IBSJSJSSJPSf-iL WWIBSUI U, W-sf D0URLE -?''rM'''fi'7' fefes-pEfey5 7aVMiaaBwW aTfTaV -,s-rSi- v.; . -fLw' . -, i if"F-' y. ;TK ' Tr timnt.Vls to Acmipnh - What cltnci M , 4ry- v Ljlc l.hvk 4 J 320 ACRES "I 55?!V h.:wryjft.i. airnft-Attain for CenturbM. OP lt-TO ACRE fm&towwm?,'3Jii' A P J"Jj . v v4kj m lrt I 'ZltzJrt - v."lW". KT-yv.5,::--: o. (Ga&EflsazJtxZ' 2r72BTj4SSOCZ4ZEZ sumsr;jz4G4zmzs) SYNOPSIS. "Vanishing Fleets." a story of "wk1 anight have happened," -opens In Wasn .ngton with the United States and Japan an the verge of war. Guy Hlllier, sec retary or U.e British embassy, and Miss Norma Roberts, chief aide of Inventor Huberts, are Introduced as lovers. Japan declares war and taks the Phlliplnes. Tlio entire country is In a state ot tur iiojI because of the government's indir ect ence. Guy liilller starts for England. XVorma rioieri8 wiwi umiuirj "i-lu-ers al'o leaves Washington on mys terious expedition for tiie Florida coast. Hawaii is captured uy the Japs. All ports arc closed, faiego, Japanese spy. discovers ecret preparations for war. He follows fculo currying .presidential cabinet. He unearths source ot great mystery and ilees. murmuring: "Tne gods save Nip pon." Fleeing to Pacitic coast. Siego s shot down just as journey to get awful news to Japan seems successful. Japan announces Intention to attack seaports. Tokyo learnB of missing Japanese fleet and whole world becomes convinced that United States has some powerful war agencv. England decides to send a fleet :o American waters as a Canadian pro :ection against what the British suppose Is a terrible submarine flotilla. Hlllier Is lso sent to Canada to attempt to force lis way through American lines with a uichsago to the .president in order that protection for the lleet may be assured, iapan appeals to Britain for aid. British fleet departs, amid misgivings of English. Fleet mysteriously disappears, a sailor picked up on a raft being the only evi dence of the loss. Powers begin to fear or their safety. Hlllier makes a failure af effort to deliver message to the presi dent. War between Great Britain and Germany is threatened. The kaiser dis appears. King Edward of England Is confronted by Admiral Bevlns of the United States, and upon promising to present the missing British admiral, the monarch agrees to accompany Bevlns on tour, which the latter says will uncover the agent of war and end all conflicts. The Dreadnaught. biggest of England a warships Is discovered at an Impassable point In the Thames, much to the mys tery of the kingdom. CHAPTER XIII. In the Beginning. 'It was January of that momentous year when the world's unrest reached a climax, and the president of the United States, his official day done. sat alone in his study, perusing a re port from an agent of the state de partment and mentally comparing it with preceding ones. The shaded light threw into relief against the darker shadows behind the long, lean jaw. the grimly determined mouth and the somber eyes, but lent a touch of softness to the queer little "lines which told that on occasion the man could show infinite kindness and humanity. Thrust forward from the ranks of the people into the most Important office of the land, driven reluctantly into the arena of action from a seclu sion which had for him the charms of peace, he was still a man in ieculiar isolation. In this, the third year of his term, he was yet unknown and under constant discussion. Half of his countrymen hailed him as the Lincoln .of his time, and the other half declared him a tyrant in embryo. He had fought so doggedly for his principles that he had estranged those who had been his most ardent supporters. His disregard for party projects had cost him the friendship of politicians; his adocacy of certain reforms had sub jected him to caustic comments; his very dignity and sensitiveness had been mistaken for austerity; and only hls most intimate friends understood thatlin him 'beat a great heart filled to overflowing for his country and fel low men. These comprehending friends were ifew; 'but among them. iierhans -the most intimate, was the friend -of his hoyhooti. "Old Bill" Rob- erts, the -inventor. Uefeween these two there existed that singular affection found rarely among master minds where each ad mires qualities in the other which he himself Tacks. To Roberts the presi dent was ihe greatest statesman of the century, and to the president Roberts was the mest accomplished scientist and inventor who had ever lived; but on this night, laden with fate in which each was to play his part, the mind of neither was on the other. The in- ventor was absorbed in the last of a -series of experiments that had en meshed him in a dream whereby he hoped to eradicate friction, and the president was perturbed by reports for which he had waited man? -weeks. These latter were exhaustive in de tail, and in recapitulation tersely pre dicted that it would be almost an im possibility to avert war with Japan as soon as she reached a state of preparation. They summed up her naval strength, which they declared almost equal at the time of writing to that of the United States, and told how every navy yard in Japan was rushing construction with all available speed both night and day, so that her augmented squadrons when built would be superior o those of the great republic They reviewed tJie land preparations by showing that a greater number of men were being drilled than ever before In the coun try's Malory, and that the redoubtable army seat against Russia would be small in comparision with that which could be mobilized for another in vasion. The reports expressed the be lief thac Japanese capitalists wcrt anxious to seize the Philippines, and were encouraging the ambitions of the impsrr of Nippon to the full extent of their parses, fccping ultimately to find another outlet for investment un der their own flag. As If in proof that the government was supporting this bellicose attitude, the reports gave as a certainty that some high authority was dictating the editorial policies of the Japanese press, and in all ways possible fomenting the ill feeling against the United States. There could bo no underestimation of the ability cf the naval officer who had made these statements; for he tad passed more tba tea years in l,."'S.',"'",'ii' -.-- The Inventor .that station Of the orient, spoke tne language thoroughly well, understood the people, and above all was no alarmist. He gave it as his final opin ion that -within six months, Japan, her navy -completed, her soldiers drilled to perfection, and her treasury well sup plied with golu, would find pretext for a declaration of war. The only means of preventing this deplorable event, in his 'judgment, was to place the American navy in such a state of pronounced superiority that it would stay the warlike Japanese and hold them "in the leash of awe. The prebident read the last clause again, -and with a sigh of discontent leaned baclc 'in his chair. Hour after hour he brooded over the complexities of the situation, and late at night came to the conclusion that he must lose no time in -calling together his most trusted advisers, lay the report be fore them, and then by consultation and discuEsion decide which would be the most promising policy to pur sue in so grave -a crisis. Before he retired the orders were given to his secretary which resulted in the first meeting of that coterie of men who were to assume the full responsi bility for the conduct of war which afterwards fnlfilled the expert's pre diction. They gathered informally on the fol lowing night, nor could It have been observed by their demeanor that they were to discuss a situation of vital importance to the nation; but. fore warned by the president's call, they expected news of distressing import, and therefore were not surprised in the least at the tenor of the statement which was read to them. They lis tened attentively, and remained silent when the last words were spoken, each waiting for the other to express an opinion. The president, grave and calm, looked from one to the other as if inviting freedom of speech, and then turned to the secretary of the navy, a crusty man who was given to open expression. "Mr. Sessions," he said, "you are probably better informed than any other man of the possibilities of bring ing the navy to a point where it may be regarded as resistless. What have you to say?" The latter showed signs of ill tem per. He wiped the shining dome of his head and stared across the tops of his horn bowed glasses at his colleagues. "For three years now," he replied, bit terly, "I have endeavored to get ap propriations consistent with the needs of the country; did everything could with dignity and a little more; tried to get friends to pass bills, and gave them statistics showing just what our position would be in this eva;: but there were always 8 fer NfMeh Jogs of the treasury uho Micceeded in de feating o.erytiing attempted." The president tooned at him reprov ingly, but said nothirg. The others gave him silent sympathy, knowing that in case of disastrous war he would be the one to stand in the lime light and defend himself for not work ing miracles unaided. The gratitude of kings was no more open to sarcasm than the gratitude of republics. "The report says," continued the secretary, gloomily, "that war may be anticipated in six months at the furthest, and that oar only safeguard is to bring our navy up to a formid able force before that time. Well, we can't do it! With all the facilities at our command we can't build ships in a night, nor drill men to aura them , J fSSB CjSTJS. "30' Z -r ?, V35 l --35 MC vzr?i 'f a issrsifej; mo v y,. r.t7Z"i Entered the :Room. in a -day. We shoot about our re sources, and we have them; hut it takes time to utilise them." His outBpoken pessimism loosened his hearers tongues; but the most optimistic could find nothing encour aging to say. It -was obvious that the country in any event would be un prepared. They were discussing emergency plana, -When the president's secretary appeared m the doorway. They turned to him, wondering what could claim the chief executive's atten tion at that time of the night. The secretary walked over to the president and addressed him in a low tone. They caught scraps ot the conversation. "Says he wants to see me to-night?" "Yes, and 1 didn't like to refuse a man of his prominence, or one who is so closely your friend. "Won't he talk to youT "Not much! Just laughed, and said he wanted to see you personally." "Well, go tell him I would be glad to see him ordinarily; but that 1 am in a conference of great importance with friends. Ask him to say what hour he prefers to see me to-morrow. The secretary bowed and left the room, and the conversation was re sumed. It continued only a moment before he again appeared, and the president turned toward him. "Dr. Roberts seems a little an noyed," the secretary apologized, ""and insisted on my coming back to tell you that he wanted to see you now. The president and others in the room laughed tolerantly, knowing the inventor's peculiarities. "What else did he say?" the presi dent asked. "Said he'd be hanged if he'd go un til he saw you." The laughter in the room increased. "Said he had found something that would enable the gov ernment to whip the Japanese; had been reading reports showing there was no time to waste, and wanted to tell you about it at once." The merriment subsided as quickly as it had been provoked, and the hi - -mmmmm mmmmm -.M. m. ....-. m. Lapland Has Many Resources Recent Efforts to Develop Them Are Full of Promise. Within a recent period efforts have been made to develop the natural re sources of Lapland, and there seems to be a considerable economic future in store for this region, which is es pecially due to the large deposits of iron ere. A g-'St ,t.-jp va. tiie build ing of the trans-Lapland railroad, which was finished in 1903. With the annex lines which are building it will noon put Lapland in connection with Tornea, in Finland, with St Peters burg and with the eastern region. The Stockholm-Narvik railroad line, which runs north and south, has a length of 950 miles. The transverse east-west line starts- from Lulea, a Swedish Lapland port on the Gulf of Bothnia, and ends at the Norwegian port of Narvik (299 miles), passing by the mines of Gellivara and Kiruna. These latter mines, which have been worked only since 1902, were known as long back as 1735. The ore is taken out from the surface in an open diggine. k tVi'J ILLUSTRATED ytfeh larious ones, grown grave, looked at each other in astonishment and won der. Here at the very moment of dis tress was a man who had done more toward strengthening "the. nation's agents of offense and defense than any other individual, confidently asserting that he could show them the way out of their difficulties. The president ordered that the caller be conducted to the room at once. Had it been any- less a personage than the famous inventor they would have paid small heed to the promise of hope; had they been informed in less troublous times that such an in vention was pending, they would have looked upon it with great interest and curiosity; but now. when all avenues of escape seemed closed, when the eagle's perch was rocking beneath its talons and it was threatened by mere! less focmen, they stared at each other in amazed silence like men who had been reprieved. It was in the midst of this stillness that the inventor entered the room and stood bewildered for a moment. peering from beneath the thatch of his brows at one and another. Then, sat isfied that his visit was opportune and that none was present whom he did not know, he gave them Individual greeting as his acquaintanceship war ranted. ""You were not expecting me," he addiessed the president; "but it ap pears to me that there is no one here who should not know what I have tc say, and who is not directly interested in what I have to show. I am glad you are all here, gentlemen," he con cluded, turning to the others. And then, following the example of the president, he seated himself, and the others did likewise. They were strung with a suspense which he did not share. "Informal, isn't it?" he asked the president, jind when assured that such was the case he calmly drew a handkerchief from his pocket and swept it across the dome of his fore head. All were waiting for him to speak; but. with exasperating slowness, and without asking permission from the president, he thrust a hand into the roomy folds of his sack coat and pro duced a bundle of long stogies, one of which he carefully withdrew and ex amined with great care. He thrust It into his mouth and revolved It, appar ently for the purpose of tightening a loose wrapper. He turned to the chief executive. There was an air of expectancy in the room and a leaning forward, that no word of the great secret might be lost. They caught all he said. "Got a match. Mr. President?" he asked with the utmost nonchalance. They dropped back into their seats, some with exasperation and others smiling. The president gravely sup plied his want, and then, as the evil odor of the weed was wafted round the room, he sat back in his chair, with the tips of his fingers touching each other. The secretary of war wa& beginning to fidget with impatience. Roberts puffed three or four times, fixed his eyes on a cornice as if he was the sole occupant of the room, then calmly reached into a pocket and drew out a parcel which he laid on the president's desk. While every eye was fixed upon him he tilted the stogy in his mouth to an angle where the smoke would not interfere with hit operations, and began unwrapping the package, throwing the newspapers on the floor at his feet. Then came a fold of silk, and last of all a sheet of tissue paper, whose crackling crisp ness sounded startlingly loud in the stillness cf the room. "There!" he remarked triumphantly, exposing two small plates of metal not differing greatly in appearance from two pieces of burnished steel. Eager ly all those in the room crowded for ward, while the president gingerlj took one of the slabs in his fingers. "New explosive?" be asked. "No, they're harmless." The Inven tor smiled. (TO BE CONTINUED.) fc----yVyyvtAnnwnn)Vlfu- Each day there are six trains of 28 cars of 38 tons sent to Narvik. The annual product of the mine is 1,400, 000 tons. The town of Kiruna, with its attractive frame houses, has only four years' existence. M. Parmentier, secretary of the St. Quentin Geological society, recently made an interesting conference at Paris upon the trans Lapland raiinfd. in which he showed that Lapland, now connected with the international railroad systems, will open a field for immigrants, who can find remunerative work there. Scien tific American. f . i Child Saved Father's Life. When D. Curtis fell and his head went through a window at Chapin ville. Conn., an artery in his nose was severed. His wife was sick in bed, and the children couldn't stop the blood. His five-year-old daughter climbed on a chair to the phone and called a doctor. Curtis was nearly dead when the doctor came. He said the child had saved her father from bleeding to death. - The intense interest that has oeen mani fested throHchout the country by the won derful cures that are being accomplished; Haily by epUepticide still continues. It isr reauiy surprwuig tne vast, uumuer oi .peo ple who have already' been curedof fits SUU UUTVIUUCaDi VIU. .UM ... J vvj may have a chance to test the medicine, lane trial bottles, valuable literature. His tory of Epilepsy and testimonials, will be seat by mail absoiutciv tree to an wno write to the Dr. .May Laboratory, 548 Pearl Street, New York City. , r Easy. Once there was an old woman who lived in a shoe. She had so many children that at first she dlant know what to do. A friend ot the family who hap pened to come along just then, how ever, made the following suggestions: To put one of them in a factory. To have a couple more operated on and otherwise fussed over by the doc tors. To put a couple of them in a coal miaa. To send one to a modern public school. To bring up another on a pare food diet . ' Which no sooner having been car ried into effect than the old woman settled down to a life of ease and lone someness. New York Herald. Second Thought. "It cannot be," sighed the maid. "I respect you highly, Mr. Hunter, but we are incompatible." "Well, I suppose it cannot be helped," the young man replied, pock eting his chagrin and looking about for his hat "But it defeats all my cherished hopes. I had planned a house, in which I fondly imagined we might be happy. It was to have had a pantry twice as large as the ordi nary size, with a roomy closet in which to stow away the new cooking uten sils, and things that a woman natur ally buys when a peddler comes around." "Stay, George' she said falteringly, "perhaps I have been too hasty. Give me a day or two to think it over. It la not impossible that that " The' Grip of Spring. During the last twenty years many of our citizens nave been attacked in the spring months by grip. Some have had serious or slight attacks every year or two. All know it to be a dangerous disease. If Lane's Pleasant Tablets (which are sold at 25 cents a' box bv druggists and dealers) are taken when the first symptom are felt, there is hardlv a chance of the malady get ting a foothold. If you cannot get them near home, feend 25 cents to Orator F. Woodward, Le Roy, N. Y. Sample free. Hubby's Argument. Mrs. Hoyle My husbanl .declares that corsets are unhealthy; he insists that they shorten life. Mrs. Doyle Is that so? Mrs. Hoyle Yes; he says he knew of a man who lived to be 100 years old who never wore them. A Poaaeatle Eye Reaaeely Compounded by Experienced Physicians. Conforms to Pure Food and Drugs Laws. Wins Friends Wherever Used. Ask Drug gists for Murine Eye Remedy. Try Mu rine in Your Eyes. You Will Like Murine. Like Producing Like. "IJbw did that manager come out on his beauty show?" "I think he made a handsome profit. Pettit's Eye Salve 100 Years Old, relieves tired eyes, quickly cures eye aches, inflamed, sore, watery or ulcerated eyes. All druggists or Howard Bros.Bu(Talo,N.Y. What Is defeat? Nothing but edu cation, nothing but the first step to something better. Wendell Phillips. Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Sore Throat will not live under the same roof with Haralins Wizard Oil, the best of all remedies for the relief of all pain. It's not difficult to judge some men by their clothes policemen and letter carriers, for example. You will respond very quickly to the Garfield Tea treatment, for this Natural laxative corrects constipation, purifies the blood, and benefits the entire system. It's the easiest thing in the world to point out the proper course for others to pursue. "Brown's Bronchial Troches" relieve Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh and Throat Diseases. 23 cents a box. Samples sent free by John I. Brown & Son, Boston, Mass. Things gained are gone, but things done endure. Bishop. great Smokers appreciate the quality value of Lewis' Single Binder cigar. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111. Some 'people avoid popular concerts because they are fond of music. PJXES CUKKD IN 6 TO 14 DATS. PAZO OlNTMKNTIsgnarantced to core any cast of UcatB, BUod. Bteedloir or Protruding- Mies is 6 to 14 days or money refunded. fiOo. If love wasn't blind Cupid .would have a lot more work to do. Mrs. W lBakwa Sootbiag Syrap. ForcWldren teetnlnst. softens tbe curat. redu BiWTBitlna.alUri pain, cnre wind coUu. 25cabottIs A dimple In a woman's chin m; a dent in a man's heart. Registered U. Brat. Ofl oaet The genuine ' sold everywhere REMEDf ForWomciHLydlaE.Piflk- rsVegetaNe Compound Noah, Ky. "Iwaa passing through the Change of life ana snffered from prostration, ana hemorrhages. "Lydia IL Ffnav ham's Vegetable Compoimdmadema well and strong; so that lean do aum housework, and at, tend to the store andpost-ofince, and Ifeelmnchyounger than I really am. "Irdia E. Pink- itsbleComptnihdis the most remed-r for all kinds of female troubles, and I feel that lean never praise it enough." MKfl.Tazznc Holland, Noah, Ky. ,,. TheChangeof life is themostcritlcal period of. a woman's existence, and neglect of health at this time invites disease' and pain. Womeneverywhereshonldremember that there is no other remedy known to medicine that will so successfully carry woman through this trvinsr neiiod as Lydia E. Pinkham's "Vegetable Com- Eound, made from native roots and erbs. For 90 years it has been coring' women from the worst forms of female ills inhammation, ulceration, dis placements, fibroid tumors, irregalarJU ties, periodic pains, barkarM and nervous prostration. If you would like special advioo abowt your case write a confiden tial letter to Mrs. Pinktuun, a Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free, aad always helpful. ftMMMMMMMMM ASafeiid Sore 1 Kempis Balsam j Bses-Mt Mralaw,sraay r Itilftit-fsmiaf draff. Nothing' of a poisonous or harm ful character enters into its com position. , This clean and pure cough cure cures coughs that cannot be cured by any other medicine. It has saved thousands from con sumption. It has saved thousands of lives. A 25c. bottle contains 40 doses. At all druggists', 23c., 50c. and $1. Low Fares To Montana Crop figures for 1908 prove that Montana is an excellent field for profitable farming. Se cure a farm of your own there now. Fertile land at reason able prices. Homestead lands are still plentiful in Montana close to the new .towns on the Chicago Milwaukee & Puget Sound Railway Low settlers' fares to Montana on March 23 and 30, and April 6, 13, 20 and 27. $19.25 from Omaha to Miles City, Forsyth, Musselshell and Round up; 19.50 to Lavina; 19.95 to Harlowton; $20.40 to Moore; 20.60 to Lewis town. Low fares from and to other points on these dates. Complete information, with new Montana folder free. F. A. MILLER General Passenger Agent Chicago, Miiwaikce and St. Paul Ry. Chicago Voter i nary Taught Corarlet conn in Tcterlaatry Meateiae with examination mud diploma in thnt months. Whn trartaatcd you bataacood paring ?rofcsiion in year own locality. h only colles in tke United Statca teacains TtterlnarJ by nialL By Mail Bend for orosDectna. Students enrolled at any time. AHBKA3 IXimTCTE OT TZTCR15aBT SCXESCCCalac,!!!. DEFIMCE Cold Water St arck makes laundry work a pleasure. 16 oz. pkg. 10c. BssBssBcSMBtJBssa BJESJKttjOjgM&9 JSiyKilyn' I ham's Ve BTVlHMfllT Ask for the Baker's Cocoa bearing mark. misled by hl "tations SBBBBBBBBBBBJBjBBBBBBb 1 As'fttl f HutM.klsWlM to. 320 sens-160 fa sssi If be wrcWd ai $3.00 per aw use giwii i m m al earned em wisV isilway wil JwrtlybebJt torUssa BUy.l km ste worids sssrscts ai thess wtmt-ield. are H "It would take ttoa ta tloaatlMt a visits the SWt SBSBBNll . nUM t apty fa ' JKaMauf fiMK wfk th NortH of Corrtsponienct ofi IBM For aomhlete. aaaas u4 ! low railway rates, early t mrmmmmm of IaMBltrstlea, Ottawa, Caaarfa, " authorised CaaaaHan Oevcrnif AeBBS-w 1 SH Raw lsrl ISs Km MtVtod of roaaHf (atSafaa mmmm i FluUtov Lo9B BTaarBf Has sag Maa.BJan.Wi ir hi iurt TuTia piiiTifui i s iw"-: i unvinns humim tOalarSwMaVajdaai W.LBS-JfllAS.147 TOILET IHTISEPTII NOTHING L.KI IT FOR PUt? ILLIU Paaajae I tlaa I aaaa I II i marina tartar Irbai the teeth, beaidea all menu of decay and rttyaaa which -mjial JBB J lilt. IHVUIItwaJ. aad throat. & the breath, aad UU the j wltich elect at the awc bad teeth, bad breath. ptpp' aaaaaai wmmmm wheav ami ira. a. ltd a-d En pat : U laKerad aad ataetfhemed I aaPafSB0PaxtiBewal4 Vftifiniinikati aaaaBatioa aad atop the eVachatfa. kit aaaa leaMoy lotf wtaviaW catanftv PazBlaeMaharaleatTetpowatal fted a bathiagkdeatioys leaves the body KM SALE AT DRUG STOftCSMa. OR POSTPAID BY MAH LARGE SAMPLE F1EEV THE PAXTON TOILET CO.. aXMTOM. Ife-eri-gMy in the purchase cf paint' materials. It is an absolute guarantee of pur ity and, quality For' TOeur owa Drotectioa. aee that it is on the side of every keg of white lead youtuy. MTTammira 1N2Trta ' w - - - -,y.li6-- -co-, A i MBMSBMB. ItSSl SafaStS fSMST. r - ' - -- Laads my alas be pi l a aw J fcaaa sJaWsy Ud coaapeaseset low price, aaaf assy Mas. '..KSTrrr. .rVwa. XJsc awkC lwVaf fT BaV m amSK BSBbB x bwEbbbT awBBBBBM fP wBBbwBBbbv afc 'll ssaaH KM HBM 111! BBBaTI if 'saiaaR sbbbV r BaaKBBal mGS9BE WTm I aaaawL aBawWW aaajaaTBBay P. BbL aaaaaaT TsaBaaaaal sftTss sal Ml Wata, aWafM SLSSmSlSSSmfSZmpmmr UtMM aaaajoe tow t m TaBf W..I aaafajaaa an a. ymwaaWawa aaaOTawfaavalvTSMBaaT atoaa.aaKaT. taiat laaawBaaB MyaaaTSBBav a JPHaSafaal PIISJBJ (BWBawpBJBS VJsTi BTBaVSBSJBaVJb tasrawaaw.a-SB. r&0&ne anaa aJAJIlBP JaaaaaaHtaV ' aBaaBaBBBaBaamf BILLIONSGRASS CathHe Meatr I uid I n A week 1 1 toaks for the I I man. Urowsnnd fionrisheaerarrwa I 'arm In America. CheaDUdirt: tazarlaataathal Ijottomlaadsof KRrpt. Blgamd caariaeifiraaatl end loc la tampaara receiva nanan as aauai woadcrfnl anaa.alsoof 8pelta.tBaeeraJ I IUr It Oat. CloYtr. Oraaara. etc. . etc. .a) InvfrML (lriHidllRandaawtllaialai farm seed novelty noreraeea f jroa aafura. ISALZER SEED CO.. Boa W. Lai TEXAS STATE LAND Mlllionsof acres of arasol lami to a aaM ky taa State. S1.0O to 15.89 per acre;oaly oae-torttetacaaa and 49 years time o bataneo; taato aee aaat later cst; only tt2SO casn fur Ma aersa at SUB acraere. Greatest opportunity: irood aariealtaral amaal: am L feBBcftaaiBj Ptaraaa-pJ tlttaaajH fJ'arJ 0 cents Inr Boo or instrpctioasaaawua Male taw. J. J. Snyder. School Land Locator, a StaTBt, Aasun.Tcz. Kcrerencc. a aaria PARKEaV HAIR riiiamaa a Bevar VWta ta laatt MWTi Cacea acaka dfaaaa? XfatOlcted wltn fha taa't Baa aaaaaaT aoroeyc3,njei W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 12, 190t- ALBAaal mmaat anaaaa. this trade Dorr t be y U ...2 . d -a - t V aJ i v t X yy '- : t A, a "tTKj&iT ?-i j2ZHCiAx v ' ft SV1S y. ZASSVPLattTS. S. J . .- j ji ,