SZf-vmvw "rtj ' -si. ' .- - r. m jrZ - -'fr-f,Tt - -- if . . .i - OLDEST HARM UEIIM Escaped Terrors of Many Winters by Using Pe-ru-na. Isaac Brock, 120 Years of Age. Mr. Isaac Brock, of McLennan county, Tex,, is an ardent friend to Peruna and speaks ol it in the following' terms: "Dr. Ihirtman's remedy, Peruna, I have found to le the best, if nottheonly reliable remedy for COUGHS, COLDS, CATAUUII and diarrhea. "Peruna has been my stand-by lot many yesrs, and I attribute my good health and my extreme age to this remedy. It exactly meets all my re quirements. "I have come to rely upon it almost entirely for ihe many little things for which 1 need medicine. 1 believe it to be especially valuable to old people." Isaac Brock. A Trained Taste. "But, Dorothy, dear, don't you care for this lovely sunset?" "Why. you know very well, mamma, that I've got lots of picture post cards that are much lovelier." Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOBIA a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signature of j In Use For Over tfO Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought. An Illusion. Alonzo Tell me, old man, isn't that fair creature over there beckoning to you? Alphonzo No no that's only a marcel wave. HAD AWFUL WEEPING ECZEMA. Face and Neck Were Raw Terrible Itching, Inflammation and Soreness All Treatments Failed. Cuticura Proved a Great Success. "Eczema began over the top of my ear. It cracked and then began to spread. I had three different doctors and tried several things, but they did me no good. At last one side of my face and my neck were raw. The water ran out of it so that I had to wear medicated cotton, and it was so inflamed and sore that I had to put a piece of cloth over my pillow to keep the water from it, and it would stain the cloth a sort of yellow. The ec zemaitched so that it seemed as though I could tear uy face all to pieces. Then I began to use the Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and it was not more than three months before it was all healed up. Miss Ann Pearsons, North field, Vt, Dec 19. 1907." rotter Croc & Chcm. Corp., Sole Props Boston. They Meant Business. A Chicago stage manager was tell ing of amusing incidents of blunders and errors caused by -stage fright. In a romantic play, recently revived, one Of the minor characters, a dairy maid, comes, forward at the end of a recital of a love romance, and comments as follows: "Hope filled their youths and whet ted their love; they plighted their troth!" But at one of the performances the girl who played the dairy maid was ab sent without notice. At the last mo ment the manager gave the lines to a shepherdess, who had never had lines to speak before, and who was ex cessively nervous when her cue came. This is what the astonished audience heard: "Hope filled their trough and blighted their love; they whetted their tooth!" Argument That Won. Susie had been promised a pair of new slippers for Sunday. Anxious to have them at once she bad tried in every way to persuade her mother to buy them for her and let her wear .them to a children's party that was to be given on Wednesday, but without success. Finally when both she and her mother had become tired of the teasing the little girl said: "Well, mamma, you needn't get them now; but maybe I'll be dead, by Sunday and if I am you'll be sorry for disappoint ing me." Susie wore the slippers Wednesday. NEW IDEA Helped Wis. Couple. It doesn't pay to stick too closely to old notions of things. New ideas often lead to better health, success and hap piness. A Wis. couple examined an Idea new to them and stepped up several rounds on the health ladder. The husband writes: tSeveral years ago we suffered from coffee drinking, were sleepless, "nervous, sallow, weak and irritable. My wife and I both loved coffee and thought it was a bracer." (delusion.) "Finally, after years of suffering, we read of Postum and the harmfulness of coffee, and believing that to grow -we should give some attention to new ideas, we decided to test Postum. "When we made it right we liked it and were relieved of ills caused by coffee. Our friends noticed the change fresher skin, steadier 'nerves, better temper, etc "These changes were not sudden, but relief increased as we continued to drink and enjoy Postum, and we lost the desire for coffee. "Many of our friends did not like Postum at first, because they did not make it right. But when they boiled Postum according to directions on pkg., until it was dark and rich, they liked it better than coffee and were benefited by the change." "There's a Reason." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Head "The Road to Well- ville" in pkgs. Ever rend the above letter? A.anr see appesr from time to time. They are genuine, true, acd fall of fauna latere l&z&WZ&Zrti Babylon thereat Rr.VXALDD GLOQIE6 OF THE BEJNG UNCOVERED u Cx&4&h fjvi. .. -Afjorn. , Sv VwiA" filIAfJ OF JO-rllLED TOMR OF BADEL The mounds which now mark the site of Babylon lie about eight hours" distant from Baghdad, upon the left or eastern bank of the Euphrates, and they extend for about three miles from north to south along the course of the river. The nearest modern town to the ruins is Hillah, about five miles to the south; this, too, is on the Eu phrates, which divides it into quarters, connected by a bridge of boats. It is a military post of some importance, and the photograph gives a view of the barracks, with the Euphrates in the foreground. The town is built mainly from the bricks of ancient Babylon, which for many centuries has served as a quarry for building materials to the whole district Hillah is famous for its date-palms, and the houses are nearly hidden in the lux urious date plantations which fringe the river banks. The bare mounds of Babylon form a striking contrast to the green and feathery palm tops along the winding course of the Euphrates. The mounds break the flat line of the barren nitrotis plain, and are now pitted and scored by years of excavation. At points around them great ridges of earth branch out, like the heads of railway embankments under construc tion. These are the heaps of earth and debris cleared by the excavators from the surface of the ancient city, and dumped clear of the mound, on virgin soil where possible, so as not to encumber the area of future work. Along the tops of some of these ridges little iron tip-trucks may be seen, pushed by a couple of Arab workmen along a light railway to the end of the shoot; while others at the other end of the line, and nearer the excavations in progress, are filled by lines of Arab basket-carriers who clear away the soil as the diggers loosen it. For years this busy work has been in progress, and the photographs here published will give the reader some idea of the results which have been obtained. At first sight some of them may not strike one as very remarkable, and it certainly requires some imagination to conjure up from them the glories of ancient Babylon. But in this connec tion we may remark that the excava tors themselves were, for many years, in a like frame of mind, and for a time they even doubted whether the stories of her ancient pomp and luxury might not have been inventions. On March 26. 1S99. Dr. Koldewey began work on the mound of the Kasr, or "the Palace," as the natives term one of the largest of the city mounds, and from the very first considerable suc cess of a sort rewarded his efforts. Two palaces of Kins Nebuchadnezzar were uncovered, and a small temple of the goddess Ninmakh and a larger temple dedicated to the god Ninib were thoroughly excavated within a comparatively short time. The next important discovery was the site of the great temple of Bel, or Marduk, the city god of Babylon, in the mound Tell Amran, but the ruins of the build ing were covered by such a huge ac cumulation of debris that only a cor ner was laid bare. Then Dr. Koldewey traced the course of the Sacred road of E-bylon, which led from the Tem ple of Bel to the royal palaces. Alon this road, at the Feast of the New wmri-wv.' wv' ---?7vaMii ibb (laSrwEJHKs'Wc.xvT'' . .-. wX,savO. .WkBaKBjBan&enBaaSaaSaaSaaSaaSaav riHI ""rnsrTT"isasFMfTEsT To Farm Insanity Plant Deadliest Vegetable Known to Be In troduced Into Texas. The deadly marihuana plant is to be introduced into Texas from Mexico by special permission of the state agricul tural department. Ernest Love, who conducts an "agricultural experimental station near Cuera, has returned from a trip to the marihuana producing region of Mexico, bringing with him ten pounds of the seed of the plant, .says a dispatch from Austin to the New York Herald. The weed is known as the most harmful of narcotic drugs. Its leaves, when smoked in the form of cigarettes, produce a species of in sanity which frequently ends in hor rible death. The story is told in Mexico that Empress Carlotta, the ill fated wife of Maximilian, had her mind dethroned by drinking coffee in which marihuana leaves had been placed. She left Mexico an incurable lunatic at the time of the overthrow cf the French in that country and has never regained her faculties. AMCEIITCTY 41 BURIED BY 771E DESERT: BEGfffllftff TO UttVVER Off E OF m PEACES Year, the statue of the city god was borne in solemn procession to the palace, where the king did homage, grasping the hands of the god in token of his fealty. At the beginning of a reign this act was equivalent to a coronation ceremony, and whenever the king was in Babylon at the New Year's festival he renewed his alle giance in this fashion to the national god. It was. surely, no mean achievement to lay bare once more to the sunlight this ancient holy way, the worn blocks of which had been trodden by the feet of priests and kings. To pace the courts of Nebuchadnezzar's palace, and to gaze upon the very spot where he had sat upon his throne dispensing justice or directing his affairs of state, was certainly some return for the la bor of years. But, for all that, Dr. Koldewey and his assistants were dis satisfied. For up till then scarcely a fragment of sculpture had been dis covered, and no object of grpat artistic or archaeological value. All that met the excavators' gaze -were bricks, burnt and unburnt, spread in bitumen as pavements or piled up in massive walls and terraces. The massive fortress wall on the east side of Nebu chadnezzar's southern palace is older than the palace, and was filled in by Nebuchadnezzar (as may be seen In the photograph) when he raised the height of the platform on which the palace is built. The very temple walls, which were found standing and in place, were bare; they were lined with no rich carvings or painted tiles, but were covered with a thin lime wash like any modern Turkish serai. It is easy to imagine that the spoilers of the city would have stripped her pal aces and shrines of all treasures and portable objects of value but they would not have scraped the walls. Dr. Koldewey was inclined to regard the story of Babylon's former splendor as another bubble that had been pricked. But in this he was wrong. For short ly afterwards, when he had trans ferred his main body of men from Tell Amran again to the Kasr, he discov ered the great Gate of Ishtar, which has fully made up for the want of decoration upon the buildings found up to that time. Ishtar, the goddess of love and war, was the most favored lady in the Babylonian pantheon, and the gateway which Nebuchadnezzar erected in her honor was a worthy tribute to her greatness. It Is a dou ble gateway, with interior chambers, flanked by massive towers, and was erected at the end of the Sacred road at the northeast corner of the south ern paiee. But its unique character consists in the scheme of decoration on its walls, which are covered with row upon row of bulls and dragons represented in brilliant enameled bricks. Some of these creatures are flat, others are raised in relief, and the effect of these processions of mon sters, even in the present ruined con dition of the structure, is remarkable. L. W. KING, M. A.. F. S. A. Knit Stockings by Electricity. From the gigantic task of hauling freight and passenger trains over the electrified branch of the Canadian Pa cific the Aroostook falls, in Maine, per forms such little chores as knitting stockings. The falls have recently been harnessed to drive electric gen erators which supply current to the railroad and to the knitting mills of the vicinity. An electrically operated machine will knit a stocking in less than two minutes. Plans Large Y. M. C. A. Hotel. L. Wilbur Messer, general secretary of the Young Men's Christian associa tion in Chicago, has started a project for the erection near the heart of the city of a hotel to accommodate 1,000 men, to be run on the plan of the Mills hotels in New York. He thinks that $500,000 will be enough to finance the project. So terrible are the effects of mari huana that a law was passed by the Mexican congress making it a peni tentiary offense for a person to use the plant in any form. It is said that it is so seductive in its effects that to smoke one cigarette made of it will addict one to its use. Notwithstand ing the stringent Mexican law, it is a common practice for cigarettes made of it to be smuggled to the soldiers in the barracks, producing more than one dangerous rio. Love believes that the plant can be put to good commercial use as a drug. He says it is a cure of asthma and is also thought to be valuable in the treatment of tuberculosis. It is far more powerful than India hemp, of which' it is a species, he says. India hemp is recognized in the materia medica as a valuable drug. "Absent-minded, is she?" "I should say so. She's the kind of woman who wolud go to a bridge party without her rings." Bellman. . u WWWWTTTTTTWC Gossip of What Is Golnrf On at the National Capital. Sfl Clerk Weds Prince WASHINGTON. From government clerk to princess is the change made by Miss Georgie Jeffrey, former ly a clerk in the office of the auditor of the post office department. She is now the wife of Prince Alfred Ahrenheim-Gagarin, adjutant to his im perial majesty, the czar. The wedding took place in Canton, China. The prince and princess are now traveling in the far east, but will ultimately go to St Petersburg, where they" will make their home. The romance which culminated in the marriage of the American girl and the Russian nobleman had its incep tion on an ocean steamer bound for the far east. Miss Jeffrey, who was re garded as one of the best clerks in the post office department, was transferred at her own request from that depart ment to the Philippine service. She left Washington early in Octo Capital Is Cordial THE Countess Luise Alexandra von Bernstorff, only daughtei of the German ambassador and Countess von Bernstorff, has found the national cap ital of her mother's native land much to her liking. Ever since the arrival in Washington of the kaiser's new rep resentative and his family, they have been entertained constantly. To all af fairs given for the younger set the "little countess," as she is frequently called, has been invited. Countess Alexandra was born and educated abroad, and is making her first visit to this country. She speaks the language with only a slight accent, for her mother, who has lived in for eign countries ever since she was 15 years old, has never dropped the Eng lish tongue, but has spoken it to her daughter and. son, the latter now a student in Germany. A year ago the daughter of the Von 'SSSS1 House CommitteeClerk Courts in Demand THERE Is no abler servant of the United States in the capitol build ing than James C. Courts, the diminu tive clerk of the house committee on appropriations. Without him the great committee would be often at sea. It would be almost an utter impos sibility for Chairman Tawney or any other head of that great committee to carry in his mind the vast details of the appropriation bills which St brings into the house, carrying amounts vary ing from a few to more than $100,000, 000. Some member of the house wants to know about some item in every bill and frequently the whole house wants to know about a good many of them. Chairman Tawney can answer offhand as many questions as any other chairman who ever stood in his shoes, but it is Courts who, when he sits down, is almost hidden by the desk in front of him, but is the ready prompter when the chairman's mem ory fails. Between Tawney and Courts practically no time of the house is wasted, in getting necessary informa tion for all comers. . Secretary Satterlee's Zest for Duty HERBERT LIVINGSTON SATTER LEE, son of the late Bishop Sat terlee and son-in-law of J. Pierpont Morgan, recently appointed to suc ceed T. H. Newberry as assistant sec retary of the navy, was one of the board of visitors at the Naval acad emy last June and entered into his duties with a zest and interest that was particularly pleasing to the acad emy staff. He insisted upon seeing everything there was to be seen, ate in the mess hall, went out in the launches and watched the drills. At last he decided that he must slep in a midshipman's bed; so he was assigned to a room on one of the decks. Now at the very time the board of visitors was at the academy the West Point-Annapolis baseball game was on and the West Point team were to be' given a rousing send-off when they took their departure, which was fixed for. very early in the morning of the night that Mr. Satterlee played at be ing a midshipman and slept in Ban croft, or "Bankrupt," hall as the mid dies facetiously call it, apropos of their cronic penniless state. "All out" was called promptly and those who did not turn out quickly enough to suit the middy officers were uncere moniously dumped out on the floor, mattress and all. The officer of one of the decks rushing hurriedly around at the last moment to see that all had obeyed his summons came to a room whose occupant had not stirred, but with his head buried in the pillow was soundly sleeping. "Here, you, get up." Washington in Travel ..Romance ber bound for Manila, but stopped in Denver to visit friends before leaving the country. While visiting in Denver she became acquainted with friends of her hostess who were also bound for the east and who had taken passage on! the steamer which was to carry her to .Manila. Miss Jeffrey learned that they were to make several side trips and so she obtained an extension of leave from the Philippines and decided to join the party of tourists Whether the prince was a member of this party or whether Miss Jeffrey met him after the ship passed through the Golden Gate has not been made known. At any rate, he was a passen ger on the steamer, and the acquaint ance which formed then resulted in a pretty little love affair. The prince con tinued with the party through their travels in China and Japan and the love story progressed in the most sat isfactory way. While in Hong Chow the party went for an outing. The funny little native rig In which Miss Jeffrey was riding collided with a carriage. Miss Jeffrey was thrown to the ground and injured painfully, but not seriously. It was not long after this that the marriage tcok place. to Little Countess Bernstorffs made her debut in society at Cairo, Egypt, where her father was his country's representative up to a few months ago. She feels as if she were making a second debut since com ing to Washington, for she has taken part in all the affairs given for Miss Ethel Roosevelt, as well as in many of the official functions. Since the dismantling of the German embassy by the Baroness von Stern burg, who recently sailed for Europe with her mother to spend the rest of the winter on the Riviera, the house has been placed in the hands of dec orators and furnishers, and the ambas sador and his family have been obliged to live at one of the hotels. Tly em bassy is expected to be ready for oc cupancy in April. The Countess von Bernstorff and her daughter wish to know all about the city in which they live, and they are seen frequently on pleasant mornings, guidebook in hand, learning about historic houses and places. They have strayed already outside the foreign and official circles to meet people of inter est, and It is confidently expected that the German embassy will be thorough ly cosmopolitan and democratic during the present incumbent's regime. When congress recently voted $800, 000 for the relief of the Italian earth quake victims, an unusual scene was enacted in the house. A misunder standing had arisen between the presi dent and congress as to the amount of the relief and the bill prepared by the house committee on appropriations did not fit with the president's mes sage by $300,000. Courts was sum moned by a general alarm and re sponded readily, pen in hand. A con ference was held at the speaker's ta ble lasting about two minutes, and those two minutes brought $300,000 more relief to the sufferers of Italy. Courts and his pen fixed the bill and Courts later rushed the bill to the en grossing committee and had it in the senate in record time. When congratulated by members and civilians alike later, Courts mere ly smiled. When, however, some one ventured to suggest that it 'was an in- k spiring sight to see congress act so generously and so quickly, Courts re plied: "I once knew a congressman who made a speech in Faneuii hall, Boston, and bragged about the passage of a pension bill carrying over $100, 000,000 in forty minutes. Finally he swelled up in his patriotism and ex claimed: 'Can you beat that?' some body in the back row replied: 'Lord, I hope not.' There is such a thing as being too quick on the trigger." called out Mr. Midshipman, and meet ing with no response, said, "Oh, you wont, won't you?" With that he rushed toward the bed and taking hold of the mattress was about to jerk it down on the floor, when a sleepy voice said, "What's the mat ter?" and a sleepy face, wearing a full beard, emerged from the bed clothes. It was Mr. Satterlee of the honorable board of visitors who had been so un ceremoniously aroused, and when this fact dawned upon the brain of the en terprising midshipman he beat a hasty retreat. Cocoa Crop Will Be Large. Santo Domingo's cocoa crop will be unusually large this season, accord ing to present indications. The first gathering will be in April, and mature trees will yield a second crop in Aug ust. Santiago is now In wireless com munication with the capital, Santo Do mingo. British Shipping in Bad Way. The output of the British shipbuild ing yards amounted in 1898 to only about $900,000 tons of merchant steam vessels, or little, more than half of the preceding 12 months. The number of British ships now laid up at home and foreign ports is estimated at 1,000,000 tons. Yacht Built of Concrete. Daniel B. Banks, a member of the Baltimore Yacht club, has had in use for 11 years a yacht constructed of concrete re-enforced with steel rods. The craft is a slow sailer, but rides a heavy sea easily. Several' years ago the yacht was driven on the rocks in a storm, but was not injured. To Push American Goods. Santiago, Chile, is to have an "ex hibit of American goods" in the fall of 1909. THE MARRYING SQUIRE." Xntloc Georg E. Law Has Broken All ? ' Records. George E. Law,-Justice of the Peace, 13 Franklin St., Brazil, Ind., la known far and wide as the "Marrying Squire," from the fact that he has mar ried more couples than any other offi cial in Indiana. Judge Law wrote a letter in 1906, recommend ing Doan's Kidney Pills, which he said had made a bad back well, enabled him to sleep bet ter nights and feel more fit for work.' The treatment also cleared up the urine. On January 5, 1909, Judge Law confirmed his previous testimony. "I have recommended this remedy to many people since I first used it," said he. Sold by all dealers. 50. cents" a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. T. Teacher of Physiology. "Now we will dissect this odd little animal. But first, Jimmy Phalig, will you tell me what we have here?" Jimmy "Faith, and it's called a bat, sir." Teacher "Very well. Now, how many kinds of bats are there?" Jimmy "There are foive. The black bat, the red bat, the acrobat, the base ball bat and the brickbat, sir." How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for say tun ot Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hairs Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O. We. the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly hon orable tn all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his Arm. W AIDING. KlNNAX & MAIIV1.V. Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. O. Rail's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 73 cenu pa bottl. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation. If thou speakest what thou wilt, thou shalt hear what thou wouldsl not Bias. OWES HER LIFE TO Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Vienna, W.Va. "I feel thatlowe ;he last ten years of my life to Lydia J2. nnKhanvB vege table Compound. Eleven years ago I was a walking shadow. I had been under the doctor's carebutgotnorelief. My husband per suaded me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's vegetable Com pound and it worked like a charm. It re lieved all my pains and misery. I advise all suffering women to take Lydia Ji. unkhams Vegetable Compound." Mbs. Emma Wheatox, Vienna, TV- Va. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- Eound, made from native roots and erbs, contains no narcotics or harm ful drugs, and to-day holds the record for the largest number of actual cures of female diseases of any similar medi cine in the country, and thousands of voluntary testimonials are on file in the Pinkham laboratory at Lynn, Mass., from women who have been cured from almost every form of female complaints, inflammation, ul ceration, displacements, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, indigestion and nervous prostration. Every such suffering woman owes it to herself to give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. If you would like special advice about your case write a confiden tial letter to Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free, and always Iielpf uL There's Danger Ahead if you've been neglecting a cold. Don' texperiment with your health. Get a remedy that you noi0 will cure that remedy is DR.D.JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT It's safe. In the severest cases of coughs, colds, bronchitis, croup, in flammation of chest and lungs it is the most effective remedy known. It does its work quickly, removes the cause of the disease Sold everywhere in three size hotOet. $1.00. 50c, 25c A 25c Bottle of I Kemps Balsam Goatalas 40 DOSES, And each dose is more effective than four times the same quan tity of any other cough remedy, however well advertised and how ever strongly recommended that remedy may be Remember always that Kemp's is we I Best Cough Cure. I It has saved thousands from con sumption. It has saved thousands of lives. At all druggists', 25c, 50c and $1, Deal arrpat aavafm .i $ Wisconsin occno They never fail. Bl B I 1 1 ia IjkI us scnilyouour catalog. Wlsilai W It ia'froe ana tells you all about vrcetable, farm and field seeds, that never disappoint you when harvest time comes. Wisconsin Seed Growers' Ass'n. La Crosse. Wis. "BBtBT BL mmr 'aaaaaavSllsflBB'V TEXAS STATE LAND Millions of acres of school land to be sold bytho State. $1.00 to t6M) per acre; only one-fortletn cash and 40 years time on balance: three i-r cent Inter est; only tlim cash for ICO acres at t3X0 per acre. Greatest opportunity: cood agricultural land: M-nd CO cents for hook of lnstructlonsand New state I.i. J. J. Snyder, School Lan.l Iocator, lift) 'J h SL, Austin. Tex. Kef erence. Austin Sationai tank. GAVE HER DADDY AWAY. Lrttl One's Innocent Remark That Left the Deacon Gasping. Every Sunday some one threw si button into the contribution box of the little church. The annoyed pastor confided to his wife that he suspected the button thrower to be stingy old Deacon G., who had so strongly op posed his "call" to the pastorate, but that he dare not accuse him of It for lack of evidence. At a 'church "sociable" that week some one suggested the playing of games. Deacon G. had just partaken of oyster soup at some one else's ex pense and felt warmed and" expansive. "Why not play 'Button, button who's got the button?' he' inquired of waiting children. N "Oh, yes!" exclaimed his youngest daughter with enthusiasm. "And you lend us the button, papa!" Then she drew back, timorously. "Unless you want to-save it for next Sunday's con tribution," she added, considerately. LIVE AND LEARN. Farmer Meddergrass Waal, by clover! I knew them Chinese lived on t'other side o th' airth but hang me if I knew they had a through route! Sheer white goods, In fact, any AM wash goods when new, owe much of their attractiveness to the way thef are laundered, this being done in a manner to enhance their textile beas ty. Home laundering would be equal ly satisfactory if proper attention was given to starching, the first essential being good Starch, which has sufficient strength to stiffen, without thickening the goods. Try Defiance Starch and you will be pleasantly surprised at tha improved appearance of your work. Was a Lucky Day for England. Admiral Nelson was the recipient of favoritism in the matter of his ap pointment to the British naval serv ice. Nelson's father could not have af forded to send bis son to Osborne. "But if he had been Nelson would have been rejected as physically on fit," says a writer. "Nelson was shoveled into the navy under a bit of jobbery and pushed on by backdoor influence." Noted Woman Press Agent. Mrs. Charles Neave is the latest English woman of birth and education to go into business. She has become a press agent, and it is said by her friends that some of the best singers at Covent Garden, London, are large ly indebted to her for their success this season. Mrs. Neave is the daugh ter of a man of title and the widow of an army officer. The extraordinary popularity of fin white goods this summer makes the choice of Starch a matter of great im portance. Defiance Starch, being free from all injurious chemicals, is the only one which is safe to nse on fine fabrics. Its great strength as a stiffen er makes half the usual quantity 0 Starch necessary, with the result of perfect finish, equal to that when the goods were new. Up to Him. "Do you think you can manage with my salary of $12 a week, darling?" he asked, after she had said yes. "I'll try, Jack,' replied she. "But what will you do?" Universalist Leader. Omaha Directory M. Spiesberger & Son Co. Wholesale Millinery Tha Best in the West OMAHA, NEB. TAFTS DENTAL ROOMS 1517 Oisgtl St., OMAHA, Kl. Reliable Dentistry at IMenta Prices, RUBBER G00BS br mall at cut prices- Send for free catalogs. MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO.. OMAHA..NEBR. RelianceLeatherBelt 'Eiier.or LEWIS SUPPLY CO., OMAHA BILLIARD TABLES POOL TABLES LOWEST PRICES. EASY PAYMENTS. Yon cannot afford to experiment with untried goods sold by commission agents. Catalogues free. The BrtmwfckBalkeCeJl6ftir Company 07-9 So. 10th St. Sept. 2. OMAHA, NEB. I POSITIVELY CURE RUPTURE IN A FEW DAY Si sfl nssBali J Am Hi. fEXTllrt AjS-crt) Ih&Teatrealicect for Ihe cere of Kcptara vjhleh M Mf acd Is convenient to take, no time Is tost. I a the Inventor of this ;.tcm ami the only pLjrlcimn h holds United States latent trade-mark (or a Kuplui euro which La restored thousand to health laltbe pasta) years. All otLers are Imitation:. I hare nothing for mrfpeelaltYl the Curing Of Rupture, and If a perron has doahla. juk! pat the ocnejr in a bank and pav- -when ratified. 'n other doctor will do this. YV'hrn taking my treatment pat. lents most come to my office. Keferencvs U. S. 9M1 Bank, Osiata. V.'rlte orcall, FRANTZ H. WRAY, M. D. 306 Bee Building, OMAHA