The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 31, 1909, Image 6

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OTES for women." The
peer wlio ' could have
been apprehended ut
tering -Uiose words 100
years ago in England
would have been ostra
cized by society by
men and women alike.
Dut scan the situation
to-day and you wi!! find
that we suffragettes
have nearly won our
battle. Perhaps it
seems far from victory
to Americans who have
been following the
struggle which we have been conduct
ing in our own way, but let m. say
right here that "votes for women" is
in. my mind a certainty within a de
cade. The idea has been driven home
among the men who are the ruling
powers of Great. Britain and they can
not help but see the- beauty of our
arguments. This opening of a vista
of light in the stubborn minds of the
men who construct English law is to
the suffragettes a certain indication
that if (he fight is carried on in the
next :ev years with the same vigorous
measures which have marked the
pursuit of voles by the feminine l'rit
ish of the past few years, our cause
is won
It is an enlightened age. The wom
an who spurns the thought of partici
pating in the political activities' of her
country has not yol 'reached a plane,
according to my belief, where she can
possibly appreciate the benefits to be
derived from the little ballot. Why do
woman dislike politics? I answer sim
ply because they believe the political
side of a country's life is the degraded
one.' They connect politics and votes
with drinking, graft and other evils,
which, I may say, beset tire safetj cf
political government to-day.
And let me ask the woman who
does not believe that she should vote:
Would not the introduction of the
feminine into government affairs serve
to cleanse them of the stigma which
is too often attached? To my miad
that would be " t ult.
I have tail! I would deal im
partially in thi article and so I am
giving "the otiwr :and" of the ques
tion. Msn haf opposed equal rights
because they say 'hat the influence
which" a woman of evil' intentions
could throw into n political fight would
disrupt orpanizat ion. I answer: There
is now much .evd in the manner in
which oar .male citizens are carrying
out their policies -ind it is a certainty
that the- purifying influence? of woman
would be fek in national questions.
"Bat woman has not the training
for a political career," some of my
Kkeptical friends. may declare. True,
she has not had the training which
has-been accorded -to the men? but ju3t
now she is not looking for political
office for she is after hpr .primary,
fight the 'ballot. Then" after that is
won thi political training will natural
ly follow with the interest which the
woman must take in-the affairs of the
couatry, which she will necessarily
help in deciding.
1 go not suppose that enlightened
readers will want me to again go over
that thread-bare motto, which arises
to the uppermost part of the brain of
man whenever he is arguing against
equal-rights, viz...that "woman's place
is in her home."'
Of course woman's place is in her
home. So is a man's, but tbat does
not prevent either from participating
in. the decision Gf who shaw govern
tike rights upon which that homo is
built Think it over. Dees it?
' 'it befell me to bj a member of the
little band of women who, when tbey
European Schemes Intended to Guard
Accinst Disaster.
tHow to guard against disaster in
schools 'in case of -fire- is a subject
-which is receiving much attention in
the large cities of Europe. Some of
the preventive measures suggested by
correspondents of a Vienna paper
make interesting -reading for Ameri
cans. " One n:an writes that in one of
asserted their rights verbally In front
1 of the house of commons in February.
were dragged into the worst excuse
for a court of justice, and sentenced to
one month in the workshop because
they had nerve enough to tell the peo
ple of London their ideas on rights of
men and women.
The mental agonies which, we wom
en were compelled to undergo were
compensated in the good which was
done the cause, for we were the mar
'yrs of our division of the great band
of women which is fighting for the
ballot in England.
True, the magistrate was good
enough to give us places in "jail"
which were better than those to which
the ordinary drunkard of the dens of
Cheapside is sentenced, but the care
which we received, was not such that
our lives in the confinement of the
"jail" was by any means comfortable.
One of our number was a member of
the British nobility and the grievous '
wrong which we believe was inflicted !
upon her station will not bs forgotten
by cur suHrase band for many years.
Yet we refused to allow ourselves
Men have laughed at our methods of
goins; about the acquirement of our
right to the ballot,
A male friend of mine said to me:
"Why do not you women go after
the suffrage right peaceably without
the attempt at making your point felt
by the u3e of brute strength?"
Think of it. sisters and brothers
"brute strength." He called our efforts
'the utilization of "brute strength." T
laughed outright when he chose to
term our fight under that ccpi'n
Perhaps he gained his idea from u'.u
fact that our vigorous prosecution of
the fight has been, styled "rioting" by
the sensational press. But in my mind
it cannot be -called that for to my
knowiuaqo none of the women came to
blows with their enemies in this Sght.
It seems to me that what "brute
strength" has been used was on the
ether side.
Brains have been i:sed to a greater
ti' s-nall towns in Bohemia the
school sessions are held in two old
buildings which were, once residences.
By an iron -door-one may go from one
building to the-ether, and in case of
fire in one house the children have
but to go to this door and find safety
in the building in which there is no
fire, This1 plan should be .adopted,
he says, for all'th'e city schools. "iThey
iaally stand among dwelling houses,
x -' Wtr ti' ' i ilJir" ' TiiMTTii inf lWrii rlnilmKii I iijtp iiiiHjrr"r?
'' ' --i!to4DB?BBBH Ij-V - ":7BBBBBnBBBBBc5c2jlBaKlBBTO6SBMf I.' WilBBt'? "' WBfcPwMBBBFTW
Blag. Y'Msm v.7n49lHHpHW?T3 " linmSstK
srakjiStf .TfrfiBl viSHOy.f-4) rAIEBSsHH
" M fl
BHHHBBXX7 HflL kiflp.s JEH" ?BHHfl9K9B 4Hpflfl"HBv
IS!LJ!.ZjilfiHMB5DHki-BBflHHKPm mjKHW 9F tfHGShH
extent than you Americans may imag
ine. It was a cunning mind among our
leaders who thought out the plan to
talk to the menbsrs cf parliament by
having two ol the women chain them
selves to the guard in the balcony.
Just that little incident gave England
the idea that the fight was a deter
mined one.
Modern advertising methods were
used to circulate general knowledge of
the March demonstration and certain
ly if we believed that the power of
brawn is needed to win this struggle
we would not have gone about it in
that manner. We could have hired
hoodlums to make a far more startling
argument in line with the use of
brute strength."
Another manner of unique advertis
ing was the airship episode, which un
fortunately ended disastrously. The
craft, upon the side of which was
pinned a great banner bearing the
slogan. "VOTES FOR WOMEN," trav
eled in the direction opposite to that
for which it had been steered, but the
moral effect upon the public wasgood.
Though it is not generally known
there are great minds behind this cam
paign and through them eventual suc
cess is sure. Every day new moves
are planned and the members of par
liament who are opposed to our creed
little know where to look next for an
outcropping of the emblem which
bears our little legend: "equai suf
frage." Male members of British nobility are
to be figured upon if the selfish would
defeat us, and that is why I say I be
lieve I have good reason to argue that
within a decade our fight will be won.
Prince Victor Ouleep Singh's Ghost
Story and Its Confirmation.
"On Saturday, October 21, 1893. I
was in Berlin with Lord Carnarvon.
We went to the theater together and
returned at midnight," quotes a writ
er in the Strand Magazine. "I went to
bed at once, leaving, as I always do, a
bright light burning in the room (elec
tric light). As I lay In bed, I found
myself gazing at an oleograph which
hung on the wall opposite my bed. I
saw distinctly the face of my father,
the Maharajah of Duleep Singh, look
ing at me. as it were, out of the pic
ture: not like a portrait of him, but
his real head. The head about filled
the picture frame. 1 continued look
ing and still saw my father gazing at
me with an intent exprcssiou. Though
not in the least alarmed. I was so puz
zled that I got out of bed to see what
the picture really was. It was an
and from each there should be an ex
it to the house next door. That would
nvike the schools safe and prevent
i:t, ucs." Another man writes that the
expense of placing new doors" on the
schools to prevent a catastrophe
woudld cost too much. "AH danger
could be obviated." he says, "by leav
ing the doors to the street wide open
while the schools are in session." No
correspondent suggested fire escapes.
'- Visiting the Son's- Sine.
The Tifliski Listo'i ITiflis Leaflet)
Are there not in England among
the male population mmds of far
lesser caliber than those of the women
who believe they should vote? There
is no doubt of it. Yet wo, who have
a greater grasp of the political side of
life in his majesty's domain, are de
nied the privilege. Is our condition
not like that which you Americans
fought back in 177G: taxation without
From reading the cable news from
America in the daily newspaper here
in London I learn that several states
of our former colonies hae bestowed
upon their women the right to cast
ballots in rendering decisions as to
state and city officers. If the offspring
of England shall have so far prog
ressed as to recognize that the femi
nine branch of the human race de
serves a "say" in the affairs of men,
is it not time for the mother country
to cast from her back the black cloak
of unequal suffrage?
There is a suffrage lesson in Amer
ica and well may England profit by it.
The thought that voting is unwom
anly is as obsolete as the old stage
coach system, to my mind, and some
day the eyes of .our country will be
opened to that fact. We women have
simply formed ourselves into a band
of leaders and we hope soon to see our
way clear to the voting booth.
Our struggle commenced in humble
little mass meetings on the street.
The success of these resolved itself
into the desire to do greater things
and to-day you Americans who read
the newspapers are viewing a fight
which is nearing the mountain top of
f oleograph of a girl holding a rose and
leaning out of a balcony, an arch
forming the background. The girl's
face was, quite small, whereas my
father's head was the size of life, and
filled the frame."
Prince Duleep Singh adds that his
father had long been out of health,
but not alarmingly so. On the next
morning (Sunday) he told Lord Car
narvon. In the evening Lord Carna
rvon handed him two telegrams. The
Prince at once said: "My father is
dead." It was so.
lie had an apoplectic seizure on th
previous Saturday evening at about
nine, and never recovered. He had
often said he would try and appear to
his ton at death if they were apart.
Prince Duleep Singh is not subject to
hallucinations, and had only one sim
ilar experience as a school boy.
Lord Carnarvon confirms the ac
count. The Mararajah died on Sun
day, October 22, 1893.
publishes a very iemarkable order
published by the commandant of the
place in connection with the military
school.. The terms are as follows
"In case of any act of, disobedience on
the part of a pupil toward one of his
masters, whatever may have been the
conduct of the latter, the governor
will expel from the limitations of the J
place not only the pupil, but also his j
parents; for parents possessing a son
who dares to disobey his .master con
stitute a pernicious element" From
La. Correspondence Russa.
eaf a " So Enjtertaiiijnjeiijtjp asjd
Eggs and Easter.
The eggs has from time immemorial
been connected with this season of the
year. In Africa they even worship it,
and no altar decoration is considered
finished without.a circle of eggs, while
each private family boasts at least
one sacred egg.
The custom of using eggs is sup
posed to have originated with the an
cient Greeks and Romans, who col
ored tliem to use in their pagan fes
tival. Marvelous stories may be found
of bewitched eggs, said to be able
to fly straight toward the. sun, and one
famous variety was said to have been
laid by a rabbit.
So even in those remote times the
Easter "bunny' had a place. In Ger
many he has been known these many
years. The children of the-fatherland
watch eagerly for the hare who hides
his eggs so carefully for their finding
on Easter morning.
Russia is really the paradise of the
Easter egg. Every one carries one on
the street and presents to his friends,
saying "Christ is risen," the recipient
responding: "He is risen, indeed."
In practical bustling America this
season is becoming a much-Iooked-for
occasion. AVe are beginning to live up
to many of the beautiful traditions of
the past, of which the legends con
cerning Easter are the most beautiful
of all.
For an Easter Wedding.
The week following Faster has al
waysz been a favorite time for wed
dings, so these few suggestions for
girls who are preparing for this mo
mentous event are timely. White
flowers should be used exclusively,
giving lilies the preference, but car
nations, roses, tulips, hyacinth and
narcissus are all effective.
A pretty conceit is to confine one
flower to a room, massing in bowls and
using flower holders wherever it is
A canopy under which the couple
will stand may be made of wire, wind
ing with greenery, then studding with
white flowers. Form the isle of broad
white satin ribbon or tulle, and use
tall white candles in every available
place. Wind the stair banisters with
green, tying a. large bunch of white
flowers to the newel post', from which
there should be a tall cathedral can
dle. It is a pretty idea to have one or
two little flower girls with baskets
filled with white roses and petals to
scatter in the pathway of the bride.
At a wedding of this kind, the at
tendants should be gowned in white,
and the refreshments may be served
out almost entirely in white.
THE design which is worked on this sachet is decidedly uncommon, and
most effective. Satin, in a delicate shade of blue, is used for the cover,
and white for the lining; it measures about ten inches in width, and
14 deep, which, when folded, gives seven inches in depth. On one side the
design shown is worked, the other being left plain. The oak leaves are an
applique of green silk; the acorns are-worked in satin stitch in green and
brown- the scroll pattern round is worked in cording stitch with mown silk;
it would be most effective if gold tinsel thread was used instead of brown
silk the STjace between the two rows is dotted with short, single stitche3
worked in gold; the circles are in satin stitch outlined with cording.
The white satin lining is formed into a pocket each side. Aftrr the em
broidered satin is worked it must be stretched, then placed over a layer of
well-scented wadding, the edges are turned in, then the lining is put in and
the two edges are slip-stitched together, a cord composed of blue, green and
gold finishes the edge; the two sides may be fastened together by a silk
loop and button, or by a ribbon sewn on each side and tied.
Toucnes of color are everywnere.
There is still a rage for bead work.
Dyed laces are still in great favor.
Stripes are to be unusually popular.
A new high linen collar buttons at
the back.
The one-piece princess dress is pop
ular. Velvets in narrow, shaded stripes
find favor.
The new spring suits continue to
have buttons.
Washable tulle predominates for the
summer blouse.
Long sleeves will be worn on all the
tailored suits.
Soft, puffy afternoon frocks may
have elbow sleeves.
Tulle and linen jabots are as popular
as ever in Paris.
Tegal straw is. the finest material
for the brimless hat.
J Have-the ice cream in egg-shaped
forms resting in nests or straw-colored
spuu sugar: or it may be served in
cases made to represent lilies. Use
white candles in glass holders, white
Uowers. shade the light with lily
shades and cover the floor with white
canvas. Tliis makes a dining room be
fitting the occasion.
Of course use green vines and ferns
for background with the white flowers.
A Lily Luncheon.
For this affair it goes without say
ing that the decorations are all white
and gold. The cloth should be of
snowy white, with center piece over
yellow, or the always pleasing pol
ished board with doilies. Easter lilies,
the flower chosen for this pretty func
tion, should stand tall and regal in
their purity in the center of the table.
White tissue paper lilies may be made
at home or purchased to hold salted
nuts, and the yellow candles should be
shaded with white lilies, the holders
being of glass or brass. Plain white
china with gold decorations is the
proper thing. For place cards have
one lily in a small yellow jardineiere
(doll size) at each plate, to which are
tied lily-shaped cards bearing the
name in gold ink. Serve this menu:
Cream of celery soup, over which the
grated yolk of hard-boiled egg is
sprinkled: bread slicks, boiled fresh
cod, with egg sauce: chicken breasts
fried, creamed potatoes in yellow
ramekins, egg salad in nests of water
cress, cheese wafers. Xew York ice
cream, egg shaped in spun sugar
nests; sponge cakes.
An Egg Race.
Thi :; a purely Gorman sport called
"eier laufen." or egg race. It is al
ways a feature of the Easter Monday
panics, and. by the way, it is a cus
tum in the country for the grandpar
ents to enteitaln their children smd
grandchildren on the day after Easter.
The young people participate in all
the traditional games, of which the
one described is a great favorite.
A course is laid out around the
room, which takes the child over
chairs, stools, under tables and finally
through a big barrel. Six hard-boiled,
colored eggs are placed on the floor at
the starting point, and each child is
given a shallow wooden spoon, in
which the eggs are to be carried sepa
rately over this course and deposited
in a basket at the goal. The one who
makes the transfer in the shortest
space of time and with the fewest
drops is awarded a fancy egg-shaped
receptable filled with candy eggs.
Lemon Shampoo.
Here is a recipe for a simple sham
poo made of lemon: Pour the juice of
three lemons upon two ounces of salts
of tartar, add about two quarts of
warm water and use as an ordinary
shampoo. This will make the hair soft
and fluffy and is an excellent cleanser.
If one has sufficient time at her dis
posal it is a good idea to boil the juice,
boiling the skins wi.h it. This makes
a stronger solution of the lemon. A
few drops of perfume, or attar of roses
added, will leave a faint scent upon
the hair. The mixture of salts of tar
tar should never be allowed to stand.
It should be mixed fresh for every
shampoo. The DeHnea.'or.
New Muff Purse.
The muff purse is one of the season's
caprices. This nov-"y is a dainty lit
tle leather affair fastened on to a strap
of similar leather which is long enough
to go around the neck and through the j
muff. Attached in this wa to ne
strap the purse can b? tucked in the
muff with a delightful s.-rse of securi
ty, and, relieved of the necessity of
holdin-r it, the hands are left most
agreeably free:.
Goldfleld Youngster Had Early
Learned the Value of Quibble.
Doctor Norris of Goldfleld. Nev..
called his eight-year-old sen into the
library after breakfast the other morn
ing, and regarded him with a sad
-Harry." he said, "why axe jm
often late at school?"
Tm never late, father," Horry re
sponded promptly.
"Careful, son," said the doctor. "Try
to remember. Haven't you been late
at school in the last few days?"
"No, sir."
"Then why has your teacher writ
ten me this letter, saying you were
late three times last week?"
"Oh, I'll tell you. father;' said Harry,
reassuringly. "I don't know what kind
of a clock they have at our school,
but I'm always on time. Of course,
they start school sometimes before I
get there, but that isn't my faulr Is
Itr'Horper's Weekly. ,
"Hi. you, Willie! Wat's de matter?"
"Nuthin'. I'm trainin for a Mara
thon!" Fate of the Dutchman.
Patrick arrived home much the
worse for wear. One eye was closed,
his nose was broken and his face
looked as though it had been stung by
"Glory be!" exclaimed his wife.
"Thot Dutchman Schwartzheimer
'twas him," explained Patrick.
"Shame on ye!" exploded his wife
without sympathy. "A big shpalpeen
the lolkes of you to get bate up by a
little omadhoun of a Dootchman the
size of him! Why"
"Whist, Nora," said Patrick, "don't
spake disrespectfully of the dead!"
The Modern Serenader.
"Dash my guns:" roared the gouty
old squire as he rusluMl through the
cold hallways in his pajamas "What
is that noise down below fog horn?"
"Oh. pa, pa!" gasped his pretty
daughter. "That is only Mr. Screecher
cultivating his voice."
The old squire rushed for a sprink
ling can.
"W-what are you going t& do with
that, pa?"
"Why er I'm going to irrigate his
voice. That will aid in the cultiva
ton." Sheer white goods, in fact, any fine
wash goods when new, owe much of
their attractiveness to the way they
are laundered, this being done in a
manner to enhance their textile beau
ty. Home laundering would be equal
ly satisfactory if proper attention was
given to starching, the first essential
being good Ztarch, which has suflicient
strength to stiffen, without thickening
the goods. Try Defiance Starch and
you will be pleasantly surprised at the
improved appearance of your work.
Pampered 'Prisoners.
The Floyd county commissioners, It
is reported, "have ordered ten dozen
suits of pajamas for the county's con
victs." Is there another county in
Georgia or another penal Institution
in the United States that provides
its prisoners with the fashionable
"nighties?" Who wouldn't rather be
a pajamaed prisoner in that Floyd
county chain-gang than a no night
shirt freeman on the plains of windy
Kansas? Savannah News.
The Alternative.
"If the window had been eight feet
from the ground," pouted 'he young
wife, "instead of eight stori-.-, I'd have
thrown myself out when you quarreled
with me. Then you'd have had to be sweet
to me when you picked me np. A lot
of wives attemnt suicide, they say, just
to be petted when they come to."
"Yes." said he. "but sometimes th-jy
don't come to. remember."
The extraordinary popularity of fini
white goods this summer makes the
choice of Starch a matter of great im
portance. Defiance Starch, being free
from all injurious chemicals, is the
only- one which is safe to use on fine
fabrics. Its great strength as a stiffen
er makes half the usual quantity of
Starch necessary, with the result of
perfect finish, equal to that when the
goods were new.
The Idealist.
The Bride I want a piece of meat
without any bone, fat or gristle.
The Butcher Madam, I think you'd
better have an egg. Harper's Weekly.
Omaha Directory
Artyonr I ruf! CIIDDl V Ml M1I111
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or detention from Imsiurss. No p.iy
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Room 306 Dee Btfg., Omaha. Neb.
Yon cannot afford to experiment with
untried goods sold by commission
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