The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 31, 1909, Image 7

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    7, -
For Infant! and CMMren.
The Kind You Ham
.?.- .j j.-avfr.ffs' :w.yc'--s -; --n s' ';-- v ' " -a-'p r, -j
liMi aTSaaBBtaaaasssssssaa
y?ij:Sr?&lti??w BfrMfraT -wS .a irT'XT-vv avaa3ffawasssssss. .7f aaaaaaaaaaaaafraaaaaaaaaaaa afS
Jmui'''imS'SS'Z2t'l'v9 T M -"iVr 4-tiiw M m M VyBJjSy W-p Lwawaw J RLaaLaE Jh - "JJjJ""5 5 RXV arL. E& acx .?
a ' ''? Mw aa"""a. RBBH "- Liir" "-"" mtKK EiM " r-BI Sm aawavaav
H null IIIIIMI'IIIIIIIHUIM II I . , , nun-twhI
WS )lllli hi; iij ,11' lii'llllfll'1'' .;.Mi,i.:i.:i.-..i'liilMM
IS ii'imim-: ii-iiii.ii-.iiii.-ini., . i i . 1 1 i.n.'.il .J
avso-aia, , -m TOW . iOUWy 1 ggfiR 1 MrMfiP
"Vanishing I-""Ifts." a story of
mixht liave liapponwl." opens in Wash
ington v.ith-thr Unit-1 States ani Japan
on (.lie vvrec or war. Juy Hillier,
retary of the British mluissy. anil Miss I
orina llobcrtK. chlcr alH 01 inventor
JJofxTtf. urv Introduced us lovers. Japan
l'-lart?s war and tuko.s the Philippines.
t?uy Hillier starts for Knglanil. Norma
Huberts with military olflcers also leaves
Washington on mysterious expedition for
the Florida coast. Hawaii is raptured
by the .laps. All iorts are closed. Tokyo
learns of missing Japanese tied and
wiiole world becomes eonvinc'd that
I'nited States has some powerful war
agency. Knglaml decides to fend a lle't
to American waters as a Canadian pro-ti-t!on
against what the Hritish suppose
is a terrible submarine Uitila. Hillier Is
also sent to Canada to attempt to force
his way throuuh Ametlcan lines with a
mva. British Heet departs nniiil mis
snvings of Knqlish. Fleet mysteriously
disappears. llillier-n.ake, a failure of ef
fort to deliver mnssde to the president.
War between Grat Britain anl (jermany
is threatened. The kaisi r tlisappear.s.
ICInjr Kdward of Bncland is confronted by
dmiral Bevlns of th I'nitetl Stsiten. and
upon promising to present the missing
British admiral, the monarch nijrves to
t company Bevlns on totir. which the lat-
r says will uneovcr tli auent of war
and end all conflicts. The lxvadnaucht.
blKKent of KnRlaiid' warships, is dis
'vered at an impassable poi'it in the
Thaincs. iinicli to the mystery of the
kingdom. The story Roes bak to a time
many months lwfore the war breaks out.
and Inventor Boberts visits the president
and cabinet, tellinfr of and exhibiting a
metal production. This overcomes frie
liou when dftritietl and Is to b applied
: vessels to increase sK'ol to over ." ndb.s
an hour.
CHAPTER XIV. Continued.
Th secrotary of the navy, obeyhiR a
suggestion from the chair, lead oI a
long list of figures, explaining them as
lie went, and concluding with an unqual
ified indorsement ot the plan. So in
fectious was his blunt enthusiasm and
confidence, thai those who at first had
hesitated at the irregularity of the
procedure found themselves won over,
and bound with complete unanimity
into a coterie which was io assume
responsibility for :i war. And thus
was the issue accepted.
The early houts of the morning
were upon them as they dispersed, but
Xorma. resting back in the corner of
the cal which conveyed her home
ward, did not share the elation of her
father, who was already building work
hhops, conducting new experiments
and equipping a navy. Yesterday she
had looked forward to confiding the
story of their great success to Guy
Hillier; for in the preceding month,
when she and her father had been
trembling on the very edge of a great
discovery in unknown fields, she had
uiven no intimation of their work or
their prospects, planning this surprise,
and now, by the rigid embargo of si
lence thrust upon her. her dreani was
dissipated. To her the production of
the radioactive metal had meant a
goal; but now that it was reached and
she was anxious to satisfy a heart J
hunger, she had been given another
task, and was to undergo more silence
and repression and another siege of
work in a world of figures, of test
tubes and retorts, a slavc to the lamp
ol science and her father's success.
Not even the knowledge that she was
sacrificing herself on the altar of duty
to country, whose protection and wel
lare were hu&"ens that she must
iliare. palliated the bitterness of hold-1
iug love aloor. And in this light the
triumphs of invention seemed hollow
and the night filled with dreariness.
There were no more regular meet
ings of those wlto conspired for the
national good: but it was a season of
terrific activity, and February was yet
joung when there sailed away from
New York harlor one night a gunboat,
a collier ami a small transport, whose
destinations were unknown, and which
slipied their moorings in silence and
passed down the hay with scarcely a I
bound .to announce their departure. j
On board the gunboat were men ac-1
customed to unquestioning obedience,
and on the transport was a little army
of skilled mechanics and engineers
who had been called from their usual
occupation by imperative orders and
requested to tell none but their fami
lies that they might be absent for sev-i
oral months. There was not a man
aboard any of the craft who had not
taken a pledge of absolute secrecy.
The collier, black and massive, was .
,., , , , , , . !
loaded almost beyond her carrying ca
pacity, and even on her decks were
piled lumber and great sheets of cor
rugated iron, bearing evidence of full
holds below. And all. this cargo had
the history of rushed work behind it.
Strange pieces of machinery, sections
of engines, powerful dynamos, and tin- j
heard of apparatus were stowed .away j
with cases of chemicals, and the mines .
of th" north, the west and the south ,hc ,and. the sappers clearing the way.
had contributed crude metals or par-1 lh(t carpenters donning their aprons
t Lilly smelted ores to the assortment, j ancl grasping their tools while piles of
lriven by expert minds and masters l,lolber. !iess of bolts and nails, and
of executive work, an army of men in mountains of iron sheathing accumu
diffcrent walks of life had given their j la,ed "Pa tIie ''each. And then, as
ingenuity and effort toward something ,hc ringing of a multitude of ham
of which they knew not, and then the ' mers and tlle steady biting song of the
result or their labors had poured out i S2WS ,illcd tll air with sounds of in
upon a wharf, been swallowed up by; histiy. great cases of machinery
the cavernous holds of a collier, and- svns P fronrthe holds, floated diz
were now being carried out into the zll-v to the bulwarks, and went slowly
bror.d reaches of the Atlantic, with
destination unknown.
A general order had been issued
and made public, that, inasmuch as
the poaching of Cuban fishermen on
American grounds round lower Flor
ida and the keys demanded attention,
the gunboat Penobscot had been de
tailed to patrol those waters. In the
"United States this attracted no atten
tion; bat the swarthy fishermen of
the tropics took warning and no longer
steered their smacks to the forbidden
-waters, shrugging their shoulders in
impotent Troth.
Rumor had it that the transport
vrr.6 carrying mechanics and laborers
-.,..! i w ii u m rnffKJUfj t msc rass
I i" H m.flPlHllinttW5Sfl83i
if I,1. 1 :?, . 7 WJl
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:iil i::ftl ill ' ; l..TJ'J4V-Bffli
ft gljlll . tP
s?? fiJmfimi'i MWwLfLJattUr fr-i V 1
Great Cases of Machinery
to the Philippines, wheie a new dry
dock was to be constructed, and the
collier was genet ally supposed by
men of the waterfront to 1k laden with
materials for this work. And so. de
spite the momentous significance of the
sailing of these three ships, the world
remained in ignorance, paid little
heed, or forgot.
Those voyagers who were in the
secret looked forward with eagerness
to the task belorc them, realizing to
the full that on them depended much.
And of these was Norma, who leaned
over the stern rail of the Penobscot
as it dropped down the harbor,
watched the lights or the city grow
dim in the distance, saw the great.
slie!lt .statue of libeny
rear itself I
against the sky, and felt the first free J
swell lilt and sway the deck beneath
her feet. Her departure had not been
There ou the land behind was the
man whom the seemed doomed for
ever to hold tit arm's length. She had
parted from him with the announce
ment that her father was compelled to
t ko south for a lime, and had insisted
on her accompanying him. For how
long? Ah. that could be but conjec
ture; perhaps for two or three months.
Was he ill? No. not exactly: but he
was going away and needed her. Yes,
she would write occasionally from Mi
ami, Fla.: hut not often, because her
charge would demand her time. And
to. answering and evading, filled with
yearning, and yet debarred from giv
ing confidence, she had bidden him
good-by and come to this: Sailing
away in the night with all the furtive
ness and mystery which enshrouded
pirate ships, of old bent on plunder
and rapine.
The days of the voyage were much
alike; filled with work. Down in the
cabins the engineers and machinists
drew hasty plaus ,of buildings, then
marked spois where machines were to
have floor space, drew diagrams for
transmission of power, and consulted
charts showing the depths of water
round their prospective shipyatd.
' Thm Vifirl tinf rtfrtn tiitw tn iofsVi -1a
, . " ,
deMoits course m and out among the
islands which marked their entry to
the scene of toil. When the pulsations
of the screw stopped and the ship
ceased her vibrations, they were still
at their several tasks, and were dis
turbed when the anchor chains went
rumbling through their hawser pipes.
Like an army of ants, drilled and
acclimated, they swarmed out .upon
amvn lo ine HS&tere. A city of tents
sprang up as by necromancy, "with gut
ters to carry off the rains, and sewers
to prevent disease. Camp surgeons
accustomed to sanitation superin
tended the-se outosts, paying as much
attention to the spreading of a mos
quito net to keep away the dread
stygemia, as to tautening the canvas
roofs and clearing the grounds.
All available means of a resource
ful nation had been gathered together
as an expert driver seizes the reins
of a four-in-hand and guides his horses
along a known road to a given desti
nation, and all with the regularity
which, would distincuish the work had
Swung Up from the Holds.
it been the most unimportant action
of every day industry.
Norma, having no part in this task
of const ruction, wandered idly up and
down the decks or round the clearing
throughout the day: and as she
watched she saw the birth of a minia
ture city, saw the heaps of material
on the beach dissipated, saw tall steel
smoke stacks poke their summits up
ward supported by spider-like cables,
saw shining, corrugated roofs spiead
themselves profctingly -over Moors
whereon machineiy was already being
placed, and wondered at the accom
plishment. The situ went down, losing itself
among the keys and waters of the
fait her west, before, a bugle gave a
f",ic,i tmporativo summons and the
toilers dropped their tools for the
evening meal. .Many of the officers,
some of them grimy and stained with
work, their linen no longer immacu
late, and thpir hair unkempt, came
aboard the gunboat for. dinner. They
ate hurriedly like men in the field, and
one by one, with scant apology to
their fellow diners, disappcated. Norma
was almost the last to leave the cabin
and appear on deck, which to her sur
prise was vacant. Bven as she glanced
along its dcs?ejted length there came a
whistle from the shore.
Darkness had descended abruptly
and piled its blackness over the is
lands and the seas of the tropics. The
palm trees and shrubbery out to the
west were silhouetted against the last
faint light of day, and from the
swamps of the island came the
cries of . night fowl, the whir and
chirruping noise of insect life,
and the monotonous croaking of
frogs. Swinging here aud there in
erratic circles, like fairies of the jun
gle carrying lighted lanterns, went the
fireflies on aimless journeyings, not a
few but many thousands of them, as
if in a wild dance of curiosity, looking
through the night to learn what man
ner of things these were that had
cojne upon them so suddenly, ripped
Happy Despite
Residents of Sunny Naples Seem
Never to Repine.
It is estimated that a quarter of a
million people in Naples live from
hand to mouth, and there are hundreds
of children who subsist out of the gar
bage boxes, and who sleep in churches
and on doorsteps.
The taxes in Italy to provide war
ships and to keep the nation on a war
footing with the other powers are
really stupendous. There is a tax on
everything, says the Delineator grain
in the field, fruit on the vine, eld bot
tles. Fuel and foodstuffs are very
dear only labor is cheap. For the very
poor, meat is a luxury unheard of and
even macaroni is tco dear to be in
dulged in often. There are any num
ber of perambulating street kitchens,
where various kinds of soup, cakes
and fruits are sold in portions costing
one cent. And yet these people seem
very happy. Bands cf musicians are
alwajs playing in the streets: the
guitar and the mandolin are to be
heard everywhere on the boats, in
the hotels and the stranger is lulled
to sleep by a soft serenade under his
The story teller thrives in Xaples,
as there are so many IdlenKthere. He
collects a little crowd around him and
proceeds in the most dramatic way,
cestlculatins wildly and woiking his
away their forests and built strange
mansions in their solitudes.
It was not this, however, that
chained her attention. High up over
this mushroom city where all:had-beeri
silent and darkening when she went
below, now gleamed myriad lights
strung as by a genii of the lamp while
others rested from their toil. White,
flaring streaks of brilliance thrust
spearlike rays into the gloom, illumin-
j ating below them the creation of a
day. from me oisiance came ine
steady hum nf steam driven dynamos.
j telling with monotonous insistence
that there would he no cessation until
the last spike was driven, the last ma
chine set and fhe la?t belting hung.
Into this snot of the night began to
come black figures answeriug the call
of the siren. On a sudden, as if by
preconcerted signal, the echoes again
awoke to the clang of hammers on
steel and the hum of voices in com
mand. Likr weird pygmies doomed to
twist their thews in never-ending ef
fort, she saw them resume their un
completed task, exerting themselves
unceasingly for its accomplishment.
A launch which had come alongside
on some errand was sputtering spas
modically at the foot of the ladder
below as if impatient to be off. She
boarded it. and in a few minutes a
smart young naval officer stepped into
the stern, gave a curt- order, and they
raced away toward the shore.
"Ah. good evening. Miss Roberts."
he said, suddenly spying her. "Look
ing for your father, who went ashore
awhile ago. r presume? I'm going
right in his direction, and will' be glad
to guide yon' He seemed tco busy
for further conversation, and almost
before the boat had come to a stop
sprang to the shingle and offered his
Through steadily working groups of
men, past unfinished buildings, and
over lighted floors where machinists
wrought with levers and wrenches,
they went to the far side of the camp.
Here were officers with coats cast
off and sleeves rolled tip, and labor
ers in overalls intent on setting a
huge blast furnace; and in the very
heart of this activity, besmirched with
dirt, his hat discarded and his shirt
thrown open, she found her father.
Not even he with all his weight of
years could resist this terrific call of
energy. She stood and watched for a
few minutes while he. the master
spirit of the gioup. directed the work.
It seemed to have passed its critical
IK-'int. and after some final instruc
tions to the engineer in charge he
straightened up and looked round.
"Hollo, here's the assistant," he said,
walking .toward her and. looking fondly
into her eyes. She besought him to
rest, and her appeals were seconded
by thse of the officers who feared
for the physical strencth of this man
on whom so much depended, and who
would have guarded him as a precious
jewel of untold worth. He protested
at first, and then, like one waking from
a dream and suddenly conscious of a
great weariness, made no objection
when the rear admiral, who now
looked like a workman, put his hat
upon his head and tendered bim his
coat. He permitted them to throw it
over his shouldets. and finally, with a
look of infinite satisfaction at the
growing structure lefore him, took
his daughter's arm and tramped away.
He was an old man again, yielding
the tribute of age to the toil of youth.
They boarded the boat and sought
their cabins; but even as they retired
there came to them through the open
portholes, like a lullaby, the sounds
of unremitting labor intermingled with
the lap of waves on the coral beach.
The. first creative step toward a na
tional victory and supremacy had been
taken in a day. even while the war
cloud across western seas was gath
ering strength for its overcast; and,
waiting, wondering, and expectant, the
world was unaware.
Their Poverty
face into the most excruciating ex
pressions, to relate stories of ad
venture or other events, much to the
edification or his hearers, who, to
show their appreciation, arc often be
trayed into giving a sou which might
have been better spent for bread or
The public letter writer is another
street dignitary of importance, and
in great demand, especially with timid
and buxom maids of all work, who
have themselves neglected to learn the
art of writing. Of such the public let
ter writer holds all the secrets of their
loves and is often their adviser- as
well as amanuensis.
Discoveries in the Air.
The growth of ballooning has led
to many curious investigations touch
ing the atmosphere and its inhab
itants. By the use of anchored bal
loons with self-registering instruments
some of the experiments of deep-sea
sounding have been repeated aloft
At Strasburg sounding balloons hav
been sent to a height of nearly 26,000
yards, and 19,000 yards to 20,000 yards
is not an uncommon height. One of
the astonishing things said to hare re
sulted is the discover at a height of
14,000 yards of an isothermal zone in
which, contrary to experience np to
that height, temperature does not di
minish with recession from the earth.
"Hero is a little present for you a
superb $5,000 necklace "
"phi How nice of you!:
"that I will let you have for $1,
000." .
The Vicar's Watch.
A joke unconsciously perpetrated by
the vicar of SL John's, Keswick, ought
to rank high in the annals of pulpit
humor. Before the service started the
vicar was handed a lady's watch which
had been found in the churchyard. Af
ter making the customary announce
ments, says the North Mail, he re
ferred to the finding of the swatch,
which, he stated, was in the vestry
awaiting an owner, and then solemnly
said: "Hymn No. 110: "Lord, her
-watch is keeping.' " Chris
tian Register.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward far any
ewe of ftarrn that 'cannot be cured by Haiti
Catarth cure. -
' F. J. CTTKNXY" CO- Tolrdo. O.
We. the enderstened. have known F. J. Cheney
for the last IS years, and brieve him perfectly Ioo
orablc in all business transactions and financially
able to carry out anr obligations made by bis linn.
Waldixo. Ki.snan- tt Mabviv.
Wholesale DruceUts. Toledo. O.
ITaUti Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, actlnc
directly upon the blood and raucocs surfaces, ot the
system. Testimonials sent frrc. Price 75 cents pex
bottle, cold by all Drucrteti'.
Take Hall's Fatally Pills for constloatJan.
Playing 'Possum.
"How do yoah 'possum taste, sun?"
asked the solicitous waiter.
"Well," responded the patron who
had ordered the article. "It tastes pret
ty good, but it Isn't 'possum."
"No, suh." rejoined the waiter; "an
dat's a sign it's genuine. De genuine
"possum is a c-tn' 'i-tonder, suh; yas,
suh." Philadelphia Ledger.
Safe and Sure.
Among the medicines that arc rccom'
mended and endorsed by phyiri;m and
nursed is Kemp's Ikilsmi, the lcst cough
cure. Fc many years it lia been regard
ed by doctors as the medicine mo-t likely
to cure cough, aud it ha a strong holil
on the cMetfin of all well-informed, people.
When Kemp's Balsam cannot cure a cough
we shall be at a lot- to know what will.
At dragtrissts' and dealers', 25c.
The Elopers.
"Did you telegraph your father?"
"Yes and got his answer."
"What is itr
"I asked him if "ho would forgive us
if we came back and he said the only
condition on which ho would forgivo
us would be that we shouldn't come
back." Houston Pest.
With a smooth Iron and Defiance
Starch, you can launder your shirt
waist just as well at home as the
steam laundry can; it will have the
proper stiffness and finish, there will
be less wear and tear of the goods, J
and It will be a positive pleasure to
use a Starch that does not stick to t!w I
Defined. j
The Writer's Child Pa. what Is I
The Writer Penury, my son, is the
wages of the pen.
Red. Weak, Weary, Watery Kj-
Relieved by Murine Kyc Remedy. Com
pounded by Experienced Physicians. Mu
rine Doesn't Smart: Soothes Kyo Pain.
Write Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Cliiwuro.
for illustrated Eye Book. At Druggists.
Just the Thing.
"How is. the little bootblack getting
on whom you started?"
"He? Why, he's a shining success."
Your working iowcr depend upon your
health! (Jarfleld Tea corrects disorder of
liver, kidneys, htomach ami bowel: over
comes constipation, purifies the blood
brings good health.
A good singer can always make
women cry by singing "Home, Sweet
Home." So many people long for a
home, and so few have one.
Pettit's Eye Salve First Sold in 1807
100 years hro, sales increase yearly, wonder
ful remedy; cured millions weak ee. All
druggists or Howard J.ros., JJuffalo, X. Y.
Ambition makes a man feel that he
could do something, if he only knew
PAZO OlNTMKNTIsguaranteed to euro anr cat
of Itcbtn. BUnd. Bleedlnc or Prntrndlns riles 1c
6 to 14 days or moner refunded. SOu.
A man tali.s :.b-)ut love as though
he felt ashamed of the conversation.
Lewis Single Binder costs more than
other Tc cigars. Smokers know whv.
Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 11L
It's easy for a-nian's wife to dress
well if his creditors can afford it.
5t Arhe l!s ADrn'n Foot-Emae
OreraCOOOtefiUmonialv rWusc Imitations. Kendfor
Xroe trial package. A. 8. Olmsted, Lc Hoy. N. Y.
It takes a has-been a long time to
find it out
Mrs. Wlaalow Soothlajr Syrup.
Tor children teething, aof tcna tbe (turns, reduces ra
CammaUoB.allaje pain, cares wladcoUu. 25cabole.
Love is not blind, but those whom
it affects are.
The genuine sold everywhere
AYegetable Preparation for As
similating itieFccaandRcguIa
ting Ihe Stomadr; and Bowels of
Promotes Digestion,Chcerful
nessandRcst.Contains neither
Opiurn.Morphinc nor Mineral
Not Narc otic
TimpJu'rt ii -j(lxftna
AMUtSlts -
HirmStnt -ClmrSittl
Apcrfecl Remedy forConslipa
Uon . Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Facsimile ''-ejf
The Centaur Company.
Guaranteed under the Fooda
Exact Copy of Wrappcfc
Wygw JrTwnm
Foro ea and poKltrre
polinouz trernw front tlie
Lpiqma. given
rtraiuy. lanreatreiuniriiTsriocaretDcuT. mrrs im un
and iaailnaKldiOTminedT.
It. Show toyourrinncirtst.
uaa vimb
special ageBU
BaaVaasaaai ur nit yuav ssMCTnaTraBl
Positively cares by
these Little Fills.
They als relieve Dfs--o-irom
Dyspepsia, In
ii i Krtion andTao Ilcasty
Eatin;?. A perfect rem
cdy for Dizziness, Nan
sea. Drowsiness, Bad
Taste in the Month, Coat
ed Tonjrnc, Pain in tbe
They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Simile Signature
Do Ton Feel Ron
If so, you are an easy victim of
disease. You can avoid danger
if you build up your system with
the natural strength-giver
which helps -'r br!y do its own
building up. It pu the whole diges
tive system in a perfect condition.
Regulates the stoniach, imparts new
vigor and health to the tissues.
Your Druggist has it.
Two sl:e$, 50c and 55c
tVo to place contracts tvith reli
able farmers for the growing1 of Cu
cumber, Melon, Squash' and Pumpkin
seed. Write for prices and information.
CIee b-4 bwitlRta Uta h
ftomiCca u U.r .r t:t crowth.
Varor Tails to Beaton Gray
CBRsaesl? diMSMS J"rta0
jmip in itb lonuini IHIOP.
aucaiw juaj a MJivmm
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 14, 1909.
Ask for the
Baker's Cocoa
bearing this trade
mark. Don't be
misled by imitations
Always Boight
Bears the
Thirty Yeers
m IJI taH
m Hl
of AAtf
Wk ml A Pf T
ft yr '
n Use
VJ" For Over
Zj 3 3 IZL
Famous Sure Hatch Incubators
Will lie soM CHEAP th next few week. Best
machine in the world. Built tor real business, anil
ai raako jroo moan. Clet Into the business uow aixt
raise cUickriw while Poultry and Ejrs nri high
priced. Keixl for big free book abont our Incubatur
'and the Poultry Business.
SuraHatcblBCskatorC, Bn 173, Frwuwrl, .
Flak Eye. EplzMtle
Shlpplai Fever
& Catarrhal Fever
prsrentlTC, oo matter how bones at are Infected or
body. Cures Jitateuiper In Docs and Kbese and Ckolera In
on me longie, mcim on ue giwwka ana uiura; wipm uis
rtnrs asaoiur human belnm
iweaiHinanottie.saaaaaioanozen. iiuinisrair. eaj
ho will mt It for Jim. Yeo KuuaUat. " Dlstcsaocx. Cwm
who will get It tor juu.
?,!.& GQSHBI, WD., U. S. k.
Mg Vtkow of rasateftawSsfcs
rcsois oas umm wmnmg
as attars.
mmc r Every afessl
llcia, Bfcjra,Wsea,M
the VsMaltw,
"limnM I Xoaa . howt W. I. IVwiM
uanis and srtaa stamaed ea bouoka.
Thb Trade-mark
in the purchase of
Mint 'materials.
'It: is -an absolute
r' 'anteeof pur
and quality,
for yoav- oa
protection, see
that H is on the side of
tvery keg of white lead
you buy.
. in If
Salts and Castor
v JI only" Bake bowels more be
cause h krjtatea "and sweats tbem;
Eke pokmgfingerin youi eye. Tbe best
Bowel Mmdicimm jm Caacarets.
Every Salts and Castor CHI user should
get a box of CASCARETS and try
them just ftce. YoaH see. R
Caacaret He tiaa waVa treatment.
An dnmfots. Biggest seler ia ta
world aaiOaoa teaas a aMatfe.
ThifiiVt Eye WaHr
f V f Jfrn? VBV Ul
fc ! iJysjMaswsatsj ;a fwt otlfcs jsst-
T lartlsattaiirtiii arsaca stt f tea ahaa.
stsrt ta aaatasas avow dBBsrkBsM.kf
IflcasMsf maw mi j W ZvBsssiasaWSs
swasayjii ! salalias saj taaaasattaaar
aavaa assss aasrv
m k as raaav
A w -Tie-
,-.. . .&