The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 17, 1909, Image 5
?" 'W V "i 'iX HI - - i. A .wfesgjj II The only baktag poivtier made from. Royal Grape Cream of Tartar made from grapes- Royal Baiting Powder conveys ll properties and readers it superior in flavor and wbolesomeaeu. SKI fJ-UJ-UJ-UJVJUJ-VJ-UJBK ITEMS OF INTEREST ALBION. Form the News. Mr. A. If Gavery, with' his wife and five children, started Tuesday for Ire land, from whence he came to Boone connty iwenty seven years ago. He has a 'sister there and Mrs. Garvey has numer onr relatives. They go for an indefinite stay, bat it will probably be for a year. As they are now foot-loose they con cluded that if they ever were to see the old home again, it must be at this time. PI.ATTE CEKTEB From the Signal. Miss Sara Mylet came up from Col' ambus Tnesday for a short visit with her brother Will and family. Contractor Hardy, of Columbus was here last week and secured the contracts for building Tom Lynch s and Pat Gleason's new bouses. Mrs. J. J. Sullivan and son Leo, Mrs. Catherin Hayes and Mrs. Martin Hayes came up from Columbus last Saturday and spent the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs Dennis Sullivan. ST. EDWAKD From the Advance. Attorney B F. Williams, left Tuesday for Columbus where he will visit his daughter, Mrs. G. A. Ireland, for a few days before returning to his home at Bridgeport. Mesdames Carl Becker and Frank Schram of Columbus are spending- the week in St. Edward, the guests of Mr. i and Mrs. Nels Hasselbalch and Mr. and j Mrs. W. S. Kennedy. John Eagan who has been a local nmnager for the Omaha Elevator Co. at several different towns in Nebraska has now accepted a position with the same company as one of their representa tives on the road with headquarters at Columbus. SILVER CKEEK. From the Sand Wm. Watt of North Bend, who recent ly purchased land in this vicinity and later suffered a fracture of a leg, had it amputated this week and is reported as doing well under the circumstances. Sheriff Her was here Wednesday to escort Mrs. Tomisciewicz, who lived north of town, before the insanity board. Mrs. T. was judged of unsound-mind and sent to Hastings. Her malady is the probable result of old age and privation. Consin Jimmy Dnnn of Folk county was in town Wednesday, Mb first visit here since bis recent return from a visit to tbe "ould sod" (Ireland., Jim had not seen bis birth place for 25 years. He said that the bog and the old swimniin' hole looked much smaller to him, since he had feasted his eyes on tbe broad prairies of Nebraska for many years. BEtiliTVOOD. From the Gazette. The depot at Octavia was burned to the . ground Monday morning. Nothing was saved. While the "bulls and bears" were ic the pit growling and snapping at each other last Thursday wheat jumped up to 81.00 per bushel. Aaron Burkey took advantage of their quarreling, sold 3,000 bushels and pocketed $3,000. Several others made hay while the sun was shin ning. Frank Young went to tbe sanitarium at Lincoln for medical treatment last week, as bis health has not been good FRISCHHOLZ BROS. SHOES CLOTHING Gents9 Furnishing Goods RELIABLE GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES. FRISCHHOLZ BROS. 405 11th Street, Horn Baking Powder ' Absolutely Ture to food therscsihealthfalof ftmt ABOUT OUR NEIGH BORS AND FRIENDS CLIPPEb FROM OUR EXCHANGES for some time past. But we now learn that he is considerable better. Geo. Kelley of Rising City is in the same room with him. One of George's arms get poisoned by horsa distemper. For a time it was thought, his ana would have to le amputated; bat it is reported that be also is much better. SHKI.HV. From the Sun. D. C. Cole was up from Rising City last Saturday and while here secured the necessary amount of subscriptions for stock in the new bank to make the prop osition a sure go. Nelson Hartson sold his farm one mile east of town last week to a man by the name of Alois Koech for $100 per acre. This was a fine tract of land and con tained 439 acres. It isn't every day that a land deal amounting to $49,300 is nade in Shelby, but it's a great town just the same. Another name is stricken from tbe ever lessening roll of our old settlers and another old soldier has answered the last roll call. Isaiah Paisley died at his home in Shelby Sunday morning, March 7, 1909, and was buried Tuesday in tbe Shelby cemetery. The funeral services were in charge of the Odd Fellows and was from tbe U. B. church, Rev. C. J. Melville pn aching the funeral sermon. Deceased came to Nebraska in 1873, and secured a homestead of 160 acre, two miles northeast of Shelby, which land he improved for a home and still owned at the time of bis death. Several years ago he rented his farm and moved to Shelby, where be had a neat residence and for a number of years was the vil- lage marshal. HUMPIIUEV. From the Democrat Misses Dora and Julia Gregor were visiting their sister Mrs. Schiltz in Co lumbus from Saturday until Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Keller went to Oma ha Monday and Tuesday morning Mrs. Keller underwent an operation at the Wise Memorial hospital. She is attend ed by Dr. A. P. Condou and Mr. Keller reports that she is getting along nicely. Miss Mary OttiB went to Omahn yes terday to meet Mother Katharine Drexe! of the order of Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, who is visiting in Omaha for a short time. Mother Mary James, who was formerly Mies Nora Ottis, is a mem ber of this order. The Democratisms in receipt of a number of picture postals from Dr. and Mrs. Condon showing some of tbe beauti ful California scenes which they are now enjoying. However the doctor says that he enjoyed seeing the enow on the top of the mountains more than he did the flowers down in the valley, because it reminded him of Nebraska. We have seen and heard of the human body being taken and used for almost every thing, but never before did we hear of a cat taking a human body for a telephone pole, and this really happened in Humphrey. A few days ago Tony Fisher was going across the street from the Commercial hotel to Steffrs Bros, store. About tbe same time a dog got after a cat, in fact the same cat of tur pentine fame which came near inciting civil war in Humphrey a few years ago, and the cat taking Tony for a telephone pole, was not slow in landing square on bis back, and say! it was worth more than a fifty cent show, with the side show thrown in, to see Tony side step to get away from that cat. Columbus. K01TBOB. ftom the RepBfcUeaa. Mm. W. W. Frank and mother, Mia Haver, were in Columbus Wednesday and attesded the "Lion and the Mouse" at tbe North Theatre. r About a month ago an insurance rater was here to adjust rates for Monroe, and tbe revised schedule is expected soon by the local agents. Just what the new rate .will be has not been given out, bat it will no doabt be a substantial reduction over the former one. Sometime within tbe next sixty days Ellis Williams expects to move on to his claim in South Dakota." Last winter he made his filing at the land office, and this spring be will make the necessary impiovements on the land. Mrs. Thomas Jones, who has been an invalid for a year, was taken worse sud denly last Sunday evening, and there is very little hope for her recovery. The children from a distance have all been summoned and the end is momentarily expected. J. T. Smith has the contract 'for re building the Gerrard store building, which was burned' last fall. The new structure will be of concrete blocks and the same size as the former building. Mr. Gerrard has been making the blocks during the winter and has enough on hand to complete the building. Elsie Henrietta, daughter of Mr. and Mia. Wm. Temple, died Tuesday, of this week, after suffering a week with dread diphtheria. Elsie was born in Platte Center on August 5. 1899, and was go ing on eleven years of age. She was taken sick about a week ago, and until shortly before her death hopts were en tertained for her recovery, but her heart was affected and death resulted. She was buried the same evening of her death, in tbe Okay cemetery, and the funeral was private. A sale of tbe water works bond issue has at last been made. The Katz Craig company, who installed the plant, bought a portion of them at first and later concluded they wanted the com plete issue which they secured. As the plant has not been accepted as yet, the village is holding back $275 until the system" is in first class working order. The few repairs will not be made until tbe frost is out of the ground sufficiently to permit digging out the mains, should such work be necessary to locate the leaks. At the meeting of the Farmers as sociation, held last Thursday afternoon the sentiment was strongly in favor of building a farmers' elevator at Monroe, and committee were appointed to draw up by-laws, for the elevator project. Those having the -matter in charge are confident that there is but little doubt about the elevator being built this sea son, as uuder existing conditions such an association, with an elevator, would be a good proposition for the farmers of this locality. They state that the number of independent elevators in the state is in creasing and'the large grain commission houses are out for tbe business of such elevators. GENOA. Ffom the Time?. Horace Eaton has sold his farm south of town to John Cuba, for $100 per acre. With the assistance of his neighbors August Johnson hauled in a thousand bushels of wheat from his West Hill farm Tuesday and sold it to Fonda Bros, for SlOla bushel. This is the highest price paid for wheat in Genoa since 1898. Judge McPherson, of the U. 8vdis trict court, has decided that the two-cent mileage law of Missouri is confiscatory and unconstitutional. There is a possi bility that the two-cent rate in Nebraska will also be declared confiscatory and tbe old rate of three cents a mile put in force by tbe railways. f The contest over the Davis will, which was before the district court at Fuller ton last Friday, was settled after the testimony of the witnesses had been taken and before the case bad been given to the jury. The contestants agreed to accept $600, about the same amount that was offered to them before the case was commenced. John Vaugbt, writes to bis father from his new home in Oklahoma that the cherry trees are in blossom and rabbins are building their nests, but adds that the price asked for potatoes is 91.75 per bushel. America has land enough to produce potatoes for the entire world, but for some unaccountable reason does not raise enough to supply the home de mand, and this is one of the reasons why potatoes are so high in Oklahoma. Only the other day three carloads of potatoes were received in Memphis direct from Germany. After paying duty and freight the consignment cost the Memp his merchants five cents per bushel less than similar potatoes from Colorado OKNTBAL CITT. From the Nonpareil. J. C. Martin left yesterday for Craw ford county, Illinois, where He will take the deposition of Rev. Father Del fosse to be used in tbe trial of the Higgins estate suit. ' Anderson Maimer and Miss Cynthia M. Weathers' came all the way from Chicago to test the strength of Countv Judge Peterson's marriage knots. Both uum uueu boo iii wotna naraiv oe proper to speak of the bride as fair Weather., Clerk of the Court Pereinger, who always stands by to render aid and assistance to Jndge Peterson in these critical periods of stress and responsibil ity, asserts positively that the bride was perfectly composed aad did not blush once. It is evident, however, that Mr. Persinger was not so composed because he failed to claim his privilege of kiss-' ing the bride. Mr. and Mia. Hamler went from here to Grand Island, satisfi ed, apparently, with the job performed by our genial magistrate. - HOT WATER HEATING Ftr fhi Fam Htm All the comforts of town life can now be had on the farm. Heat the ;house with hot water, and get the ' maximum amount of comfort at a minimum cost. The day of the base burner in the country home is rapid ly passing. WHY NOT HAVE THE BEST The time to install a heating plant is from now on. Once installed, they last a life time. Come in and let us tell you about it, or drop us a card stating what you want. 1. DUSSELL t SOI Plumbing and Hot Water Heating COLUMBUS, NEB. ANTED The right nartv can secure an excellent position, salary or commission for Columbus and vi cinity. Htate age, former occupation and give reference. Address LOCK BOX 438, Lincoln, Neb. GOOD WORK AMONG FILIPINOS. Women's Club Responsible for Amel ioration of Conditions. The Philippine Women's club, the first of its kind in the Philippines, is struggling to supplement its work of supplying sterilized milk to sickly, ill fed infants by establishing a small maternity hospital and a training class for maternity nurses. This club was due to a suggestion from Miss Con cepcion Felix, who was at the time a student of law and who in the course of her studies became interested in the woman movement in the western countries. This was in the summer of 1905, and Miss Felix's suggestion was so enthusiastically received that a club with a membership of several hundred native women was quickly formed. Having determined to establish a center for the distribution of pure milk, the club gave a garden party in the palace grounds for the purpose or raising the necessary funds. More than $2,500 was cleared at this enter tainment and the sterilizing apparatus was imported from Paris. A building was contributed by Dr. Doherty and the work begun under the personal supervision of a number of well-known Filipino physicians. At present the number of children cared for is between 50 and 75. The sterilizing department is said to be a little model of its kind. SPEED CONTESTS WITH BULLS. Form of Sport That Is Extremely Pop ular in Burma. . A form of sport very popular in Burma is bull racing. These contests are largely attended by the natives, who bet considerable sums of money on the result. A native sportsman who owns one of these bulls, values it at 12,000, and it is' said to bring him in an annual income of from $5,000 tc $7,000. In Hagenback's famous zoo in,, Ham burg, Germany, are to be found several specimens of giant tortoises from the Galapagos islands. These monsters weigh several hundred pounds each, and have become quite tame. Frequent ly the German youngsters utilize them in races. The riders mount upon the backs of their ungainly steeds, and holding before the animal's mouths a head of lettuce attached to a rod, urge them on to greater speed until the end of the course is reached. Sunday Magazine. As If He Had One. "You'd feel flattered if I were to tell you what Miss Pert said about you al the ball last night" "What was it?" "She said you looked as if you had something on your mind." PILES! PILES! PILES! Williams' Indian Pile. Ointment will cure Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles. It absorbs the tumors, allays itching at once, acta as a poul tice, gives instant relief. William-.' Indian Pile Ointment is prepared for Piles and itching of tbe private parte. Sold by druggists, mail 50c and 1.00. Williams M'Fg. Co.. Props., Cleveland. O WHY NOT TRY THE PACIFIC HOTEL COLUMBUS, NEB. The big brick bote! one and one half blocks south of west depot cross ing. 25 rooms at 25c; 20 rooms at 50c; meals, 25c, HARRY MUSSELMAN, Prapriitir COLUMBUS MEAT MARKET We invite all who desire choice steak, and, tbe very best cuts of air othepejmeata to call at onr market oi Eleventh street. We also handle poultry and fish and oysters in season. S.E. MARTY & CO. 1 Telephone NorL-Colnbuj, Neb. TUZtUSTOH. From the Post. A traveling man who Uvea at St. Ed ward was taken sick at the hotel in Bel grade tbia week and died from diptheria. Considerable uneasiness is felt up there because so many were exposed -before they.knew what was tbe trouble. Paul Pilkbury has sold the east half of hia half section to Will Russell for betteAhan $100 an acre. This is a very ohoice piece of land and certainly worth the money. The land joins the town on thesoulhwest; We also learn that-John Russell has bought the jrest quarter from Pillsbary, paying $110 an acre for tbe same. Mr. Pillsbury is thinking of moving to Canada where he contem plate securing a large-tract of land. The many friends of this family will re gret their departure frost this commun ity. . , Kenneth Howe, son of W. W. Howe of Bellgrade, came home Thursday from Hampton Roads, where he is a first. class seaman on the battle ship Vermont. Mr. Howe is 23 years old and has been in the service of Uncle Sam nearly six years. He was with the fleet" on its famous round the world cruise. He was given a fifteen days furlough, acd will join bis ship at the expiration of bis fur lough at Boston harbor. The" young man is in thepink of perfect health and certainly a fine specimen of young American manhood. He carries the best of recommendations from his chaplain and commaeding officers. His father baa lived in Nance county but three years coming here from Platte county. He is at present a tenant on 8. L.Sturt vanl's farm near Belgrade. CAUSES DEBILITY. Here Are Facts Backed Up By a Strong Guarantee. Debility is caused by catarrh. In our opinion, a person free from Catarrh was never troubled with Debility. Debility can never be cured by medicine not de signed to cure Catarrh. We positively guarantee to cure Catarrh, and thus cure Debility. In every case where we fail to effect a care, we will not charge a cent for the medicine employed during the trial. Now, surely noonesbonld hesitate to believe us or to -put our claim to a practical test under such conditions. We take all tbe risk, no one else can lose anything by tbe transaction. We make these statements and this. offer because we know and have time and again proved that Rexall Mucu-Tone will cure Catarrh. It is designed for that one particular purpose. It is not a cure-all prescribed to cure every disease that flesh is heir to. It is a specific. Rexall Mucu-Tone is absorbed in the stomach and carried by tbe blood until it penetrates every part of the body, act ing as an antiseptic, disinfecting, clean sing, soothing and healing agent. It rids the system of all germ and poison ous matter, pu'rjfies and enriches the blood, rebuilds injured tissues, cleanses and invigorates the mnco-cell, neutralizes tbe aoids of the body, stops mucus discharge, tones up the entire system, promotes nutrition, increases body weight, and brings about a feeling of healthfulness that is lasting. We have Rexall Mucu-Tone in two sizes, races oua ana 91 w we urge you to try a bottle on our guarantee. Pollock & Co the druggists on tbe cor ner. Sneezing as an Art. "Yesterday," said the pretty girl, "1 met a sneezing teacher. I don't mean a teacher who sneezes, but a person who teaches other people how tc sneeze. I bad always understood that New York attracts instructors in everj art known to modern education, but a professor of sneezing struck me as a decided novelty. "I am going to take a few lessons The professor argues that he is a verj useful member of society. Nobody, he claims, can prevent sneezing, no mat ter how many formulas and medica ments may be absorbed. But though a sneeze may not be avoided it may be cultivated, and from a stertorous snort it may be modified into a gentle melodious trill. For anybody who is likely to startle the neighborhood with freqent sneezes the experiment is well worth while." Some Birds That Don't Migrate. "It is a curious thing," said Prof. Henry Bird, an ornithologist of Rye N. Y., at the Rennert, "that birds 01 European origin do not adopt the mi gratory habils of Our native birds. Tha English sparrow never seems to get wise to the advantages of going soutr in winter to avoid the rigors of s northern climate, though he might ge the tip from our wild fowl or the robin family. Of late years we have had in Westchester county the start ing, also an English importation, and I notice that this newcomer follows out the exact ways of his predecessor, the sparrow, in that he stays constantly in one place, regardless of the sea sons." Baltimore American. Insects with X-Ray Sights. A German scientist has discovered that many insects, such as moths and butterflies, have X-ray sight. This means that the eyes of these insects can see with something similar to X rays objects invisible to human eyes unless aided by a fluoroscope. If or dinary sunlight has enough of the X rays in it for the butterflies to see clearly, the world a strange sight to them. This scientist believes that they can see through the clothes and flesh -of human beings and behold us walking about in our skeletons clad in a translucent covering of flesh. Stayed Away. "Did jyou go to the theater last week?" "No. Nobody told me there was any thing I ought not to see." Washington Star. Good Advice. ' "What would you advise a mai to do when he loses his hair?" "Quit thinking about it" B; "" Not Another i!90Sbr MaaatlfrSmSiCV' .N.Y IBM -. BJBBeI WW- WWWWrsti - fV m jgg ft AaOIK "-&--r & XwV-li h jfc'-BBHaHB fe:wBK--jpr-m--tei i BBcBBJBiVj f"jBBB BBi&BHM BJB5E"BE'3vf K-BMcBKXsnt MtK-tWrnSm BaaafeaV- ! fu B""sBfial XnKPmX' BiBM aVaBFsr - BJKf bbmkS BBBY BBBBx BBJr IBBB . C-Tri l Gerharz-Flynn Origin of.the Mennonites. The Mennonites grew out of four sects of Dutch, Flemish and German Baptists. They derive their name from Menno Simons, a Catholic priest who became a leader of the Anabaptists in about 1537. Simons was bonvjn 1492 ind died in 1537. His "True Christian Belief was published three years be fore hia death. Following the death of the Reading spirit the sect underwent divisions and changes of creed. Whole Race Condemned. A native of Annam, Indo-China, sen tenced in Paris for theft, wrote the, following apology to bis, employer: 'All Annamities, whether emperors,' mandarins, secretaries, literary men, and others, are born thieves. It is a grave and deadlly- complaint, and :here is no cure for it. I know people do not like thieves in France, but it cannot be helped." ' Army Dogs. The German army dogs are so trained that when they find a dead body they set up a prolonged howlingf If no one comes they take tbe dead man's cap or some small article, and with this in their teeth go on a hunt for their trainer, whom they lead to the spot. If the man is wounded he gives his cap to the dog and the same object is accomplished. Perplexity, Beauty's Mar. The forehead filled with lines is not always a sign of years. Often it is nothing but evidence of bad facial habits. Do you knit your eyebrows when you are thinking of perplexing matters or are 'down on your luck? If you do you will have a forehead seamed with lines and several deep furrows between the eyes. Status of Korean Miner. The Korean miner possesses all the good qualities of a miner with very few of his defects, being physically strong and very easy to handle. As regards the amount of work done, it is estimated that two Korean miners pre more than equal to one white minr. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBpl''7'-iri'SmmmV''' -iiBH' EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY should be photographed at regular intervals. The photographs are a pictorial history of their progress and growth. .HAVE YOUR FAMILY PHOTOGRAPHED here, and yon will secure the best portraits they are all with yon. Tbe dearest possession some loved one who has cone away or beyond. Successor to Wm. Helwig. am Magazine Binding I Old Books I Rebound I In fact, for anything in "tbe book I binding line bring your work to I Gfie I Journal Office I Phone 160 I BBJ jgara in Rhtvasia ArHHseitfa hone as k lone, as he stands tip, and that is abbot the way some people look at a suit of clothes. The Gerhan FlyMi Go; want to cauti agMt bp(h: penury and exya-ance: We have them cheap; and we have them, hjf her,. but; we. ad vise thbseVprieeflj betwteen Mmi S2S We have a beautiful line of patterns and' fabrics withfn this range of prices! There is not another boose in Nebraska thafcwill show you the qualities' we will at -$12.50, $15.00. and $18.00, beautiful shadings. We are showiwr Boys ". Suns at from- $2.60- to. $5.00 that Omaha houses are getting $4.00 to $7.50 pi for. "Nino lino at Shivfa nn r'. " r? "- yi sale this week at Special Prices. r- Co. Thoughtful Child. They are considerate youngsters in England, as most people know. A lit tle boy whose grandmother had, just died wrote the following letter, which he duly posted: "Dear Angels: We have sent you grandma. Please give her a harp to play, as she ia short winded and can't blow a: trumpet." London Tit-Bits. His Occupation. A big, brawny fellow, in answer to a question in a justice court ' as to what he did for a living, said': "Well, sir, in the spripg I" ketches' an' sells young mockinVbirds; in' the" summer-1 mostly sells' rattlesnake buttons fer rattles fer the babies, but in the! win ter I sometimes has to chop wood!" Junk Evidently Built to Although 110 years pldrx the Whangho, a Chinese, junk, has since April. 1906, twice crossed. the. Paific ocean.! The. 'ship Is but 121 feet long' and is the first 'vessel of this size to accomplish the feat. Its three masts are made of Formosan mahogany. WJEST No. 11 Xo. IS.... No. 1 ..... No. 9 ..... No. 7 ..... No. 15..... No. 8 No. 5 No. 59 No. 3 .... BOUND. ,... 237 am ....11:19a m ....1129am ...11:44 am 3:19 p ra .... 6: tO am ... 8:40 pin .... 7:15 pm Mn"m .... 5x0 pm. CAST BOUKD. No. 4 6:05 ft (& Kb. 12 4:4m Kp.l4al32Sd IMpm "a. 6 2:lftpa No.lS 2:Ti2psa No. 10 3:12 pa No8 6:14 pm No. 2 7:15 pm No. CO 5Atn No. 84 5:(j0ixi BKAXCBK8. NOBrOLK. flFALDINO 4 ALBION. No. 70 mid- (1 6:05. a ra No. 31 pas 1:30 pm No.32pw ..al23Qpm No. 80 mzd..a 7:00 p m So. 77 mxd d tiro a ra No. 20 pas ..d 7 25 pm No. 30 pas ..al2:45pm No. 78 mxd. .a SM pra Daily except Sunday. KOT2: Noe. 1. 2, 7 and 8 are extra fare trains. Nos. 4. 5, 13 and 14 are local passenKers. Nor. 58 and 59 aiw local, freight. Nos. 9 and-14 are mail trains oarj. No 14 doe in Omaha 4:45 n. m. NoSt t aue tn umaaa asuu p. ra it is possible to produce. Do it now while in some honsehold is a picture taSna of DeHART STUDIO. JPljsZgl W k m'; -"-; -r: ,s 1 JTi. -3-.-X- -irif...!-.gA 1,V ?, j j - .'- -,-- -...., -v ., ,- ,., . t,