?t V " .., , m -. , V . -.' u 2! L' IP i i l?Si H ISr. HS s k s 8 w lu ? i n I w u It-:,' a IS w II list I " I A n i is L. . W 51 I II Is' two t I n- li : IS ! i t !i it 1 ft 3 li i j Hf Columbus' Journal ft. 8. ST ROTH ER, Publisher COLUMBUS. NEBRASKA' WASHINGTON NOTES. President-elect Taft. by the selec tion of Franklin MacVeagh of Chica go, completed his cabinet. The house, after a hard battle and many amendments, passed the sundry civil bill, carrying $137,000,000. A committee of five members' has been appointed by the house to decide whether Representative Cook's attack on the president shall be expunged from the record. The provision in the diplomatic and consular appropriation bill that there shall be no ambassadorship created unless it has been provided for by act of congress has been agreed to by the conferees. The house of representatives cut the salary of the president to $75,000, the vice-president to $12,000 and defied the senate which had fixed the amounts by amendments to the legislative ap propriation bill. The senate passed a bill which closes the Brownsville incident and gives a partial victory to Senator For aker who fought the president's dis charge of negro soldiers. On motion of Senator Daniel of Vir ginia, the omnibus pension bill passed by the senate, was amended to pro vide a peusion of $50 a month to Ellen B. Lee, widow of the ate Brig. Gen. Fitzhugh Lee, U. S. army. Before the close of the sixtieth con gress, a ship subsidy or ocean mail subsidy law will be enacted by con gress, if new plans of house leaders are successful. The ocean mail bill, which passed the senate March 20, IPOS, will be reported out of the house committee on post offices and post roads. A canvass of the committee indicated that the vote on this meas ure will be 10 to 8. Of the 12 Repub licans, Representatives Stafford of Wisconsin and Murdock of Kansas wnl vote with the six Democrats against the bill. Congressman Burton of Ohio re buked Representative Rainey of Illi nois for his attack on the Panama canal purchase, following Rainey's re ply to Mr. Lovering. PERSONAL. Lady Cook, prominent in the advo cacy of the cause of woman suffrage here and in England, arrived in New York from England. Lady Cook, who was formerly Miss Tennessee Claflin, declared that woman's battle for the suffrage was already won. Senator Beveridge was proclaimed leader of the Indiana Republicans at a banquet given by Republican edi tors in Indianapolis. The senator in a speech talked of party fealty and favored a real primary law. E. H. Harriman celebrated his sixty first birthday at San Antonio, Tex., in a quiet manner. He spent the morn ing in pistol and rifle practice. He said he never felt better in his life. Bernard H. Rawl of Lexington, S. C, was appointed chief of the dairy di vision of the department of agricul ture at Washington at $2,500 a year. Lieut Gov. Sherman in the Repub lican primary at Springfield, 111., de feated Mayor Reece for the nomina tion. Former President Castro, .who is at Dresden, says he is going back to Vene zuela to live as a private citizen. Sylvia Green, daughter of Mrs. Hetty Green, America's wealthiest woman, was married to Mathew Astor Wilks, a multi-millionaire. After a period of physical training Senator-elect Elihu Root left Hot Springs for Albany, where he will make an address before the state legis lature before going to Washington for the inaugural. GENERAL NEWS. In a speech at the Peace dinner in New York, Senator-elect Root de nounced Nevada legislators and cer tain congressmen as rowdies and mak ers of war. At the same dinner Taft sounded praise of Root. The defense in the Cooper-Sharp trial at Nashville for the murder of former Senator Carmack scored a point in showing that Carmack was in an ugly moo.1 and borrowed a re volver. Herbert Knox Smith, commissioner of corporations, in a report shows how a few men control the tobacco indus try. Miss Jennie Crocker was robbed of a $50,000 pearl necklace at a ball at tended by San Francisco's most ex clusive society. Senator Hemenway of Indiana will reply to President Roosevelt, who characterized the report on the secret service as inaccurate and misleading. It now seems certain that Franklin MacVeagh of Chicago will be secre tary of the treasury in the Taft cab inet. It is announced that the dates for the national meeting of the Fraternal Order of Eagles to be held in Omaha have been fixed for September 13 to 20. Inclusive. A cyclone passed over Center town ship near Evansville, Ind.. unroofing houses and other farm buildings. Admiral Sperry sent a report on the fleet's world cruise to the navy depart ment, giving valuable information about the voyage. The heaviest rains in years have swollen Kentucky streams and the government Issued warnings against Ohio river floods. NEWSNOTES: FOR THE BUSY MAN g Most Important Happen- 8 X ings of the World X 8 ToldinBrie 8 Post Office Inspector Swenaon of Iowa haft-uncovered a-gigantic swindle by fake foot, racers, horse racers, pugi lists and 'wrestlers at Council Bluffs, la. jr "Billy" Sunday, the baseball evange list, was horsewhipped by Sherman Potts of Lovington, 111., in the taber nacle at Springfield, with 8,000 per sons as witnesses. Cardinal Gibbons, in a magazine ar ticle, defends Catholics as loyal citi zens of the United States, in answer-, ing charges by Lutheran and Baptist ministers. Secretary Newberry of the navy department said there is no intention of relieving Admiral Sperry from com mand of the "battle fleet" A suit to recover blood money ob tained by Mrs. Belle Gunness from her victims was filed at Laporte, Ind., by a brother of Andrew Helgelein. Excitement in Iowa is running high over the assaults on white women by negroes and a lynching is not unlikely. Prohibitionists in a convention at Jackson, Mich., nominated a full ticket for state officers. Two thousand jackies and marines of the fleet, which has just completed its world cruise, marched and were entertained in Norfolk, Va. Arkansas has been assigned as the name of one of the new battleships authorized by congress. Tire monitor by that name will be given a suitable designation. A new office, that of general in spector of navy yards, has been created by Secretary Newberry and Rear Admiral Caspar F. Goodrich, commandant of the New York navy yard, has been assigned to perform its duties. President Roosevelt was scathingly denounced by Representative Cook of Colorado, in a speech on the secret service question in the house. Mr. Cook is a Republican. Officers of the "battle fleet" deny reports that they attempted to smug gle valuable articles gathered in for eign lands into the country. Evidence to show that an organiza tion of "white slavers' in Chicago sends young girls to French Lick Springs, Ind., resorts has been ob tained. The secret service department was severely criticized by Representative Smith, a Republican of Iowa. The weather bureau at Washington sent out a warning against floods of the Ohio and southern rivers, which are rising rapidly because of heavy rains. The United States probably will be involved in a diplomatic tangle over the assaults on Greeks in South Omaha. Fearing an attack on the jail to lib erate three alleged burglars, the sher iff at Lima. O., asked authority to call out the militia if necessary. The state department has made in quiry of the governor of Nebraska con cerning the mobbing of Greeks at South Omaha. The Democrats in convention at Lansing, Mich., rejected a plank de claring for state-wide, prohibition. James J. Hill, in a speech at Minne apolis, ridiculed the work of the farm commission appointed by President Roosevelt. Austria has concentrated its war vessels and sent bridge material to the army in preparation for war with Servia. Judge Anderson, in the Federal court at Chicago, held that the gov ernment cannot prosecute the Stand ard Oil Company on more than 3G counts. This would cut Judge Landis' famous $29,240,000 fine down to $720, 000 if the maximum penalty was given. Members of the house cheered Rep resentative Hays of California, who threatened the ejection of orientals from his state. Senator-elect Root, in a speech at Albany, N. Y., declared organizations are necessary to political parties. Discovery of the body of an uni dentified man, who had been shot, gave the police of Canton, 111., a mys tery to solve. President Gomez has sent to the senate the nomination of Carlos Gar cia Velez as minister to the United States. The present minister, Senor Queseda, has been summoned to Ha vana to consult with the president relative to his future assignment Orville Wright at Pau, France, made his first ascension since, the accident at Fort Myer, in which he was severe ly injured. Accompanied by his sis ter, be was a passenger in the balloon Icarus, which was piloted by Marquis de Kergarlou. A train struck a street car in Cleve land, O., fatally injuring three persons and hurting many others. After having been missing from the city for 40 years, the famous death mask of Napoleon, which recently came to light in the possession of Capt W. G. Raoul of Atlanta, has been returned to New Orleans. Capt Raoul presented it to the city. Mrs. William Crist, '85 years old, and John Teean, her hired man, nearly as old, were cremated when the cabin on the Crist ranch, six miles from Jefferson. Mont, was burned. It is be lieved they were the victims of a dou ble murder, the motive of which was robbery. Russia fears Austria and Servia will be at war within a fortnight. France also is alarmed but Germany and Eng land take a more optimistic view. The supreme court of the United States has decided that damages can not be collected from a railroad for injuries sustained by a baby on a train where the mother is negligent Dr. C. C. Clark, associate statistician of the department of agriculture, has accepted an appointment as chief of the bureau of general statistics and agricultural information In the Inter national institute at Rome. Italy, to take effect immediately. After an official investigation con ducted by cable. Baron Mayor des Planches, the Italian ambassador, has issued an official denial of a recently published story to the effect that in the stress and confusion following the recent earthquake in southern Italy a large number of orphaned children had been sold into "white slavery" abroad. Seven men were 'killed and several persons hurt In the collision of trains on the Pennsylvania at Delniar, Del. . Rev. Rockwell S. Brank of St. Louis has been extended a call to the Ghent resDytenan church of Norfolk, Va. SUPPLY BILLS WORK IMPORTANT MEASURES, ARE YET. BEFORE THE SENATE. CONGRESS ENDS THURSDAY Number of Men Long Prominent in Both Houses Will Retire With Close .of the Session. Washington. The Sixtieth congress will come to an end Thursday noon with the inauguration of Taft and Sherman. Until that time business in both the senate and the house will be in a hurly-burly condition, with conference reports on appropriation bills the principal order of business. AH of the big supplybills have been passed by the house and all but the sundry civil ..military academy and general deficiency bills have passed the senate. The supply measures in conference are the legislative, exe cutive and judicial; the pension, army, agriculture fortification and rivers and harbors appropriation bills. An effort will be made in the senate by Senator Heyburn to have the con ference report on the penal code bill adopted, but some opposition is antici pated. In the house it is expected the question of changing the rules to es tablish a calendar day for the con sideration of bills will be taken up on Monday and on Tuesday an effort will be made to pass the senate bill pro viding for the granting of subventions to mail-carrying vessels between United States ports and South Amer ica, Japan, China and Australasia. The passage of the bill will be stub bornly resisted. The Appalachian and White mountain forest reserva tion bill will receive first attention from the house Monday. The senate will meet in special session on Thurs day to consider nominations. Twelve senators and seventy-seven representatives, who are members of the present congress, will be absent when the Sixty-first congress assem bles in special session in March 15. In the re-election of Mr. Hopkins in Illinois and Mr. Stephenson in Wis consin takes place, it is possible that the number of senatorial absentees will be augmented to fourteen. Of the seventy-seven representatives who retire on March 3, one, Mr. Hep burn of Iowa, who has served twenty two years in congress, and another, Mr. Sherman of New York, who be comes vice president, has served twenty years in the house. Mr. Cousins of Iowa and Delegate Smith of Arizona have served sixteen years. THE WEEK'S GREAT EVENT. It Will Be Thr.t of Inducting Taft Into Office. Washington. AH other events of the week will be overshadowed by the inauguration at Washington of Wil liam Howard Taft, twenty-seventh president of the United States. On Thursday while President Taft graces the ball that will bring the inaugural program to a brilliant close. Mr. Roosevelt, relieved of the burdens of state, will be surrounded by his neigh bors of Oyster bay and Mr. Bryan will be the guest of honor at a dollar din ner in Pittsburg. If he is permitted to follow "the plans chosen, Mr. Roosevelt will go to New York late Thursday, and thence to Oyster Bay, where a home-coming demonstration has been arranged. THE INAUGURATION BIBLE. Oath of Office Will Be Taken Upon It by Tr.ft Washington. William H. Taft will tage the oath of office as president of the United States on the century-old Bible which belongs to the supreme court of the United States and by it kept in custody. There is a touch of sentiment in this decision which Mr. Taft announced with the statement that had h become a member of the supreme court his oath would have been taken on identically the same book. A Million Dollar Session. Washington Npw that billion-dollar sessions of congress are the rule, little other than appropriation legis lation can be enacted during the short sessions, and the one to end this week is no exception to the rule. The appropriations for the session prob ably will be the largest on record, even exceding the $1,008,000,000 pro vided for at the first session. As only one of the fifteen general appropria tion bills of this session has been sent to the president for signature, an ac curate statement of the amount is im possible. ' First Chinaman Elected. Ithaca, N. Y. Toafu Hu of Wu Chengh Sien, China, was elected to the Phi Beta Kappa fraternity at Cor nell this week. It is the first time that a Chinaman was ever elected to the highest honorary society at Cor nell. Crisis Near In Manchuria. Pekin Advices received from Har bin state the situation there arising out of Russia's insistence that it ad minister the local municipal govern ment on account of its railroad inter ests, Is rapidly nearing a crisis. Ethel Not Engaged. Washington An emphatic denial of the report that the president's younger daughter, Miss Ethel, is en gaged to marry Third Assistant Sec retary of State William Phillips was given out here. Detectives to Guard Taft. Chicago Five Chicago detectives, who will act as the personal body guard of; President-elect William H. Taft during the inauguration, left here Sunday for Washington. The men are. Sergeant Joseph Berry, Will iam Rohan, Arthur McCarthy and Frank Murphy. The squad was in charge of James Markham, private secretary to Chief Shippy. Markham, Berry and Rohan acted as Taft's ad I bodyguard during his campaign, and also as guard at the inaugurations Presidents Roosevelt and McKinley NEBRASKA NEWS AND NOTES. Items of Interest Taken From Here - and. There Over the State. Sheriff Bauman of Dodge county, re ceived a telegram from the sheriff at Rochester, N. Y., to hold Rainbodt, alias Davis, for forgery. 'Mrs. Anna Jenkins of Clearwater, was before the board of insanity in Antelope county, and committed to the Norfolk asylum. An - electric light franchise was granted by the town council of Scotts Bluff to Clarence J. Morley of Denver and James C. Caine of Salida, Colo. The new Christian' church at Fair field was dedicated last Sunday. It takes the place of the building de stroyed by cyclone in June last. The structure cost $25,000. The State Railway commission is sued an order permitting the Auburn Telephone company to charge $1.25 for individual service, the former rate being $1 for individual service at first A. Benjamin of Arapahoe, had a pub lic sale of a car of mules in Humboldt which averaged better than $405 per span, the highest price paid for one span was $500. The grain growers' association of Nebraska, Kansas and Oklahoma have chosen Hastings as the headquarters for the organization and have opened their rooms there. It is reported that a proposition is being considered by the Union Pacific whereby another motor is to be added for the run between Beatrice and Lin coln. An express car on the west bound Burlington train caught fire while the train was between the towns of Chalco and Gretna and burned, with practical ly all its contents. The Hygienic dairy at Fairbury was broken into by burglars, but the bur glars found themselves locked in the refrigerator after gaining ingress to the building and were unable to go further. A telegram was received in Nebras ka City telling of the death cf Miss Anna McMeachen at Kansas City, where she has been ill for some time. The deceased was one of the pioneer settlers of Otoe county. At the front door of the court house in Plattsmouth Attorney C. A. Rawls sol dat referee's sale 104 acres of land adjoining the town of Union be longing to the Joshua Lynn estate for $12,300, or a little over $104 per acre. Two boys, aged 1C and 15, who ran away from the orphans' home at At chison, Kas., have been in charge of City Marshal Vaughn of Fort Calhoun for some time. Mr. Rokes of Atchi son arrived and took them home. Churches, ledges, schools, clubs, places of amusement and all other public gatherings of adults or children in Gothenburg have been placed under a ban by a proclamation issued by the Board of Health in an effort to step the ravages of scarlet fever. The Young Men's Christian associa tion in Ftate convention at Hastings unanimously re-elected the following officers: W. J. Hill, Lincoln, chairman; W. O. Henry, Omaha, vice chairman; E. C. Babcock, Omaha, secretary; M. C. Steele, Omaha, treasurer. Senator 'Alex Laverty of Saunders county -received information from Colonel Gardner of Fort Crook that the government would lease a tract of land three miles north of Ashland for the purposes cf a rifle range. This is the range used by the state troops. Word was just received in Blooming ton that "Happy" Nelson, a young farmer living with his older brother four miles east of Center, was killed in a runaway. Young Nelson had taken his brother to Creighton to catch a train or Wahoo. On his way home his team became unmanageable and ran away. Mrs. Mary R. Stokes, widow of Ed ward D. Stokes, who was found dead on the Scisson farm, north of Ains worth, January 16, with a wagon box across his neck, has begun suit against Ben H. Able and Jesse D. Birdsall, two saloonkepcrs and the Lion Bond ing and Surety company and the Bankers Surety company for $20,000. The body of Elmer Charf, aged 28 who had been missing since February 8, was found Tuesday under a drift near Ponca creek within fifty feet of the main street: of the town of Lynch. .He had lost his way and perished in the severe blizzard of two weeks a 30. A dispatch was received in Hastings stating that the Mrs. Thomas Cooper who was murdered in her home in Chicago recently four days after her wedding, was a Miss Ida Cress, form erly of Hastings. Inquiry develops the fact that the murdered woman did live in that city and that she married a man named Carl Miller in 1905. He was a carpenter by trade and latei moved to Pauline. Acting under the direction of the board of trustees of the Child Saving institute of Omaha, the building com mittee, of which Rome Miller is chair man, has opened headquarters at the Hotel Rome, room 30, parlor floor. where the active campaign work will be conducted for the raising of the $75,000 building fund for the proposed new Child Saving institute. A. W. Clark, the founder and superintendent of the institute, reports the receipt of teveral liberal subscriptions. O. A. Cooper & Son, Humboldt mill ers, have received news of the deci sion of the Interstate Commerce com mission on their case against the Bur lington railway, in which was involved the freight rate on grain shipments to the western part of this state and Kansas. , Blcomfield people are rejoicing over the recent appointment of the Bloom field Musical association band as the first regimental band of the state. Governor Shallenbcrger has made the appointment and it is understod the appointment has been ratified by the adjutant general. Hardware men of Nebraska elected the following officers: President, E. S. Hayhurst, Loup City; firht vice presi dent, W. C. Klein, Miliord; Second vice president, A. A. Lawson, Hasting; third vice president, C. B. Delhi, Strat ton; secretary, J. Frank Barr, Lin coln; treasurer, H. J. Hall. Lincoln. Chief of Police Widmier of Hast ings was severely cut by a blow from a poker in the hands of a crazy man. Donald Cook of Lyons, while whirl ing himself rapidly on his mother's piano stool, fell from it striking his head on a sharp corner of the instru ment receiving a painful cut. CAPITAL CITY NEWS ITEMS OF INTEREST AROUND THE STATE HOUSE. THEWOHKOF THE LAWMAKERS Legislative Facts and Gossip News of the State Capital. Finance Bill. The house finance committee has completed its budget bills for all but the special appropriations for build ings and kindred subjects, and for those things which are specially ap propriated for in the bills which cre ated the need. By this bill the governor's office is to have incidental expenses together with the executive mansion of $7,900 for the biennium, the commissioner of public lands and buildings $4,600. the attorney general $10,000 to enforce the rules of the railway commission and the Junkin act, the expenses of the state banking board are to be $11,000, the state historical society gets the -customary $15,000, the pure food commission $15,800 exclusive of the commissioner's salary, the nation al guard $51,800, Peru normal exclud ing salaries and new buildings $39,- ftflfi tha ctotn nnlrarclK- tljnflft 1! vided into permanent improvements $100,000, expenses of farmers insti tutes $2(f,000 and the North Platte sub-station $25,000, the Kearney nor mal gets $24,700, the institute for the blind at Omaha $49,060.09, the boys' industrial school at Kearney $S5,500, the girls' industrial school at Geneva $32,750, the home for the feeble mind ed at Beatrice $90,500, the Lincoln hospital for the insane $171,300, the penitentiary draws $130,200, and the soldiers' home at Grand Island $123, 230. All these are exclusive of sal aries and buildings that may be ord ered by special bills. Senator' Jas. A. Donohoe, cf O'Neill. Quick Action on Insattity Bill. bbbbbhRw,:'vVaa T?HKtCBbBBBBBH BKis&M"''--'" - X? BaTBBBBBBBBBBBBai pvy :,- , - -v&llH VaaamaaEfe ' ' xMlttfiBBBBBBl JBBK) v -. rTwBcBBH 3BAaaaaK"t'-rf,"'.v v ittjaBKBBBH :aaaaaaal& 5 U yQBKlEMtMUi&WB&& bbbbbbbbbbI l&feesaf S&pw; sbbb1 SHal &K -- :H ." ubbbbbbbbbbCTP vt .- JbdbbbbbbbbbbbbbI XiVvVBfBBTBBBBBBt XBBBBBBBBBBBbI IIbbbBL. ISH " SBBBSBm:fe.v vO A'. 9HKBBBB 'SK&Sp"' 3bBBB -"T... .- ."BBBBBBBzETVOX1'.- iiS .&9bKBBBBBBB KKkmi J9bbbbbbbb! w:v - m Br .PdEKBBBBi ."iMf 1B7 .bVEbsSbbIbbbbjI BBBBBBB flBjPr 4bSt9BBBBJVBBBBBBBJ Upon motion of Ransom the senate The measure is considered one or rules were suspended and H. R. No. . considerable importance. It has been US was advanced to a third reading discussed for several years by legis and passed. This measure was Intro- j lators and has been urged as a meas duced In the house by AVilson, but , ure that will raise considerable reve Ransom explained that it had been nue to defray the expenses of the prepared by Attorney General Thomp- j state. In other states where it has son and his deputy. Grant Martin, who , been tried and where there are many were anxious that it pass at once, corporation the fee goes a long way It carries the emergency clause and toward paying the annual expenses of will become a law as soon as it re- the state. Agents of corporations al ceives executive approval. lege that the constitution does not This measure nrovides that when a nermit the collection of such a tax person has been condemned to death ! and the question of sanity is raised, the matter shall be referred to the dis trict judge from the district in which the condemned person was convicted. Should the judge, upon making inves tigation, find that the prisoner might be mentally deranged, he shall sum mon the superintendents of the three state insane hospitals, who shall pass ; upon the case. Should they report j that the convicl is insane, sentence . will be suspended, otherwise it will be carried out. Changes Banking Bill. I The Joint committee on banking in correction. He considered that this the legislature has been at work for expenditure for the fish and game the past two or three days, and has I department was out of proportion to made several changes in the bill as the other departments and that the originally drawn. j game is the only one department of One of the most important is that the state that is made up entirely of relating to assessments to build up a ' men who enforce the law and do noth guaranty fund. Instead of making the ! ins else. He thought the local officers first two assessments i-2 of 1 per cent. T OHe"at to see to the enforcement of it is proposed to make one assess-1 1UW&, auu i"-'"""- - ,..... oi .1 t. ' cut down expenses, ment of 1-2 of 1 per cent in July of this year. 1-4 of 1 per cent in January j $5(JC0 for the Fish Hatchery, of next year and 1-4 of 1 per cent in An appro,)riation of $.r..000 for the July. 1910. After that there shall be ! ma!ntenancc and improvement of the an annual assessment of l-10th of 1 I fish hatching sub-station in Cherry per cent county, was recommended for passage Instead of a maximum of 2 per cent ' jn the house Fridav morning. The that may be levied in any one year ' bm H R 36I) was a committee bill the maximum is placed at 1 per cent j and had boen threshed out by the a year. The provision prohibiting memi)ers. The action of the commit loans to stockholders in excess of 50 ( tee was in line with the recommen per cent, once taken out, was restored. dation of Game Warden Carter. To Elect the Local Assessors. . Insurance Bills Were Considered. After a discussion ranging from Fri- The senate committee of insurance day morning until Friday afternoon f Thursday night held its last "hearing" the two Skeen bills providing for the j for the insurance men cf the state election of precinct assessors were ' Who cared to discuss the merits of the passed. The two bills, H. R. 214 and j various bills that are now before the 215, contain one of the chief "home i upper house. Room 19 at the Mr.dell rule" pledges of the democrats. . hotel that night was crowded with The chief point of discussion was j local insurance agents and with Iobby the retention of county assessors. The ists from nearly all of the large corn counties of small population want to panics, but the meeting was a peace do away with the county assessor as a I ful one. The members cf the corn useless luxury. The richer counties I mittpo heard the arguments of the- want him retained, believing he is . worthy or his hire. The bills finally passed without amendment. Bartos Would Protect Editors. ! Senator Bartos Friday introduced I a senate measure that aims to protect newspapers against libel, suits. The bill provides that truth shall be a vin-' dication in case of a suit brought fcr libel, and that any newspaper shall be given ten days in which to retract any untrue story that it publishes. Final Scurry in the House. At the night session of the house Thursday night almost a hundred new I bills were launched. After the meas ures were fed into the legislative hop per the house adjourned. Six Departments tor University. 'the Kotouc "Souse bUl providing mat tne state university snail oe ei .vlded into six departments passed the senate Friday. The bill will have to be returned to the house for the ap proval of the amendment which the senate added, denying the right of the university -regents to offer new courses at will and to divide the uni versity into new departments as the board might see fit. As the bill is approved it makes no changes except to separate the agricultural and en gineering schools and to place them under Dean Richards and Dean Bur nett. There is another measure in the senate that aims to legalize the pres ent college of education. The school was not approved by the legislature and it has been running since the first of last September. It is expected that the bill will be passed, as it, like the other measure makes no changes in the present work except in name. At the close of the afternoon ses sion Friday the senate took a vacation until 2 o'clock Monday afternoon. The slow progress that the upper house has made in disposing of and passing bills caused a number of the senators to oppose the adjournment. Those who voted against it are: Brown, Diers, Donohoe, Fuller, Klein, Majors, Ollis, Raymond and Warren. Killed Nettleton's Insurance Bill. After a long debate the house Fri day morning, indefinitely postponed the Nettleton bill making notes given for insurance non-negotiable until the delivery and acceptance of insurance 1 e5 Shoemaker urged that new insur ance companies would be tfut out of business inasmuch as many of thera depend on notes for Insurance for the money with which agents are enabled to continue cseking business. Boyd of Hamilton said that he thought there were few Nebraska companies that had to depend on pat rons before the goods were delivered. Begole said that the notes now al lowed to be given were an incentive to men to take out insurance, a pro ceeding which he viewed as higniy meritorious. , Clark' thought the bill would dis criminate against the man seeking insurance in the country as against the man in the city as the expense of securing farm business is greater than the expense of city soliciting. Kelley thought no man's note should be made non-negotiable. Tay lor and Nettleton. the introducer of the bill, concluded the argument. The bill was introduced to catch fraudulent insurance agents. The house generally thought the bill would go farther than the introducer in tended, however and on division killed the measure. Annual Fee From Corporations. The state committee on miscellane ous corporations Thursday decided to report senate file No. 9S, by King of Polk, to be placed on the general file. The bill provides for an annual license fee to be collected by the state from corporations, the fee to range from $5 to 500 according to the capital stock of the companies. Senator King has agreed to have the bill amended so that it will not apply to banks which are taxed annually 1 upon their capital stock or to other 1 cornorations that pay a license fee. and it may be opposed on that ground. Friends of the bill deny that the con stitution prohibits such a tax or li cense fee. Attacks Game Department. King of Polk made an extended speech in favor of his biil to reduce the list of fish and game wardens to nnn whn shall have charce of the state hatcherJes and the enforcement f the ,. He sai(1 lhc state spen(ls $28,000 every two years for the fish and game department and only a few thousand dollars annually each for health, state library corn- mission and the board of charities and attorneys and the agents of the corn- panies and noted what tney aeeraea worthy of consideration. New Rosd Lawc. ,A , . . , ... . The committee of the whole did not object seriously to any portion of S. ?. No. 91, Introduced by the commit- :ee on highways and bridges, an act requiring one-half of the cost of road making to be paid by the state. 35 per cent by county and 15 per cent by the owners cf land. It was ordered to a third reading and so was S. F. No. 99. by Laverty of Saunders, giving the state board of irrigation general supervision over highways. I 1 'A Cure For Cola's and Grip. Tnere is inconvenience, ssfferiag sad stager' in a cold, and the wonder that people will take so few precautions against colds. One or two Lane s Pleasant Tablets (be sure of the name) taken when the first rauflfy feeling appears, will stop the prog ress of a cold and save a great deal of un necessary suffering. Druggists and dealers fenerally sell these tablets, price 25 cents. f you cannot get them send to Orator F. .Woodward, Le Roy, N. Y. Sample free. The' Present Fashions. Stella Isn't it all you can do to dance in your new gown? Belle Yes, but it's too tight to sit down in. " Rci, Weak. Weary, Watery Eyes Relieved by Murine Eye Remedy. Com pounded by Experienced Physicians. Mu rine Doesn't Smart: Soothes Eye Pain Write Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago, for Illustrated Eye Book. At Druggists. It is said that necessity knows no law, but if she is the mother of In vention she should acquaint hersell with the patent laws. If Your tVe-t Ache or Itnrn ptaSc package of A Men's Koot-Kase. It si Tea quick relief. Two million packages sold yearly. Faith is obedience, not confidence. Macdonald. Lewis' b'tnglc IStnder straight 5c cigar is good quality all the time. our dealer or Lewis Factory-, Peoria, HI. Life does not make us, we make life. Kavanagh. W2 'Guar! SICK HEADACHE Positively cared by tkese Little Pills. They also relleTO Dis tress from Dyspepsia, In- lircstlonand Too Hearty Dating. A perfect rem edy for Dizziness, Nau sea, Drowsiness, Bad Taste in tbc Mouth, Coat ed Tonne, Pain in the Side, TOUPID IJVEIU They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear Fac-Siraile Signature REFUSE SU1STITUTES. Western Canada the Pennant Winner "The Last Best West" The government of Canada-Bow 'gives to every actual set tler 160 acres ol wheat-grow ing land free and en additional 160 acres at $3.00 an acre. The 300,000 contented American settlers making their homes in Western Canada is the best evidence ot the superiority of that country. They are becoming rich, growing from 25 to 50 bushels wheat to the acre; 60 to 110 bush els oats and 45 to 60 bushels barley, be sides having splendid herds of cattle raised on the prairie grass. Dairying is an im portant industry. The crop of 1S08 still keeps Western Canada in the lead. The world will soon laok to it as its food-producer. The thing which most Impressed m iras the magnitude or the country that Is available for agricultural purposes." Actional EaiUrnal iJurrttpontUnce. VjviS. Low railway rates, eood schools and churches, markets convenient, prices the highest, climate perfect. lands are for sale by Hallway and Land Com panies. Inscriptive pamphlets and maps sent tne. or railway rates ami other Information apply u Superintendent of I mmiKratlon. Ottawa. Canine, or the authorized Canadian Government Agent: W.V.BE1WETT. ail nnr lor lile Irildiaz. If yoa aafler from Vita, rallieg Sickness. Spssms or nave ehiMren. or friends that do 10, my Hkw Dis covery frill relieve them, and all jrou are asked to do it to wad for n free B uU ot Dr. May's Epilcptlcide Core. K has cored tooosands wtiero eTerythia- etss fai:!. Sent frew lth direction.. Ezpreu Prepaid. Uuaraateed by May Xedieal laboratory, nnder tb KatlonalFmvl and Dram Act. JuneSOth. 1906. Guar anty So. 18971. Plea, give AOE and loll addraaa DR. XT. H. MAT, 548 Pearl Street. New York City. ZWjM TJeii80 I Maka and Sell Xoro Men's $3.00 & 93.50 Shoes Than Amy Other JUaufactarex if Beta I gtre the vtarer the tneSt of the meat coasteta orgaabntloa of tnisad enerta aa4 iklllad aaaeaukara la tha ceaatry. Tba selection ef tha .leathers for eara part of the shea, SM ercrrdataa of taa anslae- Is OTerytfepartiiertrii too T the beet shorBakars In tha rtoeladStry. IX I could shear roa how -rrfn. -or v. ti. -iTlil are madj. yon wouli then tadentaad why they hold thaur M.,imHr,uaamrHsnrtau anrc V Method of TanningtheSole makes them Man Flexible and longer Wearing trait ang othere. Miaea far Ejjry Meaiher oTtbe Family-, Mea. Bej.WMaea.Mlwca and ChUdreaw m....Hlr. Pfc ,h0" ate ererywoere. Climnil I J," r,n?s''ft without W, U Dotijrlaa WflU I lUn nam and price stamped on bottom. last Color lyaUUTeedEatlaatvaly. Catalog mailed free. W. L. BOLQLAS. W Sftrk St, BrocUa. Mass. r outer i ICARTEKS irrnr HlVER H PILLS. CARTERS rrriE ilVER HI e. H Kei ji ll mi I Lmd! T H Couaas and eok! may scire say H Bad ffcba fi'.h "y - lafn MuyaradccXdhasbeeaaTcd Msf fjBjl fad ranch aiciooe asd soiTeaVig MatlM bb9 hJ?r? ." - prooptKo HH at too a Cure. There iicc&i-j ISTA H91 Ekrit to break trpeoshjaadciU. Is9 KflH There it ao bnnc!al or (sag MH BU ?Ue diet it Yr3 act rctevc. f9H H Free troBi opiates or Karcfii ta- Qaai B grecTccX frne fcr children. B9 BMAtaHdraggJsU'.aScaa. J asBBBBBMMB BBBBl II I i