' - I, J. 1 ! 'V 3 : r it v. Consolidated with the Columbus Times April 1, 1904; with the Platte County Argus January 1, 1906. " S THIRTY-NINTH YEAR. NUMBER 50. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1909. WHOLE NUMBER 1,948. vWS?v.3 ttmiriium - - - mvmi. -. mk t Now is the $ J- time to do it $ S Insure in Good Companies i A.aaMA a It I Hi Mr l The cost is the same t BECHER. H0CKENBER6ER & 5 CHAVRFRS WMW - COLUMBUS XAXKBTS. Oats 7 Wheat 38 Corn 55 Hogs, top $3 50 to $6 20 nmnMiiiHimiHiiiwtittmiwJHWMie MANY TEARS AGO. IWI11JinWWHllWJmiHIHMCIHlf Files of The Journal March 17, 1875. One of our exchanges says that the nnme Lone Tree has been changed to Central Oity. What's in a name? Owing to the heavy enows during the winter, all our wiee weather prophets are predicting a moiet summer and good crops. And so mote it be. Columbus claims to be the very best starting point for the Black Hills, as the road traverses a settled country for more than half the distance. Lieut. Young informs us that the list of those who will require aid to obtain seed for Polk county has been swelled from 386 to 452; for Butler county from 495 to 536. It is now generally under stood that the appropriation made by congress was for food and clothing only, and it is supposed that the enrollment being made for seed is designed for use by the Stat Aid society. - , There were two gentleman in our sanc tum Monday who gave us some account of their experience in Nebraska years ago, when the country was new, and times were hard, indeed. Corn was ground in a coffee mill for flour and( was also used as a substitute for coffee. Goods! were hauled from Omaha with ox teams. The, inhabitants wore moc casins and harvest hands worked with nothing but sqnaBbes to eat. People worked bard, lived low, kept out of debt, "pegged along," and many such are now well-to-do. FOB SALE. 5 room house, in first-class condition, located 8 blocks from business, corner lot, cement walks, electric lights. This property offered at a bargain. Elliott, Speice & Co. Marriage Licenses. Raymond R Phelps. Central City 24 May Taylor Columbus 19 JohnF. Lueken, Fremont 26 Christana Rasmussen, Fremont 21 Furnished Rooms For Rent. Steam heat, electric light, shower bath, hot and cold water, location center of city, $aOO-$9.00 and $10.00. Apply Gen eral secretary, Y. M. C. A. COAL. We have all the leading grades of soft coal. Also Penna. hard coal and Semianthracite furnace coal. Newmak-& Welch. Card of Thanks. We wish to extend oar sincere thanks to our friends for their many acts of kindness and sympathy during the sickness, death and burial of our beloved children. Mr. akd Mrs. O. A. Ernst. Now is the time, to get your Signs - We do Artistic Sign Writing' and Decorating Latest 1908 Fall Styles of Wall Paper KAVANAUGH &BETTERTON Tl.e oratorical contest which was held in the gymnasium of the High school Monday evening wa well attended. The program began at eight-thirty. Profes sor Britell addresed the audience for a few minutes and stated that he was sorry to imform his hearers that Super intendent Conn would not be present as he was called to Norfolk Friday after noon by a message announcing the death of a friend, there was also some very im portant business which needed immedi ate attention, and as it was a personal request from the deceased, Mr. Conn -felt in duty bound to comply with the request. The first number on the pro gram was a song by the sixth grade, Mi68 Rorer being the instructor. Se cond, a song by the pupils of the third and fourth grades, Second ward, with Miss Schupbach as teacher. Following this Miss Maud E. Galley appeared be fore the audience and chose for her sub ject "Wild Zingarella" (A Gypsy Flow er Girl of Spain.) The recitation was well rendered. This was followed by a song by the pupils of Miss Lucbsinger's division of the third and fourth grades. Following this fifteen little girls chosen from Miss Turner's division of the third and fourth grade sang two songs. Har old Kramer then delivered a recitation entitled "Roosevelt's Tribute to Lincoln" (at Lincoln's log cabin home on the 100th anniversary of his birth.) Miss Week's then sang a vocal solo entitled "Florian Song." "The Death Disk" a recitation written by Mark Twain, was then de livered by Miss Velma Cover. Then Miss Elsie Jaeggi and Anna Marty played a piano duet and Miss Marguerite Willard played a piano solo. Rev. Rouf-h, pastor of the M. E. church an nounced the decision of the judges, who awarded Miss Velma Cover first place, and Bhc will represent the Columbus High school in the State Oratorical Con test which will be held in Norfolk soon. The contestants were all members of the Senior class and owing to the fact that this was their first time to participate in a programme of this character, we can say that each contestant did splendidly. The judges chosen to make the decision were Mrs. D. Rurr Jones, Rev. Rouen, and County Superintendent Lecron. The gymnasium was beautifully decor ated in the Senior and High School colors and throughout the programme was a success. jMre. T. J. Lynam, who has been the guest of her mother, Mrs. Thomas Lyoss for several months, was called to Omaha several days ago by a message announc ing the serious illness of her husband, who for the past year has been receiving treatment in an Omaha hospital, where he was suffering from a nervous brake down. Shortly after her arrival in Oma ha Mrs. Lynam was advised by the at tending physician that her husband's recovery was very doubtful. From this' time.on Mr. Lynam continued to grow worse until Wednesday morning at 4:30 when death relieved him from his suffer ing. Mr. Lynam was a plumber by trade and followed this line of work un til his health failed. Deceased was born in 1871, and was the oldest son of Mrs. Ellen Lynam who now resides in Oma ha, llis father passed away nine years ago. In 1901 Mr. Lynam was united in marriage to Miss Katberine Lyons, for merly of this city, and to this union four children were born, one boy and three girls, ranging in age from seven years to a babe live months old. Besides his wife and children the deceased leaves a moth er, two brothers and one sister, all of whom live in Omaha. The funeral was held in Omaha Thursday, morning at nine o'clock. Relatives who attended the funeral from this city were Mrs. James Haney, and the Misses Nora and Alice Lyons. The following from the Central Oity Republican tells of the marriage of Prof. Fritz W. A. Paul, the new leader of the Columbus .City Band: Prof. W. A. Paul and Miss Mae Porter were married at Columbus last Saturday evening, Rev. Neumarker of that place performing the ceremony. It had been rumored for some time that this event was to be looked for, but nevertheless the friends of the young people were taken some what by surprise when the news was given the following morning. The bride's sister, Miss Margaret Porter, and Miss Metta Cooper accompanied the contract ing parties to Columbus and were pres ent at the ceremony. The bride is a Central City girl having been born and raised here. A young lady of high con nections, winning ways and accomplish ed she has been prominent in social cir cles here for many years. The professor is a musican of rare ability, and came herefrom New York. He especially ex cels as a band leader, and to his training the Central City Band owes' in a large measure its recent high state of effloienoy. His reputation in this respect has become so generaL-that he has been en gaged as leader of the Columbus band at which point he and his newly wed bride will make their home. Jfrof. Paul will also instruct the bands at Schuyler and North Bend. Mrs. Frances Doddridge, wife of Wil liam B. Doddridge, formerly general manager of the Missouri Pacific railway, died March 12 at St. Louis from an attack of apoplexy. Mm. Doddridge was a daughter of the late Guy C. Bar num. During the early 70's Mr. Dod dridge was agent for the Union Pacific vaiIwav in tliva jmIv am.) 1.a. a.mS1. I M.mwmj mmm uuo u.j, BUU MK 1BOU1JT (resided bare for nunber of years. Drs. Paul and Matzsa, Dentists. , Dr. Vallisr, Osteopath. Barber block. Dr. W. H. Slater, veterinarian, phone 96. First-cli ual odce. printing done at the Jour- EVAMS AMD IMXLAHD. A G. & F. suit is a suit that suits. Gerharz-Flysn Go's. Apprentices wanted in millinery store. Mis. Anns Nugent. ' See the Columbus Hide Co. before you sell your iron and junk. Crushed rock "salt for hides, and for stock. Columbus Hide Co. i Born,, to Mr.. and Mrs. E. J. Meays, Monday Maroh 15, a baby girl. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Geiser of Genoa were Columbus visitors Monday. SEED Yellow Dent and Iowa Sil CORN ver Mine(white)-Gra.'s. Ar special ice cream for parties, every day, at Hagel's bowling and billiard par lors. Lizzie Green of Genoa, was a Sunday' visitor, at the home of Miss Hazsl From. Miss Emma Gaver has accepted a position as saleslady in, J. H. Galley's dry goods store. Miss Minnie Gaeth of Schuyler was the guest of Miss Florence Hagel last Thursday and Friday. RH. Williams of Bridgeport, Neb., was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. G. A. Ireland several days last week. 4 Dr. C. H. Campbell, eye, nose and throat specialist. Glasses properly fitted. Offloe 1215 Olive street. Mrs. J. R. Carter of Norfolk, is the guest of her parents, Mr." and Mrs. Leopold Plath' this week. A few boarders will be taken by pri vate family. Nice, airy rooms. Prices reasonable. Frank Bridel, 123 East 11th street. Mrs. W. W. -'Frank, and her mother Mrs. Haver, of Monroe, were guests of Mrs. 3. G. Strother Wednesday and Thursday of last week. Smoke Victoria, five cent cigar, and White Seal, ten cent cigar, both Colum bus made goods. They are the best brands offered in-thi6city. It is reported that work on the double track bridge across the Loup, and also the new depot, will begin this month as soon ss the weather permits. Week inflamed "eyes, cross eyes, head ache, dizziness, etc. relieved by Drs. Bowlby & Perrigo, of 301 Paxton Block, Omaha. At Clother house March 19. Mrs. Williams of Omaha, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Williams. She arrived in the city Saturday evening, and will be their guest for several weeks. For sale At a reasonable price, one three horse engine and a boiler Would be suitable for a farmer who wishes to purchase one. For informa tion, please call at Journal office. A lot of household goods are for sale in the John Cover building on Eleventh street, one door west of the Journal office. Sale will continue during all the week or until the goods are disposed of. Adolpti Luers'-was at Atkinson last week, assisting in the invoicing of a hardware stock at that place, and during his absence Gene Clark was filling his position at the Johannes & Krumlacd store. r Friday morning the home of Dan Nauenberg, in the northwest part of the city, was quarantined for small pox. Frank Greisen of Platte Center, who is visiting in the city, is also suffering with the disease. Those who went to Norfolk Monday of this week to attend the state meeting of Commercial clubs were President Earr and Secretary Becber of the local club, and Carl Kramer, Lloyd Swain, John Janing, G. Frischholz and Wm. Poesch. Abont fifteen friends of Miss Marguer ite Held, gathered at her home last Sunday evening to help her celebrate her birthday. Games and music were the chief amusements for the evening, after which dainty refreshments' were served. John Oornils arrived in the city Sun day," coming from Hamburg, Germany, where he had been during the winter visiting with home folks. After a short visit here with his nncle and aunt, Mr. and Mis. Arnold Oehlriofa, he goea on to Denver to resume his position with one of the leading drug stores nHhat city. -A: new kitchen annex is being built' at the Thurston hotel, to replace the one destroyed by the explosion. The new structure is a one story brick and locat ed adjoining the kitchen oa the north. instead of the east, where the old one was located. Work is being poshed ss rapidly as possible, as it is needed badly. Mrs. W. L. Dibble entertained the members of her Sanday school clsss Satsrttay afteraoon aad the little girls will be entertained again by the same hostess' Satarday afternoon, March 20. Mrs. Dibble is giviag a series of these parties, and at the aext Busting the gaests sis requested rbriag their nee dle work. 'The facte are Patton's Sole Proof Floor Coatings Are uncomparably .better than any other colored varnishes. FOR FLOORS (either old or new) and other surfaces that are subjected to hard usage. "Made in 8 colors besides the clear. For sale at LEAVY'S SOUTH SIDE DRUG STORE Dr. Naumann, Dentist 13 St. Dr. Morrow, office Lueschen building. People who get results advertise in tbe Journal. Four room house for rent. Elliott, ;Speice & Co. Miss Stella Kummeris confined to her home by illness. . Dr. C. A. Allenbnrger, office in new State Bank building. Drs. Carstenson & Hyland, Veterinar ians. Both phones 212. Dr. D. T. Martyn. jr., office new Colum bus State Bank building. Get a G. & F. Hat, the limit of good value, at Gerharz-Flynn Co's. Mrs. G. W. Viergutz, who has been ill for several weeks is somewhat improved. Drs. Bowlby & Perrigo, the Omaha eye specialists, will be at Columbus March 19. It pays to sell your hides where you can get.the most money from them. See Columbus Hide Co. H. C. Laehnit, J. J. Ducey and Paul Van Ackeren of Lindsay were transacting business here last Wednesday. "-There -aio a few. dwelling -.houses -for rent on the list with Becber, Hocken bereer & Chambers, including one fur niBbed. Miss Clara Bloedorn, who is employed as one of the clerks in the Gray dry goods store, is confined to her home by illness. The home of Dan Nauenberg was placed under quarantine for small pox last week, Mrs. Nauenberg being tbe victim. Lost Between Platte Center ard Co lumbus, last week, a summer lap role Finder please leave at Journal office aud receive reward. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Berney, accom panied by Wm. Schilz and daughter, Miss Anna, were Omaha visitors several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Levern Merriman, who reside on East Twelfth street, are tbe proud parents of a baby girl, which ar rived last Monday. H. Lohr has purchased the east lot of Barney MoTaggart's residence property on Seventeenth street, and will erect a residence thereon this spring. Miss Martha Post and little neice, Elizabeth Clarke, left Wednesday even ing for Los Angeles, California, where they will visit relatives for some time. Judge Reeder, accompanied by Attor ney Wm. Cornelius, went to Lincoln Monday morning, where they will attend Supreme Court, which is now in session in that city. Drs. Bowlby & Perrigo never advise the wearing of glasses unless they are found necessary. You are perfectly safe in consulting them. At Clother house March 19, one day only. Dr. C. D. Evans and daughter. Miss Nell, were guests of Grand Island friends several days last week, and attended a Masonic entertainment which was held in that city Friday evening. s Every Family Pays for a home, at least once. If you pay for your home through The Equitable Building, Loan and Savings Association you pay for it but once and it is yours. If you continue to rent, yon pay for a home every few years but it still remains the pro ' perty of tbe landlord. If yon are paying for a home for your land lord, call at our office and we will explain to yon how yon can pay for a home of your own. The Equitable BiiliiicLiai&SaiiicsAssi Office with ELLIOTT, SPEICE & CO. P. O. Block The Columbus Fish aud Game Pr tective association held their annual meeting Monday evening at the Phi! lipps sporting goods store. All the old officers were re-elected for another year. Good reports received from the pheR.' ants released here last season, the asso ciation have purchased a number of the same species from Lee Rollins to be released at tbe proper time, and besides the bds they have arranged for ten settings of eggs that will be hatched under hens, to be liberated when able to care for themselves. Last year tbe association were fortunate in securing a splendid lot of fish from the state hatch ery, and will eudeavor to do the same this year. A bill intfodnoed.in the leg islature permitting seining in the Platte river, above the mouth of tbe Loup, brought forth a vigorous protest, and it was tbe sense of the meeting that they use their influence to defeat tbe bill. This'year the association will introduce the Hungarian partridge in this section, having arranged for several pairs of these birds, which will not be liberated, how ever, until fall. New members are always welcome in this association, and the sport loving public should -get in line and help the good cause along. A pretty wedding occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Taylor, who reside at Eighteenth and Kuramer street Wednesday afternoon, when their daugh ter, Miss May, was united in marriage to Raymond R. Phelps of Central City. Rev. Dibble, pastor of tbe Congregation al church officiating, using the Epis copal rinsr service. Just before tbe ceremony was performed George Taylor, brother of the bride, assisted by Miss Agnes Dineen sang "My Dear. " Follow ing this several strains of a wedding march were played by Miss Dineen as the bride and groom found their place be neath an arch of cut flowers and fernB whioh formed the marriage altar. The home was beautifully decorated. Im mediately after the ceremony a three course luncheon was served. The guest list numbered thirty, several of whom were friends of J he groom from Central City. The goom has frequently visited in the city and has many acquaintances. The bride was one of the popular young ladies of this city, and has many friends who wish them much success and hap piness. Mr. and MraPbelps departed the same evening for Central City where t'H'y will make their home. , ' Mrs. Sarah' B. Loranz, mother of Mrs. Edgar Howard of this city, passed away at the home of her daughter, Wednesday evening, after a short illness, death re sulting from an attack of vertigo, wLioh she suffered while ascending tbe stair way at the Howard home several days previous to her death. Mrs. Lorauz was in an unconscious state soon after the accident and remained in that condition until tbe grim reaper called her home. Deceased was the widow of Anthony Loranz of Olarinda, Iowa, who died in 1881, and since that time Mrs. Loranz has made her home with her children. Mrs. Loranz had been married twice, her first husband was Hon. 8. F. Burtcb, She was the mother of two children. Mrs. Talton E. Clark of Olarinda, and Mrs. Edgar Howard of this city. Mrs. Loranz, was eighty-three years of age, and was one of tbe early Bettlers of Ne braska, coming to Bellevue in 1855. A short service was held at the Howard residence Saturday afternoon. Rev Harkness, pastor of the Presbyterian church officiating and the body was taken to Clarinda for 'burial, accom panied by Mr. and Mrs. Howard. Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Paul returned last Saturday evening from their extended trip in the south and west. Their first stop was at Galveston, Texas, and from their to Los Angeles. Quite a stay was mtde in San Francisco, and the doctor says tt wonderful change has been made in tbe city since his visit of a year and a half ago. A small Chinese idol which he had brought up the subject of China town in San Francisco, and be says that Los Angeles has the larger Chinese po pulation of the two cities, as after tbe earthquake a great many Chinese migra ted to tbe southern city. April 2 will be tbe date of the annual banquet of the Columbus Commercial club, the change to the later date having been imade at a recent meeting of the committee in oharge. This banquet is to be the banquet since tbe organization of tbe club, and among the speakers will be Senator Burkett, Governor Shallen berger, General Manager A. L. Mohlerof the Union Pacific, J. B. Gray of Central City and H. M. Busbnell of Lincoln. The committe expect to hold the event at the Orpheus hall so there will be am ple room. Sunday forenoon a large volume of fmoke was responsible for a fire alarm that was turned in from the office of Drs. Martyn, Evans & Ireland. Mrs. Hoppen and Miss Kuntzelman have rooms in the' building and tbe contents ot an oven burning caused tbe trouble. When the door wbs opened the smoke was so dense that it was impossible to tell whether or not there was any fire, and the alarm was turned in. But before the department arrived the cause of the trouble was located, and no damage re sulted. , Miss Katherine Stenger, accompanied by ber little sister Polly, departed' Fri day afternoon for El Paso, Texas, where they went for tbe benefit of the latter s health- They will be absent an indefi nite length of tiaM. Republican Mass Convention. The Republican electors ot the city of Columbus sre hereby called to meet in mass convention at Firemen's hall on Friday; March 19, 1909, at 8 o'clock p. m for tbe purpose of placing in nomina tion a Republican city ticket and the transaction ofsuch other business as may properly come before it. Albbrt J. Galley. Chairman. First Annual In-Door Athletic Meet of the Y. M. C. A. Following are the contestants with their rank and number of points: Standing broad jump First, W. O. Wood, 10 feet 1 inch; second, H. Toden hoft, 9 feet 11 inches. Running high jump First, Carl Bee- tor, 5 feet 2 inches; second, E. Gassman and H. Todenhoft, tied, 4 fest 8 inches. Fence vault First, Carl Rector, 6 feet 5 inches; second, W. O. Wood, 6 feet 4 inches. ' 15 yard dash First, H. Todenhoft, 2 1 5 sec; second, H. Oolton, 2 2-5 sec Onquarter mile potato race First, H. Todenhoft, 1 minute 51j sec.; sec ond, Carl Rector, 1 minute 57 sec. One-quaiter mile relay race First, High School Team, 1 minute 40 sec; second. Business Men, 1 minute 41 f sec. First snd second ribbons were given to those taking first and second place. Points, were given for distance and time made. 9 A bronze medal was given to the mn having the most points and ranking firet, snd this man will be known as the Y. M. C. A. Athlete for the year. Rank. Name. Points. 1. H. Todenhoft 309 2. W.O. Wood 294 a L.W. Weaver, jr. 256 4. Carl Rector .240 5. Harold Kramer 225 6. Arthur Linstrum 218 7. Harry Colton 203 8. I. Kinsman 181 9. Harold whaley 174 10. FredLubker 160 11. N.Nelson 134 12. Phil Hockenberger 138 13. A. Plath 124 14. E. Gassmsm 119 15. - Roy Rector 108 16. JohnBabcook 107 17. H. Taylor 100 18. O. H. Walters 88 19. Melvin Brugger 71 Route No. 4. W: H.Mbor; made a business 'trip to York Tuesday. August Johnson and wife were guests of Wm. Arndt Tuesday. Miss Florence Barnes is visiting her sister,' Mrs. J. J. Dnnoghue. John Iossi shelled corn for the Jap boys at Oconee last Friday. Frank Hilliard was a caller at the home of Wm. Moore last Sunday. August Johnson, jr., will attend German school and board with Mrs. Wm. Arndt. J. J. Donoghue is moving from tbe Matt Schumacher place to the old Law ler farm. John Scharf shipped a card load of sheep to tbe South Omaha market Mon day evening. There was no school in district No. 4 on account of the sickness of tbe teacher Miss Nellie Sullivan. John Hansel moved from tbe Gerrard farm, east of Oconee, to the Hegeman farm, near Platte Center. J. O. Dawson and the Iossi Bros have finished haulingMheir hay from tbe Murray and Fenimore meadows. Simon Iossi went to Sherman county last week, this being his fifth trip. We don't known whether he is looking for land or cattle. Quite a number of friends and neigh bors gathered at the home of Smith Hil- liard last Saturday evening and enjoyed a pleasant time. C. E. Pollock was in Omaha over Sun day. Relatives and friends have been ad vised of the death of Claude Finley, which occurred several days ago at his home in Sterling, Mo- Mr. Finley lived in this oity several years ago with bis uncle, Wm. Graves, and had many acquaintances who will be grieved to learn of his death. Columbus delegates to the state meet ing of commercial clubs, held at Norfolk this week, returned Wednesday much elated over having secured the 1910 state meeting for this city. Columbus must certainly have been in evidence at the Norfolk meeting, as M. D. Karr wts brought out for president of tbe state association, and after be declined Frank Kersenbrock of this city was elected state secretary. The work of the dele gates is highly appreciated ss the state meeting of the association brings to our city a' large gathering of representa tive men from all ever tbe state. The Gruetli society celebrated their fourth anniversay Monday evening in the Hercbenhan hall on West Eleventh street. Only members of the society and their families were present. During the evening an excellent programme was rendered. The members of tbeGreutli choir sang several songs, Rev. Neumar ker delivered a short address and this was followed by a dialogue entitled "An Old Maid's Tea Party," Mrs. tfeth Braun being hostess and Misses Ida Egger, Anna Gass. Minnie Glur, Gert rude Jaeggi and Fannie Gieer being tbe Immediately after the pro rsfrfshsAsots wen served. Our window is lull Of the best line of Rushes ever shown in the city, direct from the factory of Gerts Lombard. This line is com plete, as it contains 35 va rieties of brushes, and each variety includes from -10 to 50 different styles, so yon can be sure of getting; just what you want. We bought these brushes in large quan tities and, got a good price, so' consequently can put a very good price on them. Just NOTICE go by as you POLLOCK & CO. The Druggist on the Corasr ' Columbus, Nebraska A. Jfl. Maboffey, residing in north Co lumbus, has been quite ill this week. G. Frischholz returned last Wednes day from Pique, Ohio, where he wss called on account of the death of his brother-in law, Henry Lange. While in Ohio Mr. Frischholz observed conditions in that state as compared with Nsbras-, ka. The locality where he was is plenti fully supplied with electric railroads, and as a consequence travel wss cheap er than here. Some of tbe factories are closed up, being bought by the trusts, while others are rusning full time. One of the strong candidates being mentioned for mayor is Carl Rhode and his friends have been urging him to ac cept tbe republican nomination and be lieve he has an excellent chance for elec tion. For many years Mr. Rhode has been identified with the business interests of the city, and as mayor would give the city a good administration . This will be the first time that he has been an aspir ant for office, and should he accept the nomination his support will not be measured by party lines. About two months ago the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Ernst, residing' on West Tenth street, was made happy by the arrival or twins, both boys. IJarold Arthur and Vincent Marlow, but their joy was soon turned to grief when short l after birth the infants became ill snd this illness terminated in lung fever, snd for several weeks the babes were criti cally ill, and their condition remained the same until Friday afternoon when Vincent, the stronger of the two, passed away and on the following afternoon death claimed Harold. The funeral whs held Sunday afternoon from the resi dence. Rev. Roasti, pastor of the Meth -list church officiating, and the little ones were laid to rest in the Goloabus cemetery. V One of tbe brightest and most enter taining comedies wrilten recently is th" Swedish-American play "Tilly Olson,' tonounced to appear at the North Thea tre Wednesday March 24. Tbe piece ia a novelty in the way of Scandinavian drama in that tbe leading character is a yonng Swedish girl. The fair sex has' been somewhat slighted by tbe construc tors of Auglo-Swedish dramas hereto f or. Several successful plsys of this olasa have hitherto been of tbe sterner sex. -'Tilly" will undoubtedly prove a quaint and interesting type of stage creation. Tbe scenes of the new comedy are laid in tbe Northwest f nd tbe story has to do with the tribulations of a daughter of Scandinavia while serving in the capa city of a "charity domestic'' in tbe fam ily of some Minnesota farmer-folk. Fortune comes to the fair young Swed ish girl later and. ber career is crowned by ber marriage to the man she loved during the days of her adversity. A fine scenic equipment will be provided for tbe new play and a company of usual ex cellence is promised. The name part will be well taken care of in the hands of the well known actress of eccentric co medy roles. Miss Aimee Common, an ac tress of unusual ability and charm. Underwear UNION SUITS We have the agency for the famous Munsing Underwear, the best popular priced Union Suits on the market. Prices in men's from $1.60 to 94.50. Prices in . boys' from 50c, 75c, $1 and $1.35. Underwear TWO-PIECE SUITS In two piece garments we have a splenoid line ready for yoar in spection and ranging in pries from 50c to f2 50 a garment. Bay early while the sizes are complete. GRAY'S fcu- rSSy 1 - tfliZh "25l-r -wWt-J1. S--1- jr ? '-thAAtV. - irr