The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 10, 1909, Image 1
t "' m ffltrmd. ' 4 . . -! '-, Consolidated with the Columbus Times April 1, 1904; with the Platte County Argus January 1, 1906. THIRTY-NINTH YEAR. NUMBER 49. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH lO, 1909. WHOLE NUMBER 1,947. olmnbm ; Now is the time to do it Ml Insure in Good Companies The cost is the same BECHER, HOCKENBERGER & CHAMBERS f 999 4 44C-M44449 COLUMBUS MARKETS. Oats 47 Wheat 86 Corn 53 Hogs, top $6 00 to $6 15 imimimmiimiiiiHiimniiJiuuiiiiBHjs i MANY TEARS AGO. JfcWIIIllUHlllHlJIIllllimHHIUltlHUWjI Piles of the Journal March 10, 1875. A. L. Maryolt of Decatnr, Burt coun ty, has contracted for the erection of the following dwellings in Platte county the coming season, viz: One for Geo. S. Truman, ou his farm near Genoa, 26x30 feet, and one for Joseph Webster on his farm near Monroe, 20x30 feel with wing 12x16 feet. The Union Pacific railroad company gave notice that the company will ship all gram necessary for seed to parties sufferiug loss of crops by grasshoppers, free of charge until furthei orders. All applications for free shipment mu6t be addressed to Lieut. John F. Trout, U. S. A., Secretary of the Relief and Aid Society, Omaha, Neb. The party that went out last fall from Sioux City, headed by John Gordon, have bten heard from through Mr. Gor don. After traveling (W3 miles, they reached the Black Hills iu safety, meet ing no hostile Indians on the route. Mr. Gordon reports that the winter has been very' cold, and after putting up suitable buildings for protection against the weather and Indians, but little time, iu a suitable wa', has bten spent in pros pecting for gold, yet some of the boys are working in the gulches near the stockade making fair wages. We have so often cautioned our readers against these gold stories that it is scarcely ne cessary to repeat it. Adiied to the many failures in seeking for gold through the medium of mining, there is an additional risk in the Black Hills country from hostile aud savage Indians, who, in all probability will make their appearance when spring returns. Baptist Church. Sunday school 10 a. m., preaching 11 a. m., Junior 3 p. m., B.Y. P. U. 6:30 p. m. preaching 7:30 p. m.; prayer meeting Thursday 8 p. m. Morning BUbject, "I Pray Thee let a Double Portion of Thy Spirit be upon me." Evening sub ject. "He Offered them Money." Rev. R. W. Rkinhakt, Pastor. FOR SALE. 5 room house, in first-class condition, located 8 blocks from business, corner lot, cement walk, electric lights. This property offered at a bargain. Elliott, Speicc & Co. CHEESE A fine line of both imported and domestic. Fresh stock constant on hand at wnmiisrcSSMi Now is the time to get j'our Signs We do Artistic Sign Writing' Paper Hanging and Decorating Latest 1908 Fall Styles Wall Paper of KAVANAUGH & BETTERTON I - Mrs. Catherine Kreizenger, wife of John Kreizenger, who reside in South Columbus died at tbe family residence Thursday morning at five o'clock, death resulting from heart failure. The de ceased had been in ill health for some time. Mrs. Kreizenger lived alone with her aged husband and in spite of her ad vanced age she did her household duties with the assistance of her husband. Mrs. Kreizenger, nee Miss Catherine Kittel, was born in 1835 and in tbe win ter of 1861 was united in mnrriage to John Kreizenger, who survives her. To thisunion six children were born Franz, who lives in Vienna, Austria, Joseph who died in 1833, Gustav, who resides in Spalding, Neb., Marie, who passed away in 1891, Loui whose Home is in Kim bal, Neb., and Carl, who lives in Fre mont. Mr. arid Mrs Kreizenger have been residents of Columbus for the past ten years, coming to this city March 1, 1899. The deceased was a kind and loving wife and mother and a devout Catholic. The funeral was held Satur day afternoon from the Catholic church, Father Marcelhnus officiating, and bur ial was made in the Catholic cemetery. Relatives who attended the funeral from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Kreizenger and children of Spalding. George H. Rodehorst and Miss Lena Schmidt were united in marriage last Wednesday afternoon, Rev. Miessler, pastor of the German Lutheran church, officiating. Only relatives of the con tracting parties witnessed tbe ceremony. Miss Katie Hecker, a relative of tbe bride, was bridesmaid and Louis Rode horst, brother of the groom, was grooms man. The bride is the only daughter of Mrs. John Bradehofft, who resides on a farm eight miles west of Columbus. Tbe groom is tbe eldest son of Mrs. H. O. Rodehorst, who lives on a farm north west of the city. Both the bride and groom are well known in this city, having many friends who will wish them an abundance of success and happiness as they trod along life's pathway. Immedi ately after the ceremony the bridal party were invited to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fluckiger where a bounti ful wedding dinner was served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Rodehorst are now at borne to their many friends on a farm three and one-half miles north west of this city, Mr. Rodehorst having rented the home place from his mother, who in the near future will more to Co lumbus. Superior railroad facilities may secure for Colunbus tbe permanent location of the winter quarters of Perry & Smith's consolidated railroad shows. It is un derstood that the management have un der consideration a number of towns in this section of Nebraska, but the excel lent railroad facilities of this city, having been brought to their notice, they are seriously considering Columbus as a lo cation. It would be well for the Com mercial club to take this matter up with the management of the shows, as should this city succeed in securing the winter quarters, it would mean that between $12,000 and $15,000 would be left here annually. Several cities claim to have already been chosen, but such is not the else, and there is no question but what this city stands as good, if not a better chance to secure the location than any of the towns mentioned. This is a thirty car circus and menagerie, and was re cently purchased from the Lemon Bros, of Kansas City by A. O. Perry of Atkin son, Neb , and C. A. Smith of the firm of Smith Bros, real estate and stock brokers of Norfolk. The Nebraska State Board of Agri culture is offering $150 in premiums to the boys under 18 years of age who grow tbe greatest number of bushels of corn to the acre during 1909. Tbe money is divided $50 to first; $25 to second; $20 to third; S15 to fourth; $10 to fifth, and $5 each to sixth to eleventh. The con testant to file with W. R. Mel lor, Secre tary, Lincoln, prior to May 20th, and is to perform the entire labor of preparing tbe ground, planting, cultivation and harvesting. Aore to be measured, busk ed and weighed in presence of two dis interested freehold residents, who make affidavit of findings not later than No vember 1st. Successful contestants file account covering details with the sec retary. Governor Shallenberger's reappoint ment of Miss Lida MoMahon of this city as superintendent of the Girls' In dustrial school at Geneva, is a source of gratification to her many friends in this city. The fight against her reappoint ment was probably the hottest at Ge neva, where everyone took sides, and there was a charge against her that she was favoring the Catholics and using her influence in that direction in the school. And there were also a number of democrats who had favorites for the position. But Governor Shallenberger carefully investigated all the charges and decided that Miss MoMahon was , not guilty of any of them, and appointed her for another two years. Tc 19 sure that everything is done le gally the bond proposition for the Platte river bridge will not be submitted to the voters of this city at the spring election. There are a number of important points to consider in this matter and the committe in charge was to have ample time to look them up, so that no mistake will be made. The pro position, however, will undoubtedly be submitted to the voters shortly after the spring election. Drs. Paul and Matzen, Dentists. Dr. Valuer, Osteopath. Barber block. Dr. W. H. Slater, veterinarian, phone 95. New spring Silks and Drees Goods at Gray's. DRS. MARTYN, EVANS AND IRELAND. A G. & F. suit is a suit that suits. Gerharz-Flynn Co's. See the Columbus Hide Co. before you sell your iron and junk. Crushed rock salt for bides, and for stock. Columbus Hide Co. Andrew Erb was tbe guest of Clarke relatives several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Otlo Scbulz south of Creston were in the city last Friday. J. H. Hennessy of Omaha was a guest at the home of Miss Lottie Becher Sun day. c A special ice cream for parties, every day, at Bagel's bowling and billiard par lors. Dr. C. H. Campbell, eye. nose and throat specialist. Glasses properly fitted. Office 1215 Olive, street. Harry Erb returned to his home at Central City Sunday evening, after a few day's visit with friends and relatives. DOMO SEPAPATORS. Capa city 160 lb.. per hour. CREAM Price 825. Gray's. A few boarders will be taken by pri vate family. Nice, airy rooms. Prices reasonable. Frank Bridel, 122 East 11th street. Wanted at once, 1,000 bush els of good potatoes. Columbus Mercantile Co. Both phones, 29 and 229. Miss Henrietta Schulz, who lives in East Columbus, will enter St. Mary's hospital this week, where she will submit to a surgical operation. 8moke Victoria, five cent cigar, and White Seal, ten cent cigar, both Colum bus made goods. They are tb'e best brands offered in this city. Henry B. Allen, editor of the Madison Pus t was in the city last week. He has installed a junior linotype in his office and is well pleased with it. Mrs. J. F. Kirkpatrick went to Schuy ler last Wednesday for a few days visit with friends and to attend a meeting of the Degree of Honor lodge. Weak inflamed eyes, cross eyes, head ache, dizziness, etc. relieved by Drs. Bowlby & Perrigo, of 301 Paxton Block, Omaha. At Clother house March 19. Miss Emma Neumarker, after e pend ing a seven week's trip with friends and relatives at St. Louis, Mo., returned to her home in this city last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Kreizenger and children of Spalding, were called to this city Sunday by a message announcing the sudden death of Mr. Kreizenger's mother, Mrs. John Kreizenger. For sale At a reasonable price, one three h'jrse engine and a boiler Would be suitable for a farmer who wishes to purchase one. For informa tion, please call at Journal office. Mrs. R. L. Hunter, who is, and has been a patient at St. Mary's hospital for tbe past six weeks, is recovering rapidly and her many friends hope that she will be able to be up and around soon. Miss Ruth Tallman of Genoa, was a visitor between trains with Miss Minnie Glur last Thursday, while enroute to Fillmore, California, having been called there by the serious illness of har moth er. Mrs. Jessie Trine and daughter of Stanton county were in the city Monday between trains, tbe guests of Mrs. E. H. Jenkins. Mrs. Trine was returning home from a three weeks' visit to her old home in Illinois. Miss Fannie Gee of Albion, who has been a guest at the home of Mrs. J. G. Becher the past week, returned to Oma ha Sunday evening, where she will again resume her duties as trained nurse at the Wise Memorial hospital. The box social given in district No. 44 last Friday evening was very well at tended and a good time was reported by those present. The amount of money which was made come up to about $32.00 which will be used for library books. Fred Blaser, jr., of Omaha, accompan ied by his friend Will Platner, were Sun day visitors at the home of Jacob Glur, and other intimate friends in the city, they having returned from a hunting trip up in the Sand Hills, returning to their homes Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. John McLean, and'Mr. and Mrs. Elick McLean of Lincoln, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Neil McLean several days. Both John and Elick are former Columbus boys, who have made good and are now in the employ of the Burlington railroad, with headquarters at Lincoln. Blair Cotnpton, having receutly sold his plumbing business to A. Dussell & Son, has gone to Louisiana, where he has accepted a position as foreman with a large plumbing firm. Kavanaugh & Betterton have leased the building re cently occupied by Mr. Oompton and will proceed at once to enlarge their paint shop. WmmBt Mm Our prices ON WALL PAPER, PAINTS Linseed Oil, Stock Foods and Drug Sundries LEAVY'S SIDE DRUG SOUTH STORE Dr. Naumann, Dentist 13 St. Dr, Morrow, office Lueschen building. People who get results advertise in the Journal. Ladies' Spring Skirts. $3.00 andjip at Gray's. Four room house for rent. Elliott, Speice & Co. Dr. C. A. Allenburger, office in new State Bank building. Drs. Carstenson & Hyland, Veterinar ians. Both phones 212. Dr. D. T. Martyn, jr., office new Colum bus State Bank building. Mrs. W. J. Walters Jwas the guest of Spalding friends last week. Get a G. & F. Hat, the limit of good value, at Gerbarz-Flynn Co's. All Garden and Field seeds. Johannes & Kramland. Miss Gertrude Jneggi was tbe guest of friends near Richland last week. Jacob Glur made a business trip to Madison Monday, returning Tuesday. Drs. Bowlby & Perrigo, the Omaha eye specialists, will be at Columbus March 19. It pays to sell your hides where you can get the most money from them. See Columbus Hide Co. Mrs. Johnson of Liudsay, is tbe guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Friedricks this week. Mrs. C. E. Po'.lock went to Omaha several days ago to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Sullivan. Mrs. W. L. Boettcber went to Grand Island Wednesday of this week for a two weeks' visit with relatives. Miss Amie McCabe went to Central City Saturday evening, where she will live with her aged grandparents. Mrs. Schwarz of Humphrey! who un derwent un operation at St. Mary's hospi tal last week, is slowly improving. Mrs. J. F. Kr.kpatrick entertained a few gentlemen friends Saturday evening in honor of her husband's birthdav. ALFALFA By Gov't, test 99 per cent pure, 98 per ct. SEED germination. Gray's. There are a few dwelling houses for rent on the list with Becher, Hocken berger & Chambers, including one fur nished. Lost Between Platte Center and Co lumbus, last week, a summer lap robe. Finder please leave at Journal ffice and receive reward. H. S. Elliott and J. C Byrnes re turned Tuesday afternoon from an ex tended trip through the west on busi ness and pleasure. A. D. Jensen and family have rented the Giein residence on Eleventh street, which was recently vacated by Drs. Carstenson & Hyland. Bob Jacobson, for the past year in the employ of R. S. Palmer in his tailor shop, has resigned bis position and left for his former home in Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. John Egger are this week moving into their new residence on East Tenth street, which has recently been completed by contractor C. C. Hardy. Drs. Bowlby & Perrigo never advise the wearing of glasses unless they are found necessary. You are perfectly safe in consulting them. At Clother house March 19, one day only. Seeding time is now at hand; yon will find field, garden and flower seeds in bulk or package of the freshest and best at Co lumbus Mercantile Co. Laughter chasing away tears and witty sayings with bright specialities are promised by tbe management of A Jolly American Tramp' which comes here at North Theatre Monday Mar. 15. Prices 25-3550. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kreizenger of Fre mont and Louis Kreizenger of Kimball, Neb., were called to tbis city Sunday by a message telling of the sadden death of their mother, Mrs. John Kreizenger. They remained until after the funeral. Last Wednesday night the city coun cil passed the 'new depot ordinance, but in its amended form it does not vacate any portion of Olive street, and specifi cally states that the city relinquishes none of its rights to the street. It pro vides for tbe use of the twenty feet only when trains are in and unloading bag gage and express, and also provides that it shall not be obstructed when not in actual use. In its amended form it is understood that the ordinance is accept able to the company, and according to the agreement they will no doubt begin work on their new depot in a short time. A farewell party was tendered Carl Schubert, jr., at tbe home of bis parents, on Quincy street, Sunday evening. A number of friends reponded to the in vitations, and the evening was devoted to music and social chat. The South Side orchestra was present and furnish ed music for the occasion. Mr. Schubert departed Monday evening for Baker City, Oregon, where be intends to re side. Carl is one of the many Columbus boys who have made good, and has many friends who will wish him success in whatever line of business be decides to engage in. Mr. and Mrs. Bert J. Galley entertain ed the members of the Columbus City Band at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Galley on West Fifteenth street Thurs day evening. Upon the arrival of the guests Mr. and Mis. Galley were pre sented a rocking chair as a token of the esteem in which they are held by tbem. The evening was devoted to cards and at a late hour a four-course luncheon was served by Mrs. Galley, who was as sisted by Miss Mand Galley. The tables were beautifully decorated in car nations and ferns. While it is reported that a good many quail were frozen to death in this local ity during the recent storms, tbe Mongolian pheasants, which were turned loose here last sprint;, seems to have stood the climate without any lo9S. One of the local hunters, who is interested in the game and fish protective association, said that they had been keeping pretty close watch on tbe birds, and that tbe reports they had indicated that those turned loose were not only alive, but had raised good big broods during the sum mer. Mrs. Anna Anderson, who for the past .few years has been making her home with Peter Swanson and family, residing ou a farm seven miles northeast f Col umbus, passed away Wednesday after noon, death resulting from old age Mrs. Anderson was one of the pioneer settlers of this county, having come here in the early days Tbe fuiieral was held Saturday afternoon from the Swanson home, Rev. Rousb, pastor of the M. E. church officiating, and interment was mudein the Columbus cemetery. Reports from Omaha would indicate that tbe work of ballasting the remain der of the double track, between Colum bus and Silver Creek, will soon be com menced, and that portion of the double track put in service. With this stretch ballasted' tbe Union Pacific will have a double track from Omaha to Watson's ranch, with the exception of the double track bridge across the Loup west of tbe city. When work will begin on this structure has not been stated. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Giger have been informed of tbe marriage of their oldest son Albert to Miss Nona Fleming, a popular young lady of Van Cover, Brit ish Columbia. The wedding took place December 1, '08. It has been seven years since Mr. Giger left this city, and during much of this time has been em ployed on different railroads, being at the present time a brakeman on a pas senger train, with headquarters near tbe Canadian line. ' It is less than a month until tbe city election will be held and so far there bas been no mention of prospective candi dates. Under the change to a city of the first class the next Mayor will Berve for a term of two years. Four council men are to be elected, one in each ward, and the terms of tbe following council men expire, Brunken in tbe First ward, Ryan in the Second, Willard in the Third and Nichols in the Fourth. Last Saturday at Bellwood Harry Taylor, about 15 years of age, son o tbe local jeweler, and Warren Bouton, went duck bunting and when about two miles from town the gun carried by the Bout on boy in some manner was accidentally discharged and the entire load of shot entered Taylor's left side near the lung, cutting a large hole. The boy was con veyed to Bellwood by a farmer and died a few minutes after the doctor arrived. Thursday of last week J. L. Berney sold his interest in the Viergutz & Ber ney coal and lumber yard, to H. A. Clarke, of the State bank, and the deal also included Mr. Berneyte new residence in the northeast part of the city. Mr. Viergutz will have charge of the busi ness, and manage it for the firm. Mr. Berney is figuring on going west and locating in California. One of the important ordinances pass ed by tbe council at the Wednesday eve ning meeting was tbe one providing that tbe number of saloons in this city will be limited to twelve. As tbis is tbe num ber at present, there will be no change in locations, but no others need apply. Electricity is gradually making its way into new fields in Columbus. The first electric 'coffee mill in the city was installed this week by the Columbus Mercantile Co., and besides doing away with much hard labor, is also a time saver. Mrs. Loranz of Clarinda. Iowa, who has been the guest other daughter, Mrs. Edgar Howard, for the past two weeks, accidentally fell down a flight of stairs in the Howard home Sunday evening and received injuries that may piove fatal. Mrs. Loranz is eighty-three years old and on account of her advanced age little hope is entered for her recovery. Ren Betterton, Ed. Kavanaugh and Wm. Kauffman had an exciting time while out hunting Sunday afternoon. The three gentlemen were in a boat row ing down tbe Platte river when the boat upset and the occupants were thrown in to t he icy water. A few desperate efforts and the boat was placed in position and the men reached the shore in safety. During the accident three guns as well as a quantity of ammunition was lost, and although the hunters returned home without any game, they may consider themselves very fortunate. Preparatory to the opening of the base ball season about the middle of April or first of May, the Firemen's league are getting ready for business. On Monday evening Hose Companies Nos -1 and 2 elected their captains and managers for the coming year, Emil Kumpf being manager and Cbarlee"Becher captain of No. 1 and Will Galley being manager and Walter Boettoher captain of No. 2 Tbe Hookies will select their captain and manager next Monday evening. Last year was the first season for the Firemen's league aud taking this into consideration, the boys put up some very good games, but this year they promise something better and no doubt the Columbus fans will show their appreciation by increased patronage. During the last few months District Clerk Gruenther. who has conducted a number of referee sales, and almost in variably the date selected would prove stormy and disagreeable, but not even the weather could prevent the crowds attending these sales, and all property brought good prices. And the weather wasbout as disagreeable as it could be for the sale of Tuesday, which, by tbe way, was tbe largest one ever held in the county, the total being in the neighbor hood of 55,000. The prices paid for the property show that there are plenty of people who know that Platte, county soil is a good investment. The first piece sold Tuesday was the northeast quarter of section eight of tbe Harper estate, and it was bought by C. J. Frey for 888 per acre. Joseph Hastreiter became tbe owner of the southwest quarter of sec tion eight of the same estate, and he paid $99 per acre for it. The remaining eighty acres in section twenty wa6 bought by Charles Herzberg for $96 pf r acre. All this land is in the vicinity of Humphrey. Wm. Bucher of this city bought the Hoppen 200 acres near Platte Center, the price being $70 per acre. Besides this there were three pieces of town property offered at tbis time, tbe first being the Hoppen saloon building at tbe corner of Eleventh and M streets, which brought 31,810, Louis Schwarz being the highest bidder. The Eueden building, just east of the saloon, was bought by C. C. Hardy, and he paid $630 for it. The home and two lots was pur chased by Mrs. Hoppen for $1,630. Y. M. C. A. Notes. Plans for establishing tennis courts will materialize as soon as the weather permits. At last the three hundred mark has been reached in membership by the Y. M. C. A. During the month there was a total at tendance at all gymnasium work of ',473 according to the report of the committee, During February the number of baths taken were 2,613. The regular meeting of the board of directors was held Tuesday evening, at which time the treasurer presented bis report. Tbe net resources are nearly $1,200, nearly 81,000 being paid by busi ness men for sustaining memberships. Tbe monthly banquet will be held next Thursday evening, March 16. Henry Hockenberger, J. H. Galley and Edward Johnson are the committee in charge. The ladies of the Germam Evangelical church will serve supper for the occasion. Our Wagon is Here Our large portable vacnum cleaning wagon arrived Tuesday of this week Carpets, rugs, upholstered furniture, draperies, mattresses, etc., cleaned and renovated without removal from room. For particulars call at office or telephone. Ind. telephone, office 209, residence 2972. Wait for tbe wagon. Columbus Ruo Factory, Furnished Rooms For Rent. Steam beat, electric light, shower bath, hot and cold water, location center of city, 8&00-$9 00 and $10.00. Apply Gen eral secretary, Y. M. C. A. COAL. We have all the leading grades of soft coal. Also Penna. hard coal and Semianthracite furnace coal. Newman & Wemu. SEEDS. Garden and field seeds. JOHASHES & KkUXLAAD. Next week We will display the very finest and largest assortment BRUSHES ever shown iii this city. This display includes all kinds of brushes and are direct from the factory of Gerts-Lombard the greatest brush manufac turers in the world. Watch our window next week POLLOCK & GO. The Druggist on tbe Corner Columbus, Nebraska Ladies' Spring Suits at $11.50 and up. Gray's Mr. and Mrs. Bert J. Galley left Mon day for a short stay at St. Joseph, Mo. While there Mr. Galley will combine business with pleasure, and besides vis iting bis brother will do the spring and summer buying for the store. Next Monday evening, March 15. tbe Columbus Game and Fish Protective association will hold their annual meet ing. At this time officers will be elected for the coming year, and a report made of the work of the association daring tbe first year of its existence. The meeting will be held at tbe Phillipps sporting goods store. Otto Merz is preparing to make ex tensive improvements upon his meat market building. Work of remodelling and building will begin ibis week. Mr. Merz has recently purchased the lot just east of bin present building and whea the improvements are completed be will have one of tbe most up-to-date markets in tbe state. The Columbus Light, Heat & Power company are erecting a large electno sign along the entire north side of the power bouse. It will be quite attractive at nigh: and can readily be seen by pass ing train. It is quite a stroke of enter prise and will inform strangers within our gates that Columbus has an' up to date electric light plant. Tbe death of C B. Speice will in no way affect tbe local business which be owned, as it will be conducted by mem bers of tbe family under the name of the Speice Coal company. This business" has been in the family for years and is considered one of the best in the city, and the relatives have decided to keep it and conduct it as heretofore. John J. Foley, who lias been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Clark for the past two months left Thursday evening for Denver, Colorado, where be will be employed on the railroad. For nine years Mr. Foley followed the butcht ra trade in New York, but recently de cided to go west and engage iu railroad ing. Mr. toley is a nephew of Mrs. Clark. The ladies of the German Ev. Prot. church gave a ten cent tea at the home of Sam Gass, sr.. last Thursday afternoon and evening for the benefit of the Tabe tba home at Lincoin. Tbe same after noon a rocking chair was raffled off and M. C. Keating held the lucky number. The tea was well attended and in all the ladies cleared seventy dollars and fifty cents. Dr. A. Ueintz departed Monday morn ing for Oregon, where he goes to inspect some land, from there he will go to Cali fornia, for a short visit. On tbe return trip homeward s'ops will be made at Denver and Boulder, Colorado, and sev eral other places of interest. At Boul der the doctor will spend several days for he as well as many other Columbus gentlemen have mine interests at tht place. Underwear UNION SUITS We have the agency for the famous Munsing Underwear, the best popular priced Union Suits on the market. Prices in men's from $1.50 to $4.50. Prices in boys' from 50c, 75c, $1 and $1.25. Underwear TWO-PIECE SUITS In two piece garments we have a splenniil line ready for your in spection and ranging in price from 50c to 82 50 a garment. Bay early while the sizes are complete. GRAY'S