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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1909)
"i ? - t 1 f -j.- : .aalSaansp - & i.-v 'rat " s BBBBBW' SW BW " r . . SB K. N SSf.-lV' iC . -- . .A 1 1 k m ' vY -?.- .. . . .. - i ' 1 " ' Consolidated with the Colua bus Times April 1, 1904; with the Platte County Argus January 1, 1906. :. -' FORTlETtl YEAR. NUMBER 10. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1909. WHOLE NUMBER 1,960. uit it m ras ; : t aa ac - . it ft 11 i"iirft I e2?'?: m . 1 3 :.. r '. v 1 W- -'.?:-'' ft, 3" ?n 1 1 - rf'v-flW2- .4 V- -5i ; -y , fa TORNADO 2 may come any time m m 9 41 INSURE before it comes Ml e m m m m m RATES LOW BECKER, HDCKENBERGER & CHAMBERS COLUMBUS MABQT8. Oate 49 Wheat $1.17 Corn 62 Hogs, top $6 85 MAKY TEAKS AGO. ltl!lllMUHMImMraaMMi E li Files of The Journal Jane 9. 1875. It is a little strange to eee timid passen gers on the U. P. cars shrink at the sight of tame eqaaws that oome up and ask them for paupeechea. Messrs. Turner & Hulst of this place have 270 sheep nnder the care of G. D. Qrant. They have completed shearing and the estimated average per fleece is not less than Ave pounds. The shearer the other day was handling one of the sheep and remarked its light weight, saying he didn't believe it would weigh more than thirty poands, but it sheared live and three-fourth pounds of excellent wool. The house where Mr. Nich Speilman lives north of Shell Greek, was struck by lightning on Monday night of last week splitting the house, going through the wall like a cannon ball, striking a pair of side bars, and running into the ground. A cat under the bed on which Mr. lying was killed, and a dog outside the house met the same fate, but, strange to say, none of the five persons in the house were hurt, though Mr. S. was strongly charged with electricity. Band Concert. The Oity Band will render the follow ing programme in the park on Friday evening. June 11. 1. March "Kaiser Friedrich" Friedemann 2. Overture "Jolly Robbers". . .Suppe 3. 4 5. 6. 7. Selection -"Bohemian Girl". . . Balfe Waltz "Wiener Blut" StrauES March -The Magnet". Blozy Selection "Dear Old Germany" ." Ascher March "Oanton Halifax" Hall America. Marriage Licenses. Ben N. Fyfe, Columbns 21 Louise M. Kohler, Columbus 19 Walter T. Meissler, Columbus Emma C. Scbreiber, Oolumbus... Emll V. Gutzmiller, Oolumbus... Emma L Schober, Columbus John A. XicodemuB, Gibbon Mary A. Nicodemus, Pierce Arthur H. Jackson, Croston Agnes L Moran, Creston , William Lange, Columbus Wilbelmia Behlen, Columbus 23 23 28 19 43 43 21 18 2(i 25 Advertised Letters. Following is a list of unclaimed mail matter remaining in the post office at Columbus, Nebraska, for the period end meJune9. 1909: Letters Maud Baldwin. John Dodge, Blanch Goodwin, Anton Hacke. G A Hume, Wm Koell 2, Mrs Martha Leon ard, B T Miles, Mrs Hannah O'Connor, Vernon Perrine, Mrs Emma Thompson, Frank Worn. Cards Misa Angie Davis, Miss Ethel Munick, Vernon Perrine. Parties calling for any of the above will please say advertised. Carl Krahkk, P. M. All the latest shades and styles in WALL PAPER d Decorating Sip Writias a Socially KAVANAUGH &BETXERTON fr Now Unit school is out. ihejiciping of train by small boys is rapidly be coming a nnixHucft Every day a uuin ber of buys iuke practice of taking a ride oc the freights as they go through town, and. the narrow escapes from being ground under the wheels are numerous. Not long ago a little fellow undertook to board a train which was going at a great er speed than he anticipated, and he could not retain bis hold on the ladder being thrown clear across another track. Fortunately for him he was thrown away from the train, otherwise there would have been a coroner's inquest. Some time ago a number of these boys were taken in and given a good talking to, and for awhile they refrained from the pastime of hopping trains. But as their companions still continue the practice, it will be a short time until they are at it again. TLe last legislature passed a law calculated to put a stop to boys jumping trains, and in self defense the company is going to take vigorous action in the matter, as should one of them fall under the wheels it "would mean a big damage suit, all through the negligence of the parents and the boys. And it seems strange, but it is a fact, that parents will resent punishment of their children by railroad .employes, when they are caught on trains. About the only reme dy that will stop this juming on trains is a trip to the police court, and those who like to enjoy a ride on freights had better take warning, as it will come to this sooner than they expect. While The State Journal has been one of the leading papers of the state for nearly forty years, yet its most rapid growth has been recently, during which time it has come to be recognized by many as neorasaas greatest paper, making most of things that interest Ne- braskans most, in this way creating a place for itself in the daily life of thou sands of Nebraska homes. The country press generally could be quoted aa say ing that the ediEorial page of The Jour nal is exceptionally strong and fearlessly independent. It is also unusally bright, Bixby himself being a gem. No writer in Nebraska ever had the warm admira tion of so many people as Bixby. His column in The Journal is alone worth the price of the paper. Bis wholesome philosophy will put sunshine and cheer into the most chronic grouch. The state university, the state house and all the other public institutions at Lincoln mase xne journal peculiarly a paper for state people. It is clean, excluding ' .ltiimW .h ;mn m;.i .au t ing. Its sporting department is olever and there with the goods. More money is spent for state telegraphic news than by other state dailies. If you want to known what is happening in Nebraska, as well as the whole world, The Lincoln Journal is the paper for you. Why not give it this trial subscription? Word received by Columbus friends tells of the death of D. N. Miner on May 30, at the home of his con, Cbas. T. Miner at 415 Vine street. Kansas City, Mo. Funeral services were held on June 2. Mr. Miner was a resident of this city for a good many years, and from here he went to Council Bluffs, go ing to the home of his son a short time ago, where he died. Mr. Miner was born Nov. 28, 1838, at Unity.ColumbianB coun ty, Chio. He enlisted in Company H, Fifteenth Ohio Volunteer Infantry September 7. 18G1, was discharged and re enlisted as a veteran volunteer, serv ing in all four years and eleven months. His enlistment was at Van Wert. Ohio He returned from the war and married Cora A. Crumrin. In June, 1871. they came to Columbus with their five mon ths' old babe, now Mrs. Fred McMulIen. Other children were Charles now living in Kansas Oity, Mrs. 31 elvin Dotson and Mrs. Harvey Farrel!, of Council Bluffs, and George, who is with his mother in the same city. Mr. Miner had been in poor health 8,11 last winter, due to old age, and while he seemed to get better with the approaching warm weather, he did not regain strength. Old soldiers acted as pall bearers at his funeral, and members of the army of the Philippines took part in the exercises at the grave. While fishing in a pond near the Loup river last Wednesday afternoon, Frank Schemmerhorn discovered a complete outfit of children's clothing, including a pair of shoes, in the edge of the water. They bad evidently been worn by a girl of about twelve to fourteen years old, and the wearer was of a well to-do fam ily. Thinking that someone bad been drowned, Mr. Schemmerhorn brought the clothing to town and turned it over to 8heriff Carrig, who caused a thorough search of the pond to be made by drag ging. Nothing rewarded this search, however, but authorities are still en deavoring to locate the owner of the clothing and clear up the mystery. Some say that a band of gypsies, which passed through the city Tuesday, left the clothing there in order to cover up the idenity of some child they had stolen while others are inclined to think that some littlegirl was bathing in the pond, and when the man unexpectedly appeared bid in the buBhes and remained there until nightfall and returned home. If someone was drowned is the pond, and there are places or a depth that the drag netwasmnable to reach, the body will rise to surface within the next few days. Aa effort to learn of a missing child in this locality has been unavailing, and this makes the finding of the clothes of a mystery. Dra. Paul aad Matzea, Deatiata. Or. Vallier, OaUopath.' Barter block. Try a 5c ice cream soda at Poesch's, Dr. W. H. Slater, veUnaarian, phone 96. - Firat-claas printing dose at the Jour nal oSoe. See the Oolumbus Hide Go. before you sell your iron and junk. Dr. D. T. Martyn returned Sunday from a trip to Chicago. Crushed rock salt for hides, and for stock. Colambus Hide Co. A special ice cream for parties, every day,' at Hagel's bowling and billiard par lors. For fine watch, clock and jewelry re pairing, try Carl Froemel, the Eleventh street jeweler. Dr. C. H. Campbell, eye. noae and throat specialist. Glasses properly fitted. Office 1215 Olive street Friday afternoon the Commercial club of Tacoma, Wash , paaaed through this city on a special train over the Union Pacific, bound for the east. Mr. and Mm M. J. Kelley of Chicago are rejoicing over the arrival of a son at their hone ob June 0, and Postmaster Kramer also wears a smile aa it is hia first grand child. The dance given at the home of C. C. Moore last Saturday evening, four miles north of town was largely attended. several town routs attending and a very good time was reported. Victor Schober of Cambridge arrived last Thursday to attend the wedding of his sister. Miss Emms, to Eaail Gutz- miller, which will be solemnized at St. Bonoventura church Wednesday, June 9. Dr. C. D. Evans and family left Mon day for Oulver, Ind., where they will at tend the graduation exercises of the Culver military academy, where North Evans graduates this year. They will be absent one week. Mrs. J. M. Curtis, formerly of this city now living at Fond du Lac, Minnesota, will sail from New York Jane 12,. on the ocean liner Cincinnati for Germany, to visit her only sister whom she has not seen in thirteen years. She expects to return in September. The heavy rain of Sunday night I - cnnk MrAh -. 4bVa Amm4aab T" c ""T w """ budding the new,storea on.Ohve. street The excavation was partly, filled with water, and one side of the large lime pit was washed ont, letting considerable lime fall into the excavation. Word received by Perry Losbaugh told of the death of his brother, Levi Loahbaogh,. at Everett, Wash., last Fri day night. Mr. Loshbaugb was a resi dent of this city for a number of years prior to 1889, when he left for the west and has since made it bis home. Friday morning Sheriff Oarng took Joseph Hoffman and Ed Tschudy to Lincoln to begin their sentences receiv ed at the last term of district court for stealing copper wire from the Union Pacific. The former will serve two years and a half and the latter eighteen mon ths. W. F. Lobr returned Monday from Brady Island, where he has been getting acquainted with his first grand child, a daughter having been born to Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Clark on May 31. Mr. Clark was operator at the Union Pacific here for some time before being transferred to Brady Island. Ever since he fell on an toy walk last winter, George Bloedorn has suffered with sn injured knee, and is compelled to use a pair of crutches. In hope of securing relief sad be able to use the limb, he leaves Thursday for 8t. Louis, where he will undergo sn operation on the injured member. After a separation of two years John A. Nicodemus and Mary A. Nioodemua concluded to be remarried, and last Bat day they called on Judge Batterman for the license and also requested him to perform the ceremooy. Mr. Nicodemus gave his residence ss Gibbon and Mrs. Nicodemus gave hers ss Pierce. Saturday and Sunday Union Pacific Agent Brown and his assistants moved from the old depot into the temporary structure on the east-side of North streetwhere they will be located until the new depot is finished. The contract ors are now tearisg dowa a portion of the old building so the new part can be built on to it. A siren whistle oa the locomotive pall ing a Shrisera' special train, which pass ed through the city Saturday night, caused a number of the fireman to get ready to turn out, as it sounded exactly like the city irs whistle. Bat there wss only one long blast sad no district sounded, the firs boy soon discovered that it was a false alarm. While coasting along a smooth piece of road on his motor oyele. aad aaddealy coming to a place where some work had been done recently, Bev. Late of Shelby' was thrown from the maehiae and seri ously isjured. The aomdeat was caassd by him betas; uaableto stop the maehiae aadheraaiato aa obstruction. He was brought to 8k Mary's hospital for treat eat, aad it will he several weeks before he will be able toretara to Shelby aad resume his datiea. Every Family Psys for a home, at least ones. If you pay for yoar home through The Equitable. BuUdiag.iLoan and Savings Association you pay for it but once sad it is yours. If you continue to rent, you pay for a borne every few years but it still remains the pro perty of the landlord. If you are paying for a home for yoar land lord, call at our office and ws will explain to yon how you can pay for a home of your own. The Equitable" BiiliitcLiai&SifiifsAssi Office with ELLIOTT, SPEICE & CO. P. O. Block Dr. Neumann, Dentist 13 St. Dra. Martyn, Evans & Ireland. Dr, Morrow, office Lueechen building. Try a 5c ice cream soda at Poesch's. Four room house for rent. Elliott, Speice & Co. Dr. C. A. Alteoburger, office in new State Bank building. Dra. Carstenson it Hyland, Veterinar ians. Both phones 212. Dr. D. T. Martyn. jr., office new Oolum bus State Bank building. . " C C. Gray reports 1.07 inches of rain fall for Sunday night and Monday morn ing. For rent, three rooms, for further in formation inquire of Miss Jennie Wise man. It pays to sell your bides where you can get the most money from them. See Oolumbus Hide 06. Found, a gold cuff button. Owner maybave same by calling at this office and paying for this notice. Lester Belford, who is in the employ of an express company at Chicago, is at home spending a twomonths' vacation, with his parents.' Mrs. Edna Bishop and Miss Gladys Getts of Denver arrived last Saturday for a three weeks visit with her sister, Mrs. D.D.D. Boyd. Mrs. E. H. Jenkins and Mrs.L. Laugh lin went to Platte Center Wednesday morning and will visit their friend Mrs. Emil Sohoen several days. s Last week 8. Bordy purchased the building he now occupies with his dry goods and clothing store at 419 Eleventh street, the consideration being $4,000. Postmaster Kramer, accompanied by his daughter, Miss Florence, are in Lin coln this week attending a convention of the postmasters' association, of which he isa member of the executive committee. H. F. E. O'Neill, general secretary of the railroad Y. M. C A. of Pittsburg, was iu the city Sunday and Monday, the guest of his cousin. 0. E. Devlin. Mr. O'Neill was attending the conference of Y. M. 0. A. secretaries in Omaha. The Fisher divorce case, in which Anns Fischer asked for a legal separation from Mr. Fischer, was up before Judge Thomas last week. Mrs. Fischer's peti tion wss dismissed, and the divorce granted, the court giving .Mr. Fischer the custody of the children, end he is to pay $600 permanent alimony, besides the temporary alimony. Monday of this week Emma Penner, George Randall and Lulu Severn were before Police Judge O'Brien on the ohargeof maintaining and being inmates of a house of ill fame, the complaint be ing filed by E. E. Williams. The de fense did not introduce any witnesses, and the judge discharged the Penner woman, and fined Mrs. Severn $10 and costs, amounting to $17.10, and Randall was taxed $25 and costs, amounting to $41.60, which were paid. I CHERRIES Will soon be ripe. Cherry Stoners from etc and up the GODDELL, the RODMAN and the ENTERPRISE. The Security Step Ladders from 4 feet to 12 feet high. The kind that will hold you up aad aot get rickety. Price per foot, 20c GRAY'S BVaasts" -r With The-Fireaaen's League. Sunday was the first double header for the Firemen's league, "the Hooktes playing both Jlose companies. In the first game the' Hookies were, successful, winaiag by a score of 7 to 6 from No. 2's It was a good game, and iaterasiiag all the way through. Batteries Hookies, Heeer, Dolan, Hirsbbranaer. No. 2a Otto Boettcber, John Staub. Walter Boettcher, Albert Kurt. Umpire. Ed Branigan. In the second game the No. l's were pitted agsiaat the winners of the first game, the Hookies, and they succeeded in taking the game .from the victors by a score of 7 to 3. The batteries in the sec ond game were: Hookies. Heuer, Do lan, Haney and Hirshbrunner; No. l's, Becher and Graves. Umpire, Walter Boettcher. The result of Sundays games pnta the No. l's in the lead, with the Hookies se cond and with exactly the same percent age as before, end the No. 2's are now the tail enders. Next Sunday another double header is scheduled, this time the No. l's, the leaders, play the two games, the first, with Hose Company No. 2, and the second one with the Hookies, These games will also be good ones and there will be a obange in the standing of the if the Hookies sad No. 2's have anything to say about it. 80 far, the teams have been pretty even, and- the games were well worth the price of admission. Following is the standing of the teams: m rtJ TEAMS H- Hose Company No. 2.. HookiM..:?.. Hone Company No. 1.. 420 600 671 Route No. 3. Henry Behle erected a new windmill last week. Henry Bakenhussr., was in Columbus last Saturday. Carl Reins repot ta a good time at the dance Saturday night. Mrs. Cornelius Kusan visited Colum bus relstives last week. GusKunnemann is looking after hia mining interests in Colorado. " Mr. Muller was a pleasant caller at the J. D. Lnesohen home recently. DonoghuevBroe. end John Ideal were visiting on lower Shell cri The Bachelor girls entertained at the home of Pred Buss last Thursday even ing. A good many of the boys on the route attended the circus and they didn't go Slone. Prof. Schmieding attended the wed' ding of a friend at Germantown last Friday. Miss Mary Borohers returned Friday from a visit with friends at Fremont and Beatrice. J. F. Goedeken shipped a car of cattle to ooutn umaoa Monday accompanying the shipment. Who said we were going to have a dry season? Hurrah for Nebraska and lots of dollar wheat. The carrier met two eqneatriens one day last week: They said they were go ing, but didn't known where. Louie, Willie and Alfred Schroeder, Allen Hayes and Johnnie McAllister were visiting on 8bell creek Sunday. J. F. Dineen and Jacob Schwank drove over to their ranch northwest of Duncan 8unday, to look after their cattle. In oompanying with the recent orders of the post office department, patrons should take an example from the manner in which Henry Ba'rgmsnn and H. D. Claussen have put np their boxes. The parochial school closed last Thursday, and the annual picnic was held Sunday at Herman Garm's grove. There was an appropriate program, and also games and an abundant supply of refreshments. Route No. 4. W. H. Moore's new buildings are be ing painted. Mrs. Henry Kluever, who has been very sick the last ten days, is recovering - Mrs. J. J. Donoghue was suffering from a slight attack of the measles last week. The Misses Joan aud Nellie Dineen left Monday for Kearney, where they will attend the summer term of the nor- A good many farmer on the route were able to attend the circus, as the raias stopped them from working in the fields. Jacob floerle returned to her home in Clearwater, Neb., after a ten days' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mre.8mith flilliard. Congregational Church. Suaday school 9:45 Morning worship 11 Y. P. a C E 7 p.m. Evening worship 8 p. m. Svbjeot for moroiBg sermon The Creed of Jesus Immortality. Ia the eveaiag a programme will be rendered by the Sunday school children. We in vite you to these services. WrxxiAH L. DniLi, Pastor. Mi s Marguerite Becher, who has beea very sick at the Wise Memorial hospital at Omaha, a few weeks ago, arrived in the city last Monday, aad will bo doubt stay st home during the sammer, as she will be unable to resume her duties aa traiaed nurse, oa account of her recent illness. Some maa, who had loaded ap with too much obejoyfa), came near loaiag bis life Taetdsy eveaiag ia front of the Uako Pacific depot. All east bound passenger trains were late, so he con claded to wait aad tried to board a slow ly sieving freight. In this he was only successful so far as .getting hold of the ladder oa a car, from which he huBg with hie feet dragging almost under the wheels, asd jt looked for a few minutes as though he would lose his hold and be ground to pieces. Efforts to stop the train were in vain, until a brakemaa op ened the air hose, bringing the ears to s sudden atop. The man who caused all the excUraeat was taken in charge by the police and locked up for the night, and will later have an interview with the police judge. Those iaterested in the vicinity of Thirteenth and Quincy streets have asked the city council for an electric light at that point when the new lights sre put in, sad their request has been referred to the proper committee. Auto mobile drivers must reduce their speed to tea miles aa hour in the business dis trict, and fifteen miles an hour where the houses sre over one hundred feet apart. They must also use care in all cases where the tarffio is considerable. These are the main provisions of the ordiasn ce passed by the council. Councilman Clark suggested that' some riprspping be done along the river to protect property in the bottoms, as other work of this character in that locality bad proven very satisfactory. Dr.- F. H. Morrow, city physician, attend a meeting of city physicians in Omaha, at the expense of the oity. Sam Gass, jr., couBcilman for the Second ward, preseated his resi gnation on account of moving to the Fourth ward, but this was laid over un til the next meeting of the council, which will be held on June 18., That Platte county land is considered s gilt edge investment is indicated by the prices paid for the Sheridan land at the referee sale conducted by C. M. Gruentber Tuesday of this week. The ,qd home place, the southeast, quarter of sectibn'36 in Joliet township, was bought by Fred Gottscbalk or this city at $60.50 per acre. Paul Gertsch bought the southeast quarter of section 34, in the same township, for $63 per acre. The southwest quarter of section 33, in Joliet township, was purchased by Miss Emma 8heridan, the price being $57.50 per acre. Of the land located in Monroe township, M. Naneel bought eighty sores, the west half of the southwest quarter of section two. and gave $582 an acre for it, and the remaining forty acres in section three, was sold to NfIs Nelson for $66 per acre. With the exception of Mr Gottsohslk the purchasers were all neighbors and own land in that locality, and this fact more than anything else, establishes the value of the land. While the sale was very satisfactory to the heirs, the purchasers are also well pleas ed with their investment. Walker Township. We are having plenty of rain now. John Swanaon shipped a carload of cattle to South Omaha Tuesday. There is a good stand of corn. About half of the outfields is planted to corn. Mrs. John Swanaon returned Saturday from Genoa where she had been visiting relstives snd friends a few dsys. A'strawberry festival was held is the hall near the Salem church Thursday morning, snd everybody enjoyed it. Ohae. Larson has purchased the north half of the Christian Hendriokson place in See. 9. We have not learned the con sideration. Peter Jobnscn, L. Johnson and H. Thompson, clnbed together and shipped a carload of fat bogs to South Omaha Tuesday night. Route No. 1. a Wurdeman Bros, were marketing hogs Mondsy. D. G. Bartele and wife are at Tialey Park, UK, visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Mohlmsnn attend ed a wedding at Platte Center last Thurs day. Mr. and Mm. W. W. Butler or Lincoln visited over Sundsy with Mr. snd Mrs W. T. Ernst. Mrs. Ernst and Mr. But ler are sisters. Route No. 5. Fran Jahn has beea confined to bis home the last week. A good many faraiera on the route at tended the ciroue Tuesday. Harold Cockson has put a new roof on hie house aad also painted it t Paiatersare at Gus Hadwige ' and the school house in hie district baa also been freshened with a coat of paint. First Methodist Episcopal Church. The ssrsaon on Sunday naoraiBg will be'ThePowerof aTeatimoay." In the eveaiag the theme is The Bounds of a Happy Life." The choir will be assisted by Mrs. Lydia Worth Santa, who is one of the best soloists in Nebraska. DtnioHT I. Bousa, Pastor. Red Cedar Rakes Keep the moths away The most convenient and inexpensive form of moth ?revenUtive in the market ou can sprinkle it over any garment of anv de scription without the least fear of any ill effects from it, and the disagreable od or of moth balls is elimi nated to a great extent Prices, 15c per package, 2 for 25c POLLOCK & CO. The Druggist oa the Comer Columbus, Nebraska Bead concerts for this season will he gia this coBuag Friday eveaiag. the committee appointed to secure feeds. Messrs. Ksrrsad Walter, having seesr- ed pledges enough. The action ef the Commercial olub in seoariag the funds is ss it should be. as the bead boys have enough to look after without soliciting for the concerts. And the people of Colambus can expect some thing good in the line of masiotais summer, as the short time the beys have bees under the instruction of Prof. Paul, they hsve msde excellent pro- Tuesday was circas day aad the small boy, as well ss ansae of the older ones, eajoyed the event to the fullest extent Owing to the reseat rains the grenade could not be located north of the. city, as it wss too wet, so they pitched their tents in the pasture eoatheast of the city, near the river. This stakes sn ideal circus ground, although quite a distance from town, and afforded them plenty of fresh water for their stock. The ciroue brought the usual crowds, both from the country sad adjoiaisg towns the BurliBgton bringing ia aa extra large lerowd on their morning freight end "the Union Pacific breaches and main line contributing their quota. Between five and six o'clock Mondsy evening, John Kukle, a section band em ployed by the Union Pacific, met with an accident that may cost him his life. He was working near the round house and did not notice a atring of four cars that were kicked oa the track on which he stood, and they struck him. knocking him down and the entire string passed over him, cutting off both legs below the knee and badly mutilating one hand, be sides a number of bruises. He wss tak en to the hospital and the surgeons dressed his injuries, but on sccoaat of his old age, be being over sixty, little hope for his recovery is entertaiaed He lives at Seventh and Lewie streets and has a family, one son being employ ed as maohinist helper at the Union Paci fic round bouse. Next week, June 14 to 18. inclusive, the thirty-second annual session of the Platte County Teachers' institute will be held st the High school building ia this city. Superintendent Leoron has secur ed Miss Lura Phillips of the state nor mal of Iowa, Newton W. Preston of Fre mont, G. E. Weaver, and Superintendent Conn of this city as instructors. Mon dsy and Wednesday evenings there will be lectures, snd tbeexsminstiocs will be held Friday and Saturday, Jub 18 aad 19. An effort is being msde to have State Superintendent Bishop sad other prominent school men ef the state pres ent. The Platte County Teachers' asso ciation will convene st the dose of the session Thursday and elect cancers for the coming year. A large atteadsaee of teachers ie anticipated, and Superin tendent Lecron ie workiag to mske the institute better then ever this veer. Underwear UNION SUITS We have the agency for the famous MaBsiBg Underwear, the best popular priced Union Salts on the market Prices ia nun's from $1.60 to $4.50. Prices in boys' from 50c, 76c, tl end $1.95. Underwear TWO-PIECE SUITS In two piece garments we have a spleaaid line ready for yoar ia spectioa and raagiag ia price fromS0ctof260agarmeat Bay early while the sizes are complete. GRAY'S && ,L SS- 1? tA -rtJy.&&ir;' -.- . 4J&; ."V r.MfA, l