The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 31, 1909, Image 8

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Files ef the Jouraal, March 31,1875.
A company of soldiers stationed on
the Loup, Kventy-lve miles north of
Kearney, have been ordered to the Black
Hill. - A. company from Omaha will
apply the vacancy. ' ' '.
Dead beets pass through Columbus
nearly every day clinging to the cars
wherever they can find a place to hide
themselves. This we regard as a very
dangerous occupation, and - it is stange
to us thai men whoNrill risk death in
anch shape would shrink from commit
ting intentional'suidde.
If the nice weather continues through
the present week-all .the -seed wheat on
the high lands put in the ground.
The older farmers, in Platte county, we
understand, practice fall plowing as a
preparation for spring sowing, and by
this process the ground in the spring is
ready forsowing. harrowing and rolling,
and this accomplished, the work of seed
ing is done.
Thursday 'of last week was a bright,
warm and'pleasant day. About five
o'clock p. m: suddenly an infant zephyr
arose in the west striking the northern
part of ' the city, extending, as we
thought, no further than the bluffs,
boat three miles from town, . scattering
all light substances hither and. thither.
We learn from a gentleman living nine
or too miles north of town that the wind
was very severe at that point.
Route No. 1.
Louis Loseke was sowing barley Mon
day. John Bupp marketed his corn Tues
day. W. T. Ernst planted9 potatoes last
B.O.Boyd was doing some work on
Adolpb Muller's new house.
J. A. Fanyer of Creston will work for
Herman Ahem this summer;
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Devlin were guests
of Mr. and Mrs.F. A. Scofield Sunday.
Earl and Will Ernst went to Gardner
last Sunday to get their hunting equip
ment.. -
Route No. 3.
D. A. Beoher was a Columbus visitor
Miss Julia Bonk left last Saturday
for Sterling, Colo., where she will visit
relatives for month.
MrC and Mrs. J. L. Brunken and
daughter, Miss Laura, were guests of
Mr. and' Mrs. John 'Brunken, sr Mon
day. George D. Reese has jnoved into the
Jeldon house, recently vacated by Wm.
Reese. .He will continue to farm the F.
B. Berends place, as usual.
Measles have broken out in. the neigh
borhood of the German school; on this
route; to such -an extent.that itwas ne-
to close tne scnooi or awuiie.
The town board of 8hell Creek town
ship, together with overseer of public
highways, Ghas, Brunken were viewing
the toads in their .district Tuesday, in
order to ascertain just where the work
The marriage ceremony of Henry
KHper and Miss lily Krause was per
formed at the Shell Creek iBaptist church
last Thursday at .1'. p. m.'.Tne young
couple have been spending-.their honey
moon at -Fremont, visiting -with Mr.
Super's relatives. On their return they
will go to housekeeping on the groom's
firm, .near: the Baptist church, on which
Mr, Kuper has built a nice residence for
a home.
Mrs. Wml Lange of this route, in
Shall Creek township, died last Thursday
afternoon. For the" past year she has
Buffered from a complication of diseases,
ad early in December she was taken to
her bed, and since then her ailment was
of a dropsical nature. Sathrina Mag
delina Albers was born in Germany in
1850, and was 59 years, 2 months and 15
days old at .the time of her death. In
1879 she was united in marriage to Wm.
Lange and came to this county with
hint, where they have since resided. To
this union 'have been' born six children,
four of Whom have preceded their
mother to the spirit land. William and
Mary remain with the husband to monrn
the loss of a dear loving wife and mother.
She also leaves three brothers, William
and Martin Albers" of Columbus, and P.
fiC Albers of Monroe. 'The funeral was
held -Monday afternoon, a Bhort service
being held at the home at 1 o'clock and
at the Shell Creek Baptist church at 2
o'clock, to which a large number of rel
atives and friends followed her remains.
Bar. Hilsmgerof the Platte Center Bap
tist church delivered a very touching
sermon, taking his text from II Peter, 1
chapter, 23-26, after which the body was
lowered to its last resting place in the
cesaetery near the church. The pall
bearers were Henry Bakenhus, Fred
Behlen, sr., H. P. Mohrman, Joseph
Franae, Pater Lutejens and Fred Beh
lea, jr. Mrs. Lange was a devoted chris
tian and a .consistent member of her
church, a kind and conscientious wife
jad mother, beloved by all who knew
Iter, and her demise will be sadly felt by
those who were nearest t and dearest to
her. The flowers' were many and very
beautiful. -
'5 rooam fcMse, is first-class
paiiti6Bj locate S blocks from
lattices, corner lot, cement
walks electric ligats. This
msreperty offerei at a bargain.
Elliott, Speiee& Co.
t - ; COAL. " ."
!W have all the leading grades of
lift teiL Also Penna. hard coal and
' ,Nwiuji & Wihi.
.--i -fT-'-v u.V "i "
Advertised Letters. , v
Following is a list of unclaimed mail
matter remaining in the post osmoa at
Columbus, Nebraska, for the period end
ing March 31, 1909:
' Letters Dick Brown," D Bonner.
Mrs B G Carter, Julia Davis, Henry
Doersch, Julius FUurnst, Mrs Hattie
Eaoker, Miss E German, James T-Hogan,
J M Hastings, H JS Jams, Bob Jaoobeon,
Henry Mohlman, Joe Beznik, Miss May
Valentine 2, F B Woodrpw.
Cards Miss May Valentine, Harry
White, John Yuda, Miss Myrtle Young.
Parties calling for any 67 the above
will please say advertised.
- -Oabl'Sjukkr, P.M. "
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of Ghas. Wurdeman, architect,
until 2 o'clock p. m., April 2nd, 1900, for
the election and completion of an addi
tion to the Second Ward school at Co
lumbus, Nebraska.
-Bids must be accompanied by a certi
fied check of five per cent of the amount
bid, made payable to M. Brugger, secre
tary of the Board of Education.
This check will be returned when
building contract is executed.
Plans and specifications may be ob
tained from the architect.
E. H. Nauman,
L.H. Lkavv,
G. A Scott,
Building Committee.
Man Telia How Ha Touched Rocke
feller and Got Away with It.
There are only two real rapid-fire
bits as after-dinner speakers In town
nowadays, guaranteed to make good in
any company. One of them is Simeon
Ford, who says he has retired, and
the other Is Patrick Francis Murphy,
who Is bald and grows old! They
met at the golfers' dinner the other
night and spilled epigrams so rapid
ly that the reporters had to quit writ
ing to hold their sides, says the New
York correspondent of the Cincinnati
Times-Star. Murphy, In the saddest
manner possible, declared that the one
distressing thing about drink was that
It produced the temperance orator.
The barbarians, he said, Insisted on
regarding golf as a retreat for fallen
men. He held that golf was the pur
suit of pale pills by purple people.
"There are born golfers and born duf
fers, and the tragedy of it Is we never
know which we are. It Is, like mar
riage, a game of chance, not akllL"
And then Ford got up and com
plained because he had to follow Mur
phy, who Is a polished orator from the
sole 06 his feet to the crown of his
head. "Personally, I wish he had a
duller finish on his head." 'And after
talking on awhile in the aame tone In
which he might announce his own
death, he told a golf story. "It was
once my privilege and pleasure," said
he, "to soak John D. Rockefeller ki the
off hind leg, in the golden calf, with
a golf. ball. It was at a distance of
50 yards. He' was excessively annoyed
but when I told him I didn't think I
could drive that far, ha was mollified.
I am probably the only man who ever
touched John D. and got away with It"
Discovery That Seriously Interfered
with Millionaire's Joy.
Ton tMnir our American million
aires buy a good many fake pictures?"
M. Rochefort laughed. "It's pitiful!
It's shameful! But what can they ex
pect? It's their own fault for buying
pictures as they buy lumber or steel
rails according te specifications. Til
never forget the last pictures I was
asked to look at by a rich American,
He was proud of them! So convinced
that they were masterpieces! There
were 40 in all, and they had cost him
800,00 francs. It was a bargain all
right if they had been genuine, foi
there were great names in the lot;
several old masters, a Dias, a Theo
dore Rousseau, a Daublgny, and sever
al Corots tht usual millionaire assort
" Well,' he said, as I studied them
"Some of them are "well done,' 1
"Ah!'he purred.
"But they're not .genuine.'
"What! You mean you've found
a counterfeit?
"My dear sir, I'm sorry, but they
are all counterfeits.' "Cleveland Mof
fett in Success Magazine.
District of Columbia.
The District of Columbia comprises
an area of '69,245 square miles. The
government consists of two civilian
commissioners appointed by the presi
dent and confirmed by the senate, and
one army engineer officer, detailed by
! the secretary of war, the three consti
tuting the board of commissioners for
three years.
Why She Waa Changed.
A little girl in Knoxvllle, Tenn., asked
the family whether they had. not no
ticed recently that she had had a dif
ferent and a very sweet expression.
They said: "Perhaps so, but what
would be the reason?" She replied:
"Well, thoughts of Jesus, and then the
new way I do my hair." Delineator.
Deserved to Escape.
A Russian political prisoner
demned to death at Kleff recently es
caped from prison as he was on the
point of being driven to the place of
execution. Although In chains, the man
ran over half a mile before he was
overtaken and recaptured. He was sub
sequently hanged. '
If you sit around any particular
store or office a good deal, you ean bet
you are unpopular at that particular
store. The proprietor growls about
you to his friends, and would like to
get up the nerve necessary to give yon
both barrels. Atchison Globe. r
1 am about to commit suicide,"
writes a friend. "Cant see any other
way out of It. Ton see, I was mar
ried about a year ago, and St unmar
ried friends sent nice wadding pros
ents. Well, they are all galas; te gat
married this month."
Indictment Drawn Up Against 1 By
the 'Late Henry George.
Let the duke . . . wander for a
while through the streets tenanted by
working people, and note the stnuted
forms, the pinched features . . . And
If he go to that good charity (but,
alas, how futile is charity, without
justice!) where little children are kept
while their mothers are at work, and
children are fed who would otherwise
go hungry, he may see infants whose
limbs are shrunken from want of
nourishment.. Perhaps they may tell
him, 'as they told me, of that little
girl, barefooted, ragged, and hungry,
who, when they gave her bread,
raised her eyes and clasped her hands,
and thanked our Father in Heaven for
His bounty to her. They who told
me that never dreamed I think, of
its terrible meaning. But I ask the'
duke, did that little child, thank
ful for that poor dole, get what our
Father provided for her? Js He' so
niggard? If not; what is it, who is it,
that stands between such children and
our Father's bounty? If it be an in
stitution, is it not our duty to God
and to our neighbor to rest not till
we destroy it? If it be a man, were
it not better for him that a millstone
were hanged about his neck and h6
were cast Into the depths of the sea.
Henry George.
From That Country They Were Intro
duced Into Europe.
At a time when tiny orange trees
are to be seen as table decorations
and oranges Innumerable are for sale
It is not Inappropriate to trace the in
troduction of the fruit into Europe
According to a Paris contemporary
after its introduction into Europe
from China a Carthaginian conceived
the idea of grafting the yellow man
darine orange upon the grenadier
with the result that we have the blood
orange. Jean de Castro introduced
the orange from the West Indies to
Portugal, and the first attempt to cul
tivate it was made by the Constable
de Bourbon, but after his revolt Fran
cis I continued the experiments. At
the time Louis XIV visited Toulon
the Chevalier Paul, in compliment tc
the king, placed some preserved or
anges on trees in the orangery
Ladies in the retinue, It is added
were under the impression that these
oranges grew sugared.
Growing Up Together.
"The size of the pages varies with
the age and slse of the New York
hotels," the woman remarked. " That
is, so It seems to me.. The Knicker
bocker, which, while it is fairly tall
Is also fairly young, has pages about
10 years of age, who look to be 8
tiny kinds in uniform and buttons
whose baby faces must rake in the
coin by way of tips, all right enough
I came near giving one of them a.
quarter myself, he was so cute and
little. The Hotel Astor has boys s
size or so larger, being an older hotel
and perhaps a trifle more massive. The
Waldorf-Astoria, older and larger still
has boys even larger to match, while
the St Regis has full-grown men
However, In the downtown hotels
which are not particularly high, but
can boast of an age considerably In
advance of the young Knickerbockers
that have grown so fine and tall, old
men are pages."
The national drink of the Tartars
is koumiss, the fame and manufacture
of which has spread to every land
Many are the stories told of Its won
derful powers. The Tartars declare
that very little if any of other suste
nance is necessary, and they can per
form the most laborious tasks upoi
a diet of koumiss alone. They claim
for it all the virtues and none of the
evils of other beverages. Any Tartai
can ride 132 miles in seventeen houri
in all weathers on a quart of koumiss.
Here's a tip for the army and navj
victims of Roosevelt's military tests
Take along .koumiss.
Put New Blood into Your Business.
The up-to-date professional adviser
or business doctor, when called to
examine a shrinking, declining bus
iness, often finds the patient barel
alive; the circulation being so slug
gish that he can hardly find the pulse
In a desperate case like this he says
to the proprietor: "You must put
new blood Into this business. There is
no life in it There Is no energy, nc
push, no enterprise here. When s
patient gets as low as this one, there
are only two things to do. let nine
die, or infuse new blood into his veins
and try to resuscitate him." Success
The New England 8pirit
In every crisis that has come to
thi3 country the "New England spirit"
has risen to 'the top. It may have
been dormant for a time, but when
ever the necessity arose it manifested
itself. In the great internecine strug
gle it predominated; hi more recent
times it has asserted Itself. , The pil
grim blood and the pilgrim spirit have,
overcome all difficulties. Without
them the west would be a wilderness
The pioneers of the western statet
were actuated by the spirit that set
tied New England. Denver Republi
Not the Right One.
"The tall girl over there is a queer
oae; she is sul generis."
"She ain't no such thing; she's
Susy Jones."
Circumstantial Evidence;
"Is It true than an employe of the
street-cleaning department was sees
Intoxicated on the street?" x,
"No; the rumor started from the
fact that some people said they saw
him fall off the waterwagon."
Not in the Natural Order.
"It would be rather an odd solu
tion of that case, -wouldn't It?" '.
"What solution of what case?"
"If the Thaw case should turn out
North Theatre
Sat. April 3
The Breezy Western Play
- 3rd lig Statu
Arizona Hank will give a free
exhibition of roping on the
street Saturday afternoon at 3
Prices 25c, 35c, 59c
China Seemingly Should Be Land of
Great Piety.
Of the late Chinese emperor it may
be said, as it has been of his subjects,
that he was born a Confucian, lived
a Taoist, and died a Buddhist China
indeed has four state-established re
ligions, and in each the emperor ex
ercises sacerdotal functions. Twice a
year the emperor, as "Son of Heaven."
worships before the tablet of Shang
Ti or Supreme Heaven in accordance
with the ancient imperial monotheism.
Twice a year he burns incense before
the tablets of his ancestors in accord
ance with Confucianism. Twice a
year he sacrifices to the gods of
Taoism and twice a year to the image
of Buddha. The ancient and primi
tive religion of China is monotheistic,
but this first worship was regarded as
too sublime for the people, so that
It became reserved for the emperor
alone as the Son of Heaven and as
priest of the nation. The people on
their part worshiped their ancestors
and it was the ancestral religion
which Confucius identified himself
with and reformed. The old supersti
tions rejected by Confucius were ab
sorbed by Taoism, which is polytheis
tic and the religion of the populace.
Then Buddhism came into China about
65 A. D., and, like the other three
religions, became state-supported and
Wonderful Living Light That Is Found
Only in Brazil.
A living light, called the pyrophore,
makes illumination cheap and con
venient in Brazil. The pyrophore is
a monster firefly an Inch and a half
long. With one it is possible to read
fine print, and three will light a room.
The Brazilian peasant, when he
traverses by night the perilous forest
paths of his country, fastens to each
shoe a pyrophore. Thus illuminated,
he has no difficulty in avoiding poison
ous snakes, pitfalls and wild beasts.
The Brazilian coquette fastens in
her hair or her corsage a pyrophore
incased in white tulle. The effect is
as of a great luminous pearl or opal.
When a pyrophore's light goes out,
it is not necessary to fill him up with
oil, to drop a coin in him or to throw
him away; but a moment's ducking
in cold water suffices. Thereafter his
three little lanterns one on the breast
and two on the back emit again as
bright a radiance as ever.
The pyrophore, as all nature stu-
dents know, is called vulgarly cuengo
but scientifically the name os coleop
ter serricorn stermose elaterides.
. Electricity as a Carrier.
Does an electric current when pass
ing through a metal conductor cause
any transportation of particles? It is
well known that it does so in the
liquid conductors known as electro
lytes; in fact, such a common opera
tion as electroplating depends entirely
upon this action. To test the matter
a recent experimenter passed an elec
tric current continuously for a whole
year through a conductor composed
partly of copper and partly of alumi
num, the sections being pressed firm
ly together. At the end of the yeai
they were taken apart and examined
but not the slightest trace of either
metal was found in the other.
Boys as Glass Breakers.
"It's about time," declared the In
dignant citizen, "that something was
done with boys who smash the glass
around the street lights. Again and
again I have seen them throwing rocks
at it for ten or fifteen minutes until
one was successful in smashing it
When they play ball, it seems to be
for the purpose of hitting and break
ing the glass of a lamp either on the
curb or at the steps of an apartment
house. If a house is vacant, you will
notice that the -basement" windows are
broken half the time. It Is all done
by boys, who apparently take great
delight in the sound of a good, hard
Captain 8tood Sentry Duty.
Captain Herbert Winslow, U. S. N.,
who is executive officer at the Charles
town navy yard, Is a great sticklet
for the honor of the service. The
other night he did sentry duty for
half an hour when he found an un
guarded post Captain Winslow dis
covered that an entrance gate had
been deserted by the marine. He im
mediately assumed the man's place
and had some minutes' wait before
he secured a messenger to telephone
for a marine ..relief. Until the post
was manned by a new marina guard
Captain Winslow stuck it out in tht
cold and flriiifa
Men mi ft Net RefaraVfa' as 6fd '
Simple Life and longevity.
In Norfolk, England, there are
In every village Individuals of
more , than 8,0 years of age
and not infrequently one or two
over 0, and those of 70 and upward
are regarded as not even old. Many
farm laborers of 70 are quite hale and
hearty, working from early mornings
up to five and six o'clock in the even
ing; and some are so vigorous as to
earn a full man's wages.
And the women in the country,
writes a correspondent, are more tena
cious of life perhaps than are the men.
In one village personally known to me,
containing about 300 people, within
the past six months have died three
women of more than 90 years of age,
the oldest of 'these being no less than
96. In another Norfolk village with
inhabitants to the number of 400 there
live a man of 95, a woman of 90, a
woman ot 89, a woman of 87, and
several of both sexes over 80. In yet
another village there is a blacksmith
aged 96 and the widow of a country
medical practitioner whose years
mount up to 92.
This longevity, of the Norfolk peas
ant, comments the Lancet, has a very
interesting pathological side to it The
chief enemy of the farm laborer of the
eastern" counties from the standpoint
of health is rheumatism. Not many
reach even 'middle age without having
been the victims of rheumatism, and
a large number are crippled in 'their
old age by this disease. But in spite
of this the average of longevity seems
to be very high, although as well as
rheumatism he has to contend with
the lack of adequate housing accom
modation and want of proper sanitary
arrangements. That to eat-sparingly
of plain wholesome food, to be much
in the open air and to work sufficient
ly to occupy the mind and to exercise
the body will enable a man to defy
more or less the evils of environment
would seem to bo shown by the tough
ness of the Norfolk laborer.
Crater of Mount Etna Well Worth
Visit of Traveler.
We were taught to spell it Aetna.
but the "a" has been dropped by geog-v
raphers. The Arabians who discovered
It gave It the name of "Gibello," signi
fying a mountain. The natives stuck
a "monte" before It, hence "Monte Gi
bello," a mount-mountain. An abbre
viation is "Mongibello." A pyramidal
rock forms the summit of the great
volcano, of which the crater is over
nine miles in circumference and 750
feet deep. Many strangers visit the
mountain, but few ever reach its fro
zen top, so much do the difficulties
and dangers increase after passing
the first region of snow. Not many
years ago an English tourist who
reached the crater was rash enough to
descend it by means of ropes attached
to his waist. He was drawn up suf
focated, after having given the signal
to his guides. These were unable
to restore him -to life.
Terms en Which Strangers May Enter
.British House of Commons.
One of the most important altera
tions which members of the British
bouse of commons will notice when
they reassemble will be a strangers'
bureau. Its construction, which is now
in progress, is the sequel to the scenes
created by the suffragettes in the
house during last session. In the
last month of the autumn session as
the result of their conduct no stranger
was seen within the house of com
mons. A committee was appointed to draw
up new rules for admission of
strangers. The members recommend
ed the passing of an act making it a
criminal offense for strangers to brawl
within the chamber, and they also
recommended that strangers should
be made responsible for their own
good behavior and should sign a pa
per accepting that responsibility. That
being done the committee saw no reo
son why women, as well as men,
should not be admitted to the
strangers' gallery.
It is in preparation for the change
that the new bureau is being made. As
heretofore, tickets for the gallery will
be balloted for by members In ad
Finns Devote Summer Months to En
joyment and Pursuit of Health.
In Finland everybody lives the sim
ple life in summer time. They camp
out on islands, in the forests and al
ways somewhere near the water, for
everybody swims and bathes. Almost
all classes sleep and eat al fresco at
this time of year, and the town coun
cils of the towns in this progressive
and altogether delightful little country
provide public fireplaces and public
bathing sheds in all places where the
working classes go in search of fresh
But the simple life Is by no means
dull with the frisky Finns. They com
bine it with a surprising amount of
gayety. They eat drink and are merry
In their picturesque little log cabins
outside the cities.
When they are tired of bathing and
splashing they dance, they sing, they
watch fireworks and practice gymnas
tics, they all become like children and
are the happiest, merriest most good
natured, most easily pleased and most
healthy holiday makers In the world.
We might take many leaves from the
Finns' book. Ladies' PictoriaL
What do you suppose fools were
made for? That you might tread upon
them, and starve them, and get the
better of them In every possible way?
By no means. They were made that
wise people might take care of them.
That Is the true and plain fact con
cerning the relations of every strong
and wise man to the world about him.
He has his strength given him, not
that he may crush the weak, but that
he may support and guide them. In
his own household he Is to he the
aula and saaoott at aia calMrea; sat
f tf
or ass aoaseaoM he fs' stftf V tsT tw
father, fiat fs, the guide' mi
of the weak and the pear; Hut tsarel
of the sseriterioaaly weak aa4 the In
naves!? posr, but of the gadty anal
punlstssfr past; of the ssea waa
ought to have known better; of the
poar who aught to ha sshaawd of
thai sal vet. John Raskin.
te Brawn.
Tha triaaaha of the scholar th
of tha atWaAtapopajarry held te as
tahsfetBnaata and faate ef his cot-
learn. Oreourae.thia.Ja
for tha reputation of a university an
am institution of learning should ae
paad upon' tha liberal education- aha'thoee within her gate. But
it Is quite true that, despite thfr excel
lent reasons why It should not do so?
the public continues to pay homage to
brawn rather than brain, In so far as
the undergraduate Is concerned.
A' Monster Loaf.
Bakers In Germany are fond of making-odd
experiments, the following be
ing reported from Duisburg, in West
phalia. At a children's party recently
held in that town there was exhibited,
and afterwards.cut up and distributed
among the youngsters present, a bread
twist which for size at least has surely
rarely been equaled. Weighing no less
than 180 pounds, it had a breadth of
six feet and a length of ten feet and
was thus found sufficient to supply a
satisfactory afternoon collation to as
many as 500 boys and girls.
When Tower Loomed.
It was while Charlemange Tower
was ambassador to Russia that a New
York city' newspaper "spread itself
upon a fete held at St Petersburg. A
green copy-reader produced this re
sult: "As pleasing to the eye as was all
this decoration there was additional
pleasure in the sight, as one stood at
the head of the Prospekt Nevska. of
Charlemagne Tower, brilliantly illu
minated, looming grand and imposing
against the winter sky." Success
Separating Listeners.
"One thing must be stated clearly in
the contract," said-Uhe woman who
was having a party telephone line put
in her apartment "the other party
must be some one who does not live
in this house. I am willing to shar6
the line with a stranger, but not with
neighbors who know me well enough
to take an Interest in my affairs."
"You may be perfectly easy in your
mind on that point, madam," said the
agent. "We never put two subscrib
ers in the same house on the same
line. The company learned long ago
that such a plan does not work welL
You are not the only person who ob
jects. In fact, everybody objects, and
the company never makes such an
arrangement of lines. We expect to
put you on a wire with a subscribe!
in the next block."
Observing the Amenities.
It is beautiful to see the graces and
amenities preserved in spite of difficul
ties. The prisoners in the county Jail
in Milwaukee have "presented resolu
tions to Ben Johnson, the retiring jail
er,w thanking him for his treatment ot
them "during his regime." The makei
of the "address of presentation" is un
der indictment for murder, "a boy who
beat a grocery collector to death In
a wagon during a storm," but a tender
heart and sympathetic disposition
"We wish to thank you for the little
acts that made us forget for an In
stant that we were in jail," the re
gretful guests say to the parting host
Little courtesies like these light up
the dungeon cell and foretell, perhaps
the roseate day when even the peni
tentiary shall be co-operative.
Ready Repairer for Automobiles.
There are various roadside expedi
ents possible when a nut has been lost
and no duplicate at hand. Usually at
good a plan as any Is to wind the
threads of the bolt tightly with soft
iron wire, such as stovepipe wire, ol
which a coil should always be carried
in the tool locker.
The winding should start at the en6
of the bolt and follow the threads ur
to the part it is desired to retain. The
wire is then wound back in a second
layer over the first and the ends
twisted together. If there is a hole Ir
the bolt for a cotter pin one should be
inserted and the ends of tha wire
twisted around it so that the jmpro
vised nut cannot screw Itself off from
the bolt Scientific American.
A Colorado Woman.
That women should display enter
prise in Colorado is not to be won
dercd at, since they have been foi
man years fully qualified voten
there. A good specimen of the ad
vanced woman in the Centennial staU
is Mrs. Nellie Upham, who Is the vioe
president of a mining company, and
who personally supervises the running
of fifty gold and silver mines, boss
ing three hundred workmen. Mrs
Upham had studied mining and min
erals for a long time, and some five
years ago she drifted Into her pre
ent business. It is stated that she
manages affairs with great ability.
Leslie's Weekly.
King Leopold's Art Treasures.
King Leopold of Belgium, it is said
intends to bequeath all his art treas
ures to the nation, to be divided
among the various museums. It is
for this reason, rumor has it, that
a French art expert has for some time
past been busy making a catalogue ol
the collections and valuing them.
To the Grave and Beyond.
Kim Yunwka, a Chinaman, was re
cently made the subject of a strange
jail sentence. After being condemned
for life by a Chinese court he escaped
and when captured he was tried by
another court and a further term ot
punishment was given him.
One Worthy Remembrance.
The brightest spot In a long and In
timate experience with the telephone
Is that once some one called up the
wrong number and got us by mistake
and didn't blame us for It Ohio State
iNTM t-xrtfrf ftow m&ms
Travel's Have Made It Easier for tha
Spread af tha WenL
, The" world Is now explored." Tna
last man Is located. With tha opening
af Tibet, there is no longer a hermit
nation. The church knows her task,
and is confronted by an open world.
A world-wide commerce is develop
ing world-wide facilities for misslonary
undertakings. .Livingstone was six
months reaching the Zambezi from
Caps Town. Tou can now 'make the
journey by rail in four days. Railroads
and steamboats are opening up the
Dark'Contineat from four sides. China
Is operating' 3,709 miles of railways,
and has' 1,600 miles under construc
tion. The missionaries,, long the ad
vance agents of commerce, are now
reinforced by commerce at many
points. An English and German com
pany, engaged in developing the phos
phate beds' or the Pacific islands, is
co-operating heartily with the Ameri
can board, affording the missionaries
such facilities for transportation as to
enable us to do away with the mission
ary vessel. The Morning Star.
Plural Marriages There Are Not Inter
fered with by Uncle Sam.
It is commonly supposed that Uncle
Sam strictly forbids polygamy within
his dominions. This is a mistake.
Polygamy has been practised from
time immemorial by the Navajos, and
they have no intention of giving up
the practice. Nothing has ever been
done by the government or by the In
dian agents to discourage it Not many
of the braves have more than two
wives, although some have been
known to maintain a harem of 12.
Two wives are almost as common as
one. Being only human, sometimes
they "scrap." Then the husband sep
arates them, building for each a sep
arate hogan, located whenever possi
ble on opiosite sides of- a butte or
small mesa. Each is strictly forbidden
to leave her side of the separating
landmark. It is feared, however, that
this prohibition is not always obeyed
and there are doubtless many hair
pulling scraps that no one but the
jackrabbits and papooses witness.
Poetic Justice.
A certain couple in a New England
village, each the parent of six chil
dren, recently had meted out to them
a kind of poetic justice in which they
failed to see the poetry.
The woman, a widow, pleading that
she had no home, and was therefore
unable to care for her children, in
duced the local authorities to admit
them to an orphan asylum. The man,
a widower, pleading he had no house
keeper, and therefore no one to care
for his children, induced the author!
ties to admit bis six also.. Thereupon
being freed from all incumbrances,
these two married.
All went well for a few months,
when the authorities, learning of the
situation, promptly dispatched the 12
children back to their parents, and the
woman, no longer able to represent
herself as homeless or the .man as
without a housekeeper, they were
forced to receive them.
Great Man Condemns Suicide.
"Napoleon's Writings and Sayings"
is the title of a little book which has
just been published in Paris. On the
subject of suicide. Napoleon wrote at
St. Helena, "Has a man the right to
take his own life? Certainly, as soon
as his death would be an injury to no
one and his life a burden. When is life
a burden? When it offers only tribu
lations, but as these may vanish at
any moment there seems to be no mo
ment in one's life when he has the
right of self-destruction. There are
not many men who have not felt at
some time the impulse to end all
through death, but a few days later
there comes a change and the cause
for self-inflicted death is gone, and the
man who succumbs to the impulse on
Monday, could 'he undo his work,
would be sorry for it when the week
end came."
Are Women Less Honest Than Men?
"Are women less honest than men?"
This palpitating .question has become
one of the great subjects- of discussion
in Paris, thanks to a symposium In La
There is not one dares openly, affirm
that woman is dishonest Anatole
France, the master of -contemporary
French literature, questions whether
man is so virtuous that he should de
sire to weigh himself in the balance
against woman. And he speaks of
masculine arrogance and ferocity and
brutality. And so- woman according
to the judgment of Paris is not more
dishonest than man. Whence sprang
that legend tbat she was?
1 Improving.
"How is your son James getting on
at college, Mr. Boggs?" asked the par
son. "Fine," said Boggs. "He's getting
more businesslike every day."
"I am glad to hear that" said the
clergyman. "How does the lad show
"Well," said Boggs, "when he first
went up and wanted money, he used
to write asking for It. Now he draws
on me at sight." Lippincotfs.
Horse Sense.
Customer Why, I , thought you
called him "the colt?"
Ostler Sure, yer honor, and that's
the name he's had for the last 29
years, and he sticks to It like a re
spectable baste, the same aa yourself!
Tree Tenacious of Life. '
The "life tree" grows In Jamaica.
It gets its name from the fact that if
the -leaves are broken from the plant
they will nevertheless continue to
grow. Nothing will destroy their Ufa
except fire.
All Right.
"That girl's !! right," said tha
blonde girl in the dressing-roam.- after
she had looked everywhere for her
overshoes. "The oae-who haa lust
left; she's gone oft? with both tha sight
varshoea and left ana tha pst anas."
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