.'VP r-Vsf v i t r jia - "rif-'irf'' Jr ' ' - . w jV .. .pi . , i ... V The Only Baking Powder made 'from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar rMade from Grapes A Guarantee of Pure, Healthful, Delicious Food ITEMS OF INTEREST SCHUYLEU. From the San. Miss Carrie Kolarik of Prague and Miss Bessie Kolarik of Columbus, nieces of A. G. Eupka were guests at the Kup ka borne this week. Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Segelke of Colum bus and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Segelke drove down from Columbus Wednesday to attend Mr. Becker's funeral. FUfcLERTOX. From the News-Journal. Lnst Saturday afternoon Harry Cole bad the misfortune to get a bad squeese from a horse tied in a stall. His collar bone was broken' besides Buffering from internal injuries. He immediately came to towu aniris at present laid up at the home of his father. S. N. Saville says there is big doings over at his home this week. His moth er aged 75 makes her home with him, and this week her two aged sisters from Iowa, aged 70 and 73 respectively, are visiting here. All three are younger than most people at 40 and S. N. says they are as active and full of play as youngsters. It is a great treat for all the family and tbey are enjoying it to the fullest. ST. EDWABD From the Advance. Mrs. E. D. Jenkinson retnrnpd home Monday to Monroe after a few days vis it to her father, Tbos. Harris. Miss Coffin arrived Mondny from Gen oa and will take charge of the switch board of the Skeedee Independent tele phone company for several weeks. Cards were received last week by St. Edward friends of Miss Fanny Weslmore of Ohanutc, Kansas, announcing. her ap proaching marriage to Captain Sherman Boulet of the Salvation Army at Omaha Miss Wcstmore has been with the Salva tion Army for a number of years and now holds a position as captain at Chnnute. The Adance joins the many St. Edward friends of Miss Westmore in extending best wishes. LINDSAY. From the Post. While shelling corn for Tony Beller last Wednesday Frank Heiman lost two finders in the shelter. He was oiling the machine and the gearing caught his mit ten drawing the hand between tbe cogs severing the little linger and the ring finger on the Tight hand. Henry Albrachtand some friends went out hunting the first of the week and made a most phenominal shot. He kill ed a lone flying duck, with a rifle, at least 300 yds. distance. If ever war breaks out they can just enlist Henry as a whole regiment. Mrs. J. W. Ramaekers was injured in a runaway Thursday morning. Mr. Ra maekers opened the gate and Mrs. Ra maekers was to drive the horse through. He became unmanagable and upset tbe buggy throwing the old lady to the ground. No bones were broken but she was badly shocked by tbe fall. HUMPHREY. From the Democrat Mrs. Frank Fromel went down to Co lumbus yesterday" to receive medical treatment at St. Mary's hospital. Mrs. Richard Olmer and Mm Jos Schafer were in Columbus Monday and that evening returned with Mrs. Jos. FR1SCHH0LZ BROS. SHOES CLOTHING Gents' Furnishing Goods ' RELIABLE GOODS AT BIGHT PRICES. . FRISCHHOLZ BROS. 405 11th Street, &AKIMO rOWDER ibsolutely Vtire ABOUT OUR NEIGH BORS ATCD FRIENDS CLIPPED PROM. OUR EXCHANGES ' Olmer who has been in the hospital for some time. ' The O'Neill' Frontier says that Mia .Anna Savage has filed suit for divorce from Martin P. Savage now of DeloiL This conple were former residents of Platte connty were married in Columbus in 187? and have eight children The bill for divorce alleges extreme cruelty. We notice by the Madison papers that Peter Kuben thai, who recently resigned as president of the First National Bank of Madison, and John -M. Dineen, form erly of this place will soon leave Madi son for Alliance, Neb., where they will form a partnership in the real estate business. BELIiWOOD. From the Gazette. Mary Welsh, aged seventy-eight years, died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Fred Wright; at Pa' isade, Colorado, Tuesday of last week. The remains were brought to David City Thursday evening. Mrs. Welsh was an early set tler of Butler connty, residing on tbe farm about eight miles west of that city until the death of her husband. "Let's quit raising children till we can take care of those we have. Let's abo lish sentimentalism'and substitute com mon sense. In race suicide, so called, lives the salvation of tbe race." 8uch is the plea Mrs. Sarah K. Meredith, record ing "secretary of the Ohio Woman's Christian Temperance Unio'n, who has stepped to the front as an advocate of race suicide. Wednesday was St. Patrick's day. Many observed tbe day by wearing the little shamrock in a conspicnons place on their coat. St. Patrick was a Scotch man and was born at Baravem Tabernia, Scotland, at an early age. History says that he did much toward making it a Christian nation. The story that he drove all tbe reptiles from Ireland is generally denied. i HOWELLS From the Journal. On Tuesday Jos. Pojar sold sixty-five acres of his farm north of town to Frank J. Pimper, the tract joining Frank's home place of fifteen acres and gives him a fine farm. Tbe land is unimprov ed and sold for an even 8100 per acre. Mrs. A. E. Cady, wife of one of tbe former publishers of the Schuyler Sun, and a lady well known to the early set tlers of the county, died at the family home in St. Paul, this state, on Tuesday after an illness, of two years. Old Col- rax connty friends will be grieved to hear of her death and their sincere' sym pathy goo out to the sorrowing family. Joseph Becker and B. Lorenzen were at Schuyler Wednesday attending tbe funeral of the late Matthew Becker, who departed this life at his home in that city last Snnday after an illness .of some months. The deceased was a native of Germany and was fifty-six years of age at the time of his death. He bad been a resident of Colfax county since 1873, coming here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos P. Becker, pioneer settlers of Midland precinct, long since deaeased. Matt as he was generally called, was known throughout the county and has many friends who are sorry to hear of his death. Columbus. Mono. XL top Botek for core this year was reached Wednesday, when tbe elevators took 'in considerable at fifty-four and ona-half eenta. per bushel. "Wheat is up to the 100 per cent mark in the bluff" remarked 'a farmer the other day which means that this section is reasonably sure of a bumper crop this year. D. D. Lawrence of Polk, Neb,, was here this week renewing acquaintances and also enjoying s. bunt. Mr. Lawren ce has resigned his position with the in dependent telepbonecompany atStroms burg and expects to go west. Articles of incorporation and the con stitution for the new farmers elevator al Monroe were presented to tbe meeting last Saturday afternoon, at which time it is expected to have the articles of in corporation ready for the signature of those who will incorporate. 'Never be fore have the conditions been more favor able for the establishment of a farmers elevator, and' those pushing the matter are confident of success. In accordance with the promise .of .the insurance companies doing' business in Monroe, a rate was sent here to change the rates to conform with new conditions after the water works were installed. But he might as well have remained in Omaha, for instead of putting a pre mium on the installing of water works, in some cases it was just 'the opposite. Monroe is entitled to just as much con sideration as any of tbe smaller towns that have put in water systems, and no doubt when the case is brought before tbe proper officials of tbe companies in terested a -more equitable rate will be made. Whether or not to add another grade to tbe Monroe schools is a question that will be up before the board at their next regular meeting. The work of the past school year has been very thorough and satisfactory, and in line with the policy toward the schools, the adding of anoth er grade, which must.be done sooner or later is being taken up.. Under the pre sent law the district is compelled to pay tuition for tbe advanced scholars, and it is a question whether tbe expense thus incurred would be less at present than tbeadditonal and besides tbe better school would attract more from other districts to this one. AXiBIOH. Form the News. Mrs. L. Hohl went to Ames Tuesday, having received word that her mother was very low and not expected to live. Several weeks ago a Kansas editor ad vertised the fact that he bad lost bis umbrella, and -requested tbe finder to keep it. 'He now reports: "Finder has done so. It pays to advertise." Two members of the "Dixie Girl" com pany, which played at the opera. house Wednesday and Thursday nights, weie united lnmarriage Thursday night after the play. Thew ceremony took place on (he stage, tbe words being spoken by Judge Riley in the presence of the audi ence. The couple were given, a royal send-off when they left on the late train. Deputy 8heriff Galyean with W. H. Longnecker and Al Higgins as special deputies, went down to St- Edward Mon day morning and made a raid on A. D White's drug store. If required but a short time for them to locate a quantity of liquor stored, away in a closet in the wall. Tbe collection which consisted of a large quantity of whisky, alcohol and malt was brought to Albion and stored away in the county jail for safe keeping. No arrest was made at the time as Mr. White was called to Excelsior Springs, Mo. but a few days before by tbe death of his eldest daughter. This is not the first time Mr. White has been before the courts on a similar charge. STROMSBUBO. From the Headlight. Albert .Gustafson residing north of town where he is renting land from C. J. Johnson, made an attempt upon his own life last Thursday, by cutting his throat with a razor. A doctor from Osceola was summoned who sewed up the wound and be was made as comforta ble as possible under tbe circumstances, and if no complications set in, will re cover. He had been suffering with vthe grippe and committed the deed in a mo ment of mental abberation. After a.long search and advertising in all the leading papers, the whereabouts of Charles Wagner was discovered Telegrams have been sent out all over tbe United States for him, notifying him of the death of his brother who was mur dered in Missouri. Last Monday noon he was found in Cedar, Kansas. Charley .Wagner left his home, 6 miles north of Osceola to visit his brother in Missouri Isst October, he misteriously disappear ed! Foul play was suspected and all aid possible rendered to find him. He is a brother of the Wagner murdered in Missouri a few days ago. central crrx. From the Becord. John Willicha, of. Grand Island, lost his life, although not by an accident, while out' hunting on the Platte river south of that place last .-Sunday. In wading in tbe river be got into some quioKsana, irom which be was unable. to extricate himself without help, lut before help arrived he had so exhausted himself in struggling that he died soon after from heart failure. Herman Golderman. a thirteen year old boy, while riding a mule home from school Monday night, tied the reins aroand r his neck. The amfe ho.., . frightened and ran away, choking the coy- so nadiy it was thought he was desd when he wss found. He remained uacoosckma until seven o'clock next morning;. Bra. Psxtoa sad Mianich were called sad resoseitatsd tdm. They report aim isiproTiaf. HOT WATER HEATING Fir fit Firm All the comforts of town life can now be had on the farm. Heat the house-with hot water, and get the maximum amount of comfort at a minimum cost. The day of the base burner in the country home is rapid ly passing. WHY NOT HAVE THE BEST The time to install a heating plant is from now on. Once installed, they last a life time. Come in and let us tell you about it, or drop us a card stating what you want. s I. DUSSELL ft SOI Plumbing' and Hot? Water - Heating', COLUMBUS, NEB. WANTED The right party can secure an- excellent Doxition. salarv or commission for Colombo? and vi cinity. State age; former occupation and giTP reference. Address LOCK BOX.488, Lincoln, Neb. WANTED TO SEE HOW IT WAS. Youngster's Idea Was to Emulate Feat of the Chickens. Helen and Roger were staying' with their grandparents. Although they were not exactly city children, yet there were enough new' sights and sounds here to keep them busy asking questions and trying to find out for themselves. The hens fascinated them a good deal . At night they would peep into ' the henhouse and watch 'the row of cud-dled-up chickens balanced on the roost ing poles. "Aren't they funny?" said Roger, who was the younger of the two. 'They look as if their heads had been pushed down into their bodies." "I know It," said Helen. "But see their feet curled round the pole so tightly. I should think it would keep them awake, holding on so hard." When Helen asked her father how it was the hens did not get tired out holding so tightly to the poles, he said: "Why, they do not have to hold on. When they sit down their claws shut up by themselves, and they can't fall off if they want to, without first standing up." "How unny!" exclaimed Roger. "Next time you see a chicken walk ing;" continued their father, "just no tice that when she steps, high, her claws close together the same way they do when she sits down. If you were like that you could perch on the back of a chair all night." "My!" said Roger, as they reached the house. "Let me sit up and try It!" Youth's Companion. Invention of Porcelain. . At a display of porcelain in China an exhibitor said that Chinese litera ture ascribes the invention of porce lain to a period some 25 centures be fore Christ. Foreign experts are by no means certain that the art existed before the seventh century of this era. How Lorella Was Interested. While the visitor told how he had ridden 30 thrilling miles on the cow catcher of a locomotive, five-year-old Lorella listened attentively. As he concluded, she asked: "Did you catcb the cow, Mr. Blank?" American Burial Caskets in Demand. American burial caskets in consid erable numbers are now exported to various foreign countries, including the West Indies and South America, and England, South Africa, and Aus tralia. Kites for Locusts. The Molteno (Cape Colony) farmers have hit upon a novel plan for dealing with locusts. A farmer has imported some eagle kites for the purpose of scaring locusts from the crons PILES! PILES! PILES! Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will core Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles. It absorbs the tumors, allays Itching at once, acts as a poul tice, gives instant relief. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment is prepared for Piles and itching of the 'private parts. Sold by druggists, mail 50c and 1.00. Williams' M'fg. Co.. Props., Cleveland. O . WHY NOT TRY THE PACIFIC HOTEL ' COLUMBUS, NEB. The big brick hotel one. and one half blocks south of west depot cross ing. 25 rooms at 25c; 20 rooms at 50c; meals, 25c. HARRY MUSSELMAN, Pnpriitir COLUMBUS MEAT MARKET We invite all who desire choice steak, and the very best cuts of all other meats to call at oiir market on Eleventh street. .We also handle poultry and fish and oysters in season, S.E. MARTY fc CO. Tslepkons To,l, - Colambus,Xeb, ' lATTB CUTKB Miss Mary Dunn ia spending a part of the week witbi her sister, Mrs. Ben Bet terton, atColamba. Miss Kittie Considine went to Colum bus Snnday and is stopping with her sister,' Mrs. B. H. Schroeder. Miss Anna Murphy, whose 'illness was mentioned Isst week, was taken to St.. Mary's hospital at Columbus Monday for treatment. The ground hog's time is up, and if he don't cosm oat of si hole pretty scon it will be.the proper thing to build a smud ge and smoke him out.. He's an ob structionist. - i L. C Loseke received a shorthorn bull calf Wednesday night from Canada, by express. It was no small calf, either, its weight being about six hundred pounds. It's a fine animal and cost plenty of money, the express alone being thirty dollars.' WORTHY OF CONFIDENCE. An Offer Backed Up by One of the Most Reputable Concerns in Columbus. We will either cure you of constipa tion or pay for all the medicine used dur ing the trial. You pay us nothing if we fail. .That's a mighty broad statement, .and we mean every word of it. We will back it up witbourown personal reputa tion, too. Could yany thing be more fair and secure for you. The most scientific, common sene treatment is Bexall Orderlies. Their active principle is a very recent scienti fic discovery that is odorless and tasteless very pronounced, gentle and pleasant in its action, and particularly agreeable in every way. This ingredient does not cause any diarrhoea, nausea, flatulence or griping, ttexall Urderlies are as plea sant to take as candy and are particular ly good for children and delicate per sons. If you suffer from chronic or habitual constipation, or the associate or depend ent chronic ailments, we urge you to try Rexall Oderlies at our risk. Remember, you can only get them at our stores. Two sizes, 25c and 10c. Pollock & Co the druggists on tbe corner. .Hike MUNtY FOK INVENTORS. British Admiralty Niggardly in Its Re wards to Clever Workmen. The lords of the British admiralty issued a circular to the'officials of the various naval dockyards some time ago in which a system of payment for suggestions made by the workmen em ployed inall .departments was intro iuced. This, it was hoped, would en courage the men, but the scheme is now practically defunct owing to the extraordinary parsimony of the admir alty officials. "' The workmen manifested keenness in applying their minds to mechanical appliances for saving labor and cost, but after waiting for months received 3 few paltry dollars as their rewards. Some of the inventions are valuable and will save the country large sums of money, but in no case has any man ' received more than $25 for his ingenu ity. The men complain that they have spent their spare time in patient study to receive in return grants which are ridiculous. As an instance of the admiralty's niggardliness one man submitted an invention which enables a diver in dif ficulties under water to attach another airpfpe and cut the pipe which is en tangled in wreckage. Until this in genious device was submitted such a thing was thought impossible. The ad miralty officials adopted the idea and awarded the clever inventor the sum of $15. Not for Them. William Hanley, a well-known Du luth cruiser and timberman, tells a good story of Indians and the impor tance of personal publicity in a red skin. Hanley was in charge of a big drive on the St. Croix river, and in the vicinity of Taylor's falls a big jam oc curred. Among the drivers were hall a dozen Indians. They were good men on the river and held up their end with the white men. One day while inspecting the jam Hanley passed the six Indians. In a spirit of good na ture he hailed the Indians and said: "Break that jam, boys, and I'll put your names in the paper." "Ugh!" responded one after a pause. "Six Indians dead in paper, but we nc see it" Woodsman's Fight with Wolves. Armed only., with an ax, Joseph Frost of Kenroa had a terrible experi ence with two timber wolves recentlj near Garwood. He was returning from. the bush, where he had been cutting wood, when two large wolves sprang at him. Using his ax freely, he man aged to keep, the animals at bay s few minutes, but when the battle seemed hopeless, a Canadian Pacific railroad freight train passed and the animals ran into the bush. "Torn clothes and a bloody, ax showed the severe experience he had beer through. Owing to a scarcity of rab bits the wolves this winter are verj bold and appear more numerous thar for several years past. Winnipeg Cor of St. Paul Dispatch. Sterner Measures Necessary. "Really," said Nervey, "I want you to be my wife. Come, now, don't say No. " ' ' "Mr. Nervey," replied the heiress, "1 wouldn't think of saying Nol to you " "Ah!" "It wouldn't have any effect on you, so I think the best thing I can do is to yell .for the police." Injurious Only to Pedestrian. ' The white car tore very smoothly along the straight road .between the fields. "And they say" her red lips curled in a disdainful smile "they say that the jar of automoblling Is In jurious to the neryes!" "Pooh,:' he sneered, "it is only foot passengers Who say that!" .And he steered with splendid skill straight at a fat. oW aum with a sack of grain, oa his tack. I jrjdrr "': .' - v .. . ;.,-, ... -,. , . ,- ,-,.. j. . u,mm m ,3j SI SM -' I -SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsi I' '-' SBsl BBBBBBBasaiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV-' BBSS) I 'sfsHsBssllllHBaBaBalBaLf' - I ' I - sGssdEiJKM:! I I l asBSEssKl I SB SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTQBBBv CBBBPjBBBBBflBM Bb H JBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSafBBKCBBBBVaBBBBVBL H SB SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBkBBBBBBBBBlBP BB llsBBBBBBBPBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVBBBBBBBBBBBBm .bbbJbbbbbbbbbEIVbbbbbbbbbbbbbbK ' I SrSBBBmPSj OMJSBBBBwS 1 I' The Mat hin6 That Does tot Work ItSE CLEHHi MIlEFm Carpets, Rugs, Draperies. Upholstered FVirn'item ' Mattresses, SioVWalls, Ceilings, etc., cleaned and reno. yaiea witnout ramoval from room; . Carpets cleaned for 8 cents per yard. 'Other work in proportion. ' " ' ' . Columbus Rug Factory v inqepenaent , JHone-Oftce, 209; HAD PLANNED TRIP. TO EUROPE. Got Caught in Folding Bed Stranger Took His Wealth. and For more than a year Henry Da vidson has been planning a trip to Europe, the New York correspondent of the Cincinnati Times-Star says. In order to aid the travel fund- by sa ving he has occupied a cheap room on One Hundred and Twenty-fourth street," The principal object in the room was a large folding bed. The other night the bed seemed uneasy, so; Davidson tried to rearrange it. To do so he stood on it, near the head, and it shut up on him like a trap. Only his head protruded and he screamed murder in the three lan guages he knows. A tapping came at the door. "Come in!" shrieked Davidson. "Come, help me!" The door opened slightly and an un pleasant face peered in. Seeing that Davidson was fast, the owner of the face followed it in. "Can't ye get out?" he queried, sympathetically. - Davidson replied, with some excess of heat, that he wouldn't have yelled if he had. been able to release him self, without assistance. "Hurt bad?" asked the stranger. Davidson said: "No;, just bruised." "Well," said the visitor, "you will be hurt bad if I hear a yip out of you.!' And he deliberately went through Davidson's .belongings, while the owner. In a folding bed and mental agony, watched the procedure. The visited rifled Davidson's trunk, took his little bUs of jewelry and the money he had saved for that European trip. Now and then a groan burst from -Davidson, always to be stifled by a threatening motion on the part of the thief. "Good-by." said that person affably as he left, "I'll close the door after me. You needn't get up." When, an hour later, Davidson was finally released by his landlady, his first act' was to send for the kitchen hatchet and destroy the bed. THRIVES ON DIET OF ORANGES. California's Golden Fruit Agrees with the Ostrich. It Is questionable if any animal on earth could duplicate the swallowing feat that is to be seen daily (or as often as a tourist comes along) at the Cawston ostrich farm in South Pasa dena, Cal. The ostriches on this farm are veritable giants of their race, hav ing responded generously to the genial climate, good food and scientific care. Oranges are one of their great dain ties, especially the big "navel" varie ties, measuring upward of 3 Inches In diameter. One old patriarch named Emperor William will catch the or anges one after another, full ten feet a hove the eround. until an even dozen EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY " should be photographed at regular intervals. The photographs are a pictorial history of their progress and growth. HAVE YOUR' FAMILY PHOTOGRAPHED hefeandyou will secure the jbest portraits it is possible to produce. Do it now while tney are all with you. The clearest possession in some household ia a picture taken of some loved one who has Kone away or bejond. . . . . , Successor to Wm. Helwig. f , DeHART STUDIO. """"" -i I Magazine Binding I Old Books I I Rebound ' I I ' I la fact, for anything in the book I I binding line bring your work to I I &e I I Journal Office I 'H H BBBB BBBbI' I Phone 160 I .H I BL. - . c BBl Residence, 2972 may te seen at me same time siowij bumping down his long expanse: of neck, to be finally Jost In. .the raflie of feathers where neck'and body Join! William has been known to gulp 35 or 40 oranges in succession,, says the Wide World Magazine, and tie fact that he is in robust health at 23 years of age seems to indicate that Califor nia oranges agree with him. The College Man in Business. I have no doubt that a man with training in imagination derived fsom a college education can .advance rap idly, but I would rather have a man in business who can. dp percentage than one who can do differential cal culus. The grasp of. detail is what th& university man does not get .The man in business requires the routine character of mind .that the highly educated college man has .not the patience for. What seem to be hie things do not exist in business, for business is simp'ly a combination ol details. The "best man in business is the man with the greatest imagina tion. The strongest asset a business man can have is the pQwer of seeing what might happen.- He' must alsc have the moral courage, to go broke If necessary, and not resort to crooked work to keep afloat. -C. B. Riley President of Chicago. Title, and Trust Company, in Leslie's Weekly. Action of the Magnetic Needle. . The magnetic needle comesto rest pointing north and south because the earth acts as if it were a jreat mag net. A compass needle would come to rest pointing lengthwise of a bar mag net placed under the compass needle, just as it does under the influence of the earth. For this reason "we think of the earth as a great .magnet. The north pole-and the north star have no influence over the compass needle. KM PACIFIC TIME TULE WEST BOCSD. No. 11 ....237am No. 13 11:19 a in No.l 11:29 am No.9 11:41am No. 7 3:19 pm No. 15 6:10 pm No. 3 ........ 6:40pm No. 5 7:15 pm No. Ml. ..'..... 7 .-00 am No. 63 5:00 pin EAST BOUND. No. 4 6:05 am No. 12 4:9uara No. 14al22Sd 1:00 pm No. 6 2:18 pm No. 16 2ifipra No. 10 ....:.. 3:12 pra No. 8 6:14 pm No. 2 7:15 pm No". 60 5:20 ib No.64 50 am BRANCHES. NORFOLK. HPALDINO ALBION. No. 79 mscf d 6 5 a m No. 31 pas ..i Vjao p m No." 32 pas ..al2S0pm No. 80 mxd.. 7.-00 p a No. i a mxil d f: (Jam No. 29 pas ..1 7 25 p m No.SOpas ..nl2:45piu No. 78 inxd ..a 6i0 p m Daily except Snnday. NOTE: -vos. 1. 2, 7 and 8 are extra fare trains. Not. 4, 5, 13 and 14 are local passengsn. Niih. 58 and 59. are local freights. Nos. 9 and 16 are mail trains oaly. No !4 doe in Omaha 4:45 p.-in. No. 6 dne in Omaha 5:0Q,p. m. .t V w$Ll c. X ,-St. J r. y .&&. i5tV. ' -.--V-,Js . Vv, .iri.S- -- . -; Sf5 - &is ti '