The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 31, 1909, Image 2
jc- . 1 - A2L &jf5"n.-;r53!T'iia TT ---' sy -jy iC--i.t,--v--sav5,-t. g v-'j;-?-' yJ-c wrUyr, sr&-tr&; v " '3tVVv',fci V" "Vff Jv!W!? ; r 3T ; r -is- 'E?r S-..-'. s -v?-fe r U. -vc-yy. t , Tr -4.-3 " ' .r-ir -"sv - fv vs v' I x Columbus Journal R. S. STROTHER, Publisher. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA IMPOftTAHT HEWS NOTES OF A WEEK LATEST HAPPENINGS THE WORLD OVER TOLD IN ITEMIZED FORM. EVENTS HERE AND THERE Cendensed Into a Few Lines for th Perusal of the 3usy Man. Latest Personal Infor mation. CONGRESSIONAL. 'Representatives- Fordney of Michi gan and Byrd of Mississippi, nearly came to blows on the floor of the house in an argument over the tariff biU. Charges were made in the house that the retention of the countervail ing duty on oil was left in the Payne tariff bill in' the interest of the Stand ard Oil Company. The Republican insurgents in the house have prepared to fight any rule that will limit amendments to the tariff bill. The attention of congress is to be v called again to the alleged lnistreat Vment of some American subjects in Russia.' Representative Sheppard of Texas has introduceu a joint resolu tion requesting the president of the United States to renew negotiations with the Russian government. Following the two-day speech of Mr. Paj-ne, Champ Clark, minority leader of the house, began his bombardment or the tariff bill. The Democrats in a caucus in Wsishington decided that hereafter -.uembers of the party in the house must abide by the action of a two thirds majority or be read out of the party. The Democrats of the house ways and means committee in a minority report say the tariff bill is crude and If enacted into law will increase the cost of living. PERSONAL. Frederick Weyerhaeuser, the St. Paul lumber king, answering Champ Clark's speech In the house, said there is no lumber trust and never has been. i In the presence of representatives of the entire department, Ormsby Mc Harg of North Dakota was inducted formally into the office of assistant secretary of commerce and labor.' Charles D. Norton of Chicago, re cently appointed assistant secretary of the treasury to succeed Louis A. Coolidge, resigned, is to enter upon his new Unties April 5. Mrs. Carrie Nation called at -the White House but was told that Presi dent Taft was "not in." She said she wouldn't cry if the lions ate Roosevelt. Dr. Marriott Hutchlns, president of the board of education of Lake county, Mich., was swindled out of 1,000 in London. Gov. Curry of New Mexico has with drawn his resignation at the request of President Taft GENERAL NEWS. Mrs. Anna Lecline of Lindenwold, III., may contest the will of James MUlikin, the Decatur banker who left a $1,500,000 estate. Mayor Rose or Milwaukee' and President Dickie of Albion college en gaged in a debate on the prohibition question. Former Vice-President and Mrs. Fairbanks are at Pasadena, Cal., where they will remain several weeks. President Taft told Chief Engineer Goethals, before his departure for Panama to make every effort to com plete the canal before the close or 1913. The Jones & Laughlin Steel Com pany, limited. Pittsburg independents, have announced the company had sold to the First Trust & Saving Company of Chicago, and Blair & Co., of New York, $15,000,000 of bonds on the plant. Judge Ellis, sitting in a murder trial-.atr Amite. La.; forbade reporters publishing accounts of the testimony because nine other trials hinge upon the case and it would be impossible to get juries for them. uot. ungues has dismissed the charges filed with him against-District Attorney William T. Jerome of New York city by William T. .ving, repre senting a committee of stockholders of the Metropolitan Street Railway Com pany 'of New York. An appropriation of one-quarter of a million dollars is provided for the es tablishment of a national tubercular sanitarium in the state of Colorado in a bill introduced by Representative Sabath of Illinois. Mrs. Florence Nichols of Peoria, 111., is near death from blood poisoning caused by a bite on the arm from Miss Cleo Kilnatrick, who has been ar rested. When accused of murdering his servant, George, crown prince, of Ser via. renounced his right to the throne. Headed by Rev. J. Wilbur Chapman a party of evangelists sailed from Van couver to spread the Gospel ia the orient. Australia and Pacific islands. JA a battle with Snake Indians and negroes at -Hetfrye'tta. Okla., deputy sheriffs killed three, wounded five and captured 40. Damage estimated at $300,000 was caused by a snowstorm in Denver and the city was cut off from communica tion by wire. Willie Whitla positively identified the prisoners in Cleveland. O., who call- themeslves Mr. and Mrs. James Boyle, as his abductors. Mrs. Mary Farmer, when told that Gov. Hughes of New York had refused to save her from death in the electric chair manifested indifference. 'An attempt was made to assassinate James Macaluso. a wealthy Chicago steamship agent by throwing a bomb against hfs home. '' I woman woo piaauea me nouu Kiaaaping ana is Known as bats. James Boyle, was Anna Overton, daughter of a .former fireman of Chi cago, i Mrs. Jessie Overton CuTbertson of Vincennes, Ind., committed suicide and was not slain; according .to' latest developr-3Bts in the strange case. President and Mrs. Taft entertained', at -dinner at the 'White House warring factors in the' 'house of representa tives. The IS railroads of Missouri have decided to put. into effect April 1, a three-cent passenger fare. The original "affinity" wife, Mrs Ferdinand Pirincy Earte, has sued for an annulment of her marriage, dc claring her husband is a, lunatic. The new" military post to be con structed, at Waiano, Uka, Island oi Oahu, Hawaii, has been designatec Schofield barracks, in honor of the late Lieut Gen. John M. Schofield. Mrs. Pierre Lorillard, Jr., wife of the tobacco 'magnate, committed sui cide in Washington. Illness is be lieved to have caused her act Unopened notes, burled with Mrs. Pierre Lorillard, Jr., the Washington society leader, carried to the grave the secret of her suicide. The First National bank of Gibson, Okla., has closed its doors. It is capi talized at $25,000. All the deposits have been transferred to the Citizens' State bank. Depositorswill be paid in full. Frederick D. Prentice and 'Miss Hope Yeager were returned to Toledo, O., from Oklahoma to answer to charges growing out of the investiga tion of the German Fire Insurance Company, of which Prentice was sec retary and treasurer, 'and Miss Yea ger a department manager. Representative Cox of Ohio called on President Taft to discuss plans for the delivery of the gold medals awarded by the Aero Club of America to the Wright Brothers of Dayton, O. Mrs. Lloyd C. Griscom, wife of the American ambassador to Italy, who has been ill, underwent a sligh opera tion which, although successful, will prevent her leaving Rome until May. More than 20,000 persons demanded seats in the Milwaukee hippodrome where the liquor debate between Mayor Rose and Samuel Dickie was held. The building holds 4,000. Gen. Cipriano Castro, former presi dent of Venezuela, has sailed from Havre for home and, it is believed, In tends to attempt to rule the country again. The French chamber of deputies unanimously adopted M. Delcasse's motion to appoint a parliamentary commission to inquire into the state of the navy before fresh credits were voted. King Edward has appointed the earl of Granard a knight of the Order of St Patrick In place of the earl of Howth, deceased. The earl of Granard married Miss Beatrice Mills of New York in January of this year. Adjt U. T. Webb, head of the Sal vation Army of Youngstown, O., com mitted suicide by swallowing mor phine. He knelt in earnest prayer with his wife after taking the drug. Frederick Richardson, wanted on charges of fraud amounting to $300, 000, committed suicide in Harrisburg, Pa., just as the police were about to arrest him. The miners' convention at Scranton, Pa., decided that there will be no strike onApril 1, when the present agreement with the operators expires. Police Commissioner Bingham said a bribe of $600,000 a year was offered to him if he would protect certain criminal interests in New York city. Plans for the formation of a merger of four eastern railroads under one system have been made by George Gould and others according to a Balti more report Mrs. Amos Miller drowned herself and two children at 8umsbury, Conn., while mentally deranged. Representative Taylor struck Rep resentative Shoemaker with his fist and called him a "deceitful liar" dur ing the progress of an argument over the woman suffrage bill ill the Ne braska house. William C. Nagel. the oldest en gineer in point of service on the Big Four lines, was killed by being struck by a water crane as he put his head out of his cab window, 12 miles east of Greensburg, Ind. The lower branch of the Connecti cut general assembly adopted a reso lution instructing the Connecticut delegation in congress to favor chang ing the date of the presidential in auguration from March 4 to the last week in April. Attorney General Wickersham has asked Wade H. Ellis of Ohio to con tinue in his present position of assist ant attorney general, and It was offi cially announced that Mr. Ellis had agreed to do so. Two children of Hcsea Webster, a merchant of Deals Island, Md., died as a Jesuit, it is thought, of ptomaine poisoning, caused by. eating canned ham. Other members of the family are in a critical condition. The Cleveland (O.) police arrested the kidnapers of Willie Whitla, a man and a woman, the woman confessing that she planned the crime. At the annua meeting of the Penn sjlvania railroad a resolution empow ering the board of directors, in its dis cretion, to increase the bonded indebt edness of the company to the extent of $SO,000.000 was ratified. A secret service fund of $25,000, asked for by 'Police Commissioner Bingham .to combat, among other things, the "Black Hand" evil, was re fused by the board of aldermen of New York city. The explosion of a locomotive boiler killed the fireman and engineer of a Lehigh Valley freight train at Corfu, N. Y. Six men were indicted-in Pittsburg in connection with the aldermanic boodle investigations that have been going on for several weeks. Miners met in Scranton, Pa to con sider the difference between the opera tors and workmen in the anthracite field and a strike, is feared. Shingle mills guoughout the state ot Washington have resumed opera tions after a month and a half closa down for the good of the trade.,. James'fcoyle and the woman he calls his wife,,, kidnapers, of Willie Whitla, were placed In jail at Pittsburg for safe" keeping, the authorities fearing for their safety at Sharon. - FIGHT UK INDIANS CHIEF CRAZY SNAKE AND FOL LOWERS MAKING TROUBLE. BLOODY BATTLE IS EXPECTED Leader of the Aborigines to Be Inter cepted In His Efforts to Reach Tigec Mountains. Oklahoma City, Okla. In a pitched battle at Hickory Ground at 6 o'clock Saturday evening between a posse of five officers and twenty Creek Indians of the Snake clan, Officers Edward Raum and Herman .Odom of Checotah were killed. Frank Jones and, Wil liam Carr, other members of" the posse, escaped without injury and fled to the settlements, where the news of the battle was telephoned to Sheriff Odom of Mclintosh county. Oklahoma City; Okla. Chief Crazy Snake and 100 followers j retreated before five companies of Oklahoma militia late Sunday night, thus defer ring an expected battle until Monday. Hastily setting fire to his tepees and tents, the Indian leader with his mixed company of redskins and ne groes fled from their blazing camp as the troops advanced. They took up a strong position between the North Canadian river and Deep Fork creek, about seventeen miles east of Henry e'tta. Colonel Hoffman, In .command of the state troops, considered it unwise to push the pursuit and engage the Indians in the darkness. Accordingly he bivouacked his troops for the night Early in the morning, reinforced by a company of cowboys from around Lawton, Okla., all crack shots, he will lead his forces against the Indians. Crazy Snake and his braves will be offered a chance to surrender. If they refuse the battle will-be on. Colonel Hoffman sent out numerous scouts to watch the movements of the enemy and to give the alarm if they attempted to flee under cover of darkness. The commander planned to allow his weary troops rest on the field during the sight unless the In dians attempted to escape to a stronger position. The militia officers believe Crazy Snake wants to reach the Tiger mountains with his followers before engaging in a general fight That the old chief is striving to stir the Creeks to an uprising and strike for what he conceives to be liberty was evident from the smoke of three sig nal fires on adjacent hills just before sundown. Old-time frontiersmen who insist they know what such things mean declare this is a sign which al ways ushers in Indian trouble. No body is wild enough to say the old chief will get anywhere in his fanat ical dream of overturning the govern ment, but certain it is that he is try ing and just as certain that he will be ruthlessly crushed, if. he-resists. Major Charles E. Barrett, in charge of the commissary, received hurry or ders by courier to send supplies and additional ammunition to the soldiers at the camp. From this it is inferred that the officers expect a long chase before a fight Six men have been killed and a dozen wounded since the trouble be gan Thursday. This is the official re port, and it is believed many more of the negroes and Indians were killed. Dr. I. M. Wallace of Dustin, Okla., who went to the Hickory Hills with the troopers, declared more than twenty negroes were killed Thursday and Saturday, and were given rude burial without coffins in the vicinity where the soldiers camped Sunday. THIS WEEK IN CONGRESS.' Lower House Will Continue to De- bate Payne Bill. Washington The activities of con gress during the present week will be confined almost exclusively to the consideration of the tariff. The house will proceed with the consider ation of the Payne bill in general de bate, and. the hour of the daily sit tings will 'be extended, the sessions beginning at 1 o'clock in the morn ing and ending at night at 11:30 with an intermission for dinner between 6 and 8 o'clock. The senate will not be in oosition to take ud the bill un til it is passed by the house, but the senate committee on finance will con tinue consideration of the various schedules of the measure. Thinks Salary Too Much. Washington. Representative Ed wards (Ga.) is tired of drawing $7,500 for his services as a member of con gress. He is willing to hold' the job for $5,000 a year. Accordingly he in troduced a bill to reduce the salary of members from $7,500 to $5,000. Governor Cosgroye Dead. Paso Robles, Cal. Governor Sam uel G. Cosgrove of Washington died here suddenly of Bright's disease. Dr. Canfield Critically lit. New York. Dr. James H. Canfield. librarian of Columbia university, for mer chancellor of the University of Nebraska and at times connected with several other western universi ties, is in St Luke's hospital here in a serious condition, suffering from nervous shock and apoplexy, the results, it is said, of a street car ac cident a few days ago. He suffered a slight stroke of apoplexy after-the accident and last Wednesday morn ing was taken to St. Luke's, where he suffered an other stroke. Will Not Accept Cut. Reading, Pa. The executive board of the eastern division of the Amal gamated Iron, Steel and Tin Work ere association, decided' not to ac cept the reduction of wages as made by the iron companies of the division; The action will affect nearly 10.00C iron workers, comprising the pud dlers and helpers and will become effective on Monday. The cut is from $4 50 to $3.75 per ton for puddlere and proportionately for all others The eastern division comprises all ci the eastern half of Pennsylvania. AN APPEAL TO NEBRASKANS. ChffeT Saving Institute of Omaha Must v Have Larger Building. The Washington conference of charity workers, called by ex-President 'Roosevelt, endorsed the policy oi placing dependent children into private homes for adoption. This policy had longbeen pursued by the Child . Saving' Institute of Omaha. Over 2,000 Innocent, dependent chil dren have been succored by the in stitute and more than half this num ber placed in permanent, -comfortable homes, while the others were restored to parents and guardians. Calhr are constantly received for the admission, of children not only from the people of-Omaha, but from the surrounding 'towns and country districts. The number of applicants is increasing. The capacity of the institute is already overtaxed. The helpless little ones knocking Sot admission must not be turned away! A new' building must be provided. ,a new sue nas neen secured on Twenty-sixth street -between Leaven worth, and St. Mary's avenue. The total cost 'of grounds, a new building and the furnishing will be $75,000. Mr. George Joslyn has made a most generous proposition without a paral lel in the history of Omaha to give $25,000 of this on condition that the whole amount be raised before May 1. Committees are at work collecting money for the building fund. A num ber of handsome subscriptions arc be ing received. Scores of children from many Ne braska and Iowa communities have been taken in and cared for in the Child Saving 'Institute. In one case seven children from a small Ne braska town were brought in by an agent of the institute upon request ot interested parties. Only a few days ago three little girls from Lodge Pole, Neb., were admitted to the in stitute. For years the facilities of the Child Saving Institute have been available to all comers. The insti tute is a refuge for the sick, help less, deserted, .dependent children who must have the systematic care and attention afforded only by an in stitution of this kind. " x The officer in charge of the institute does not stop to inquire whether the claims of the stranded children in country districts are greater or less than those of children in the city. While it is tiue'that the institute looks largely to the benevolent people of the city for its sustenance, it is equally true that philanthropic men and women in various places of Ne braska have contributed to the sup port of the institute. The trustees have put the 'execu tion of the plans of the building fund campaign Into the hands of Dr. A. W. Clark, superintendent, whose agents and assistants will call per sonally upon any person who may express a desire to make a donation to the building fund. A condensed list of children brought from outlaying communities is hereto appended: Two little slrls from Weeping: Water. Aeh.. S and 5 yearn old: the father -was a. veteran of th civil war: physically in capable of Drnviilillir for the fhiMren A child of 3 years from Hastings, Nob. father and mother umrorthv of the care of any child; brought to the institute and later placed in the home of an uncle. Two small children from North Platte, Neb.; deserted by father; mother tried to support children and Anally failed In the effort. Two girls from Konesaw. Neb.: the mother was dying and father deserted the child. Baby boy from Geneva, Neb.; the riving mother left child in the hands of an old lady who found it impossible to care for the child longer. Four children taken from the poor house nt Blair. Neb.; mother dead; father iucai-ablc of ifiring for them. KIght childien from Sidney. Neb.; the father, a farmer, suffering from a wast ing disease, moved Into town; mother supported children by washing for two years; upon her death their eight children were brought to the institute and cared for. Seven small children from Grafton, Neb.: mother died with consumption; ut ter destitution. Four children from Oxford: father died: mother incompetent; children very bright: two boys and 'wo girls; brought to the institute. A famllv from freedom. Frontier coan ty. Nebraska: father -.lied; mother unequal to the task of supporting children: brought to institute ajid placed In good homes. Four motherless children frrtni :i home of want and suffering at Blair. Neb.: placed by th father in the institute and later the children .were placed in good homes. Brother and sister from Grand Island; parents separated: neglected by father; brought to institute: nlaced in good homes. Three bright children from Schuyler. Neb.: two boys end a girl; orphans; placed in good homes. Three boys from Custer county. Ne braska; orphans: brought to the institute; now In comfortable homes and doing well. Twenty to twenty-five homeless children have been brought from western Iowa to the idstitute during the past few years and provided with good .homes. The Child Saving Institute is lo cated at Eighteenth and Ohio streets, Omaha; telephone, Webster 991. The headquarters of the building fund committee is in room A-30, parlor floor. Hotel Rome, Sixteenth and How ard streets; telephone, Douglas 2051. Contributions and donations should be sent to these headquarters. The benevolent men and women of Nebraska and Western Iowa are urged to aid in the effort to raise this build ing fund on or before May 1. Make checks payable to the Child Saving Institute and write the build ing committee at an early date. Kissed by 8peaker Cannon. Washington. For her heroism in saving the lives of nine children dur ing the buring of the General Slocum. near New York, in 1904, Miss Mary McCabe was presented by Speaker Cannon, on behalf of congress, with a silver life saving medal. Then she was l4 years old. But now, notwith standing her more advanced age. at the conclusion of the ceremonies, Speaker Cannon, "the Iron Duke of American politics," took her blushing face between his hands and kissed her. 'One ot the first Filipino women to hold a physician's degree will be a ynung girl from Cavite, who is said to have taken rank as the most brilliant student in the Philadelphia Women's Medical college. As a child at home, she recalls being awakened by the roar of Dewey's guns. So were many of her countrymen and women awakened in a mental as well as a physical sense. The average .value of land on Man hattan Island, according to the assess-1 aient. Is $272,173 an acre. CAPITAL CRY HEWS ITEMS OF INTEREST AROUND THE STATE HOUSE. ' ' THE WORK OF THE UW IMKERS Legislative Facts and eseip News ef the State Capital. Allowance for State University. The state university promises to be well treated at the hands of the state senate in regard to the appropriations that will be granted. The university officials asked the addition of $100,000 to the mill levy and the senate com mittee on finance, ways 'and means has shown no disposition to' reduce that amount The committee will rec ommend that the senate give the state -school all that the house bill called for. and an additional appropriation of $25,000 may be recommended. i Chancellor Avery appeared before the committee and. advised the uem bers of the needs of the appropriation. He declared that $30,000 of the special appropriation would be used to buy a drill ground and an athletic Cbeld. while the balance would be utilized for making additions to the power plant, the electric light plant, a standpipe at the farm and repairs on the green house. A special fund of $20,000 has been approved for the farmers' institutes and $15,000 for the North Platte ex periment station. If the senate sees fit to add any conditional appropria tion to that which the house appruved Chancellor Avery advised the senators to add a larger sum to that set aside for farmers' institutes and also for some cf the experiment stations. It was suggested that $20,000 more could be used to a good advantage in bny - ing more campus room. Final Session of the Sifters. The sifting committee of the nnuse has held its last session unless the house gives its specific orders to the contrary, the last meeting resulting iu me gnnuing out ui mis gnsi: 72 Brown of Lancaster Fixing sal ary of fire commissioner. 32C Cooperrider Not to assess grain men. 513 Prohibits contracts based on an election. 520 Appointment of state architect. 577 Amends criminal code. 427 Resolution favoring btate bridges. 566 Defines the word "cemeter .' 55 Prohibits discrimination by lite insurance companies. 248 Receiving or concerning stolen property. 474 Regulates the practice of den tistry. 216 Amends primary law. 220 Amends primary law. 435 Requires railroads to stock yard facilities. 578 Regulates issuance of stocKs and bonds. 399 Repeals tax on peddlers. Senate files: 100 Amends primary lav.. 91 Amends road law. 99 Amends road law. 134 Duties of district courts. 152 Establishes school of citizen ship. 4 Defines agricultural seeds and prohibits mixture and adulteration. 143 Requires telephones installed by public service corporations. A rule was adopted late in the after noon that no more bills shall be taken from general file without the order of the house. This amounts to an in definite postponement of all bills en the general file Unless the house, by a majority vote, decides to pull a bill from the general file the house will be limited to the consideration of bills passed by the senate, bills recom mended by the bouse sifting commit tee, and bills en third reading. Spe- cial provision was made for the con- J sideration of the amendments to the I pure 'food law reported by the com inittee on miscellaneous subjects. Signed by Governor. Governor Shallenberger Wednooday signed the following bills: H. R. No. 159. by Kuhl State con- '"" ventions to be held the last Tue&dav in .Tnlv lirinr to nrimnrips to ninkp mnir. - M V !.! I..- 2!.n EV... ll. j a. iu ..v. ..x-z. jj fc?ii;;i mi nit; i election of precinct and district as- j sessors every two years.' - t H. R. No. 70. by !.ibe For Hcens-1 ing of nurses. j H. R. No. M3. by 'arr Procedure t ssncd H. R. 423, the so-called guar for changing boundaries of school dis-' onty of i)ank deposits. He signed it trJcts- jnrlng the forenoon and in a few H. R. No. 228. by Criffen Prohibits . mmut0s afterward the senate ordered dumping trash in drainage ditchss. jV.,000 copies printed for equal distrlbu- H. R. No. 215, by Skeen Defining lti'on to members of the legislature, the duties of precinct' and distr.ct J Tno governor signed S. F. 315. by assessors and assessing grain on hand t Howell, a bill providing a pension fund held by grain brokers as tangible for teachers of the Omaha public property. J scnools. the teachers themselves to ae H. R. No. 12S, by Lawrence -x,i'5- required to contribute a small percent tary code. i aje fronj their salaries to this fund. Salary of Supreme Curt. The senate judiciary committee Thursday reported for the general file H. R. 86, a bill designed to make the office of the clerk of the supreme court a salaried office instead of a fee office. The bill as it came from the house reduces or raises the clerk's salary, as the cate may he. to 34,000 a year and gives the deputy clerk $2,500 a year. The senate committee recommended that the bill be amended by making the deputy rejiorter's salary $2,500 a year and by striking out the emergency clause. Woman Suffrage Killed. - The senate for the third time de feated a woman suffrage bill Thurs day. This time it was H. R. No. 120, which the house, passed, evidently with the understanding that the senate would do as it had done with the same kind of a bill on a previous occasion. Twenty votes, or three-fifths of the senate, is required to submit to f the people a constitutional amendment. H. R. No. 120 is a proposed constitutional amendment for the purpose of strik ing out the word "male" in fhe sec tion defining electors. It r3cched icremeen vote? Traveling Men Appear. A committee of traveling men com posed of L. W. Garoutte, H. C. Wyrick: and C. D. Edleman. of the board of directors of Post C -Travelers Protec- tiye association of Lincoln, appeared before the general appropriations com mittee of the legislature Monday night for the purpose of asking for an ap propriation to be recommended for rthe labor commissioner, in whose bands the enforcement of the. "hotel I bill" is placed. It contains an item sufficient at least for tfie employment of one inspector' and ' his expenses while enforcing the instructions of the chief. According to Mr. Garoutte there need not be a great amount spent by the bureau in searching out infract tions of the law. The traveling men, who are the originators of the bill, promise hearty co-operation along the lines that will conservatively protect the traveling public and public house keepers alike. Mr. Garoutte had with him a section of one of the comforters that the general public sometimes sub mits to being quartered under, to gether with a flimsy, frazzled towel and a single 'pillow slip, the sole 'fur nishings of theSx9x6 ceiling, besides a thropiiiartor iron hrdtpnd and a , . bowl and pitcher. This wholly unven tilated and unsanitary "stall" of a sleeping room, the committee stated; is air too common over the state, and while the traveling men themselves arc experienced enough to dodge them, or "kick" the foul furnishings or them selves out of submitting to being im posed upon by their use, the general public are the ones who rather than "make a scene," submit for the time being to the disease breeding condi tions. Want Good Beer or None. The ronly other bill of any impor tance that was considered in com mittee of the whole by the hoiue was the creation of a beer inspection department that is intended to secure nuro beer for the thirstv consumer and .at (he same tfme be a gourco of ' ,...., revenue for the state. The governor s to appoint as many deputies as are needed at salaries of $1,200 a year each and a chief at a salary of $2,090 a year. All beer manufactured in the state to be inspected and branded as to purity. "All beer shipped into the state for the retailer must also be in spected. For this work a fee of one cent a gallon Is to be paid into the state treasury. It is claimed that SOO, 000 barrels of booze will be affected by this bill, or 25,600,000 gallons. This means at one cent a gallon a revenue I for the state of $256,000. Although Sink pointed out that the money will have to be paid bv tho retailer of liquor who already pays a licence, the house recommended the measure for passage after amending it thr.t all liquor shipped out of the state need net be inspected. Shoemaker tried to amend the bill to make the fee one fourth cent of a gallon. He said that j was enough to pay the expense and I leave a neat sum for the state. He also hinted darkly that the bill as it is recommended is unconstitutional and that he was but trying to save It In some degree. He did not state his constitutional objections. Killing the Bartos Bills. The slaughter which was begun some weeks ago on the numerous in surance bills of -Senator Bartos has not ended, and Friday another of his measures failed to pass the committee of the whole. The "affidavit" bill. No. 202. and the 6 per cent dividend bills are the only ones that have as yet stocd the least bit of a show in the upper houoe. The "affidavit" bill was treated like molten metal and not a senator seemed to dare to get near enough to it to cast an opposing vote. The 6 per cent bill yet is in the bal ance, and already it nas neen pruuea to raise the possible dividends for in- surance firms on non-participating pol icies to the stockholders to S per cent. The measure that was killed Friday provided that the auditor, the governor and the state treasurer should le per- initted to investigate the rates oa the ' premiums paid by surety and fidelity companies and to fix a maximum rate for these concerns upon bonds, con tracts and stipulations that may be ' granted. ! The Ledigh bill fixing the salary m. .- 1 1. r l..r. .......mxr. n.i..t nt ' l"!' ' , i n""7"": " ," "" i 2,.uu a year wiin au uuuiuunui auui of S1.500 ior his duties as head M- l.MOTa.. ....... rftf.uai.1 nnonininnclr liV Uiai 1UU was jnsai:u " " !,- nA..A C.I1 Tli ciUw rtf in a rencrtcrs was nxcd at $2,500 a'yeir. Signs Banking Bill, Governor Shallenbor&'or Thursday Net Weight Bill Endorsed. The house Friday afternoon n-commended for passage the Smith bill. H. R. 486. as amended by the committee on miscellaneous subjects. The amendments provide for the incorpora tion of the national clause regarding branding as to "weight. The naticnal pure food act leaves the matter of branding weights op tional with the rood manufacturer and provides that when net weight is stat ed that it must be correct. The clause relating to bleached Hour allows the sale of bleached flour r. Nebraska. To Correct Omaha Charter. Governor Shallenberger Wednesday sent a bill to the senate to perfect the Omaha city charter, S. F. No. 1, which was 'signed by him Tuesday. It has been discovered that the Om aha charter bill fails to repeal the sections of the present statute which it seeks to amend. Under the rulings of the courts such bills are invalid. Ransom of Douglas introduced the bill presented by the governor. The new bill must be passed by botli houses before it can b?come a law. NEBRASKA NEWS AND NOTES. Items cf Interest Taken From Here and There Over the State. . The Midwest Life. The Midwest Life Insurance com pany is an old line Insurance com pany organized under the laws -of the. state of Nebraska whose home office is located at Lincoln. Its premium rates axe a3 low as those of eastern companies and the provisions of Its policies are fair and reasonable. All the investments of The Midwest Life are made in Ne braska securities and the money paid to it for jpremlam Is thereby kept ia the state. Practical and experienced life insurance men are back of The Midwest Life. It will be three years old in May next and has over $1,500, 000 of insurance In force. The Midwest Life has plenty of ter ritory in Nebraska for good, active and capable agents who wish to take up the work of soliciting1 life Insur ance either on full or part time. Lib eral commissions are paid. For ad ditional information write to N. Z. Snell. President, Lincoln. "A noteworthy occasion- to the Ger man Lutheran church at Tobias was the dedication on Sunday of their new pipe organ. Preliminary steps for thc- opening of an interurban railway line between Sioux City and Hartington, Neb., have Veen taken by Sioux City and Nebraska business men. George Warren, a leading citizen and a democratic leader of Johnson county, was found dead In his room, evidently having passed away ten or twelve hours before of heart trouble. The city of Lincoln has won its suit for dollar gas. William and Charles Deeken. broth ers, between the ages of 25 and 30 years, were arrested in Sioux City on the charge of robbery and brought back to Pender to be given a trial. They are accused of robbing Sydney Graves of $400. When arrested they bad $165 on their person. Noal Bryan of Otoe county pur chased seven head of mules from Charles O'Brien on the east side of the river, and was showing a team of them on the streets in Nebraska City when an automobile frightened one of the mules so that it reared up and fell over dead. John, the 15-year-old son of Chris Coffey, ticket agent for the Burling ton railway. Nebraska City, accident ally shot himself while out duck bunting in a boat. He was getting out of the boat and pulled the gun toward him. He died almost in stantly. William L. Gettle. son of W. G. Gcttle. arrived in Humboldt from Washington. D. C having been honor ably discharged on the 12th as first class electrician on the cruiser May flower, after a service of four years in the navy. Mr. Gettle at once re enlisted, and is home on a thirty days' furlough to visit his parents. Louis Larsen. living one mile east of Kennard. met with a very serious accident while hoisting hay into the barn with a team and hay fork. He was walking !ehind the doubletree, when a tug broke and the end of the singletree struck him a terrific blow in the stomach. He fc still alive, but no hopes are entertained for his re covery. "We. the jury, find for the plaintiff and assess her damages at $4,283.75." This was the verdict of the jury in the suit of Lena Margaret Lillie against the Modern Woodmen or America to recover a $3,000 policy on the life of her husband, Harvey M. Lillie. The suit had been fought be cause of the allegation that Mrs. Lil lie was the cause of her husband's death. Rev. George J. Glauber, rector of the Catholic church at Hartington. died of paralysis at the age of 55. Born in Buffalo, he was educated at St, Joseph's college there and St. Je rome's at Berlin. Canada, and gradu- ated in theology at Niagara univer sity. In 1877 he was ordained by Bishop Ryan. The next, year he was appointed to Lincoln and bad charge also of missions in the southwest ot the state, building churches at Hast ings, Orleans, Wheatley and Fairfield. Daniel Ducello, an old resident ranchman living in the North Platte valley, was arrested charged with ma liciously poisoning the live stock or Charles Henry, his neighbor. The wholesale killing of Henry's property was rjported two week3 as" and Sheriff Beal has been keeping guards on watch for further acts. Ducello was caught in the act of placing salt mixed with parts green aad a sack of alfalfa hay dampened and sprin kled thoroughly with- parts green in Henry's pasture. Beatrice bloodhounds did effective work in trailing down the murderers of William Dillon, near Oxford. The dogs took up the4trail. which Avas several days old, and as a result two boys. George Critzer and Ben Hed dendorff. were arrested and have con fessed to the crime. According to their story, Heddendorff did the shooting, and in the division of the plunder Critzer secured only $20 and a watch for his share of the results of the crime. The man killed lived alone on his farm. Word was received in Tecumseh that Ben, the 4-year-oid son of Mr. and Mrs. J.'C. Vanleer of Sheridan. Wyo.. had been drowned. The par ents formerly resided in Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Falk of Beat rice are the parents of triplets, three boys, born last week.' The babies are healthy and well formed and weigh 8, 7 and C pounds, respectively. The talent for the 1909 Fairbury Chautauqua has ?.1I been booked, and includes some of the strongest num bers the local program has ever cm braced. The dates of the asscmbly this year are August 13 to 23. Coe Olmsted committeed suicide on the farm of Daniel Hall, four miles east of York, by shooting himself in the head with a shotgun. Ho was about 36 years old and unmarried. His widowed mother Iive3 at Kaho ka. Mo. Senator Diers' bill providing for the lowering of the exemption of wages from garnishee proceedings from 90 per cent to 75 per cent was passed by the senate by a vote of 21 to 9. The bill as amended provides that no- one s wages shall be subject to these proceedings except for debts contracted for the necessities of life. K -'t&rtjLV g -s rr4 W py.