BST!!-- r --.- . -.-,-- -.y--m -- -- " ,- - , . ,.-? ,ti -" ' .. i -i "ra ie, -i i m CiSErlL' t' - & t i - - " - : "l"-;-ir '-" - TiTr ? "AX -- . "M V s-ViT"- ' .----, fL. ---- . .,. arte .-. " jjt - r , -- . t ij - t " f-o, -s. iw-- . - -' -w - -k - a ;j". - i u-.r-- ajer . -- j I J ' ' I"! 1 i i g v y - WIT I OMKl. .JBMi.lMHMPiiWM! rPORHifiSSUMMBR HEALTH Ifi DANCE . MMMMB BMIMHA KH .BAABM Bmi H - 1 i- ". -ML T- H Bmi K. r X ' BH i - - . . . rMari inmaiar wr... , i mnwawaa am raa -can am --- r am an i , mjtmmmM m enassew w - ot bw EMUUDl t Alkert Netooo left Benton Con Ore flQB, I&, Sept, 1904, for the great Cuadian prairies. To quote from his letter: "I was greatly surprised to fnd SBch an immense stretch of rich virgin prairie still almost unoccupied ia the. very .heart of. North .America. The splendid crops of .oats, wheat, bar ley, potatoes and hay I beheld in the settlements made me very eager for a piece of this rich soil, and J soon lo cated in the Goose Lake country. We have here a, great 'stretch of the rich, deep clay loam of the Saskatchewan a soil heavy and hard to break, bat particularly well adapted for the re tention of moisture and production .of the bright No. 1 'Hard wheat, and great crops of oats, barlqy, flax and po tatoes. I -had 60 'bushels of oats, weighing 441 lb. to the bushel, per acre. Some of my neighbors had still greater yields. Wheat yielded from20 to 30 bushels per acre!.' We' have all dose well .here, and. I could, name many Americana who came here with means to o ahead, who have done nig already. For homesteads one has to go fur! her west, but the best prai rie cam be bought here for from $12.00 to $16.00 per acre. The climate .is dry and healthy. This is the regular Saskatchewan fall weather frosty nights, and bright; sunny days ideal for threshing and hauling out of wheat The trails are dusty, as thou sands of wheat teams are moving towards the elevators. "The sight of it makes one stop and wonder what it will be in a few years when the immense prairies get under cultivation. Heavy snowfall is the exception here. Snow generally falls in December and goes off in March. Ifsometimes gets very cold, but the Saskatchewan fanner does not fear the cold. Winter Is his season of rest. The first or second crop he builds a comfortable house for him self, and warm stables for his horses. He need not, like some, be poking about in the mud all winter attending a few beasts, for a livelihood." ATTENUATED. He See, Samantha, that shows how terribly thin some folks are. GOVERNMENT CAREY ACT OPEN ING OF IRRIGATED LAND. MAY 6, the State of Wyoming Will Sell 100 irrigated Farms at- 50c per acre at Cooper Lake, Wyo.. to those who have made applications or WATER RIGHTS NOW ON SALE at "5 per acre cash and $3 per acre annually for ten years. Free railroad fare, sleeping- and dining car accom modations and FREE DEED to TWO TOWN LOTS to all applying BEFORE MAY 1. Applications and particulars furnished by TALLMADGE-BUNTIN LAND CO., Agents, Railway Exchange. Chicago. Agents wanted. Ample Reason. During the trial of a man who had made an unsuccessful attempt at sui cide, a lawyer had badgered the wit nesses to an exasperating degree, and evidently intended to pursue the same coun:-2 with a meek appearing little Irishman who next took the stand. "You say you talked with the ac cused an hour after his attempt?" the lawyer demanded. "Oi did," was the direct reply. "And did he give any reason for at tempting to commit suicide?" "He did, an' it was a good reason."' "Well, and what reason did he give?" "Sure, an he said he wanted to kill himself," Pat answered, and for a mo ment even his honor could not control his laushter. Harucr's Weekly. Wanted Longer Sermcns. It was a proud boast one clergyman made to two or three others who were having a quiet chat in his study the other night namely, that he had ac tually on one occasion been asked to make his service, both prayers and sermon, a bit longer. His brethren regarded hira with su perstitious awe, and one asked, feebly: "Where on earth was that?" "Well,' boys," was the frank confes sion, "it was with a goal where 1 acted as chaplain for a short time. The poor beggars dreaded to leave the church for their cells." Cute or Ohio Citt or Toledo. Lucas Ouoxtt. f s- Fuaxc J. Oienet makes oath that ho Is sraior Banner of the firm of F. J. Cuexev & Co- dotag ewiaoaa in the City of Toledo. Count? and State atorraiid. and that ssid arm will pay the sum ot DNE HU.VDRED DOLLAKS for each and every ease of Catarrh that caanot be cured by the use ol Hall's Cataudu Cube. TOAXK J. CUEJJEY. 8orn to before mc and subscribed in my presence, tkia Ma day of December. A. D.. 1SSS. i SCAT J- A. W. GLEASOIf. Xotakt Public. HmU'a Catarrh Cure Is taken .Internally and acts lrylt upoa the "blood and mucous surfaces of the Jrteui. Bend for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY CO.. Toledo. O. SoM toy all Dracsists. 75c. Tfcfce Hall's Fan&y Pills for coastisatloa. Alas, How True! "I often wonder," remarked Mr. Stubb. in solemn reflection, "if the last man on earth will have the last word." "Of course he will, John," laughed Mrs. Stubb. "But why are you so sure?" "Because the last woman will give It to him." With a smooth Iron and Defiance Starch, you can launder your shirt waist just as well at home as the steam laundry can; it will have the proper stiffness and finish, there will be less wear and tear of the goods, and it will be a positive pleasure to use a Starch that does not stick to the Iroa. ' y A Distinction. She I suppose your uncle didn't fail to remember you in his will? He It was scarcely a remem-InttCfr-nore'like faint lecoiltcUoB. Merry Moments With Humorists Her Irrelevance By Judd Mortimer Lewis. "The trouble with .most .women," said Jinx when they had finished lunch, and he was idly constructing a snap-dragon, with the' aid of five very brittle toothpick's and a well-pleased and. non-brittle feeling of satisfaction with the' day and his own part In the events thereof, "is that they never give complete attention to the subject un der discussion." "Did you like the steak we had for lunch?" interrupted Mrs. Jinx, with an interested and sympathetic smile. "I have found a new butcher, a little Dutchman; he has opened up where Wedderburn used to keep." "As I was about to state, when you interrupted me with an entirely irrele vant remark, the average woman only gives semi-attention to anything that is being said, and nine 'times out of a possible ten when she opens her mouth it is to give utterance to some thought entirely foreign to the matter forming the subject of the conversa tion. Some months ago when Orville Wright was experimenting with his aerodrome at Fort Meyer, and when the eyes of the entire world were fixed upon him and the papers were full "of the wonderful flights he was making, a friend of mine took his wife to see the trials of the machine, and, as Wright and his machine rose into the air and soared like avhuge, beautiful and majestic bird, with nothing but the blue heaven for a background, the man watched his wife and waited for her to make some remark, feeling sure that she would give expression to some thought or utter some ex pression of amazement that would be worth treasuring along with the mem ory of the day and the intrepid aero "M "-rvirrrrr'vviruTVijvinriAnru'irLfijT njnjij,mnnruLrrnjTj"iru One More By Caroly "My dear," said Mr. Wise, to his wife, as they sat in their cosy sitting room, after the evening meal was over, "my dear, never let.anybody in veigle you into attempting to do one of those picture puzzles." "What are they. John?" inquired Airs. Wise. "I've never seen one." "I've never seen one, either," de clared her husband, "and I hope I never shall. The boys at the bank to day were talking about them, and of all unspeakable foolishness' they are the worst! Only an idiot would waste hours of good time puttering over ri diculous little scraps of jig-sawed wood!" "Oh, jig-saw puzzles? No, I've never seen one, but Mrs. Carter, who was at our Woman's Culture club to-day, said they were great fun, and she said she'd send over one for me to try." "She did, did she? Well, you'll send it back to her unopened. I won't have "Don't Go Now, John." my wife making a blithering fool of herself in any such manner. Why, they're been known to send weak minded people to the insane asylum!'1 "I don't want to go to the asylum, I'm sure," said Mrs. Wise, placidly; and then as a maid servant entered the room, she said, "What is it, Jage?" "It's a parcel, ma'am, that Mrs Carter sent over to you." "It's that counfounded puzzle!" roared Mr. Wise, jumping to his feet. "You may go. Jane, I'll take this back to the Carters myself, and tell them what I think of their class of brains!" "Don't go now, John," expostulated Mrs. Wise. "They're out this evening. I'll take it over to-morrow. I've no wish to offend Mrs. Carter she's a good neighbor." sw IJn - Goslington Wants to Know Offers Seat to a Lady in Elevated Car Unexpected Outcome. "This," said Mr. Goslington, "I con fess is rather puzzling to me, but I am inclined to think that I- get left in it. "The elevated car in which I rode home was as usual at that hour crowd ed, and so as usual I hung- on "by a strap. But a few stations along the man in front of whom I had been standing got. up and went out, leaving a vacant seat, which of course I might have taken but which I did not take, for a step or two further back in the car there was standing, holding on by a strap, a young woman talking with a young man who was standing near, holding on by the next strap. , "What I did was to Indicate to this young woman that here was a seat for her, at which she turned and stepped across the car, as I supposed; to occupy the seat that I had, thus left for her. Bat just what she did was this: naut's wonderful feat. Swiftly and ma jestically the huge white-winged flier circled the field, turned and swung back until it appeared to poise di rectly above them, and Wright could be plainly seen with his feet braced against some part of the apparatus. 'Why,v exclaimed my" friend's wife, 'he is wearing low-necked tans, Isn't he!''" ""Take yourself, for instance. When I told you'that that garter snake which - &er "I See You Have Purchased a New Pair of Trousers." you killed the other day was a boa con strictor, if you had given the matter the thousandth part of your attention you would have known that such a thing was utterly impossible; but Unfortunate n Wells. "She may be a good neighbor, but she's a fool woman! Here, I'll just show you what sort of tommj--rot she wastes her time over!" Jerking off the string, Mr. Wise dumped the contents of the box on a small table. " "Where is the picture to copy from? asked his wife. "There isn't any! I know that,, be cause the boys at the bank said so." "Then can you make up any sort of a picture you want to?" "Oh, Hannah! Commend me to a woman for fool questions. No, I sup pose it's this way. You see this little piece is part of a horse's bridle, jou can see the mane; so there must be a horse in the picture, and perhaps a rider on him." "Oh, yes; here's a bit of the rider's face." "And here's his spear, or lance, or whatever you call it." Harry Lauder's First Job The Comedian Failed as Berry Picker Because He Couldn't "Whussle." I would he about ten or eleven years of age when J got my first "job." It was to pick strawberries for a market gardener whose ground was not far away from our house. One of the con ditions laid down was that the boys employed in the strawberry beds should "whussle" all the time they were at work obviously a contemp tible dodge for getting behind the Bib lical instruction which forbids the muz zling of the ox that treadeth out the corn. "Can ye w'hussle, Harry?" said the gardener to me when I asked for a job. "No, sir, I canna whussle I never learned," was my reply; and it was truthful more or less. "Are ye an honest hoy?" was his next question. "Yes, sir. very honest," says I. Now, the gardener had no earthly right to engage a boy to pick straw berries who couldn't-.whistle, and, the natural result was that before the day was far spent I collapsed too few strawberries in Harry's basket and too many elsewhere. I was ill for three days, at the end of which time L went boldly up to the gardener and demand ed my pay for the day i had been in his employment. "Wages for stealin my berries!" ex claimed the man, in a towering pas sion. "I'll give ye the police oflicer, ye young rascal." I meekly suggested that I hadn't "Sitting down on one side of this seat, she edged along a little further on that side, thus making her next neighbor there, a woman, move along a little, and thus providing half the seat vacant, and now she invited the young man with whom she had been talking to sit down beside her, which he did, all this leaving me to stand there, completely ignored, in front of them. ' "Sitting down as she did she dis commoded the person, the woman sit ting next to her, and crowding in to sit beside her, as he had to do, the young man with her discommoded the person sitting next to him. Thus-he lady would appear to have proceeded when .her opportunity came with en tire disregard of everybody but her self, seeking with utter selfishness solely her own comfort and pleasure, or so we might have thought, if it were possible to think ill of any wom an, which I do not; but while the situ ation was a little puzling, It certainly did seem as if she had sort of made a Some of the Be t Things Written by the Acknowl edged Masters. no, you made some remark about your last year's hat and we went Into the house, and j. never dreamed, for a mo ment thatyou liadeven heard what I said; then? when -I saw you and Mr. Rheinbeckef talkiqg over the fence that evening and I walked over to join' you, just in time to hear you tell her that you had killed a boa constrictor." "I see you have purchased a new pair of trousers," responded she, rising and preparing to clear the table. "Pants, dear, pants," replied her bet ter half, dropping his hands to his side in helpless resignation. "My Income will need to be at least twice its pres ent size before I can afford trousers." That night in the stygian blackness of the midnight that enshrouded him Jinx felt the springs shake, and he had a feeling that amounted to almost, a certainty that Mrs. Jinx was cau tiously getting out of bed. Then the whisper-like sound of bare feet cau tiously carrying their owner across the room, and, after that, a prolonged though almost suppressed rustling of garments, followed by a noise like that made by a bare shin striking a chair, followed by a sibilant exclamation, then a noise like some person groping ly leaving the room. A few moments later Jinx was peering through a crack in the kitchen door watching his wife angrily examining a pair of pearl gray pants. "Did you sleep well?" asked Jinx at breakfast. "Yes!" snapped Mrs. Jinx. "Did you notice, dear, that these new pants arc made like those of Gov. Patterson's of Tennessee, without pockets?" "No, I didn't notice it, but I want you to give me some change before you go to town!" " (Copyright. 1W9." '' W. G. Chapman.) "Look out! Don't joggle me. Where's a bit shaped like a longish square, with one side curved?" "Is this it?" "The very thing! See how it fits in? Move off that bric-a-brac, Hannah ; give me room for the clouds and tops of' the trees." ' "Isn't this the, horse's tail?" "It looks so, but that shaped bit won't fit. Try it for the feather in the knight's head-rigging. Ah, there we are!" (Four hours more of this sort of conversation, and eager, hardt work on the part of two people. Then Mr. Wise stretches himself, looks at his watch, and says:) "Hannah, my dear, I suppose Jane has gone to bed, so won't you make a pot of strong coffee for us,, and bring out some of your good doughnuts and pie, and we'll have a little lunch, and then we'll finish this thing. It's nearly half done and it's a shame not to fin ish it." "Yes, dear," said Mrs. Wise. (Copyright. 1MK. by V. G. Chapman.) stolen his berries; 1 had eaten them. "Well," was the reply, "ye'll eat nae mair here; ye're sacked!" So I left. And that was the end of .my first job! Harry Lauder, in Strand Magazine. Feeling and Character. Spiritual strength consists of two things power of will and power of self-restraint. It requires two things, therefore, for its existence strong feelings and a strong command over them. Now it is here that we make a great mistake: we mistake strong feelings for strong character. A man who hears all before him before whose frown domestics tremble, and whose bursts of fury make the children of the hcuse quake because he has his will obeyed, and his own way in- all things, we call him a strong man. The truth is, that is the weak man: it is his passions that are strong: he, mas tered by them, is weak. You must measure the strength of a man by his. power of the feelings which he sub dues, not by the power of these which subdue him. Frederick W. Robert son. Twentieth Century Progress. ?Tvc got a bright idea for my new farce," said the up-to-date young dramatist. "Instead of opening with a housemaid dusting the furniture and telling the audience the plot, I'm go ing to bring on a vacuum cleaner with phonographic attachment." gump,of me. don't yon think?" New York Sun. He Liked Chicken, But It was in a crowded subway train, says the New York Press. The Sat urday afternoon matinee-goers filled the cars, and as a small tidal wave of femininity swept along, one was borne on its crest who was attired as Solomon never was. If her costume was striking, however, her headgear was appalling with Its burden of plumes and ribbon. A meek, mouse like man read a paper beside her, and as she turned her head from side to side her long plumes tickled his ear and brushed his mouth.. He stood it as long as he could, but when a sud den toss of her head drew an exasper ating feathery fringe sharply across his lips he folded up his paper in dis gust "Madam," he said, witheringly, "I like chicken, out not the feathers!" Not a Romance. "Dear heart," she murmured. "Only 20 cents a pound," explained the butcher. "I think I'll take some liver." WtMi Forecast of mterials ai Sfyjfk That Will JBe Fppular ii? tbe ; Warn bsrlbs. It. is not known definitely before March or April what to expect of spiring ands summer modes. In the matter of materials the problem of choice should not be. more confuting than usual. The first of the year al ways brings out an advance choosing of summer materials and clever wom en have learned to pick up some of these materials and trimmings instead of trusting to the mid-season display. The lingerie frocks are chiefly of the type popular last summer, with clinging blouse and skirt set together with waistband of lace or embroidery, and this waistband is located accord ing to the caprice of the 'designer. The stumbling block for the designer of the sheer summer frock at present 'is the skirt. The clinging directoire skirt or plain, close-fitting circular skirt is all very well for supple satins, crepes, broadcloths, etc., but for batiste, lawn and other summer materials it is hard ly possible, even when a cleverly fitted slip is worn under it, and for the genuine tub frock the thing is out of the question. It will be interesting to see what the developments will be along this line later in the season, but in this advance stage of the game makers are merely experimenting and some of the experiments show skillfully gored, close-fitting tops with, plaiting intro duced below. For example, one of these frocks made for a southern wardrobe was of batiste and had lines of inset Valenciennes insertion bor: dered by tiny frills .of lace running down from the waistband half way down the skirt in front and sides, this part of the skirt being quite closely fitted. Each line of trimming is finished at the bottom with a motif of lace and from this motif starts a group of plaits, three In number, giving suffi- !ont flfl1ri.ftuc irk fha film, motaitlnl .. the bottom of the skirt. The bodice of this little model is good, too, and simple enough to be easily copied by a home seamstress. Small batiste cov ered buttons are set along lines of in sertion in the sleeves and, bodice front, forming the only decoration. The long8leeve is seen In all the sheer frocks and many women will sigh regretfully next summer for the short sleeves of yesteryear. A pretty '.ong sleeve is almost as much of a problem as the skirt, and the sleeve tucked regularly or in groups has been done to death this winter, so that, though it will doubtless be the model most common in the summer frocks, the fastidious will' strive hard to get away from it. WaMaaatBMMW W(D)rk I O o o o 45 0; 1 -1 ', Anything that is both novel and useful such as this basket is 3ure to be appreciated. An oblong wicker basket might be used, though a lightly made wooden box. or a strong cardboard one, would answer as well. Our model is lined, first with a layer of wadding, then with satin in a delicate shade of pink. The satin for the outside is light olive-groon. embroidered in pink flowers, green foliage and pale blue bows worked with China sibbon, the groundwork being studded all over with gilt sequins, fixed by small gilt beads This i3 stretched tightly over the outside, and is fixed by seccotine at the edges, which are made neat by silk and tinsel galloon also fixed by seccotine. The handle is a strip of double card or buckram covered ewith satin and trimmed with galloon, the ends sewn or fixed to the oustide ends of basket by small brass tacks. The bottom should be covered with linen or sateen to make it neat. A pretty piece of brocade or even printed linen might be used instead of the embroidery. MAMn PASSING OF THE All the World Relieved by Her Demise and That of the Spearman. The medicine man, did you ever stop to think how grateful the public ought to be these days? Why? .Sim ply because the chorus man who car ried the spear has gone into the dust box of oblivion. Do you remember him? He used to look like a profes sional mourner, and you could count the pads he used to help out nature or himself. And then, too, there's the happy passing away of the "show girl." What a relief! You remember that you always wondered what in the world was the reason for that third one from the end anyway. And they would al ways walk to the footlights and look it the audience as though it hurt them, their noses tilted as though some over ripe' Camambert were within hailing distance, and then they would all nod In unison and look marvelously use less. They were marvels, and how V 5ai? Be a4e to Tae j the Place of Regular Gynjirastlc Bxr- x 'lcie.' The dancing that girls should do that they may acquire health and grace is not done on the waxed, floor oi a oan-room, out on tne rougn con crete or canvas floor of a gymnasium, or even the carpet of a-bedroom. - Before the recent furor for artistic dancing that has gained such an Im petus in the last year or two with watching Genee, Isadora Duncan and Gertrude Hoffman, our women had learned the benefit of what is called athletic dancing. To waltz or two step well develops a swaying grace and is essential to so cial success, but .its -benefit on the health may be questioned. The hour at which social dancing is done, not to mention the heated' room, tight clothes and rich food late at night, does not make it a great health builder. Athletic dancing, on the other hand, builds up the muscles of the legs, ankles and back, increases the endur ance of the heart and gives the whole body more poise and grace. There is mnoh awavlnir rtt trio twirlv nnrl nsu I of the arms, so that every muscle Is brought into play. Many of the old folk dances are adapted to this work and when the steps are once learned they can be practiced instead of regular gymnas tic exercises-in one's own room. A half hour of such dancing is said to be equal to a five-mile walk, and if the windows are thrown open during the practice there can be no more health ful form of athletic work for girls.' In getting rid of fleshy hips this gymnastic dancing is one of the latest fads, and the woman who suffers with weak ankle3 or if she is inclined to stumble and walk uncertainly will find it beneficial. As the muscles of the legs get more exercise than those of the upper part of the body, it is well to alternate, the dancing with dumb-bell or wand movements to equalize control of all muscles in the body. Style of Hat Frame to Remain. When you buy a new hat for this year you will be perfectly safe to buy the cloche shape, the kind that comes down on the head, giving the effect of a. high crown and no brim. ' You have been familiar with this style for the past few months, made up in fur, usu ally lynx or fox, but now the time has come to wear the same shape made up of flowers. Of these, faded roses and violets seem to be the most popular and the most effective, although bluets or any other small flower would look just as well. White embroidered linen collars con tinue to be used for shirt waists. Basked "SHOW GIRL" they managed to stay as long as they did has always puzzled me. But I do know that when she and the old pad ded carry-the-spear-man died the whole world heaved a sigh of happy relief. Marie Cahill in New York Herald. Sextets. Lucia di Lammermoor sniffed. "Artistically," she exclaimed, with killing emphasis, "my sextet is the best ever." "Now, wouldn't that poison your cigarette?" retorted Floradbra, toss ing her head. And all the world of departed shades laughed to behold the jealousy of these two remarkable women. -Puck. A Rebuff. Fraternal Insurance Agent. Madam, does your husband belong to the Ready Workers? . Mrs. Chisel (slamming the door) No; and he isn't one of the readily worked, either. if -Cvarykedr Mr .Ilaad Stamford IvereKy profwe. which seems to make the Amaaias dak maaai- Peru Is ia a sad way iaaacially and waats to borrow 95.MM09. Is mental healing supplanting the general sse of quinine? As if the . perils of pedestrianlsm were wot suflcient already; aa eastern genius has imveated an automobile for thebUnd. ' GOOD STORY TO POINT MORAL. Told,y Rabbi Krauskopf, Who Be lieves in Divorce. "Rabbi Joseph Krauskopf, our,, elo-" quent preacher." said a Philadelphian. "sees good rather than evil in the fre quency of American divorce. He sees in it a sign that American wives will not endure the treatment that Eu ropean wives put up with. He sees in it a promise that the married men of the future will live better. "Discussing the divorce question the other day, he told me that they who. perceived only evil in it reminded him. in their illogical and confused view point, of a little boy with whom he once took a stroll. "As they strolled, they passed the young girls. of a neighboring boarding school out on their daily walk. The girls moved in military formation, two by two. In front were the youngest, in skirts to their knees. Next came the older ones, in the, order of their ages, their skirts lengthening with their years. And in the rear came the old est of all, the young ladies, whose v skirts hid even their boots. "Te little boy looked at the girls. Then he frowned and said: "'Why is it that their legs grow shorter as they grow bigger?' " I sundry work at home would bs much more satisfactory if the right Starch were used. In order to get the desired stiffness, it is usually neces sary to use ob much starch mat the beauty and fineness of the fabric is hidden behind a paste of varying thickness, which not only destroys the appearance, but also affects the wear ing quality of the goods. This troi ble can be entirely overcome by using Defiance Starch, as it can be applied much more thinly because of its great er strength than other makes. CONSOLING. Artist Yes, my art is my fortune. Model (cheerily) Never mind. Pov erty is no crime. Sheer white goods. In fact, any fine wash goods when new, owe much of their attractiveness to the way they are laundered, this being done in a manner to enhance their textile beau ty. Home laundering would be equal ly satisfactory if proper attention was given to starching, the first essential being good Starch, which has sufficient strength to stiffen, without thickening the goods. Try Defiance Starch and you will be pleasantly surprised at ihe ' improved appearance of your work. No Luxuries. "Why, you've got the grip, old man." "I have not. I can't afford to quit work and go to bed. This is merely a darned bad cold." i Omaha Directory M. Spiesberger a Son Co. Whdtsale Millinery The Best In the West OMAHA, N EB. Revero Rubber Hose Akjonr I cuic ciiddi v pa nuiua dealer, or LLing gjiiLI uUi) UMIUiH RUBBER GOODS b;' ajall at cut prices. Send for free catalo-rae. MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO.. OMAHA. NEB 'ext'c tict'O rcutii nnnifc --."'. mri d uctiiJiLnuum.'i S?.?f .cr n.......e. 7.;i. Jp.T wif uuusias oi.t uraim, rcb. -' Reliable Dentistry at Matferate Prices. BILLIARD TABLES POOL TABLES LOWEST PRICES. EASY PAYMENTS. You cannot afford to experiment with untried goods sold by commission agents. Catalogues free. Tm BnsiswicK.oMM-CsaMissr CstaseRy 87-9 S. KHh SL. fcf 1 2. OMAHA. NEE. I POSITIVELY CURE RUPTURE IN A FEW DAYS ? StiaZ. I bare a treatment for lbe cure of Rupture wMea 'M aafeaadlacoBTenlenttotake.aanoUmelaloat. Jam tie lnxentor of tbla system and the only pfcyilctan who bolda Unted States Patent trade-mark for a Raptnro rare wha las restored thousand to health la to past Si years. All otters are Imitations. I bsT my specialty la the. Curing Of Rupture), and If a person naadoabta. lost yattaa momeytns bask and pay when satisfied. So other doctor will do this. When taking my treataisat pa. teat maat com to my office. Bafeieacea: V. 8. Sad Write or call, FRANTZ H. WRAY. M. D. uJIdtnc, OMAHA f&a&AiSJESZ&iBPZgaaEBMs&Sa I'"' t A J '. dpW-- s -r, ! f r i i i . 1 4. .t - 3fK t. . i . . , jgi'. -;.w-vVfol '" ". n TK w. j