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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1909)
". 9 f5:" , a! "2 ."Vsfotf ?4-!'SSt"Srsn A" LITTLE KNOWLEDGE Of Painting Requirements Will, Save Much Expense. When one sees the surface of a house or other building scaling, or peeling, or spotted or blistered, or showing other symptoms of. paint "dis ease," it is evident that a poor painter has been, on the job,- and that poor paint was used or possibly that a good painter had been dominated by a property-owner who knew nothing about paint. It is an easy matter to be informed on paint and painting. A complete painting guide, including a book of color schemes, either for exterior or interior specifications for all kinds of painting, and an instrument for detecting adulteration- in paint ma terial, with directions for using It, may be, had free by writing National Lead Company, 1902 Trinity Bldg, New .York City, and asking for House owner's Painting Outfit No. 49. Then, every houseowner should make it a point to get only well known reliable brands in buying his materials. Pure white lead is espe cially important, or the paint will not prove satisfactory. The famous "Dutch Boy Painter" trademark of National Lead Company, the largest makers of pure white lead, is an ab solute guarantee of the purity and quality of the white lead sold under iL That trademark is a safeguard against paint trouble. TIRED OF THE REPETITION. Plausible Argument Advanced by Youthful Tactician. Dorothy, aged eight years, was very fond of going to church, aud when a severe cold made it unwise for her to be allowed to attend services one Sunday morning she was disconso late. "Fraulino will read the Bible to you." lier father assured her. "I dca't want to Lear the Bible read. 1 want to say my prayers," ob jected the child. "God will hear your prayers just the same If you say them at home as if 3011 were in church," she was told. "But I don't know any without the prcyer-boo," argued Dorothy. "Why. you know 'Now I lay me flown to sleep,' " papa said. "But God has heard that so often." she remonstrated. Harper's "Weekly. HUMOR BURNED AND ITCHED. Eczema on Hand, Arms, Legs and Face It Was Something Terrible. Complete Cure by Cuticura. "About fifteen or eighteen years ago eczema developed on top of my hand. It burned and itched so much that I was compelled to show it to a doctor. He pronounced it ringworm. After trying his different remedies the disease increased and went up my itrms and to my legs and finally on my face. The burning was something terrible. I went to another doctor who had the reputation of being the best In town. He told me it was eczema. His medicine checked the advance of the disease, but no further. I finally concluded to try the Cuticura Reme dies and found relief in the first trial. I continued until I was completely cured from the disease, and I have not been troubled since. C. Burkhart, 236 W. Market SL, Chambersburg, Pa., Sept. 13, 190S." I'utter Vras A Chcm. Corp, Solo Trops., JP-ston. FREEDOM. Son Say, dad; when is the free dom of the city given to a man? Pater When his wife goes to the country lor the summer. TWO YEARS OF FREEDOM. No Kidney Trouble at All Since Using Doan's Kidney Pills. Irs. J. B. Johnson, 710 Wee St.. Co lumbia, Mo., says: "I was in misery with kidney trouble, and finally had to un dergo an operation. I did not rally well, and began to suffer smothering spells and dropsy. My leftside was badly swollen and the action of the kidneys much disor dered. My doctors said I would have to be tapped, but I began using Doan's Kidney Pills in stead, and the swelling subsided and the kidneys began to act properly. Now my health is fine." (Statement made Aug. 1. 190G, and confirmed by Mrs. Johnson Nov. 16, 1908.) Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. A I riumpn. Editor This is not a good dialect stoiy. Author On the contrary it Is one of the best ever written. Editor Huh! How do you dope that out? Author If you wiii examine it carefully, you will see that not a single word in the entire MS, is spelt right. Cleveland Leader. Qualifications. "I'm afraid you're not tall enough for a nnree," said the mistress inter viewing.anvapplscanL "Oh. yes, ma'am," replied the girl. "It's all the better that I'm short: the children don't drop so far when they fall." . Stops Colds in an Hour. You will be plad to know Lane's Pleasant Tablets (laxative) will step in an hour a cold that could not be warded off bv any thing eke. They will always break" up "a cold almost inimwliately. "Druggist and dealers sell them at 25 cts. a box. Orator RWoo'dward, Le Roy, N."Y. Sample free. True thinking, pure living, right act ing and accurately stilting, are the prime foundation for a noble charac ter. Verres. mrmnntu aa , Aftitf mtwu Pnf&RM BrMk0r Time to clip the horses which have heavy coats. Bran should be mixed with other feed to produce the best ration for hogs. Good management of the dairy has a money value. Don't let the profits leak away. Mate the old gobbler with the young stock and the young gobbler with the old birds. The shepherd who lives with his flock during lambing time is the man who has good results and finds that, sheep raising pays. t To farm successfully requires just as mucli experience of a practical kind as does any other line of busi ness, probably more. If the seed corn has not been kept carefully during the winter do not be surprised if It does not give you the crop you had hoped for this year. Don't worry about the kind of weather we are having or are going to have. Try and plan your work so as to have it dovetail beautifully into the weather conditions. Nothing better than a piece of hose to dislodge the obstruction in a cow's throat. The hollow hose enables the animal to breathe while its throat is be ing rammed by the hose. It is said that in spite of the popu larity of the auto in New York, saddle horses are more numerous than ever, and this is true of the work horses all over the country. Good market for horses. liaise a few. The farmer wno carries a grouch around with him because of the weather is the farmer who is always behind hand with his work and tries to find excuse for his lack of thrift by complaining about the ufavorable con ditions. Prof. Mairs of the Pennsylvania Ex periment station, after a series of ex periments is satisfied that green food is very important in winter and can be supplied by feeding mangels, tur nips, other roots or cabbage. Whole or pulped mangels are relished best by the birds. Cut clover or clover leaves steamed till soft are also relished and are valuable green food. In discussing the use of commercial starters in cream Prof. H. N. Slater of the Indiana experiment station says: "The first thing to do in handling starter is to see that every vessel the culture comes in contact with is thor oughly sterilized. Metal vessels are preferable, as they can be kept more thoroughly steamed without breaking. Second, the starter must be kept at an even temperature. Third, we must educate our tastes so as to be capable of judging whether or not the starter is of a quality that will improve our butter. A bad starter will do as much harm as a good one will do good." Prof. L. H. Bailey points out in Cen tury wherein the graduate of the agri cultural college is hampered by lack of opportunity for practical training and experience. He says: The trouble Is that there are yet no adequate op portunities in this country for the graduate in agriculture to learn the business or to test himself, if he needs such test, as there are for other stu dents. Farmers do not take students on such a basis. Most farms do not properly instruct the boys before send ing them to college. Farm practice should be learned at home, not at col lege. The net result is that while much is expected of the student in agriculture, little opportunity is af forded him in the way of any train ing that fitly supplements his college course. The agricultural colleges can not do their best wprk for the farms until the farms come to their aid. Of no college Is so much demanded as of the agricultural colleges, because they are called on not only to educate young men and women, but also to find the ways of making profitable the occupation on which they rest They are not only educational, but econom ic and social agencies. In commenting on the great service which specialized farming had doe for agriculture, the Utica (N. Y.) Press has this to say: "Twenty years ago man' farmers cut down their ap ple orchards as useless waste of good land. Orchard pests had ruined the crops year after year, and the grow ers were discouraged. They had not j learned how to fight the enemies of the trees, and were not convinced of the practicability of spraying and other modern means now employed by fruit growers. The farmers of the county have studied the problem of combating insects and have solved it to a large extent. It is not an un common thing to hear of farmers who sold the fruit crop of a season for more than they paid a few years since for their farms. They are satisfied that science has done something for 5 the fruit grower." Scientific meth- j ods, more thorough understanding of 5 the demands of modern times ana careful study of the markets, espe cially those near at hand, are revolu tionizing agriculture., In a word, in tensive fanning bas come to stay, and the wideawake farmer realizes the val ue thereof. HHaHBattaakiLkkw-V:-, : .i k J 1 t i , I Make tbefarm interesting to the tar I Make the farm interesting to the boy and he will not want to leave it Have the feeding . racks" for the sheep - movable, so as to keep the ground even and clean. It takes 'more food to grow the larger breeds of fowls, but you have more to show for your work. Why not raise a few sheep and help Uncle Sam out in his demand for wool? Millions of dollars' worth imported ach year. Neglect costs the farmer a large share of his profit, and especially is this true in reference to the manage ment of the flock. - Bring the horses that have been idle all winter into heavy work grad ually and fit the feed ration to the amount of work done. ..Remember that many times delays come at critical moments because you did not look ahead and order that need ed part for some-machine which -you knew needed fixing. Your implement maker may not urge you to build sheds to house your machinery, for the, sooner you rust your machine out the sooner he will get a chance to sell you a new one. It is not the way cream is separated from milk, but the way it is handled after being separated, which deter mines the quality of butter it will make. If kept until it ferments it will make poor butter. Very little trouble to put a sterilized piece of cheesecloth over the top of the milk pail when milking. Try it and you will be surprised at the amount of dirt it will catch and which would have -gotten-into the milk if the cloth had not been there. In a slaughter test of the different breeds of chickens'the American breeds dressed out better than either the Med iterranean or Asiatic breeds, and in general, pullets dressed out better than cockerels. Wlen rather small, weighing less than three and a half IKMiuds live weight, the cockerels of the Mediterranean and Asiatic breeds seem to dress out better than the pul lets, t There are several solutions which may be used for killing the San Jose scale. Among these are soluble oils, whole oil soap and kerosene oil. emul sified. These should be used not stronger than a SO per cent, solution for peaches and plums, and not strong er than 50 per cent, for apples and pears. The soluble oils are effective materials. They come in concentrated solutions and are diluted according to directions for use. Remember his youth the youth of the young horse which begins his first season's work this spring. Such a period in the horse's life is a critical one. In almost every instance the man is to blame for any injury. We are all more or less forgetful, and we are especially forgetful of the young horse in the team. We are so used to driving the old team that knows enough to take care of itself that we fall into the habit of letting the young horse take care of himself. When he hasn't sense enough to do it there Is sure to be injury ahead. Not many four-year-olds can meas ure up to this record: From January 12 to January 25, 1909, a four year old Holstein cow Kiatta Mercedes Wayne produced 20.525 pounds of butter fat from 5S9.9 pounds of milk. This is not considered a remarkable record when compared with some high producing cows nowadays, yet at that rate Kiatta would make over 1,000 pounds of butter per year, which is not a bad showing for any young cow. A herd of ten 'like her would produce $3,000 worth of -products in one year, which, too, wo aid not be bad. In judging the qualities of a cow as to whether she will prove profitable first look at the head. It should be comparatively small, clean cut in out line and thin. The neck should be small and tapering, and quite narrow immcduitely back of the head. Hei eye should be clear and prominent. This indicates nerve force and" energy. The body of the cow should be slightly wedge-shaped with good, ample heart girth. The udder is the third point ot great importance. It should be well developed, not fleshy, and well veined. These are the main points in the dairy cow but they done guarantee a good milker, by any means though it is al ways well to consider them. Lime-sulphur wash can be made in an old iron or brass kettle never a copper vessel and put into it five or six gallons of water. Heat until the water becomes warm and then add 15 pounds of flowers of sudphur. Stir this until it becomes a uniform paste, and then add 20 pounds of lime, a lit tle at a time as it slakes, and stir con stantly to prevent burning. After the lime has all slaked add about five more gallons of water and boil the mixture for fully an hour to allow full chemical action between the sulphur and lime to take place. The chemical action through boiling produces a new compound, red in color, which rises to the top, and this is the poison which will kill the insects. Dilute the mass with water to 45 or 50 gallons, strain out sediment and it is ready for use To get the best resultsfrom the separator, the Kansas experiment sta tion urges observance of the four rules which follow: 1. The speed of the.bowl has an influence on the cream-. A change in speed from one separation to another changes the per cent, of fat of the cream. 2. The temperature of the milk affects the cream. If the milk is warm the cream will be thick er than if it is cold. 3. The amount separated per hour is another factor. This is especially important. For if the milk is unevenly fed into the bowl the thickness of the cream is vastly in fluenced. 4. The amount of water or skimmillc used to flush out the bowl will affect the quality of the cream. All these things tend to show that the separator must be handled with care and good judgment. iL r '" (WfiMKS- KfSBipSg wxmzi &1 & AMERCArt ??? MTR-OCAMC RAILROAD, . f ' I- if drtH fiiliTiWKr'il JZAILWAY T&SSTLE yXTA MCA The last link of 12 miles of the rail road across Costa Rica is bejng rushed to completion by an American con tractor. It was last year in August that the congress of Costa Rica ap proved the contract made by the pres ident of that republic with Warren H. Knowlton, an American citizen, for the completion of the Pacific railway between San Jose and Puntarenas. Referring to this contract Mr. Will iam Lawrence Merry, the American minister to Costa Rica, says that the price to be paid is half a -million dol lars United States gold and the period for construction 15 months, failing in which the contractor must pay a for feit of $2,000 per month, and the gov ernment agrees to pay a bonus of the same amount for each month less than the stipulated time agreed upon. Only one short tunnel and one impor tant bridge will be necessary, and tho grade of the part to be constructed is very easy. With the completion of this railway Costa Rica will have an interoceanic transit 170 miles -in length, divided as follows: Atlantic section, Port Limon to San Jose. 103 miles; Pacific section, San Jose to Puntarenas, 67 miles. The Atlantic section is owned by the Costa Rica Railway Company, an English corpora tion, and fs leased to the Costa Rica Northern railroad, an American cor poration owned by the United Fruit Company. The Pacific section is owned by the Costa Rica government. Both roads are three feet six inches Map of Costa Rica Showing Route of Railroad. gauge and well constructed, with steel and iron bridges. Each road has one short tunnel. The summit is at E) Alto, two miles west of Cartago and 5,040 feet above sea level. The grades are unavoidably heavy in places, and .here aro u.a;:y snort curves, v.j..cial ly on tho Atlantic division. Both roads are maintained in good condition, with suitable stations and side tracks. The terminal at Port Limon has two large wharves, which can accommodate six large and two small steamships. The terminal at Puntarenas has an iron wharf which has only 15 feet water at its end at low tide. Puntarenas is a much better harbor than Port Li mon, and an extension of the wharf to the six-fathom curve will enable heavy steamships to lay comfortably alongside the wharf. At present car goes at Puntarenas are handled in lighters. Owing to its altitude, narrow gauge, and heavy grades, the Costa Rica rail way transit can never become an im portant factor in inter-oceanic transit, competing with Panama, the Tehuan tepec railway, and still less' so in com petition with the Panama canal. But it is built through a beautiful country, WWWWWVVMWWWIMMVWMMMMMMMMMMAMMM BOW I ' g 'I Algy Hallo! What has become-of l the tall ot your coat? vGussie Gone to the dogs, -comrade! i B MW .A 7rr Vw vumis) V 7MELAXT 1jW. Y 00 and will be attractive to passengers who have passed over the other tran sits, and will aid the government in' regulating the rates of freight by rail to the Atlantic coast, especially on exports. .The. German Cosmos line of freight steamships, which covers the route via the Strait of Magellan to San Francisco and Vancouver, has es tablished low rates on Central Ameri can products to Europe. With a Jair rate on through bills of lading from San Jose, coffee and other freight can be landed in Europe at lower rates than are now being charged, via Li-, mon, to Europe, or via New Orleans, provided prompt delivery is not a fac1 tor; and on most freight, except fruits, Senor Don Luis Anderson, Minister from Costa Rica to the United States. a delay of 30 days is not of great Im portance, being only a question of in terest charges. Already the healthy and invigorat ing climate of the Costa Rica table lands is attracting many visitors from the Panama canal zone, hotel accom modations at Cartago and San Jose being now inadequate. The comple tion of the railway to the Pacific will facilitate this travel and aid in the development of the Pacific slope of Costa Rica. There are now five interoceanic rail-' ways in the United States and another j under construction north of them. Be-i sides this, Mexico. Guatemala, and' Panama have transits, and that at Costa Rica will make the tenth be tween the Atlantic and Pacific north of the isthmus. These transits will not decrease the traffic through the canal, but will greatly aid it by the de velopment they will produce. And in Central America every new railway is an aid to peaceful relations be tween the republics and to the pros perity of their inhabitants. By Janu ary, 1910, the new interoceanic Costa Rica railway transit will probably be completed. The present government of the republic is to be congratulated upon a p ibli: Improvement wiiica promises so much to its people. Quaint Scotch Marriage Customs. Many quaint marriage customs still survive in many old English and Scottish families. One notable tradition of this sort still kept green by the dukes of Atholl and their heirs is that of the bride groom carrying the bride across the threshold of Blair castle, it being in accord with an ancient tradition that it is unlucky for a bride who enters the castle for the first time to walk in the ordinary way. This is only one of the many quaint old feudal customs that are observed upon this estate, which the duke of Atholl holds from the crown by one of those strange tenures which are occasionally to be found in Great. Britain. Upon fear of forfeiture the -owner has -to present his sovereign with a white rose when ever he or she visits the castle. - WOWI - 1 . III ' ll I VISITS WITH vweMjnr A Bargain. I tried to find out what this Is The artist doesn't know! "It's Just a picture."; so he says, "Out where the breezes blow!" t It doesn't look much like a mlJl- There's not a rat nor mouse. If I could see a keg outside. 'T would be a roadway house! But it is neither one of these, Nor Is it just' a jail! I wonder where that dungeon goes Perhaps the place's for sale! I guess that's It It's Just a house. That someone built last May, And now they want to sell the dump Or give the thing away! All right "For sale, a pretty cot Beside a babbling stream. Where sunlight glints upon the wave And sportive minnows gleam. "Who wants to lend the simple life Away back from the town? Who'll pay me eighteen plunks a year And eighteen dollars down? 'For sale, for. half the .total cost,. A cottage, trim and new. Phone IS Black, or better yet. Write Tribune !" Moods. A Young man of New York State Eends me a package of his writings that I may tell him whether he is funny or not. A rival editor bas shot the javelin of ridicule at him and the young man is in doubt Youth is too easily discouraged at the criticism of age. No writer is funny all the time. For instance, when I have been up late the night before, smoked too much and gone to bed in the small hours, I don't feel funny at all the next day, especially if I have sidetracked my breakfast of toast and eggs and gone back to the good old buckwheat pancake and sausage. As I said, I am not at all funny that day. I want to remodel the world, re-locate the stars, bust the trusts and fire the president of my company. I growl and grumble and find fault and feel! downtrodden and miserable. How can a man be funny under such circumstances? Don't be discouraged, my young friend. When you can't be real funny, be 'as funny as you can! What your com petitor says Isn't admissible testimony. It is biased! Keep right on being funny. It pays a good dividend and brightens up a dark spot now and then for some fellow who is having Just such an off day as I have de scribed. Still Slaving. One of our citizens who occasionally wipes the dishes for his wife, became tired or the job and refused, saying that "it was not a man's work." Not feeling disposed to lose his help she brought the Bible out to convince him of his error and read as follows from 2 Kings 21:13: "And will wipe Je rusalem as a man wipoth a dish, wipuig it end k ujIUj dovii." It is needless to say that he is stil. doing his occasional stunt. Dcdson (La.) Times. By the Way. Most songs must be guilt; they are so severely punished. ir r A bowling success is not a good thing to calPa home-.talent concert. -ic i: H Sometimes a roan who is as brave as a lion in his office is as meek as Moses in his own home. Cr tz ii After all, there are only two things in life worth striving for your own happiness and the happiness of ethers. ; -it vc t: What bas become of the old-fashioned mother that used to tie a sock around Willie's neck to cure a cold? 'Z -3- A boy can tell by the kind of licking he gets in the evening just how bad business has been with father during the day. Don't Kick. Don't Kick because you have to button year wife's waist. Be ;lad your wife has a waist and doubly glad you have a wife to button a waist for. Some men's wives hae no waist to button. Some mn"s wives' have no buttons on to but ton. Some men's wives who have waists with -buttons on to button don't care a continental whether they are buttoned or not. Some men don't have any wives with waists with buttons on to button any more than a rabbit. Lacon (11L) JourmL t BYRON WILLIAMS. Medicine. Medicine: Art of correctly curing. If a man were cured of a cruel malady by remedies of old women or charl atans, all the vials of the faculty's in dignation should fall on his head. Charles Narrey. Wasted. Energy. A woman cook shoots at her em ployer simply because he remarked that the biscuits were heavy. What a waste of energy! She should have stood by calmly and permitted him to eat a few. New York Herald. M M -J . : , Vil A ITbPIIbI .'Sfl AFTER DOCTORS LE-Pinktuun'sVcjctt-We Compound Cored Her. Wiffimantio, Conn. "For fhre year I suffered untold agony from femalt troubles, causing backache, irregmfeii. ties, dini new and nervous proetra. Hon. It was impossible far sae to walk: upstairs without stoppiaf on the way. il tried three, differ ent 'doctors and each told bm some thing different. I received nobenefit from any of them, but seemed to suf fer more. The last doctor said noth ing would restore my health. I began taking Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound to see what it would do, and I am restored to my natural health. Mrs. Etta Doxovan, Box 286k Willimantic Conn. The success of Lydia E. Fmkhams Vegetable Compound, made from roots ana herbs, is unparalleled. It may be used with perfect confidence by women who suffer from displacements, inflam mation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, ir regularities, periodic pains, backache, bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indi gestion, dizziness, or nervous prostra- For thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound has been the standard remedy for female ills, and suffering women owe it to themselves to at least give this medicine a trial. Proof is abundant that it has cured thousands of others, and why should it not cure you? And a silver dollar, looks like a wheel of fortune to. the man who is down to his last penny. ONI.T OXE "BKOMO QUININE." That In I.AX1TIVK BBOMO QIUNINK. Inlcfot the siKcatam or K. W. (iltOVK. Used tho World overtu.CuroaColUin OnuDuy. 33c Your orthography is twisted. Alonzo. A woman is not a padded celL You always get full value ia "Lrm Single Binder btraight 5c cigar. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111. Chicken-hearted people are always hatching excuses. 45 to 50 Bu. of Wheat Per Acre have been grows oa (ana Uads is WESTERN CANADA Much lex would be Mtnfnctocy. The gen eral average is abort twenty bushels. t "AUare load in their praises of the ereat crops and that won derful countrv." r- frjrf from corresponderce ttationat tditorUt Association cf August, 1903. jit is now possible to secure a homestead of 160 acres free and another 160 acres at $3.00 per acre. Hundreds have paid the cost of their farms (il purchased) and tlien had a balance of from $10.00 to $ 1 2.00 per acre from one crop. 'Wheat, barley, oats, flax -all do well. Mixed farming ts a great success and dairying is highly profitable. Excel lent climate, splendid schools and churches, rail ways bring most every district within easy reach of marker. Railway and land companies have Izr.'h for m!c nt low prices and ca easy terms. "Last Best West" pamphlets and maps sent free. For these and information as to how to secure lowest railway ratts, apply -to Superintendent of Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, or te authorized Canadian Govern ment Agent: W. V. BEHKCTT. Ml Rev Ink We Bafldjai. Saa. ReWatta. If you sntTer from Fits, Falling Sickness, Spasms or have children or f riemlx thai do so, my New Discovery w ill relieve titers .and all you are asked to do is send for a FBE Bottle of Dr. May's Eplleptlcido Car. It has cured thousaiuls where everything; else failed. Sent free with directions. Express Prepaid. Guaranteed by May Medical Lab oratory, under the National Food and Drugs Act. June anh. 1900. Guaranty Ko. 13071. Please give AGE and fnll address. DR. W. H. MAY. 548 Pearl Street. New Tack City. Gem Embroidery Attachment. this is it Fits any eewfag machine. Does all kinds of Embroidering bettefthanbyhand. Saves half tho cilk. tisio and labor. So simple that a chill can oper ate it. Sell3 at CO ccr.ta. Samplo attachment sent prepaid for Sc. Agents Wanted Everywhere ( ' State and Count7 rights f or ealc KDUESS MANlifAOiiRiNG COMPANY 611 Citizens National Bank Building Los Angtlcs, California SEED OATS s.t Per Saber's catalog paze i2?-flHLM v ..-.... r9 jr4 mi whffif. Rarlt r spehz. corn, potatoes, grasses and clovers ami sead IOC in stamps and receive sample of Million uoliarurass. yieiuing nnmswj ieracro. oats, spcltz. barley, etc. tasily w orib SlO.OOof any man's money toetastart with. ana catalog iree. ur, se-.u it anu we uu ..1. .An. oaa.1 ..m? lv nnrnr rwf1 flf."r.r 5AIUV1, M41U actu ,ui j w-.. -.. - - by yoa.. $ftLZH SEED 00.. get W.lamwtg.wH. FAILED ISfyw dA&JlH jiSSaBSSSSSSSSSSSS"BSSSfe 9 - JsL -$ & : 1 J s 'T " .-Afi. .f"hft '- J 'J.vtf-r.W. -" --" - j ' w . - -.:, . .Sl i -f