The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 17, 1909, Image 7

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But sit Sometimes It
Sad for the
When a property-owner knows noth
ing about paint it is bad for .the
property-owner, and bad for the paint
srl It would not be so if the property
owner would always hire a skilled
painter, and then really leave every
thing: to him. But the house-owner so
often fools himself on one or the other
of these things.
The skilled painter In every commu
nity has some lof the most incompetent
competitors that ever vexed a consci
entious workman or contractor, and
the incompetents get jobs generally by
working cheap. In the next place,
when the skilled painter is hired, they
do not leave everything to him, as so
many property-owners boast they do.
They interfere most ignorantly and
most fatally. . They insist sometimes'
on using paint materials without in
vestigating whether they, are good or
not. Or perhaps they insist on the
painter's hurrying the work.
"I'm not going to have that painter's
mess around my house a month," the
wife says, and what wife says goes
at the cost of a lot of wasted painting
If the painter slays away a few
lays to allow the paint to thoroughly
Iry the owner says: "That painter's
aeglecting this work guess he's side
tracking me for Jones' work. I won't
stand it"
What chance does a painterhave to do
;ood work for a man who is continually
aagging at him and otherwise handi
capping him (without meaning it, of
course) ? A poor job is the inevitable
result of such Interference.
Poor painting costs the houseowncr
money don't forget that It might
2ay you to get the practical paint
book, painting specifications and in
strument for detecting paint adul
terants, which National Lead Co. are
offering under the title of House
Owner's Painting Outfit No. 49. Ad
Jress National Lead Co., 1902 Trinity
Hldg., New York City. This company
do not make painty (they leave that to
the painter to do) but they make
pure white lead ("Dutch Boy Painter"
trademark kind), and they can tell
you how to save money by securing
durable paintiug.
Some Excuse fcr His Violent Assault
on Managing Editor.
Lina Cavalieri. the beautiful Roman
prima donna, said recently of her
"beauty parlor" in New York:
"Beauty is woman's most important
attribute. She who increases beaut
is woman's greatest benefactor. Hus
bands, brothers, even fathers In their
inmost hearts beauty is the thing they
ilesire most to see in their feminine
She laughed.
"Only the other day," she said, "a
gray, fat old gentleman entered a
newspaper office and said:
""Are you the managing editor?'
" 'Yep.' was the reply.
"l suppese that on you. then.' said
the visitor. Tests the responsibility for
this morning's reference to my daugh
ter Patty as Fatty. Take that!,'"
Doctor What are you doing in that
ub? You'll catch your death.
Patien. But, doctor, didn't you iell
:no to take the pills In water?
Success at Last.
"Jack London finds Australia a good
leal like our own Wild West," said a
San Franciscan. "I met him in Mel
Dourne. He had already picked up a
bushel of local stories and sketches.
"He tcld me a story of an actor who
!:ad just returned from a long tour
inland. This actor said of his tour:
" 'The first night, sir. in Uluwalla, I
vas hissed, sir. hissed; the second
night I was egged, sir, egged; but the
third night, sir '
"Here'the tragedian slapped his ex
panded chest
the third night, sir, I played be
hind a net.' "
V.'iiai t-is Lacked.
It 13 related of a South American
seaer?!. "ha was extremely well
pleased wi:!i himself, tliat once, when
about to saliy forth to a grand dance,
he surveyed himself contentedly in the
mirror, and then soliloquized thus:
"Ah: Thcu hast all bravery,
wealth, rosltion, good looks. Ah, what
dost thou lack?"
Whereupon his orderly, who. un
known to the general, was close at
hand, remarked:
"Sense, general, sense!"
How Injurious Coffee Really Was.
Many persons go on drinking coffee
vear after year without realizing that
:t is the cause of many obscure but
persistent ailments.
The drug caffeine in coffee and
tea, is very like uric acid and is often
Ihe cause of rheumatic attacks which,
when coffee is used habitually, become
A Washington lady said, recently:
"I am sixty-five and have had a good
deal of experience with coffee. I con
sider it very injurious and the cause
of many diseases. 1 am sure ir causes
decay of teeth in children.
"When I drank coffee I had sick
spells and still did not realize that
coffee could be so harmful, till about
a year ago I had rheumatism in my
arms and Sngers, got so nervous I
could not sleep, and was all run down.
"At last, after finding that medicines
did me no good, I decided to quit cof
fee entirely and try Postum. After
using it six months I fully recovered
my health bes-ond all expectations, can
sleep sound and my rheumatism is all
gone." "There's a Reason."
Name given by Postnm Co., Battle
Creek, Mich. Read the famous little
book, "The Road to Wellville," In pkgs.
Ever read the abere letter? A aew
appears frm tlaae to ttac Tfcer
Kvmauwf Mxwe, aaa lULtl aaataa
Items of Interest, Taken From vv Here
and There Over the State. .
A case of smallpox was last week
reported near Wood River.
Hans Jensen, aged 15, was shot and
instantly killed by his hunting mate,
Walter Brandenburg, near Plainview,
while shooting ducks.
Miss Marie Douglas and Ben Wind
ham will represent Plattsmouth in the
East Central Nebraska oratorial con
test to be held at South Omaha On
the evening of March 31.
The new- State Bank of Cook at
Cook, Johnson county, is now ready
for business, having just opened in
its new building with a complete new
Preparations are being made by the
Mannercbor der Cemethllchkelt of
Hastings for the annual sangerfest of
the Nebraska sangerbund, which will
be 'held there next September.
In the district court at Kearney
Carl S. Carson was sentenced to one
year in the state penitentiary for
stealing hogs. Joe Fielding was also
sentenced for a like period for the
same crime. .
Roy Benfer, aged 19 years, is con
fined in the county jail at Plattsmouth
awaiting the arrival of an officer to
take him back to Deadwood, S. D.,
where he is wanted for a statutory
Miss Margaret Peery has been
elected to fill the vacancy in the
Bloomington High school, caused by
the resignation of Miss Lorrance, who
was forced by failing eyesight to give
up her work.
At Tekamah the jury that went out
to deliberate on a verdict in the case
of Nicholas Farrens, who was charged
with the death of Lester Ball at De
catur last December could not agree
and were discharged.
While limiting ducks from a boat
la the river near Peru, Joseph Sharp
was drowned and John Sheet of Peru
and Rich A?imer of Auburn had nar
row escapes from the same fate. The
boat overturned.
Several of the hunters from Teka
mah went to Lyons to kill a few ducks
on the Logan, but returned without
firing a shot After that three of the
boys went out east of Tekaham a few
hours and bagged 102.
Gus Childs, "Doc" Tribbets, Jerome
Tribbets and George Gamble, four of
the men arrested at Beatrice pleaded
guilty to the charge of gambling and
were lined $20 and $25 respectively
and costs.
The Seick & Co. general merchan
dising store at Huntley was entered
by burglars. Three boys, all about
the age of 10 years, did the work and
will be given terms in the state re
form school.
Sheriff Fischer of Otoe county re
turned from Council Bluffs with Geo
Clark and Frank Dickson, charged
with robbing the store of L. F. Teide
of Berlin. Part of the stolen goods
was found on the men and they
pleaded guilty.
The Cass county mortgage record
for February shows that there were
eight farm mortgages filed, amount
ing to $53,000; released, nine, amount,
$29,555; city mortgages filed, seven,
amount, $3,672; released, four, amount,
The Board of Home Trustees of the
Odd Fellows decided to accept the
proposition of York for the location of
the Odd Fellow's home at that city.
They purchased a tract of 160 acres
of land overlooking the city and the
valley of the Blue river for the sum of
$30,000, of which $10,000 was donated
by the business men of that town.
There is an eleven-room house on the
land with fine outbuildings and shade
Salesmen representing mail order
express liquor houses soliciting per
sonal orders from consignees in York
are given a warm reception. Owing
to the many arrests a number never
stop in York, but pass on through.
City Engineer Watson has been in
structed by the supervising architect
of the Treasury department to estab
lish the grades of the site for the gov
ernment building in Fafrbury, so that
plans for the same can be made and
the contract for building awarded as
soon as possible.
Jesse Blount of Stromsburg, died
from tuberculosis of the stomach
after an illness of about two months.
Mr. Blount was 22 years old and
leaves a widow, having been married
only about a year. He was in the em
ploye of the Council Bluffs Remedy
company, and it is supposed that he
contracted the disease from dissect
ing dead cholera stricken hogs, which
he frequently carved up for the pur
pose of demonstrating the benefits cf
the remedy which he sold.
A week recently closed was a
record breaker at the county clerk's
office in Fairbury in point of number
of instruments filed for record. The
filings for the week amounted to 1S5.
Of these 118 were warranty deeds and
mortgages. ' The balance were quit
claim deeds, releases, cemeterV deeds,
etc. There was a total of sixty-three
deds recorded, representing a valua
tion of deeds filed of fAS.VlO, and the
farm mortgages $181,525, making a
total representation of cash transai
tions for the week of $729,795.
Tolls to get the American battle
ships through the Suez canal are
stated to have been $1S0,000. That
looks high; but when the Japanese
fleet starts to capture all our Atlantic
coast cities we will not let it through
the Panama canal for a cent less.
Those San Francisco park officials
who saw thousands of little snakes fall
from the clouds and neglected to
gather a few to prove their story will
never be at home when opportunity
comec knocking at their doors. '
Fledgling Got No Second Helping Un
til Its Turn Came.
"I was much amused one afternoon,"
says an observant naturalist "by a lit
tle family scene on the twig of an elm
tree, where a fly catcher had her tiny
brood of five, just out of the nest all
perched in a row. she was feeding
them, and the little dots took their
rations with great content as often
Moldy corn is dangerous feed for the
Provide roomy places for the "cows.
They do better than when kept in the
rigid stanchions. '
Don't get Impatient Much good land
has been spoiled-by trying to work it
when It is wet.
Early hatches do better than those
brought off after the heat of the sum
mer has begun.
Get the lambs to eating grain as
soon as possible. They should have
the grain diet ten weeks before wean
ing. High-priced feeds will return a profit
if put into a good cow, not a poor one.
No kind of feeding pays in the case
of the poor cow.
Raise colts, but don't try to do it
with the poor, run-down, over-worked
mares. Strong colts cannot be got
ten In this way.
Be sure that you get a standard
grade of cement and that it is mixed
in proper " proportions with the other
materials if you want to get good
One farmer who started with a ce
ment trough for his pigs has extended
the use "of cement to the building of
a silo, barn, and the next thing will
be a cement house.
Give the boy some animal he can call
his very own. Let him raise a lamb or
a calf,, and then have the money when
it is grown and ready for market In
this way he will take an interest in
things. jm
The blanket is needed to protect
the horse against the sharp, chill winds
of spring as much as during the cold
of winter. Remember this .when the
horse has been warmed up by a long
drive or a hard bit of work.
If you have overhauled the machin
ery during the slack days of winter
you are in good condition and frame
of mind to enter upon the spring ac
tivities. If you have not looked over
the machinery and put it In good con
dition, do it at once.
Experiments have demonstrated that
between the ages of six and thirteen
weeks of a chicken's life it requires
from four to four and thn;3-quarters
pounds of feed to produce a pound of
gain. Between the ages of 13 and 26
weeks it required from four and three
quarters to five and three-quarters
pounds of feed to produce a pound of
According to a test made by an ex
periment station it was found that the
eggs of the different breeds in order
of their weight were as follows: Black
Minorca, Light Brahma, Barred Rock,
White Leghorn. White Wyandotte,
Rhode Island Red, White Crested
Black Polish, Buff Cochin. A great
deal may depend upon the strain, as
it is known that some hens of any
breed normally lay larger eggs than
others of the same breed.-
The Peggy mentioned in the follow
ing item from Judge, up and died be
fore we had a chance to use it. but
the point which is made is none the
less true: At the leading poultry
shows throughout the country, a hen
called "Peggy" is being exhibited.
This hen is supposed to be worth $10,
000. We have no good reason to doubt
this statement. At the present price
of eggs, even an old barnyard fowl
that is doing anything at all for her
country is a pretty valuable piece of
property. It is no longer a goose, but
a hen that is laying golden eggs.
If you wish to test the soil to see if
it needs lime, take small samples from
several points in the field and mix to;
gelher thoroughly. Then take a cup
ful of the mixture and moisten it just
enough so it will pack firmly in the
cup. Thrust a knife down into this soil
and work it back and forth so as to
leave an opening. Be ready with strips
of blue litmus paper. This is a form
of blotting paper colored blue with a
dye made from certain mosses of lich
ens. It has the property of changing
its color from blue to red. and from
red to blue when put into acid or alka
line substances. After the hole is made
I put a piece of this blue paper down
into it and push the soil up around
It Let. it stay there half an hour
or more, then take the paper out and
dry it If there is much acid in the
soil the blue color will change to a
pink or red the more acid the dark
2r the color. If it does turn a pink or
iarker you may conclude that the soil
needs lime. But make more than one
teat to make certain.
as the mother caught an insect and
flew back with the morsel to each
open beak in turn.
' "The regularity with which she kept
count feeding one after another, in
exact prder, from top to bottom of the
row, was very Interesting.
"Presently one. small chap grew im
patient and while the mother was
away fluttered over and crowded him
self into the place next to Us bird
f aBBlSBi!fg:f:: h
I yPslaVBeaaaaaaaa J I ""
I QBAaaC&aaa bbbbV
I ", k
Oil meal Is good for the cows,
will prove a pay ration.
Think, out your .-work and the doing
of it will prove much easier.
From the first of April to the last
I of May is the best time to do your
Alfalfa is as good for the hogs as
for the ,cows. Try for a stand of al
falfa this year.
A mighty three to test out your herd.
Start invthis spring. Scales, a tally
sheet and a Babcock tester are what
you need.
Garget or congested udder can be
generally relieved by hot applications
and vigorous rubbing and kneading of
the affected part
Good grooming, good bedding and
good feed will make the good cow
more profitable. Don'; fool your time
away on the poor cow.. ,
Concrete 'construction on the farm
is receiving more and more attention.
Strength and permanence in anything
built on the" farm is- a move for econ
omy. As compared with the old pan meth
od of raising creanv, the separator is
as far ahead of the old method as the
thresher is ahead of the old flail
method of threshing grain.
Look carefully after the cows that
are to calve this spring. Don't let the
bright warm days that we get occa
sionally delude you into thinking that
there is no longer need of shelter and
Yes, it is some trouble and expense
raising dairy cows, but see what ypu
have after you have raised them, if
you have saved those from your best
cows mated to a pure-bred bull. That
is the way to build up a dairy herd.
If trouble with lumpy or stringy
milk try this treatment: First give
a thorough purge, say a pound of
Glauber's salts. Wnen it has ceased
to act, give half an ounce of niter and
30 drops of aconite twice a day for two
days, or longer If not cured.
The German proverb that the ma
nure pile iSj the farmer's bank de
pends for its truth a good deal upon
the way the banking is done. Such
banks don't pay interest if every rain
is allowed to wash away the best part
of the manure. The surest way to eet
full value for all the manure made
on the farm is to get it out on the land
as soon as possible.
Pin worms in the membrane lining
the rectum of the horse are exceed
ingly annoying and cause irritation
which seriously interferes with a
horse's working capacity. To remedy
give rectal injection two or three
times a week of three quarts of soapy
warm water to which has been added
a cupful of decoction of tobacco made
by pouring boiling water on tobacco
stems and allowing to soak for a few
An appropriation for the construc
tion and equipment of a modern ab
batoir at Ames, la., is to be asked of
the legislature by the agricultural col
lege. The proposal is that a
thoroughly modern slaughtering plant
should be erected at the college in
oi-der that students may be taught the
actual results which follow stated
systems of breeding and feeding com
mercial cattle, sheep aud swine. It
is easy enough to show how meat
making animals mar be fed profitably,
but unless the student can observe
for himself the actual results achieved
but half of the work has been done.
Prof. C. B. Lane declares his belief
that the milking-machine is one of
the advance steps in dairying. I have
watched its workings very closely and
the results obtained indicate that it
is entirely practical. That it Is a labor-saving
device there is no question.
For example: Two men with the ma
chine will milk a herd of 60 cows in
less time than It requires four men by
hand. This makes it possible for the
other two men to go into the fields
with the teams early in the morning
and work until evening, as it is not
necessary for the drivers to take part
in the milking. This is no small item,
as on many farms It would amount to
$10 a week in cash and for 30 weeks a
net saving of $300.
Unclean methods are as inexcusable
in the barn as in the house. The han
dling of the milk and .the milking in
the barn has more to do with its qual
ity than its after handling after it is
brought to the dairy room. It is Teally
astonishing to see how careless and
unclean a man, who in other things
is most particular, will be when it
comes to milking. If the good woman
has been in a hurry when washing
the dishes and left a spot on a plate or
a fleck of dried egg on the back of a
fork, the man of the house is likely to
wipe it off ostentatiously on a napkin
or the table cloth. But if that same
man does the milking that evening it
will not be at all surprising if the
one who strains the milk finds some
straws, hairs, and manure sediment
in the strainer or the bottomv of the
milk pail. There are some men who
are careful in milking; they brush off
the udder carefully before beginning
and they keep the cows clean. But' we
all know there are a lot of others who
are so careless that the milk they
bring in is really filthy. Straining the
milk removes the visible dirt, but it
does not remove the contamination or
make the milk any cleaner. Surely
the good housewives bear much from
last fed, exactly as if he had planned
to get' the next fly. He sat there,
looking .very sober and innocent, when
the mother returned, but she saw the
trick at once and gave the insect to
the right bird, and I fancied she
whisked the interloper with her wing
as she passed, byay of cuffing bis
ears. Probably he was the rogue of
the family and she knew him too
well." '
Faith Is something a gooe deal
brighter and mightier than fear of the
future. Chicago Trihuae.
It I r ' - tt
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3cr&ror THrofiorAMutoAD.
The Oroya railroad has been called
"a railroad among the clouds." In
order to construct It, the chief engi
neer. Mr. Ernest Mallinoski, and his
assistants resorted to the most ex
traordinary devices, and methods. The
height ascended by this railway is
within 136 feet of that of the summit
of Mont Blanc, Switzerland. The road
bends upon itself with sharp angles
as it ascends the mountain sides, like
a staircase with many turns. It pierces
the obstructing peaks with 32 tunnels,
which often come together so closely
that they seem continuous to the trav
eler. Great gorges had to be trav
ersed and torrent streams spanned by
bridges that seem to hang in mid-air.
The mountain sides were in several
Instances so precipitous that the work
men could only reach the point at
which a tunnel started by being let
down with ropes from the edge of the
cliff and held there till they had cut
for themselves a foothold in the rock.
The diamond drill was used in many
of the borings.
Engineers were often compelled to
triangulate from the opposite side to
mark out the course of the road, while
in one case they and their men were
conveyed across a chasm over the
Rimac on wire ropes suspended sev
eral hundred feet in the air between
the two opposite cliffs. The upper por
tion of this narrow and tortuous river
rages downvthrough the bottom of
gorges and chasms walled In with
mountainous, overhanging bluffs, some
times over 2,000 feet high.
A considerable portion of the rail
way follows the Rimac in its windings,
or crosses and recrosses it at the
sharpest angles. The grade from Lima
(44S feet above sea level) to San Bar-
tolome, 39 miles inland, is constantly
up, and at the latter station the eleva
tion is 4,910 feet above the Pacific
ocean an astonishing ascent for that
distance. Here occurs the first of
many retrograde developments, ren
dered necessary by the increasing rise
up the gorges, ravines and slopes of
the Andes, where tne line takes the
form of a V, and, receding upon ari
ascending grade, reaches the elevated
plateau on which the village of San
Bartolome stands. Thence, crossing
and recrossing the Seco, a tributary
of the Rimac, it makes two complete
detours and ascends on the opposite
side past a point overlooking San Bar
tolome Station. The road clings to
the rugged sides of the ever-towering
ridges, passes through two tunnels
and crosses a deep mountain gorge on
the famous Verrugas viaduct. This
was regarded in the Meiggs epoch as
the highest bridge in the world.
A notable feature In the section of
the railway from Verrugas on to
Surco is a tunnel through a precipi
tous side of the mountain, about 575
feet above the bed of the river. In
some of this there is a curve of 395
feet radius. The Oroya railroad now
continues onward and upward through
a wilderness of mountain heights in
Billy Bulger Came Through with His
Half of the Account.
"Got any work this mornin, MIstah
Boyd?" asked old Billy Bulger, safe
hi the knowledge that no work would
be entrusted to him.
"No," was the response; and tiien,
before Billy could ask for the custom
ary contribution: "But wait a min
ute. Lawyer Phillips has owed me
$20 for 20 years. Collect it and I'll
give you half." And the merchant,
knowing how bad was the debt,
winked at a waiting customer.
The old man found .the lawyer in
the middle of a group of prospective
clients and influential citizens.
Thrusting through the group, he
called, in stentorian tones:
"Mistah Phillips, suh!" ,
"Well?" queried the lawyer, much
"MIstah Boyd done tell me that
you've owed him $20 for about a hun
dred years; and he wants to know
kin you pay him, sub,"
BX I a.BLM araTTaT I TTTtm 1 USat
tho fYirriilipra with IIia fnmilinr TMmn
river still near for a very considerable
portion of the journey, while snowy
peaks that are 16,000 feet high over
look its tempestuous and roaring
.course. Continuing amid Andean scen
ery, already above the lowest limit of
perpetual snow, the road gains from
Tambo de Viso to the station of Infier
nillo, a distance of 10 miles, an as
cent of 1,153 feet The name "Infier
nillo" (Little Hell) has been bestowed
on this region because the Rimac
thunders and foams down a narrow
gorge, the cliffs of which reach hun
dreds of feet toward the sky and shut
out the light of day. The line, after
leaving a tunnel, crosses the river on
a bridge of 160 feet span and at a
height of 165 above the water, and
then enters another tunnel.
From any point of the valley no less
than five almost parallel lines are
visible three on one side and two on
Railroad Construction on a Portion of
the Oroya Line.
the other of opposite mountains
while the greatest distance between
any two of them is scarcely 500 feet.
A few miles above Casapalca, and
nearly opposite Anterangra, the nar
row valley of the Chin Chan opens
suddenly from the north, and divides
two towering ridges crested with per
petual snow. Here the route crosses
the Rimac and advances up the Chin
Chan for -2 miles, where, making a
sharp detour, it returns above the first
line and reappears on the right bank
of the Rimac. 1,000 feet above the bed
of the valley. From this natural for
tress to the dividing crest of the Andes
the line of the road is often lost to
sight amid desolate masses of snow
and ice. One can perceive that ex
tremely heavy work had to be done
and great obstacles overcome, but the
line advances on higher and higher,
winding the sources of the Rimac,
which it has followed from the Pacific
ocean, until at last it reaches the deso
late summit of the Andes and enters
the Galera, or "tune! de la Cima," as
the Peruvians style it. This tunnel is
1,173-meters, or C.S4S feet long, and
enters the mountain about 680 feet be
neath the apex of an undulation lying
between Mount Meiggs (17,500 feet
above sea level), and two gigantic
peaks on the left. It is 104 miles
from Callao and 15,645 feet above sea
level, or only 136 feet less than the
altitude of Mont Blanc. The rest of
the route to the village of Oroya, 22
miles beyond, is on a gradually de
scending grade, the construction oi
which was relatively easy comnared
to the I r?!loaa labors already accom-
plisned. .
-i-i-i-innnrinnjLiLiiji-iui- - j i j
The lawyer hurried to Billy's side.
"You idiot," he said sotto voce, "do
you want to ruin my business? Here!"
and he thrust a $10 bill into the old
man's hand.
Back to the merchant toddled the
old man.
"Well, Billy," said th'e merchant,
"did you get it?"
The old man' grinned.
"I got my half, all right," he
chuckled; "but you'd better look out
when you go back to get your half
he's right smart hot over it, suh!"
Success Magazine.
The annual catalogue of the Univer
sity of Pennsylvania for 1908-'09 shows
that the teaching force consists of 454
members, an increase of 19 over last
year. The students number 4,570, or
an increase of 291. The college regis
tration has increased from 2,668 to
2,989, every one of the departments of
the college showing large and sub
stantial gains; so also do the graduate
i m
aaa BfaBBavra
afal rfflaBafl
aarfft aaaafJaafffl
J and professional schools.
-BBUaamr0 mBtV
"What's-your name, messenger?"1
"Samson, sir."
"Good! Just'pop off with this box to
the depot:
Ecatma Came en Legs an Ankles
Could, Mot Wear Shoes Because f
Of Bad Scaling and' Itching.
T have been successfully cured of
dry eczema. I was inspecting the re
moval of noxious weeds from the edge
of a river and was constantly In the
dust from the weeds. At night 1
cleansed my limbs but felt a prickly
sensauon. i paid no attention to It
for two years but f noticed a scual
on my legs like fish scales. I did not
attend to it until it came to be too
itchy and sore and began getting two
running sores. My ankles were aD
sore and scabby and I could not wear
shoes. I had to use carpet and felt
slippers for weeks. I got a cake of
the Cuticura Soap and some Cuticura
Ointment In less than ten days I
could put on my boots and In less than
three weeks I was free from the con
founded itching. Capt George P. Bliss,
Chief of Police, Morris, Manitoba, Mar.
20, 1907, and Sept. 24, 1908."
Potter Drug 4 Cbcm. Corp., Sole Props Eostoa.
Unfortunate Expression.
That fruitful source of mirth, the
mixed metaphor, is ever with us. It
Illustrates on almost every appearance
the truth of the saying that the sub
lime and the ridiculous are but a step
apart. '
In a book on the laboring man, con
taining some excellent ideas, there
appeared the following sentence:
"What manner of woman is she' who
would turn her eyes toward other
things, which would become ashes om
hervery lips?"
The flippant answer Is, of course, "A
cross-eyed woman. Youth's Compan
ion. Fatal Catastrophe.
Young Wife (mournfully) I am
afraid, doctor, my poor husband with
this wretched cold will cough up his
Young Doctor (startled) Oh, I trust
not my dear madam; at least not until
he coughs up my bill. Baltimore
Smokers have to call for Irwis' Single
Binder cigar to' get it. You-.- dealer of
Lewis' Factory, Peoria, BL
' Some men haven't sense enough to
do the best they can.
Irtrt f rower of Clorer. Timothy Ami Gi
5 awiey ua ronton id America.
EX. GOV. BOARD or WQCONS15. from SS merm
own to Salnr-a 0th Cantarr Alfalfa, barreited
wlthta a wMksafterawdlnc OSSO. worth of
f mnCTD my. eras m rmto or a j.j j per acra.
W Um siost orlclnal seed book pnbluhed aaa Is
gladly Mailed to Intending, warcrain free Orra
aUt law and get lota of remarkabia tana aeaa eam-MlactcllagalBa.CloT-.teortsd14acd
For jBfiy
Colds iWjffPfll
and rKPafifi
..Mar the
i l-
?. Si a. :.-""jW Jz-Zxdtei'J< $g;rjC- sf.,?-,,iivr. Ur...J.V.-&iN3r,- tv.;-3v r.w ,.& Jim.
:,.,. -5 f . l
T.TA ' -H5 f - JKJS.
- -W
c. . ?.