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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1909)
- : ' : J Consolidated with the Columbus Times April 1, 1904; with the Platte County Argus January 1, 1906. THIRTY-NINTH YEAR. NUMBER 48. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 1909: WHOLE NUMBER 1,946. rr Imtrtral. Wat lb Now is the time to do it Insure in Good Companies The cost is the same BECHER, HOCKENBERGER & CHAMBERS. m m m m m COLUMBUS MARKETS. Oata 45 Wheat 90 Corn 54 Hogs, top (JO to $5 DO BRS. MARTYK, EVANS AND IRELAND. Buy the Eusdcii property on 11 th street at auction next Tuesday at the Court House. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Scott left Satur day morning for Kansas City, where they expect, to make their future home. Miss Helen Shannon left Tuesday eve ning for Trinidad, Colo., where Bhe goes to take a position in one of the leading millinery stores of that place. Tom Wilson, engineer on the Burling ton, has been granted a thirty days leave of absence from work. He will no doubt spend much of the time visit ing in other parts. The El6e Land Company make a spec ialty of Spink Go. James River Valley Lands, hs they have offices at Red field and Doland,; Spink, Co. South Dakota. Joe Hay, Columbus, Representative. Mihs Agnes Rinehart. daughter of Rev. 1). W. Rinehart, exoected to start Wednesday for Richmond, Va.. for a visit, but on account of the high water east of North Bend she postponed her trip unlil next week. Miss Week's will instruct pupils in vo cal lessons in the parlors of the Congre gational church Thursday evening. A cordial invitation is extended to all per sons who care to take lessons. Price will be ten lessons for one dollar. F. S. Oroshaw and W. L. Obrist of Monroe, accompanied by their families, were in the city Tuesday enroute to the west, where they expect to reside per manently. Mr Crosbaw goes to Salem, Oregon, and Mr. Obrist to Centralis, Washington. A member of the Else Lnrd Company, of Madison, Neb,, was in the city Mon day, on a few business matters, and while here arranged with John Cover, to accompany him as soon as possible, to South Dakota, where they wish to trade him land for his city property. While greasing his wagon, Chris Nauenberg met with an accident that resulted in a broken ankle. When he took off the wheel it slipped more than he expected, and in attempting to stop the fall he placed his knee against it, and the result was a badly broken ankle. Mr Nauenberg will be laid up for some time, and his brother is running the baggage wsgon for the present. E. W. Gas? man returned last Satur day evening from California. While there he purchased a ranch and orange farm ut San Bernardino, and will re turn this week, accompanied by his wife. Ee expects to remain there some time, planting trees and fixing up the place. While Mr. Gasmau is very well pleased with the western country, he did not buy there for the purpoe of making that his home, but an investment, and where he expects to spend a portion of each year. Between eighty and ninety of the leading Platte county republicans gath ered at the Maennerchor hall last Thurs day evening, to attend their banquet in responee to the invitation issued by Chairman Dickinson. After the ban quet, which was served by Mrs. Lawren ce Osborn'a division of the Ladies' Aid society of the Congregational church, Toastmaeter W. M. Cornelius introduced the first speaker of the evening, E. R. Gurney, of Fremont, who bad for bis subject, "The Great One Term Party," and for almost an hour the speaker hand led his subject in an able manner, going back to the fonndation of the "One Term Party" and showing that history repeats itself in that they were unable to suc cessfully manage the affairs of the state and nation. He was followed by Post master Kramer, whose snbject was, "What shall we do with our ex postmast ers." Mr. Kramer said the people of the country did not believe in ex-postmasters, because if they hnd, Wm. H. Taft would not have been president. Rev. Samuel Harknees gave the closing add resB and it was full of good republican doctrine. The banquet whs pronounced an unqualified success by all, and the hope expressed that others might follow. Among those from out of town who were present were J. G. Cockran of Humphrey, John Swansonof Walker, H. J. Hill. L. Franklin, Paul Gertsch and R. C. Anderson of Monroe, I. N. Jones of Joliet, E. D. Currier and Roy Clark of Woodville, Herman Kluuver and LeviEby of Shell Creek. Realizing that the only way to secure a permanent Platte bridge south of the city, is for the city of Columbus and Columbus township to build it. Voters of this city will be called upon to vote bonds in the sum of 30,000 to partially cover the cost of the structure. The committee appointed by the Commer cial club, to look up the legal end of the bond proposition reported that there was nothing to prevent the bonds being issued, and asked the council to call for a bond election, to be held on the same date as the spring election. Council men .Willard, Gass and Clark were ap pointed a committee to draft the ordin ance, which will be presented at the meeting of the council next Wednesday evening. The bonds will be for $30,000, bearing 4 J per cent interest, to run fifteen years, and optional after five years. While this seems to be a good sized burden for the city to carry, 'still all Dre. Paul and Matzen, Dentists. Or. ValUer, Osteopath, Barber block. Dr. W. H. Slater, veterinarian, phone 95. A large stock of lace curtains on sale at J. H. Galley's. A G. & F. suit is a suit that suits. Gerharz Flycn Co'a. See the Columbus Hide Co. before you sell your iron and junk. Crushed rock salt for hides, and for stock. Columbus Hide Co. Mrs. Odelia Patsch was an Omaha visitor several days last week. We saw onr first robin this spring bright and early Monday morning. A special ice cream for parties, every day, at Hagel's bowling and billiard par lors. Dr. C. H. Campbell, ey. nose and throat specialist. Glasses properly fitted. Office 1215 Olive street. Attend the sale of big real estate values at the Court House next Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lour of Grand Island, spent a few days with friends and relatives in the city last week. Found, a lady's belt. Owner may have same by calling at the Journal office and paying for this notice. Mrs. Albert Damron and little son have gone to Plattsmoutb, where they will visit relatives for a short time. JA Help yourself The goods are here and the rates are right. Make your se lections and see how well it fits into the needs of your purse. Let us help you remember that you need some Paints and WalL. Paper. We'll save you money if you'll come to SOUTH LEAVY'S SIDE DRUG STORE Dr. Naumann, Dentist 13 St. Dr, Morrow, office Lueechen bnilding. People who get results advertise in the Journal. Four room Speice & Co. honse for rent. Elliott, The Growth of The Equitable Building, Loan & Savings Assn ASSETS January 1, 1906 $ 14,5ft January 1, 1907 $ 46,Mt January' 1, 1908 $ 93,W January 1, 1989 $152,W The Equitable Buittog, Loan & Savings Assr Office with ELLIOTT, SPEICE & CO. P. O. Block realize that the Platte bridge is some thing Columbus must have, and there is no boubt about the success of the bonds. Rarely have playgoers witnessed a more entertaining stage picture than is furnished in "The Lion and the Mouse" which is the underline for the coming week at North Theatre and which will be acted by the best company under Henry B. Harris' direction Oliver Doud Byron will be seen in his highly praised portrayal of John Burk ett Ryder and Dorothy Donnelly will wage the struggle for supremacy against the ''octopus." Malcom Duncan will convey Charles Klein's conception of the son of the richest man in the world; Frazer Coulter will present his well known interpretation of an ex-judge with a keen sene of righteousness, while E. A. Eberle will portray Senator Roberts, controlled by the "money power." Re ginald Carrington, Walter Allen, Chas. Sturgee, Grace Thome, Marion Pollock Johnson and Dora Allen, Margaret Shayne and Ella Graven will have tLe other principal roles. The sudden death of Mrs. George Loseke, Thursday evening, at the family home, five miles north of this city, was a great shock to all who know her. While her ailment, appedicitis, was known to be quite serious, still there was a hope for her recovery. Lillie Korte, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Korte, was born on the home place, in i Shell Creek precinct, in Colfax county, March 11, 1885. and would have been twenty four years of age the coming March. On December 26, 1907. she was married to George Loseke, and since then has lived on their home farm north of the city. Besides her husband, she leaves an in fant daughter, aged four months. Mrs. Loseke was a member of the Shell Creek German Lutheran church, where the funeral was held Sunday at 10 o'clock, Rev. Grauenhorst conducting the ser vices, and she was laid to rest in the cemetery at the church. Columbus people will have ample op portunity to use electricity for many purposes besides cooking or at least if they do not, it will not be the fault of the Columbus Light, Heat and Power company. This week they are having a special exhibition of all the latest elec trical cooking utensils at the Columbus Mercantile Co. store and have two ex pert demonstrators to take eaie of the display. Besides the oven and other kitchen utensils, tbey have the electric flat irons, shaving mugs, etc. These uses for electricity are new to many of onr people, but the claim is made that in many respects electricity is cheaper than the gas and much safer. H. A. Davis, who has been employed as day switchman at the Union, Pacific for several year, resigned last week and is loading his household goods, prepara tory to moving to Oshkoeb, Nebraska, where he will engage in business. H. )F. Considine, who has been on the extra L list, takes bis place. By Gov't, test 99 per cent pure, 98 per ct, SEED germination. Gry'8. A few boarders will be taken by pri vate family. Nice, airy rooms. Prices reasonable. Frank Bridel, 123 East 11th street. Miss Anna Boettcher returned Friday evenitig from Grand Island, where for the past two weeks she has been the guest of relatives. Smoke Victoria, five cent cigar, and White Seal, ten cent cigar, both Colum bus made goods. They are the best brands offered in this city. 0. A. Lutz left Tuesday evening for Denver and other points in Colorado, where he will remain several days, com bining business and pleasure. 1. Glnck of Omaha, was a Columbus visitor Monday. Since moving to the metropolis MrTCluok frequently visits in the city, being called here on business. The funeral of Mrs. George Loseke, which was held Sunday morning at the German Lutheran church, ten miles northeast of the city was very largely attended. R. B. McCray, who for years has been one of the leading baud men of the City Band, surprised the band boys by hand ing in his resignation at their meeting Tuesday evening. Miss Elise Loseke who lives twelve miles north of the city, who is attending school at Lincoln, was called home last Friday on account of the death of her sister in-law, Mrs. George Loseke. E. L. Vincent and family are this week moving to Albion, where the former has rented a farm. Mr. Vincent was form erly from Richland, but for the past few months has been living in this city. The many friends of Andrew Kinder, who for the past to months has been a patient at St. Mary's hospital, are pleased to learn of his recovering, and returning to his home last Thursday. Mrs. J. H. Johannes entertained eight lady friends at a six o'clock dinner Thursday evening, the occasion being in honor of her birthday. The hostess was the recipient of several remembrances. Last Friday G. Frischholz received a message telling of the death of his sis ter's husband, Henry Lange of Piqua, Ohio, which occurred Thursday. Mr. Friscbolz left at once for that city to attend the funeral. August Merz expects to be ready for business in about three weeks, as the plumbers and carpenters will have com pleted their work by that time. Mr. Merz is expending considerable money and is going to have a modern hotel and lodging house. - President Karr of the Commercial club announces the following delegates to represent this city at the state meet ing of the Commercial clubs at Norfolk next month: Gus G. Becher, jr., Frank Kersenbrock, G. W. Phillips, C. C. Gray and Edgar Howard. " The Congregational ladies held a rum mage sale in the Cover building on West Eleventh street Saturday, and during the afternoon and early part of the evening lunches were served. The sale as well as the lunches were well patronized and the ladies realized quite a neat sum. Mrs. J. M. Curtis arrived in the city Sunday morning from Fon dn Lac, Minnesota, to look after property inter ests here. Monday she -went on to Cedar Rapids. Nebraska, for a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Beaty, be fore returning to her northern home. Mies Ella Pneschel returned from Grand Island Sunday evening where she was called several days ago by the seri ous illness of her brother Alfred, who was threatened with pneumonia. Mr. Pueschel has many friends here who will be pleased to learn that he is improving. See the "Leona" three niece garment at J. U. Galley's. Dr. C. A. Allen burger, .office in new State Bank building. Drs. Carstenson & Hyland, Veterinar ians. Both phones 212. Dr. D. T. Martyn. jr., office new Colum bus State Bank bnilding. Get a G. & F. Hat, the limit of good value, at Gerharz Flynn Co's. All Garden and Field seeds. Johannes & Krumland. George Mayes of Tilden, Neb., has been a guest at this week. the home of J. C. Price It pays to sell your hides where you dan get the most money from tbem. See Columbus Hide Co. Be sore and attend the Ref eree sale at the Court House next Tuesday, Mareh 9. Harry Mowery. and Betl-Rock, who have been in Omaha the last seven mon ths, returned to Columbus this week. DOMO SEPAPATORS. Capa city lfiO lbs. per hour. CREAM Price S25.k Gray's. H. O.'Studley of Creston was in the oity Tuesday transacting business, and also the guest of bis daughter, Mrs. A. E. Priest. There are a few dwelling houses for rent on the list with Becher, Hocken- berger& Chambers, including one fur nished. For sale At a reasonable price, one three horse engine and a boiler Would be suitable for a farmer who wishes to purchase one. For informa tion, please call at Journal office. Now is the time to get your Signs We do Artistic Sign Writing Paper and Decorating Latest 1908 Fall Styles of " Wall Paper K AVANAUGH ' & After all the anxious watching and waiting for the river to break up, the ice west out Monday evening almost as qaiet as it did a year ago when it had been hardly heavv enough' during the winter for the ice men to secure a supply. Bnt this year the heavy ice could not be moved by the small quantity of water in tbe river, and after a channel was rut through the rest of it settled down on the sand bars. Monday afternoon and evening reports from Genoa and Monroe indicated that there was likely to be a serious flood and every precaution was taken to prevent any loss of life or stock on tbe bottom. Late in tbe evening a number left their homes and sought refnge on higher gronnd, but the morn ing showed no signs of the flood and their homes and property were .not dam aged in the least. At the rail road bridge west of town' there was considerable water at midnight, bnt by morning this had receded. The Burlington passenger took an early otart for Lincoln to be on the south side of the river, but their track remained intact. Some trouble was reported near Rogers Sunday even ing and a work train and gang was sent down to repair it. The action of water and ice on the rip-rap work put in last summer has been much to the advantage of those who had it, as in several places tbe rip-rap held tbe ice and caused tbe current to form a new channel, which will probably be permanent for the present. Tbe bti pur visors were in BiBsion Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, tlm session being devoted to al lowing bills. The contract for the coun ty bridges was let to the Standard Bridge company, which has had tbe county work for a number of years. The con tract for painting and adjusting the Loup river bridge was let to the same company. A petition wa. presenteu to the board asking that the Nebraska Biene be named as one of tbe official papers, and they rescinded their former action in selecting the official papers, the list now being tbe Columbus Telegram, Humphrey Democrat, Platte Center Sig nal and Nebraska Biene. each receiving one-fourth of tbe legal rate, instead of one-third each, as tbe division was before the Biene wasvadded to the list. Mrs. Mary A. Early has been advised of the death of her brother, John G. Rout son of National City, California, but as yet no particulars concerning the death and burial have been learned. Mr. Routeon was formerly a resident of Columbus, having lived here in the early days, and at one time held the position of county surveyor. Mr. Routeon left this city for the west about twenty-two years ago. Last Thursday an unknown man, who bad been struck by a passing train, was found east of Schuyler, and as tbe au thorities of that city had no place to take care of him, be was sent to the hospital in this city, and Friday night he died of his injuries. Efforts to locate relatives were in vain, all the information obtain able was that in all probability he was a Greek. The remains were taken in charge by Undertaker Gass and were shipped to tbe medical college at Lin coln Monday. m 4sssnPP?L-5tv Anne Crawford Flexner, who drama tized "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch," which opens it's local season at the North Theatre Monday March 8. Receives thousands of letters from so cialists all over the world, arguing that Airs. Wiggs' optimistie mood is not cal culated to make fair progress. A dis contented woman would be more of an inspiration, the dramatist, and likewise tbe author are told. However, tbey per sist in regarding sunshine as a greater blessing than gloom. Prices 50-75 $1.00 and $1 50. JERSEY CREAM TOILET SOAP 4 cakes for 5tc which includes the neat metal box shown in cut POLLOCK & CO. The Druggist on tbe Corner Columbus, Nebraska Attend Galley's special white which continues until March 6. sale, Work of repairing the old kitchen at the Thurston hotel so guests could be served with meals, has been going on rapidly and will be completed Monday or Tuesday of next week. As soon as work men can get to it the kitchen annex will be rebuilt, so tbe hotel will be as well equipped as ever. Mf. Lehman had hoped to have tbe repairs completed so as to be able to serve meals Thursday of this week, March 4. This date is the twentieth anniversary of tbe opening of tbe hotel, which was opened on the day President Harrison whs inaugurated, and Mr. Lehman bad hopes that he would be able to celebrate tbe anniversary by ser ving tbe first meals that day. Tbe new electric pumps at the water works are being installed or rather one of i,hem is in place, and tbe other one will be placed in about a week. These two pumps each have a capacity of 50o, 000 gallons in 24 hours, and in addi tion to these tbe eity will retain one of tbe old steam pumps and also tbe boilers, to be used in an extraordinary emergen cy, should one arise. However, with duplicate electrical machinery and also duplicate pumps tbiB emergency may never arise. Those have .charge of the installation of the new pumps expect to have all the work completed within the next thirty days. Mrs. May me H. Clever, who is grand chief of tbe Degree of Honor order in Nebraska, was tbe guest of th LeRoy Degree of Honor lodge Monday evening and after tbe meeting the ladies were in vited to Buschman's restaurant were supper was served. Mrs. Cleaver was well pleased with tbe work the Colum bus lodge was doing and expressed a de sire to again meet with them in tbe near future. While in the city Mrs. Cleaver was a guest of Mrs. J. F. Kirk pat rick. March 1 and 2. were record breakers for fillings in the county clerk's office. There were forty-eight filings the first day and forty the second, and these were nearly all real estate, there being very few mortgages. Route No. 3. School began again Monday in the Adamy district with Miss Dunn as tea cher. Shell Creek has been very high this week, and part of tbe time) was overflow ing tbe banks. J. W. Albers, jr , loaded a oar of fat steers at Platte Center for the South Omaha market. M. C. Caesin, the irrepressible Mike, was looking up the fat cattle on tbe route last week. BE SURE To attend the Referee Sale of the largest real estate values ever offered at a judicial sale in Platte county, next Tuesday, arch 9, a! 2 P. 1. at the Court House in Columbus y THREE HARPER FARMS near Humphrey THE HOPPEN FARM near Platte Center THE HOPPEN SALOON and the EUSDEN STORE on 11th street and the Hoppen Resi dence on ltth street. See large bills. ' C. M. GRUENTHER, Referee Several young folks gathered at tbe home of Miss Emma Krumland last Sunday evening. Mrs. O. B. Preston of Monroe was tbe guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Seefeld, this week. J. H. Rhodehorst of Riverdale, Neb , was shaking hands with old friends on tbe route last week. Monday morning a bright little daugh ter arrived at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. Coupons, and Grandpa Coupons is smiles all over. Arnold Cornels will work for John Saafeld tbe coming season. II is place on tbe Ed Ascbe farm will be taken by Henry Flemme. Tbe Young People's society of tbe Shell Creek Baptist church tendered a reception to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Behlen last Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Behlen, who leave Thurs day for their new home in Benton Har bor, Mich., were prominent members of the society, and tbe members are sorry to see tbem leave. Entertainment and refreshments were the order of the eve ning. Route No. 4. Bernard Strsckn transacted business in Columbus Monday. Herman Alves left Tuesday for Lincoln for a week's visit with friends. Last Sunday the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Harms was gladdened by the arrival of a baby boy. C. T. Marquise, who has been living on tbe Winslow farm last year, moved on to tbe Browner farm Monday. There was no school in district No 25 Monday and Tuesday on account of tbe illness of the teacher, Miss Dineen. Forrest Butler, who lives on the Bow man farm, has rented tbe White place north of town, and will move on it. Mrs W. H. Moore, who has been very sick for tbe last two months, was able to be out of doors Monday for the first time. Mrs. Cbas. Bolt has been very sick the last ten days. Miss Emma Sheridan, a trained nurse from Omaha, is taking care of her. J. J. Barnes, who has lived on the old Wagner farm for tbe last five years, has moved on tbe David Thomas farm, south of tbe river, where be will reside for tbe present. F. L. Habn, carrier of rural route No. 5 has resigned bis position, and rented tbe old Stevens farm, two miles east of Genoa, and will try farming this sum mer. About fifty friends and neighbors of F. L. Habn gathered at his home last Sat urday evening to remind him tbat it was his birthday anniversary. Games, re freshments and a good time was tbe or der of the evening, and all departed wish ing Mr. Hahnjnany more such birthdays. Wait for the Wagon. In a few days our large portable vacuum cleaning wagon will be here. Carpets, rugs, upholstered furniture, draperies, mattresses, etc, cleaned and renovated without removal from room. For particulars call at office or telephone. Ind. telephone, office 209, residence 2972. Wait for the wagon. Coltjmbcs Rua FactobtT i Attend the big Referee sale at the Court House next Tues day afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Quaker Doctors, who have been at tbe North Theatre, the last three week, closed Wednesday evening. They have been giving an excellent show and dis posing of a large quantity of their reme dies. Mies Catherine Rusche who under went an operation for app endicitis at St. Mary's hospital last week is convalesc ing, and her many friends will be pleased to learn that she will soon be able to re turn to her home. .Prof. Sherman, formerly superintend ent of the Columbus school, but who for the past year has been in charge of the Kearney Industrial school, has left that place and gone to Boise, Idaho, where he is engaged in the lumber busi ness. Tuesday of this week one of the largest real estate deals of tbe year was closed when a deed conveying 320 acres of Grand Prairie lane? to E. H.vChambers was filed in tbe county clerk's office. The former owner was F. M. Leach and the consideration was 933,000, or an even $100 per acre. Mrs. Katberine Heckerand her daugh ter, Miss Katie, will leave soon for Washington, where, if tbey are pleased with tbe country, will make their future home. Mrs. Hecker has been a resident of this city for many years, and has a hont of friends who will regret to learn of her intended departure. The Congregational church choir and their friends gave another of their musi cals Sunday evening. The program was well rendered and a large congregation was in attendance. Another musical will be given Easter evening, March 14, and the fourth, or last musical of the season, will be given May 30. O. A. Black has returned from a three week's visit in tbe south. While in Louisiana he visited bis aged mother and from there he went to Texas, where he owns considerable land. He was well pleased with bis land interests as well as the country. Mr. Black is now employ ed as brakeman on tbe Burlington pas senger train. Ed Webb moved dn to the poor farm on rural route No. 1, the fiiet of the month, and took charge of it. His con tract is for one year, although be may get it renewed at expiration. At their meeting this week, the supervisors, through their committee, purchased about $1,900 worth of property for tbe farm, including two fine teams of horses. Furnished Rooms For Rent. Steam beat, electric light, shower bath, hot and cold water, location center of city, SaOO-89 CO and $10 00. Apply Gen eral secretary, Y. M. C. A. Underwear UNION SUITS We have the agency for the famous Mnnsing Underwear, the best popular priced Union Suits on the market. Prices in men's from $1.50 to $4.50. Prices in boys' from 50c, 75c, $1 and $1.25. Underwear TWO-PIECE SUITS In two piVce garments we have a splenaid line ready for yonr in spection and ranging in price from 50c to 12 50 a garment. Buy early while the sizes are complete. GRAY'S ,