption of
Denmark's constitution.
The first biennial festival of the
Red River Valley Scandinavian Stag
gers' association was held at Fergus
Falls, Minn.
The American Climatologlcal asso
ciation met in annual session at Fort
ress Moire, Va., with President C. E.
Quimby of New York In the chair.
Ambassador Jusserand, on behalf of
the French government presented to
San Francisco a gold medal in recog
nition of its rapid recovery from the
earthquake and fire.
Delegates to the convention of Sev
enth Day Adventists called at the
White House and were greeted by
President Taft
Fighting among the clans In the
Heuwah district China, over the ab
duction of a bride three years ago has
broken out again, according to re
ports from Amoy, China.
Dr. Gould of the Norwegian hospital
in New York amputated a leg and
foot then sent them to the morgue
with a properly made-out certificate
describing their "death." The coroner
insists this makes it necessary for
him to hold an inauest
A strike of carpenters to enforce a
demand for a Saturday half-holiday all
the year round, with pay, and affect
ing about 1.000 men in Boston and its
suburbs, was begun in Boston.
Texas competition has put the
onion-growing industry in the Bermu
da islands out of business, according
to dispatches from New York, where
many who formerly owned onion
farms In the Bermudas are arriving.
William A. Plnkerton arrived in
Omaha and took charge of the search
for bandits who robbed the Union Pa
cific train. Three have been ar-
Her Name Is Lillian Stephenson, Who
. Says She is Willing to
What She Kaows. ..
,Omaha, Heavily ironed and in the
custody of Deputy United States Mar
shals Tom Clarke and W. H. Robin
son, .the fourth hold-up suspect arrest
ed at Denver, and Lillian Stephenson,
who was arrested with him, arrived in
Omaha from that city Sunday after
noon. The man was taken at once to the
federal building in the police auto,
where he was delivered over by the
Denver authorities to Marshall War
ner. From thence he was taken be
fore Commissioner Anderson, who
asked him his name.
"Jack Shelton," he replied. The war
rant read for "Jack Gordon."
Anderson asked him if he could
furnish $25,000 bonds and the prisoner
shook his head, whereupon the com
missioner gave him over to the custody
of Marshal Warner and ordered that
he be placed in the county jail. He
said that no examination, would be
heard at that time, it being the Sab
bath, but that the hearing would be
at 10 o'clock. It will probably be post
poned, however, as Shelton says he is
not ready.
The woman, who was not in irons,
but traveled rather more in the guise
of an honored guest was also brought
before Anderson and held asa witness
for the examination. She was placed
in the mantron's department' of the
county jail and the matron instructed
to give her the best of everything.
Shelton was placed in a cell opening
off the jail office and far away from
the other three suspects. He is a
quiet young man, apparently between
23 to 27 years of age. He was not
particularly well dressed, but is un
questionably the man in the famous
photo. Judging from his appearance
the police and other officials are again
inclined to doubt that he is Gordon's
The woman appears to be about 30
years of age and is fairly attractive
and well dressed. She said that Lil
lian, Stephenson is her real name.
"I used to know him out in Spo
kane," she said, speaking of Shelton,
"and I met him again just a little
while ago at Denver. He said he had
been east but didn't say what for and
so I don't know anything about it"
Shelton and the woman were both
under heavy guards who were instruct
ed that absolutely no one should speak
to them.
Those who were on the Union Pa
cific train, which brought the suspect
to Omaha, say that as they whirled
past the very spot where the famous
hold-up occurred, Shelton peered out
the window with great interest and
The train was met at the station by
Special Agent Canada of the Union
Pacific, Marshall Warner, Captain
Jfostyn of the local police, several
postal inspectors and a Pinkerton
man. No one aside from these and
the press had heard that the suspects
were coming and they were hustled
away before the gathering crowd had
time to realize what was transpiring.
Statistics for 1908 Show
crease in Birth Rate.
Paris. The vital statistics of
France, which in 1907 showed an ex
cess of 19,892 deaths over births for
that year, a fact that led to the most
pessimistic predictions for the future
of the French race, have now been
published for 1908. Their study
brings to light more reassuring official
figures and shows an excess of 46,441
births over deaths for that year.
Government Will Adopt Measures to
Prevent Use of Impure Stuff.
Washington. Radical changes in old
regulations regulating the sale of vi
ruses, serums, toxins and analogous
products have been made In the new
set of regulations just promulgated
by a government board of officers. The
new regulations are the outgrowth of
the recent outbreak of the foot and
mouth disease in cattle, it- having
been discovered that in all probability
the disease was caused by the impor
tation from abroad of infected vaccine
Cudahy Company Pays Tax.
Topeka. That the Cudahy Packing
company has paid $82,000 to the gov
ernment this being the amount due
under the indictments secured against
the company for alleged violation of
the internal revenue laws, was an
nounced by United States District At
torney H. J. Bone.
Canada Taking Our Products.
Washington. Merchandise from the
United States forms a steadily in
creasing share of the imports of
Canada, as shown by figures from
Canadian official publications, just re
ceived by the Bureau of Statistics ol
the Department of Commerce and La
bor. Imports from the United States
to. Canada increased from 34.03 per
cent of the total importations of Ca
nada in 1869 to 60.4 per cent in the
fiscal year ending March 31, 1909,
while imports from Great Britain have
decreased 23.69 per cent.
West Point Commencement.
Annapolis. In an address to gradu
ates at the naval academy Congress
man J. Van Vrechten Olcott of Nen
York tol) them that it was not -fait
that they should be forced to go on
shipboard until midshipmen and dc
two years service before becoming
commissioned officers.
Promote Nebraska Offices.
Washington. The postoflice depart
ment announces that' the offices at
O'Neill, Seward, Superior and Wahoc
are raised from third to second class
The changes become effective July 1
What Is Going on Here and There
That is of Interest to the Read-
Throufhout Ne
braska. Ashland, Neb. The university ca
dets arrived in Ashland Wednesday
afternoon on Burlington train No. 2
and marched to the camp in the city
park there were about 300 in the first
battalion. It is understood that the
Pershing rifles will arrive Thursday,
marching overland from Lincoln. Ri
fle practice will be held'at the govern
ment range on Platte river.
On Saturday next, a. baseball game
between the teams of-the State univer
sity and Ames Agricultural college
will be played at the city park. The
cadets will break camp Tuesday, at
which time the Omaha high school ca
dets will go into camp at the city park
for a week.
The third battalion of the Sixteenth
infantry, United States army, began
arriving in Ashland Wednesday, via
via Louisville frora Ft. Crook and at
once went into camp at the govern
ment range north of the city. Target
practice will begin at once. The sec
ond battalion wssv in camp at the
range from the last .of April until last
Wrestles With Murder Case.
Minden, Neb. Arguments m the
Bert Taylor murder case ended Wed
nesday and the case was given to the
jury at noon.
In the closing argument the defense
made a strong plea for a term cf life
imprisonment fcr their client It was
admitted that Taylor was guilty of the
crime be is accused of, but intoxica
tion and temporary insanity were giv
en as reasons for the jury to return
a life sentence instead of the death
penalty. A life sentence was all the de
fense asked.
The state demanded the death pen
alty. The attorneys claimed that the
enormity of the crime would not be
satisfied by a life sentence.
It is now generally believed that the
jury, will consider the merits of the
case for several hours before giving its
verdict, since it has apparently to
decide only between imprisonment for
life, or the death penalty.
Company Incorporates.
Alnsworth, Neb. The- AInsworth
Electric Light and Power com
pany was oarganized and incor
ported here with a capital stock
of $60,000. The incorporators are: F.
W. Sellers, president .and general man
ager; R. F. Osborne, vice-president;
W. H. Williams, secretary; R. S. Ris
ing, treasurer; ---J. B. Finiley and
Charles Howe, directors. It is pro
posed to build a dam across Plum
creek at a point about fourteen miles
northwest of town and bring the pow
er in on cables. Engineers are now on
the grounds making plans for the dam,
which is to be thirty feet high. The
grounds have been inspected by com
petent engineers and it is estimated
that 400 horse power will be devel
oped. The building of the dam will
produce a lake of over fifty acres. This
will be stocked with bass and crop
pie. It will also be one of the finest
pleasure resorts in northern Nebraska.
Robbers Got Little.
Omaha, Neb. It was anounced by
the postoflice authorities Monday that
the actual cash secured by the robbers
who held up the Overland Limited on
the Union Pacific railroad ten days
ago. amounted to a trifle less than
Reports have been received from all
the points where the stolen registered
packages originated. About $200 was
received from the three men under ar
rest charged with the robbery.
Locate New College.
Fremont, Neb. Beginning August 1
Fremont will have a new institution
known as the Fremont business col
lege. The firm,t consisting of A. E. Ed
wards and Charles W. Rousb. has rent
ed the entire lower floor of the Morse
building at 'Fifth 'and Broad streets.
The school will give instruction in the
various commercial courses. Mr. Ed
wards and Mr. Rouse are at present
located at Grand Island.
Want Municipal Lights.
Central City. A petition has been
circulated, having for its object the
calling of a special election at which
a bond, issue for a municipal electric
lighting plant will be voted upon. The
cost of such a plant is estimated at
$20,000, and in case of its installa
tion it would also furnish power for
the city water works- system.
Police Arrested Three Boys.
Norfolk, Neb. The, Norfolk police
unearthed a gang cf boy bandits, who,
according to confessions of two, have
systematically robbed stores, beer
vaults and merchandise cars for some
months. They led dime novel careers,
holding headquarters in barns and ice
houses. Older members of the gang
threatened to kill the younger boys
In the gang who should reveal the
gang's deeds.,Horace and Gilbert Case,
twelve and fourteen, were jailed in a
separate cell from Emery Bonney,
because they saidj Bonney bad threat
ened to kill them" for telling.
Student Becomes Insane.
Broken Bow. Saturday, while
Charles Roaderick, one of the students
in the business college here, was pur
suing his studies, he suddenly became
violently insane and bad to be re
moved from the building by force.
The first intimation the other stu
dents had that anything was wrong
with the boy was when he commenced
tearing cu his hair, becoming rapidly
violent after that. When brought be
fore the examining board it was found
that the case was a serious one.
Roaderick was accordingly taken to
the asylum at Hastings
State News and Nates in Condensed
Wahoo will celebrate Independence
day on July 5th, in the good old-fashioned
C. M. Cunningham was appointed
postmaster at Empire, Sioux county,
vice H. B. Cunningham, resigned. "
The Platte and Elkhorn rivers are
both swollen as a result of heavy
rains in the western part of the state.
Wayland Willey, of - Pender, has
purchased a farm of 288 acres seven
miles east of Lyons at a cost of over
A Greek section hand named Keria
kos Lycougiotis was killed by train
No. 7 on the Union Pacific about three
miles east of Central City.
The contract has just been let to
a Fremont contractor for the erection
of a new brick building by the First
National bank at Arlington.
' The work of excavating for the new
Odd Fellows building at Hastings has
been completed and the -work of con
struction will be pushed rapidly.
For the second time within four
months the dam at Neligh went out
about midnight Saturday, entailing a
loss to S. F. Gilman of over $5,000.
The bond proposition for building
an addition to the high school build
ing was carried at the special elec
tion at Friend by more than three to
The First National Bank oft Cam
bridge is preparing to erect one of
the finest Dank buildings in western
Nebraska. It will be made of pressed
The pbstofllce department announces
that the offices at O'Neill, Seward, Su
perior and Wahoo are raised from
third to second class. To become ef
fective July 1. '
F. J. Buck, a pioneer of Cuming
county and a member of the soldiers'
relief commission for Cuming county,
has suffered a stroke of paralysis.
Hopes are entertained of his recov
ery. He is a veteran of the Civil war.
The farmers west of Lyons have to
replant their corn. The area affected
is approximately 2,000 acres, caused
by negligence in testing seed before
planting. No other neighborhoods are
replanting except some farmers on the
Indian reservation.
Lighting struck and damaged the
Christian church of Memphis to the
extent of $50. A severe wind storm
struck the vicinity just south of Mem
phis. Trees were broken and several
small buildings were blown to the
Several important deals In Merrick
county farm and residence property
were consummated this week. Joseph
Marca purchased of G. M. Brown a
160-acre farm seven miles west of
Central City at $80 an acre, while the
other three quarters of the same sec
tion were sold to a gentleman by the
name of Ruttenbach from Seward for
$70 an acre. An adjoining 160 acres
was sold to the firm of Sloan & Davis
of Columbus for $75 an acre.
D. C. Cole of Peru, who is probably
the oldest .notary public, in Nebraska,!.
has challenged others to snow a long
er continuous service. He has writ
ten the secretary of state for a re
newal of his commission and has
forwarded the necessary fee. He
writes: "I have been a notary since
Nebraska was made a state and some
time before in the territory, and do
not wish to quit. now. See your rec
ords and let me know how many
more now living have held as long."
Nider & Henrichs closed a deal
for the transfer of 200 acres of Jeffer
son county land at $100 an acre. The
improvements on this place are only
ordinary and the purchase price is
considered the real worth of the land
alone. This tract is located two and
one-half miles from Jensen, near the
Peter Jensen section, which sold last
December for $64. The farm was
the property of Fred Fiene and the
purchasers were George and Cornelius
Johnson. This is the second largest
land deal ever made in this county.
Unless the present movement in fa
vor of water works for Diller takes
a sudden turn that village will soon
be provided with ample fire protection.
A special bond election has been
called for June 22 to vote a $13,
000 bond issue for the purpose of in
stalling a water works system. A
committee has been working lately in
vestigating the various systems of the
state and everything is in readiness
to begin installing the system just as
soon as' the bond issue carries, which
it will undoubtedly do.
William Henderson of Grant coun
ty, sentenced to five years in the pen
itentiary for a criminal assault upon
Emma C. Bliss, has appealed to the
supreme court for a reversal of the
judgment and 'dismissal of the case.
Secretary of State Junkin took in
enough license fees from the owners
of automobiles during the month of
May to pay his salary and the salaries
of all of his office force for that month.
From this source $832.25 was realized.
The total fees of the office for May
amounted to $3,505.80.
Ainsworth is having a grand boom
in the building line. There have been
over thirty new dwelling houses gone
up and are going up. Ezra Couplin, a
dairyman, is putting up a fine cement
block dwelling and the Baldwin
brothers have commenced the erec
tion of their fine two-story cement
block, 55x100 feet, on the southwest
corner of Main and Second streets.
The Farmers' Co-Operative company
a large mercantile establishment of
Lyons, has been taken charge of by
a trustee, and it is said a receiver
may be appointed.
The little six-year-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Harmon, of Au
burn, was attacked by a squirrel and
was bitten seven times. Her shrieks
brought a neighbor woman, who suc
ceeded in killing the squirrel after a
long fight.
John Buhr, a prosperous farmer liv
ing in the southern part of Adams
county, was instantly kiled by being
kicked by a horse. He was plowing
in a field when he started to adjust
the traces. While he was bent over
one of the hones kicked him in the
Doings of the State Officials .and
Other Happenings That Are
of Statewide Im
portance. Small Boost for Railroads.
A net increase of $1,185,694 in the
assessed valuation of all the railroads
in the state was made Wednesday by
the state board of assessment and
equalization.. "This' makes the as
sessed, or one-fifth value of all railroad
property $54,583,666. The full or ac
tual value of all railroad property was
increased from $266,988,860 to $272,
918,330, or an increase of $5,923,470 in
the full value.
The Burlington road was raised the
most The board added $3,119,630 to
its full valuation; $1,823,925 was add
ed to the full value of the Union Pa
cific, and $1,598,055 was added to the
full value of the Northwestern road.
The Northwestern read was raised the
first time in many years. The Missouri
Pacific road, which soon intends to
reorganize and absorb auxiliary com
panies and issue added stocks and
bonds for improvement of the system,
was the first road to get a reduction
since the new revenue law went into
effect. Its full valuation was reduced
$613,140, or from an assessed of $37,
200, a mile to $35,200 a mile.
The assessed value of the North
western was increased from $33,500
per mile to $34,000 per mile. Governor
Shallenberger wanted to increase it
to $37,500 a mile. The assessed value
of the Burlington was increased from
$40,875 a mile to $42,000 on motion of
Secretary of State Junkin. If the
names of the members of the board
had been -called in their order the mo
tion might not have been carried, ac
cording to the belief of persons pres
ent. The total valuation of the Union Pa
cific was increased from $73,933,400
to $75,767,325. The main line is left
the same as last year ata full valu
ation of. $107,500 per mile was added
to the Central City branch, and some
of the O'Fallon branch that was re
cently built was atided to the lines tc
be assessed. The Burlington was in
creased $1,125 a mile, assessed value,
and the Northwestern $1,500 a mile.
State Depositories Full.
State Treasurer Brian reports an
overflowing lot of state depositories
In his monthly report for May. He
is flush with money on account of
having in his care $301,279 of tem
porary scnool funds which is soon
to be apportioned under the law pro
viding for a semi-annual distribution
to- the various counties. He has a
total balance of $872,689 on hand and
of that amount only $626,000 is in
state -depositories' 'drawing interest.
He has outside of depositories $246,
689 in cash and cash items that is
not drawing interest For ordinary
times he has enough depositories.
These have to pay 3 per cent inter
est for state funds. If new deposi
tories were created for the purpose
of caring for the cash that is tem
porarily on hand it would hardly
pay them to go to the trouble of
paying a guaranty bond for all the
deposits they would get during a
Names Fifteen.
The Nebraska Osteopathic associa
tion Sold its annual meeting in Lin
coln Saturday. About fifty physicians
were present from nearly every part
of the state.
The association named fifteen mem
bers as candidates for the state
board of osteopathy. Out of this
number the governor will be asked
to choose five. Those who were
named 'by the association are E. B.
Cramb of Lincoln, E. K. Struble of
Hastings, C. B. Appen of Omaha. J
M. Kilgore of York, W. H. Cobble
of Fremont B. F. Peterson of Kear
ney, Clara Hardy of Beatrice. Laura
Cramb of Fairbury. A. M. Donoboc
of Omaha, Dr. Hunt of Omaha. Dr
Ireland of Kearney, Dr. Davis of Lin
coin, and Dr. Morse of Ashland.
National Guard Instrucit-i.
Capt William K. Jones, company L
Third batallion. Sixth United States
infantry, has been detailed as In
structor for the annual encampment
of the Nebraska national guard, whicfc
will be held at Ashland July 20 tc
29. Adjutant General Hartigan asked
for the assignment of two reguali
army officers not above the rank ol
captain. Captain Jones is on duty at
Fort Missoula, Mont. He has sees
service in the Philippines.
Flag Day Proclamation.
Governor Shallenberger's flag day
proclamation, by mistake, designater
June 15 as the day to be observed. He
has corrected the proclamation to cal'
for observance June 14.
National Guard Staff Officers.
A general order being prepared b?
Adjutant General John C. Hartigar
notifies the Nebraska National guarc'l
that Brigadier General Joseph A
Storch of Fullerton has appointe
the following brigade staff: Major
Howard H. Antlers, Major Charles
H. Dean of Lincoln, commissary:
Major Morgan J. Flaherty of Fuller
ton, quartermaster; First Lieutenan1
E. W. Smith of Fullerton and Firs
Lieutenant Harry Schmidt of Kear
ney, aides.
Low Rates, More Business.
That a reduction of rates does no
necessarily mean a reduction of in
come or profits is shown by the com
pilation of the receipts of express
companies, made by the state rallwaj
commission. The increase in in
come of all express companies
doing business in Nebraska on bott
state and interstate business for the
year ending April 1, 1909, over tht
previou year, was $293,363.80. Ii
some cases operating expenses de
creased. ,
"Why, uncle, how are all the folks?"
They're all well, thanks, 'cent Bill
He's got the baseball fever!"
Baby Boy Had Intense Itching Humor
Scratched Till Bloed Ran.
Found a Cure in Cutlcura.
"Our son, two years old. was afflicted
with a rash. After he suffered with
the Arouble several weeks I took him
to the doctor but it got worse. Th
rash ran together and made large
blisters. The little fellow didn't want
to do anything but scratch and we had
to wrap his hands up to keep him
from tearing the flesh open till the
blood would run. The itching was in
tense. The skin on his back became
hard and rough like the bark of a
tree. He suffered Intensely for about
three months. But I fcund a remedy
in Cutlcura Soap and Cuticura Oint
ment. The result was almost mag
ical. That was more than two years
ago and there has not been the slight
est symptom of it since he was cured.
J. W. Lauck, Yukon, Okla., Aug. 28
and Sept 17, 1908."
Fotter Dng a Cam. Corp, Sols Prop. Bcctoa.
Prominent Women Aid Good Cause.
A large number of women occupy
ing prominent positionsin society, or
ea the stage, are taking an active in
terest In the anti-tuberculosis cam
paign. Mrs. W. K. Vanderbilt has re
cently given $1,000,000 for sanitary
homes for consumptives. Mrs. Keith
Spalding of Chicago has erected a
sanitarium for the Chicago Tuberculo
sis institute at a cost of about $50,
000; Mrs. Collis P. Huntington and
Mrs. Borden Harriman have given
largely to the consumption fight in
Porto Rico, Mrs. Albert Norton Wood,
wife of a prominent army officer sta
tioned at San Juan, has stirred the en-
tire island through the anti-tubercu-'
losis crusade she inaugurated. Mma.
Emma Calve is a most enthusiastic
worker, and has given largely of her
talent and money for the relief of
tuberculosis sufferers, and Miss Olga
Nethersole has even lectured before
the public on tuberculosis.
Englishman's Withering Reply.
The best of us sometimes forget the
earn in our own eyes while we search
for a mote in another's. An American
traveling abroad met an Englishman
with the rather remarkable name of
Pthorne, which was pronounced
"What's the good of the 'PT" the
American queried; "yon don't pro
nounce it, do you?"
The Englishman gazed at him with
the manner of one who, while he
pities,' is bored.
"What's the good of h' in 'orse?"he
questioned, convincingly. Spare Mo
menta. Obedience.
Prompt and unquestioning obedi
ence is the corner stone of the foun
dation of succes in life. No man can
give orders properly who has not
learned to take them, and "save he
serve, no man may rule." It will be
found that the men who have won
then- way to positions of power and
responsibility have Invariably been
the men who did not reason or argue
or even "respectfully represent," but
who promptly did as they were com
manded without questioning. It Is
the large man, not the little man, who
recognizes a superior authority.
Predatory Instincts.
The inherited predatory tendency of
men to seize upon the fruits of other
people's labor is still very strong, and
while we have nothing more to fear
from kings, we may yet have trouble
enough from commercial monopolies
and favored industries, marching to
the polls their hordes of bribed retain
ers. Well, indeed, has it been said
eternal vigilance is the price of liber
ty. God never meant that in this fair
but treacherous world In which he has
placed us we should earn salvation
without steadfast labor. John FIske.
It Is Often Found in Pure Food.
The improper selection of food
drives many a healthy person Into the
depths of despairing illness. Indeed,
much sickness comes from wrong food
and just so surely as that is the case
right food will make the sun shine
once more.
An old veteran of Newburyport,
Mass., says: "In October, I was taken
sick and went to bed, losing 47 pounds
in about 60 days. I had doctor after
doctor, food hurt me and I had to live
almost entirely on magnesia and soda.
All solid food distressed me so that,
water would run out of my mouth in
little streams.
"I had terrible night sweats, and my
doctor finally said I had consumption
and must die. My good wife gave up
all hope. We were at Old Orchard,
Me., at that time and my wife saw
Grape-Nuts in a grocery there. She
bought some and persuaded me to
try it
"I had no faith in it, but took it to
please her. To my surprise it did not
distress me as all other food had done
and before I had taken the fifth pack
age I was well on the mend. The pains
left my head, my mind became clearer
and I gained weight rapidly.
"I went back to my work again and
now after six weeks' use of the food
I am better and stronger than ever be
fore in my life. Grape-Nuts surely
saved my life and made me a strong
hearty man, 15 pounds heavier than
before I was taken ill.
"Both my good wife and I are will
ing to make affidavit to the truth of
Read "The Road to Wellville," in
pkgs. "There's a reason."
Erer read fae abTe letter f A New
aae appear fraac flare to tlaie. They
tj gtiitat, irae, aaa fall af aaa
Ss treat.
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